HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-08, Page 8The Clinton Nor 00Recorti
June 8th,19 05
HodLg•ens Bros.; Clinton tirades
iThat is Oust -Soiled and
on sale about 70 or 75 pieces of white
1V[uslin Underwear, that has been dust -soil*
ed and mussed. A11will be marked 'at
site. Underwear
prices that. make themgenuine bargains.
Some of these
garments have been used for
window and 'store "display, and others
through counter -showing, have lost their•
first new appearance, and cannot be sold
as ` perfect goods.! Now they have lost a
part of their original price, and go on our
Bargain.: tables for Saturday, " marked at,
prices that should sell_ ;them in short order,
Here is the list
$2'25 Gowns at $ i.10
3 only Ladies' Gowns, made from fine white • •
cotton, nicely trimmed. . with . Leees and.
Embroidery, : our regular price was $2 25. Be-
cause theyare trussed and. dust soiled our price $1;45
for Saturay will.be
• •• • • • • • • • . W
$1.75 Gowns at $1.:15
Two only Ladies' Gowns. well made from strong
and fine cotton nicely trimmed with enmbroid- •
ery, one was $1.60 and the other was $1.75; mus- $115
sed and dust.soiled, so the price now is , .. • .
65c Gowns at 42c
0 only Gowns, 05c lines, Choice +'
14 • OO VP! 000000
85c.Gowns. for 65e
3 only •white Cotton. Gowns, trimmed'with tuck-
ing, Insertion and Embroidery, slightly soiled,
regular 85c, for
81.00 Gowns for 75e•
Two onl ood Cotton Gowns, one was $1.00 the
other wasg$1.15, because they are mussed and
soiled through 'handling; we are selling,. them at '..
$I.59 Skirts at 98e .'
12 only Lathes' white Cotton Skirts, well made,•
and nicely trimmed - With insertion and Embroid-
er ; these, are odd ones left .frer lines that sold'•
at $1.35, $1.40 and, $1.50; because they. are . mus.n8c.
sed and dust -soiled, you may take your choice for 0
1.25 Skirts for $Oc
20 of these to sell, all good 'garments, well made,
full size, trimmed with laces and Insertion, 'sold •
at $1 00, $i15 and $1.25, because they are': soiled
through' handling, you can take your • choice of
---the-lon for • . r.•.-- .., , .:.. , . • P-- ••.0 UlQc
85e Skirts for 58e
8 only white Skirts, made from good quality
Cotton, trimmed with wide embroiders, full size, 58c
regnlar.75e and 85c, oho ce'for., ..
50c Corset Covers for, 35e •
8 only Corset (lavers, ti. iinmed .with Laces and
Insertion, lines that sold at 50e, .because they are pp
• slightly soiled, you can take' your choice for.. , . 35Y
75e Corset Coyers:: for 40c•
7 only fine CorsetCovera re ular 75c lines, mus
sed and soiled through handling;.choice now fora
1.50 Corset Covers for $1,0
3 only extra fine Corset Covers; ' dainty gar-
ments, trimmed with Laces and Embroideries, t 1 00
regular $I.50, choice for.. tp t
Corset Covers ior'lee
8 only plain Cotton . Corset Covers, regular .15c
and 20c,•ehoice now for
There seems
e ew• �� s
SO111 to be no let' ..
up in the' demand for Lustres of all- .' kinds...-- Tit'
,is no wonder they are so popular, for they make.
an ideal summer costume. Some new lines ,
opened this week. A good assortment, good
values and all Wanted shades :
Plain Lustres, navy; myrtle and brown, 40c, 50c, '60c,
Fancy Lustresi navy, browns, greys and greens, 50c, 80e, 75c
At a Quartet and Half -a -Dollar.-
•There has been some big .Glove selling here
during the past few weees. Theglove stock was.
never, so good. Here are two of the lines that are
bringing the business this way
At 25 Cents,
Lisle Thread Gloves, fine quality, bright finish,
dome fasteners, in .white,. cream, blacks, greys.
and fawn shades, very speeial value at per pair 250 8.
At 50 Cents.
Pure Milanese Silk Gloves, light, but. strong and
servicable, dome fasteners, double tips, v;hite,
„won and blank .....,.................. 50e
,per pair
Dry Goods - Clinton.
oI aii Paler
FOR YOU. ......,.
Agents Parker's .Dye Works,
!, D. Fair o,
Retailers of Wall Paper of the Better
Often the . Cheapest, Always the Best
dJy�_ = imuld Ili::
'Miss' Mattie Mole is visiting her pat-
ents:at Auburn.
Mrs. M. A. Thomas of Toronto is the
guest 61 Mrs, Fair Sr.
Miss Mary Mitchell was the guest of
friends at Point Farm Sunday. •
Miss Ruby Mason .of, near Brucefield
the guest ,of . Misses S. -and A.
Mr. W. H. Newcombe; was' in Listow:-
el' on Thursday and Friday.' last
attending Conference;
Miss Murray and Miss Robertson of
Lucknow .were the guests of Miss
A. Jenkins, Wo0dlhnds, last week. ,
Capt. Matter; and` Lieut 'Morris of
Goderich.conducted 'services in the.
.S. A barracks- Monday .and Tues-
day evenings. • '
Mr. and Mrs.' Alex. Cook of Milton
and Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy
of ::Hornby are spending the week
with • their relatives, the. Cook ° and -
Cantelon `families.
Rev ".'Dr.; ;Stewart, and Mrs. Stewart
were...in .Londeaboro. on Tuesday
,attending the ordination and iinduc-
'tion of •Rev. T: Leckie into .•.the
'pastorate of the Londcsboro, and
-- Burns' . churches.:: .
'Miss Frances :Manning spent' a few
days of the past : week in Listowel
and at the Conference niissionary
meeting on Monday • •evening she'
sang'. very sweetly "I'll •Go Where
You Want Me To Go " '
Graham was in Wingham this
week, ' Next'IVlonday he starts , out.
to go.-overshis district from Lon-
don:• to.Listowel and west to. the
lake to measure :the • acreage • of
••sugar beets and report .upon the`.
• • prospects- to 'The Ontario Sugar
Company of Berlin.
Johnny McIlveen, Who went? to Cross -
fields, Alberta, some weeksago wi-
th Mr, John, McCeel,' returned .home
last' Saturday, making the. .retita.n.�
trip •by way df Chicago. J6hnny
found it more difficult to secure em -1
• plsyment in Alberta than . in .C1iny
Mrs.•: Alex . Morris, aged;, eighty -foul
ycars,,left- on Tuesday of last week
to visit 'her'•da>vghter Mrs. R. Johne.
sten of . Griswold; Man.•; but . at
Huntsville, Muskoka, shewas taken
ill and; unable to proceed until join-
. ed by her son,.. Mr.. Alex Morris of
town, who accompanied her to her
Mr. . R. .1. Bell returned on Friday
night last from Toronto where he
had that day been given the :nec-
:.essary documents which entitle him
to practise law: in any court in' the
realm, 'It is now •R• J.. Bell B. A.,
Ba'r'rister -ata -Law.. •..Hero's to . you,
Meg. ,Nest week he leaves for the
West , on a. prospecting tour and',
will be -accompanied, by his . father,.
:Mr. John Bell. •
1VIr, A• Hooper. was in. Listowel this
week attending Conferenoc and look-
frig, after the interests of, Ontario,
street church before the. Stationing
committee. Abut the most im-
pressive of the. services he attended
was that •in memory :of sixminis-
ters . who died since the last meet-
ing of Conference. Obituary notioes
. of the 'deceased geentleinen were read;
followed by tender word's .of ap-
preciation of the good work they
Mr. W. Haacke of near :Goderioh' was
fn town 'on Tuesday. He has sever.-
ever;al warm friends here whom he
Comes down occasionally to see and
being of a cheery, disposition it is
always a. pleasure to' meet him. On
Tuesday he was spokesman • for
many of his brother farmers in
complaining of . the danger occasion-
ed by ' automobiles, "It is now
hardly safe," he said, "for women
.to, .drive to town for you never.
know When you ina,y meet . one of
those horseless carriages . and be
run into the.diteh and perhaps ser-
iously injured.",
Rev. IL A. Newombo returned on.
Monday evening from Listowel w'be
re he had been . atten.'ling Conferee-
ce, lois stay was sevapal days
longer • than he had at lib at intend-
ed, but there Was a jar 14lneufirag
once more with many of his minis,.
aerial brethern with "whom he was
wont ,to confer in the Conferences of
the days gone by• Of the 'rent,
• bers of the Conference he last at-
tended, twelve years si7nee, severai
have succumbed to the grini reaper,
while others are like Father Neav
combe himself, now' uponthe list
of the Superannulated,
S \ w
legant Newt Wash Oo�d
A1FAt Deduced Prices
HE collection of Wash (Gods we are showing this season is by far the finest this store has ever had,
ie and right now when you will be needing them most we have reduced the prices on all, our finest
MAY is usually the big Month for selling Wash Goods, but this year the weather has been SO cold.
It has up -set all our plans. 'sates in this department not being uslarge as they should be, our loss is your
gain for now you can buy the very bent Wash Goods right at the start of wearing time at Reduced Prices.
Starts Friday Morning .
15c _ DIMITY 171USL1N AT .10c
300 yards of Dimity Muslin in shades; of blue, pink, green and red, also black and
white. This is a very nice quality of muslin and is our regular 15c. quality.
On sale'Friday morning at , . ..
200 yards of Wash Goods consisting of fine Cotton Voiles, Tweeds and, Muslirs, all
ill the very newest designs and. colors. These are our very best 30c Wash
• Goods. On sale at .. • • •• .. • • •
350 yards of our best Wash Voiles in shades of blue,; green, brown, That sold
25c. On sale Friday morning ac ..
15c PERCALE AT .8%c
375 yards of'36'inch wide American Percales, all warranted .perfectly fast colors.
Theycome in assoited 3olors, regular 15c quality for ..
250 yards of MercerisedBatise in two shades : of navy and red, neat' designs, colors
perfectly fast• Regular 15e, toclear at . :.
200 yards 39 inch wide India. Lawn of very fine quality, ,regular 25c value to go at
40c. AND 45c WASH GOODS AT 33c
400ards of our veryfinest Wash' Goods consisting of Batise,.:Voiles and Tweeds
in all the very newest shades of 'blue, green, linen, chamaign, •etc. ' These are
all lines that•sold' at 40c arid 45c, all to clear at per yard
�eantful - Summer Millinery
:At Saving • Prices.
Our Trimmed Hats and our method of cogducting our Millinery department arevery differentrfrom
tore ' .We have built upthis Millinerybusiness'bygivingour customers the styles they want
the .averages • : •_..:. , .
and byselling t m at the lowestpossible rices. Each `season this department shows a big increase over•
e g .hie 1?;
onlythe best trimmers and using the best
the..past one,:..and we 'have:; gained thl!s by keeping •hest , - .... .....g only • • .
•. �`
5/Ir. W. S. •Archer of Hensel' was
town on Saturday.:
1VIr.. W: • Robinson; carpenter, left • ea
Saturday to join his ' wife. at Iles -
Mr. D. 'Cantelom is .in Goderich this.
week attending the June session of
the county council,
Mrs. W. Alexander .left last 'week for
'a fortnight's visit with her - dough
ter, :.Mrs. Greene of Port Huron.
Mr. Alexander joins het this week.
Mr.. John 'Mole of Auburn spent Sat-
urday ,afternoon in, town ion his
way home from a visit, tohis son
Ed. in Seaforth.
Messrs.. John Cooper and Will. Lyons
wheeled to. Goderioh on Saturday
and .spent Sunday with the former's
relatives in that town. •
Mr. Harry Bartliffe was in. Brussels
last week acting as .referee in, the
football match, Brussels vs. Att-;
wood. Both' teams united in say.
ing that he acted • fairly . and ' . im=
partially. • .
Messrs. Cranston, T.1VIustard, M.
Whiddon and E. Badour of the Hous
gh Cup teamplayed, with the
"Riversides" of Bayfield against
Hensel' at the latter place on.Sat-'
urday. W. Y•oungblut of the Houghs
:assisted Hensall.•.
Mr. and Mrs: Richard Parker of lino
Park, New Ontario, were in town
on Thursday last, guests of Mr..
and Mrs, J. W. Elliott. They had
been .io Goderich for a fortnight
attending the 00th anniversary of
the birth '61 Mr, Parker's mother.
• On their way to Clinton they visit-
: ed Stanley and Goderieh township
triends and on Friday' Morning left
for • their home at Unp Park. They
have been in that .country for eight
years.. When 'they settled. they were
on the • outskirts., but 'now, settle,
Ment has reachefar beyond them
and there is 'a good prospect of the
station of *a new line of railway be-
ing • built on theit farm. "Much. of
the country," said Mr. Parker tp
The News -Record, "is iquito flat,
but there is good drainage. The
soil is what is called muck on . a.
clay bottom. We have good crops
andthere is a brisk local dernnnd
for our butter, eggs, potatoes,
oats, etc. Y•es,we have done pret-
ty well up there, but, of course
have not had the comforts the pee -
pie of Huron are enjoying. Nor
Will we ever have such tine roads
as you have in this. favored corner.
of the universe. We have a fertile
soli, timber and splendid mineral
prospects. Why shouldn't' we go
ahead 1"
Mr...Georg e: Emmerson' of London:- is;
`in: town this .week. •
Mr.Frank < Hall'. returned list Thais -
day from • Winnipeg where he. • was
employed for several months and is.
nouF•,back;'et his' -old post. in the .'
Mr. D. Graham of.-Indlewood•was , in
'WWII last week and- transferred the
electric light works to his success-'
ors;; Messrs. Stevenson and Neater.
Thoughnot a resident of.: Clinton
:Mr. Graham :owned the property
'for .years. •
Mr. George B. Hanley of the London
Road attended the, meeting of , the
Supreme Orange Grand Lodge held
in Owen :Sound last week, 'Mr...:
Hanley is County .Master for South
' . Huron and 'has. longbeen promin-
ently identified with the Order.
Mi. C: C:• Rahe ` has been home •for a.
few days after a basinesstrip' t&-'
Ough the .Northwest and on to .. the
Coast" as the representative of a
large clothing house of Toronto. As
•:.heretofore C. C. booked a.large
nufnber of orders. After weeks • • of
moving about he 'njoye to the'•ut-
r, in
s ix
sty ehis cosy
mo a
days �.
home and . •in the boson of his fain-
matter of • the estate of Thomas
Dorvson, . late of the Township . of
Stanley; in .the county .of Huron,
farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby.
given pursuant to the Rdvised Stay
tutes of Ontario, chapter 129, see-
• tion 88, and Amending Acts, that
creditors' and others having claims'
against' tha estate of the said'Tho-
mas. Dowson, who died on or about
the twenty-seventh day of May;
1005, aro regktirerl to send or deliver
their said claims on or before the
seventh day of July, 1005, .to Sophia
Dowser and .Henry Dows'ou of the
'Township .of Stanley, Varna. P. O.,
the executors of the will of " the
said deceased, and also that after
the seventh day of July; , 1005, ,
the said executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said
estate amongst the parties • entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which they have then not-
ice, and will not be liable for the
proceeds of the said estate or any
to any
hr fsy
part t e co 0
persons of whose claim,they have not
notice at the time of sueh distribu-
tion.—!Henry :Beattie, Solicitor for
the said executors. Dated at Clin-
ton, this seventh day of June, A.
0, 1005. 74-4.
Pair of the Famous.
rc ud . of
i Gi en ::Wih. Ever
•Sfioc.k.ngs•.� .. Y
l t1
ul � S ld n i � ,
s � � o J u L
E have made
arrangements •
with The Clint on
Knitting ` Co. for a
supply of the famous
Wear Well " brand
of Boy's Cotton
Stockings,.and will.
give a. pair F R E E
with every Boy' s
Suit sold up to
July r2th, at $3.0o,
or over.
:This. is a special offer; good to July, i th,-
only. We make it because we want to get more
mothers acquainted with the merits of our Boy's
Clothing, --to learn how good it is, and how
dressy it looks..
The Clinton Knitting Co, want them to find
out how well the Stockings wear, and are made
right here in our own town.
So, for these two, reasons,ou can' .et a air.
of Wear Weil" Stockings with �every Boy's 's Suit
at $3.00, or over, until July x2th.
Our Boy's Clothing is good through and
through, and•everygarment cut in the newest
and most
st popular tyle, Prices are .chose, qualm
ties considered, and when you can get a '.p€i,tr of
heavy Cotton Hose with every Suit, • ,more than
a hundred cents' worth of value goes withevery
dollar's worth of Clothes you get for your boy.
Clothing find Gent's Furnishings, Clirltrit