HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-08, Page 1*ee.
?6th Year
0 0 E.1 ED D0 0 013
t-SEE- - -SEE-
The prices will NI interesting.
to•your pocket orpurie
G. B. Ballard, Clinton. I
-R. Graham'o Old Stand.-
ODD 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
'.› 0 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000
00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000
. . The Sovereign•lank .
Chartered by - i•Dotninion•Parliamettt
00000 0000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0
O o•0000<J00000000000
,_....z.LIISTOIS .13KANC___I-1 ._____ :
O ft. T. RANCE, Manager,. -, - ... W. BRYDONctiffelter,
.•:., i
o 000000000000•)00000 'N0000000000000000000000
0.0 00 0 0 0 0 0 .00
T. Jackson
over my store on Albert St.-.
and overthe stores .on
Huron St..occuPied by John
and .
A: D. Beaton...
R (:)
... ;
T. Jackson Sr., Clinton.
• . s.
yo every line we carry havespeeial values We have too ninny Goods, s•
and sire hound to reduce one -Stock during the next two a:wattle. y
-.DRESS 0000s-
9. All the new makes at popular
prices, many lines at post Mid some
.f less then cost. '
2 100 pieces of Print worth 12ic it 100
Lawns from 10c up.
"t Milelins all pricee,
* Shirt Waists and White Wear
at cost to clear. •
Plannelettos, Small Wares, La,.
", dies Waterproofs, etc'. at wholesale
" peices,
We handle these goods as it side v.
line and keep only good reliable,
goods, made h3r one of the hest ma..(
keys In the trade, and we sell thew ..r.
less than usually sow by the shoe
We have far too many goods" in s:
this line and we want to clear out
$8,000 or more in the next few weeks
• We will give you prices that you x
can't get anywhere else. Pull Hoes I
in Snits, Odd Coate,' Vests and 7
Pants, Overalls, Sinocke, Water. 4$*
proof Coats, eta.
/1 yon Watitgoed Valise or your money Caine and see us, We so
• will give you better bargains than you eau get anywhere else 'Y
hith0A3Witivs.pailli•••*11..#4•yie.•,4Mr.r.. •••••0011.10%.4.•ors,o/Nokor: y
44 " -The Old Stand Clinton • z• tos.sonable .
•Coun Blot Gibbing:1 / the town
„."s• tailed °upon 'to furnishsa, dutopiiig
1-054:44•140.8.4**84:400:444440444,14+++++4444+. stoned litimte ?wars who Use the
At e Menday night's meeting of the
town council, Messrs. P. Oantelon,
H. Hill and R. Graham, the com-
mittee which has charge of the 12th
of July demonstration, asked for •a
grant of fifty dollars to help defray
the .prellininary expenses. The total
cost will be 'several times that am-
ount, but the balance, it is expeeted,
will be raiSedAby private salisscriPtIon.
Mr. D. Cantelors also addressed the
council, enlarging .upon the success of
the last celebration in Olintion some
ten years ago and expressed the hope
that there would he an. Smost
ally large crowd in town upon the
coming anniversary of the Battle of
the Boyne.. Councillor Cottle thought
fifty dollars was letting the council
down very easy, Counciller Ford
said that scene months ago when
the oelebration was first talked of
it was proposed that the council give
osiehundred dollars, •hut they are
now. -asking only half that amount.
He moved that it the given ;them.
Councillor ChM seconded the motion
which was carried unanimously.
' Councillor Gibbings took up the
cudgels for the town baud of which
be is a member. The band, hesaid,
has been sa little short in 'nearer -
ship for some time; but the boys
are expected back shortly so that
it is hoped before long it may b(e out
in full force. For the reasonstated
open air -concerts may not be •given
for as1 few weeks, but when the band
does finally emerge, from its winter
quarters it Will delight the citizens
with its music, ,Courscillor Gibibings
moved that the usual grant of • $150
be given: This was seconded by Co-
uncillor Cantelon and carried.
• Councillor 'Ford said that the re-
organized • 1Electrie Light Co. had
made an offer that if the town coun-
cil will take six more are. lights. • at
the prevailing price, that it will give
• an . service. Heretofore and
r,ow the light is ,shut al at midnight
and as an all-night, or at least ear-
ly -morning . service has ' long been
wanted, it is likely that a new ar-
rangement _will be made with the
CceriPanY: •
Councillor Cottle asked : "Has any
citizen the right to cut :downtrees
in front of his property without the
permission of the council The ans-
wer was/df course, No ! The COUP-
eil 'contraIs :the streets. • Councillor
Cottle probably knew this, and mere-
ly asked the question so 'that: the
matter might be given more, •pub -
Mr. James Steep asked for a rebate
of 21.13 on last year's taxes on thel
ground that the assessor had Lot
lett him a notice. The general opin4
ion_appeared to be that the request
was belated-, iii•TrIfelitffir-tifire,---be
' the rebate was finally granted on
motion of Messrs,. Wiltse and 'Centel-
Chairinan 'was pleased tore -
port that there had been no call upon'
the charity 'ac,eount. Chaim -lair Cot-
tle said the cemetery presents a fine
appearance, while Chairrrian. Grihbings
repotted the purchase of twenty tons
The knitting factory byte* was
giVen it third and final reading, and
its now up to the Con-1mq to com-
mence operations at the:.. -„earliest pos-
sible moment,
Barrister Brydone intimated on he -
half of Dr. Ernest Holmes that the
Dr's three-year-old daughterhaving
. fractured - her arm by falling into a
eillvert on Townsend ' street, there
was .0; case for daMages. "I am re-
quested to notify 'you; ' said the bar-
rister, "that the injured child claims
damages for such injury and that. her
, father also Clainis damages for his• ,
loss by reason of the. accident," '
The council .did net ,spend much
time discussing the matter, the opin-
ion help& eXpressed. that 'if tiny CAI-
zen,leaves the sidewalk and gets into
the vvetereourse and about ..culverts,
accidents may happen', without any
liability oe, the 'part of the 001 pOra
tion HowdV0r,a committee was ap-
pointed to deal with the matter; •
Chairman Ford reported the fol-
lowing as the progra,m Of the street
committee t. Grading on the following
streets-: Queen, Joseph, Albert:from
Princess north, Victoria frem the
postciffiee to VVillieen, Mary from elec./
tric • light 'works to Ithe Norniandie
hotel, Culverts will be builten the
following streets : James at J. Pow -
ell's, Mary. at Mrs. • G. Rum:hail's,
8 -inch eulvert on Maria street 01M0 -
site Waverley House, Oleboard. wal-
ks 'Will be removed front theso stree-
ts: „Seuth .side Cutter, -west side
Ma*, north side Princess,- West side
north, east side Isaac., .
A communication was received from
• Mr. W. W. Farrah complaining •that
for years the south end of Xing
• street, at the. riVer, had beea used as
a dumping ground and that at every
freshet old tin eans and refuse of all
kinds ire carried on to to his pro-
perty, causing considerable daluage„
Councillor Chili -Said : visited the
spot Mr. Ferran complains cif the
other ° day arid really it is in a ter-
riblo condition, We ShOuld remove
the refuse from his property, I move
that the Committee be empOwered to
deal vvith the question.•
The Mayor,: Who gave theinthis
privilege ? The town should Previde
a dumping ground. '
Councillor Wiltto That spot has
been used for years an a damping
ground, but if it ittjutes Mr. P11rrat.,0
property We should order thg praetice
• Chief Wheatley: There IS a lot close
by whith would make a, good dump
lug ground end t eotild h bought itt
Whole Number 1374
.p •
• : ,
streets for the purpose ca* be prose-.
euted, •
Chief Wheatley : What are you going
to de -with the 014 cans, ete,, wnen
we take the m off Mr. Ferran's proPer-iRecc"
ty ? ..• •• •
Councillor Gibbings : Put ' -them on
the street. • . •
chief wheatley, : Then we may he
presecuted. t - "
In regard to that portion ot a str-
eet which Mr. Chas. Overbury has
bad fenced- in, the -Mayor said that
he had a conversati'on with Mr. Over
bury 'who is quite willing to pay
what is a fair rental,
Councillor .Ford 1 I think there are
more streets used in this way than
the one in euestien. We should deal
with them all the same. If one pays
rent, then all should.
Councillor Cottle :• No street shote
Id be reeted if more than one rate-
payer owns • Property there. and ob-
3ects,, Mr. Overbury has been using
this street for years and getting
three dollars per annutn for • it. He
should yernuriera.te the Council. ' -
• 'Councillor Wiltse : 'We are 'drifting
into trouble.• Some streets 'which are
now fenced in may by and - by be
claimed by the partieThe feet that
this land is fenced in proves that ' it •
js . worth something.. Agreements.
should be made iii all these cases and
a nominal rental. charged. - . -
It was ifinally 'decided that . the
Mayer,. ',Clerk • ar,d Councillor • Ford
iniestigate and report at next meet,.
ing, - • . . ' . •
'There.. was some discussion about .
the *.paymeet of the , assessor 'which
was finally .fixed at '$60. • , •
• " Mr. 0, Carter's •bill for $10,80. for '
work in connection .with the 'Board of
Health was Ohlected to be Councillor,
Gibhinge 'who said that the 'Board
had no . power to hire a man for this
work without the • Consent of the'
conneili. and that, ',anyway, it, was the
ditty -of. -ono of• the permanent offl-
Oials. . . • , ' ••• • , -
.. . • •
A-, GOOD HAUL: • • ' ' , • • . ' ' •
• . • . • •. . •
' • Mr. George Rice. received froth Mr.
A. , Hooper . last Saturday night,.,- , a
cheque for $1072,. that being the •Mit-
come of a little saving in the Mane-
factuters Lite'Insu•rance 'co.., for , a
period of ten,. years. • • . ' • .
• . • . . . . .
. ..
,•Mr. -R. 'A, Hardy. 13 A, .11e- newly-.
•appointed Provincial S. S. Training
teachei, will be in .01inton • next Sun- .
day . p,fid ..at 3.45 . p. m, adaros. . a
mass' meeting of. teaehers ' and 'offeers
•in Willis church. In, the-evenin h
will 'preach in the Ontario gstre,eet
,Chireh. .9.. . - . . . .. - .
. . . .
. . .
--....-__________......, _____m_• ,
• The. hoteliceener at .14-Orralber t o as
been .fined for violation ' of the license.
law. He 'was caught, in the -act SO
there was no defenCe. This was the
' first ease brought by*Inspector As-
-quith,- but as. he has• been busy sizing
up the situation for. the •• past .fort-
eight, .it will net be .surprising ... F
I- •
other convictions follow:. : ... ' ' •
. . . .
THE NEW PASTOR. ' . -. ••
• •
, . . ,. . ,..
• The Rev. Mr.. Graharin who on . the.
first draft �f he London•.Conference
-was. 'Put . down , for. the Ontario street-
church, was on the nnal 'shuffle sent
.to St. Marys .to 'which piece be ' had •
been invited and which he preferred,f
the salary • paid thereis larger.' .Ret,...
W. E. , Rote. of . Blenheim is aasigeed.
te Ontario .street . enurch, He • is *a
brother. •of Editor Kerr of the Brits-
sels Post. If• W.:E. iS a.s ...geed a
. .
pastor as W.H,..is in newspaper Work,'..
'Ontario street Church will continne to '
prosper.. . , . , .
DIED IN flREY; . . '. - '
,.• ..• • - . •... :
Atter ...eevcral weeks' illnes4, Maly
'Jacknian, Wife of Samuel ',Cassels oi
• .,•
town,.. eied ,1.1; . :he litime of her , par.,.
cuts, 'IVir..and . • Airs; . Elijah Jt.dhman, .
. „ . . , . .
on the and conlesslon ox Wel' tom n
ship On StAtligy. laSt... She was. only
in . hes -twenty-t•hitiPlear.-.---alid on-
. . . , „
Tuesday -had been inal:1:1M. ioulleen
Months; • The • funeral toOk ' piece. on
Wednesday ,alliernopn to Clinton cenied„,
tery, the• services being cenducted by
Rev. ,O, R. Gunne. Mioch sympathy is
eXpressed• for Mr,. Cassels Who is how.
left with a motherless' babe of . but.
a feW months old, . .. . . ., • '
• •' • • . • '
MEETING 011' P. S. BOA•RD. .
The' regular monthly meeting ot the
Pu'blie ..seheol .board Was •held on ,Thu-
ado- evening last. APplitations• we-
re. received for the position of assist-
ant during. the • Model . school term
and Vies Tette Sprung selected.. she
is ,very highly recomended . by, In.;
specter Robb who says “she-V.is a,
good 'worker and maintains perfect
'order Without appareht eftort, She
is -ladylike in , her manner and ben?...
. • e
ing, etc, • • • -
• . ,,
• A couple of tiecounts Were pant
including one from Mr. A, *Gar%
for .88 thus. of_ egg coal at $8.14 bes
ton. ' • • - • . '''
. •
'Principal Lough reported as fol-
lows : Our attendance for lvluY wag'
as follOws : enrolled -boys 2121 gitI s,
170 -total 882 ; average attendance
842, I sent for a sample Of Ero"
plate for 'blackboards anti quotations
of coat. I have ascertained from dif-
ferelit sourees that it is very sails-
faetory where need. MO OOSt for MY
rooms and ;Miss. O'NelPs would be
about $41.60 and 143.50, respectively.
It le about hell the east Dt slate,
better for the eyes, smoother, and al-
I11e85 'ha duralble, • . . ,
The /board. Was impressed by. mr,
Lough's report and as the black-
Onards need repairhig the,seeretary
.reeelved instruetions to put-
chase the neeeSsarY amount fat the
turd, otoktra e, .
One a the .most successful farmers.
On the Base Line said to. The News-
on Saturday : "Last night's
frost was a%pad one and nipped the
graSh• I/m alrald• the hay crep will
be short, This • may . nob be general
and I hope it won't, but really I ant
looking for short hay."
. . .
Messrs. Stevenson and Neffiger took
over , the electric light works on
Thursday last andwill in future . op-
crate it as the Clinton Eleetrie Light
Co. It has been under their manage-
ment for sone. time and we believe
the high state •of efficiency to which
they bought it will be maintained
All°TIIER. SI -100,e. . . . -
The Clinton members of the Hui-
ineeville rifle association had their
weekly shoot on Friday last when the
following scores were made.;
. .. 400 yds 500 yds.
C.. E, Dowding 22 17
J. Johnstone ' 21. 12
E.. J. Hovey '' . 24 14,
J. johnson . ' 19. l'e
• . • .
HGunn •7 7 •
On a second round' at the 500' yard .
range •Me.: J. Johnson for the third
time made 0; score of .19; '
. _:. .
. - • '
Rev. Mr.' Wade occupied the pulpit
• of the Ontario street church last Suns.
day morning when there was a good-
coneregation present.- Among . the
'numbber. Were several who were per .,A
sonally 'aequainted with Mr.• . Wade
when he was Pastor. of. the church
of 'which the present fine edifice- is.
the sticcessor. That was a matter of
thirty-two ' years age , and thmigh. he
is now 'in , his seventy-seventh year,
he'-hPehe with ,fervor which gave . a
contradiction • to the Osler theory. -
- . -•• -- . . " • . •
• . • ._.'
There were a few 'changes mane in
the.final draft Of the London Conterr. ..
ence, as follows : Ontario street, CI,.
,inton) - W. E, Knr.r, ;.• T. A. Steadman
g°0 to , 13.ayfi. , . „.•
ele• • A H Brown to
Varna: ; Wm.. Baugh te Kippen ; 'Jelin.
Kennedy • to Wheatley ; M.A. shaw to
Lyons in SM. Thomas District ; • J.,
R. Gundy returns to Windham. • -.
The chairinan of the Goderich Dis-
trict is Rev.' 11., IVIanning of Clinton
with -Rev': A. H. 'G aha 'o, God rich ,
i • ' ' 'r in - l''. .c"."--.•
as secretary. • - • . . . • .
.. n
0 T d • ' • ' ..1.1 -
sin_ ,. nee ay forenoon Rev. , Man-
6. dejeored. a leeture before the
Theol ical i• . . L
• og. , •. • U n on on . nEth4cs o
Entire • Sanctification." ItIr. .1Vianning
was elected r aident• f the Uni n '• •••
.. . .. P e . , . o e o .. ....
_ . . ' ' • .. • .
. ,,,,,KiveilnruneArome.4.0...B• 17111_0
Thu ra day . last.to . trY- ()orient' sions
with :the •• team of ' that' plaCe.• The
result. -Was' a *fore one clusicin
fr m ...th stgrt d t ' the
• o almost.,.. e. a an a. .•
end of seven nuengs the score stood
Id . to 8 in favor .0 f °Linton..
Clinton.... battery did splendid -.work
while in •battMer and eutfteldMet Ma '
01' 41.crover sh-owed .that .ho retairrls-
muclr'of bis • old 'skill.- Mr; 'Joe •Blati-
y . The players were •:.• •
1 was'•umpire
" • • Clinton. , • , . .' -
' • ' • • -. ' R... 'O... ,
j.. Doherty' ab. .. ,. 0, • .4 ... ,
J. 13. 'Hoover r f • • . - 2 . . 2.. .
. ' P. -Lewis lb' ' • • '' •' 2“ - '.2 .
'... • W..- Doherty: e s • •• '.' .1. • 4'. ' •
• M. MeEwatt.II ' ••• . 1 ' • 3' • ..
' 'E. Johnson e • ' . .. .2 ; .1 .
N , Bluett • Sb . ' "' • , 1 ' '.. ' 4 •
J. Mackenzie' c f • • : . 2 ' • 1 '
. .N... FitzsinionS p •••• ' 2.. „ -..1 •.
.. .
. • .' , . .. , - ...,-•
- • ' •
• • - .. '..' ,- ' ....• • . '13 - - 21
...• , .,. •• .. Bitih. , . ' " , •
• i
• . - '•• ' ' •
• R. Somers• - - . 1 . . 3' •
. 'Robinson. ... . ! 0 , 4
,, ,., _ , .. . • ....
i'-*-• 'bOMOrS- - . ,. ' ', ,:g .. 2 .
. marter. . . ... : • 1 • -.2 .
• . ., .., - ,, .. ,.- . •
•• *Mao! . , ; .' • .1, .2
..1.1. sorners . .. .• : : 0 . .3,
..... . . ..•• , • , • 1- ..
01-.20o .. .. , .. , , . • 2 1 - • .
.1 .
--- -.nu; Soilleia . 1 ' ' - -
. .
Wheat 95c. -
Oats 386 to 40e.
Barley 40e, . •
Butter 14e to 15e,
Eggs 14c,. ,• •
Live Hogs $6.25.
The .• London Collegiate Netball
team win play the Hough Cup chant-
Pions on Saturday afternoon. The
visitors have a good team and are
really, hopeful of "lilting" the Cup.
The game will commence at 2.30.
%141414 COME N . •
The semi-annual meeting of the titi.;,
al Huron County Oranee Lodge was
behl in Exeter On Tuesday with a
good ttendance considerin
ag the in -
clemency of the weather.' ••County
Master Hanley .presided, TIM meeting
unaninaou,sly decided in fever of cele-
brating July lath in Clinton, Messrs.
R. Graham, H. Hill and P. Oantelon
'were -delegates from this. town.
' . ". .
wallas CHURCH.- . •,
,. r. wet • as eon
. The 'Rev. D Ste -1-• h h
given - two months holidays, . July
and August, Where he will vend his
well-eareed vacation he has not yet
dwecesitdedw- ili• •ett..tliee Irlaoyrevdisasit thiemNisosriotlin-_.
arY thirty years ago., During his ab-
once . Mn.Miller, a KnoiC College sia....
dent, .Will occupy thepulpit... „
'On Frida -of :next •eek the rep r .
atory ServiYee will beWheld WliePri Rilev-.
IVIr.' reachThis Cranston . of . Cro.m.a..rty will
P. ' gentleman is a brother
teofi' 'alVijiiiaora. on. s/t.°110.$ :till': sultryl.ruh‘lehuh:.
ing following.' Rev.. Mr. Leckie of LO%-.
desbo Will preach- •
A guasrdiecne'spafrty• wicll;Ehe held u John
theLa P. . 0 the . a r.
indsay's, Huron Road, on the even.;
;Mg of the 20th- inst.
Rev Dr Stewart will preach pre-
• . • • - • .
Pal'alterY senvices' in Brucefield . en
n ay.• • .. , .• .., . • -• : • . •
.. ,. . , . .
•A •Ji.j..,NE WEDIHNG. : • - . ' .
• - - . •
• A tirettY.June wedding .took place
t the•res'cle c f Mr J II • ShawMr:.
a . I
yesterday when his youngest .eangh-
• • .
ter, Mary C., became the ,brulef of Mt, ,
.Williarn Muir .of Port Elgin The ce-.
.remony' was perfOrmed by .Rev. - Dr.
-Stewart in the preser..ce of *many fri-
. d from P -t- Elgin,'Kincardine••'and
. e.n. s.. .oi ,..
eliewliere The bride 'was. beautifully
• • • " ,
attired. jir• white point <le sprit -•qver:
&ilia silic; While her travelling gown
was brown chiffon . silk ' wlth.. • violet
hat She' was attended by Miss mar.:-.•
. • . •
Ian Marrs of Port .Elgin and .as fiowen
guis by•Dorothea Marrs, Port Elgin,
...Jessie ' Ballantine, ICineardine, a"
lVTadelon.--,Shaw-,-,--datighter....of De_.
Shaw, The groomsman was 'Mr,
Lorne Muir; Port Elgin. -.There were
'illanY. • nse1/11 anti beautiful 'presents,
. testifying to the high esteem in Which
' '
e fair bride is held by her limner-
ouS -friends. Mr. and.•Mrs,.-Aleif left
on the, afternoon , rain to spend • the
honeymoon :in Tor nto, Buffalo . and
Other cities t '
,. af e which they. will
take-un'housekeep ng in .- Port Elgin'
where . Mr. Muir Is engaged b '
in tisn.
ness.. • . eeo. bu
• The News- •rd t ' voices
the sentiments of the citizens in wish-.
• • • . • •
ing. them hapPy. . and •pro.sperous
future. .. . . • . . - .• • .
• . ' ' •
- .... ' ' ' - .' . .
' Change Of Adlit3. -
. See Ballard's-G. B. Ballard. . . t
, Rooms to Rent -T. Jackson Sr...„,.„13
June Sale--Toser. & Brown • 3
Bots and Shoes-MaKihnon & Co4
Special Bargaius-G. 5I. Chambers4
Wedding Presents-J..H. Chaim •4
Sealed Tenders -D,' A. Forrester 5
FoceeutersNotice-;-H. Beattie 8
Wash Goods-Neweorebes .... ..... 8
White Underwear-Ifodgcns Bros 3
Given Away -Hodgen' Bros..-- fli
. , . . . .. .
Mr. Gregg Irwin, son of Citizen ' X,'
Irwin, spent •a isouple a days under
the parental' root last week. Be is.
assistant secretary of the Y., IVI. C.
' A' at SPringlield' Mass" had. was 0
Niagara Falls attending a conven-
tion of secretaries. The work • of
the gathering Over be came home
to visit his parentsand sister
.. . . •
• Stanley reiwasltip • .-
• • • • *
The Stephenson fainilY ' re -union
took •place at Mr, ROA Stephenson's
of .the Goshen Line on Wednesday 'of
. this week, Several: of the. family
came over. from IVIichigan and a very
enjoYainie ' time- Was spent notwith.
standing .the unfavorable eiea.ther.
Kore particulars later,
The • Keys -Walker. re -union ' 'takes
Place- at ,• Marlette,. Mich., next Wed --
nesday, Aniong those who will go
from here are : Mr. and Mrs. 'W, L.
ivItites;•• Mrs.' Jas.': MeOlyrtient ,., and
----. Martha'. Keys' . ...' • •.*
happy event took place list May
..4th when. two. of. stani.oys !. popular
young • • people. joined heart • and hand..
The groom was Mr. James Boyce, Jr.
of , the Bronsen. 'LLitne, and the bride
• Miss Nellie 13aker, daughter of Mr.
an MperrsiorWrnmed. Binakse4f0.1r•thLemerrehroanny(t
Mrs. Boyce left for a short trip :to
eastern points, when they will take.
uP their residence on. Mr. Boyce's
farm .. Bronson Line Stanley,' We
, • - , • - -
Join with their -ninny friends in wish.
mg them 3ey and harkpinees. - •. -
. .
.11'1. ..r..•Webster. •Turner of the:Parr Line,
vistren at the • home of -Mr. J. Reid
on Sunday., , • - ' • . .
Robert •Reid and. daughter' . of
1.....ticknow, rs.ited at the .ho.me. of, ..•••• r:
James Reid. the past week •• •
. . . . p . .
iilton of ••near ;Lecknow. has.
' Mr. .-
been. speeding .the past week in- this -
vicinity. He is looking for a - farm
to buy around here.: -- . -
' , . „ . ..,
- Dame' Rumor -reports that wedding
• • . • •
bells are to ring ore•the Babylon...ere.
Icing.. ..... . .... . .. . ' .. . . , .
• ' ' ' - - '
. •
.: .. . ..- • •
' Mr Alden Whiteman of Detroit is
• • • • •
visiting. his parents and friends here..
r. . . ... ,. . , ,
' M ' 4 Mrs 'Allen. Webber "hive
moved- : from London and .are •going
to take , up 'their, .residence , amongst.
Us.. .. •
-• Mr.. aed. Mrs. T. IL .•Alto ri of Luck•••
now were visitin • i'n the home o •
g . . . .. f
Mr, Johnston last week. • . . • .„
Mr. J.• B. Dinsdale; who has been
attereliag the ..Methodist conference' in
Listowel sr s.
aadelegate s I from this
Circuit; has returned home. He re,-,
. a,
Ports' ' splendid. gathering with • in -
terestitre Sessions .arid •able• addresses:
. . • . ..
.Mr. and Mrs: Alden Jones of . L.011-
.don ' Mr, Charles Jones . of • Chicago
. t., . ... .. .t. t .., .li,
Mr. and Mrs. Jones .o limvi e. and
Mr. Lawrence- of Belgrave were -here
• - • *. ' • •
funeral otthe , late Mrs.
attendieg the f
Jones . - - . June' - 0
. On, .Fnday morning, 2nd, a-
• , • - ' at •f ."
thereto Finkle, belov .:wi 0 of .lehn
, v . .
ones, re.o mg .. at p . e.-,
.." c rd. stew 1 " 1 the •Ki
pen Circuit died. m the family: resi-,.
deuce on lot 4, concession.3, townsfiro
• of Stardeyq Two yettrs .a,ge. she had a,
• . . . .
paralytic stroke from whien.she never
• . . -
fully recovered and on ues .ay •even. -
T d
, ing she had . a second, thoisgh" a some.
• . . 9 ..
what light . ene.. On. Wedeeeda-y she
was (around as usual but in the *after-:
-•• k• . ' • • . • '
--"• she was peostrated by a third
and very severe; stroke and gradually
sank • until her death. on•Friday.mern-.
Mg The late Mrs • Jones • was bora
'' .' • ' • -
in_Rensselner_ • eouegy •" New York,
. - -- -1-----re.,--
. • • • ,
' • . . • s• ..- --, • - ' •---:
••.' . '. ' .' Varna. - -• .'
. • :.- .- .: . . - - ..
' • • - • • . - • ..
-.D Si f 01'. t •
Mr. , George unca . o . in on spews
1111 ay iit the home of Mr A. :Dee-
•• • • • , - •
' • • • • • - .
. . Logan and 'Virg ' C Logan
went up -north to vt. some. 6 •
1. their;
friends, They • do not nitwit...return-
• -
•in for .s Me •cia a - . • -
. g . 0 - Y • . . .. _ • •
Mr. . T.. Johns, .and •Mr,- P.., Keyes of
Exeter 1st S ndl '' d rth ' 4
spe e ay nnder e paten.,
tal rails. • .
IVIiss S r h Tite 1 ft t • 'S f • tit'
a. a.. e , . 0F . ea.or ,
en Wednesday where she nsteeds 'sp,en-
dine the summer • • '.
- - • -... • •
. Rev .R.. Miller and .24r W. Raths,
• ' ' •
• ' 0. • 3
' •** '''''.!by' ' • . ••••
- • ... •
.. . - . , • ' ,.• - •,... • . •••
8 21 ' , •
• . - , . .. .', ..,. . .
: • . • - . •
. .
Thos. W, ' Jackson, familiarly knewn
as . ,"CtirlY,." Whose aceidental shoot- '
ing was repotted. 11i •Th e :News-Reeord
last 'Week, diedin the hospital • it
eembrake On Saturday, •He anis a•
member a a -Georgian Bay canal sur.
vey and. Was . one of a, party of twenty '
workilig . along the Ottawa -river,
They ' had been 'on • the river , and
"Curly" was one of . those engaged
ie. rowing the .boat, and when the
stead' latmeh. which pieked 'them up
every.eveuing overtook theni. he reaMet
ed forward for, his coat, A ride was.
lying • in the boat and whether he
atm& it with his foot or the coat
beearne entangled hi it, is not knownt
but it discharged and the hall entered,
bis body and lodged in the muSeles
1- . .
of the ilea. As quiekly as possible he
.. . .
Was taken to the hdsprbei at„Preebro-
kewhere he reteived eVery *attention,
and for a time there was some hope
of recovery, but on Saturday he sue-
culribed to his iiijuries. The body
reaehed Clinton by the 12,55 p, ra,
train on Monday, accompanied 'by to
'members of the survey Party,IVIessrs,
Macdougall and O'Mara. The tutieral
took plaee front thence to Clinton
cemetery and was largely attended
The SOVViCOS were conducted by Bev,
Mr. Lougheed of Londeffhoro While the
- winboa,rers were; J. bi, Oantelon, J,
11.-Ilovey and a" , Ireland, represent-,
ing the gun olub, and sA. J, Morrish,
13, Kerr and n, ,t, Gibibings of the
lacrosse clubl, Several floral offerings
were laid Upon 'the eaaket, from the
survey party an altehor sit feet
tong, front the gun elub a wreath and
h•lkiirt 414•1 1 d i - 140..belek JO tar xe- it .••••••1 i411.1 lilt
- - . ......i..... •
well were atteldift-g- 70011ference at
• . .. •
Listowel this. past week.'
• •:.,. •
Mr. • 'Norman Patterson -of Exeter
•,. . • • •
spent Sunday at. Me. Levi Makins".
• Miss Reid ot leicknew is' visiting .0.1
the home ot Mr, James Reiff, • •
1VIr ' t ' d ' 't d t•
,, : . en or Tspen. Sun ay ...a
t ,e Dorn! .of Mr, Sties.on,
' -• •- '
May 7th - 1.837. In 15597she. came to
' . •• • • •
the townshni . of Sidney Hastings.
• • • ' ,
county, and in the same . year was
. ' • • • .
married. to her bereaved, husband. by
'obit Black In. 1870 she
with • her husband and family moved
to Stanley' and took ' up. her: residence
onthe farm •on which she died. .She
ably' seconded 'her husband's efforta in
beildingit up. a home in this tovinship,
and, they succeeded. in• gatherieg a fain
share of ' this world'sgoods around
them, their farm being. One of, the
neatest . and the • buildings among the
finest ' iti this vicinity... She was a
faithful member of Kippen Methodist
eherch, a kind neighbor, a wise and
loving mother, a helpful wife and one
whom very many were -glad to
as a dear friend. Amongthe heautis
lid wreaths of flowery on and areund
' f
the casket were no iced one rem
• ,
Gorman, Eckhardt & Co.' of London,
her son Alden being a inemba• of the
firm and another from the Ladies'
Aid •of Kipper. l'Vfethodist chureh of
whieh She Was an honored Member,
The 'funeral on Sunday last waa lat.
gely attended, there being nearly mle
hundred rigs intim proeession„ The
Rev, E. A. Shaw, her ,pastor, : who
returned from the Conference in Lis -
towel for this purpose, conducted the
serviees, The pallbearers were Mess-
rs. John Berry, Jeliki Whiteman,.
George Taylor, Donald Orassiek, .Ge -
orge Alair and Iltigh, McDiarmid, She
leaves to " MUM her departure' be
sides her now bereaved husband, one
sister, Mrin• Phillips of Kippen, three
sous, William On the homestead, AI -
den, traveller' for Gorman, Eckhardt
& Co. of Londen, and .0haries who
holds a position in Chicago, and one
daughter, 1VIrs. Johns of tiituville,
who have the arnpathy of a large
. • - .. -•,--•••-•-••• •
• • London ROad..
• . . • , - . . .. .
We extend our eoticgratulations along
WitinAhis Many_ friende to% Mr. - John
Elliott. ' . . • . • • P.
.• Mr. Fred. •Waldron ' Was in Hensalt
on Monday „ • ' . .
Statute. 'aka.° is the order of the
ilay, , .. . , .
The Tuekersmith "township dounellhold
started • their new stone . crusher last
week on Gemmel's farm east of Eg-
montiville and are turningt
• out road
material that will stand smile traffic.
The ill ply se I rth , •
y w sup a o .
lef s w 9. d J i I
essr . - oaveis an elle sat taxa
been doing a rushing trade in wire
fencing- •
. ' ,
j:: ''
' ' • •
Hallett Township.. .
• . ,' '9* . ,
It is expetted that the annual pie-
hie of S. S. No. 5 will be held .on
the same grounds' as last year 'and
about. the 80th inst. Watch for hut-
her hotioe, •
. Messrs. John arid Jos. •Ileatson of
.IliddulPh visited their aunt, IVIrs. It
Carter, last Sunday
IViss Lily McCool of Clinton spent.
Sunday at her home. .
.Mr. Jainea Snell has sold two bun-
ekes of his Leicester sheep 'Which will
he shipped shortly to New York state
Mr. Snell's flock heart a good tout-
ation across the lines as Weil le
.p •
• : ,