HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-08, Page 3J REASON N9 WHY YOU SHOULD USE Red Rose Te a Because of Its Flavor. Why do you buy certain varieties of fruit and Vegetables ? Is it not becauseyou like the flavor of some better than others ? Flavor is the special quality which stamps one brand of food product as superior to another, and is the quality that always commands the highest price. The delicate, fragrant flavof of Red Rose Tea is the result of scientific study and methods on the tea plantations, and in the tea testing and blending rooms: It has what might be called, a fruity taste ---a rich, ripe flavor that is very pleasing to the palate—a taste you won't forget. The Blue Label is recommended. T. 1-1. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANCHES : TORONTO, WINNIPEG. General William Booth of the Salvo tion Army, neither stitches, drinks, nor eats meat aid but occasionally tastes fruit. The largest vniwal of the cat Species to be found in the United States is the puma, which at times attains a length of six feet. On the northern coast of France a number of towns are now connected by telephone with Lcndcn. The charge is $2 for three minutes' talk, The other day just as the tide in the Thames was turning frcm ebb to flow and the fish were coming up the river again, a very heavy rain, following sev- eral days' drought, Suddenly flushed the ibe sewers of London, and the rush of foul water killed the fishes by the million, so that the dead bodies covered the banks for miles. OIL TILE Japan bait in school one in every nine of her children of school age, while Russia has only one in every forty. There is a large promontory in the Eagean sea known as Hayon Horoo, which extends three thcusand feet above the level of the water. As the sun swings around the shadcw of this mono tarn touches one by oue a circle of islands separated by regular intervals, act as hour marks, It is the largest sun- dial in the world. MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and favorably l.aown house of solid financial standing, $::000 straight cash ealary and Expensees, paid each Monday by cheek direct from headquarters. Expenses money advanced. Position permanent. Address. Manager, 810 Como Block. Chicago Illinois WINGJL. M TzbIES, JUNE 8, 1905 THE CREEK INDIANS. - How They hives Jin the ERx1I' fray lu enefe 4 Terettorr. In early days in Indies Territory the Creeks had a stmple but abundant toed always on hand. Among the edibles were sweet potatoes, almost white in flesh, with a brilliant crimson akin. These were stored in dry sand in little cellars dug under the door of the kitch- en cabins, where they were kept per- tectly until the next summer, Yellow yarns, seelghibg often six, etglit and ten pounds, were also raised, Corn was their standby, and the soil and climate seemed especially favorable to it in all the different varieties they cultivated for their household use, There was the early corn for the roasting ears, the kind that was cooked with the steered new lire at the annual busk when the first fruits of the year had been offered to the spirits; the soft white flour cora that, beaten in the great wooden mor- tars, , made delicious bread; the hard, flinty corn which, hulled in the mor- tars, was the basis for sofkey, the great national dish, and, besides, there was rank growing field corn for stock food. Where the cornfields were, pump- kins were also raised, and the late sum - leer and autumn found scaffolds near the cabins with poles strung with see - tions of pumpkins drying in the sun- shine. Corn was boiled on the cob and plaited in long festoons to dry for win- ter use, and many varieties of beans and field peas were also dried and stored. Wonderful melons were raised in large quantities of such size and quality that they were surpassed by those of no other country. -Kansas City Journal, MAX MULLER'S CHANGE. The Famous Ph11o1404 Sorely Need- ed It When It Came. When Max Muller, the famous philol- ogist, first arrived in England in 1847, at the invitation of the East India com- pany, he was often obliged to exercise the greatest care in order to eke out bis somewhat limited income. Concerning this period of his life an interesting story is told in "The Life and Letters of Muller," edited by bis wife. One day' Muller left his spectacles, which he had broken, to be mended at a shop in the Strand, and on calling to fetch them he laid down a sovereign to pay for them. The shopman returned him change for half a sovereign and persisted that Muller bad only given him 10 shillings. It was in vain to re. monstrate. The man only became abusive to the unmistakable foreigner in a well worn coat, and Muller left the shop, sadly aware that the missing 10 shillings represented several dinners which he must give up. Some days passed dinnerless when one evening the man rushed out of the OF shop as Muller was passing with 10 ��� shillings in his hand, which he held out to him. "Oh, sir," he said, "I have watched for you several days. You were right. • found I had 10 shillings too :much The Most °Wonderful Medic Discovery of the Age. q hen I uthat a ' evening, and Icounted havep longed mymoney to give it hack to you," adding, "for you look as if you wanted, it!" w The Implacable Critic. As a cure for Catarrh of the Head, Throat, "What made Gumbleton so huffy at g Stomach KidneysOrgans,the complimentary r banquet his profes- d Iaun S, , and Female trim by the members of profes- Prof. Dykes' Oil of Pines stands unsurpassed by si°Did you hear of it? He was dis- any other known remedy. pleased at a remark made by one of the speakers." 011 of Pines is the most speedy cure known to "what was the remark?" medical science for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bran- "Why, the speaker said that Gumble- ebit1S, Grippe, and all Catarrhal Diseases. ton was one of tor few men in hisprofession who never made a mistake," BEWARE of that most dreaded disease heir to the "Why, I should have thought Gum - human system, CATARRH ! Allow your lungs to bieton would have liked that." become weak and diseased, your kidneys to become se's hadn't bee it wen enough if Ili, wife hadn t been sitting in the gal - diseased, and your back lame and sore, your liver Iery."-Cleveland Plain Dealer. and bowels deranged. 'hese conditions lead to the most fatal of all diseases, CATARRH. The eyes begin to grow dim, the pulse fails, the wholesome stream of our, blood is choked and t'-oubled, the limbs begin to decay like sapless sea- weed in a summer's sun ; our better views of existence are past and gone what remains is the dream of lost happiness or the fear of inevitable evil. But remember, SUFFERER, that the wonderful and never -failing curative powers of that sovereign remedy, O I L OF PINES, has completely cured thousands of cases as above described. Therefore, upon the first evident symptoms of this dreaded disease, CATARRH, make haste and procure a bottle of the sovereign remedy called OIL OF PINES. OIL OF PINES is not:only a never -failing cure, lbnt also a sure preventive. Remember, that an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure. Do not delay or trifle, where so much is at stake. It means your further health and happiness. PROF. DYKES' OIL OF PINES is a natural medicine. It contains no narcotics, no alcohol of any description. OIL OF PINES is net taken by teaspoonfuls or tablespoonfuls. The dose is by drops. A bottle of Oil of Pines contains three times the number of aoses to that contained in any Other dollar bottle of medicine offered for sale. The reason the name " 011 of Pines" was chosen for this sovereign remedy is because the oil from four different species of the pine make up the main body of the remedy. Compounded the Pine is the oils and juices taken from nine different plants and roots which grow in foreign countries. Some remarkable cures effected by the never.failing curative power% of Prof. Dykes' Oil of Pines :- To Prof. d. M. Dykes, HenselI, Ont., manufacturer of Medicine of Pines: - This is to certify that I was a severe sufferer for years from lumbago and kidney disease and was %O bad that often I could not raise myself up with the pains through my back, just above my hips, and also in my hip joints. I tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without {letting cured. In 1809 I tried a treatment of Oil Of Pines and received immediate relief. 1 oontfntted the treatment and I bave never suffered the least of pain since I finished my course of treatment. I can highly recommend this medicine to any sufferer for I have waited long enough before giving this testi- monial to satisify myself that Oil of Pines is art honest, reliable and never failing eure for lame back and all kidney trouble, ggf146;:.:rt; faithfnlll+, Joseph Dann, Bryanston, London Tp., Ont. called 011 Price $1..00 per bottle, or 6 for $5.00. FOE SALE AT ALL DIU!G STORES, N. 8.-Ifour storekeeper or druggist does not handle Oil address orders to Prof. 0. M Dykes, Herman, Ont., Proprietor and iktvanufeotnrer. All orders promptly' filled and forwarded to all Darts of V.T. S. and Canada 'open reoeipt o ptsride. Ask for Prof. Dykes' "Oil of Pines," and take NO SUBSTITUTE. Prof ]Dykes' is tho one original and genuine. Retail Druggists can be supplied direct from Prof. Dykes' Laboratory ReJnall, or from Whole alb Droggiota tot London, Oranador Candlofisli of Puget Sound. . Very queer fish aro caught in the waters of Puget sound. One kind is called the candiefish. It is dried and packed in boxes like candles. We are told the fishermen use them to light their homes and that at one time all the boats on the sound used them in- stead of sperm oil lamps. By putting the heads of the fish downward in a candlestick and lighting the tail, which, In conjunction with the backbone, acts as a wick, it burns like a candle, They eat this fish, and, when cooking, it is so fat it fries itself. Proof of His Sanity. "Well, I am the only. sane man here who has the papers to prove it," one Oskaloosan observed. The rest looked at him in astonish- ment. "Ob, it's true," he protested. "I've gat my discharge from tise Mount Pleasant Insane asylum right here in my pocket." Looking Ahead. "Nowa" 'Whispered the eloping girl as She jumped into his arms, "how shall we dispose Of the ladder?" "We must hide it somewhere is the Orden," replied her gallant lover. "It your father doesn't forgive us we may have to use it to get back avdp."- Philadelphia Ledger. A Pointed Reply. "You haven't got muck of a head," odd the needle to the pin. "No," replied the latter, "but at the same time we pins have ourfine points." -Cleveland Plain Dealer, A Drate, 1'otinghusband--I dreamed last a>♦tr tg that your mother Was dying. leis Wife -•-ltrutei i beard You laugh iu your sleep. ---New !Fork Times. woman does a lot of thinklog try - fag to figure eat Whether the baby is ' going to be a great loan or a oat itertik, at "'blew Mork Preala.. t Minister of the Gospel Keoinrneeds OXYOENift' "OR "Ter several yew I hare Men la Wry. r Plants. La t 8:1 1 was advised by Rev. J. 5. &1l,o. st 1larray ]dasher, PAC', to try 'Qs geaator.' Before trying It li Mad ao funk lu it, but Tait Octo• bar I began its use sad can truly say that before using age jug I 1AsI wondoriuliy improved Is toy general health. Since then I have used several ,ug, es a r•.ult have never spent such a healthy Meter or Spring *el did thlaear. 'Oxygenator' 1.,r Throat t'roable, Catarrh, Pgrifying the Blood. mid for Building ep the beaten), I believe is not squalled today by any ether remedy, Several et my oongr.eat)oa bays ales used 11 with blessed requite. I take greet Interest In 0X/donator,' having glees, jags of it away, and mss +ay it is A weeeDXXrve IIXi1XDT. In'rognrd to my.s, ' Oxy a Bator' has done them mere goad than Ilse Ocaliet. Or the 'umlaut/0 1 received In the hospital, For Baraahs, X think It peerless, For pains la Me . chest, lungs et .side, indeed anywhere. i1 works wonders Icl;l', A. A.loount ' Mount Stewart, P.1tj ,`or Sada by-• - , THE OXYGENATOR C'Xie ' t2 Harbord 8t.. • Toronto Farmers No Longer Lonely. tFrom the Kansas City Journal.) Conditions have changed in relation to the farmer. No longer is he separat• - ed from his fellows. Ilis is not now a condition of irremediable lonelines or isolation. With the advent of the inter- urban trolley oar, the telephope, and the rural mail delivery, the entire condition of his existence has ohanged. Today the farrier has his daily newspaper, his added facilities for correspondence, and hie telephone that brings him within speaking distance of his neighbors and the great outside World. The nature of the farmer has changed with the changed conditions that surround him. He has become a business man who is in con- stant touch with his markets and is well versed in the varying circumstances of trade in the commodities that he pro- duces. The^old days of loneliness are gone forever. The man with the hoe has triumphed at last. He has come into hie own. RIGHT TIME TO CURE CATARRH. Walton McKibben Guarantees Hyomei WI 1 Cure it Ased Now. The early summer when the weather becomes warm and settled, is the best time of the whole year to treat catarrhal troubles with the expectation of com- plete and lasting relief. Everyone who has catarrh of the head and throat should know how fool- ish it is to try and cure it by drugging the stomach, Until recently your physician would have said that the only way to care ca- tarrh would be by a change of climate, but now with Hyomei you can carry a health -giving climate itt your purse or vest pocket, and by breathing it a few minutes four or five times a day soon cure yourself. Everyone who has catarrh, or even a tendency to catarrh, should use Hyomei now, for the benefit will be gained twice as quickly and the disease thoroughly eradicated from the system. The complete Hyomei qutfit costs but cue dollar, and includes a neat pocket inhaler, a medicine dropper, and suffi- cent Hyomei for several weeks' treat- ment. The inhaler lasts a lifetime, and if more Hyomei is needed, extra bottles can be obtained for 50 cents. In Wingham there are scores of well known people who bave been oured of catarrh by Hyomei. If it does not cure you, Walton McKibben will return your money. Tbis is the strongest evidence he can otter as to hie faith in the remedy. Five hundred and thirty -live sand men work in British coal mines. Great Britain pays $90,000,000 an- nually for foreign poultry and eggs. Fully 4,000 student "duels" are fought every year in the German Em- pire. Tubingen in the latest of the Ger- man Universities to open its doors to women. Hon. Mr. Whitney has reconstructed his Cabinet,- Mr. Frank Cochrane of Sudbury being sworn in as the new Minister of Lords and Mines. } How Do You Know? How do you judge crackers? By their crackling crispness --their snowy light- ness, --their appetising delict. ousness ? That's the way to judge Moontey'es Perfection Cream Sodas Measure them by quality's standard and they score 100 per Cent. if you haven't tried MOONEY'S, you've missed a. treat in clackers. $t• llartJa's Uatc, In the grounds suJ'tautldiug lila ab- bey of Vetron, I rittauy, there once flourished an oak which is said to have sprouted from the gad! of St. Martin. This miraculous sprout was transplant • - ed by the saint and Is said to have al- most Instantly become a full grows tree, "furnishing shade for n praying hand of almost a score of women the next day after it was transplanted." Arseient Pea4eacks. In Athens 400 years before Christ a pair of peacocks was valued at 1,000 drachma, or about $1,0, The Ifonr'i Dead. In the days of the commonwealth Christmas'was threatened with extine• tion. Parliament tailed to put down Christmas, but the boar's head neve, recovered its old supremacy at the ta- ble. j . Brazilian Ants. Brazilian ants make little gardens in the treetops and sone them with pine apple and other seeds. - The gardens are found of all sizes, some containing a single sprout and others a denser grown ball as large as a man's head. A Tree on Stilts, In Lake county, Cal., to the north of San Francisco, is a tree on stilts. It is an oak tree growing near the edge of the lake. The waters of the lake have washed away the soil from the roots of the tree and, receding, bave left the tree supported by the uncovered mass of roots. Limited Diet. Vegetables, rice and salads are about the only things that can be eaten with impunity, according to a set of faddists in Manchester, England, who call them. selves the Physical health Culture so ciety. Small Oxen. One of the greatest curiosities among the domesticated animals of Ceylon is a breed of cattle known to the zoologist as the "sacred running oxen." They are the dwarfs of the :whole ox family, the largest specimens of the species never exceeding thirty inches in height. The White Pngnerette. The white paquerette is the smallest rose -just the size of a five cent piece. It has a strong and unpleasant odor, u strange thing in n rose. An Indignant Lover. A young man was tined the other day in a London police court for striking his sweetheart. Isis defense was that she had Asked him to suspend their en- gagement a month in order to give an- other admirer a trial. Drngs and Lunacy. Of the patients in the lunatic asylum at Lahore, India, 33 per cent .are be- lieved to have been habitual hemp drug takers. Australia's Great Desert. III1Shill frnace� Don't Shovel Ashes Not one make of furnace in twenty is supplied with an ash -pan. Without an ash -pan the ashes must be shovelled into a pail or some other receptacle for removal ---means dust in the eyes, ruined clothes, extra work ; a dirty disagreeable job—the meanest part of furnace 'tending. The Sunshine Furnace has an ash -pan which catches all the ashes, and slides in and out easily. Has two handles for carrying. No shovelling, sweeping or dirt. This is only one of a dozen good features possessed by the Sunshine Furnace, none of which are found on any other furnace. McCIary's London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, MB. SOLD IN W1NCHAM BY A. YOUNCI A sign of politeness in Thibet on meet- ing a person is to hold up the clasped hands and stick out the tongue. The orange production of Califronia amounts to about eighteen mallets of dollars in value and the gold production about seventeen millions. The region between Lake Eyre and . the boundary of Queensland is said to be one of the worst deserts in the world. Duelist Killed by Accident. A German student while fighting 1 duel at Riga was killed in a singular manner. Ills bullet struck his ad- versary in the leg, breaking the bone. As the wounded man fell his pistol was discharged, and the shot entered his opponent's heart. Eggs. Eggs should never be eaten the same . day as Laid, for they have not become solidified, but are at their best the sec- ond day. • Dog Tonga. Preserved in.tlle cathedral of Bangor, Wales, is a pair of old "dog tongs" The vast niajority of the Japanese have never heard of Japan. The cull their country Nihon or Nippon. The eyes of a snake ere never closed. Sleeping or waking, alive or dead, they are always opou, because they have no eyelids. eimi%we�i^e�aa^ ��ar�a^saes^^ac^eauoielivi eae•e ua^•oWe n•• i w..�} "FROST" (IALVANIZBD �j The FROST VOCK' • • �' ' ' '' is ewe of the new features of the Frost Wire • • • , t Fence for this year. The locks are coated with • zi:.c by an electrical process which absolutely • ,;, prevents rust. • � Bili + The Frost Wire Fence is made of • coiled spring wire tested to 2000 lbs. tensile • • strength -over twice that of ordinary fence wire. • The Frost Fence is guaranteed. We will repair at any titre free of •} • charge, any defects due to material or workmanship. Heaviest and best. • • C4 Write for free booklet. For sale by-- • Co t J. W. MOWBRAY, White Church • • THE OLD FOGY' DOCTOR FAMILY Doctors are all right as general practitioners, but they are not specialists. The sexual organs com- prise the most intricate and important system in the ,, human body and require the most skillful treatment. You might as well expect a blacksmith to repair your watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complaints. We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 301 years, have invested tens of thousands o f dollars and have every facility known to medical science to cure them. Every case is taken with a positive guarantee of Pio Caro—No Pay. BLOOD POISOlN-Whether inherited or acquired, is positively cured forever, The virus is eliminated from the system so no danger of return. Hundreds of cases cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a cure. SIBRVOUS DSIBILITv-and other complications, such as emissions, drains in the urine, varicocele. sexual weakness, etc., are cured by our New Method Treat. Maar under a positive guarantee -N0 CURE -NO PAY, W& CURE ALL DISEASES Op MEN AND WOMEN. Consultation Free. gooks Free. Write for question blaa,c for -0 4 ' 1 private Home Treatment. Everything confidential. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGANI 44$ efilla6BY STREET. DETROIT, 'MMICB. •:Sc K • • K':Xi: K K tic K • K,34 which were used for ejecting quarrel- ` - some dogs from church during service. •••••••••••+IN••••••••••••• A similar pair is preserved at Llayny- nye, Wales, and bears numerous tooth • marks. •• • Hair Fashion In Sinus. • Wives of Siamese noblemen cut their hair so that it sticks straight up from their heads. The average length of it is about one and a half inches. Little Fighting Whales. The "little fighting whales," fierce nomads of the sleep sea, apparently roam in organized bands, savagely at- tacking the ordinary large whale and fighting him to the death. Swords In Japan. Although wearing swords has entire- ly' ceased tor years in Japan, the old esteem and reverence for the weapon and its use still exist among the gen- tlemen of the country, and many of the nobility have at their houses regular establishments where fencing is prac- ticed. Tyrol Mnil Carriers. Many' of the rural letter carriers in the Tyrol aro women. AppICa. Ire buying apples always choose ac- cording to their weight. Ileavy apples are always better, especially when up- on being pressed by the thumb they .yield with a slight cracking noise. Snakes. Of the 1G11 kinds of snakes found in the United States but twenty era ven- omous. They tire the copperhead and water moccasin, which are closely re- lated; the coral shakes of the south- west, the twit species of sistrurus and the fifteen species of rattlesnake. The most dangerous of them, the ,water mo•casin, 13 not seen north of Tennes• 800. An Ancient Castem. In olden days it was customary to ee• tend. the charities of Christmas tend New 1,7ear to the lower auinittlsk • • 0 • 0 • O 0 • • • • • • • • s 0 s • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • • • •r•ta•••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • Tie Times Joy Deiartmen Our Job Department is up-to-date in every particular ; and our work is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates ch e erfu 11 y given. Onr pedal 'ties. COLORED WORK LETTERHEADS LEGAL BLANKS NOTE HEADS PAMPHLETS RILL HEADS CIRCULARS BOOS WO1% VISITING CARDS ENVELOPES MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO THE TIMES is the best local paper in the County of Huron. Subscription: $I.00 per year in advance—sent to any address in Canada or the United States. An advertisement in the Times brings good results Address ail commnnicatfons to TEE WINGtEAM fllVtES Office Phone, No.4. WINGHAM, ONT. ItesideneePhone, No. ,4. 411060.100411.0041sitelHoeletteee, 01100000011400110,100411010 , • • • •