HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-01, Page 5^see June lst, WOO The Clintoz. Noweoltecord I I. $44.4.014414114444444.1140.04444.0444÷144444* HE MOLSONS BANK Ineorporitted by Aet Of Partiernerit:180 CAPITAL PAW UP $3,000,000 RESERVE FUND $3,000,000 04.9,b, „. • --HEAD OFFICE, MONTRBAIew je ISTOteS Vaghed Or Ctolrected. Prate, on alt pointain the Poininton. Greet Britain, United States end all Foreign Conon lee bine gist end sold at beet rtes. leepoeit reeelpte issued end highest current Eft te orlinereet aihrwed. Advatices made to Farmere, Linn* Dealere •awl Buslegea Menet twei eet ratesnd 00 mmia most fanorable ter ,ns, BANK DEPARTMENT--. ..., DePosite of OF. and upwards received. Intereet allowed at higheet element, ratee from date of depovitA coineourided halflyeai ly end add- ed. to principal a one Kith And December 81st. 1 ' no co Bit4WIR Manager. e , CLINTON - . - , •94444+.414444.4.411.41414,4041+04,44414114•4440•410.4440* 4 40 4 0 40 40 4 4 *etemesev,404miesxwaWieiWieleseKoielelOPIele$91€40009084ENeleieSeieleleoe. Trip 40, SELECTIO t.,N0(•,2qf At this season of the year our extensive as- sortment of articles suitable for Wedding Presents is always sup- plemented IF, some'.of the newest and nattiest designs from the best manufacturerspt Ster- ling Silver, Silverware Clocks, Novelties, eLc. You are cordially in- vited to call and spect our pretty good... nannn:snntss:sisn•nsnn:n:s4.444n) .OFA WEDDING RING 4 4* 41 4+ 4# 40 41 40 4 • Marks an epoch in the life of most people. Its mportance presupposes a ring of assured ciusl- ity, such as we have. • Our rings are absolute- • ly "plump," and bear our stamp confirming 46 ••it. in quality, finish, style and price our wed- • ding rings have no su- periors. We ask your • inspection when 't h e time arrives. We prom- ise satisfaction in every. - particular. 7.4,47•444404.440004.) W.H. Hellyar W.' gelia.r 4# .< es Jeweler and Optician Jeweler and,Optielan ,—CLINTON YkteeteeVehatcoettetaieterItt 1ll • 4 . 'Nevis -Record gives... the local - FARM FOR SALE ON: THE LON- ,. don Road, •e milefroth alintons About 132 , acres first class land, athe-alleratmil good--quaiitieseof-----oues--ericheaa.a gardeinehan.heen groceries is by comparison • leeni for a eumber en years. Frame Go anywhere, look anywhere', then house, large „barns, .plenty of stab: - come beck and if ' we can't prove' :11•••• ling, pig . house, for 100 bead, eeriOrity in price, quality and fresh- :element building. Possesglen given ness of stock, don't bey. Give us et,• any time. Owner wishes to retire chance to prove our spreiriacy. from fanning.. Apply to IL i;lione That's not asking much. Here ,Lre. steel, Clinton. • • 71 Four eaders- SALE. -1. ACRE 1,0T ON Maple etreet, next to corner ot Mill • • .. and Maple streete is Offered 'for . It contains . a number of fruit trees, current and beerY isestes, etc. ; ,-Walter ailaatoWe. : .170 *that are bringing us'neW•eustomers ,every day. "Satisfied cestoiners are' our best advertisements," live you .tested : •1 --Ogilvie's Royal Household Fleur. It's the best made in Canada. 2 -Epicure Breakfast Bacon ' Really beautiful Ine•aes. • 3 -Royal Crown Soap, Just as good as any other sornis and much cheaper. FOR SALE,---110ITSE AND e ACRE 4 -Grand Mogul Tea,• of land, on Ontario street east.- For strength and purify of flavor. Josleia,•Pearen. 65 . • it stands alone. • Call or Phone - The People's riveter • SHOP AND rigsinmsran TO REX r • or 'Pot Sale,-eThebrick store . on Albeenentreet • together with the ,dwellin house lately occupied:by lie Pitztemonseis offered either to rent , or for,sale. There is a good stable. The Paemiseg are well situated and suitable for any business. Apply to John 0. Elliott, Bayfield Road, , or Henry Beattie, Clinton.: 69 FOR SALE,-110USE WITH • FIVE, rooms ori Maple gtreet tor sale or to rent. Hard and soft water, fruit trees, etc,' etc. -W. J. Falconer, Clinton P.• O. •• • C9 • CLINTON. ''Phone 111. Prompt Delivery. mosell.111111111111.0111W Jr - AIRS. WM. SANDERS•DRESS- CUTTING SCHOOL. -I am nil- , preying my •dress cutting tourse, Watch for particulars which will ' appear in a few weeks: In the meantime for the benefit of the man lie beware of advertisements • riot bearing my name as I have heard of a few cases trying to teach that haven't takee a teaoher,'s'eourse,froin me and so are • not qualified. Any- one thinking of 'learning froth any other person write me first end I will let them know if the person ig (mantled to teach as I am the in- ventor of this course end have the names of all I have taught tO teaca others, -Mrs. ,Wrn. Sanders, Teacher and Inventor. Poe 159, Stralloed, Ont, Clairvoyant.Phyehie Medical • Examination Pre, By DR. E. P. BU'IsTERPIELD, of Syraeuse, X. "it. Believing iti toyettee or Mit, there is no gaingeying the feet that the dOetor can explain ;the goutee and eause Of your, disease either Meatal or phytal and has re. stored to health and appiness many helpless invalids all their lives. Send loek of Wait, mune, age and sump to DU. E.. P. BUTTEttnELD, Syron.. Of N. Y. • • \\ • ()lied iasses In spring When 'sunshine' renders seeing pain- ful smoke glass should be used. We Have The Assetment We Have no Oa We Have Ile Eight MOM J. Grigg s OWCIer and Optician. " Stapleton. • Mr. Robert Carter left our xuidst on Wednesday last and has taken up his abode in Clinton. Last Friday evening an interesting game of football, witnessed by a large crowd, took place between the "Morning Stars" of Stapletoe and the "Rising Suns" ot 2nd and 8r4 or - Hallett. After an hour's play the score stood 0 to a in favor of Stap- leton team. But for 'thebriuiant wet* 'of goal -keepers lvfutch and Maims the score would have been Much larger. The return game takes place tomorrow evening. The "Morn- ing Stars" are aery anxious to arran- ge a game with one of the Clinton teams. " . •Dungtonon. On Saturday le.st Master William Crawford went a-lisliing and unfort- unately eame in contact with some poison ivy. • He is in coneequenee lald up from the effectof it in the face. Miss Agnes Young of Faequhar, co- inity of Perth, left here on Friday for bee borne after a pleasant visit with relatLves beim and in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, J. Stothera of Wood- stock Are on •their enteral visifieg tour to Dungannon and other polots. J. M. Mitchell spent Sunday with his parents in Colborne township, near Smith's Hal, Wee Ilewkshaw, who le in the ene, ploy of O. Elliott, merchant, as mil- liner, left here today to spend the holiday with relatives at Exeter. On the 20th May the remains of Robert Stewart, brother oi • liars. Willbaxn Durnin, West Wawannelnwere interred in Dungannon cemetery, be- ing escorted thither frOm his late residence by a large concourse of sorrewing relatives . from Goderich, Nile; Dungannon and A.shileld. The obseqeies were conducted by Rev. T. flicks, incumbent of St. Paul's cher- ch, Dungannon. Tim bereaved relate, yes have the sympathy of the commu- nity. 'The deceased was seventy-six years of age, bis death being. the re- sult of general debility and the ire firmities of age. He was a pioneer of West (Wawanosh and was much es- teemed as an industrious -citizen, - He Difiln't Come •• Prom Seaforth. The following is on its rounas for the third time ; A dapper little man in a group in front of the hotel was telling the oth- ers he oould tell from a man's looks what part of the, country he came from, `You for example," to ehe man next him, "you're front Clinton ? " He was right. Turning to the men on the other side of Iiim-"You, I' sbould say, are from down Exeter way ?" Again he was right. The other two now became inter- ested. • "Arid you are from Winghain ?" be asked the third Man; • "Yes, (I'm from Wingharn all right," was the' reply. "And you from Seaforth, I should say ?" to the, last man, . "No, sir," answered the man with considerable warmth, "Pee been sick for six weeks; that's what makes me 'look like this." , THOROBRED FOWL FOR SALE. - A number of Cockerels and year- old Hens cheap . at the Dominion Poultry Station, Holmesville. . • , SEALED. TENDERS FOR CEMENT Arch of about 100 yards on Brown - son Line will be received up jto June 19th. Plans and specificatiOns may be seen at Clerk's office. $50 ;s to be deposited on securing. the, contract. -J. E. Harnwell, Clerk, • Varna P. 0. -73 . ' • ' . • • 1VIARE AND . COLT FOR SALE. • leoffer for Sale.,•my driving mare and sucking colt. The bolt was , sired .by Texas Jack. Will be ,.sold cheap for cash -Joe Ra.ttenbury. 73 . • • . I ,FAR1VI FOR StALE.-1LOT 16. :ON the Bayfield.' ;Road, North; near Varna is- offered for 'sale On easy terms...For. further particulars ad- dress David Robertson, Wingham. 7.3 , . • . .• TEN. PIGS FOR SAI.1E, FIVE WEE- ks old prices' rieht.-Ernest Middle- . ton, Goderich township! ' 73 ROBERTSON -In Tuckersmith on • • . --bria7-22iir1afferejleffiTInobtrtemes- 1 • • • Clark's Dainty IVIorsels.-A thin slice of Clark!s luscious, juicy Lunch Tongue between two thin slices of bread well...buttered, a delicious. sand- wich, Marriages. HAY-.-THOMPSON-At the resideeee • of' the • bride's parents, Kippen, - by Rev. Mr. Sewers, 1Vlay 24, Agnes Ann'daughter of Mr. Dun- can Hay, to Robert Thompson'. SOUTHWELL-THOMPSON- In •To- • ronto on May 17th, by Rev. Dr. Gilroy, 'Claire, daughter of Mr. Alex. Thompson of Hensel', to O. Southwell ,of Toronto. , • Births. HOVEY-In • Hagarsville on May'22, to Rev. and Mrs. F. W. .TIovey a • son -premature. • • • WYATT-In Seaforth on May 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs.' Thomas Wyatt a- daughter, PARNEY-At Sheppareltort on May • 17th, the wife of Daniel Carney, • of aeon. ' COATS -In 'Osborne on May 1.9th, , to Mr. ' and Mrs, Frank Coats,. a FLEMING-In Exeller on May 23rd, . to Mr. and. Mrs, L. 0. Flenhitig, e 1 . . .• COtS-Inial.:itto171.1. 'on' May .321st, Sadie May, „daughter of Mr. A. • Cousins; agesi 4 months .• • DOWSON-In :Stanley township on May 27th, Thomas tiowson, aged 37 years; 3 'monthsand 18 days. GWYNNE--At the H. of R. On May : '27tri, George. Gwynn° 'from ,Wing- • ham, aged. 78 years. ' • ONE OF" TI-TosE LARGE •,pnAmE , Swings _ler children is offered for • sale. Will . bp 'sold cheale-G. W. Barge. -• 72 DININGROOk GIRL. WANTED AT • 'enee-at the Waverley Flouse.-Geo.•• 'Buxton. .•" 72' • : THE COTTAGE ON RATTENBilleY street west together • with the furniture, is effeted for rental • at: $5• per month. Apply to Mise aiery • J. Stinson, Eden 'Greve P. O. 71 THE.(' .RIGEIT PLACE TO GET Men's and Women's Clothing, clean- • . ed, dyed and repairea,is at Mrs. J.. •T. SeWara's. SHINGLES FOR • SALE,- ANY cmantity of good cedar shingles now being manufactured in the Village of Bayfield. Prices. right. Apply• to W. R. Jowett, I3ox 30, 13ayfield, 70 ' MEETING OF. THE HURON COUN- • ety Couneil-aThe commit of the Co- unty Of Huron will meet in the, couneil ch•amber in the Town • of Goderich at 3 o'clock on Tuesday, the. 6th day of June next. • All ac- counts against the County must be in the clerk's hands before the first ,day of, meetieg.-We Lane, 'Clerk. • Dated at Goderich June. the 22nd, 1905, 72 FOR SALE, --TWO STOREY I3RICK cottage corner Prince and Orange streets together with e acre of land, hard and soft water, etc. Will be Sold eheap.---john A. Cron, 65 HAVE BOUGHT THE BUS AND denying business front Messrs, Moff- at and Kee and rented the stable of Dr. tvans where I have teleph- One connection. Passengers or bag- gage called for or delivered to any part of the town. Prompt service guaranteed, -Josh Coo.62 • COLORADO; CALIF'ORNIA, PORT - land And Yellowetorm Park,--Spee- fatly eeedneted aye being arranged via the Grand Trait Railway Sys - in charge of experieneed eon- ductor. All expense& included. To teeve Toronto early in July and August. Rate is not expected to be over $150.00 from Toronto. Do not loin any other party before emistilting E, M. Bowler, 301 Bev- .erley St, Toronto: 10, R. Hodge:is, Agent at' Clinton, aged 31 years. ; • TrIO1V1PQN-In Grafton, , North Dakota,". on May '19th, Richard • Thomas son of Mr ' Samuel • .Thoinpson•of Denny/brook, .esh6eld - township, Ont., aged 22 years: HAYES-In .Kinloss ,on Men 241,11; James nleyes, . aged 4e years. - MeGILLe-in ; Ashfield 1Via,y' 23ed,: Georgtiria„-edennh McGill, • aged 2,0 yeare and .11 • MATtnittEttON': -In Luchin;w •.en. May • '• 124t1i, 'Mrs. George Mathieeona ag- • . . . , MACKENZIE-::•In Lucknow..on May • . 21st, Mary Merray, daughter of :the late ReiV. J . A. Mackerie, *• a,ged 16 seeara. • • , .• LAWRENCEeeln IVIeleillop On May 22nd; Willia,rn Ernest LaWreuce, oldest 'son of Mr. James W. Law- rence, aged • 34 stoats, '5 - months • and 22 days. , • TOBIN,LeIe • Calboree on May 19th, William Tobin, aged' 20 years . and • 9 Months. , • • ' JONESe-In Leadbury • on May 20th, Mr. John Jones; eigert• 69 years • and 7 reenths, • . • TUNNEY-In East • Wa,wa.nosh .on • ..1Vfay 2.41.1e._,Etta 0, Tenney, aged 19. years,- month.and fe days. PINDLAYIn Lower Wirighath on • May 1911, 'Helen Jane. Mertin, Wi- fe of Alexander Findlk , aged 24 • years, 11 enonths and 19 days, ile's...Only One Out Of Scores. Haat TOWI'll$hip. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons of Masan were guests of Afri Thos. Nott over the 2411t. Mr. Johns attended the teachers' eonvention in Clinton last Thursday and Friday, , Mrs. eVilliam Vodden, we are pleas- ed to hear, is recovering. Mrs, P. Woods and Miss Mary To- wnshend have returned home after spending Victoria), Vey with friends in London. Misses Lily and Mabel Oantelon of Clinton spent Sunday at the borne of Miss Lily IVIcCool, blise Martha Crawford; who has been on an extended visit to her coue sin, returned home Monday evening. Mr,and Mrs. William McIntosh el St. Augustine visited relatives m liellett and Clinton, the past week. Mr, Thos. Quigley of Seaforth Sun- dayed at the old homestead. Mr. M. Morrison came home from fleasall for Sunday. • Mr. Matt, Mains has about com- pleted the framing of Mr. Jas. Rey- nold's barn which will be about 60x 16. Matt. alwitys does ,gtooe work. There appears to be a. number ' of cases of inflammatory rheumatism anions the spring colte in this oec- tion, -James Browe's and James Tighe's colts were attacked by hut are getting better. Kippen. •J, B. Dinsdale, the representa- tive of this Circuit, is away ae Lis- towel attending the sessiens of the London Conference, • Our Public sehool trustees are ab - o4 to purchase a school libeary. Thq til erary society is supplying part of the money. • Mr, And Mrs. Jinks are nicely set: • tled in Mr. Nil:tuns' braise. M. and Mrs. MeMurtry are spend- ing this week with friends in Bright and other points, • . Our school was closet( while our • teachereVir. Johnston, was attending the teacbers' convention in Clinton. On Wednesday evening, tbe 24th inst.,' the aim° of Mr: D. Hay, merchant, seemedfull of life. The occasion was the marriage of their eldest (laughter, Miss Agnes, and Ro- bert Thompson, a rising yeung farm- er of the London Read South, in Hay. ROY: Mr. Sa,wers of Brucefield performed the ceremony. Noire ,but the;imineriiate relatives on both sides were present. . • BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS MADE HIM A NEW MAN. ' RICHARD QUIRK 1;00TORED POR A DOZEN YEARS AND THOU- GHT HIS CASE INCURABLE- DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIM. Fortune Harbor, Wild., May 29th. - (Special) -Scores el people in this eel- ghborhood are tieing proofs that Dodd's Kideey Pills cure all Kidney elements from Backache • to Bright's' Disease. Among the most remake:Wel ig that of Mr, Richard Quirk anti he. gives the story of it to the public, an follows : "I suffered /or over twenty years from Lumblago and Kidney Disease, and at intervals. was totally uhable to work, After ten or twelve years of doctors' treatment I had made uir my mind that my complaint was in - durable. Reading of cures by Dodd' Kidney Pais tempted rat .to try them. I -did so with little faith, but to my, great surprise .had taken not more than half a box before I felt relief, and after the use of seven or eight boxes I Was fully cured and neW "Yes, !Dodd's Kidney Pills cured, my Lumbago and Kidney Disease and the best .of it is /have stayed cur- ed." • • • • 'Port Albert. 8 • .T, Bee, Hawkins and Sei& efErie an Kenneth, • Goderioh, SundaYed with 'hie parents here, " William .IVIcConirell' of this neighboa- hood is soine better. • .2(tisses MAy LaChance and Gertie Curren; ‘Gesderiele, Sendai -id with their, • imele and aunt, Mr. and •'Mtn John Grintozi. • • • .• - Mr, JAceb McGee, Lucknow, sin a, •fewt:' days. with his son Jacob, of this. vicinity. . Mr. John. 1VIeBride 'sports .a new b'uggy. , • •-2. Miss McConfiell Sundnyed 0t hOMO,: Miss Mabel •Therlow; 0,acierich; Was: in the village Sunday. • . The change of pestmaStere in this e • Woman's. Privilege!. chieago Journal. She eau wear her hat on, one ear without being, suspeeted of A cOnYiv. ial disposition. She can say one thing one day and contradict it the next, and no one will call her a. prevaricator. She eari shed- tears on the slightest provocation, which will merely prove to people that she is tender tweeted and sympathetic. She cart be as inconsistent as an Aprirsky, And her instability will be thought charming. She eau look openly into every mire ror she passes 'without being accused of More than a, natural feminine in- terest in her appearance. She can spend 4 good deal of titre) considering her clothes and, prinking up her person and Who shall say that It is not a proper attribute of her sex to he beautifel ? She can wheedle a man into almoste anything by ertful methods, and nev- er lose her reputation for „Artless sin- cerity. Whereas if a man did any of these things he would be spelled in capital letters by some people as frivolous, unstable, weak, vain untruthful (; fop-, piste hypocritical, vain, mean, fake and silly. 0 Feznininity,• what a cialous thin• gi thou art that thou shouldst be ac - oriented as covering sucli a multitude of sins ! _ MONTREAL IIOUSEWIrg CAN NOW PERFORM HER USUAL DUTIES THANKS TO PE-Rti-N4. Josephine Lupien, Hotel Dien, Mon-: Cane writes: "Pour.montfis ago I commenced to /aka ,your Perm" I can tali you with , r entire truth that 1 do four times as A Legal Question. • havedone washiagand hoose-deauing Without becomingmach fatigued, I , much work this' spring ea I did before. have _received great henefit through wee:pores.see,,t,erceiainyto(enser-e4eu.a_eAe fEteirephieaevl year Medicine and recommend. it to t?ry 1, haofee.not had a, cold or bronehitie Mg held possession Of the terminee of a street for wbieli there is no use for reitsierevriy:::Zpefellesie,alec°0ninatioPeautioQuinn` Itas over ten years, can. the voimeil claim peewee • . • • atjo it ? One such ease as that of Josephine Ans.-The..council 'of n municipality nepeai °ages to be all tee evidence any has a eight • to close up tile streets, one needs to be convinced of the price - And • proceediegs for that pu'rpose' less benefit 9f Perms. !neat be taken ie accordance with the This lady was changed fromaniriyalid previsions of the Mitnaciiial Act relat- into a, busy housewife. She asserts that Mg to suoh matters, Where a private through Pertma, she is able to do tone Individual has held possession of a thiff3E1 as ranch work as before, that she portion of a street for •over teri years. .doeiinot take colds any more,. andthat . he inay have the right te claim- the the rheumatle panes and constipation. ownership .of thatpiece of land, • as which, had troubled her have dig- -against the mueicipality. But. the appeiveed. ' municipal council has full power to • Any' medicine that brings about these open bp all streets at any time ; aud chassiresneeds no ferther iecomenead; if necessary,- to exProPriate'land f or thatpurpose, peying ,due coirmensae tion, to the owner or owners' of the lend or lands so expropriated, or In- sured, or depreciated ie value. • • • • The Last .1Ierds • of Buffalo. •itt additiOn to the herd of Buffalo • • Seaforth. We deePliaegret.ieeing, called upon to record the early death of (me ol one most highly respected' young. Mee in the persen .of Mr: William Ernest. Lawrence, eldest. son of Mr. James W. LaWrence, of 1VIcKillop, which took, •• place 011 Monda,y, of last week: A ccnple ,of weeks.: ago, Mr. Lawrence • was prostrated by 'a: severe .ettace of . at Banff ' and the herd at • Silver ple,urisy and pneumonia.. When 'reCov- • ' 'Heiglits, near, Winnipeg; which herds, cring -from that he 'took a 'relapse, are the eenreseetatives today of the • *when an absess •cleveleeed..in, the herd which Lord • Strathcona Mahe:, seased lung, and although reeavering . •tasned when he esed to bye et Silver from that also;the other Itingbeeame Heighte, says the Free Pees's, there affecte<1... 'Ills, of :course, Was'. -more ale sevetal sma • . pievately-owned than hi •playsidial Condition_ could xe.; herds of Bid/110 in difleeent :parts of sist and despite ef 8.11'.'that medical • the ceretinent. .The United • ,Statee, shill • could doe he gave "way „before Goveenniefit • is neer- being urged ,to the severity of ehe disease: • • .. form a", herd "to preseeve the anneal ea/legatee reye.em,an and 9.60. . Spar - from 'an. utter- extinction," There is anet With quite a serious acci- dent last week.. alley were, doing. .. • • ‘44°74i-a(thi-all'5"-416a-144gelP°Ne`Y-4'wnleieeeffeee-erdeliette-Mr—S7-10110615.).S:MV--'',"----7 raising Buffale. .This . is ' Major c4. ble,rket 'street; and. 'were standing one W. Lillie,: known as scout and .show---:: men under the name.. of. "Pawnee ea:seallold, where it gee& .away e arid they both f11 t0 the ground, . a els_ . .• . . . ine considerably • bruteed and shaken • ',1 •' .• , lance Of shout' twelve feete in, the' • " • fall, Mr. a'Yeemen was. rendered un- •-•••: e • eenseinas for •a 'time ane besides' bee - ' • • •, UP, tie had one rib brolien. Mt:•8pat-. : • - ('.'• " line Was • cut about .• the Ihead' and • ' • ••.• . strained his back and was braiSen 'as• . ellage-e-haseemete-withe.geneealed' satisfaction, especially • when it was done after a. petition of 95 Per cent. of , the patrons signed asaing it to re- main es it was: Bob iliernee; the defeated member, will 'lied' still ' •t stronger vote against lib» next time, t if he eVer gets .another •chanee• i rine ; ' p Rem Richardson got" badly cut with f his sew lest week -101.1011e Was ' c wok. • • e t • Mr's: W. TrinhleY and children God- eriele Sendayed. with her parents. • Mies legtherfoed; Goderiche was. y the village Sunday. . . '• eee. yen • Live Stock -Market. ne man -and probably only one- • g • Bill, On a ranch 'in iridiae Terri-, ory, he is .breeding.Beffele on •• eciens ifie principles and actually slaughtere ng the beasts ler profit: He is ship - Buffalo: meat .to some of the ashiarrable hotels, and anigettirig lair • y Prices. for lt,' Major Lillie figures het muter "...his system of .hreeding the genuine • fullbred Atneriami Buf- elo will beeome extlect is a hundred ears, but that in its place we shall . I ' A FAMILY, NECESSITY. • , , ave an animal 'riot apparently differ-, t in speeles, more .docile and More,. i1.11.1r,';1.tr.tliree4. etaoPi'teb!ei'ai6efeealft,e'Ida*n'dg.' othei: ...1, . ' . aluable for 411 conimercial purposes. ' He bases this estimate on the • fact ailments •• that constantly arise, . • It'. e is crossing with black 'Galloway Bee. ' may • be „a cold, perhaps •tOotheiche, , • . son's Neeviline, it is penetrating, pain that 86 Per eent; of the genuine t alo calves are. males. 'These Metes neuralgia, pain in the hack,-euee Pole- • f attic, whip crossirigeperfiethates the ,subduing and peeverful. Nereiline is . pit of the real 'Buffalo and also the at least flee 'Wiles stronger, than ore esee . • (Unary remedies • and its Worth in . . . . pl y household, can't be over-estimat- ed For man or beaet'Nerviline is a - . . . 4 e., ews,. panacea. :for all pain . and costs only . As • advertisement i' Th 'N 2Pc Or . bottle. Buy Nerviline todaar: . deard brings good results: • from your. druggist.. ' e • - •• • • ' " • .• • .• • • • • • • , • .1 • • • - • Toronto Jtinctioa; May 29 .-Trade in • the cattle section, of the Union h Stock Yards today was ,very fair,: and and while ethere was no remarkable .c stir ahnut the day's operations a aide fl even business was transacted ,through • out the session, and at ill o'clock everything had 'been sold.' Trade was teetered . by, an adeanee in butcher e ' In, the •export division ier feeling was engendered by the ad-' verse trade conditions aleroad, but the ; . • weaker feeling was not perceptible in , isausessimaana. ptiines, valueseheing-well-maintained — at the, level established 'last week, .• emememeemeneeteeaseesseasenmeeenseesemmemesomemee lumigum. itch. ell. _areII • • Hogs were unchanged, • , Export Cattle -The quality of the offerings was very good, but cables Were weak and the market had a rether (hanky tendency in spats. How` ever, A elearahee of supplies was el- Footedat an early hour at prices un- changed from last week, The range was from $5 to $5.65 per cwt., with the, bulk of the sales at $5.35 •to $5.50 per cwt. Bulls sold at $3.75 to $4.85 per cwt. Butchers' Cattle -Trade in this di - v14611 was very briek atan advance Of 100 to 15e per cwt. over the level prevailing last week,: Tho best offer- ings sold at $5.30- to $5.50 per ewne flint there were few Of that )quality On the market, tiot near enough, in fact to Meet the demand. The medlern to fair grades sold •at $5 to $5.20 Per cwt., common $4.65 to $4.00 per cwt., Cows, fair to good, $4,40 to $4.1)5 per 014., rough and inferior $3.75 te 40 per eutt, and hulls at $3,75 `tel $4.50 per cwt. Sheep and lambs Were steady, W.11. Lova& tale1ni4 aIlethe offerings at $5.- 50 to $6.50 per cwt, for the calves,,, 4ae at 5c for the sheep, and $4.50 to $6 each for'thespring bona. Hogs -Receipts were light mid pri- me unchanged at $0.75 oil ears, and $0;50 fed and watered. Mr. Levack bought 35 loa,ds of eat - tie a,t the 'pritee quoted above. S. Levack bought 10 bulls averaging '1,800 lime at $8,1•6 to $4:20',per ewt,. Mr, Snell bought three loadiert ere( ; port cattle, 1,350 lbs., at $4.50 to $4.65 per ewe. Iteeelpta were 56 Rettig, comprising 1,136 tattle, 11 sheep and lambs, 113 hogs and 88 eaves, Just received a ,supply of • Aluminum Ware.for kitchen use, CALL. and. SEP. IT.• • A. foil Stook or Coiled Spring Wire, Barbed 'Wire, Plain Galvanized Wire,•Oiled and Annealed Wire. • . , Spades, Shovels, Bakes, Hoes,,etc. • All sizes Blaok and GalvaniZed Iron Pipe. A lot of small ends Poultry Netting to clean in job lots. ' WANTEDakt"d strong boy to learn„WANTPn the hardware busines6P4AF APPLY PERSONALLY, HARLAND BROS, STOVES --AND- HARDWARE if k •