HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-01, Page 4•4
The News-Rmord
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Vommunicatiens intended for pubillea-
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Editor a,nd Proprietor.
The Whiney Governinent •
, .
SurprisingIts Critics.
The Arst session. of. the •Assenehly
under the Whitney Goverranent is over
and that there is evneree saeisfaction
with its policy and legislatiou will
hardly he disputed. It was not expect-
ed that he Government would intro-
duce many new neeasures, mid it was
imPossible that the Ministers coeld
• be expert in the handling of public
busbeess. They were unfamiliar with
the work of the Departments, they
could not know ineimiately the ffetaile
of the estimates, they .had no exper-
ience in the management of the com-
mittees, in the presentation and pro-
secution of measures, in the eiercise
of the general fueetioes or :govern-
ment. They were barely swore into
office before they had to meet the
Legislature, and ever since their ac-
cession to office they Nate 'been. over-
burdened with a mass ef Work and
crowded with a mass of detail. But in
must be admittedthat their want of
experience has been well concealed,and
that they have shown an unexpected
reserve of strength, courage and . re-
Mr. Whitney hes revealed capacity
for leadership, power inie skill as a
ddbiater, and, perhaps, now, 'and thee'
the faults of manner whieh belong to
men of his downright character and
precipitate temperament. Mr. Lla.nna,
too, has strengthened his positTOn in
the Legislature aid confirmecl the geni
eral impression ehat he bee exception-
al quality and eapaeity.. It will .not
be surprising if he achieves signal dis-
tinction in the Neale life ot•th•e coun-
try. Other Ministers have still to re-
veal their mettle, belt it Cannot • be
said that any member of the Govern,
merit has done badly. As Speaker,
St.• John has beeri impartial and vig-
ilant, he has made a close stedy' of
the rules of the House, and has given
consistency and dignity to its proceee
dings. So the committees luete leen
well hakalled and here Mr: Carscallen
in particular, deserves commendation.
He has Veen courteous, vete aml ear, -
able, conservative where legit iinate
liberal and progressive where broad
questions of policy came under con-
sideratien. In short, the session has
showe that the Legislature is' well
organized, that the Ministry is vigil-
ant and efficient, and that the House
is under strong leadersbipi-Teeento.
The People's Rights
. Championed.
"No corporation shall; while I am
Premier, come to . this House at tbe
fag end of the session, 'when there
no time for fait discussion and ob-
taM any -privilege.- At -to -time_ _Will,
any company, so long as I retain
office, obtain a perpetual franehise for'
an electric railway." •
This is a fair phataplirase of the
declaration made by Premier., Whit-
ney at the meeting of the Iteilway
Committee of the Legislature; last
Friday. It is the most outspoken de-
-elevation for the rights of the people
.as against orgattized wealth, thap has
been heard in the Legislattge since
the late T. B. Pardee bade ,defiance.
;to the Organized lumbermen of Can-
ada., whe endeavored coerhjm
into fixing, to their liking, the fermi
of an approeching sale of Crowe tbra
ber. The man who had the courage
to make suoh a deliverance his dis-
tinctly elevated himself in public 0 -
bleu by his utteratices. If Mr. Whit -
my stands firmly by the position
that no legislation invelving the gr-
anting of concessions in the form of
public franchises or %Olio money
will he considered, tudeSs prescribed
early in the session, he will bly that,
act alone perform a. valuable public
„ e,. aerviee. Legislation smuggled throu-
gh •it the end el the session, when
members and publit alike are weary
of diseussien, is fruitful of evil. -
Weekly Sun.
Mr. Roest Larmour, our veteran)
stage driver, sports a brand nay
;wagon this weeik.
• .
Dr. E. J. Hagen is visiting at his
home near Hillsgreen this week.
Mr. Sol •Keepfer, wife and child
of the 13roxison Line, had it very un-
pleasant experience recently. They
were driving dOwn the Goshen Line
and when opposite the Lutheran grave
yard the, herees beertine frightened at
some moVing object ahead of them.
They made a short turn into the
ditch and in doing so oho of the tugs:
became unfastened. This caused the
totigue to fall to the ground and the
beaking of it gaVe the horse e a fresh)
start Mr. Xuepfer was %reeve out
of the buggy here, but his wife and
child 'Woe in the bttggy for some dis-
tan& when' it den' upset and they
were both rolled out unhurt. The
buggy was badly wrecked; but the g
oeouptutts all Waited with a bad
pease and a geld einsking
Gocicrich Township,
Mrs. Jas. Counollya,roturned ou
Friday from a week's visit to her.
daughter, Mr?. (Rev,) Wright of
The first shipment of butter for
the season was Made from the Hol-
mesville factory last Week. It Was
consigned to Montreal.
Mr. William Patton lost a goo;
mare'la,st week.
Miss Una GOrdon of Shoppardton
and MM. James flortee of 1,,eeburn
visited Mrs. W. Coek of the1.4the con.
the past week,
Read The News -Record for Goderich
township news, 4
Mr. Altred MeGavin and lady friend
or Seaforth spent the 24th at M.
Cluff's, Bayileld Line.
The many friends of Mr. Arthur'
Cooper will be sorry to near of bis
confinement to bed by another att-
ack of rheurnatistn.
Mr. Charles B. Middleton spent the
24th et Benmiller,
Mise Linda. Cantelon accornpatded
y ex a r an mo er, was
la t
b h f the d
week visiting relatives at Lucknow.
The football team of this section
is doing some very good prectising
and appreciate verymuch the kind-
ness of Mr. Reuben Grim for the
use of his field.
Mr. Harry :Steep an.d bride have
taken up houeekeeping on the Baylield
Line and will be at home to their
friends any time. .
A considerahle amount of wire fence
ing is done this spring by the farm-
ers who are tearitig the old rail fen-
ces Own and piling them up for the
buzz. saw.
Mr. John Emmerson wee in Zurich
last week and has purchased .a new
Some say the wire worm is work-
ing at the oats, It's, wonderful what
those little insects will do in the
course of a single night.
Mr. Jim Themes= has invested in
rubber tires • for his buggy which
looks pretty spay. ' •
Mr. Peter Cole ',goes ai a delegate
to the Londe Ceeference wheel meets
at Listowel this week, repree'enting
the Bayfield //Circuit.
The /township council met as a
• • - - .
The Clinton liewS.Recerd
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller visited at
Mr. O. Lowery'. on Sunday.
IVIiss A. Lovett visited at. Illyth
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore visited at
Mr. II. MeBrien's •on the 24th.
Mr, D. Barr attended the Black
Ohapter in Clinton last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Colborne and family
attended the funeral of Miss Tunny
of WeetfieiLi on Saterday.
IVIiste R. Patterson of Auburn. is at
present the guest of Misa Wallace.
Football is the order. ef the day.
Misses Annie and Pearl Wright of
Godericjj heve been visiting friends
on the Base Line. °
Miss T. Cowan of Goderich visited
at Mr. W. I. Ball's last week.
Mr, J. Scerlett paid a dying visit
to Sumo:m.0W friends.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Malveren of Wate
ford visited at Mr- E. Butt's.
Mr. and Mrs. F. McIlveeu visited
friends around here last week. "
Intended for last issue.)
Wass 011ie Nesbitt returned .last
week • from an extended visit to fri-
ends near London,
School, closed on Tuesday itra the
24.th and also for Thursday and Fri-
day on account ef the teachers' meet-
ing at Clintor...
Mr, W. Nesbitt has purchased a
new top buggy.
Mr. Geo. Johnson is building ar,
additien to his residence.
Shatifishing has been inorder for
Some time.
: •
court of revision on Friday last and
made the following changes in the
toll : D. Preuse dog struck alt, P. S.
E. C. Naftel name added, VVillnott•
Haabke assessed, Henry Brundley
aseessed for lot 33, con. 3, John Jen-
kins' property reduced $400, Oliver
Edw•ards essessed for lobs 12 and 13
4 and 5 core, John Middleton assess-
ed for S • 21, B. L. boeceseion, Her-
bert Morrish assessed for lot pt
Mt.. concession, John Soweel3y!e pro-
perty reduced $200, Win. S. Miller's
aseessinent reduced $5e, Richard Jew- a
ell's property' reduced $200. ' The ap-
pal' of C. Cook was not sustained Constance..
and his assessment was not reduced. ,
MoVed„,by G. 0. Sturdy, Seconded Mr. and Mtg. 'Janes young . and
by L. Salkeld, That the assess- daughter. of Bowneinville are at pres-
ent the guestsel the former's •iar-
ents, Mr. .and Mrs. Alfred Young.
Mr. C. Tuffin. of Croinaity Spent
Sunday in the Avillage. ; • • •
. Mr. Jetties Iiinchlee attended the
Convention held at Dungannon on
Tuesday or this . week. Mr. Thomas.
elm plank $17,60, Wm. Mustard. cedar. ,McMillan was alse present, . •
. eirre-XeemeasheapalSeepeetatai *ea few
Siinoni‘icouiough Was
api)oilitea days With her, daughter, Mrs: .-Xics.
poundkeeper for No. 2 pound.- . t. '
*Miss L. ,Kennifigton• spent a . few
Council adjourned to meet .be • the
first .TueidaY in July at 1 o'clock.- tlaYs last :week •with friends 'in Bit's -
, •
Mr. Scott is a Methodist clergy-
man who eccasionally lectures; on
"The Land of the Maple." He speaks
with •enthusiasm on his favorite the-
me and is aa 'eloquent word painter.
The large audience which heard him
in the town hall last Thutsda,y night
much enjoyed the lecture which :will
help to bring about a still greater
.appreciation of the glories Of 6ur
ment roll .eow read and revised be
lVfoved .by' J. B.'Stewert; seconded
by John Fcird, That the following ad -
counts' be paid : Assessor's salary
.$69, postage and stationary: $1.10, J.,.
Mose burying horse $1, Thos. Moir
sets. . • •
1VIr. A. McAllister 'attendee the tea.
cheese convention at Chilton on .
Thursday and Friday of last week. •
Mr. and Mrs. •Jewitt of • Brussels
visited. their. son R. W. Jewitt On
, ,
Tuesday., . •
The supplementary. Meeting Of • the
Constance breach of the ' East
as 'read by Mr. George .Caetelort : Huron :Woman's Institnte• will '
TO, MisS Ida Mi11er;
Dear Friende-We, the .members and
edherentsor, the 1VIethodistchurch. at
Sim,ton appointment are here to -Spend
-aefeweehours-Wath.--yottewithathehope -Peeser.vingeaaaCool-Dishesafor--Sum--
that the spirit .which pioraUted us to mer tiee," And "Salads." In the;
visit your home rita,y be reciprocated evening hers. Jean joy of -.Toronto
by you. In thus' coming together we will speak on ."Food and Its Relation
have utterly ignored the rules of 10 the Body" and "Physical Educe -
Modern . etiquettei•having 'come with- Men of 'The district peesi-
out invitetion. from • you or notifica- dent and secretary ate expected ter be
tion from as While to all Outward present and tike part in the meet -
appearance we have taken you by ings. Music will he ftfrnislied. The
Storni yet we bring peace and good afternoon Meeting will be held at
will to you.. Most of 'es have known 2.30 sharp and evening meeting at
you: since childhood and laving been 'Lye At the business. meeting held
close observers of your attitude to et Mrs. Geo. Stephenson's 00 Monday
wards the church • of your • choice aid evening it was decided not to have
constantinterest' in all ,things per- any meethig in June, but to lieve, the
--eriningettrehlietien workeew'e----havee -game topics -at -the' July- :10thairf
ing at the hen* .of Mrs. Hugh Camp-.
bell. . •
Nixon Sturdy, Clerk., •
Members • of Sheen Methodist. chura.
Ch. tethered' at the home of Mr. Gee.
Miller the other evening and presented
bus•daughter, Miss Ida Miller, :who
has been the efficient orginist, with it
silver cake basket and Picture ac-
companied' by the following addrees,
Holsnesvi�c.clourt • Selwood intend holding an
entertainment in the town halt on .
Friday evening of next week. 4 geed
program will be give.
Mr. Howell of Onondego and Mrs.
Thompson el /3rantfor4 were guests
of Mrs. Holmes last week. •
Miss Lula . Stanley of Toledo visit-
ed relatives in the neighborhood.
• Mies Edith Mulholland visitedfri-
ends in Goderich last week.
The finaneial reports at the ad-
journed Easter vestry meetings of the
English churches in the Blyth parish
showed a considerable increase ail
round. The surplus at the Myth ap-
pointment was T53.19 ; at the 13elgra.
ve appointment $85, and at the Aubn.
rn appointmen.t $17.50. The wardens
elected are as follows : Blyth -Mess-
, Frenk Metcalf aiid T. W. Stott ;
delegate to synod' Mr. Frank° Metcalf,
Belgrave-Messrs. R. IVIceitirray and
Henry Johnson; delegate to synod,
Mr. R. McMurray. •Aubern-Messrs.
J. W. IVIedd and Wm. nainford ; dele-
gate to synod, Mr. Thomas \Voodoo,.
ck. The receipts and disbursements
for the Blyth appointment were e68.71.-
22 and $034.03, reepectively.
Mr. A. M. Emigre eldese sne of Mr.
and Mrs, J. G. Ledge of Blyth . has
been selected by the United States
Government to go to l'seama and
take charge of one of the departmen-
ts of the railways eCatrolled by the
United States in that coentry, For
the past 15 years Mr. elmigh, has
been a resident of Buffalo, where lee
has held important positions in the
offices of the Grand Trunk 9..n4 Penh-
sylvenia, railways..
The late Dike Be Jacobs of East
'Wawanosh, left a:bequest or $400: to
the Yukon and Northwest missions of
the Methodist (hem . The Money has
been paid over to the 'ohurch by his
son, Mr. A,,H. Jacobs.
„ Winglxam.
On Friday last • there pa,ssecl,* Away
Helen JaneMartin, wife of Alexander
Finlay, in her twenty-fifth year. De.
ceased leaves a .sorrowing huribeadi
and three Ilittle.ones,. the youngest here
a few weeks old, and eldest about
five years: :These will all mise the
mother's teeder care.' • ,
The reports fetan.the various de-,
partmenti• of the 'VC/Ingham Methodist
Church, as presented at the quarterly
board meeting on Monday evening last
week, were very... satisfactory, The
_membership report ehdwed a net le,
Crease daring the year of 16, notwith-
standing le rexeo,vale and 6 deaths.
The present membership' is 546, The
Epwoeth League,' Sunday school., and
Junior League showed satisfactory
progress, especially aleegmissionary,
lines, . the seeior: and junior Leagues •
reporting an increase of $50 in
ionaLy giyings, . and the Sunday
school of over 420. Thetoted mis-
sionary .contributions for the year
amount to over $600, besides $72 for
special 1 ebjeete, . as Chentu • hospital
and :Missionary, fraley's 'personal ac-
count. The.' inereasa in the regtilar
..aiout i60.
The ..Educational and Temperance
funds are nuke than three •times tho-
of last year and the W. M. S. is
also larigely in adeence • amounting, te
$9.3.13.• The. 'Ladies' Aid have raised
0,3 and $.1,50e. hoc been paid'on the
mortgage of the • °chinch e'rhe Mort-
gage •deet his, laeen• •teduced during the
past tWo :years from $161,00u ep .$1;460.
About $600 was paid on the organ
fund, , paying: off the balance .of that
dcht and a; note of $200 which had
been running fora ittuntier of years
has also been cancelled. All tlie. other
funds of the Chinch are in a satisfac-
tory Condition. The, pastor wag'. in-
vited :ti) remaer another year.- • • '
be held in, the Temperance hell 'on
Julie 18th- Miss L. Shuttleworth eca
Guelph .will' demonstrate in 'the after-
noon one "Methods of Canning and
learned to estee.rn you highly' for your
work's sake and wish to assure you
that your willing service for the past
year as organisb. of, oar church has
proved a, source of *inspir'atiOn to es
in doing battle for Christ.
As A slight token of remembrance
we present to finhis silver cake
dish and Picture :and hope that by!
God's grace we may all so live that
.when our work is done befe we may,
all meet at home in our Father's
house where separations neeer, take
place. Signed, Linda, Cant:elm-1, Daisy
Happy Days. For Baby.
The healthy child is a happy child.
All its little troubles vanish whets it
is digesting its food Well and is free
from childish ailments. The greater
part of these ailmehts arise from
stomach and bowel troubles, feverish-
ness, teething and worms. Ba(by's.
Own Tablets at like magie itt .these
eases,,and when children are restless
at night they always give sound it.
freshing,sieep. Mrs. A. LePage, St.
Florence, Que., says "Baby's Own
Tablets had ina,rvellous results M the
case of my two months old baba,. He
was nervous, troubled with colic rand
badly eonstipated, ;pet after giVing
the Tablets he began to improve at
once and is now in good health. /
also gave the Tablets to iny three
year old boy whiz was troubled with
worms and theured him as well.
Both children are now the picture of
health, and / ran alwaye praising the
Tablets • to my friends," You can get
Erebyls Own Tablet; from any drug-
ist or direet by mail at 25 cote a
box by writinp; the Dr, Williams'
Medicine Go., Brookville,. Gut • i
\ East VVautanothi
On May 24th it very pretty wedding
took place at Sharon Springs Farm,
the home of Mr. Giles Joakins When
his ..second ,daughter,. Hattie Courtice,'
beeame thewife of Wm. M. Webster,
The bride, who was .givee away by
her father, wad prettily attired in a
suit of light grey voile over blue,
trieneed with silk and lece d
an ea
rieh it boquet of carnations. The
,bridesreaid, Miss Bella Webster, sis
ter of the groom, was prettily, attir-
ed in a suit of cream Bedfotd cortt
and carried a buena of ;tulips. Mr.
Wm. Jenkins, brother 'of the bride
performed the duties of groonestean.
The bride entered the'parIor • to the
strains of Mondelssohn's wedding map,
oh which Was pla,yed by Miss A.
Jenkins, sister of the bride. ' The
ceremony was performed by the Rev,
11. Clement at high noon, After the
ceremony the invited guests partook
of a sumptuous dinner, The bride Wao.
the recipient of many costly and be-
autiful presents. The happy couple
left on the p. intrain for Toronto,
Niagara. Palls and other (planes- The
bride'e travelling suit Was brown wi-
th bat to match. Ott their return
they will' reside on the grootn's farm
on the 13th comession - of Hullett.
Among the guests from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. Lane, later:now ;
Mr. and 'Mrs. ala,ke, Goderich Mr,
Laithwaite, Goderieh ; Mr. and Mrs.
E. Saville, Clinton.
11 you see it in The News -Record
Belgrave. , •
D.' Geddes is having Ids old house
torn down on his lot and is erecting
thereon a good cement block dwell -
We are glad to note that Mrs. Jas,
Stretton has so much improved that
she an driveoat when the weather
permits, • •
T. S. mid J. A. Brandon were sud-
denly_ willed away Thursday 'to at-
tend, a funeral ef their •nephew, the
Brun of -the towniship of Peel. The
young mao» Was 28 years of age, of
exemplary character, and keit launch-
ing ,out into the world; called ' so
suddenly away, with ply a, few
days' sickness, is 'indeed very sad L6
the bereft parents, brothers ,a,nd .sis-
terse Mrs. Bruce is a nista of Mess.
rs, Brandon. ,
On May 10th Mr. mid Mrs. W. C.
Procter Of the '4th 'Line of Morris,
celebrated their ehina, wedding. About
sixty of their reletives and neighbors
were -present. After tea, the evening
was sPent.,111 eonvereation, music mid
games, everyone having a good time,
TwentYyears ago Mr. and Mrs. Proc-
tor began life together in the right
way, by dedicating themselves and
their home to God, and by opening
their home for with gatherings only
as Ithey believed to be honoring to
their Master and helpful to those as;.;
We are pleased to report that Miss
Lucy Elliott, who has been seriously
111 with quitsy, is much improved.
Tha Nile League visited Benmiller
League Tuesday evening 00 the regu-
lap League service was withdrawn.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Alibi of Zion
visited friends at Nile on Sunday.
Mrs. Stephenson of Varier, is re-
newing old acquaintanees at Nile.
Mr, and 'Mrs. G. V, 1ViePhee ot
Loyal.. spent Sunday at Nile.
Mr. V. J. Gosling, manager of the
Toronto branch of the tank of Ilatw,
Mort, has resigned, Mr, P. LI itilvert
'being appointo4 to ifuocood hlm
Pale, Feeble Girls.
A great and serious responsibility
rests upon every mother whose ifaughe
ter is passing the threeliold of girl-
hood into womanhood. She is at a
crisis, and if she is to be A healthy
happy woman:, she waist deverep
rightly now. She must not he pale,
sunken -eyed, sallow, laeguid and
bloodless at this time, She must
have additional strength and rich,
pure blo'od to help her to stroug,
healthy womanhood. There is only
one absolutely certain way to. get newi
rich, hea,ith-giving blood, and - that is
pirnokugAis. theveuisye pillDuro. helps
rich, life-giving blood, that brings
strength to every °organ in the !ugly
and the glow of health to pale, sal-
low cheeks. Thousands. of pale, an-
aernie girls in all parts ot Canada
have been made well and strong
through the use of Dr. Williams' Fink
Pills. Mrs Rachel Johnston, Hem.
ford, N, S., says :-"As a result of
oVerstudy in school, the health of my
daughter, Ellen, became greatly im-
paired. She grew extremely nervousa
was pale and thin, and suffered from
Most severe headaches. She had no
appetite'and notwithstanding all we
did for her in the way of medical
treatment, her sielering continued,
and I, began to feel that her condi-
tion was hopeless. Indeed I began
to fear her mental powers were fail-
ing. One of my .friends strongly
urged me to tryDr, Williams,' Pink
Pills, and as I was willing to do
anything that might help her I sent
for a supply. After' using the pills
for less than a month, we saw that
her vigor was returning, and 4 in. less
than three menths her health . was
fully restoredaeConsidering the fact
'that she had been ill for two years/
and that •doctor's treatment did her
notone particle of good, I think. her
cure speaks ;volumes for the wonder-
ed. Merit of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
The new blood which Dr. Williams'
Pink Fills aetually make, is the Whole
secret of their great power tocure
aiseayes.,- That is the teased these
pills cure anaemia, heart palpita-
tion, headaches and backaches, rheu-
metisin, neuralgia,', kidney troubles,
and a host of, other ailments due to
bad blood and weak nerves. But be'
sere you have the genuine with the'
full name''"Dr., Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale PeoPle," on the wrapper
around each box. If in doubt, write
direct to the Dr. WillaAms Medicine
'Co., Brockeille, bate and the pills
will be - sent by mail at 10 •centsa
box or six boxes for $2.50.
Miss Ida 1-leidcman returned:to her
home here on Monday evening. from
Detroit. AVIiss Ileiderriaa is .in -Very
poor health and slight hopes ale en-
tertained for her eeeevery.
Mr.. N. -Me Cantina has had an elec-
tric dynamo installed at St. Joseph
and is now able to charge his auto-
mobile itt that place. He alsp in-
tends lightning his hotel with electri-
city fe. • • . • • •
. ,
• . • '
• Chas, Girviii of Nile Ailed 'the pule
pit'here ou Sanday morning week.
:The -Nile League °Visited Beareiller
Ler.ligtie on May 30th.
Prof. Brush, veterinary dentist, sp-
ent a few days last week inour midst
File gave" 'Mich valuable information
on training ancebeeaking torsee, , etc,
Mise , Annie Wright. spent Senday
with her sister, Mrs. Jas.' Jewell,
Miss Leap Moliring spent . Sunday
.and Monday at her home here..9-f •
Rev. J. -G. . Yelland attended the
district ineetieg held at Clinton on
ay and .Tueiday of last 'week.
Sword Hatt has returned from To-,
ronte and is spending some time at
his home here. He ,lids beet attend -
Mg the School of Pharmacy during
the first year.,
Residents or this .township reeently
sent a patitien.to Ottawa for the
tahiishment of a new pestoffice, t�
zra known as Ceder Valley, On lot ' 5,,
concession 5. As this point is only
two and a, -half miles south of Carlow
gad, three and -a -half miles north of
Benmiller,, both of which eow have a
daily Mail, and as the new building
of the C. P. R. will necessitate some
ernment has detided to --ffo nothing in
this: connection for the present. When
Pie building of the newO, P. R. line
is completed, a number of changes
will probably be made in connection
with the conveyance of the snails to
and from points On or near The rail-
way. • . ,
Detective Rogers cd , Toronto has
leid an information against Geo e -Ro-
well, hotel -keeper,- of LeaMington, for
,refesing to provide .hint with break-.
Tho Northern Navigation Co.
-to all points on.
*Georgian Ray-Maekieric
For Saab Ste. Marie and North
Channel Way Ports-Steareers leave
Collingwood 1.80 p. Meaford
p. m., •Owe n Sound 11 p, m., Tues.
deys, Thursdays and Saturdaye.
North, Shore Diviefon-For Parry
Sound, Byng Inlet atid Preneh River.
Steamers leave Collingwood 10,80 p.
tn. Mondays and Fridays.
Lake Superior Division. -or Soo,
Port Arthur, Fat William and Dulu-
th. Steamers leave Sarnia 3.30 p.m.
Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays.
Through 'tickets and lowest freight)
rates. For information and tickets
apply to G. T. R. agents.
IL H. Gildersleeve, Mgr.,
C. IL Nicholson, 'Prattle Mgr.,
June it, 1906
M. Kt4N0N 8i. .13.L YTH
Last week we visited Toronto on a bargain hunting expedition, and s.
we otruck it right. We found on account a the cold backward spring :$0
several of the wholesalers were left with large (plantain of goody on
their heeds, which they were anxious to diepove of et reduced win0,
e, ..$
andd knowing as they do that we pay epat caoh for everything we but, .
they cut the prices down to the lovveet poesible point. In buying goods x
the first consideration with es le quality, If the quality is not pod we
turn them down, as the beet goods are none too good for our euetomere, X
We bought pretty heavy in Drees Gooch, Silks, Weal) Goode, White- es
weer> White Underskirts, ()oyota Covere, 1,Ifen Neglige Shute, Oirerj.
Ana, smacks and Staple Dry (TondW
o. e got a great enap in Scotch. Lin. a.
°lemma 4 yards wide, worth 05e, to sell at 00e per square yard. But
the greateet bargain of all was in
ea .
M I 1-4 14' 1\1" M "75r
4 We weee offered a large tot of New York Sample Hats, there being 4.•
cs: over .200 hats in the lot, it rather staggered us, but as they are all the 0
l'et latest style and got up specially for. the June trade, and at( we do A very
et. large Millinery trade and being offered at lese than half price, we clea. i•
) lied out the whole lot. They come in Elack and White Mita), Ready. y
+to -Wear and Outir.g fiats also Leghorns and Fame'? Untrimmed -Hate. V,
They are the finest lot of *hats we ever showed. They are exclusive 'e
*e: styles, and being samples there are no two alike. Don't vales the chance *1
a of getting your choice of over 200 new up-to-date hats at half price.
t We pay the Highest Price in Oash oreTrade for Butcee end Eggs. y
x I 4
s • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • . .• • • • • • • • ..e.
e• ems ye, eo.... y .4. e• e-• e• le ..• i.e. .4.4., •,,...0 ..04.0, e..e..e•ese•e•e•ee•••••es.oeto,aes.ve,••,„,•veeo, .t.
•••••••••• ••••••••••••••0004,•••••••••••• % • •
°Mill Socctils Lie Success/
. The success we are having in selling all
: kinds of FOOTWEAR gives us the confidence
to say that we have the best assortment and
the best values to be found anywhere. You
will fin dour Bargain Counter particulary
teresting for Friday and Saturday. Don't.
fail to see there Our stock must be reduc- *
ed. Several lines we are selling at less than
I We mean just what we say and a call will
. convince you that you can save money by
. buying your -shoes at. .
. The Old Reliable
See our:Gents' Patent Colt Boots the latest
style and the best on the 'market for $3.5,
'; W1/1. TAYLOR Sr SON .
• 0 In . ker. ‘1104)48 a -
0 • --=•-e-We arelprepared to meet your wants in Sumener Goeds-
9 patterns are beautiful. . • . .
lw DRESS 000DS-1-Lustres, . Voiles, Crepe de Chenes, Eoliennes, Etc.--
' Many 'specials in seasonable goods. •
ly good position to glee you the very hest values and a, choice eel -
tection at moderate prices.
# A charming 'stylishness seldom met with about nue Ladies' Millinery.
. , •
9 BOOTS AND SHOES -Our stock ii, , GENTS' FURNISHINGS -, A fun
CI) varied and complete, goods at line -of Men's' Shirts, Fam,y.
moderate prices, You can rely, Shirts, Choice Patterns 'ancr
on q frailty . • 'good 'fitters,
G 0 C'•'11 X S --
We keep our stock well as.serted, fresh and reliable. Try A sample Of
our Uncolored japan Tea at 250. You earl save Money by driving into
town with your Butter and Eggs. • . . ,
-. .
. , l'IcBeath
. •
'O. hifill.ber.S
Successors to DM;a3w& - CO. •
•00.008 0 00011*(ihrikg o o 0.0000
0 0 0 0
. ,
• • .
Saves `Jklitne:. and Labor, •
Every Lady Should Have One I
Undertaking' promptly attended to by night or day,
Night and Sunday calls tininVered ae reside -rice of either of the prince.
Pirat lay a podfoundation and then go ahead, Tim foundation of a Me
rniShed room is the 0AnynT, We Wow my 'rattans in each quality, ,
Viz. : Endish Brussels? 85e to $1.25 per yard; EnglishTapestries, 400
to '75o; all wool, (50c to $1 ; Reversib le Mien, 250 to 50c Art Squares,
many sizes and patterns,
priees44.50 ,to \$85, each; Tapestry Curtains, lane
• 'ey patterns, colors to triatch yontl Carpet, $2 to $0 per pair.
J. H. CHELLBW, Blyth.
Largest Purniture Store itti the County.
.1 .4
, J