HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-01, Page 126th Year CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 1st, 1905 Whole Number 1373 0Th 0Th uiniay., C.1 0 En E3 E3 0 0 ri D E3 C, El n 0 i7-1 El ri I-2 .t4410•1111`*41M, A CASE FOR PUNISHMENT. • : ANO'l'HER INDUSTRY. THE RIFLE SHOOT.THE LOCAL MARKET. Change r. I . . 0 • The other night a shade tree be- longing to Mr. Thos. Monaghan Clinton needs . mare industries and . . An increasing amount of interest is Wheat 050, of Advto, Farmers -G. B. Ballard 11 VVIAA,VitVW1ftftftW4010t0400A1Y1 _ EA ' CI . . . 13 . i•. • 12 . 0 Fa,....r. mers .. El was girdled by some evil-minded, person. The work was done with a dull axe and the footprints of the girdler were easily noticeable. An investigation. may yet be held by the authorities. we are pleased to be able to say that negotiations are now on foot ter the establishment at another manutaeter- Mg estahtioludent. It will. turn out- but 'at Is yet premature to go ' into particulars, suffice to say, 104 men, being taken in the weekly shoots of the Holmesville 'rifle association and good scores are being made. On. Fri- day last Mr, C. E. Dowding of town led with 42 out of a posslible 50. Mr. J. E. Hovey second 38 Oats 40e. . . Barley- 400 to 42e. ' Butter 140 to 15e. Eggs 18e• to 140. LINO .licp $0.25. . ' Bargain nting-McKinnon & Co4 . June eddi :S -W. Al Hellyar5' • or Sa • E. 'Middleton 0 Mare For Sale -Joe •Rattenbury 5 Farm- For Sale -D. Robertson 5 ci 004A00,1004„,40,4owyvviowootoww.‘meta,AANa, . E3 o -Bring your produce to: Too and get- Li u -highest trade price in change for gro-- - 0 THE FRUIT FROSTED. ' . Mr, David Cantelon infornted The News -Record on Monday- that the. early plums 'are nearly all killed and that 'the early cherries have will be at the head of it, IVIANY CALLED. Many of the teachers who were in .. town last week celled on The News- was with Points. *. . . IISTERS AT CONFERENCE. MN Owing to the absence t of Pastors Cook and Manning at .Conferencei next PASSED AWAY 'YESTERDAY. "Mr. and Mrs, Arch, Cousins mourn the loss oftheir youngest child, a bright little girl of four months, who passed aWay. yesterday.The little oSoeaulletdryTFenotirersszie.L.t.E.pI:lasrtranwtemiln. 05 Exceptional Values-liodgens • Bros .8 At • Saving Prices-Newcombes, 8 Noy Suits-Hodgens Bros 8 . 0 -caries . or oboes at the lowest cash.-.- o -price. - ..**,...........,--. • 0 . • En • 0 ' also suf- fered severely. The apples'though, , are scarcely, ' if. at all, damaged. 'presses. There is no better- local judge of the ' Record to see our electric -driven ty-I pepetting , machine, paper folder and • They were all surprised to see se completea plant, ."Why" said Sunday their pulpits will. be occupied . by others, iln Wesley church Row Mr. Magee will preach in the a,' in, and • Principal Lon& in the evening, one. was only sick a few h.ours and the suddenness of their affliction has added . to the grief ot the stricken parents. • • Bayfield, • , • . Jowett is ,..., 0 `-' 0 ----A FEW SNAP5------ E3 : En 0 ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY----- fruit prospects than Mr. Cantelon whose diagnosis be 'accepted as correct. 1 ' 4•RUNAWAY, one of • them, "this - is like a city office. The News -Record is certainly up-to-date," •• - . BIG HENS. - • • .. Rev: Kr. Wade will take charge of the services in the . Ontario street church . in the morning while in • the evening the pulpit will !be occupied by Rev. Mr.. Newcombe IVIr:ThoS. .•.. ASCENSION DAY. -•This being Ascension 'Day service was held in St. Joseph's church this Mr. erecting another new cottage in the White City for 'Mr. Malcolm McTaggart of Clinton. Rev. E. C. Jennings attended the Sunda* school convention at Exeter -FOR . 0 . 0 Any kind Turnip • Seed 121/2c lb.', . 0 messrs, C. E. Dowding, .. N. Ball, G. E. Holmes .and J. Johnson at- ' raises some profitah-• los, 3.0oreF4t,her le poultry. 'rile other day she dl s- and Mureh, • ' • a. M., hiRh, IlliASS being said .by Rm, Pensonneault, at 0,30. &class of children; 'whom the has been . in-Stanbury, this week. . -.. • - • Mr. T. Brownlee .and IVIiss Flossie Public school teachers, at-' El . • 0 Any kind . Mangold Seed • . -.1.1c lb. Malta Vita per package,. I:0c . ri tended the shoot of •the HOlmesville• title club On the 24th and ontheir way to the ranges had an experience posed of. a. • couple of Langsha,n hens which when killed and dressed weigh- ed .17* Pounds and for which she re- . LEADERS IN 'EDUCATION, • • . ' • . . . • structing in their--catchism for some weeks, received :their .first commuidon at this morning's service, • tended the convention at Clintoni last Thursday and Friday. . • • A dance will be given in the pa.vi- , 0 ' it 44 1.0C Force . Black or Japan Tea worth 35e for • 25c 0 0 0 which they would rather not hav.e repeated. They had a .spirited . team,. which G. E.. Holmes was driving and in trying to control them One of the alized $1,75,- EightY-live cents ' is considered a big price for a heti for tta,ebrlethuasne, thbautt.theSe Wellt A trifle beta . . . THE -SCA,FFOLD BROKE: • While -engaged paAnting c.n. his fAtIO . lion on the 'evening of June .0th, in theinterests of the Lakeside Boot - ball • club. The football Want...MA 'the o Men's Shoes worth .4.50 for $3.50 x • (I' tt 3.50 ". 2.50 • 0 o “. 150. " . 1.35' 0 0 lines broke when the horses set. off at full speed,i they continued running _for over half a -mile - and were only . 'brought, to. •a . step by • colliding with a past in, front' of the Methodist cli-:shaken 'urch in ' • •. . • . ... . . ONLY BARRED.ROCKS, • • • • . * mr, George Swallow, man er of theP it ' Stmt t I•1 1 11 • ou ty .ion a' . o roes% i e, informed The News -Record yesterday . . : etl.u. new . house on Tuesday, the SCaffOld . Upon Which Bert. 1VIcIlveen wwflast1.3.saltaonthienrg. obarlatithe wanitdh haitithwuedrit, d,4)t-, sWPaaSt'tteeltil s itaiapinr%tilitheorthalleyr wig .poses celebrating first of" uly, here. ' • Mi JameS. McGee has . disposed . ef- his tr p roperty and stage outfit _o M . Hmatrtrlye taLoivtetdlehloithEisgiwnocenidivialulea. toMork.. , 0 0 Ladies' and childrens' Shoes lb'. ail. styleS 0 .. c3 and sizes at the same big reduction. u ,.., . '-' • . Holmesville, which threw th- • - • cm both to the ground, The rig was damaged. and a couple of its occu- Pants a little . injured,: . All jumped out as soon as the line gave wey.- • • that they already have 400 neWly hatched. chhi.altens at tile' Station. ' raise, not ing but Barren Rocks," he went on to say, "though I have been informed that it is . the intention •ii.VVA 7 . • there was •no damage done, • . . BOT. THOROBRED STOCK,. - .. . . . Boa Of the Base Line . and poSsession June. 1st. Mr„, McGee has, taken up his residence on fatm . . . . . . at Btucelleld. • • • . - • • " • . Rev. J. ' Snell is 'attending the.. Me- thodist conference • at Listawel , • this En • E3 • . ' G. B. BALLARD- .CLINTON • D . • Si • •• • ' - • o E3 • R. Graham's Old Stand, TI -IE FIRST DRAFT. The first draft. of the' Stationing• , committee . of. the. London Conference was ;.out yesterday, There . . , of ,the Department, to increase the capa- VciatrYieilest, hoe( Phte4,41°011eicsa..nld, raise -°11W • . • . • ••• THE OLD GONE. • .,„ • - • Colonel Varcoe of Cabal -me were in Sarnia, 'last .weelt and ;nought Mr.- W. • R. • Stewart's herd of - Polled-Angils• cattle, 'eighteen in "al.L. Mr. Butt pur- cased a • cow; a. very ilea spedimen • .• . . ,.. . . . Mi . • William Elliott of • , • • • •• . •Bethel took the topic.'at the Leagius at the Metho- dist churCli .on Sunday .evenin,• Mr .• ... o• • Mr: Stiell's6 0 1.• 1 0 0 0 D E:3 El 0 El El 0 0 E3 0 Cl El [3 0 0 El D El 0 - •e aaaaa given .. are . . . . not , many changes in !this • district, but at • least • a couple mere • are expected' in th next and final -draft - t a.. , ,SOLD1ER. .. ..• . Geerge • • '.GwYnne' died. 8,tc.the. litille . of Refuge . on...Saturday last, . aged ' t ".' . -4.-y) . . Of the breed and , a big spriie. winner 'several tunes in good .company.. 3/1r, Butt is never satisfied unless he has . .. , „James Wallis will take. Work next 'Sunday, .. • : . : . Mr. GeOrge Trott, „photographer,. of lionsa,.11, 'arrived on Saturday with ...aa.......o.m.a...a••••m,••••maa.....m.,•aoama....a....a....- ., .. • 00000000000000000000000000000000000c000000 Tne. transfers •that are of special 'int- .. • 'are 'Ont seventy-eight years He came . froin ••• . • • • . • - . . . Wingham • and had been an inmate of . the hest whether it .176 in cattle or • • ,•• . • ., . : • _ horses.. • • - • • his movable. gallery.... . . o 0 o . . .. 0 t hereabouts • Clint' n• eres . •• . . ° ' ' • '' St, 'H. 4,.. Graham. from WellwOod • ; -. . the •House for sonie time He was a ' • • . * ' - . • . ' .. ' . .• ... .• - 7.. . ' .. . . . D. ROBB, . P.'S, INSPECTOR *' : ., . . .: . Mise. Sadie. Watson'. of Stanley wai the guest of MSS Meta ' ErWin. a few o • • The Sovereign. Bank- . .:), .0. o , • .. •, . ..,..: , • • • , . ..,. .. 0 • o .0. Chartered by - - •Dominion•Partiament <>.• o _ . . . , . . .. 0 o 00000 0000000000000000 00000000000000000c ,c, o _ 0 . ' • . o •o • .- c • • • 0 o 4lit .1 . .. • .• •• • o .„ . . Interest. on' •Deposits., paid • . g . c 0 • ' 0 o ' 't.' • •'• . o o nt ' ' . . ' . .. .. . ' . "LP `› o . . 4 Tunes a, rear ' o, " .. • . ,• o • o c , 0 o .• 0000000 •<.. 00,0 000, 0.0.<.,,o,c,,c,000000000000•00000•0 . . o (> -,) <> CLINTON 113.12ANCH ..... . '• . 0 o ,. . • • .. • - - ..-------"--"'W-13RYDONIB-:-.Soilcitor_. 0 - ',‘. •, ti .1 PA r C F, Manager. - - - . • -, • . , . . 0 ' Wingliarri, F. 11.•:Wal,Wiii from .Landoio Blyth, •Selburne A.• Anderson ;''. Nile iiii.cag, 0. tt,(111-; jr..ti.1702.00.h.,ii fjr,,i_mc4..&ioitsh . Dorcheater,' j,- IlolineS frbin. Myth. • . • • • ' Mitchell W. G. Hovvaon irein London . , • . • . Brooke, T. 13. , i-., 11 from: A.riburn;^. Leamington.; -.1., R, Giiiidf front Wing... ham-• Cottam, j.. Kennedy 'heti Nile. ReV...II't A: Grahare; who. is,. doWnfor Ontario St, church ,was. Ordained, • in 1826.; 116 iia; th • broer• of • Rev. Mr. Grehrim of' Victoria, St church. .God- eridh. • . • • '. • • • : * ' STILL- ANOTHER- VICT.ORY. tt h.' "'•' •fallen 1 ,thi. • -.ow ...aye the mighty nine 'different .occasions. since .,•04 : : the' • • c.. c...I, tenni %went. to Soa.orth to dil• • Jiattle....fet..the..Hongh .Cim_and.' . nine .--- ---E.---6, Oar .laniate). •aa'ving .11!rned, aver .. ta: pension from the British Govetnnien of ninety -dollars .a year to the coun-, ..In ty..: . 1.1i.s remaiIis were laid.away . .in ra. 11_ 0 • R • :Gunn°. winch ..Plalton...centetery, Rev.... , , . . . 6' d ett t ervic s • • mon ea e -.ng. -.he s , P • : . 1 b; S. IdOOlt INJURED. • - tf ree:. : • ",_ " . ... ' - • tend • ..' On . Atonday • Mr... D, .S. ,Coak „•:. met where clasg with..„,an. .aecident, Wnich . might ,., have . been. 'of.. a 'sets Serious natUre..1.1-le hiri.)eerP. eove a • Stove . from Raid .1,54448 hOWIllg: to . rm Cantelon's Store and • while " it . •waS. teaeliing,.•taldng being, lifted Stein ' the :hack . 'platform seliciel . to . • his *dray, . the platforin.' cellansed... inained. with Mr.- Cook ; par tlY underneath, School - - mg His ribs' and .leg Wete badly bruised,. . but *fortune/tellthere ire no him ii' • Clinton h 4w. tion'of;niathem.atical...master ' li.t ' ' f • . ' so • he will., be. Ill rig again in .7. Collegiate days.- , This is about the first acci.' . , with •-derd.-41-.1.,,....Coo.k.,..has_met..4w4th• .• wi . - ' - EAST.HURON. ' • ; :•• ••• 'F ebrilarf 136% 'Mr. .:toac..iiin.g. • .,..in, •,. the •'.pri.bit-c.o.sb.ii.,.5.0b;,, •were then .known• as the Com-. .. .. . . .. . schools, He : there reMained . for years when he resigned to at- • Yea .• .. • , . • the Militqy C011ege. at Kingston hp . -obtained . second a,nd.. first.. • certificates.. 'He joined' the Vol- , . . . . . . • • . . .s.Od ••'rOved :during the :Fenian. ...te ' ,ot '1888. :1-16. theri peturned change -of .thil.Public , at. 'Birmingham where' he' ', until h.'s. entered -the' :' Normal . at . Toronto. and. 'after attend_ .there. 'for one . year . he .came .; to, in 1881 to accept . the . posi. ' in ' the...'try .histitute. ,-^ which he ' :filled en lie so Is ac ion •un i is t' • t' i - t' until If • . ' • aP- • . : •• . • . ., 1.1. Cuily,.,..:.S. ackson. s...holt . Ottavva; May 28i --Mr. Thomas Jack- . • • ' son of the • Georgian .13ay Canal sur-, vey..^niet With a •severe accident while ' •• Ottawa--' - ••frontPort-! crossing the Rive). , ' age du 'Fart . With : a, ..Coiiple of friends ; The party• • wire'. in a.• 'canoe, in . the b. ttoin • 'of Which beneath -the' coats o . , . . , r ' . e.. .rtywp;S. 0,.. rifle; ;.O- Of th14 ,etting, out of ' thecanoe;' Mr.: 'Jackson; ..in lifting . out.'. hie coal*:.and7the . rifle; in some unknown% way, set, '.off . 'the.' gun. rhe bullet bullet paSseVcotalilateiy. through his bedy. • His Companions hnrried. him to the Pembroke. Hoepital. Small hopes •.- are I eirtertairied'ef.iiis .rectiv- • Mr • Jackson is • about 32 years • • • * •• • '' • • . ' ' :• • of age' ' • • ,.• . . • - - • • ' is' a :son Of WS. ' D.' days - the Pest :week. • ••• '• .' '. • • lifr, anti Mts. FetrY .of near KipPen: were the; guests of the Miases Parsons •on Sunda.y. . . .. .... . llir, and Mrs.. J. A. Icing of . Olin:- i . • ton spenf.Sunday• in the v'llage •M .. d • M • R 1.1 - '• .r. an . Mrs R. owaid amid , two children Of. Smith's- Falls arrived' 'eat Week . to . spend a short while' . , With. frienda . - - • • ' • ' ' • ' - . ,. . , , . . .. , .,, mrs, .. : ",,.,•Er;win ..is.•, •the :guest . of. kr Mrs .• 11, •Stepliensoo, of the parr 'Line• for • a short While. .'. .. .- . • . . • .:'• •Mr:. John .Mitchell 'of Lobo wag 'the. glieSt ot Mr. • and1VIrs. •'...-^A.... Edwa,tds a .few days last week. ..• •::. • • • Mr. . Rowntree, of, London was • in the Village.• one ,•day. last week and engaged. Misa••SiroOson's house • for the. ' •:- . ' - ' • 'stinmier.,..He expects. to be short- • . . . , . •.:•1 - ' .. „ • ." .. times they returned empty ande ... • . •.. . - . .. .• . .. • , . in' Ha* 1800 'Plibrir ..,,,,,I,Tr:;.;,ltsaii . -Eli.; lt, . . . :. • • * •:;c• o00.0006,000 --0-000c-<>00, 0666,o0000000<>6.00<>6660,-,>0 ' - . - pointinent as Those were the . good' .044..:days ' when • .• ,. .. 4tBOUT THE . HURON ,R,EGIMENT ' School Inspector for 'East I-futon...Ho VACS ' and regulation's did not 'eoont ., • . , - . .• :. .. ., _ • • . . • • 'Stevens. J ' k "i -1Iullett• a d is well ac son . o . . , ri : , w.T. ne.•kinsonAto.c.no,,.- Y. as Curly" ``.pikit:igrhlyt,s,, Mrs A... VESIVire- is • vigftfificiff." ... •• . .. .. , , . enisie...ax.e.aivir •.tho; ' a .. . • , . . . • . ..holds.•SPeoialist'eceitificates in math. •-'• for' •mucli, ' when. Tom ' ' ..,i'l.,F- ...: wr,u'ior. Beek Ii is retired fro n the • • - . . • .• .. .,. , . . 7 . 1 .4 ... mm tics ..and . science •and is. 'a hi adu- ingstone and., others figoted on• the' military...service and his:: f amiliar .•fig.... . ate of: Queen's JiiiversitY,',.}i.6... takes Hough Clip' teim.S. lonig ;after they hath. tire ,:will •no• longer 'be ..seeit on „duty. . ... . . an ac -in' ter -6 i • • 10th •t' ertainS 'the tlie *' h'' 'comrades . f the 33 - -*-- Inc- • -7-. • .es n•^s ^ a P ,fd.ailungth ta...orl. iaa. a .. . i . repert •11 W s Making- favorable .' Oa- 'th„-,,,, ' ..e • 'a ** - . - ' • - - ' • - • ' . . .. •• • . • eCipenotito,.nwahtc.l.ipsreastetnett;ding Normal' it London, paid'a short Visit to his •heine last Week • • ' -•••• ' . . . . Mrs.. Liddy add daughter, 'Mrs. •Wal - T. jackson ST1., Chnton • . ... . . .. • . . given .e0 . worry and toil of with is old9 .„ , i IL. subjects . of • the High .school .enkileia; ' since... :1884. he baS been quarterrna-s--... 't° ' the .cause of , education, ..and . in. • . him every teacher ,• who does: his . 'or Tiinea..ha,ve however, ter-. Mid the. headquarters the Hur-- . ., , LEADERS ...IN EDUCA.TION. - 'ker or Detroit ale spending.. a short ..w bile in the. village. •• • ' • . , um. changed, . of litt nuty, . as. a persona rien .. • c •Seaforth -On*•• Catling • • Mrs. • J. ^* who spent the . • . . .., , . .., .. litlyt*Itli,•""`"'"°64441111411.16.111,4".. • . - . .• • ... .. • • . ; ' • and . on Saturday the ...Col- ens Ileighte Will li.ardly. ,. . . . . . . , .. . . . ., ,, - .. SOO* .'.,throngliout: his• ..inspeeterate legiate . team' ;went - down. in their 'fifth seem-. the . same: Without :the r se.nial . are kept up .10 a high standard. consecutiVe.• defeat • by the. present hot- Major.., • • , :....... ' • , • . Like • ii.• • /1 t • :al . T . . lie ,,,• .. • -, . ... . , . • . . . . .. ' . . . .• IS CO ' ea, ge, i. on -i, . is ..a.. dere of the Coveted•:"nieg, • -.• .. . It is eiliected that captain ..11,164.. ineniber of the Presbyterian . Church. • :Like most of th,.. teams....whose lati-..; Taggart: wilt ^perfokin . the ' u ties • . • Of . :In Messrs. Robb and Toni ..t he county' liable ambition .has led them.. to ‚it- • ..tfin,rterinaster at this year's OartiP. has --tWo• inspedors :to' whom:Abe Care . tempt • to f qiit'qt,lie..,0iip 'S.eaforth,•did • and eventeally .be. promdted to : the of. the, .6ehools..0,u„iieo, wdly•-he, ,.0.. not.ha,Ve Very' (Mich hopes. The Pro:. position He has heft in ;the-,:serviee; trusted , ' , . . .. . . . , . . . , . . . . ,. Wese of . the .bonie . teltel during ... the • .sevetal ' years, for a 'deCade 'as. oap- . ' . Past two Seasons the present tain, He is in. the , . • " . . ... • '. ' • . .organ,. . . winter 'in. Toronteirzarrived last ...week anti eipects to remain here during -dig summer. ^' .. • * . • . - 'Nisi Lizzie Newcombe of. Goderich. Was the guest of. Miss .Lenni•Erwin a feW. days.. -tfie' past . Week.. , _ ,•• • Mr. „. •GeOrge Sanderson et Tororite is the.. guest. of his parents., gr.. and ... . . . .Mrs; Thos. Sanderson. . .. . We are offering -genuine bargains in , .. ' .. :., R.eady-To-VVear..ClOthing*: • . • • • •1•4 , ' e . ' * and invite your inspection • • , • • . . ...,,gamq • 'I . ' ' : . and .00 now command- of • has earned; respect froratheir-opPen-Brussels ' Company and is .regardeil as • LITTLE 'LOCALS , the best officers. in the Regi- • ' • ' -• ' **.' .• •,. .. • • . .. . ..denotwsh, ' It .hisitlruheopeOsW.,entiStoeuvnedni..'Ciahnieye mint In, • The report of the teachers' :canyon- .. . . will know better' .next. linie,'. :In Ile . • , me aato• goes under .etataas. • ;A.A. .,tion'hellf.last .v.reek appears on pageq... this, season have the champions London •ori Tnesdav. next,. r • .a and .6.- . .. •• . - . . i ' been forced to extend themselves arid. ., . • . . , • . ... . , . .•, .• •:Ca,ntelon..Bros.- are .buying, on • the Saturday's game was no exception, ANY APPEALS; . 'average, 1,000 Pounds of butter -and The story :of. the game , is stion'told.. .. ' . • • . •• . . , . 1,000. dozen • of eggs six deka in ...the Clinton' Won Abe toss held its and kicked • with , The . court 'of Aevision . h :week.. '. -• • *•.. ',' , : . ' " the Wind.. and ' by strong,. 'aggressive' 'fftst:yiesSion Mom ay night, hnt. t. ete Mr.-. J. J. 'McCaughey of the Corn- Work Snored. three goals in the first was.i•So :xnueli. besinese ' that after• .. a • mercial . hotel rOoPened.••the .iink ' on • lite <Sitting' . an .aliourninent was roade ._, . ...• • • . . . . -, - half.. There lins: been -6...notable • im- • : - - . - • - ' . • Weireesuay for the accommodation• .91 • to last eVentrig. . Tlie ,appeals •are sup- • . • . .proveincrit,' this 'spring in the work of . ...- . . .. . - . • • •• .' horses. • *. . ' •. • , .. :...• ... .. th6... forisiat4 line; They ,play .very limed to be ta,sen • in . alpha, beitacat or- : R 't '. .' . .. S - Fi zsimons & on made a .' , ' . •under , .- . ,. • . ' Mrs., Jame§ Sturgeon. is visiting hen daughter, Mii.. 'Smith, ' at. London,' .. this week. . • • Mrs. 'Hudie*, who • his been...Spending a . few weeks' ire, the village. returned to London last week, • : •*. - *. A public demonstration in cooking, •the auspices . of . the Woman'a Institute . will be held in the Adivn hall on 'June 12th at 2.30 P. in. 1.4rS., Joy and Miss ShuttleWorth will give . • 'the ' demonstration at the afternoon ,tneating. and will lecture. in. the even- ing when . a short . program will. also ......‘...-1........wa",atatroawa‘maitaata**Aitittaalsast ' - . . .• . . . . • . ... i . , • .- • . • . .:.ft , .,ship . . . snappy •garne.,and are'right. on . top ;der; put .4s, Mr,.Searle:had ap-. . . . . ., .. , . .• .... , _ went of live hogs to Petrol'a this., J'..E. TOM' P S zNapt CTOlt pealed. agai t ' the •• h. 1 - . li he .• a , , ,, . . ,. .: of the ball in Irani of go ml .In tlie, • as - e ' w e e roll . - was * week. Ca:Melee & . Wallis, wilt • sinake second half Seaforth :Seared a goaLon, .0 . .. . . , . a shipment of 15v of.theid today. .. WEST HURON,. ''' ': .:: . • : otiven. an .oppertunity of stoting- Ins . .. . . , . , ,. , , • John Elgin Tom, Inspector of Pub- a* ridiculous Alike and so the. gam.e ease 'fiv•ti !e4'. !I s.ne,e,..es.fel Wa..:s •• On Monday ,,eieiting a umbel. of, lie Schools for West . Huron; . was ended.. 3.f.; .• . . .. • . .. • . zio necessity oi nit met . proceetortga. Y.:Ming people gathered. at the home of • • . • .. - ' • . • . •-• .* "1852 I ' to born Durham he. rendeted. . A silver' collection • W,111 b• ' taken' ' ..t• b th sessions to help , e . up a , .co • . , , , :'defray expenses: .At the doge of the •afternoon session a 'tree lunch will be • served by the numbers °Utile SoCiety., Th -'II'• . •••• T. Jackson Sr.-, . .,-...it,...i. "Chilton - . . . ' .... . . - •• -Clinton's half -boa'. line c.an. hold Mr. Searle; however, refused - with any fortVard line that do so, • so •the couit had to :go ..ahiaa • • • ' -the with - the others wincli were. d'isposid comes along and Bala.McKenzie, . .. youngest inernher of the team', playa of 48•••tol.low.s•I .,.• • . - like a veteran already. The ..haeas • 'James .1V1cMerohie, .diSiniSs6d- • . in county in . . n Mrs F. W. Watts and spent • a very '• • • • . 1853 his parents moven to $.• S. .No. merry ',time in music gnomes, ' etc. . . . , • . ' • 5, ,Usbotne,.. °minty of Huron, where Dining he evening ye res men, s were ^ t ' ' ' f' h t" ., he received his . Public, school oduca, served by the hostess and 'after sing-' tion. .At. the Normal. School, . toron- ing. "don Be. With You Till We . Mont to, lie'tained . a- second-class .'eerti-', Ob. , e members will also please reiriem-; ber the regular monthly Meeting whi- . • b held t home • ch is to ea , the. of Mr's. Tough •on Thursday ,of.. next week. ' This' meeting is very import- is the:annual and 'all . . .. . '•. '. i. ... . • ) • . .e. ,I, • V:"^1.4"1":":••••••"•":••+•••" !,`"*. • , . • • . • • . , • . • . .4., A. • •t. HI . • ' are -strong • and good putter's, but : Mrs. Labia Olerk,".redueeff $100,,, . • have a. beria.ney to hang ha* •toa. George Cook; Joseph St., dismisses Mueli. They do not support the hew James Cook, Joseph. St.,. dieinissed. closely as they should and their David, Cook., Ilattentairy St.„ reduc-t. Again" . all left for. home at 'A. SS - --P" 1k -ate in 1511, and atter . four 'years' sellable hour. . . . . . ' . . • • . . . . teaching in a rural school filn Haildi- WOMAN'S 1.NSTITUTE..MEETING, • ,mand cowl y he Stour a first ass ant as .it . one the , members should make %a .special effort to attend. . A. ARGAINS- ..2. i„., am, a • .. . .. • .. • , :my -../41. .. , •s4 A. 1 ' - • ' • • ,„ X . . * • 3 1 ery line we carry we hive speciatvaloes, We have too 'Many Goods, :44: ke •nev o and are bound to reduce out Stock during the neat two months. . . i t. DAY A BARGAIN DAY. y. es' as itfeks often, ao. not reaoh the forwar- r ed $50, • ' .. . • •• . . - ' ' - ' h • II p • ts. of ' th - George Davis, reduced .$100. . . ,, ds. But in t e ne oin - 0. ., . • .. . . . 'Abe, team has: nothing to learn William Sheppard, dismiss° . game . . g William „ . G , dismissed..d from. ' the best of. %elm Mr. 0 -oven- ri.ggo.. lock toal London, the referee, . was •so Mrs. I. Glazier, disidissed, . grade "ii." certificate ' in- 1876, In The tegniar monthly meetin' g of the^ the same., year he became principal of • , . • . . . . . . th. , ., . Woman s..Inhtitute was held at the • e Georgetewn• Public, sehool., which residence of. Mrs, D. Preach on Thurs he resigned to aecept. the .poiltion oi day afternoon last With a fair atten- seience master in -time St. IViarys • Col:: dance. Miss L. Johnson was elected legiate Institute in ' He remain- . . ..,..,-..., LoiiiiO4 Road. . . . .. .. it. Kennedy a,nd Strong heti° been busy during the .past week . moving barns for • - EVERY --.,. 4 . , '1 'fii,Vorabl • impressed 'by the showing Mrs; E. Hill, •dismissed. • Mss Mary Hine, redueed $50. •• .187(7, viee-president.and after the ustal roll -ed in this .position •until .1885 when lie -• gs. Bail, J. White and smaller bluildhigs for several 'Others big -DItESS GOODS- ., t All the new makes at popular ;4 prices, many lines at cost atid 8613143 Y loss than cost. • .T. PRINTS, LAWNS and rIUSLINS• •?. Baas AND .SHOES- y We' handle these goods as aside' !:**„ line add keep .only food. reliable .`t,• §oods, made by one o the best inna. ".2. t era itt thetrade, and we Sen them 1 Jose than usually sold by the aboett •of the Clinton team that lee held o4 small helms of Londati'S • appearance Miss Flora Mine, distnissed. George Steep, reduced. $50.. a week thml Saturday. ''•Thomas Jackson, reduced $100. The winners : J Goal . 0...Sawers Walter Xing, dismissed: . ' ' 'E ' Badour Miss iVrounteastle, .reduced $50, Backs, M. Shipley, E. our ,,,, „, ,,.., , .„_„,,,,,,, • Halves, E. McKenzie, C. Math- mr$, Ili 4v-m0111''l i'l'i".°'u"' tine of business Mrs; T.' Kearns read accepted - a similar position in the . a piper' on "Canning Fruit" Audi also Strathroy Collegiate Instititte. He 'gave several .Valuable receipts.. , Dis- became Inspector of Schools for West; eussiOn and interchange of ideas fol.. Huron in . oat, • . ' . . lowed, Owing to the serious illneseof .Mr, Torn haa for several years !been her mother, Mrs.,' J. Steep was tot- treasurer and elder of Knox . church, able . be. her . The wire- 1 worm has been working. hard this sPring in the oat fields. • .. . Mrs. • Chas, Layton was a guest at the , Raven-Forbea.'' nuptials in' at, Thomas on Wetineaday. • • r. . ,t 100 pieces of Print worth 12ic at rOc t . Lawns from 100 up. 'X • Muslins all prices.. •$. , . .s: -READY•TO•WSAR GOODS- * ,' • X Shirt Waste arid White w, ear, •S.4 at cost to clear. - ' . ' :. 14. 01031t AND WHITS corroNs • 2, 14 Flannelettes, Small Wares, La. 40, died Waterproofs, oleo, at wholesale I. prices. ..- If tV" - t 6C1 V hie Mt, VOnt \ - rut than •.: 44,it f give you betteaharamos I. In the toWililis4144*0.41**.yr.•••11i#1,1v,vi..”4,11•0*6441,06.er•••••• 2 dealers. . y • . .41, . - • . $ ' . .4. •-•^- !WADY MADE CLOTHING -4 .4, •-• "I' * We have far too many goo& .1 ••••• this line and We want to 'clear out 4 . 0,000 or more in the north* weeks ? We Will give you prices that yott •to eareb get atIV17 'ere e100, Full lines st .„ a qi AAA ,., „.„... y 1" ' '" *14 '.'"'-• .'n'''''''F ." .. Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Water. A $ Proof tlOatih *AS§ - 1•. • 4 morie e014410 04 see us, We • 7 . . h. 1 * you can get ariyw ore e Ise , „t„ .;;' - .-resumes $640 iten, (capt,), D. -Cranston' ., ' Thonlos Mackenzie, - " ley •reduced $400, • ti rwards T. Mustard M.- Whidd- E...Dius o 0 o o . .., , ,„„, w 0 Searle general appeal 1-"°"' on, D. Fraser, V. YOungbinto --.•• . * • , . . • D. McLean. ' . • . • MISSed. Referee W. 1VL GOVenlock IL A., W. C. Searle, .cOrner store ' redUced I London. . ,, $100. •Goderich C. 1, were to have 'been J. L. Sheppard, reduced $50. the . next Vietinia and were due to John Smith, reduced $50. ' . PlaY next. Saturday, but they hoe' jehit Steliffenseno 'reduced $80, shown the white feather and have de., James Stevene, reduced $100, cited to default, This is VitiOil re',' v. H. Webb, dismissed^ gretted by the Champions as ' a Jas. MeIntyre, distills sed. ' member of the Goderich team made , Jos. Copp, reduced $400. . himself decidedly conspicuous during Jackson Dros,, redneed $11.10. the progress of the Owen Sound- Additions- . ° ' to , present so subieet, Goderich, and also superintendent ok "The, Entertainment ' of Company," the guild school. • He is a metnher , . .. e ay was introduced by Mrs. J. P.• Doher oftheRTofT,I 0 Or,/ 0 twhich• cl` ' followed ' . . * * 1 . ' * y, after mount,*F,, O. C. II, C C ,O. 0 P a d ••+' . ' ,. I ., • n and several of the members gave the- chairman of the publie library board. ir opinion. on tire subjeet.. Miss Jo- As. Inspector • of schools Mt. , Tom hrison and La.'s.. . French were aPPoint- has• 1.4biored earnestly for the advance, ed to arrange a program tor thm. ev- ,,,, ment of the pupils add the improve- 'ening, meeting to .1bie held on June 'do ' meat of the school houses of his di- when addreqses will be delivered': • by I ' . H i •• ta t th • US I • t • • , v mon. e o aims a . a 0.0 ma 0. ladies from Toronto and Guelph on West, fluron have, in every respect,. Womaxa Institute . work. This Inca- been etitial to• those in any. insmetor - ing will take Place i • the council ch- •• 1.-1 • • - . accounts.. . P 11 ate I . the Province,. winch, amber. The text regular • meeting ter the high standing and PrOgreeg will ihe held,, tot the home. • ', of Mrs. , ' - ' . of these schools, - Wafter 1Vlanning on June Mid when - • ., . Londeaboro. ' • - -Rev. B. Clement • is at Conference at present and Rev. Lougheed Will take charge of the service next Suna ' • - day evemug in the Methodist church. A telegram was received'. by Mrs. D J ekson last weak stating that ' • a her gen Thomas who is surveying i • ' • - • - and in the Ottawa district, had been 'd ILshot d ' aeei ente, y an. Wan in a very' ... • • • mike), condition. Her youngest son arvey lei for that place!on Prida•R II t ' niorning. . 44 4, .S.• Clinton game two weeks ago and the II. T. 144,116) inCOM6 $500. ,,,...,,,, "Desserts," 4 .. ... , 4. H•' PLUMSTE, •, L,.. ,,,, .--.• 4. mi . • . 7- y 4;4 V la. • The Old Sttutd . Cll t ' - hAti. 44: A.1.,.. Clinton boys were lookiwg forivard to 11. C, Brower, income $500. , the opportunity of showing him - and c. E. Dowding,- income WO. . . , .. , . . his team what strenuous football is, Gone Levis, business assessment, An effort is being made toliave lAs- Queen City 011 00,o himiness MOSS" imimi +aim flutir Mb/1A. 4.44,4...414 the,sub.jepts will he : • ' led by Mrs, 4, -John'son and " The Mrs. It O. Dell and two. children ar. Arrangement of PloWer Garden," rived yesterday from Port lorands by Mrs. O. Doherty. • and are guests a her parents, Mr. EVer$0 person interesteil will bey and Mrs; John Dell. no Ivaco- .. Al '4 - ht. 4s. N1,4 AI& At. . „ PetSC4161. . . • „ Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon of Hen. sail were. guests, of Mrs. William • : ..,, 0Th 0Th uiniay.,