HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-25, Page 8H.d.dge.nsB:ros.,
Clean ug •
.Some Odd Curtains
on. Saturday •
PI l
. nissiminnansonse
We took last Saturday to clear the
Carpet Remnants, Next Saturday th' odd
Curtains have to go. Every odd pair has ,
been picked out and will go onspecial table
marked at reductions from regular prices. If
you have a single window that needs a pair
of Cuttains, here is your chance.
One pair Swiss Net Curtains, deep Ecru, slightly
damaged, regular OA, on Saturday morning $2 58
per pair •
One pair only Swiss Curtains, deep Ecru shade; tq 9g
regular $6.50, Saturday morning WW8
One pair only white Nottingham Lace Curtains, •
Bat tenburg edge, 4 Very handsome Curtain regu- Cr) nn
Ian $4.90, slightly soiled„ Saturday morning Wadi)
Three pair only, fine Nottingham Lace Curtains,
beautiful designs, regular $3.50, Saturday morn- ei no
ing, per pa r IOU
One pair only deep cream n Nottingham Inca Cur-
tains, best line we have in stock, regular $5.0
' $3 60
Saturday morning
Two pair only Nottinham Lace Curtains, the 75c
last of our $L00 line, Saturday morning" .
About a dozen. sample ends 'Swiss and Batten
burg Curtains. fine quality, each end about lf
yards long, showing the lower portion of each
Curtain, just the thing for Sash Curtains, clear- 65c
ing Saturday morning each
. Colored.HOse have the call for the coming*
slimmer. BlaCk,the standard .for so many
iseasons,.takes. second place, .for Dame Fashion
has declared that colors are the Corre.t, thing,
this weekwe passed into • stock some .new:
American 'Cotton 'Hose in the much -wanted '
Tan shades, in plain and fancy- patterns.
. ,
. .
Children's. Tan .flose, 20c and ::25c
Ladies' Tan Ho'se,'.25e:.and.We,.,
Ladies' fanCy Hose, many•pattetris,
black or tan .grounds, 37c•
Extra Value in
Scotch Linoleum
New Scotch Linoleum il just in this week..
There is economy buying this durable, floor cover-
ing 'for any room where there is inueli traffic. They
will out -wear half a dozen ordinary Carpets, and..
cost but little more than a Rag, Carpet. •
Scotch littioleums, . 2 .and 4 yards
wide, 40c, 50cand 60c per §4: yd
A. Fawn Coat
The Fawn Jackets are very much in demand,
and have had a large sale • this season... Here are •
three special Bargains in the popular garments'
' Three only ladies' Fawn Covert Coats, tight
fitting, new sleeves, •well made and tailored
throughout, a very stylish garment, sizes 34, $0, sK.5n
38, regular $8.00, Saturday morning each.. U
• •
Ommensagumminaimmaninniim- '
That Leads,'
Our_Millinery is winning new friends every
day. We are showing styles that are Correct. Not
too much of any one, but a wealth of variety and
wideness of choice that enables us to satisfy the in-
dividual taste of every customer. Come in and see
the new •
New York Outing Hats.:
New York buck. Hats
American 'ark.cy Shapes.
Atnerican Flowers
They are new, they are stylish and there are not
many of any one kind.
Hodgens Bros.,
or, Coeds -Clinton
'Tice Clinton Now041000rd
All Grilles
of all Paler
Agents Parker's Dye Works,
L 1
D Pair CO,
Retailers of Wall Paper of the Better
Often the Cheapbst, Always the BeSt
Mr R. J. Bell was in Toronto, this
Mr. Alex. Robinson was in Goderieh
• on Saturday:
Mr, Th1os. Bell spent Sunday with
Londesbero friends, •
M. and Mrs. • W. 1VIcL'eod of Seaforth
Were guests of Mr., and Mrs: R. A.
Downs over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs: N. Asquith of • Auburn.
Were in .Clinton on Monday.
Mr. John Lewis of London is visiting
his son' at the Normandie hotel.
Registrar Coats was in town yester-
day looking' almost, as well as ever
Mr. John. Stanbury was in Seaforth
and Titckersmith Saturday, and Sun-
day, • • • • • • ; •
Mrs. Jas. Flynn and Miss Friel spent
'• Saturday and Sunday with Sealer-
. ••th 'friends., • l• •
Mis Mackay and Miss Neville; God -
ouch, were guests of • Mrs. A. Gin -
lager this week. • ;
Mr. and 'Mrs. David Cook Sr. have
beenvisiting friends in and • about
Mis. J. J. McCaughey and her ' son
Jack visited at Mi.' Frank.'Medati-
gliey's of Liickno'W; this • week. :
Miss Lottie Ker Was the guest from
Saturday •until Monday of her aunt,:
Mrs. Jai. Eagleson of Goderich
Mr. and Mrs.' • James Miller of the
Base 'Line spent Sunday with Mr.
and. Mrs. Albert karien of • Hew,
. •
Goderich last Friday attending the;
funeral. of thd late .1VIrkJohn
Mr. A.Ij. Taylor, Canadian. Passel'-
: ger *agent !of the C..111, 4. St. P.
Railway, • called upon Mr W Jack-
son on Friday last.
Mr and Mrs.. W. iViaVittie, Miss Mc -
'Mtn; and Mrs. Jones,. tinderich,
Were In Clinton yesterday also
isited Rullett friends: . ..-
Mrs.J.Reid. and Miss Reid of Toronto,.
fernier residents of Clinton, are
visiting Mrs. Modgridge and other
friends in town this week.,.' '
Mr. :Will, Lyons'of. the G-, R. st.a
tion, spent Sunday at his home in
Londealiore." He witn, ageonipanied%
Wyl his friend, John CoOper, ' • :
Mr. anti Mrs. Alf. Blackwell and fam-
ily , Wobdstock are enjoying
week's, visit with Mrs. Blackwell's
• -parents, Mr. and Mrs,' William Col -
dough, .Goderich township. • ,
Mr. Harry Bartliff was in ..Wingliam
last Friday acting as referee in, an
intermediate series* football Match,
Atwood vs. Winghani Mr Bartliff
has a perfect knowledge ,of the
"game and is a good player as well,
Mr. Sam. Castles received a telegraph
on Monday from Jamestown, stat,
ing that his. wife, who has. for some
time been at the parental home,
had taken Al.„ turn for theworse and
was 6oriqialy ill; Mr. Castles left
for Jamestown art once,
Among those' who Were home for the
24th were : Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Sage, Bert Sage; Harry -and Bert
Fremlin; S. Kemp, W. Moffatt, J.
Cooper, A Fisher, Stratford ; • W,
J. Ross, N. Boles; 11. Dowser, .*or -
onto ;. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wheat-
ley and child, Woodstock ; 'Miss Ag-
Rev. Dr. Medd of Heiman Was the
guest of his brother,' Mr'. 3. G.Medd
on Tuesday while or.1 his Way to
HOlmesville where that evening he
delivered his leeture "Wooing and
Wedding.",'. With his wife and
family he spent the 24th among re-
latives in Mullett. The Dr's sor.
vices are much in request as a
lecturer and with characteristic
kindness he has, placed them at the
disposal of many Leagues, • •
Rev. W. H. Speare leaves to -day for
the Grand' River Reserve where the
Seventh Day Adventists have two
churches and over fifty adult mom -1
hers. It is . not many yea o since
the Adventists obtained a foothold
on the Reserve and Mr.' Speare was
one of the first missionaries sent
there, He helped to .build end,' of
the churches, doing much, of 'the
masonry and carpenter work him-
self. He also contributed.- of his
own funds And, with suo1 assist:tiled
as the Indians could render, her man.
aged to get the church, with belfrey,
and bell, completed with a cash ex-
penditure of only $200. Mr. Spears
says the two congregations are in
a good condition and there is a pro-
spect of a considerate increase in
the menihership. He only etpeets
this t
tosp/t4a.. feIvdays,on the Reserve
May 25th, 1905
-'reaot .action
of Rain Coats, Skirts and.
Spring 'Jackts
On, Friday morning we will' place on sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES every Rain Coat, Spring
Jacket and Tailor Made Skirt in the stbre-in some cases the prices will be less than Half the former
regular price. If you are in need of any of the above lines it will pay you to come here during- this sale
for there will be no reserve, every Coat, Skirt or Rain Coat in the store will be sold at a .big saving in
Spring JaCkets = Halt Price
9 only Spring Jackets in assorted sizes, come in Fawn .
Covert Cloth, lined with satatia and satin, all new
styles. Regular $5,00 Coats for $2.50, $8:50Coats
, for $4.25, $10,00 Coats for ' $5.00
MI Tailor -Made Skirts at
The Following Reductions
Odd Lines of $2.50 and $3.00 Skirts at $1.50
$3.95 and $4.50 Skirts to go at
$5.00, $5,50 and $5.75 Skirts at
$6.50 to $7.50 Skirts at
'• 2.85
$4 Rain or Dust Coat at $1450
Your choice ot several long Cravenette Coats, suitable
for keeping off' the dust while driving. Regular
$4.00 Coats. for $1.50
$6.50, $7 to $8.50 'Rain Coats at $2.95
This is the greatest bargain in Rain Coats we have
ever had, They are made .'of Cravenette Cloths,
Tweeds and Covert Cloth with rubber lining and
come in three-quarter an4 full lengths. There is
not a Coat in the lot that was worth under $6.50
and there are more at $7.50 and $8,50. these we
place on sale Friday morning at each. $2,9$
Hundreds of Remnants are being sold
at : 4 3 and. 2 -Regular Prices
This has been the Best 'Remnant Sale this store has
ever had -hundreds, of • Useful- Remnants have •
been sold during the past week at greatly reduced
prices and there will be.many.rnore ready for you
Friday morning all of which are marked at
of regular prices, "' •
New Black Dress Goods
A.nother shipment of Fine
Black Dress 9oodsjust
pines, Panama,
at per , yard
• • • n ••• • .
60c 75c 85c $1 and $1 2
11.1.7RuyvviED MILL! NERY f Linen and Duck
Last week we, told you about a Tot of sample Flats that
came to us at a saviug in price. Since then we have received
another lot of very Stylish Hats, that require very little trim
ming. These hats together with the balance of the lot that
came in last week are beirg sold at less than regular prices.
and" if you haven't Already bought"yourhat or if 'you Want, an:
,other one, you will And it to • your advantage - to corn where..
- 'in some cases the saving is as much as'ONE I-IALF.
Ladies' White Duck and Linen .1 -lath just received from
It 5 reus . wear. •
Hats For Children.
We have just received a
very fine .assortment of
Children' Linen 'and
Duck Hats. They come
in colorsof red,. navy,
brown, Nibits and linen.
This is the finest lot we
have ever had for child.':
All Wool Voiles
Regular 60c; 75c and_85e_for 48c.
We still have a splendid assortment' of the • All 'Wool
Voiles and Canvas Cloths that are regular 60c 75c
and:35c that te are selling at • '` .48c,
Shades of grey., pea green champaign, royal, etc.
• ' • , •. . .
1. Your money back
Ifyoa want It.
E~alastlavagorarsiltoreassiitolaittk Ammo,
District Meeting.
The Methodist ministers of the God.
erich •district met on Monday, Mar
23rd, at 2 o'clock pan., in the 'Wesley
Church, Clinton, and most of the:mem-
bers of the session were present at the
opening, of the meeting. • After the
tailing of the roll Rev: R. A. Miller, of
Varna, , was elected secretary for the
Sessions; and. Rev; R. Smith -Baker, of
Walton, statistical secretary. . After
some routine business the name of
Rev. W. A Findlay, a probationer for
the ministry, came before the meeting,
and after a careful Consideration of his
case it was unaniimously voted that
the y!oung man. duly Ordained by
:the coining Conference.. and appointed
to a. charge. • , •
Some interesting diseussion then oc-
curred before the meeting regarding
.the general' state of the wont on the
District, and ;many of the fields were
reported as being in a most favor:tine
spiritual Condition. •
In the general esession every circuit
or mission was reported, and the fin-
ances of the * eonnexional interests
were all reported well 'sustained, and
the missionary- funds considerably ad.
.vanced beyond that of former years.
• The following figures are compiled from the Ciredit schedules :
• . . • .
, • Churches ..
, ,
.0 .8.-
Goderich, North street
..... -
t' • Victoria ......
Clinton, Wesley ,........
.. .. ,
. "‘21.
" Ontario street ....
. ..
• •
.. ,.
Seafetth„ „ .4
• -
• 5
llolmesvilie .....-. ..... .
. ,..: '....
.... 319
Blyth •
16 278
6 312
Nile -
29 I 377-
Ben m filer , . . . ..'; . . . . . ....
..... ..
' 187
• ...
21 172
Auburn ... , .... . ... .. .. . ..
. .... ..
.... . 51.2
Walton . .. ..........
3 1011
Londesboro ............
... .. ..
.... • 358
05' •
.... '
8* 120
Bayfield ... .
. .• 3 , 134 .
Varna ... . . . . ..
• .. .
. 10
.... 87$
In the re -arrangement of the work
of the District some interesting dis-
cussion took place upon the question
of the re ation of Turner's and Alma
appointments of the old Tuckersmith
ircuit, and it was finally decided that
the Turner's appointment be placed
under the charge of the minister of the
Ontario steeet church, Clinton, and
that the Stationing Committee be rec-
ommended to place Alma, under the
care of the Chairman of the District.
A resolution was passed by the
meeting expressing sincere sympathy
• with Rev. W. Godwin and family in
the severe illness of himself and other
members of his family.
Rev. G. N. Hazen and Mr. J. P.
Welch, Go4erich, were elected to act
with the Chairman of the District in
visiting Weak charges on the Distriet
to encourage and strengthen the work
on the different lief
Tho following brethren were elected
to the various committees of the Con.
ferenee for the ensuing year :
Stationing Committee -Rev. 1. S.
Cook, Clinton.
Epworth League and Sunday School
Committee -Rev. W. H. Graham, God-
erich ; R. V. Manning, Clinton.
Contingent- Rev, J. W. Robinson,
Dungannon ; J. P. Brown, Cittderfeh.
Sustentation Clement, of
Londesboro ; O. (Arvin. Nile .
Temperance & Moral Reform -Rev.
J. Kennedy, Nile ; It. Mimeo., Clinton.'
Memorials and Miscellaneous Iteto.1
talons- Rev, John Holmes, Myth 1.
Sabbath Observance -Rev, T. B.
Coupla,nd, Auburn N.lehtis.Colborrie
State of the Work -Rev. b. Swann ;
G. W. Webb, Seafortli
A btrong' resolution urging opposi-
tion to the proposed legislation at pre-
sent before the Dominion parliament
and also parliament" the legalizion of
betting &e, was unanimously pasged
and ordered to be sent to each of the
representatives in the House of' Com -
Mont; from the County of Huron.
After a most hearty vote of thanks
to the trustees of Wesley church and
the kind friends in the homes, was
passed by the members of the district
and the paster was requested that
the same be need by the paster of the
singing' and prayer the meet-
ing adjourned, to meet in the town of
Myth next year at the call of chair.
Goderich Township.
At a meeting of L. 0. L. No, 806
held last Friday night nine candi-
dates were admitted to the Royal
Arch degree. There Was a, large
attendande of the, members and also
of visitors from Varna, Baylieldi and
No, 146, County Master G. 13.
Manley presided.
Mr, Jacob Miller 'or Clinton is er-
ecting Windirtilla for Messrs, Fred.
"SiSrm, Moon. Londesbow ord and Archie Maedougall...
Dressy S pit
Like This
Ten Dollars
we will sell you a dressy
and servicable Suit, . in the
popular .,styleshown above,
alt ready to put on; for On
d011ars. Search as yoll'will,
)4u will not find a nobbier or
better Suit for the Money and
the mater;als inside and out are
first-class, and will 'stand hard
en's Tweed Suits .$ick.Oo
Men's Suits, insde from pure wool tweeds, neat
patterns in all the fashionable shades of brown,
throughout They will give satisfactory
grey and fancy tweeds, good linings used . •
l0 00
• A suit ready to put on at 440••••••••• •• . ..4 . a
Men's Serge Suits Sio:oo •
Men's Suits, made from pure wool Serges, black
or navy, will keep their shape and color,.cut .in
the latest style, and good linings used through 0 fin
out. Extra special value at a MO
Do not forget our big sale of Hats
600'. Wears making a big clearing •
cif all odd. Hats and broken lines, and
SOCevery one must be sold. That's why 50p
we are selling hard and soft Hats, in
blacks and colors, that sold at; $1.00, Ito
$2.00 and $8,00, for
Fifty Cents Each.
Clothing and Gent's Furnithings, . Clinton