HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-25, Page 713
,, . . . ? . I . The clintimm.owionatora
4> �, - 7 11
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. 1.11-1- . I I 11 . -11 . . I I I- .
(Q., D. W.Taggart fore Tlwmt %ad Co%#111%si � . I �. - the Jester. "Which one of you, . wore fitting monarch?,, s- o *
. 41"To 914 "is, ironwy AV All ow"t , I . , u �qutlAuea.
'I I . 11 �=_Ilsfowillx 11 1 I .. = 40poge rue? who so ugly as 17 4111tagoilist. � Wkis It the dIs*#Ijj of ter vqlge? Dia .
I �` BANKIDR .. CrW1104 i AntWoptio Tublotol : she Mad his pasming thoughts? 1)ld
� 0 . � � . , Poets, philosophers.' I 01141) my Jlngera i "DO not U111 blul, TrIboliletill cried, , .
. ?boy coulAnis the X9.mW,4Iv*1p* orCrosolon"ith � H . e (I - Poor motils'. And I she challeage him to'Utter thein?
I I , , sl : , I .t them , you darix ! �Xarlit. alarinea test the dukes fool
*40ow-ow jg�dfrawy omsud I I : I
'01VISI - . ; , bait me with a newcomerl Let him abould be slain outriglit. ""'He o her, - "In truth*" tile Jester said, carelessly,
I 10 ortal ."63 .
A -GR NERAL BANXINQ I "S , - � At . ; I . , � look to himselfIll From in M "Charlea bUilds. fortresses, not pleasure
I � . earnestness to. lie has Journeyea trow tile court ,of
I - !!!!M.M�M.AT!!T!�!!7 IM_!lT"�rWo I . . , I f the,.. I 1, ose . grandiloquence was, but a step. f Charles V.111 palaces, and garrisons thew with,gol.
� - , - I . iBSS TRANSACTED. NOTES � -.1-00-00048%,04t.-OH-0, ."144",P.,.+e+.,�.*............- 'I I .... . . � I "Let him come!" And Tribloule diers, not l4illes." . . .
, � t, lint. I "Charles V. 1" cA me th. tough TrIbou. i
- � I . 0, " .00 . � - .� - . tRU11- the pose of Francis bliguelf, , let's halt izloselti ,,My master,p. She halt smiled; her glance fell; her
. . I ,� I I a . tooth,
F - ..#q, I "'. , . hand Moved caressingly
. . DISCOUNTED. DRAFT$ ISSUVID. I 4' SEND TH , XEWk&,REC I 7 . drew Ilia Wooden sword. ,' one great enemyll, . � ., file sleeve
. . I . I I ILL - . : (I .1 waving beneath - .
I . AN ORD TO YOUR BOY IN .*.* %. 'I. 1. I "Let Jilin conle!" be repeated fiercely. ! Hush I I muttered Villot. "Our was.. � .
I .
. . INTEREST ALLOWED -ON DC, - 44 ,THE WEST. TWE LVE -t4- i �_ � '. I � "Who?" called out a guy And rook, ; ter's claeally is now file dear friend", . "Poor Jockol Poor Jockollf ohe rour.' . .
I itow MONTHS FOR ONE, I)OL. ..-- i � ... less - voice. I "FrIend.111sueered the other, but even mure4. � .
- - -_ . ,� . f
I . � -,'- LAR, POSTAGE PAID. -.'- " I . 111. I F 11 . i � .. . , , . I . I Tbrough the doorw,A leading Into 40' %d sharply TrIboulet a glance beamed with Ile-
� POSITS. .1 ...... ......... I ....... � .4 ........... !. . . ' y, I he thrust his sword tingle , ,
I . I 4* , , e*#. . .. . �� � 0 t4q kItclien stepped a young, man, olona 14 his hand and Whisked magically out light. She Waa� casting her spell over .
. I . I $1.11el*vop�**�-.Wo�.*",.P.#.**..*O..*.-.*..401*",*#,*..,,P."",.,*Ve^l- . .., -, _1� . I �qi, , I- . der, almost boyish III appearance, W , his obemy, I I
" . . . . PWPWK_"rI1T� 11 � __ I 0 M 11 I I., , _'� , - . � Ith . of his grlp, described a curve In the "Oil," Muttered Triboolet, "It th " � .
, ., . . I . . .- I . . .. -..". I .... 11_1-11 I . � light brown hair and deep set oye$ that ft.Ir and fell at a far end Of the room. king could but have hear4l,l I# �
. SAF . I , of his tea- ',At the some time a stlogin .
0. T14H I. . belled the gayetyand mirth g, blow Ile.
. � , ,
. I 1. !.,� .. � I I � , - , It you See Lit in The gewg-iReeord 0 SONG, sweet J4equellnellf forward, on the table, �Imost in - tul*s� His Rostume� that of 4'jester, secluded Smartly on tile dwart's hump. Perhaps- It was a, breath, of air, but .
. , . thq, � i
.. � � . . . . 'Wo"no'l- � . U 01' ' waF1 silk of fluest texture alail dealigg, ' "Pardon moll, laughed the dukelo � ,the tapestry deple I ting the ralsadvoill i
W. BRYDONEI I it's! so. , , MA . I wooden platter, and the papers Ill tter, upon which w.ere sidlifully faSIjl9pe4 fo . .
" I I I I "Jacqueline, $acquelfillopf ed to the floor. . . ol. "Being unused to such exercise i
I , 11 1. I .1 117- - 1. .. 0 __ JONO ,more, a 7 irk threads, of Silver .the arms ot my Made. fell by mistake on ,your, t4rea.Ot Aloulus wave I
. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .1 . . I W I av"- I "Put him outl" commanded Triboulet , 4 AU4 moved. .
. .
. NOTARY, PUBLIC, FIT0. � . . � . I � A jiliglo of tinkling bells mingled, i from his high place. . . I I " Charles V., king of Spain. And emperor , 14110c." I . I Triboulot, who noted everything, saw . I
. I 0 . with the squeak of 4 viola, the gut. ' -But she, of . I , 11
. the 'of Germany, 'the powerful rival. pf �� -If lookO could have killed, TrIbouleV this and outloreil, six expression of trl- �
� - ,
, Jaunty cap opr4
- . I fawo 1� from the tAble, . . no Francis, whose. friendship pow, for. would have achieved Ilia original pror. umph Momentarily to rest upon his' I
; i ' , . Of h WMIP11911. comPany'blendea reasons of state, the. latter o , . . malignant features, Had his prayer
. OFFICE SlopAe, .
. . dLINTON_ .
I Block- . , __ 4o . . .
� I with the tuneless. chanting of discord. I "How wiso, are your majeotylp. , , ought, ,pose, but after a vindictive though . ru,
I . . , -., I I _. I ant Minstrels, and the. gray parrot In i creest" she said mockingly,, with her Smilingly the foreign Jester gaze4 tile glance his head drooped despond, been answered? "A Spring. withoue - , - �
I I'll, 0-1.1 .. f. spriog. Its golden cage, suo0exided from one of j glance iipon the dwarf. He shifted un- arobrid the room At,the. unusual for, ently. To have. been thus buiplillat0d, flowers," forsQotbl . Dearly cherished,
� ,
. .
. HENRY BEAT IN I ..... I niqb his beautifu I
.T , tile oaken beams of the easily In the, throne, "You should have _,�jjigs, picturesque, yet appropriate;-, before those whom .be re' tile August gardener , V .
_ . , garded as his, .
I � coiling, obook at the Inmates, the fools -scattered vassals I. What $0st: could restore lilm r9ses-great red roses, white roses, I
. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, - L - i � I � . . . . . leathers for the twentieth thne-IInd - put him out beforel But now," turn-, About the great board "Or' near the the prestige -11� bud'enjoyed, what play blossoms yet urlopeilleal . I .. .
' . ,
. office formerly oocupiW'by . I . .. - . screamed vIndletIvely-glt the roguish ; Ing contemptuously to the poor figure mighty fireplace; the. renowned pbIlos, .of words efface the Shame of that puu, . Following lit . s g . aze, a. significant it
. hand. I 1 of. the.ggeat man, "he's harmless.. Ilia ght I
. . Mr. Janies Scott in Elliott . We bave a full assortmut.of' � J . ut this in" , - ''Silence to golden; oplier Rabelais, sleeping on his( arms; lie chastisement? Had he been DeA . appeared JA the young woman's eyes, � I
I . . . . � . , Ingle, jingle,we ry bells; .1 his speech *As lvltb' ban(! outstretched toward the by the. king but thus to. ouffer i , ten wbild her arm fell to. her side. . . . I
Block ......... .... � .... ......... ... 1. I I actueak, squeak, tile, tightened strings dress." . . . I I I I . fit the , , .1 .
. . . . . . . .q "And yet," gpswioed Harot thought. I neglected tankard; at the 'Strlldng� ap� harW of a, foreign fool! Arid the men 'Now to see,Preouraptloill sue,for � . .-
. . I Open � 411d . Top I -_ pearance of the girl who' looked With areb--would'be learn of It-tbe pupish- ," she whispered to herself, � . I
I TO LOAN - -. . . I I . 7--_�-�- - fully, the kin esteems him -the king, I I
I � . . . . I . Wde 7A i fi -ibe7-pprolstent scraping of the I .9 , casual,'careless"Inter0t upon him, 'at Jester? As -In a - One by one the company, too, turn'
I . . I . . . . . I . . ' ,wbo Is at once-scholor, poet, wit"Sol- ,, at went of the toy Q . I
. I
. . I . I .
. I Ouggles . ' tosineid bow. On his.tbrone lij. Fools' die rp_ . . the grotesque, crook backedfl4ure be. dream he beard the -hateful voices, of. In the direction Tribouiet wag looking,
I . I . . . ... . hall TrIbloulet, the king's. hun , ch I r I . . one. . . , . . - portraiture. the .classical buffoon
RIDOUT & HALE . I . I . . I . back, , . I'Soldlerill gh�p exclaimed quickly, .fore the, tbr � - V16,company. III I
: . . leaned, compla.cently back, Wo. eyes o1when lie cannot conquer Italy and And, observing the Inconjililty of his, " ' Th9 not -the first time he has been grinned and glbod at' them � froin the � .
I . . fitted With either Steel, Solid I - . ... -Surroundings, he lauglied lightly while 'Wounded there."' said f6arless Cull. ,tapestry,- and evqn from his high sta-, I
Conveyancers; Commissioners, ,. bent upon a tapestry but newly hung regalh !its heritagel". . . .. I . I I
Real Estate and Insurance '', Rubber, Cushion or Pneuma- In that room, .the Meeting place of "Cannot?" ve . ntured Trlboulet, mind- bia,glance, turning inquiringly If not lette, Who openly' acknowledged his tiorl above the clouds Jupiter, who ha& . � .
I . -
� .
. Agency. Money to loaa . ......... * . Jesters, buffoolas and versiflers. . fUl lot I insolently from one to the other, Up-' aversiciu, for the king's fa 0 oll ejected tile offejadl�' ..
. I . tic Tires. Albo Nfixr'ket 9alrd ,- I tile dignity of his royal master. . , vorlt to , I g fool Qf"tbe gods,' �
- , . 'Ung I
. . . . � We Appeal to TrlbguleV,l " , 'IN I .. gered In some surprise Upon the "But be seateil, gentle pir," he Added looked less atern, and Implacable, An . . . I .
I 0. B. HALE - iJOHN UIDOUTT I "Trib letl1l . I . .. . . Yby not?" . � I . . yo . . . I
. Lumbet Wa-011S. . on . . I "'Because. the w6merl'.Wiould conquer. woman, He had heard that In far� t6 thestranger, "and share our tough ' expectant husill fell upon the.assein,
. . . I . I 0 A girl's silvery laugh ring out. .10' . 1. . away France the motley was not eon- bbspitality.11 . . . blage when suddenly Jove and Aloinui,
. . .
I - I .1 I . I . I . I . him . ' thied t . . 41ROugh, cortest" I . Ommented the -h. 'alike were unceremoniously -thrust' . I .
. . . .. I . I . .. "TrIbiouletIll "Nay; the king p I I 0 men.. Had plot Jeanne, queen I ot, �
. . . . yefers the. blue eyes
. . . Call and �see,tbew before .4941n. the derisive in'italcal tones. of Charles 1,, posaOssed bar jestress, ,er de he returnedlils blade to his belt. Aside, and as the folds'fell slowly back, - . .
I DRS. GUNN. & GUNN - . . ' I . tTpon his chair. of state. the dwarf Of France," spoke � up the , cardinal's .. Artaude de' Puy, 11folle to our .deEkt "Abd as'l see no stoolil� . . before the many. Inied curtain stood a . , . � . I.
Dr. W. Gunn L. R. O.P. &, L.R.C,S. ppr; I . too), he of the viola. , � � comparilou," as said the king? ' Vad : , "There's. .the throne!" returned Call. Man of ptqtely and majestic Mien- I .
-Edinhur .. phasing elsew I here . . . . . did. not hnswer;-profosied not to bear. "Then do you set our queen of fools, I
- .1 . .
. . .gh: . I I . I . By'the Uncertain glimmer ilif't6rdlies not A'vlme. dlOr, Wearer of the. bells, . I'sine 0 ave it Man whose. appearance caused deep, . I .
. � .1 ,. . our fair Jacqueline. out of his ingje&,: ,. - . lette courteously., a y U h I . .
. .
. I I �
Dr. J. Nesbit Gunn'M- R; 0, S. Rjjjx� ' - : .: and the flickering glow of the* Ore he I . ty's good gruces,"' interposed one (it the kept .1,,. nobles .laughing?. Had not . O.VercomaTriboulet his place Is yours." Seated consternation, . whose. forbid- .
, ' ' ' _' . I ' . .
. on ... , � ,� . '.. . . 1. -, was engaigidd In tracing. a resemblance . . . - . . � .
.' L. R. C. P� Lond . . . . . .1 . I lesser jesters, A mere baron's'llilreling - the-'baughty; , eccentric Don John his ' , "A precarious Place!'! said- the new. ding aspect, made the very silence - . . .
I . I... . . * I . . . . to fifinself In the central figure of the P . handoome,I merry joculatrix -attached . comer' easily, diloppink, nevertheless, Portentous and terrlfylng.,�- With dress. - I . . . �
� Night calls at front door of residence ' .� I . who -long had burned with secret ad- I .
., ITO icompositiolh wp4ught In throads.of.silk , iration. � for -the. mald. of, the coquet-' . to his *princely hous,ellold? I , Into the glialri , . . I . slashed and laced, r1ch'in jewelry and ' , ' .
I on Rattenbury street, opposi,; RUMBALL alidme'111 A T H , . in . .1
I I I . . . -monjus, fool by . patent to Jove, s . � But knowltig oni I king Is dettat Long live this Precloub stones r ' , �
� Presbyterian church. . . .. '. I tish cap, . : I . . y by rumor of.theoe - - 0"Th i he remained 'motion- . .
. . . ., 1. . � . . I * I thrust from Olympus and greoting the. I "I - am such a- fOol as to'want * th'e matters j ster froin abroad looked king."' cried the carilinalls Jester, less, regarding the motl0i gathering, . .
I � . I ' ' ' ' I . . ., ,,ard I Je I . �
� � . I Huron St.., 01intq I . . . J� the �
OFFICE- Ontario s�txeet-CLINTON I . I �. � n. . . eafth-born wJtbA great grin, ;-- . - ce hier, the first malleap in pettf.''.: . "Long live tue.king-11"they shoutedi. ,while an ominpus halt .Smile played � . .
. . . . . I .. . I . ., - .: "An excellent likeness!IP t j, good gra. s of i no man or monarch!" g.a.,-t4pkard about. his features. Hd said notlilpg,.. ., �- ., � ; . ...
.. I � . , ____ ---.--.- _.", . � . mut ere she replied boldly,' witliout'glaricing tit, coats he had oi,or seen, � For her part, every fool �and. z4n�- raisin . I . . . .
I . . .. -, . ,_.. - .: , . . Jacq ollne bore Ilia scrUttny with V1.91. SaV6-tbe.dwarf and but ,his rieservo, Was more, sinister than - , - .: I .
. _..___...._._:_ . . , I . . U . . .
. . -117-��. . I . � . .the eaker.* .. 4 . . . . . I the. young woman, � .
� . !-- Triboulet., "A very pretty likeness!" .,
I ' . . - I.: .� ; 1. I _ . .. :, he couttlaued,."s-welling with pride. . , * sp " ble annoyance. .� I . : the former continuing to glare vindle- language; ,.Capricious,. cruel was, hifA , - . . - � .
I DR. SHAW .. I .� Z . . I ,. . 'A'a he w�brd In loye you Would. be . , . . . . . P . . I .
. I � . . . � . "Well", alle affid. Impatiently, a fifisb surper.and. face; In �Ijls eyes.shone covert OY- I I
- I 1. I., .. . . . . - And - truly It ws s at sprIghtly-'.--two-foolall laughed Calilette, the court - . I tivel� Upow tbe� U, .� . tb� 1itter I enj ' I I 11 -11 � .
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.. ., . Rarness ladies,' -w-orking between love And. - *. I . . .. . . . of resentment In be'r fine eyes, Illiave. ta.all Intent' f ,ment of the situation, I . .. .,. : ..
I . �. � . , . -,Poet, . I I '.. I . . . . � � . ..
.. times,, drew from the'court-,., , I, � , , _ I remaining obllvjo�s'i) *110 ' 'Would he neve'r sp'eak? With One , ,
� ' . . I pleasure . I . . : - I . , y sed, upon . . . - .
"TON I- I I 1. . . 11 . . .0 .� 'OToo much, illistress," . b hair, slie--ldly tbrust' her', . filivers I I .'. . ' I .
I . 1. I . fool for their conception ..
OFFICE -Ontario street �OUIN � IIX.I ve Itis only the Man to the foot... you conned ine over ellough?", . I 'elereinon of instililationi., Pol . I . .
. .. . a . I .. I . . .. of. the mytho- : . . � le repiled', in. A I I . . . I 4, hand he'.Btroked.. his beArd; 7 with the . ._... I .. .
.. . . . . I . or the fooled,,, 80e -returned pointedly, Ot - lace o
� � ... FOR - HARNESS logical buffoon,. reproducing Tribou-4 . . nowlse abasbed_ "an It bath displeds. �� through the 'glided bars of the cage - . .her lie, toye& with the . n his � 1, I
Opposite St. Paul's ,church. . � .1 . , .. . . . .and. C611liette, despite.bis Belt posses- - . . liat liling*froni t .. gently � doublet.' . . . .1 I
I . . . WELL MADE AND lot's great head; ljis� mouth, proportion- . ' ,oil youl . Too,little.to please myself."' I t I lie rafters and; . . . . I . . I
I . � .. I . I . .1 I : . . . 'attly'large; his -protruding ' ' ' glon, 'flushed' pilinfully. Since Diane. . .. I ' "You were talking, blilldren," -he Said., ,.. I . � .
. . I - ''I � � ., � SOLD AT -A. REA- ,eyes, his ' 'do PoltIeKs bad. wedded. her. ancient. "Yourself!". Slid.- returneO, with and. 1 stroked -Ille head of the now, corn- .. I
. . . . , SONA . BLE 1. PRICE bowed back, short, .twisted legs �and.. d . . A , .� � .. �. . flually,,11befolrii I came in.". ,: - ' . . . . I .
. * � . .. . . � . . I ien., anger at his p6rslstent, gaze. plalsaut'bird,, , . . . . . . . . I . .
� . � � � . . lord.the poet bad become gra,Ve,.otu-. .ilSome lord!s. - plaything to beat or. whip, , I * "if your maje . I ..
DR. C. W.THOMPSON : I . . . .long, muscular arms and his'nose.far- . . . I I "Poor -Jooko! Poor J9qko!1,, sty," ventured Tribou, - - '- . � .
,. . . COME. TO US. 'ON. . . dlous,. almost sad. . . . v , . _. I I She mur� �
. � 1. . � . .
. . . OR. . a . f Francis, who oth- . . � I . -, .
. I PHYSICIAN AND SURG . EON . * Ig larger. than tfi. t'o a toy - . . . . let, "hap, heard all, your majesiy will - - . �
I . . � d � . ' , L mured.- . 6 .. .
� .. . . . , the'.1argest. pose tile' . "'And' is your mistregg; *the king's . . . . . .. . ' not -blame -us!" And he glanced malev� : , . I . I . I .1.
Special attention given to Ais6ascs ' - , . O �ALWA-w .erwlso bad In . "And yet a poet who -can make . "La, la,.-In!"�-'samg, the : pairot,'. re- . . . .
� - I
I . . . .. . � " . . I I.. *ard, fooling.,with, her bet�otlied?ll -he .. . . ". I . . . . I . .. . . . ..
. � - ' klagwidom. - I. I. I . . . . . . ' .. . . : thym - beauty, he oponalve to'.L�dr light cr.ros. I �. olently''tow Jester, who,: .. I I
, I .
of ,the Eye, El t , YS .ONE.' I IS oil . .. tird 1the dukdlo
I . ari-Nose, and. Throa ..�..,. , . , . I I .. - . . uskod quickly, conscious of -know Ing . woivau`s�. . . . : . . . � , . . . 1.
1. . I . . . . . . I �. ". . . . . . I : Bfit h6W:cdUld they depict the-niesn- , I .: sWered, with.'a. eqr6losil la=h ' ' �'Yiour nidjesty's-wishes! -Your maj. - . ,upon. the king's abrupt'iatitrince, had - * , - , .�,
I .
� -Office' ind..Regideneeo- . I � I - .. . WO, . ...: ' ' . I I � I . W114a and nudgc& ' . ... ., . '.. * . - . ":Another co ' . 8 r I exe anned tbe'l-nona'stle ' descen * _. I . . .. 1. � �.: J ." � I
. .. . -sell -the Inter4ational , S toi,k - ness of s6ulthat dwelt In ibat:e:lftraor-, . �, urtler!" irtimbied' Trlblog� . ,Sty" dde eel," I i i ' ' ded from the platform. ,� � I .
, . ..
. . \ I , , . ftThe PrIlicess'Loulse and- tile Duke' . . 0 . Obgeyylng. the L-mbfuzoned it " 9 .of ' .* - ' : ' '. " * �'
ALBERT STREET WEST,CLINTON. Food'. 'Read.: the ' f�stim`oni,' * '--� , dlnarylsbelft Tb I � , � . . I -4let. "Lackitig true wit, fools no'wa'- 1,1vItw,6rm.� , .- :- : - " '. . rM - - .
� ". . �e. ; als. ,. .. �. . . ., � o blithesome tapestry A - . I . I
� I . I , ,
. . . . St.,. ,. � . , .1 : ... . - . . . of Friedwald, re td, wed for reasons Of - . � � 4.d ' .., . 'Charles V. Upon the,dress of tile cul- .
� . l I . . . . indkers, albeit adepts In, form, 'grace �' . * . 1� r quet. .. L I .1 � ... . I
. -
. � North of natteoury I . � . � , .� . . . ' I . I state"".sald, the young w9Mhifg . rhyely, 'days'e,�miy oi4,-cdmPIlm44fS to,covet,�. Ilea ', hear!" roared Bru,,4 � I , I
. I
.. \ . 1 . .. . . .. .. - . I . :. . Jan. 21st, .1905., " And, baritiony, could not touch the sub- ,, ' �, . " �, I - " . .. � I majandbd Marot. Isills. I PrItir A. faint . I ." .� I.' I ,
. . . . . . . . . . There'll be no foolA,11 . .. ,: their .dfillness."' � : .. .. . I � .... . !'Sile ice!" ed' . - I look ,of.'.6urpilse swept . - .; , � . : . . I
. � . . . .. I. . . . This is t*0. cl�rtiiy that I have dsed.- :'jectiveness of,�_-kistenee. Thus it was . - . . � f : With tit Ir of insolent arusle- , majoky'stienks." ", .. , � .., I *.�aIncls,,..face. Did It recall that fatal - . :,�... �., .. ... ... I .
. . . I . I I . . I I , . . . Ill V , I I 0 salile. a' 1. . .. - . I . . . . � . . .
I I . I - . . And- hav'16 _'. .a 4ouble'pleasure for TrIbouletto'see', -A , a lo elem match!'.' � . ' "T' . 11 . 'field of, battle a: rival . � , :` . � I I
. . International &ock, iP004-- . I � :1 , I .. ,
. . . 1. . . ; 1. . , 4B10 .n ' ment, the .ne1J,e0l1i&. 'turned to ,'the 00t, toOt,AootlI1,rang out tbe:flour- ,' day w 6n onthe � ..
I I . I . . . - wel sen lines, his'lorall' ot, a laudlqSq'on6,11 retorted . i% - . I . I I , -u . mpet � , . a I . . to: bi�nher_had, Waved ev& illul6elylevIii � . . � . . , . " ... . I. .
r � . . . � found it Yl .beneficial for bogi tfiat, I cv;, .. � .. I . . , . I I
. . . Ilipilled, In . I ". . . I , I I I 1. . . . Ish of a t1t - ' . lArl6n, prelAdo-i . . . I .
I . .
. . . 11 , I
. � . .
J. B. LUND�Y L. Di S.1* D, D-S, "I et * itk . e'WAS slid of the cap.vilth.Put th6e bolls., ,"Be. . I .d �. " � . .. �. . I I * , I . ... I . I .
. I I aT6 firdubl 'I . indigestlog.or. An' � ' i � , ,. Cf - ,, . ,- thb flat tro the thron.6 . .1 . beyoncl.h1wreacb-1 Now It'shoAd before , ,,, " � I
I "
. . . . .. . I . 'in I .. . . � . I , ,. . .� '. ..
. _ -
' .. �'. .. � . . ..., .9tunted in their gr . th.-W..'H. '. ,the. d.ockeduess of.'WhIeb b AS sides, It. comentV the 'friendship of .. ' % ci - .) i � I . . . � him 00 - th ship -, q:. - , ... ,. .i ... � I
. . .
, . I � . . . . ow Capa- pioud . as, any courtier of his sym- . .. I I . � I The,hew king In'Motiey'arose, beed- - I . Ough mocking his'filenil . .
- - pboll, * W(- , , , � , .. ' Frducts ,and arles V. Wbat.-mope . . . � , . . , . - ' ' I " ' '
. , '. I . .
I . (Successor to, Dr. Agjjdw) �1� : _ .stfield. .. . . �..: _ , . . beauty, the while ' . .. .Cli. . . .. � I � . . . . . 1. for blo'blae timo, powerfol onemy, the '-:�. . . . .. .,. . �. ,��, � .
� . . . . . � ., . . . _ . . . I motry And bis - darki It I'll tell YOU ir secret", . ; . . less,�. devIl may care, . yery erect In. his, . Z I � .
. . . . . I I . . . ,� ''.. . . . 'lily Would Y410 DI � I I I . . .11y man lid. feared, the emper r who - - '. I ., . .. : . I
. . . . .. . 01 . I
. . . . . I . . i I � * val.4 soul .. eollcoaled ., behind t.Ud�` .At that: the 6mpany flocked AMU_ - . . preposteroiIsly �olfitqd.sboel,' .�;_ , I ,. Q . .. . ..
. � . Jan; 31st, 1905 1 . had. overthrowfi"hint. The sinistper*., � �a. - I
� . . Office'in Beaver' Block,'.., ' �. . .' �Aubdftf . ... .mask of merry def6rmItY and laughing . . ' ' .1 . , I I 'Si[zappolnt- you: Th surer of ' ', . . . I . . ." . .
. �.-CIA I I Mr J. Nichol '' - I . - - . .., ... . ,., her AS though there Was something on, - .. �� . I ony; tr6u: , , ' I . . I .. I
.,% . . . . . . . . . . . I � � son � � � I . . . I monstrosity. . � . .. '! ... .. . � . ' . . , - .. . It I � . sinfle of'the king'gave way to gloomy. I .I ... ... ...
� .. . � . . -I hiVe used, Intierhatior.- I If, ., Ucing.in lier tone the va ue-ptomlso.. - ISO I he exchequer, because -you, are quick 1. � , , - . 'I.'
I ., . � . I Dear Sir, , y .9 . . . thoughtfuln, ` �,;,. , .: I I '.
I . . .1 " ' . : Would your 'niajesty like .'to cotu- ' I at sleight Of bind,11 he beian. � . ess. . . . . . .
, ': , I . . 1 $4. . . , . �
. I � .1 1. I
. : � - - S t6dk' Fo It o ' - . I . 410604,", laugA ed 'Marot. �. ." In he's .
. . . I . ., d i , . I .. . . . of .an Interestin bit .of *gossllp or the e' .
. I . .41 . 0 n my., , rwer ..this .Mand MOTO � .. . .. .I . 9 I . - .a � I Who to this knaye?" he asked at . ' . �
_. - I - . ., . � I I , .. , I .A I I
I - . . L , . . I .1 . ,
. . . wintor� And :have derived. first . class . indeflulto suggestion of* A court scaw . . 0 ,"I�ngtll, fixedly ' I' '' � . .
"' I .1 . ,
I- _.__-1.-1_____.__ ------ I---- . . - ;. - mocking- feminine' ecalled .. t. I I I . regarding theorstwh to ! ."- i ,h .m
. - ' � . , The i�lc� r s - � I more .light thigered than. bts*'Predo��ces� � ' ''r. . . . . .1,
I T__fi7&'_ r. 1ra-M -Iffliff *1 . I . . bad of� big d4fqat.._ , - ,,, �� . . .
]LIMES - _"Tta 1, � dal. I - I.. � � r � : : . . . .
. I . � I . I . . .
DR. G. ERNES - - -Irg __ -Mir Y-&t11W`f0U`-- -T�iVo-u-reTIFoni-uigTrMtug'tlontempla--- -t-7-r , . 1. sor.�bels a: mister of prqatIdIgitatlonill, ,as . . ...".
. . . � b .1 .. - . . '. -A Iiiere ardWeTA-rdJb*a119-f6.., .� - .. .. . ".., , - I . . .1� �.. ... 'I', ! � .
. 11 .1 . . :.. 1. ..
Specialist in'Crciwii andBridge Wor�K. 4s but for a lood purifier and. food' Alen, .. 11 .. . 1. I..., . , I . . -7"7",)toti-,--.Dr-usq1tetrl.,-w.&t-on-.the-ue�w- "A poor fool,'alrel" replfed the. kneet-w - . . . .
1). D. S. -Graduate ' f the Ile al Col� saver nothing'-'eituals this. I - could rubbilig big hands to h6r_' Big mas.� I . I . . .... - i
. . "No: no!". he'answerpIl sullleniy'and: � - . .got . . I I I hall, "Ijewar - I . � . _�__ ----t--t--
0 .y . I . . I � .9 . . .ter pften.r.ewarded him for 'particular . -, . � I I , . nastei Ol! 10.0ols .d with - �- M9A'%t-.�,----7-. I �
. . � lege ,of Dental Surgeons f 0 , not recommend it too. highly to my condescended to .turn his " a III upon , ,. � . � I . verriment''of Gulenne,. for' $$Those. al�pj; Idered. oh .your. ". � I I . ...% ., �.
1 o n- . . I I �. . �gl In . the, go . . . he . . .0 embrO . .
, . 1: . . .. . . '.. 1. fell9w farmer -�4obt R . � '' ; . . I . - ly choice i4orselsOfloorse tittle-tattle,. ?.. . I:d y what. do they.,mean'li" said, th6 % . - ' .. . . ..
I - . tario. -... 1. R. � .I .� ., utledge'," A,u- , the, is�emblage, - . �. I I.. ._.. I � I . . ' ril . .1 .. . I
': I 1, 44rr., On , .,. ,� . . w . . � AIOb.j nothIng,veky wickeill" she an� . � I . I . . . �. Who 4owerns his oWii h6use so ill ' Is . Y., .. '' 1 .. . I I ... . .1 . ,-, I .�
'11, -S. t- I . ,. Over a go6dly, - gathering. of jes ere,,. . , - ' " 11 .. . .. '. it :'t k� - king ,short] , . . .. 1. . .. . . I . . �
` -�,'�' . , .. . I sWorod wav4ng them � back' W' lt'h her ," - ... . , : .1� -, - - , . . � . , . IiTljo� I '. 1. . -
11 L. D.. -First class - honor, gradu.ite- . 11 . . � . i, .suroI5� fitted ,for�.grea er �'ap s of ln-t . I. .
� . . . .1 � .. . I . * . . . I . . .. .. � ;. . � I . - � - , - * .
. I .1 1. . �
..: . ... . . oll .. .- , I , _ . _ , .. . compe . . '. . - y master's mastpr. . �' -
,;� i,,� , of Dental Department of To " _.Ibuffdoiis,� poets and even, philosophers " ,.1. I I I , . - li te�cy.!,.. ... � . : . I .... .arms. of in . . ,
-4 ,I 1�1 reirltdi I � small hand,' -11 IT -is oqlk tbat.they play! - - -� - . .. .1 V _ . � � it . . . .11 .. .� .. I . , I I � .
'. �, I . . .1 I as high , � 1. . � . . .�. in ' . ' L ." * . ' ', . Your! majostyll, WAS the Overconfident . I ".
Uttiversity. . he lorded.1t, holding, his head . I �., . . .. '
' * " . . . __ At -make belleve-In'16ve, t4e. f r coss . . '. . . 1, 1, � . . 4is allusion, to, the'Vetticoat 'rule ' . . _ . . i
"� ' ' - . . . I ckless jesterat I . . . -,:, �
, , � . .. .1. . �. I ..
, -
1. � .. J.,�.`N-iCh61sd'n I , , , , . ! , I . :w � hich ,,donilnat�d -the Ju .. - '. .1 . . . I . .. . , .
�6 "t, 1011. .. _. I . . . � I f' "as his --hump would permit' and con,. . . , * t, af tor. all,.It is; i . - I '. 1. . '.. , . i4swer - . ... .. I I
. .. .. I I I . .
.j " Special attIlittion paid. to preservat ... - . I J and her:betr a* . . I . . . I , 'Who to, -inisteer" � t, . I . .
, . . .
. I ..
. .
.. . 1. le than real. lovemak,` . . , I home was rece ved- In goo' I I
. _", r . , . . � -Belong. of blo own � place'lin the. e4tebli . , .. i . . . . . 1. . , I I d part,by all, youk: . . 1.
� . . - . ' ,Q . . .1 I . .. I I � . .. � .. - I . I ... � "; . .
' the Riirer Hote I - "' I '; � � � . -mbitlitch . I �. . . . : "The: Duke. -of FrIedwald, pift, th � . . �, I
. ", of child clit's teeth.. I �.. ;' - AUBURN '' � far met ,senalb * �
_,. . ., . . : . of the king.' � Not .long agp-the . . I. I � .
. ,
I �!_, , _"10 . , � - . I 'the pleasilre be,more.� � � - . .. � . . - the.. hapless .dobaestld . b6ndman 'be .t ..a - . . I. .... .
� " -Will be at ,1, . Bay -11014, ... : . � - I -.- I ___ ft , had laughed- And. � a plan '. llng�. where if I . I . . save, . . . . . -
, � . . -
- .
., . "-, -- - -:7- _�7 � 4 .P . . .1 . .. ,liftuself; ' % - .- 1. ; .- " . I ; � , . tr6tli9d:Of' -he Princess Louise." I ,
. - every Monday 'from,10 4,. .. tu 0 , , , . . , ' de4,. When ' .the -b.ings. Are' therefor , . . : - - .. '. , I . I .1 I ' . . . I . I �: , � �
. M I .. . . � . ;., acute' I � . e 66. . . ... . - I . . I � I ..
1, I I . I . . Triboulet.-had twisted ]its teatures,into. . . '. I.- .1. I . �. . . .1. . . . . "'You, Villot,,ite I . : "And your purp I$ . I I .
.,: . . p. in. . I I , . - , ,#eater. Slii, addreises.-to.,hini the ]�' � I .. . 11 too- , made admiro -of ,the . .ose here? . . . .., .. I
e. . . I ! I ,. .. .; 1. . - :11, , , , . . � "My master sent. me to the Princess. ; .. .. ,
1�� P - since tbeif the � . .. . . I
_ a -borrid' 00miled,'and . . I .1. ,ee . - - � . . I I �
,,% . - . I . lft JUGK11,1o0,..ffl�.1ua1,r-1.r8 '* . . tendbrest eoUnt(iolfeit ,iiriles; he returgs I %,l I . . . '. 4og i - - ,'Tls . . . .. .. . .. , :
t.� �". - , , . . ' -�-lja I .. . I I i, : I.. * � .- . I ' ' ' 'I'll.'ralss thi6e, . . .
, � . .. . . . , . . , . . d.waril . ,little bearf 0. expanded.. them in kind-. She even a . � .. � . . Vlllot� smiled; thinking. ,how Vrafiefs � u.e,�. paid be. ," . .
. . . 11 . , . , .. Im, Idted such , ' , � .. . . . ,
' I . 1. .. I , � , . . with such arrogance -it Seemed f6� blij! , - '�' . �0 . . t*� in proof :of.. ve'"to s.e.nd thee, ray merr " , - % � , , I ,
I . . . k 0 ce I - . I r ` . . I
� -";�,',�'� DR. J. FREEMAN . I . an iliusory �Sitdjjl thaf t1le'-duke.has , ` - - - , ,� .. . -' '� had: 1�ut.'recentlj'�bestii*ed thift lo ' -
.:. � ", . � . . I . e - - . � - , ' . " . . '. ... �. of com - Ine oupl, But got! � '. ,�. . .. ,� . 1. . . .
. .�. loguraflge�- GumqanU - be was,almost , kmas himself As' he 1. upon %the lnj1)dv r!shed. I husband . .
, . . I . . . paplon of tho w . . .
I . I . . :. I e . I .. . �
. . . . .1 l,ent his own. Jester, who', bab - but Just - . , . '! . , ' .' - I - I .
�il VETERINARY SURGEON � � .' , -4; ., I . . . I . .. I ... , . .1 . . �. . .. " 1, . ...
. �� .1 . "I � .1 sat there on 14'rintis', sometime- throne. " - __ . %; ' . �, :., : - Naturp bath forine ure - � ,� -,�, ,*.
'" ' , 11 , .l. I . rktv 1�1me.,'dIttiallie. �. , . - to conj r 1,
. - �irived� af-couti *to apibse� heirXithem'). ,, . . . , ,d thee �' " *
V' � ;' . _!" . ,,, _ . I ...: .. ,� I . . '. . , .. , ...-- i . . .. . . ,
,� � A i - � � - -Farm and Isolated Town.Property.�. and these.'Sir lollys were his -subje , � I , . s4dip.p4s from iludy's fa6e., So"T set. .' .., . '. ,
��. member of the Veterinary -Medi - cat 7 - . - _ ,'. , n ured- I . . .1 It$ duilliesi U&I ' - .. � I, 1174 . . . . . : 7 . .o . ,�. , , .. I., - . - . ' . :1 '' , . .. . . I .
. .
�,!'. I 11 -0 ly Ins. . .I I �. :411-Marot,. Cillilifte, 'Brii4quidt, V1116t , [I'L. hims6if could* come!"' I .-Itteli, i7tv'spit this. bantam cock�10.', . � " " ,�, -;. _� -
". Associations of Lofidon-and Ed I- , . 1 o . . . - , 11 . I I? � I I. ... q . . . . . .. ''.. - I . . .. I outoupon erito I .
, .; , . - _ . .� . 1. I I my P us JOUrney,. andl,rwe ' , - . . . , - - , 1.
. , O'.C; . I I , * . �,� . .
� .,
" - � ,
-., � burgh and Graduate of ar- : -. , .., - , . . '...:,.� . .1 . . . I . - . and the lesser lights, jesters.of barons, Ai-t1iiiih '!ft�dlpalls buffloon, looked ; throne and,,14;4 �occu . whom. be, suv� . . . I ; . I I I � Voted by, fortune,; Am but safety atriv- .- . . � � . . I
� � the' Ont, , - - . I., .. � . -for � lits master . liked . I pp.nt,� .. I , I . .w 11 . : . I'l . .. I . . . I , . . . �
, '. . ... I 11 I .� 1 4 .1 I . cardinal . disappointed; . jectidd to an even -:more deliberate in.' ... .. � ... I . I . . ed, I wis e e'
� .
io Veterinary Colle&. _ - ' ' : , .. �. * .1 I:. . . . a a),d'ev�n bishops b , is I 0, .... . . 1 . . ., . . ft 11 now About to kepair to, .. :., � .. , , ...-. .. �. -
I . .. . . I I . 1. I
.. , . . . . gition'., , .� .. 11 I . 11 . . � . . .. . .., .1 . the -Princess ' . . . .
h"' - . I : ILA ela , more highly flavored liditisay, whil , . . I . . [ . . . .
b- . vqsti . :_:, . 1 , ,whqm'. -1 trus ,., � ja , M7, , 2 ;
. I.
. OFFICE- Huron street -CLINTON _-� '. -OFFICERS- .. . �, At, dlisol�to `d�vil. of la , fr' ' *led a I .. I . . . I I .. � t, I , . � I I .1
, . A00'.1hat Ii I . . . . 11 . . . I .
� . 1 r1boulet OWE nd. brought. down , inife mis- !� - . to amusoill 1 . . - . � . . %, .
1�' :. " , , " , , .. 1. . 1. I'10� 1p,malji,dr. manikin, *go � humble .
- . )its heavy. . fist . arm - .?It he' asked 'after concluding, his . . """' . r I . I . I . I I . . .
. �
,.!,�., -Next to Commercial Hotel- J. B.. McLoanj Presidepl;b,'Kippe� P, . writer, learned as Homer, brutish' as . I . I . .
.., . . . . .. .. - - , Up6n the, Of,:thflI I '
I . I . I .treag . "And 10y, 6halti?l sa 'th ill I '' I
. I .1 . . . Homer's �swl.ne-all subjects of his, the ' , 1. . . �� . ' .. I . Id , 6 : ng 0 K.. � , . . I
.. .. . 1. 0. ; Tfios: *1Fras6r,. Vke,Presidcnt. ,. . .. I :. I . -throne, , � .. � � . � .. . I I . . .
, . . I . % It I � I N
. . .. ..
1-i, I . . - I . It . d R . . ... -king of jesters,,, Save, one-ope -whom _ I ' . ' . examinatlon. - , % . ` I 7 .. nifleantly, . .. , I .1 . . . . : .
. I Brucie(i . , O..;'.T. 10.�., Hays, Sec.— . 'A new jest0r,,fOrsoothl" be teiolalm- - - I not deign to a . I I .� I .. . . I . . I
.1 . - . . . -Txeasurer, . I - � . nswek� but, � "Olil :y9iii? ral !'� -�wltb, assumed . ... . . � � I
AUCTIONEER -JAMES SMIT - I - &afo�rth 2p, Q. , . . he eyed with certain fear, And ,wonder, I ' ' - - m I. :, 9.1 ,� . .. . oj�it� Ulu tbd. . Ay . , . .. - �
�,�' . . ..: I I . . : , . :
.., � H LI . . . I I :' - fear bo�auso. she - Was ,a w0man-and ed, . . . . . offen - ded Tribbulet'w.4ved his - *ooden _. , ey I . tobdesty... .. .i . I .. . . . ., `,�. . .: .
1 cps.Bed Auctioneer for the Q '. - .. I , . I I . . 1. . ' . "And Why p6001' lifting �hei awart�. , 4 I . 1. ". I .. . I ; 1, ,� I . . "Thai Is,"'added Fra .. I .. .,� � I . .1.
:" Dimty . I . . ;
1. e'Atrugted - ' - ' . . -MiRECTORS- . . . -all the Sex but* . . I . . Sword vin ictive y.: . I I . ''. . nets, IIIf.It.*III ... ::. ; � �
11 . of 11t&ron. All Orders I - , .'' I . . I I ... Triboulet esteemed . brows q I uIzzleally. '. , - I I . I . - . ., . .
I.t . . . . .. .11 "llfghiy.perfected devIlsI1und-.ivoi1der , -.. 1. th . ."Maulkiril" '.be roared and Sprung . I , amus6, her i6 see. you- ban , .. I . . . .
me will receive pxonipt attention-', Villiam Slj�sney,�. - S�afdrth ; "We are. Already ,,ovetstocked wl . . � � . . ... gedl" _ I ..
... John I at fludlng,b& -different frOul And''.more".. * with *Idlous. lunges, upon', the ddke'a I �. I.. I . �,S!And it . . 1. . � . . . .
, . . . I . 1. ' . , : .1
lq Will . sell eithet. by percent * "-'or.. Gkieve,�'Wlnth,roii �G,ebrge Date, Sea- I o fools,"'. fie k6torted,.. looking, ester, whol, falling back before tile . . ., -itAld not amuse her� sl*100 . , . . .
I age, - ; pprillexift'thaji ov,,on the. rest -of, .b4r - -prent I .. ... � J . . : spoke I . , . , . w ..
: . . . .. . I . � Omer, *Itbout - I% . I .
, held 1*017111 ;' ' ', * , . , ; .. . . I I I I :: , suddenness of 'ille'absuIlt, whipped. out , . .. . tremor 11:111 .1 . ... . . I .�
. . , Buyl � over the'throfig. � . .1 . . .UO' tlfV ,ne*c' . . . � !
, per sale. 'Residence on the , . John "Watt, 'Harl,00(; :Jolla kind. - I , . I L S Voice. - 1. .. .. I . .
� .
I e � . ton. I , Ben . - - I . ' . ?I 1. .. . . �Ah, youflear 13 . I ill , - ., I . "What'tbeh?ll' . .� �. I .11 . I �,� . . I I
Road, on mile South of C114. I , neWies, Briodhagkill I, James:gva?18� ., 11acoqUellii . � I -, - -erhaps some one May, � a weation .In t4ra And;, laughing) -. I It . .
____ _- I . L I .. IS 11) " . I � .
I I . . I 'dei)6$6.ybul".r,e.'jnarkedJac4u Ifiele Id. � !- I ,- � .1. ., - - . I
. . . . � . . . . eec ; ja CO I I L . I ,. let .0 � . I � I I.. . I . . I t , asked the king. � . � . . .
. I . __ . nies� anolly, . . I , . . . I ,. . � I
� 1 ., . J B ollwood I , Clinton. . .Now she4as'perphed on one corner ly. ,� � , I I . . .1 . . . . -.1i .�I'tt Would be. a 6rea,ch of hosp tali . . -
I I � . 1. 1: 1. .. � � 1, . �. .. , I '. I I . . . . 1. . . . .. I .� I . .. . �� . . I .ty , ., �.. - - . I .
. . . -1 ,� Of the table, and her'face �Iiad ii Witch- I , . . . . . .1 I . � I . 1.
. I . L� . I -�ot de ' I tO, hang Me, the, servant of. the duke - . I . . I . , . -L
: _�OENTS" 7 4 ,guarded' laugh.,arose fr&a .tile tfirew Illin. so f , Into; an- XtItU6 - I . . . � . . , , _
LICENSED. AUCTIONEER.-GEOR-� ,. , , ` I . .. Tense. . . I '. ,. . .� . . I %.A:, .. . . " .1 11 .. I., .. . � . I I . �. F . . T .
. .:" .. . ; I , I like loveliness, as though borrowing . . `Who� 19, servant. of.Chailefi V.il! he re. .: . , .
I I . I � .
.. , � . I .. , 1 � .. .. I � : I . I . .� .. .
rdl..' : . �
90 i r , for - R � �' 'th'. -Harlock " 9. -fili Its.* pallor and beauty trom tileffhoolu ., gathering, Afid.the dwarf's, . eyes g � `A mortal combatll# cried the I . I
Elliott, ,licensed auctl*nele obert nil I - I , � I I , .loan! : I . 11. Plied Volft. . ..
' , I ..) I .. I ed, - ' - . . .1 I . I ca . I ;" . . . . I I -
I , 'ummill source. of a- - - . . . I . . I Prandis Started, - .Like A .menae - , . I I
the County of Hurion,isolleits 'th . ' ' . , , . . I
I I r �0, chloy� Seatorth I . James C gst . .. 11 magic and necromancy, . � "Depose -tue, Triboulotl" he shoUted, .rails wIt'snapper. , � . .� I . . 4 1 , 0 . 1. . . . .
. -1 U d - R I ...
I J A-&
'R I
I 'I
I` .1
I 11
p . E,gl1londville ,:, J,'. W'. Yeo, Noltnes- -Ire.r - eyes. eb ste� that, , "Charl - ' I exclaimed .. . r 4great emperor. , .
I I atronage of the public fo . busi- 1 $ 1 . . . Shone with on In* I rising. "Triboulet is sovereilgli lord of I eff V. And F riincls I" I . I shone. the 'A' ms, of th It I
_ I .. . I I
neta in his line. Sales 'condti6ted .; villei * . . . - . � Seeking their line, -they held�.tbe ob:. . -Ing, to: the p, . Ylvidly he ,rectilled his own.humI114- , I .
. . I . . I. . .. I : - I . - . , ,alfat whom he inocksi . His wand Is: CA14otte, � referl ersonal. - -, , ' - - . 11 � . . I I
, . I .
_ or., perce.ntW br so much per . sale, . i . I I . � I 1. . . I � Server's gaze in.mO&III4 languor -and * . � I I . I � tioui )its long captivity, --and mlstrust� . .
' ' . of blo, Mightier thanan episcopal miterl" Ilia lenge 'whicli had once passed be. : . ." . . I . . .. . . .. . � ..
. . I .
All business pvomptly attended to. Parties 'desiroug -to efte6t' insuralp,le cheated the Inquisitive dogeomb . ' I 1. I . . . ed the power of his subtle, amiable - � : . , .
"I . - In his overWeentrig rage, and' *anifY 'tWe0_n tile two �reat monarchs. "With . . I. � .� I . . -lend , . . . . I � . . . I . .1
� -George Elliott, Clinton, P� O., re� .'br, transact. other :busif.css, will be quest, the while the disdainful - lips, , be fairly, eVoUbhed. before the throne,. a throne -It the -victorl" he added gay- . . . . . fll -eillemy. Fr1endshIp7 .. Sweeter . . .
, . I � � �
� 0 sidence, - on.- the Bayfleld Llne� . fig proMptl'y at�pn.ded t on 'uppli atll� cuiiIled lRughillgly itnd's.o 'bowild.6red - . eyingAhorki all like a cat. His'thick ly, Indicating TrIbabletla,chale.of state. � � I.. . . . ;. .,. :.., .. ,A I Was.fiaire'd. But-the'promptings of . . ., . �.
L . �*
., � . . .. I 0 Ile n , ' I . . I . I . -
I I _ . I .! . !jo any.'of t66 aboveoillicefs addrioss.,d him he forgot the customary 'phrases . . . � I The clatter and din awoki6 Rabelais, I � I . . . - I � Otis Ichaveyok. . . .1 : wisdom had suggest d the -POIIIY�pf , . . . . . .
I - I I . lips trembled; his eyes became ,blood- I � " 0i O to . .e . I � . � . .
. .I . to their res�jectjVg nngtfiff it onny, 116r �- -, I who'drowall - .A 4,1- 4. &A' .. . . . . .. peace; 'the 1dins of expediency drd,�6 . �
I , Icl,s T _�... and Stood Lstaring like n . . . . . . I %
� I ,
ill,S�ected, �by the, director',* who live's I
. .
nearest the scone, , I , . I I
. I . .
� I . .
% I � : , I . .
_FF==�==_ � =�_ , -
. � Shot Fie forger Ali p Uuen(!p� . . I .
footstep fell so light, She Was so agile �,
Moth not the kilig himself �seek,my
and quick, the ouperstiii6ilis - dwarf I .. '' . . � III
. * I * ;-ftdvlco�, He laughed. horribly, XatII
swore she w 'but aturd-df tile . - -
� as I I a, ere . . not, perhaps, man - 4'fair geng,eilign
night. and held Surreptitious, meetings ; - -1 .. .. I.H., I . .. _
wIth'all the 1nmlliar W frits. of. demon- I - 11 - . ... .. I . .. , .
ology. As.she. never denied the uft-� '.06n 6urncd__14tyo, burned to -ashes as
. 11 I. b - .W.4VIt ,;a .
with lackluster 91170',44d undoubtedly
thought blinself once .,moM amid th
. .. . 0-
fanciful copillas,of fearful ginnts,* I
. I kFull to, Pa I litagruel, -my in . orry pala-
. I .
din!" he exclaimed boi-Abastically,
"Cut, Slash, Stikb,, ferk0e; and justlet"
1 117 banks, 4 our mAje9ty,11 he boSaill,'
Y I 1. I .�� ,
'but If some post hearef. honjle"-:_ %, .
' I . ., :
- ..
, "You are to Bull at once P . . .
. I I
'-"But ray wff,E� , . . _.. .
"Will. remain at eourd" Announced.
the duke's Jester with* qeat decision. '
i � . �
� h1mi Autocrat ok 0-tave, to the' doctribbs . - I . . .
. I . . . .1
'of loving brotherhood. ,He� turned h1b . ' , �,
gloomy,'eyes Upon tbb glowing, counte- . .. . . .
I �
- Ylance of TrIb6ulet, , - . � *. � .. I , .. .. . .� . . I . I .
"Whtitsay,you, focilv.� . . � I . I .. . I ... . � . .. �
� . I . I
. "Your" italesty,tv answered the eager . . 1;1 . .1 I .
I 11 ..
. .
� I L,
. I �
tatlon, but only, displayed 'I calvialot-at ray suggestiont" �
"Allsorable wretelil Spyll' exclaim-
her small -white teeth maliciously by''
And hhuself,' reaching for all JmaXI..
., Villot made a wry face.''. The king In
motley smiled significantly, "A Safe
dwarfl."iebuld hang him without breach. , . I � I . . .
of hospitallt ,, , I . . . . .
Y. 4 i �
- . .
44, . I .. .
ed the .young woman. paler than a Illy#
way of answer, Triboulet felt assured . I f ,
nary sword, encountered the tankard,
, likh he would have raised to .
W his lips
Ija�,dnl Villot, Besides, remember a
.. �
I . .
"HOW do yotl wake that good, Trt-
Tralils Will arrive at and depart
fr6m Clinton - '
110 Iva$ right .and crossed himself re. as she bept.hor eyes, with fully Opened
1140, Upon him, I.
but that Ilia. Shaggy head fell again
court without ladies- Is .Ilke a, sptilig .
without flow 00.1p .�
boulat?!, asked the mdntLrob.. . ... .
- "The . I
station gg,follo� :
. . . WS
. � . .
119101191Y whenoTor she gazed too fired-
ly at him. - . I I As If to shield himself, he raised his
to the board before his, willing arm
. A movement resemblfilig iipproll�11_
* duko bag given him to �tljo . �
,,,I. . . I
Incess. The princesa Is IL Subject ..
, I � DUP
. I � I I .
, .
build, yet drtajkenness'o� Wrath ov6r.
. � A Most gV1101611ge folio, her dtoss Wag .
had obeyed the passing Impulse of his
sluggish brain.'
. ton swept tbrongh the company. TI;i6
. I .
. I I
of your majesty. The. king of'France I �
I I � I..
. Going East , - I ,��,3g k. nl�
It is I .
In keeping with her ebaraetev, yollo�v' Came 6utionand supetstition, and the
VoIng the predominath-LI color, To,the red eyes met the dark ones; But a mo-
. I
. I
I'Vencel Justlel" hO murmured, arl
I I .
opigralin had boon Fianclai, the court,
A limirer bod of roses, was In Congo- .
hwq JUrifidletlop over thlo Princess' foot . � I ..
aid surely tan pioceed In go small st . I
, . I
11 . 3.21 p, fill,
I 44 I ,
i $4 , 540 11. in I
. went, and the former dropped sullenly.
,Itul ad
tanc ornaiklat of the gow,n her A 4-. �� .411 . 4-l... �461. t.i.- tr �
Wopt once More. . 1 . .
But the parrot. airalp, disturbed
I .
quencel a thorny wave for a Jester to
- hanging him." . � I I I �
InfittOr an I . . :
�; �; . . . is. 11 V . . . 0 irend lyrom act obair at rue Lar end I
� " it..! . .! , . ct!m_.-t�� t'!�!�_ t-tte n.ltn_.__ I Gain, West ,1,11 ,* all litho figure lent Itself kend0y, while : � Francis bent a malignant I"k upon . 11
1. t � � . I It it -ell adapi , . . could not' go easily compome Itself to ted .
I I I .1 , her rebellious ciirla wore ',% Lod thought he was bewitched of & room the young woman looll, the Young lolian. Behind the dwarf . "
I . . . . I . . 12.50 P. in, "Non nobla Dominell, be, murmured, ;WUMber. Whipping Its head from I at the neWcOlne for the ,first time stood the Josttoss, . M&W I In e4ruest , L I
. 11��, 411 ,*60 YKA1016 td , 91 � . ,il,40 P. in *to that badge Ok her Servitude, the or a � I �
� *14 it . I jaunty cap that croWood their waving striving -to recall A hyiu�, As Latin, its llowny'neAt, It outsproitd Its gray since his enthr nement, Her'fingers spectator of the scene.. I I . .
141i i I � )$P,�SIN-1151.N I 01 - K . I . 10,47 1) � in I . I -wits the language of* witchcraft, so Winga gloriously aud �s0iamed .And yet played. betw6ou the gilded bars; "This nowconiqlFA stay with us prom. .
- - -1. I . .. .
. ��Ilt . . -.-".- oljo�ted as� though vend
. � also was it the antidote. - Conteniptu- ng fill the the posture she had assumed set forth Iges to be brielij Calliette," She whia- ..
I I 0 Iva I L, LONDON, HUR014 & tRUOV DIV, A'U eifpe,01111 disdain from her position OU81y she turned her bac I It and walked , . the pliant grace of her figure ,Above Doted.. , . ..
)'s � . . . # .thunders of the Vatleun upon thd of- .
'.. � . I i upolt tile corner of tile table, hot glance slowly to the' fire.. Upon her white tal bel)[9crentA, and above the up- � the others, She glanced at illm, her . "Hark, YOU Witchl Ile answers," re- I I .
`:4 I Going South' , , 1.47 a. m. .
. � .
11 4.4.3 Di in. y idea turned the poet. ,
I , 'to, hair ver black against the
" I it' It -wandered down the board and rest. face anCoUpplo figureplayed the elfish M" 011d UQ!k;e of -arins, rabble, and
( 0d on Itabolalk; the gormand, before ,glow, lighting the little cap and the b]Pd Ilt'080 the piercing voice of Tri- . 90
ll , , . Going North 10.15 a. in. I cage; her Arm, very ,White, half nil- ,, slwbat can he gay?" bho retorted, L
'"'O" . - , 14, 44 whom Were aft boulet. . .
I Z A104
., � I 01C , I � . empty trencher and Waving tresses beneath. . sheathed from the great hanging Sleeve, shrugging ber ohouldera, lolle is &I. I
I OKSIONS 1, . . B. & L. 14. 6*35:1l' In, tankard, ThO btlost,doctor-writer. Regarding her furtively, Triboulot's "Watch too spit this bantam e6ckl'* itYou are overbold,11 she said, a pe- reg I I I
I I I . dy condepaned.11 I I
r� . . Cooynta"T4 &a. f . I � Scamp who affected ,the c6luipang, of courage returned. since she wag look- I - cullar smile upon her lips, . . "Are YOU, Pleased, mistrosa? 1not b,- . I
Atillitie landli* & skitth sAd doW in&$ . . 1� Ltl, I I
Julak siost"Ill our 6%AnI Mr. A, 0, VATTISON, Station Age-i-flf. Jesters alidAikod -not A littlo the ho#.: Ing at, the coals, not -at him. . 011411TE
. w6w Ill Ior = " .
;1' inventon Is broblibi i 21hu"WA, . I - � "Nay, I have spoken no troaSoilo MIS' cause the poor follow stared at yoll .
�� 1161111401 00604#1 PAW14 F� 'A. Hot) Pitality, of Fools, built which adjoined moi boll, lie Said j6mioly. "You fill . tre8a,"I fid. retorted blithely, I .
11 y I CfEINS, Town Ticket Agt OtT<ar and ,,41%arp pointed, "it . Overmuch
t �. , ontfrZ10684 6.445rt NO . I ,Lit -1.
11 0 "Not by word of mouth, perfiftils; but
. raten till WON Ut1ft "W=vt � the Pastry brauch of the castle kitch6li thought I wag- Sincere. Listell, my clill, - . "Oh," she Said InselaSibly, ilit was
1*" = witlioult 21, r. 40 at a If. D. MACDONALD, District jP I i . swr o, lusig; � L
. � - , assaq- and was not far, removed from thie drew The art Of fooling Iles. In ttump- I - ".. nifleant �vcnl)on, wielded - by, by Imputation." Id hang lifirisd1f. Now . .
. with it geStIlf" wkitten he Bill �
;, I ftntif [to Now, No gor Ageftt, Toronto. whi6 butts, hid just unrolled it bundit ed up eatuesitness." go smiled hide. ... f the thowa alld 811101va of a go raised his brows 'of W(VIT beat how ably Audacity parleys ' . .
�. ith"466*61rillsist"*44*661t ?I ,at WW"-*-" ______1__1-- of MAM19cript, lilt daubed Wltfi troinch. Ously,
f .� Vist 6 Triboulet. Croueh!iig like aft animal, wanton protest, while the face befoee with Fate.ir I �
t of 00KA6 find taftard drippings, - And "UMV60 Tfibou'1601 OtIM (in adMir. tht kilig's bulli'oIll alwalig with hend. Wall eloudod, Her 6YOO told lliq, 114U. . I L
"'3T " = I tifItAti tOO YoW*to tikkO tMilithAo YtM bc' W40 600t to road Al6Ud . .1 0 1'. CO.\ T I \ i 1'. 0, )
�� -v the strango Ing voldo, I little teeth J11 t g) bot� t .
.� C.uir,.dototouy>.,who6otn*t6uftItAft4told--,Lv Advthturo of one rintAgruel, When I "Olili 11M6 and att CAO . long filry, Latin'llig Wargo, guttural 3 L'Ahlle(l VC011 TA6 ___.__..111__.- -, .
it qk 0 A ..
f . L
'� I usidg vilbo-creiloteat--ther breatble it, 91VO YOU volluda that awitkenod M1991viliga re OrIMSO OfI10110 - The NeWL'S-JZee()1(T, P
0 Ir 'i'vea . th a lt)041 I
I . I . t . . . I
I . I Vqr011dll 1% 104U1969call Iiiii b"d. tel' �tilqh. Asterl over the paoolon$s" 0OW garaing the fato of his too confl4ent "I p'te$Unio L,*.O# CoftSidor Charles t 0 Am. I
. . I ..!, _0 �% .. ". . , 14. . L, J0 � 1.1-1 � , .
I L . I . . I I .1 I— - .
i � : . I 1, 11, . . I I I.., 1� � , L I 0" -� � � . . .. ,.�. , . I
. 11 I . .., . : I I I I .. I . . I . . .
I . I I I .
� I .
. L I
I �' - �, I . I . �
: I t 1��
. .
I I !
1. ., - . i .. I L � � . � 0 L , 1, . � . I 'A 0 I . .
--.W.ommom-mmld� - - � - __1 I—- �__ _ - - I.- I - - _ ___ - i . __ -.4- __ _,L_ 'i -.-- _ - - I - - - L- _11111111 W_ , ... - . - - %-. I .. - - - . . . . . . � I'll - . __