HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-25, Page 4e•e'
The,. Clinton News-Rocord
The News -Record
Ownotii,. on,
Terme 01 eubeeription-41 °per Yeer
advauee WK. Vey he cheesed ,if
liet. so. paid. No. per :discontinued
PAtU a ..4TrearS are paid, ilielese at .
theopiniou ot the .publislier.' .The
date ee which. every subscriptiOn
paid IS limited. OP U1014014
Advertising rates eeeTraueient eelver-
• tisements, 10 eente Per emspaelel
line toe first Meertiou and 3 cents.
per line or each.subsequent *mt.-
ion, Small -advettisenienta not. to
eceecj one incl, such as
-4Sti.ayed,H or "Stelen," etc, in-
eetted once for 80, cents .0,aci each
subsequent insertion 10- cents.
Communications intended for .ptibtliew-
tion must, as a -guarantee 01 geed
faith, be accompanied by the rialnn
el tbe writer.
W. J,
- Editor and Proprietor.
Mr. Alexander Reid, son of Mr.
Samuel Reid of the Mill Road, Tuck-
ersinith, left last week for Prinee Al-
bert," N. W. T., where he as been ap-
pointed to the very responsible posi-
tion of manager of the eleetrical
works of that rapidly growing
On Monday evening of last week a
number of the business men of town
and friends of Mr. E. A. Fox, assem-
bled at the Commercial hotel to
have a social evening witn him be--„,
fore his departure ter the West. •1VIr.
Fox, who has been accountant in the
Bank of Commeree here for the past
six years, has been promoted to the
position of manager of a branch. at
Ponoka, Alberta, and left on Wed-
nesday for that place.
There passed away at • Egmondvil-
le on Sunday week one of the oldest
and •Most highly respected residents
of the village, in the person of Neil
Brown, at the ripe age of 82 years:
Deceased had been ailing for some
time with the infirmities of old age
and his demise was not unexpected.
He *as for years a farmer near the
Red Tavern in Tuoicersmith, some ye-
ars ago retiring and moving to Eg-
mondville. He as a member of the
Egmondville Presbyterian charch and
a Reformer.
Dr. Cooper and Mr. George 'Bald-
win were at Port Frank last • week
on a fishing expedition. .They are
both expert anglers and •they had
splendid .luck. They brought home
over thirty beauties varying in weight
from three: to seven pound&
In a recent issue 71 the Medicine
Hat News is given a• list of the lease$
holders of land in that district and
the number tit acres held by each...
Among others in the list is the Criss -
swell Pattie Co., whieh has, a lease,
holding of upwards of 200,000 acres,
which makes themmany times • over
the largest ranchers in that part of
the west.
At a special meeting of the town
council held Monday -evening -it -wan
decided to submit a by-law to the
ratepayers fixintg an assessment of the
Canada Furniture Manufacturer' pro-
perty in this town at $25,000 for a
period of ten years, in consideration
of which the company will erect, in
addition to the union factory, a three
itory building, 64 by 70 feet, •with
basement, and double the number of
hands at present employed... A by-
law to raise $12,0,00 for the extension
of the waterworks system will be al-
so submitted at the same time. .
Wm. Dawson, sou of Mrs. A. Davi-
son of Wingharn, and a former resi-
dent of this. place but now of Hart-
ney, Man.'has deserted the ranks of
the bachelors and taken unto him-
self a life partner, the young lady of
his ° choice being Miss Laura Hartley
of Heaney.
The hand of death- has breughtsor-
row and gloom to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Thompson of .Wa-
siamosh, taking away their son, •'Ri.
chard Thomas Thompson. The sad
event - occurred on Friday week at
• Grafton, North Dakota, whither the
young man had gone last September
to seek his fortune. From the par-
ticulars to hand it appears that 'Vit.
Thompsonwas suffering from a com-
• plication of diseases-; his condition,
however, was not regarded as serionn
and the news of his death came as a
shod( to the family and friends. The
remains were brought 'to Wingharn
and the funeral took place from the
family residence, WaWanosh, to the
cemetery ,at Donnybkook onPWednes-1
day afternoon. The deceased was a
member of the I. 0. 0. Fe, Wingham,
and a number of the brethern attehd-
ed the funeral to pay a tribute . of
respect to the memory of their • de-
parted brother, and to ,perform •the
sad rites of the Order at the 'Arial
service. -
Early last Sunday morning the
spirit of George Rogers, ri, well
known resident of Brussels, took fts
flight. He tad not been in very ro-
bust health for some little time, re-
sulting from two strokes of paraly-
sis during the past year but wag
about the house and garden. In the
evening Mrs. Rogers went to the cem-
etery and on her return found Mr,
Rogers ein-ae uneonscious condition.
A physician 'was called but nohope
was held out and after a 4fent hours
the vital spark fled. It WS sOrrOW-
ful news to the commuliity. Deteased
wan* born in Delaware, Ont., on April
15th, 1848.
At kis home in Eirtle; Manitoba, on
May iid, George Pitepatrick, a for-
mer resident of DrUSSelS., crossed That
bourne from whenee no travellet re-
turns, aged 87 years, 0 maths and 22
days.. The bimetal took piece on the
following Wedheeday, afternoon. It
several years sinee Mr, arid MrS.
Fitzpetrick went West to rejetill Song
and daubliter who were residing there.
Mime of the older people Will totem-
ber the Old ge1it1401411 My, dieeieetlye
Mr. Jese Young started Monday
nameingl to lay cement wallek Helms\
veered Mr. Johnston from Wiegbam,
a drat -elan heed, and has about tea
Of a gang on.
Tbe C. P. R. Men are making slow
Mx. and Mrs. Eebliu riiited Nile
Sterdeee -
Mr. Mex. Young"of Winghank was
the guest of heti brother, James tide
week. 11
Miss. L. ter am of Clinton
accompanied Mis Jessie Coupland
honie last Saturday mid reineenee
over Sunday at the parsonage. •
Miss, Erma Symington of Blyth
Sendayed at home.
Mr. and Mrs: Snider of Nile were
at M. John Ferguson's on Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth McBrien is on the
sick list, also Miss Exuma Dobie.
IVIelburne Sprung of the Mait-
land Block died on Sunday, aged 5e
years, and after having been. ill for
several months. He long dwelt there
and was much respected in the com-
munity. His wife and their family oft
one son and two datiehters survive.
The funeral took place pn Tuesday to
Ball's cemetery; the services being
conducted by Rev. 1VIr. Yelland, Mr.
Sprung having been a member ef the
Methodist church.
Mr. Thos. Radcliffe and his sister,
Miss Maggie, spent a few days of the
past week with •their sister, 1VIrs,
James Greaves of Seafoith.
Mr. and Mrs. 'William McIntosh
spent Satunday and Sunday ' with
friends at Staffa. • •
• Mrs. P. J. Papineau and daughter
of Caringrove spent last 'week the
guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
George Clark. .
Miss Mellie Sutherland visited her.
•grandfather; Mr. Henderson, at Win-
throp for a few days last week.• . •
Miss Maggie Macdonald ;is this week
the guest -of her brother at •Cromarty
and also other friends. •
*Mts. W. *Michael and Mrs, Robt.
Coates. and sons of Sea.forth spent,
Friday the • guests of. Mrs. Daniel'
Mr. Robt, Coates Sr. left last week
for Idaho. He spent the winter here
with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Clark:
Mr. Monsieur Contine 'Mtendi to.
brighten up St, 'Joseph akain and fon.
that purpose has bOught•a 3900 lb.
dynamo to be installed inhis electric
Tlie• people" of Drysdale North have
nioied the oliureh to .Mr... Talbot's
farm *to be Used for Sabbath :sett-
•ool purposes, "
Mr. T. Johns -ten is having, ,Svall
put intl.& his barn, Tom is a go -a-.
head - fatiner and believes in keeping
things comfortable 'and handy. • .
Mr. H. Howard is busily engaged
cementing: Harry is a good ,rnan*at.
• the nusiness and anyone having, any
such work to • do can •do no •better
than employ nim. Satisfactien guar -
Sines the shop has closed atBlake
our blacksmith is swelling the
On'Tuesday al last week St. Peter's
*Catholic 'church, Satibla Line, Hay,.
was , the scene of a pretty. wedding.
Mr. Jos. Gelinas, 'a prosperous young
farmer; of Stanley t•ovinsliii, Was un-
ited in the holy bonds of matrimeny
to Miss Mary, youngest daughter of
Mr. Alex Denomy. . Rey:. Father
Loiselle petfer•med the iniportant cer.
emony in the presenee of only. the im-
mediate relatiVes,--Mr. Leon GelMas
atipported • the gtoom and the bride
was •,stMliorted by her sister, Miss
Celine. Denorny. Mt. and Mrs. Gelinaa
will, Make their- home on the old.
*homestead, ?just north of, bryselalef
We join with their many ItiendS in
wishing them a happy and prosperous'
wedded life. • . .
• Blake.•
1VIr..Ed. ICalltfieisch has moved away
from, our village, leaving us without
a blacksmith. • ' •, •
• Mr. P. Douglas has moved into the
labrg. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
many happy years of retired life.
Messrs. Rob. " and Irvine Deugiat
are • home from the West to spend a
few' Weeks renewing OW aelituaintanc-
The vacancies occasioned by , the.
removal of Messrs. A. Thompson and
R. J. Drysdale, elders of. the Presby-
terian • church, have been ,
filled by Merge. G. Sparks and G.
S. Howard: .
Mr. Chas. Meyers' has added won-
derfully to the apPearance of his piece
by raising and enlarging hie burn awe
puttieg a, atone wall under it.
• Quite heavy frosts visited us last
week, but Iso harm is thought to
have been done oh either legetaeles
or early fruit. • '•• •
' Zurich.
Mr, N. M, Cantin is having his big
hotel in St, Joseph fitted out and exe
peets to haVe it complete in a rew
weeks. He has the promise of a lic-
ense for it wheti it is read! , for, oc-
cupancy, it is said. ,
Mr, and Mrs, Js. Esler, of the
Goshen Line, moved to Varna this
week where they will take a much,
needed rest 'after malty years( of
work on the farm. Their son, Mr,
Allan Esler, has purchased the farrft
mei leas teken possession, •
A very pretty wedding teremOny
W as performed M the St Boniface
Catholic, .ehureh here on Tuesday of
last week, when IVIiss Clara, eldest
daughter •of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
Poster, Babylon Line, became the
bride of Mr. John Haas, of Detroit.
The bride was supported by her sis-
ter, Miss Phoebe Poster, and the
groom by Idr. Jos, Poster, Jr, The
Ceremony was performed by the Rev,
Prether Stroeder and was witnessed
by quite a number.
.Ark- adeettitiefeteet le 'The NeWie
St. Helens,.
iireA Lon**.
• Miss Violet Buchanan has returned
to Lueknew after spentliee a couple
of weeks around bere.
Rev. W. Lowe of Wingliam will con-
duct divinetv1ce in Mist Church,
St. Helens, next Sabbath on the
subject of missions.
Mr. Thos. Woods of Wheatley is re-
newing old acqnaintanees Around Imre
at preeent,
• St, Helens football team went 'to
• Goderich to play, and came off vict-
OtiOus, the score standing 7 to 2 in
their favor.
• Mr. J. 'Brown, teacher for St,
Helens school, •eves injured at the.
• football 'meteh and was unable to
teach sehool this week. ,
The congregation "of Calvin chute'',
St. Helens, were somewhat surprised
On Sabbath last when. their popular
Pastor, Rev. S. M Whaley, announc-
ed les resignation on account of 111
hea,ith. He intends taking a completn
rest for the present and expects to
leave about the middle of June. •
Miss Clara Whyard is On a visit
to friends at Listowel,
Wm, Fowler has returned hm
oe, af-
ter having spent a lengthy *it with
his daughter, Mrs. J, • Stewart, • in
Listowel, We are pleased to see the
venerable gentleman (who is upwards
•of eighty years of age) looking so
hale and vigorous.
Mrs. Bell and son David of Goder.
ich township visited friends here last
atuiday._ . •
lVfes. Bradford of Kinlough left for
•horne4recently after having :visited her
son, George Bradford,• ••
James Bradford of Kirdoegh and
Hank of Port Albert, visited • their
brother, George Bradford, last Sun-
• Brown Durnin, medical student, is
visiting. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0.
Martin. • He is attending the Univer-
sity of Toronto, and has written on
his examination papers.
C: Tebbutt, principal of Dunganmen
public* school, was sufficently improv-
ed in health to be able to go home
to Goderich trivoiship last week,wherei
we hope he will soon': be restored to
• •
• •••••••••••••
• . •
• The third 'arirdiersary Of the in,
duction of Rei. J. L. Small asspaster
of the. Presbyterian will be:
observed on June' 4t1C, and. - on
the folloWing MondaY evening a secial
entettainment Will,* held. •SuPper:
will be 'served and a good •program
ren.dered, ,with ' the ' assistance ot
Godetioli talent. Rev. J. L. • Small
has been appoin* by the Presbytery
attend the Presbyteylen General
Aesetebly at kiegstoo:next month.
Chae: McPhee is :eoingento tee gro--
Wing of Strawberries on: a large. seale,,
and has put ia 10,000 new plants. '
A.• C.P.R. construction., gang has
pitehed its tents ate"ityn, -on •the
Figen farm. • There. are (*Out • thirty,
Men and half nsmany teams. In adz
.dition_. to the grading; .:_ehetreente.,...ere
being built for the bridge over Shoe--
pe's creek.. .• • . • .
The :grOurid is *ell soak4tand with,
'warrn -wee:thee there Will be. great
growth. • -, • . •
Miss Maggie Bliehanan is . • unWeIl
again. '• . •
• 1 ,
If your blood isweak, if it is poor
and watery, a touch of cold or intla-
enze will settle in your lungs and the
apparently harmless •cougb of to -clay
will become tlite racking consump-
tive's cough of to -morrow. Weak
bloed ie an open. invitation. for con-
sumption to lay upon you the hand
of death. The only way to avoid
consumption and to strengthen and
brace the wkole system is by enrich-
ing your blood and •strengthening
your lungs with Dr. Williams' Pink
pills. They make new, rich, -warm
blood, They add resisting power to
the lungs. They have saved scores
from a consumptivee grave -not af-
ter the lungs are hopelessly diseased,
but where taken when the cough first
attacks the enfeebled system. Here is
positive proof, Mrs. Harry Stead,
St, Catherines, Ont., says: "A few
years ago 1 was attacked with lung
trouble, and the doctor, after treat-
ing me for a time, thought I WOO 014
ing into consumption. I grew pale
and emaciated, had no appetite, was
troubled with a hacking cough, and
I felt that I was fast going towards
the grave, neither the doctor's medi-
cine oar other medicine that I took
seemed to liolp me. Then a gited
friend urged Inc to take Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. By the time I had used
four boxes it • was plain that they
were helping me. I begin to recover
y appetite, and In other ways felt
better. I took six boxes morel and
was as well as ever, and had gained
in weight. I believe Dr. • Williams'
Pink Pills saved me .froin a consump-. tg
-dye's grave, ana :1 feel very gratefey, 0-25 to $5,35 per twt,„ with 45:50
Now, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build fpr. picked lots, weighing from • 1,000
up the strength in just one way- to 1,175 lbs. Fair to good steers
they actually make new blood. That were quoted at $5 to $5.25 per cwt.,
is all they do, but c
they do it well. common to medium at $4.80 to $5 per
They don't act on the bowels, They wt., and rough, inferior to middling
at $3475 to. $4.e0 per dwt.
don't bother with mere symptoms,•
They won't cure any disease • that. iteccipts were 82 loads, 1,658 cattle
isn't caused by bad blood. But then, 4 she* and lambs and 32 calves.
nearly all common' diseases spring Wm. Levack bought 30 loads of e t
from that one cause-abaernia.; 'tle tat prevailing prices,
gestion, biniousness, headaches, side- • Lunness Halligan bought 2 loads
aches, •bacleacb,es, kidney trouble • ,of •exporters, 1,300 to 1,350 Ibs:, nt
$3.50 to $5,50 per citvt.,and, in additi-
on had four, loads of Chicago cattle
in the maeket which cot $5,50 per
ewt., and weighed 1,370 lbs.
Henry Hunnisett bought one•lead of
Mixed cattle, .1,100 to 1,250 lbs., ' at
$4.25 to $4.50 per. cwt. .• •
Leveek bought 85 butchers',
1'040 to • 1,150 lbs t $ 5 to $550
per cwt. •
• • .
8. Levack bought 6 steers, averag-
ing 1,000 lbs., at $4.90 per' cwt. •
W. Dean bought 12 loads of 'of ex-
porters, eeeraging 1,200 to 1,325 Reee
at $5 to $5.60 per ewe
• Hogs were 250 per •cwt. lower • at
$6.50., fen and 'watered, and $6.75 per
cwt. Off cars. •'
Eatct ItirawAnooll.
On May 2:4th a pretty wedding* totes
Place at Sharon Spring Farnn, ibO
home of *the bride's paten*, when
Hattie'daughter of Mr. Giles Jen-
kins, becarne the wife of Mr. Willem
Mackenzie Webster of Hullett A lar-
ge number of invited guests witnessed
the ceremony which was perforrred tq
Rev. 13. Clemcot at he h noon. The
happy couple have taken up house-
keeping on the groom's farm on the
13411 eon, of Mullett. Here's wishing
thorn much happiness and prosperity.
Live Stock Market,
Toronto Jenction, May 22. -The ads
verse conditions which ba,ve dpminat-
• co. the export cattle trade for some
timepast were turtber reflected. by an-.
other recessiou in the price of cattle
in the shipping .division thir morning
at the Union Stock Yards, andliy a
tether quiet trade in that section-,
the demand being somewhat draggy,
owing to the unwillingness of holders
to make concessions on cattle which
had cost high prices in the country.
On the Whole, however, trade may be
• described as fairly.' active, though
there were still some cattle unsold at
the noon hour,
Exporters--Thebest offerings sold
at $5.60 to $5.75 per cwt., ,with •
sale of two very choice loads at $5.80
Per cwt. The bulk sold at $5.40 to
45.60 Per mt. for steers, and $$,75
to $4.50 for bulls.
• Butchers' -Trade in this division
was .brisk again and, considering the
weakness in exporters', pries were
Well maintained, The best sold et
mbagQ,*rheumatism, sciatica, neut.
algia, • nervousness, general weakness'
and the special secret ailments • that.
growing girls' and women donot like
to ' talk about even to their doctors..
But you must get the genuine • with
the full nettle, "Dr. Williams' •Pink
-Pills forPale . people," on the wrap-
per around each box. If in doubt.
send lithe priec-50 cents' a' bo k or
$2.50 for six boxes, to the Dr. Wil-
liams.' Medicine Co,; Brockville, -Ont.,.
a.nd get the pills .by mail postpaid.
. • . • .
The. Cheque Vvrasnq for Him.
Ottawa, May ClergAe,the
SO0 inagetate, appeared in Poiicetcourt
this, morning as plaintiff in a -charge
against. Geo..'MoEwcri Cumberland
street,: Ottawa, • of forging the • natne
George McEwen - te cheque -for • $750,
MeEwen pleaded not guilty, and.. the
case Was en 'god; the prisoner being
releaged.'without bail. . .
It is said that ethe Morton. Trust
CorePany of New York sent a. Mope
in behalf of the COnsolidited.Lake,
Superior Company payattle to Oeorgo' -Georgian • Bay -Mackinac Division -
Me -Ewen of--Ilensall;--Ont..,- -former' I: -LFOr -Sault Ste-.-:-Matie and --North
M. 'P. for South Huron: It is alleged. Channel ;May Perta--.Steamers leave
that when the cleque first reached,:collingwood 1.30 p m Meafard 4
Ottawa,- i,t was sent to another p. Owen Soiled 11 it. m.; Tues -
named 111cEWen, who •returned it AO' 'days, Thursdays and Seterdays.
New York It was re-eddressed, and. 'North Shore Division -For "Parry
on rea,ehingt'OttaWa thie* second ' thin) Sound; -Byng Inlet and. Free& 'Wier,
fell into the hende of the map • ender Stea.mers leave, Collingwood .10;30 le
charge,: ivho Is :alleged to have endorse en. Mondays and Fridays: : ,
• edit, a'rid-paid it into J. Harty:, a Id-.
*.Morris Township ,,* .j cal broker, en account. • ,
. This hainiened,'"aceording to • plain-
tiff, • in January led and the dine;
• whieli went thrtnign„ the Sovereign,
Bank, is now held ,by the Bank • of
• ' •
The Northern •.Novigation Co.
, •
. y ailpoints on •
• Elton Cardiff, '54h Lind, •is Waking
qrlite a:sUccess of his Ohathani- Mount
ater. '
• Rev. R. Maunders is spending a few.
Weeks at home. prior to attexiding the
annual' conference Of the .Methodist
church Where he will come up for re-
ception °and ordination.
Somebody took a steel crowbar
fromthe side of the roadway oppos-
ite James Duncan's farm the other
daY.,- Which the boys were using, • It it
is notireturned there may be 'trouble.,
It s said John Barr; 4th Line, was
offered the haudsorne figure ef $300
for his. white "Costuntet" (hieing
mare but eeclined to -a,ecept: The pu-
• rchaser wanted het to matoh antither,1
fara hearse team, we understand.
. .
We are pleased to state that •Miss
aggiteetealLe0th Line, is'erielting fave
orable progtess from the injuries re-.
eeived: ,by. the Miming -she met with.
scene weeks' ago. Her many !deeds
hope she will soon be as well as eVer,.
A letter from Henry Mooney, of
Weyburn, N. W. T.., says that Mrs.
Mooney is not making as tavereble
progtreee towares complete easter-
ation as they would wish, •'The Weat;
her has been dry and AS a consequ-
ence: the crops are soinewhat back-
ward, • •
Safety For Children..
Mothers shotild never give their life
tie ones a Medicine that they.do not
leiew to be absolutely safe and
harmless, All so-called soothing
medicines Contain, poisonous • • opiates
Butt stupify the helpless little ones
without curing its aliments. Bay's
Own Tablets is the only .melicine for
infants and young children that gives
the mother a, positive guarantee that
it conteine no opiate or harmful, drug
IVIiltore L. Hersey, M. Sc, (McGill
University), has analyzed these Tab.
lets and says : "I hereby • eettify that
I hive made a careful analysis of
• Baby's Own Tablets, which I person-
ally purchased in a drug stere in
1VIontrea1„ and the said analysis has
failed to detect the presence of any
opiate or nareotie in them,” This
means that mothers Cat give their
little Ones these Tablets with an as-
surance that they Will do good- that
they gannet possibly do harm The
ablets eure indigestion, eolier eon.
ipation, diarrhoea, simple fever,
thing troubles and all minor ail-
ents. Soid by druggists everywhere
wit by mail et 25 cents a bbx by
ritiog the Dr. Williams' Medicine
0.t BteekVillee QLt
Bee* Wino $ood testate, .0
• ' . • . • . • .
Walt0114 • • . •
• Some of our Foresters attended the,
funeral of the late George Rngersin .
Brussels .on Wednesday, • ,
The Ladiet' Guild of St. George's •
church held their regular' meeting at, 1.. R AND, TRU N ltRS ',ALA Aa
John Scarlett's last week. . '
The C. 0. P. will hold their annual LEWIS & CLARK •CENTENNIAL
M Herne in the'. Workman's Hall on • EXPOSITION, ,PORTLAND, oitp.
May 2eth. This popular gathering • •
will no dpubt be as enjoyable a,s '
• ,
-448.25 from Clinton-
• Good going daily until Sept. 304h
.. Valid returning .within 90 days
Special side trips to Culifornia points
' • -td points in. --
Manitoba; Assinahoia, Saskatchewan
• 'and Alberta. • '
•• -Rates $30.00 to $39.00 -
Good' going June 13th, 27th and
• July 12th.
Valid returning within 60 days.
For tiekete and full information
Lake Simerior Diyision....-For • Soo.°
Port Arthur, Pert illiam and ,Dule-
th. Steamers leav Simla 3,3.0 'p.m.
Mondays; Wednesd ys,:or` Fridays';:
• Through •itiokets and lowest fieighe•
rates. • For information and tickets
apply to G.T. R. agents, . . • • .
' a H Gildersleeve Mgr. ,
. Collingwood.
' •"0, II.. NiehOlsoe, Tragic Mgr."
• The Ladies' •Aid of She 1VIethodist
church will h 1411_1,.a. Garrlen.„Party
the Parsonage grounds on Tuesday
evening,. May, 23rd, A good proggarn,
is bMng arranged and Brussels Band
Will be in attendance,. • •
, Mr, Will Christopher called r• on hIS
• Clinton friends for a few days Iast
' . •
Toronto Farmers' Market:
.eroronto, May 82 -Receipts were
very light to -day, and the market
is steadyfor grain- Hay is a little
easier, and the popato market has a
little.lower tendency, with plenty of
Americans offering at low prices.
Potatoes -The market is steady for
choice Ease:ire stock at 65c.; Meal-,
can Deletvaxes, choice stock, 70e to
750, car lotkr;eout of 'store, 70e to
75e„ There are Amity of the power
(qualities offering at low prices.
Apples -Good spies, 12.50 to $3 ;
Baldwins, $1. • 0 to MOO.
DresSed hogs eteeely at advance to
$9 to $950; love hogs, easier, at
Hay -30 loads, at $9.50 to 41.0.50
best $8 to $0 mixed ; four 610eds
of strew sold a 410 ito $10.50. Loose
strave is *toted or"sp..so to 41. Bal.
ed hay ..steadily, but very little now
doming forward, at $8.50 on track
here. • Baled stave $5.50.
• Poultry-Reeeipts light. Dressed
chickens, 14e to 16c ; live fowl, 10 ;
old hens, 10c ; turkey Ilene, 18 to 20e;
turkey goliblers not wanted, • The de-
mand is for fall and spring chickens
and ducks. Live &eke, worth 15c;
&aged ducks not wanted. Spring cht
lekets, 300 te 40e. There is but little
demand foe old hem.
Butter -Dairy pound rolls, .16 to
17e ; tubs, 15o; treamery 10 to 20e.
Ede-Merket Arm at 14e to 160, onto; ,,,,,,•
I.- , 4
• A, 0.' Pattison, Station ,Agent.
Hodgene, Town Age.,Clinton
• J. p. *Donald, District
' ger Agent, Toronto.
• -wra., SELL-- ,
• Winnipeg $30'; Moe/bray, Delorane,
Souris $31,50 ; Brandon $31.55 ; Ly-
leton, Lenore, Miniota $32 ; Binsearth
$34.25 ; . eloosomin $32.20 ; Arcola
$32,50 ; Estevan, Yorkton $33 ; Sheho
438.50; Regina, Lipton $83.75; Moo-
sejaw $84 ; Saskatoon *35.25 '• Prince
Albert $30 ; 'Maelemi $38 ; Calgary
$38.50 ; Red Deer. *89.50; Stratitcona
440.50; •
Going June .18th, returning until
August 14th. • Going June 2111, re-
turning until August 2gth, • Going
July 15tle returning ton Sept. 16th..
PuB Parti*itirs froei W. Jackson,
Canadian/ Pikeifie Agent it Clinton, or
Write to O. IL Poster, D. P. A. Tor-
May 25th1905
t 4,440+00., ++++01,084441,44.1.4,444004444444444441,01,041
4: 'Wok! N NO N ' & 00., SL. t TH if
T. - - -------- -..--- --Thrgo.***443-•4:roviiiiiP4s;`Amoen-'-poi,4•14•;•;144 fe:
0 • ::: to ft LllOiE8 SKIRTS. AND 'SHIRT. WIII8 I'S *i
,, ,
We have just tondo a large plIrebilee Or LadiPtos ,Fine Drees Skirt(' aml X
...t. Shirt Walete, which were offered to us much below their value, for spa 4
0? Oasis. We bought the whole lot and en now haul them ovee to yolk at ab. 1.,
*24 Out 25 per cent, less than regular prices. Below you will find the filets:, t
Y Ladieke Plain Serge Skirts. in all sizes, worth $1, for 80e. 0.
Lad lee Plain Lustre Skirts, lined t ii cough t. worth $2Ayi
25, for $1.75. ..
+ Ladies' Black ObevnitSkills, trimmed with misting, special, $1.75. 4:
e di ' and evy Homespun Skutt) (summer weights), trim- •:•
wed with etrapping arid hut tons, worth $4 tee for $3.75,
,,t Ladies' Black 'Vicuna Skirts, 7 gores,. trimmed with silk piping and
stra ing good ii ...f.
.s, .4,
Ladies' Black Vicona Skirts, trimmed with cordiug and ornamente ''t
* regular price, $4,50, foe $3,05. . •.:.
Ladies' Fine Bleck Venetian Skirts. 5) gores box pleats trimmed 4.•
with silk strapping and buttons, worth V:50, for VT 2d,
Ladies' Summer Dress Sk irte, (Mule of white pique, trimmed svith
muslin embronieryt veey epteltil, $1.75. ' c...„
Ladies' Dock Skirts, in black, with etripes and polka dots, with 8
rosy() of street:dens, a snap at si.b-a. •
Ladies' Linen Skirts, in grey, 'bine, green and -natural, trimmed X
with white piping, regular $2, for st.so. s
. .1:
Milts Muslin Shirt Waists, trimmed with insertion and tucked x
, back and front, good vahre at 75c, for 50e. •&t„
.!.• FinerWhite Muslin Shirt Waists, trimmed with insertion and 4,;
ee tucks, worth $125for 9e. , e.
1[11,11111 Soccccs Lite,Silccsgl
The success we are having in selling all .
kinds of FOOTWEAR 'gives .us the confidence
• to say that we have the best assortment and .41,
the best value<to be found anywhere. -Yon •
.will fin dour Bargain Counter particulary.in- .
teresting for Friday and:Saturday. • Don't •
• fail to see th.em. Our. stock Must be. reduc• -
' ed.. Several lines we are selling at less than 3
We Mean just what we 'say and a call ,will
• convince you that you can save money by
• buying your shoes at • : •
The Oki Roliable
. . •
'• See our Gents' Patent Colt Boots the lafeGt
style and ;the best on the market for $350,
. 40
TAYLOR St.: °IT.' •
. ,
.. .
. .
ther Go4)ds
_._:..„,......we are prepared to Meetyenr.wantii hi SIM:liner oOoftai---,-„,-
----yeTiNor-*Naliv-struvo----bar-railgo-oi-iheso*OOpfiia-veT-y4iige, , Onr-
• piiiterni are 'beautiful. • .• - '• •- •. •• ..
DRESS GOODSLuiteee, . Voiles, Ot.epe de lpheries... Eoliennes,
,, Many specials in. seasonable goods, , • .. , . - -- " •' .
• • •ly good position to gine you the very best values and a ....choice ••sel.
' • ' ectimi• at Moderate priees.: ' . 1. • •• -..• " .. . , • • . • . - •
- ' -• .•.•1$111..1.'41NIERY .D.EFkARTMESI.T.
A. eliarmIngstyliihness-seidoto Met With.nhont'our Ladies' Millinery..
. . .. .
, • " .
'• varied and 'complete, • goods at - • • line Of Mies shietie 'Fanee
'moderate prices. Yon can rely •• ' ' Shirts, Choice ` ti
. . . . . ,
Patterns an
on qoality, .. . • , . :.. . good fit te.rs,;: .: • .
. . . . .
' • * '. -'----d•••• 0,C It. I...2-:---•:-- • - •
, • • • . •• , • . • • • • •
Wo keep our stock well assorted, fresh and•reliable'. Try a Sample of
our Uncolored Japan Teri at 25e, • You _can save money by driving into .
town with Your -Butter and Eggs
' . ; ' •••••• .-,, .. ' :•• . . ;.. , ' . ' ' .
.. • • .
, .
ha)33.bers & Co.
s maser* to,D. M. floBerith. •
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TO -1.1:1
Patent Curtain, Strete or
1Saves Time and Labor.
Lady Should Rave One
iUndatthinst, promptly attended to by night or day.
o-o-00004o-oo' op00000000-oo.o-o-o-oo-oo-o-o<Ko00-0 2
J .
v Night and Sunday calls answered tU MIC1COCO Of eithet of the panel
e . pets.
• Pirst lay a good foundation and then go ahead. The foundation of a hie
rieshed rooM is the CARPEP. We slew mann Patterns in eaeli
10nglfrhlerussels,, 85c to $1.25, per yard; English Tapestries, 40e
to 750e all wool, 000 to $1 ; Reversible Union, glie to 50c; Art Sqtteres, in
many sizes and eetteres, prices $4.50 ,to $25 each elTapestry Cuetairts, fan-
ey patterns, colors, to Match your( Carpet, $2 ,46 $0 per pair,
3, 1tCHELLI3W, Myth.
Laraoat Purnituro Stott it the County,