HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-25, Page 14.1
260 Year
CLINTON ONTA100,-TIIIIRSDAY rtikv 25th, 1905
• Whole Number 1372
(71 D0000000000000000
/ Come To Me
----FOR YOUR, -
Here's a snap on Oent's Shoes ;
Gent's Kid Shoes worth $2.60 for $1.85
" Box Calf " " 2O ".
Kid " " 3.00 " 2,36
Box Calf " 3.50 - 2,50
" 3.00
Patent Leather " 5,00 8,50
Ladies' Shoes, in all. sizes, shapes and colors,
at any old price, •
Children's Shoes and Slippers in extra good goods,
that 1 ani selling very. cheap. •
Don't forget to leave Me
" your 'GROCERY. ORDER: '
Graham's Old Stand
000000000E3 000
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a.
0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0
. Thi Sovereign Bank.. . •
Chartered by . Dominion Parliament
00000 00000000000 0000e000000000000a00000
00 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 Oa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
US. RANCE, Manager. - W. BRYDONE; SoJIi
0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0
T. Jackson ST.,
We are offering genuine bargaing
Ready -To -Wear Clothing
and invite your inspection
Wheat 95e.
Oats 40e.
Eggs 1.8e -to 14e
Batter 14e to 150
Live Hogs 00.25.
The Rev. 0. R, Gunne will be ab-
sent from town on Sunday next, de-
liveringMissionary addresses in the
county of Bruce. His pulpit will he
filled by Mr. A, B. Cox oi Huron
The ladies et St. Paul's church
will hold an afternoon tea for their
menibers in St. Paul's school house
this (Thursday) from 2.80 until 5
P. In.
Last Sunday morning Rev. Dr.
Cook dealt at some length with the
life.. and labors of John Knox, the
great Scottish Referiner and to the
man himseif and the laseting work ha
accomplished he paid a warm triniute.*
Ire' the evening De. Cook preadied
the fourth of his series of sermons
on the Prodigal Son, his text biellia
"The Prodigal ;Returned." Therewas
a wed conairegation present+, which;
,muclo enjoyed the eery earnest dis-
The Ontario street League were mie,
tertained by the League of Wesley
cherch Monday evening. Tnere
Was a lute attendance and a pleasant
aad profitable two hours Spent. Mr.
Keene* Beatoa presided while the
following program was given :
, Gfory Song, Rev, Dr. 'Cook
,Reeitation, Miss Shipley
. Essay, Miss Ida Murch
Duett, Miss Kate Meech a.nd la 'Weir
Recitation, Miss Alta Linde Ceoli
Duett, Miss Eha Wiltie awl. Wilber
Fotd. •
Tbere... continues to be Considerable
,difference of opinion among the fame.'
ere. Of this district regarding the vat.
of silo food... Some of them • 'dis-
carded •their, silos entirely last year,
but detring the winter. . a.' . number
felt the Waht of 'easilate' for ;their cat-
tle, and as the result they are again.
planting corn. On • the other bend
there are farmers who havebecome:
tued of silos and the atleattaot ex-
pense of fillixig and will not 'Le corn
growers this: yeaa. •
r • .
The excursion to the Model: Farm:
uoder. the aespicea, of the East. Huron
Farmers'. 'Institute will. take Place
:on jam 15th and •for West and See-
•thaeHuroneonalune-201b... „As it „ so
happens the latter date was seeeral
weeks ago decided'. on by .the. White
Star Line for the excursicin. to Dee
trot on , --the steamer' Greylieunti. The
' clashing.of dates is unfortunate es-
pecially iii. ' this .distriet,. as . same
e' from one household will *eat to *go
one way and some another and 40111
can't •very well get .away on the sarrie;•
. ..
The "Teemenince . people, Who . fox
seine:: Years .:118.,ve been de,elaiming
against •'the Lintior License Act.; are
new in a . Much moreaCoutented frame
of ' mind, realizing- that at -last - a
; Goveniment is in power which is en-
forcing the law and briregiega. order
out: of Chaos. The great majority of
the hotellteepers are else well satis-
fied with, the change ; forwhen
competition' with those who flagrant-
ly violated ahe law, they were some-
times driven to do. the serene. Ina
directly The Nees -Record- has been
given to understand that Sunday sel-
linig.. especiallywill lie . viguremsly
dealt with.
'. It:. appears ,s though the .13ough
Cup. Will remain in Clinton for at
least ano .ei seaSena: Beilizi-Oate-re:e-
ing now numbered aiming . -the "also,
• .araes."' Their ' tem came up , Friday
ttoraoon Se as to be fresh for the
game, They also .held.out for the
outside referee, resolved to 'take rai
hances, The game was quite an ire-
proveinent on that et a eveek . igo-
bettet football and fewer dela.. The
Germans are ' fleet' ,rate sports arid.
took their defeat like then, freely ad-
miteing that they Were beaten by a
better. team, ' ' . '
Olintoti kicked against the wind
during the first half and the •orders
were, to play a detences game, •which
theyalid succeedidly, not a single Shot
coming on their goal. In the second
half though they started in to do
some scoring awl the forward line
gave the test exhibition of effective,
and alearessive work they have shOwn
this seaeon. When.the smoke, cleared
away Minted had four goals to their
The winners lined up asefollows .:
Goal, 0. Sewers -
Backs, M. Shipley, E. Badoui
Halves, R. McKenzie, C. McKinnon,.
D. Cranston -
Right Wing, T, Mustard, M. Whid-
Centre, D. Prager
Left, IC •Youngblut, D. McLean.
Seaforth are due next Saturday.
• The C, 0. I. exemitive have decided
to issue neetieberahip tickets set 75
cehts, admitting to -all future ina,teh-
ee of Whith there Will be at least
four as that° dea not seem to be
much &aim Of the OUP going now.
Tiekets 'May be bad front any
her of the eitecutive or at the gate
next Saturday, The Club hopes its
T. .Jackson
, x
4 .... , :
..t - - BARGAINS - - 1
, . S
e . „:„.
oit: In every line we carry We have special values. We have too many Goods, i
•4, and are bound to reduce our Stock during the next two months. y
- eveRv DAY A BARGAIN DAY, ----
. ••
T Ott
$:* 44 4,1,to $44 it so) 4, 4,,O •;••:• 44,14 ork o « 414.4 Co 40. oti tailo 44 44,41+ • .
-Ditess GOODS- •
Ail the new makes at popular
relseettar cnoystues at cost and Borne
100 pieces of Print ,Worth 12-te at 10c
-.Lavine from 10e up.
Muslins prices,
Shirt.WAits and 'White Wear
at cost to clear.
PlArMelettea, Small Watee, La.
dies Waterproofoi, ete,, at wholesale
•• -BOOTS AND $110136 -
We handle these goods tie a aide 1.
line and keep only good reliable :s.
goods, made by one Of the best ma- "4,
ken in the trade,. and we sell them
less than windily sold by the shoe
We have far too many goods y
this line and we want to clear out y
$8,000 or more in the next few weeks
We Non .give you prites that you .1.;
can't get anywhere elect; ...Pull lines
an Suits, Odd Coate, Vests and 4
Pante, Overall% Snaocke. Water" +
proof Coats, de* , rw
is 4
It 1,61, want good valet for your money &hog and See tia„ oe
wilt give you better bargains than 3+<•,,a can get anywhere dee
thetOtvh...,.. 4 I 444 •Aoiriy.194{1 v‘i***110111111,*•••••••••••• 4 • 4 a- 44 • IF4.
11 PIiTMS11'I
-The Old Statid Clinton- 4. supporter& Will ta,ke this nveitna of
** peeing Mit the linarteial end of the
'14• 444444444.44.84.40,44414 401>14.00.4444++++++++.1k4 • - 4mPail'
_ .
Mr. A. Seeley has rented hs black -
Pettit shop for a, term of three years
to Messrs. James and George Sharp,
from Watford. Mr. ja,mes _Searle bas
been M Mr. Seeley:a oreploy fer sev-
eral months so knows 1110
business. They are industriees eoung
men an4 will no doubt be suecesend.
Mr. Seeley retains te e mecbine eieep
Which with eertiia outside immoYe-
nients will keep him loisy this sten-
In order to seal further increase
the eirculation of The News -Record
.we will send it to any address until
the errl of 1005 for half se dollar. Or
we will send The NWS -Record and
Weekly Mail and Empire for the
same period for a quarter of a dollar
additional,. Or, if preferred, we will
forward The Family Herald antt Week -
la Star and The Newe-Record to Jan.
st, 1900, for threeetauarters of a dol-
. .
The first match of the Season of
lawn tennis was played on the local
courts' yesterday,. Clinton vs, Sea -
forth, with the result as follows ; •
.Doubles -S. Jackson anti H. 13rewer
(0) defeated by la B. Stevens and q,
Brewer .(S). . •
Singles -J. A. Conatentine (C) 'de-
feated IL Nash (5)
Haerewer (0) tied „F.B. Stevens (5).
S. Jackson (0) defeated by 0, Bee -
Wee (S). '
The secretary of the team represen-
ting the Owen Sottlat Cellegiate,ewha
eh was defeated by tae Clinton C. I.
on the latie inst., seat a .very irnju
dent letter to the captain :of tne lodal
team'. It wee an exhibition of bitter
disappointment, had temper and lack
of .dignity that very few secretaries
woeld he guilty of. .The principal of
the Owen Sound Collegiate owes it
to the fine Institute over winch he
presides that he take the letter writ-.
er over his knee and admonish him
with the easy end of a slipper.
Thirty-nine . appeals will be head
by the court of revision next Men-
. . , . •
- Mr: Sani;liaialead .0( Goderich, the
"Serap Iroa shipped • over
thirty -Ave tens "from :Clintou station
lat week, . . •"
Mr. Neil Mathewsen, formerly of
Clinton, .diect in Calgary, Alberta,
last weeltraIt is aearly twenty. years
since he left this town.. .
List evening aira. T. A. Walker
reCeiVeil7frorn the 1. 0. O.. . e c ec-
tom for 4,000, the. amount of:insur-
ance held; by her late husband in that,
' At least a score of citizens .said to •
The 'News-Recerd'.yesterdery "Where
is -, the town flag, Why, isn't it up.?"
We ease the •query on to his Worship
the mayor.
Mr. Thos.' !DoWsoia formeity of
town, has ?been very •111 'the past
week, but The News -Record Was znu-
pleased.to hear yesterday that he
is 'now improving...
1VIrs-lVallyarta mother of Rev. R.
1V1illyard of Leichnow, tormerly ' of
Clinton, died ether home in Thorn-
hill on the 15th instat the advanced
age of four score anas.
1Vir. H. O. Bell, -who. has been . at
Feet Francis for the Past 3eat or so,
intends returnhig to Wiagbam to take
the management of one of tne
ture factories in thatplace He is a
son-in-law of Mr. John 13011 Of Cline.
ton and is known by many .01 our,
A large ouniber ofspectators wite
nessed• the pones in the earlayesteia
day in which Clinton twice helmeted
Goderieh rn baSebelle wad ono in
lacrosse. The junior baseball stetted
the day well by nuite'easily out-acm-
ing theiropponents, while the case
of the seniors they had nine runs,.
with an innings to spare, to their
opponents six. The lacrosse mat&
stood. 5 to 4.in favor of the home
team. • •
The players and scores in the base-
ball match were aa follows :
-Clinton :,
• R
J. Doherty 2b
W. Harland r f
2 2
g 1
H. Summersc f e 2 2
P. Lewis 1 b 1 3
R. McKay s s 1 `-4,
E. Johnson e 0 41
X, WHAM 11 0
N, Blewett 8b . 0 3
N, -Fitzeitnons p .1 2
0 24
0 8
0 5
• 1 4
1 2
L. KifeeshaW 0
14. Belcher 2 b
.l. Tait p
A. Iligginson 1b
McLtuighlin s s
P. Elgie 3b
G. Allot. e
Bettor, r f
S, MelCay 1 f
0 27
Umpire, II. Smith, Goderich,
The local lacrosse, team etaaisted of:
W. Johneon, goal; J, Mackenzie, po-
int ; J. Crooks, e point; 0. Stowatt,
J. Porrester, G. Miller, 'defence ; 4.
Alexander, centre; E. Dayinetit, P.
Coueh, 0, Shepherd, R. McKay and
W. Pinner, home. The referee was II.
Cornell of Go4erieli4
«. •
Rea. Mr. Godwin of Exeter has
been *very ill the past week with
pneunibuia, Mrs. Godwin is also ill,
so that the weddiag; of their daughe
ter, which was to have taken place
oe, tbe 24tb, has bad to be postpoa-
ed. At the meeting of the District
held in Wesley China on Tuesday a
resolution of sympathy for the fam-
ily was^ adopted. ,
The meeting in the town hall. to-
night promises to be a vera interest -
lag one for in addition to a program
of vocal and eastramental music, there
will be a lecture on "The Laud .of
the Mole." This lecture was given
M (ivied& Some time ago aid of it
the Signal said: "Those who heard
the lecture had the Pleasure of listen -
to one 01 th0 most enthusiastic
and interesting lectures 'ever ediVered
in Goderioh,". '
Saturday eight's frost was a "hill-
ing" one and cut down all early veg-
etables, even sonfe that had been
covered. Mr. Thos. Kearns has. noti-
fied The News-Recerd that he will
not be pale to heve that "meas" oi
murphies for, us On Dominion Bay,
and Mr. Jog Ryder, who was be-
ginning to take great pride ir. the
promising look ef: bis garden is now,
and. for the season, mhius alt altbit-
ion in that 'diteetion. - •
,1%/ii; Ed. Mole, Seaforth, visited Cline,
ton and Brumfield friends 'oa
. •
Sun -
Rev. J. Greene oceupied the 'pulpit of
• the $t. Marys Metlioeist church last
Sunday. '
Mr,. Howard Jackson ,left last 'week
for Detroit Where he has secured a
situatiou. .• ' •
1Vl4ss leulueStaeley of Toledo', Ohio,
is visiting town' and G.oderichtowhe
hip friends. • • •
Mr . C. L. , Cranstrei, Alatheniatical
Master .at the Collegiate, was in.
Guelph this week. • •
Mrs: rt:, Young and Mrs, Jaialliilliare
of TeeeWater :Were. guests 01 Mrs,
14 J Chat en Ttieeday. •
Mr,. and Mrs., J•OhnEckineiee of Breda
ltagen were •gt.leeta.aor M.F.• "j4'd Mi 8
- J, F Wasmaneni SUridaY. . • ' •
is 'Harry: Routledge , and • Mise;
Maud -sent a few 'days .of . last
• Week with Seaforth'friends.,
13r'.AgiteW loft: .Monday foi Banff,
Alberta, but With th& it4e4ioifof
viSithig .other points in the :Teeri-
'Mk; and Mtg.. E, Saville' attended.' the
weddingeof 41issejankinsackte-nteavare:
.nosh and Mr. W., Ma Mackenzie Of
,Hallett yesterday. ;" . •
Mrs.- Jacob :Taylot has been ,quite ilt.
for the past fortnight and is • now
'spending, a fewdale with her sister,.
Mrs:, Rodaway of Stapleton -
Mr. Thos. Sheppard left' on Friday'
'It for a lengthy .visit ..to his
Osborne • of .
Tilbury townshipKent county:
Meese*. John 'Scarlet,. Johni-zitillard
and J. H. Campbell .of .McKillop
Were tit town yesterday attending a
meeting of the Black .Knighte,aof
leelanda • .•,, • ..,
Ma and Mrs : Thos. Kearns; Mrand
rs, 'Jas. McClachertY and Miss
Rose Minions 'Were the Pgiiests. on
"Tuesday; of Mr,' .and ears.; 'Albert
Nott 'of •Stanlea whO that evening
celebrated the twelfth -anniversary
, pi theie •wedding.: A large .party of
'friends were present. •
Mr: , Glenn Fair returned last • Week'
from the Northweat where 110 had
been for 'several 'months; dering
whichtemeae visited many Parts Of
it. 'He was much iinpreesettby its
but not to
such an extent as to wish. to he-.
°cane permanent resident : The'
there did 'Minot* physic-
ally • and he' looks. it: He .Perposee
e remaining at h•onie for' a few : days
when he will Probably go to Tor-
onto. ; •
Mr. R. J. (Rog.) Bell, sbn, of Citizen
:John Bellalast week completed his
course in law' and in the Toronto
dailies ef Friday last .we noticed his
tame in the list of the .auceessful
studentea In a ceuple ef weeks:" he
• will beformally called to the bat
and duly invested with ail the righta.
and privileges of a barrister at law.
"Reg" has been a diligent student
and passed'all his exams successful-
ly and. Is hove fully eiluipped to en -
in his chosen profession and,
knowing his social :qualities aid
his business eliallitY, we are satisfied
he. will make a suceese of it. He
goes West in a. fear Weeks on a
prospecting trip and will probably
Ideate in one of the growing towns
in the 'Territories. He knows that
The News -Record wiehes. him ahun-
!teat success.
44 4,4 4:4+ •:.••:• +:• •:• •:• •:$ •:* •:• 404:4 4. •:••:• •:•
0: • 44,
illoa With this issue Tie •
4. News-ftecord's New Story +
• begins. The title is, "Und- +
+ et The nese," a taking 4.
natrie we think you will flag- .1.
4. ree and the story is quite +
4. in keeping. it grows in in. 4.
• stergatas new scoria pit. •
4* sent themselves. Don't miss 4*
• the first chapters.
/T DECtillS
TO D A . +
IVIr. and Mrs. 5, McBride Jr. and
Me. and Mrs. J. McBride spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. T. •Stinson.
Mr, John Johns spent Sunday und-
er the .perental Toot:
Mrs. James Johns spent. the past
week with her daughter, Mrs. G.
'Fititchings of Goderich township.
Miss Mina Reid returned home after
spending the past ramith in Toronto.
Mies A, J, Keyes .spent Sunday wi-
th her brother, Mr. J. Keyes of the
Parr Line,
Mr, F. Fitzgatald of Chiselhurst
spent Sunday 'with his brother-in-law,
Rev. R. Miller, •
Mr. and Mrs, John Steep of Godere
tell township, spent Sunday at Mr. J.
Campbell 's,
Stanley Township.
• Mr. and Mrs, Henry Peek visited at
the home Of the latter's. sister, Mae.
James eValleer of Exeter, recently.
*Rev, W. T. Itieh.artison B. 4.oi
Wyoming visited at his • home last
Week. '
.Miss Laura Hohner ofDrysdale sp-
ent last' week at ehe home Mr. H.
Peck: . • '
NU% S. Reid of Lucknow called on
friends •iii this 'vicinity sortie. time
Mr. George Elliott and sister, Miss
Lottie, were guests on Sunday last
at the horde of: Mr, Jos. Richardeou,.
Mr: ,and, 'Mrs. Robert Weide and cia.'
'Maxi. of Clinton. visited at the home
of Mt. Edward Johnsonone day last
Mr. Wm, ,Rathwell attended, " the
district. meeting in Clinton on Tues-
. Mr. and Mrs. Johr. Nide:aeon and
'Mester, • Artie snout Sunday visiting
friends in Tueltersmitia. • "
Mr. George Elliott accompanied by
his sister Miss Lottie Elliott, viiited.
at Mr. Joseph Richardson's ea sun-
. .
Mr.' and Mrs. Wm,- Taylor spent one
lest two years in Manitoba has le -
day last week in •Seaforth:
• 1Vlr. Alex. Sparks, Who' spent the
turnedahome, •
. Mise Georgina Jehneolf spent Suit -
day with, Miss Mari, Johnson of Bala
nockleurii. : , • e
Mr, Cowin and Mia.Ra-Peck seem,
a few days laSt week itt .the. Vidnity
teeing 'pianos. e • , a
We are sorry that Mr.. Thoe. DoeVe
son of the Babylon Line is su.tecinge
from an attack of pneuinonia, • His
many friends hope to hear 'of his
speedaarecevery. , • '
Rev and Mrs.A E. a/IIhomson of
Merlin were guests. of Mr: aad Srs.
Keys of the Babylon Lane on
Monday and Tuesday of this vieek.:
Mirs Zara 'Beacom of rGied-erieliaato--
wnship fe spenaing this week with her
'auna,, Mrs. Is•aec .Erratt of the .Babya
Mrs. G.. R; Keys, • accompanied . by
Mrs. Wm. Keys Sr. eisited leiends
near . Ohisellinrst one day last week. •
Miss Laura, .Dowsou of the, Goshen
Line returned to her 'home on Satur-
day last' after spending the past two
weeks With her aunt, „Mrs. Andrew
Armstrong Of the BrowniotaLine.
Mr. and ilrs. W. L. Keys, of Baby,
ion • Line spent a couple Malays last
.Vreek WW1, relatives in Goderich. „
• Blyth:
• . ,
•,Mr. William. TieffrOn, having bought
out the butchering business of • T.
Jones ,and Co.,. started .doing but,
!less on Monday. . '
Wednesday being- Victoria Day all
businessplaces were closed and Many
of the citizens enjoyed theday else-
where. • '
Mr. Westlake of Goderich; having
reeeived the&Anointment. of., our,
village constable'''. commenced duties
on Mend;ay. ,
Our bay king, John Denholm ei shipa
pod several carloads of baled hay. to
Walkerville lant_week from this sta-
tion. •
Mr. Thos. Jones and family atteade
ed the funeral of his oldest brother
itt iLeadbury ,on Monday. '
SaCkament of the Lord's Supper was
administered in St. Antireyes, church
on Sunday morninge
On IVIonday something went wrong
With ;the big steatn shovel working
On John McMillan's farm, which caus-
ed the Men to belaid off for a short
time. ' • '
Death has again entered our neigh-
borhood and taken to itself John
Jones in the 69th year of WS age.
passed aWay at the residence of
his sonar. -law, Mr. J, Fulton, on
Saturday Morning last and leaved
one daughter in Leadbury, another in
Miehigein and others in England. His
wife passed away twelve years ago.
The funeral was conducted at the,
house and grave by Rev. Mr. Lang-
ford of St. George's cherela Walton.
A large number of triode followed
the reinains to the Maitlandbank ce-
metery. The pallbearers were,: E.
Dristell, J. Scarlett, la. Robertson,
W. Hudie, J. rulton, White.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett Wen.
ded the feneral of the late Mrs. Ball
of the Ease Line, Ilullett, last week.
The many friends of Alm, .Dristell
Will be glad to heat that she is re-
covering after her severe illness,
Mr. FL Peterson. of Paisley is drill-
ing a well for W. 11«gaGE$,Via«
Mr, Art Johnstone of the Wow
Partk, London., formerly of the We
branch,* visited Clinton friends the
past ‘4,70ek,
ti••••:1":".1.+41.41.4•4.4 +4.4+0440
• 4.
44 The Public school tea- 4.
4., oilers of East and West Hu- •
4. ron are in town. today at. +
+ tending a loint convention +
4* of the two associations, •
4. which will not conclude its a.
• labors until tomorrow af- +
• ternoon. In these anaual 4.
+ rallies the featerdal spirit •
+ is iuculeaaed, rough comas +
• smoothed eft new ideas +
- )1rought forth', in short, the +
teaching profession uplifted +
• and bettered.
• a.
• If any of the teachers +
+ wish to see a modern type- +
+ setting machine in opera- •
• tion -.the only one in these • .
• eountiesThe News-Recoal •
• + extends Ito them a Cordial o:o •
invitation tie visit this otn- .4.
4. ee. They will notice. that +
+ allour machines are drivea +
• by electricity, this being +
+ .the only newspaper office in 4.
• Huron with a' cOmpiete el- 4.
4. ectric service. . +
+ On behalf of the citizens ea
• of Clinton The'News-Record +
+ . expresses the wish that +
+ the teacher& meetings today +
• and tomorrow May be of so •
a. pleasant and profitable *a +
• na,ture .that they will carry •
• away pleasant' reeolicetiona +
+ and come back to us, agein •
. a. next year. . •
+ While they abide with us 4.
4. the freedom of the town is •
• theirs, • +
. • '
Change of Advts.
Ladies' WhiteWear-toLer. & broWn.,:3.
Wheeling Wilkes -B. A,
Lad'igs!.Skirts-naKinnon & Co 4.
A Shoe Talk -W. Taylor "&" Son4
Carpets -J. ,14. Chellew ' 4
Summer Goods -Q. M. Chambers 0
Girl Wanted -a«, Buxton ...,; 4 .. • . . 0:0 •,•5
County IL'ane .5, •
Water Trips -Northern Nav. do 5
Swing for Sale -G. W. Barge 5
Sap-b-Ren-o-ileffthan. & Leetee Co8 ;
Reduetiori. Sale-Neweenihes'' , .8 a
.A Dressy . Sett $10-1-lotl;gens Bros 8'
Sale of :Cartains-aIodamts. Byes a •
, . •
Bayfield. •
Mr. and Mrs., George King spent a
few days visiting friends at. Londes-
bora this week' • •
Mr. Charles Dupes is lame from St,
Thomas for a short 'visit and leaves
shortly for Siena*.
',„Miss Elia Cameron; who spent the
past six enon.ths at Godeeich Businesee,
College, returned home last weak but.
leaves this week for Chicago to • ac-
eephtemembers 'a .sitlabtei°rn
Ts.of the Ladiee' Aid
of. the Methodist chureh met at the .
home of Mrs; James McGee on Tues-
day eimiiag and spent a social even-
ing, Mrs. McGee is one of the , act-
ive niambers • of the Society and leav-
es shortly to take up her residence on
the farm at BrucefieldThey took
' this opportunity .to say farewell.:
Mrs-, (Rev.) Jennings has been vis'.
iting her parents at Park Hill the
M''Ilrewniee, principal of the
Public school, spent Saturday • at
Reagan. • • \ • • -
Mri. Parsons left last week • for'.
'Bridgetown to spend a few weeks, with
Dr. and Mrs. Metcalfe, who have
been here the pest two :Weeks furnishe
ingtheir summer reSideneea returned
home to Detroit on, Friday., 'Phey,
expect to return about the first of
Mr..S. Haidenby, who has been en-
gaged with Mr. IO. A, Edwards '
clerk the past .fotie months, returned
to his home at Kincardine last week. **
Mrs.- Vanstone returned home this
week after spending the past two
.weeks visiting friends at 13enmiller.
Rev, J. Snell attended the District
meetieg held at Clinton this week.
Notice has bean given in the Eng-
lish church of the annual Suede), soh -
001 convention of the Analiean 'chetah
to be held in Exeter on May 29th,,
The morning session beglins at Id' a..
in. The following speakers are on
the Hit ; Rev. H. A. Thomas of Lu -1
can, Rev, Dia Tacker, general seem.
arY Of the missionary society of tb.e
Canadian church; Rev, J. Doherty
B. A., and others, The W, & M. A.
will be held from 5 to G p. tile The
Rural Deanery meeting of tho cler-
gy will also ae held. Rev. Pre %Leit-
er "of Toronto +wilt preach itt ate eh-
vtt iteeesi
h bionnunXinelrattmo
hesampo lea.venlig) ger"
Mr.' Thomas Stieson Sr, has pres-
nted Triulty ehurch with' a masa
tove whieh Will he a, comfort in
whiter and appreciated be the eon-
gregation. Menke, Ntr Stinson,
Rev, 1. 0. Jennings was lit Parke
hill for a couple of .leys this week
At time of. writing hire. M. West-
lake is'slightly improved, 1Vies. Wet -
take has been serionely ill for mane
days past. We hope to hear of he
sPeedy recovery, •
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lee of Indian
Head are expected in a. feW days on
a visit to Mr, and Mrs. W. e1.s