HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-18, Page 8The Clinton Nowa-Record
*ay ltith, 1905
Bros., Clinton.
A -Great Clearing of •
CarttO Remnants
If you have a sman room to Carpel, here is your
golden chance, SATURDAY MORNING we put
on sale every short end of Carpet in the store, every
piece that is short enough to call a. remnant, each
been measured up and marked at prices that will sell
it. There are
Lengths run from 3 to 25 yards. They are fug
the thing for small or medium-sized rooms, in fact,
any place where you can use a short end of Carpet..
Every piece is a BARGAIN, for we are determined
. to clean the remnants out at once. Bring the size of
your room whedyou come, wg can then tell you
how any:end will suit it.
There is just one condition to the Sale. The goods will
be sold by the piece only. Under no• circumstances will any
end be, cut. Of course we will cut and match any, end you
ouy, but the entire piece must .be taken, Hereis a list of
what we have to sell : '
No 1 Tapestry Carpet, light ground, with floral design, yards, 52c
regular 5c, the end at per yard . . ...... . ..
No e Tapestry. Carpet, brown and green shades, good pattern, regu.
2 lar 75c, 191 yards, the end at per .yard , .. • .7
No 3 Tapestry Carpet, brown and fawn shades, regular Mc, 211 yards 55c
in the piece, the end at per yard.. .... .. . .. . ... ...
•No 4 Tapestry Carpet, fawn ground With green floral pattern, regn- gn
lar 50e, 10 yards, the end at ,pdt• yard. .. . . ...
No 5 Tapestry -Carpet, fawn and,green shades, -floral • pattern, yoga? Rijn
tar 756. 91, yards, the end. at per yard.. .....;..... LU
• •
N. Tapestry Carpet4 fawn, ground, green spray, regular 50c, 15 yds Inc
the end at per yard , , . . ...... . Oil
NO Tapestry, Carpet, green ground, floral design in pink and brown, '45c
7 .regular 60e, 1 yarde, the • end at per yard..., -
No 7i. Brussels Carpet, rnediura green ground, with brown • and gold -/ RA
pattern, regular $1.25, 13a yards, the enil,at peryard , • • I sib
. .
No 8 Brussels Carpet, blue ground- with floral •pa,tterns, 'regular
61.10, 141 yards, the end at per yard „ . ... . .
No 9 Brussels Carpet, green ground, the best quality we have in A5A
stock, regular $1.35, 11 yards, the end .at per yard . • . 4.1 u
. .
No 10 Brussels Carpet, brown shades, with flora1:13,esign.: regular 7RA
$1.25. 191 yards, the end at per yard, . • . .hJC
No- II 91 yards heavy English Axminster Carpet, in brown • shades el in
with scrollAnd floraLpatterlizreg $1.50,,the end at per yd .. 111U
No 12
No 18
No 14
No 15
No 16
No I7
No 18
No 19
ho 20
No 21
No 22
No 23
No 24
No 25
1I1 yards light fawn Brussels Carpet, regular $1.25, 'the end 75c
at per yard . .
30i yards fawn Axminster Carpet,enough in this for a good 7RA
sized. room, regular $1.25, the end al per yard • . I silo
28i yards green- Axminster Carpet, regular $1.25. the end '7NA
at per yard . ' . • ........ I UV
, .. •
131 yards green Tapoltry Carpet, good pattern, regular .906, Rgp,
the nd at per mard.•.... .. • .. . .. ..,••• • •• • • •• •• •• •,•• • •.....6 •••ff .VVU
14t yards good Tapestry Carpet, green and, brown shades, 55c
regular 80e, the end at per yard ...,...'.,... .. . . ... .. . . .......
9 a 'yards heavy all -wool Carpet, green and red shades, regu- '69c
lar $1.00, the end at per ...... . 7.... . . ....
Ali Grades
1111111 Peer
121 yards heavy all -wool Carpet, red and green shades, our ARA
standard 85o line, the end at per yard .. • . . 1.101;
8 1-2 yards heavy all-weol Carpet, green and cream shades, ARA
our stankard. 8c line, the end at per yard . . .. . . IJOU
13 yards heavy all -wool Carpet. our standard 85c line, fawn RRA
and brown shades, this end at per yard., , . WM;
9 1-2 yards heavy aU wool Carpet; green Shades, our regular Rgii
85e line, the end'at per yard... . .. . . . .. .......
14 yards heavy Union Carpet, green and fawn shades, our ORA'
regular-50eline,-thistireiryttrd---.. "din
111 yards heavy Union• Carpet, green and red shades. our 300
regular 40e line. the end at per yard..... . .....,. ..
6 yards heavy Union Carpet, red shades, regular 50e line, the
end at per yard . . .IOU
16.yards Tapestry Carpet, Shades of red and green, regular75c• 52c
theendatperyo.. ....
20 ends Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, lengths from 3 to 8 yds
prices were from 50e. to $1,25, these ends Will be cleared at
exneirliv H74141PRIPRIela ,
16 ends Wool and Union Carpet, lengths from 3 to 6 yards,
prices were from 40c to $1 00, this lot will 'be cleared at
EXACTLY unt,P4Pules
. •
No 26 One piece of heavy All Wool Carpet, this was made up for a,
customer and not called for, this is 10 ft 6 in' x 17 ft. We have
Special also an end of the same 31 yards long. This is a regular 90e ARA
Carpet, we will elear these ends at per yard UUU
No 27 181o/art Brussels Border Carpet, would be suitable for a
Special Nv:titecf beolut Cettincgtrit Waltiltelk EleW11 together,
41.25 per yard, clearing the end at per yard.e.s..W,idell regular 450
Millinerifor the 24th
Do not put off ordering your Millinery fel. the 24th until the last mittute,
Even if you come late, "ice Will do our best not to disappoint you; but if you
leave your order earlyt, it giVeS us a better ehanee, and, you run no risk of not
getting your hat when you want it.
ittfit opened New American IMO, Mowers and Vrintininfia
Altogether a good assortment, of new and desirable dyke, but of any one, •only
a limited quantity4
tiodgens Bros.,
*Dry Goods - Clinton.
• .
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
D Fair.OG
Retailers of Wall Paper of the Better
:Often -the Cheapest, Always the Best
Mr, S. Tilt, Obderich, was in town
Mr, M. SMa.*IrdStaaYiiley 'returned ;;Junday
night !rem Sarnia. , .
Dr, IViacOallinn, Londeaboro, was in
townieri Monday afternoon.
Misses' Pearl and Annie Wright of
Goderieh Sundayed.. in Clinton.
Mr. John- Stanbury of Stanley 'has
• taken up his 'residence in Clinton.
Mrs. -Will, Moffatt, who had heeein
Stratford eince:Easter, has return-
' ed home,. : • • • •-•
Messrs. D. Cantelon, . John Ford; W.
G.• Smith and Thos. Kearns were in
Leadbuty. last Sunday, , • .
Mr. and Mrs.. D. S. Cook. and ' Miss
Mildred apent Sunday at Mrs.
Cook's old home at the Nile. •
Mr. A. Hooper will repreSent the On-
tario street church at the District
• . meeting to be held next Tuesday.
• Mrs. Will. Beaeom 'Mid her two chil-
dren of doderic,h township • are
.guests of Mrs. Thos. ;Beacoth this
Insp`aptor Robb is inspecting the Pub-
lic schools of the district this
week and making hielleaalquarters
in town,.. • • • • •
Mts:-.Italpli EIliott' arid Mrs.iVilIlam
Purdy -of Seaforth. were private
guests •tht the Ibitt,enbury- House •oa
Thursday:', :
Miss L- Stradhano Goderich was ithe
-lueSt for a le* 'claim of this week.-
. of Mrs..: • John-, Johnstone, Itatten-
blirY street, ••1 ' •
•Messrs. George and. Alf. Erwin it.
BaY6eld • were in town en Thursday,
attending itheTturierirofilie -late
Thos. A. Walker., • • .
pr.' eicpects to leave next
Monday for the, West ,and may go
as,fr ris Echnenton.• •
Mt. .Frenilin; auditor of the C. P. B;
Telegraph . Co,. was in town - on
' Monday on business in connection
With the change of agents here.
Miss Wiltsie; who has. been spending
several months in 'Fargo, South
Dakota, has • returned to, . Carrot,
.•• Man, were she .is ziongagedin .
, school teaching. .• , -
Miss Lena larla,tid of Godeticif IS
now 'theoperator in charge.. .Of
the C. P. R. telegraph ageney • whi-
ch ha's been inoved from • Cooper's
booksflore to one of the drug
stores "• • .
Roy T. Rodaway, on of .' Mr. TT,. W.
Rodaway, • who has been attending
the oMinion Sehool Of Telegraphy,
TOronto, rot the past- six months;
,has been appointed assistaht opera-
tor at Rockwood.
Messrs. W..jackson and J, Fait Were
In London an, Monday attending a
'meeting of the exeentive, of ; .the
'Western Ontario Lawn :Bowlers'
Association arranging for 'the annu-
al tournaznent wJiih wfll begin on
July 25th.
to attOnd the
• funeral. of the• late,. Thos. -A,: Welker
have retained to their teSpectitre
homes : M'iss M. Walker, Toronto ;
Mr. Chas, Walker, Toronto; Miss
E. Taylor Bolton; Mrs.. John Mil-
ler, Harriston ; • Mr. Chap. Harper,
Dr. .4, B. Lundy, who bought .. the
practide of Dr. Agnew, arrived last
week and is now in • possession; 'He
comes- from Brantford and is highly-
- recommended, personally and pre;
. • fessionally. Since his -arrival he
' hasbeen making improvements in
bis• office. •
Mr. Henry -Watkins of town; Mrs. 5,
Lowery and Messrs, Henry Beacons
and Thos. Watkins of Summerhill on
Wedaesday of last week Went ttp
to Teri:Merry township, above Wing
ham, to • attend the funeral of . an
aged relative in the person of Mrs.
Andrew 1VIontgoinery. Mrs.. Lowery
and Mr. Thos. Watkins did not re-
turn home until Monday.
Mt, George Cantelon of the' 7th Con-
cession of GOderich township and a
staunch friend of The News -Record,
calledupon us yesterday. This was
'the fitst opportunity 'we had of
meeting him sine last fall and WO
Were much pleased to see how well
he had passed through the trying
winter months. lie was born away
back in the year 18-20, but doesn't
leek that old, not by any means,
Barritig a touch of rheumatism he
appears to be good for at least
another decade, 1VE! Cantelon serv•-
ed in the Mackeiioie rebellion of
1337 and was personally aequainted
With the instigator of the trouble.
ne took part in the skirmish at
MonAgoiriet's 'tavern which put a
sudden stop to Mackenzie's schemes.,
xclushre Mlillneryt•
• 100 Brand New Straw and Chiffon. llats
HIS WEEK we passed into stock over one hundred brand new Straw and Chiffon Hats, -there being no
two alike in the lot, These hats Are made in the very latest New.York styles, of the very best materials and
will be sold as we bought them -One-third less than regular price. AU the Hats are marked at the reduced price,
Every new shape will be found in this choice collection.
New Duck, Linen, and Embroidery flats.
These Hats come to us direct from the maker in New York, are the very latest styles and are made for the warm
weather, which is sure to come., ----We are showing them in a dozen shapes and stples. All are marked at very low prices.
The Famous B.&C. Corsets.
We sold more Corsets last Saturday than in any one
day for .more than a year. People are fast finding out that' the
best Corset to buy is the B,&C. These Corsets are not only
built to suit the fashion, but are boned..with nort-rustable: bon-
ing, and are made of material that will stand the hardest wear;
Exclussive Feature of our .13.&C. Corset •
They are made with loop eyelets that cannot spread,
pull out, rust or corrode -a mode of eyeletting that results in
a flat surface wheii the laces criss-cross at the back -a good
point that cannot be claimed for any other make in Canada.
Corset Prices 35c, 5oc, 75c,, $x.2$ $ rso th $3.00
130y Your Carpets and Curtains -
Here and Save Money.
Have you bought your spring Carpets or Curtains yet ?
If not, you will be interested to know that on FRIDAY
MORNING you can buy our very best 6oc Tapestry Carpet
at 39c ; our very best 75c Tapestry Carpet at 55C;,75c All -
Wool Carpet at 60c.; $1.25 Lace Curtains. at' $1.00; $1.75
and $2.25 Lace Curtainsat
6oc Tapestry Carpet at 39c
150 yards of•214neli wide Tapestry Carpet, in 'assorted design S and •
colors, extra good value at our regular price 60e, to go on.sale Friday. Onn
and Saturday, at ..... .... ......., .. .. . :.,..•• y•••••••••••••••••
. • •
75C Tapefry, Carpet at $sc
Fine Quality Embroideries
Our stock of Embroideries this season is the.finest this
store has ever shown, not only is the range the best, but the
quality'is finer for the Money than we have ever 'had before.
The assortment we show would do credit to 'a store five times
the size of this one; then again, buying as we do with a sytidi-
cate of stores in large quantities, ensures for ourselves and
custorners.lower prices. . .
While we have great values in, Embroideries at 5c, 8c, • ,
and toe, the lines at x5c,•2oc, 2•5c, 32c and up to $1.50 per
pard is where we are doing the.most of the selling.
• .
.200 yards of extra heavy quality Carpet, 27 inches wide, in assorted •
designs and colors. This is our regular 70c Carpet, to go on sale Friday ggp
ancl Satrirday at per yard....... .... .... .... • • • • • • • • .... • • • • • • WWI
$1.po and $!..1$ LAnoleums at 85c
100 yards of 2 -yard -wide Linoleurns, extra heavy quality, half a .
dozen patterns y todeahooste from,. regular $1.00 and $1.15.per yardto clearFriday 85c
1 ,
. . •
rrLook at our window this week.
.A. Big. Remnant Sale .
IIOn FRIDAY .111ORNINO we will place on tables,
for easy'choosing, hundreds of renman s .of Dress Good
Linings;:. Silks, .9Flannelettes; cottons, Table Linens,
Towelings, Embreideries; Laces, and in fact Remnants of
;--:4112-1Cincls-of-gdods'will:be.--inarked--at--prkes that will carryl
them off puickly. The saving, in some cases, %I ill be I
• ' • . " 7. • . •
BAROAIN for Friday and
Sc 30c to $oc. Laces at x$c .
On Slithrday,morning•wesvill place on sale 300 yards of fine Laces,
suitable for trimming dresses, in ereatii, white -linen -and- blirekTliese-•-;-
1 5r
areodd lilies that sold ae•25c, 30e, 35e to '50c, all to clear at per yard..
°tn. 11110104Eif BACh
-j- 111 'Toll WANT '
Mr. George Swartz is in. • Cederich
this week. • • •
Mr. Bert Fitzsimons has xeturnefl
Darf;e.mGHcoeilnesals1:tep: Gixterich, visitcd
Clinton Iri-ends en Saturday. -
Miss M. Friel of Seaforth was • -the
guest of, Mts.. •Jas. • Flynn :this
. week. ' . ' .•
Miss Newcombe was yesterday. in
Lenden•Lwhere she teaches - vocal
Mr. and Mrs,- .Ftelhiert, Jones of Coder.;
eh were 'theguests of Mr. and Mrs,'
Robinson on SundaY.
Mr. Arthur Cantelon returned last
night to Wingham vhere he is em-
ployed, o the new poktoffice.
, R. E -Manning• is the delegate
from Wesley church 1,0 the District
Meeting to be .held next' week, .
Misses.' Jennie • Hankin and Mabel
• Westen • spent . Sunday with the
former's sister, Mts. W. Wilson of
William Cantelon returned'
hothe after several weeks spent with
her son in :Toronto and daughter ill,
• .
Mr. Frank Walker, who had charge of
a. Alonoline typesetting machine at
Fort William for a few tnonthS, re-
turned honie last week and. expects
to remain for, a time, He was not
i,•eryfa-vooftheralb.wlyilp.reSted 1)
London Road.
Miss N: Nott spent the past week
With Goderich friends.
Mr, and Mrs. I. Dodd were guests of;
their daughter, Mrs. G. W. Lay ton,
a (Maple Of days the forepart of this
Mr. John Stanbury, after nearly
sixty years of farm toil, has lotted
and taken up his abode in. Clititeit.
Miss P. Gibbings has returned from
a month's visit in Loader'.
Mrs, Win. Stanbury has been visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. It. Tasker of the
2nd concession' of Mullett, •
J. B. LtIND.Y L. D. S„ Th D, S.
(Successor to Dr, AgneW)
Office in Beaver Block, CLINTON,
Saturday, May 20th, and at Lon-,
desboro on Saturday, May 27th,.
With loads of calves for sale. -H.
Aiciunond, Newry, 71
Dear Mailani,-On behalf' of the in-
dependent. :Order o,f Foresters,
f whi-
ch your late husband„ was a menaber,
Nie desire to tender you our sincere
'synipathy• -in -the sad ,andirreparable'
loss' • whi6ft you have "experieeded by.
his deiniSe. It is unlneceesary forus
to say that as a Brother' Forester he:
was 'a valued and 'highly etiteemed
member of Our Order •and While our
loss ' is • nothing compared la yout
great bereavement, * miss him:
That He who has promised to be a
husband to• the widow and a father •tc,
the fatherless May' comfort terl Ets•-•
tain you in yOur sad affliction. is our
earnest wish si,nd prayer. Siglied •, on
behalf of 'Court Clinton,
• W. Walker, Werthytibia. •
cricb, Rec:-,ecret:ry.
•••. • ,
THE - PRINCIPAL; of ' one of :Chi-
cago's Public Schiools has' been. order-
ed to stop chewing tobacco. There
lino law against it ; it is just a ruat-'
ter of principal. . : ••
the talent naturally pick the Yankee
yachts to Win, as it is. largely a
wind game, •
- • .
• • ••••• •• ** **0 0 „
* • • • 04 A A A
• • . „ ,
, • + • THE MOST .
+ impORT.,`WT • • ,
+ At a Departmental exam- 4,
4. inabion held in Huron dur- .4.
+ ing the past yesir one of +
4. the questions was
4. " Name the three most 4.
A important of the British +
4. possessions, and thetpa- 4.
+ sons." ,
0 One of the answers Was 4*.
4. as follows • 4'
4. 'Presbyterian, Methodist 4.
+ and ;Church of England. +
+ .The Presbyterian is the +
4. most important because 4.
+ they teach the doctrines of +
+ the Bible more, perieetly."
4. it is scapely necessary 49
4. to say that the pupil who .4
4.,gave this answer is a
4. Presbyterian. It may•also 4.
4. he added and a Meta- 4..
4. bar of a clergyman's tam- 4.
4. ily at that. 4.
Since last Saturday we have had the
biggest Hat selling we have any record of.
Bi -the daze-n--haVe--the-Ha-ts left -the -store--
All this Week and next the great sale will
.prOwo Flats. OreSr• Hats, • Black Hats.
.$Ioo Iiats, 32Ao Hats, $2:5O Hats
All sizes in „Hats are goinat.the
uniform price of soc each
We have decided upon a complete.learance
of every odd Hat and broken lines; and to
make the sale quick and sure,a4re willing to
take only
Haifa/a Dollar:for a Hat .
Hodgdfis Bros (1.'11
• on.