The Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-18, Page 4.e 4 ,TI10 Ne.).*SilReeOrd CLINTON, 'ono of nubseriptien—U 'per year in adYance $1.50 may be charged net eri Paid. Na ps.per diecelitinued MAU all 'Mears are paid, Unless at the opiaion ef the publisher. The date AR wbicb every stiheeriptioajs Paid lEi dengted thelabel„ Adveetisina rates -- Transient Raver- tiseMeats, 10 celltS per nenpariel line ter Bret ineeraitta an 3 vents per line for each eubeeeuent insat- iate Small eavettisements not to exceed ene bola such as "Strayed," er "Stolen," etc, in- eerted one tor 35 eenta and each sebsequeat insertioa 10 Mate. Cernmenica,tiOne intended for puhaime tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accoMpauied by the nano of the welter. W. MITCHELL, Editor aid Proprietors Saturday Night Adinits That The Whitney. Government Is Poing A GOod Work. Now, as well as at any etber time, it is perhaps becoming to admit that prior to the general eleotions in Jan- uary I underestimated the good setae and capabilities of governrotaill which Premier Whitney hae demonstrated since he has occupied the chief place in our Proviacial Government. Ab- solutely and unequivocally I opposed the re-election of the Ross Govern.- msent, but with plaittly stated belief that Mr. Whitney and this Wendt were probably incapable of doing anything more than demonstrating their ineffi- ciency. I •hold unchaeged the view that not another moment could.: The Ross Government .have Poen tolerated but I accept the odium of the not en - common mistake that the Opposition haat not qualified themselves by a de- clared policy or a strong position on any public 'question, to undertake a Government acceptable to the hest thought of Ontario. Eyerythinte liesa been done by 'the new Government better than was expected. The • '�ld masters of the situation have been unhorsed ; even the corporationsseem unmistakably out of the saddle, the Government having already repiftliat- ed an arrangement made early in January for additional power to be developed by the Electrical Power Company. This grasping corporation, through auxiliary organizations, al- ready has Toronto by the neck 'and this distinct kick in the diaphragm will `make it •recognize that it does not own the earth and fullness power thereof. The 'Whitney Goyeres ment is showing the Temperance peo- ple that it can do much in .the way of bettering the liquor traffic Without any demagogic resort to Spread-eagle resolutions and unworkable statutes. Altogether, I feel I owe an aaolegy to the gentlemen of the Opposition who are now members of tie Govente merit, for discountiag their ability eta intentions and in this expression of approval of a• common-sense and ,rea- sonable administration I feel teat I ate_ allay_ to lean gibe taa intent ofeeheata. who 'read this paga.—Satniday Night. Mr., Gamey Vindicated . By •The Legislature. By a vote of 60 to 21 the Ontario Legislature has declared that Mr. Gamey did net -receive a fair hearing of his ease by Chancellor Boyd and Justice Falcoahriage and that the resolution passed. on Jime 25th last year, censuring him fee his: 'Con- duct, was thiwarranted and eh.ould bee expunged from the records. ' In closing the debate premier Watt- ney offered the self-evident observa- tion that many remarkable- evehts had taken plaoe in the history of the. province. The speeoh of Mr. Harcourt• was remarkable, but 310 mote remark- able than some of the other utteran- ces which had. been Put down to his change-of-circuenstances, -From a to 4 of the speech Mr. Harcourt had not dared to take the house into his cola fidence in regard to the merits of the - case. He desired to congratulate Mr. Gamey on the marked fairness end moderation of his remarks. Mr. Whitney_cornmentecLon the re- mark . of Mr. Harcourt that be had. not referred to the Gamey ease oh the hustings, and of las mint:Meg from discussing the merits of the ea- se. "I invite him now to discuss tile merits of the case," said Mr. Whitney with emphasis. • Mr. Harcourt had not been able to conceal the sting and venom of hie. remarks Ma paring that he (Tdr.:Whit- ney) was not the leader of this gov- ernment. "I Wonder when he," tbe premier asked, "will ever be the lead- er of even a faction in this province?" Mr. Harcourt had attempted to find A safe resting and hiding place muter the robes of the judiciary'. The mem- bers of the late :government were alai last men who should date to say that any doubt was being thaiwn upon the dignity of the judiciary, The Conservative party had pleaded with the government not to bestairch tho judiciary and When these pleadings were of no avail these mein who are now the ohaMpionS 'Of judiciary, sat down in council and nueeeeded in de- grading the judiciary. Mr. Harcourt had teferred to the bribery case of 1836. "And / suspect that no hon. gentleman Was so close" to that case as the hoe. gentleman who has just taken 411s seat. Mr. Gamey had fought the case like a man, singly and alone ; and if a legion of perjurers and geoundrele who followed him around eaused him to slip a, little, is it any wonder that you could find an occurrence • or two that were open.; to eritielsni ? The wonder was that he had'corne through; it so Well. Suppose there had beat no preced- ent for this action? "Is it ever too late to wright a *tong ?" queried the premien amid the treinendoue appleu. se of his followers., The Clinton Newo,Record If Mr. (limey deeerVed the vote cf Militate he deserved to be e.Xpelled mai the gentlemen who were responsible tor that vote either nelibere.tely re- frained from cloing what they should have doe through a tacit oaselleresPee et on Inleause they ,had not the cour- age. " We sought to keep the ermine clear," said Mr. Whitney, discussing one of Mr. Ifareourt's points, "and the lion. gentleman saw to it that it 'should be defiled." Mr. •Ilareourt had pleatled that Chancellor Boyd Woula suffer. What about the member for Manitoulin? Do we line in a country where the uniform Is a bort of tetieli that should be bowed down- to? Mr. Whitney referred to the Wilkes case and then took up the report of the judges. Some of the statements in the eportba pi:towed by tne report itself, were proned to be absolutely false. The judges had reterrea to the bribing of Gamey with offers of pt- ronage as "policy of conciliatiou '1 a The judges should not have been dragged down from the bench to try this case. They were asked to Atte trate a case on the result of which de liolmeaville4 ReMember Dr. Medes lecture "Vireo- ing and Wedding" on Tuesdo even- ing next. A small adminsion, will charged. Mr. and ,Mrs. Moon of nowlesnoro were the guests of Mr. ROSS 'on Sun- day. °Mrs. Hick has returned 'home after spending the winter away with fri- ends, Mies Minnie Rudd of Clinton is visiting her aunt, IVIiss rord. The butter factory started for the season on Monday. Goderich Township. 11 you listen attentively yoti will hear wedding chime„on the 9th cp. somewhere around the glorious twen- ty-fourth. Mrs. Chas. B. Middletoa is visiting at her mother's in Beautifier. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cole visited. Wen- , ds in Blalcelast week. pended the existence of the govern- ment, who paid them large sures tor arbitrations; and wane the.' govern- ment was in control of the apeaker no emptation would be placed' before the Svlges.' Ir. Gamey had not consulted the premier with reference to this motioe ale • had Put it on the order paperend then tied the speaker what he .had done; and he had assured Gamey G his! hearty support. Mr. Whitney did not know any vote he had given with more hoarbines' than the one he would give to rends justice to the man who, single-handed and alone, stood for weeks and mon tits against all the powers of evil aitc wickedness, gathered in one last un successful attempt to keep in power the party of the hon. gentleman who had just sat down. - Reeve IVIiddleton in planting young maPles along the roadside which will in time enhance the appearance of his property. Ed. 1VIcGavin spent Saturday and Sunday at his home in Seaforth. Mr. "Oliver Grigg of the 7th me. • lost a mare and foal this week as an accident by the mere breaking tarough the stable gpor. t • _ The Bayileld Line boys are enjoying a little pastime in the evenings by playing .foatlyall, We should not won- der but the yoluag ladies may jein also. - A number of farmers delivered cive- t tle in Varna this week to Messrs. Keyes and Reid. Thompson Bros, now drive a span of blacks .and are, justly proud of their driving quality. • The ghost of the Gamey case watka ed the floor of the Legislature once more. Mr. Gamey moved that the vote ratifying the report of Chancel- lor Boyd and Chief. Justice Falcone btidge be Tescintled. He declared that he alone was responsible tor' tae mot- ion, that it aid not emanate from the Government and that he did . net Want any vote that dia not proceed from sincere eanviction. The anoti was carried on, a stria party vote of 00 to 21. It is argued .by the friends of the late Government that this ts .a mere whitewash and does oot affect the merits of the ease. It is true that we know n� more about the ease new than before .this vote was team'. But exactly, the same thing is .true of the eapunged motion, which was , carriad by a etrict, party majority of fear. Mr: Gamey, it is said, 'has nothing but the .pooi satisfaction of a striet party.'nfote. . On June 26, 1903, the late Gaverunierit had nothing but; The poor eatisfaction2 cif a etrict part' vete, in the' party, vote, has any signs ificanee, this tote IS ten tirties ent as the vote of 1903. The major- ity of four, is -the:•Mection showed,did not represent the people: The Masan- tty et 39 represents an immense rea- jority of the people. : ° . , • Court of Revision will be held on Friday, May 26th, commeneing at 10 oraout From the assessor's tell we learn taat the total acreage of the town- ship is 52,318 'acres, • and the assess- ment $1,472,425. The Poaulatien is 2175 • of wheats. 7.55 are male persons between the. age set 21 and 60. - A practice shoot took place on Friday over athe .ratiges'ef the Hol- mesville rifle club in which a large number Of the niemliers participated. Some good scores were niade, the, ,highest by Reece Jenkins of. :Hur- on Road who made .36 points. John Johnstone of s Clinton came ' second with 34, J. E. Hoveyand 0.5. Pow - ding aleo of Canton obtained '33 and 30 points respectively, and Councillor John Ford 32. The boys, who have only had a few Practices,: are rapidly improving' arta w'e fully expect that by the .' fell: they will be able to give theta ,seniorse points and yet • haat - ttbs7 h:ne..v,0Iitu,i4shcrfrioott iyejl tmayecthicleud4 tv,thiple2th4tehr ' 'er, use 'tlie funnn thetrip Would: .enet: in alatilding a sclub' house to be used Ieraheiter •�n rainy 11,4e.- John •Johnstone of atattedbiuey street, Olin - ton, who jtOok paet in Friaay's'ehoot, is. a veteran with the rifie and 111 the days genie ay took part in bi4 mateh- es at • Toronto and elsewhere, almost invariably Winning- a prize. He ex- cels: at the long ranges, and, led at . ya s an ITilleayaa7 • 'Mrs.. J. B. Stewart; :Miss :Elva and Master Brown spent Saturday; Sun- dy l'ittonday with friends at . grve rs. lam Calem and Mrs. Mani SteWart. ' of Stanley Were guests • of Mrs.. J.13, Stewart on Freety last: ,Tuesday Coaneillors Ford; Stur- dy ad ' Stewart .inspected Weston's • :hheilialyyQ11191,1:. v°i*86i.°11 and *ill report at 'the next 'meeting of %the .conneil. The hill is no steep that it is Impossible for a tea.rd to take up a When. the report' of .theljudges Was' submitted' to the LegtsIature; the Cola tention that it .was final was aband- oned:. • • ence or 1 res on . 1. slender peaty majority 'whioli the Goe. vernmen.t.could cam -laid ; and. 'wan that 'majority disappearecte the isli,ture's approval of the ajudghteet disappeared also. Tho thin g wasdooe- and the , expunging of the resolutien :of 1903 was made the !Orilla' record of a feet already estabaishee. The ,que estion 'Was thoroughly dimussed in the elections., and there ean be doubt that the •majority of the Legia- latuee had the sanction of the people.: far vatinglor Mt.: Garney's resolUtioir. That the stiateeta of inc inquiry is stili involved in:- ' detibt is` tree. Put that is no aeason 'why a useless end Meaningless resolution should not be struck off the'reeoedse—Teeento News. ':KeeP1' attaotina aaaa 'aii exchange wisely. 11:you. toot your little' tootee and then lat. .aside your horn there's not a soul en ten short, days will linoW' that you were both. The man who .` gathers punipkins is the man Whit plows all day,. and the man who keeps a hunting is the man who mak- es it pea. a The mat' who agvertises With aho,rt and sttd,den jerk is the man who • blamesahe editor baciuse didn't work. Theaman who' gete the business h.ass, aloug and steady pelt and keeps his trade paper from- year to year qulta-fult. Reetlanialiis—ade veetiseineat in • a thoughtful,: lioneet way and ,Iteetis forevet at it until he makes it 'pays. ale bag faith itt the future, 'can withstand a " .bankrupt shock, and like a man of scriptme, has his business on a rock. • LOftda$1)01'ae ' • Rev. N. Leakie has accepted the call item Burns' chercat and will soon enter upon his pastoral duties,. Illra Wm. Moon will represent the Lor.desletro and Constance .Methodist churches at the District meeting in Clinton op Monday attd Tuesday of next Week The young people are preparing a concert to be given in the council hill en the evening of the 24th. Messrs. Mirth of Clinton and More at Blyth are expected and with the aesistance of the village taloa .a good program is assured. t Mrs. Boise returned this week, to her home in Chicago after an extended Visit under the parental roof. Miss C. Rusted spent last Sunday with friendsin Wingharri, R. T. of T. Council No. 150 will hold its next regular Meeting ou thm. evening of the n9th 4nst. Excellent programs consisting of debates, f40114 gSy recitations, teadings and essays have been given at the reedit meet- ings cod pleasant and proiltahle ev- enings have been epent. Toronto, May 16. -'-When Mr. Whit - tiers bill to arnmend the Election Act by doing away With tha identities Won number was &led to -day • in the Legislature he .said it was not the intention of the Govererneitt to do anything with the ballot itself this SeaSiOin, .0- Neve1f .. . • 1V1t. J. B. Stewart „paid a aisit last week to the Whitechurch. district. :in search of. ,grets cattle, but ae totted them just aa ecaree and 'high -Priced as in thin totanship, so did uot mate any. purchases there, but has done .so nearer home; . • - Read The; News -Record fet Godeaa ich township news:. StaideY Township. • • The annual yestry meeting ,nf 8t.•: Luke's church �n inc Goshen Liee was held on the and of May. After all accounts had paseed the sum of $15 Was placed in the ateasety. ..nhe fel- lowing were eleeted for the ensuing • Minister's' warden, Geo. Elliott People's warden, Robt. Stephensen Lay delegate tti Synod, 'eolith •Stephenson ' Another a the pioneers et Iluron hat passed from this -life la the acre son of Mr. Robert Dennison, Ile was prostrated by a. stroke of paralysis from which he did not recover. He had reached the unusualage of 85 years. Mr. Dennison wig a native, of Comity Sligo, Ireland, avid came to Canada wheit quite young. The fam,•• ily arst settled in the county of Peel and afterwards removed to the town. ship of • Scarboro. While there Mr. Detiniecat was married to Sarah Dovt- sell, who still survives him. Somt after their marriage they eaMe to tfue ron, now over 48 $rears ago. lie took up the firm on thelluron Road in 1lullett, now owned by Mr. A. klugin, Ile remairied there only ah - out sI r months, when he sold farm and then melted to the township of Meals, purchasing the foam on the Gravel Road, north ol Walton, or the corner of whioh the Walton Mut.- eh and sohool twee stand. Thirty-tWO years ago he sold this farms to a Mr. McDougall and purchased the fine barnt adjoining Varna on which lie con- tinued to resat° until hie death. Mr. Donniann was a man of good busie toss ability Of the strictest rectitude and thoroughly honorable in ail his. dealings with his fellow menlie tOok a deep and intelligent hiterest in public affairs; had strong convictions and was a stautieh and in his day, an aetive Conservative in polities, Be- sides his aged partner in life he leav- es a growl up family all well provi- ded for, Auburn. Mr. Oscar Rodgers of Clinton Iln.a been engaged to teach the Aaiun school after holinays. He was for- merly of Auburn. Mr. G. Wightinan has been erieaged to teach at Westfield after holidays. • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Potter of Lucke now Sundeyed with the former's sis.. ter, Mrs, 8. Echlin. Mrs, Ben. Farrow leaves shortly for . Miss Jennie littnkin and her ehtuu Sundayed at her sister's, Mrs. W. IVIr, Jas. Moore passed away very suddenly last week after only about a latiek's eielmess. Ho was buried in the Blyth cemetery by the Orange Lodge. Mrs. as. Fluker passed away last week .after an illness of about 1.1x Months duration. Her remains were interred in Ball's cemetery, a large number of sympathising Wends at- tending the funeral. McKiliop Township, Mr. George and Misses Emma, arid Hama' Jackson of Morris Nisi bed friends on the Leadbury Line laet $unday. 'Vass Dora Kenney of Walton hos again started giving music lessens. We are all pleased to see her bolt again. Rev. Dr. Ross of Brussels conducted the services at Bethel and Walton on Sae/bath last, Rev. A. Nab taking hie place in Brussels. Miss Maggie Macpherson has ,gone to, Seaforth to learn dress matinee Mr., George Dundas has purchased a new ,rubber tire buggy, 1VIr. Wm. MeCallam is putting up a ,new brick house this summer. • Miss Mary ,Murdie, who base been on the sick list for the past month, is, we ate pleased to say, recovering. Mr. John E. Irvine had a suecessad hay bee this week. Mr, James Martin has a very large quantity of wood in his' yard ready. for the .next snow storm. tan Thursday afternoon a number ef Orangemen of the Blyth .Lodge drove to Aaburn to atteod the tuneral of the late James Moore- Of that vine On Friday evatina theteencert held iii Industry ilea under the auspices of the Methodist auras wee,. well at- tended and much enjoyed by: 'those present. The proceeds' anioented to over thirty -save e dollars. Mrs. Isaae Brawn's many friends will be glad to hear that ehe is fast improving from her serious ' A manber of ear citizens drove oven' to .Wiighan4 to. • *See eireus Tuesday. • ren Men are araiving daily to v..arkoa kr. • and MrS, IVIenlee. of fianfield were in town, on Tuesday.. Thea were for a timelier of years .tesalente of. this burg. : ' The big, steam shovel Mshcm Mete ed, on Mr. JONI McMillan's' feria and has eommeaced. operations... • . Me. C. Ramilten has earhpleted the a.ssessmeetof the village for the prese ents-yeaa-andafrom theasaollaw.talte- the following particulars :-- Real liroPerty• $61,689 ; : B,uildings, 3118,317; : Taxable Meanie, 38945;; • . • usinesa assessment, $34,630.00 Total ' real- and. personal :property and taxable income,- $283,534601 • Population, 993 ; . . The religion of 'the pi:nada:tam in as follows • - . Presbyterians; -420 • Methodists; . 327; • • Aegliceas, 210 Banal' .Cainelies., 20; Evangelioal, :11 ; !AitheratiS, ' 5. • ' . • s . . Last year's a'sseSsinent figures Were as. fellows tas = s - • Real liroPerta, 3196,360 ; . Personal property, $23'500 • Tesaible Income, 31100; ' ' : Total .persottal 'moppet*. and taetabe - le inconle $24,600; • Total real and personal property and taxable ineotnea $220,900 ; ;., ---Boaulattoite..8711 • The new assessetent act makes the' work , of the assessor .more diflicutt, but' With •sorne • changee the .asaessor thinks it swill 'be an improvemeat .• an the old plan. lantlee the newact par-, ties having -money out on interest, or te saving banks; or receiving, inebruf • ' The Scoot Or Health* 18 RIM, RED BLOOD—PR. 'VlIta. MANS' PINK PILLS MAialt NEW BLOOD. Good blood—rich, red • blood—is the only cure for sect' complaints as an- aemia, decline, heart palpiteti skin 'eruptions, rheumatism, hidney troubles and a host of other every day ailments. Good blood malice you less liable to disease of every kind, because it strengthens and stimulates every organ 1n the body to throw oil any ailment that may attack it. Maid blood iv the secret of life, and the secret of goo41, ricb, redblood is Dr. 'Williams' 'Pink Pills ior liara People. These little Mod -building pills have saved lives that doctors and nurses have despaired of. 'rimy have cured thousands of othere—they will cure you too. Mrs. Wm. Bootie, Montrose, ook.., says: "For,a couple of years' my daughter Meta was in( failing health. She complained of beedeelie and distreseing • wealtneea, Anil seemed rapidly to be going into deeline. We consulted several doc- tors, but they did not help her. She was apparently bloodless, aad we were .afraid she would not lawyers She had no appetite and was great- ly redueed in flesh, At this stage a friend advised me „ to give her Dr., Williams' 11,10 Pills and in a few weeks we noticed some inter° vemeet in her condition, And that her apt e- tite was improving. We continued the treatment fora couple of xxiontas len- ger and by that time She .was igain in the best of, health, She had gain.: ed thirty two pciunds in weight, had good color, and was in the best of spirits. I do not think I am putting it too strongly when I say I • think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills .saved • her life." ' Dr, VVilliares? Pina Pills de only cne thing, but they do that well. They do not act upon the bowels; they do not bother with mere symptoms. They actually make the new, rich: red blood that goes right to the toot of the disease and drives it from the system. But you- must get inc:•genu- inc with the full name, "Dr, W1Jj- insr.ink Pills for Pale People," 'Matted on the wrapper around every box. All medicine dealers keep abliese 'pills or you.ean get them by mail et 50. cents a box or six boxes far le.50 by writing The D. Williams' Medicine CO., )Brockville, Ont. • Varna .• Mr. and Mrs'. J. E. Harnwell spent. Sutalay with poderiph friends! . Master Sam. end Mise Katie Stin- son visited Goshen' friends on: Thurs- day...." .- • Miss 'Maggie' Reid of 'Btucelleld Spea et Sande* 'under the 'parental roof. • Miss' 'Kate Stinson has ' returiied baffle' alter speudiag the past month vitae Je Readtes, emerchant- lirnne,n Mr.: John johfia" epees. Suaday ir. Varna. •• . . Miss ' K. Stinson spent Smiley at Mr.. J. Johns'. • The a,nniial. vestry theethig of St. J.ohn'e church was. held recently. 1 he total. :receipts for the • year were -524.2.9-asecl4he-expe5ees4102 7 0.„..nen- ving a balance on hand of, 348.53, With 'the certainty of a still • larger 'balance -in a few days' tithe . The fol- lowing is the result of the .election of officers.: . . . Minister's 'warden, J. McNaughton People's warden, Harry Diehl • • e Delegate _to synod, 'Wm: Logan , . Vestry'. clerk-, Joba-IVIcNaughton. At the '.above vestry meetiag what had been for a. longtimp :eettristery, to many was revealed. by...ene who had beeet;fortenate eriough to discover it noine time ago, . 'will .be reineins, hered that lapt year a good pile of wood wa leili 133, the 'eliurelf_dam-saY some one. and ,as tt was never aalled for and a ;hint =having, been, gieen that it was for the olieroh's use, the pile area taken.in charga and used.: Na - bit. was :presented and at tee vestry meeting last week it was givenout that the -wood Was a present: * frolil Mr.' M: Elliott. Mr. EltiOtt did not K. thanks Mid did ndt care :to have it mentioned, but the vestry- thought that .accidents of that nature eheeld not go unmentioned so la hearty vote of thanks was given in . which ' the uksahould ly' qgiven t�:Where thanke coaaregationoiti, believing tltat alas from any seitirca tashaiteerrneetee------- ' • able the same as those .having it ale vested in real estate or busittees. By this rule each party Assessed contri- butes an equal proportion a,caording to atii or her wealth. The new act hits the manufeeturets the headest of any one, as they are (*Hod to pay a business tax of 60 per cent, rd the valne of their plant. Mr. IVf James obre„ wITO has earried the mails• on the Blyth and Auberh route for many years, died at Ins re-• sidenee in Auburn last week. Gang - tale .was the cause of death. Ile was only siek one Week. The finieral took Mame to the 'Union cemetery on Fri- day and was eanducted smiler the ausa pices of the Orattge society of which he was a member for Many years. • Baby's Battles. "Baby's DattleS" is the title of A valuable little book on the ono of infants •ond noting children, pub - fished by the Dr. Williams- Medicine Co„ Brockeilla Ont., which will be sent post free t� any Mother who oaks •tor it. It tells you also some - Oleg About Babies Own Tablets, a medicine that euree all the minor ail- ments of infants and young children —it . medicine praised by every mother who has used it. Mrs. Iti.herd Smiley, Leonard, Ont., says : "We had . very sick baby in per louse un- til We got Baby's Own Tableta, They were the first thing that eid her any edood and 1 think were the means of anviug our little one's lire. 1 praise them to all mothers, " MI 1 medicine dealers gen these Tablets, or .yori ' can get Meet at 25 cents a box 'by Writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine 'Co, Broekvillet Ont MAY 18th 1905 nnne,004~.44e+++0+++++++10.10,144400.4++++++44,444.0+4P .M0KINNON. • & .00.4,1310 /TM III:OR:El NEW GOODS x A Our trade thia op! ingbas been a record. breaker. Never in the hietory , of OUR BIQCAS nTORE have we had such large melee as noting the 144 „s * two monthe, end still tbe rash continues. Our stock in some lines got pretty;r: + Well sold out, but inc large shipmeut of new goods we received tide week . ti• Puts our stock in good shape agent. Below we mention a few linen of new + ••••• goods we baye Jove received le* • Inoveninee, in black, create, arab and white, at 350, a0c, 15c, $1, a and SI 75 per yet's]. —Ladles' Belts, in black and colors, in new deigns, atee5e, 35e, Loo and 75c, —New Parasols. iu black and fancy stripes and floral patterns, at !W., 700, . $1 and $1,50. —01111%e:14r and daseet in white, cardinal, sky end pink. with falicY &Whig' —Corset Coveter/in white and Meek, made of fine lawn and muslin, trim- • med _with insertion, lace and ribbon, at 25e, 85c, 50e and, 75c. —La7dc,leuse',Vioer b:z2oesc,awniat135.1 lco,ng and short Sleeves and eleevelesth at —Ladies' Balleigan Vests and Drawers very special at 50c. —Ladies' Corsets, made by Crompton, A,, B, & 0,, /3. de la and Wray, at 50c. 75e, Rand $L25. —Crompton's Tape Girdle, regular price 50e, for 35e. —The New 0. B. C. Corset, etraighe front, bias cur, with hose supporters aBtrtiridcet dg6iant vt 4%72 ee :tty $1143.5—. flat Wing, Peggy from Paris and June —'Ladies' Stock and Turnover Collars, in black, arab and cream, also Se- quin Stock Collars, in black apd wbite in great variety. at elate,prices. a • at X st. 4 McK1NNON & CO BL P YTH I - a .10 114 44 • 44 41. ":":":":":":":":; It": " NOMMLJUINOM 0011 OLD SUMMER TIME . • , . .• . Get in /ine witla natuie. Shed. those old ghabby shoes and call and see our immense stock of Summer Shoes. • . • . We are anticipating making a change in our,business and in order to do so we must reduce our stock. Wehave now $10,000 worth and must get it down to at least .one half, This means -$5,600 of Up -to -Date Shoes.at very low prices, for ca,sh. We cannot quote prices, butj.ust give you a hint. If you need shoes we can and will save you 20 per cent. On your shoe needs for the next 60 'days. No trouble to show goods. . Yola.re participate these Bar- ga. • The Old Reliable .TAYLOW,St-.SOR..,.'sP. .1•••••••4•••••••••••••• nni.***: 7 ge•410*****4141.4 , . - • . -40********************40#••••••••••••••,•414... , J. B.:HOOVER. NELSON BALL • . • • • .- • . Saves . . Labor, Oil idllve Otia..*.: • • Undertaking promptly .attended to by night or day• - . • • . . 0-0-0-0000. 00•00-7( • ; HOOVER :81. 'BALL' . . . Nightristaa'Saiiiitay cbflI answertater.a.nriaradraree- ottithered--the 04**,4**,04/ 44.41•444)**4.4 ••1,4.40**444.***414•4 Nur,' .. • • eatsaatatseatatatee.atasaaaaesettesasat..e. • • a. + SEND THE NEWS-REC- + + ORD TO YOLIR BOY IN + • TI -IE WEST. TWELVE + + MONTHS FOR ONE DOL- ett + LAR, POSTAGE PAID. + Seventh Annual Excursion to Detroit AN OPPORTUNITY :FOR A PLE,A, SANT 'TRIP TO MICHIGAN'S ME- TROPOLIS AND To VISIT • FRIENDS. The! White Star: Line :Eacutsion. from Goderieli to Detroit and return ou the elegant steamer Greyhound for 1005 is hooked ter Tuesday, June June 201h, 8,80 a. tn. Those who take advantage sof this opportunity are aseured of one of the most pleasant trips of their life. Everything will be arranged for the convenience and pleasure of the exeursioniste and we ktioW of no more neliggtful way of 'visiting Michigan's Metropolie than this trip will .aliord. iteturinug it will leave Detioit Thursday after- noon and the fare for the round trip front Goderich will he only oae doll- ar. Children Will be charged half fare, bicycles and baby carriages will be tarried free. Arrange to take this in ; you cannot afford to Mise it ; only MOO' round trip, and good it& tele 10 Detroit at popular rata. 1 . • • , • 1111111111m 1, o Justreceived a supply of Aluminum Ware for kitchen use. CALL and SEE IT.• . A full Stook of coiled Spring Wire, Barbed 'wire, Plain Galvanized Wire, Oiled and Annealed Wire. Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, etc. , All sizes Black and Galvanized Iran f'ipe.. • • A -lot of small ends Poultry Netting . to clean in job lots.. i‘b • WANTED .A good strong boy to learn. the hardware business . WANTED APPLY :PERSONALLY. HARLAND BROS*, STOVES —AND.. HARDWARE „,„ N't s,