HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-08, Page 1WINGHAIVI TIMES.
VOL 5XXXIV.-NO. 1739.
Tailor -Made
We will make your suit to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped. and faultless-
ly fitted, superbly tailored
_ from some pure, all -wool fab-
ric, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
use a fabric of still higher
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order at
$3.34, 3.15. $4, $5, $6.
A fine selection of Gents' Fur-
nishings always in stock.
1YI1S1L. Hornutil
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post office.
Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,644;000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 8lst
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
M. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,235,280,00.
Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00.
Total Assets, $26,553,846.57.
President- HON. Wit. Meson,
Vioe•Prestdent and
General Manager -J. TunNBIILL.
Assistant Gen. Manager -H. M. WATsoet
John Proctor, Chas. L. Dalton, J. e. Hendrie,
(Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Berge.
Inspector -B. Willson.
lntereet allowed on depoelts of 11.00 and np.
wards, and added to prinotpal on slat Mor sad
Seth November each year,
Special Deposits also reoetved at current
tutus of interest.
1V. OORBOULI), Agent,
DIOKINSON & IIOL111i'IA, flotloltore.
Limoges China
We have just received a large
orate of new Chinaware, comprising
These goods are made in new
patterns which have never before
been shown here, and we would ask
you to call and see them before mak-
ing purchases elsewhere. You can
get the newest patterns, and will pay
no more for them here than for the
old patterns elsewhere.
You're invited to see them.
R, A. Hutchison
Phone 59. Prompt delivery.
To the Real Estate Buyer,
no matter where,located :
I am absolutely sure I am in a position to
save you some money, unless the circumstances
under which you buy aro very exceptional.
I can and will make it profitable for you to
buy through me. I am in touch with property
owners in every part of the country, and have
on my lists to -day properties, (both in town and
country), that cannot be excelled either in
quality or price;
It makes no difference whether you want a
$50 building lot or a 810,000 farm, I want to hear
from you.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
1, O. O. F. Deco 'ation Service.
Maitland Lodge, I 0. 0. F., will hold
their decoration service on Sunday, Jane
25th, when the mem lers, together with
visiting brethren freak the neighboring
lodges, will decor a with flowers the
graves of deceased embers. All Odd-
i fellows of Wine am are requested to
meet at the to a room at 3 o'clock
p. m. on above d to for the purpose of
attending the service.
Eon SALE. -A light commercial
', wagon, with platform spring, for sale
cheap. Apply to Percy Hill.
Dental graduates.
In the class of >,.inety-eight members
who graduated frcen the Pennsylvania
College of Dentis ry, at Philadelphia,
last week, we noti-e the names of three
young men from his vicinity, viz: -
Andrew Mitchell, C Turnberry; John
Coultes, of Blneval i; and Arthur W.
Knight, of Ripley. Messrs. Mitchell
and Knight have r •turned home. We
congratulate the yeeng men on their
A good house to rent. Apply to
R. Vanetone.
New Telephtene Directory.
The local snbscril ers of the Bell Tele-
phone Company haeme had the new direc-
tory for Western 0 1tario handed them
during the past w Lek. Owing to an
oversight the name A H. Bugg, No. 58,
was omitted from the Wingham ex-
change. Other n +w phones recently
placed are: -Walton MoKibbon, resi-
dence, No. 107; am ( David Robertson,
residence, No. 26. The fire alarm sys-
tem has been than red to a party line, so
that the firemen in hose houses instru-
ments are placed ni • y use the phones for
other purposes besi is fire calls.
The beet investm
feather beds attend:.
Feather Washing C. ,
t is to have your
to by the Canada
Off For the nnual Drill.
No, 2 Company o the 33rd Huron
Regiment left on Tu sday for the annual
drill at London. he local manage -
meat of the Compa y was in the hands
of Lient Geo, 0. H..na, who succeeded
in getting together 1 a respectable
turnout, The Co ...any is made up as
follows: -1st Lieu, Geo. C. Hanna;
2nd Lieut, 0. G. VanStone; Color -
Sergeant, R. Carr! k; Sergeants, D.
Gaunt and Wm. Dods; Corporals, M.
McLeod, J. Donne y and J. Jardine;
Privates, E. She •• an, F. Scott, W.
Beattie, C. Hele, W.. Hale, A. Forsyth,
0. Longman, Jas. all, P. Kennedy, W.
Leggatt, E. Everett, J. Armstrong, R.
Hough, W. MoOo'y, J. McFarlane, E.
Patterson, B. Kelm s, t. Barrett, E.
Langley, B. McOlena hen.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
West Huro Liberals.
The annual me ting • of the West
Huron Liberal Ass dation was held in
Dungannon on Tac -day of last week,
with a good attend ince from all parts of
the riding. Offic •rs were elected as
follows: -Preside , Wm. Proudfoot,
K. C., Goderioh. Vice -Presidents, Jas.
Young, Auburn ; I.J. Morris, Colborne;
Wm. Bailie, Dn ancon. Treasurer,
Joseph Bell, Cant,. Secretary, (]has.
Garrow, Goderic i. Auditor, Henry
Beattie, Clinton. Resolutions of con-
tinued confidence .n the Federal and
Provincial leaders, Sir Wilfrid Laurier
and Hon. G. W. Ross, and of regret at
the death of D. F. Macpherson, of Olin -
ton, were passe.. M. G. Cameron,
M. P. P., and Rot=rt Holmes, ex -M. P.,
addressed the mee ing.
Union Farmers' nstitutes' excursion
to Model Farm, Grelph, on Thursday,
June 15th. Traiu leaves Wingham 7.40
a.m. Fare $1.25. See large posters.
Count of Huron.
The report of tl a Provincial Munici-
pal auditor, Mr.:- B. Laing, for 1904
has just been issued. Below we give an
extract from it :- Jounty of Huron total
receipts for 1903 mere $79,652 05; total
payments, $72,85
of $6,796.61 in Ca
coerce, Goderich.
and assessed value
was $32,301,290.0(
$43,068 31, nearly
my visit. The cot
of one sterling debi
£15,000 sterling,'
county holds a sin
securities of •$23,G
84, leaving a balance
'Wien Bank of Com -
The total equalized
of the county was
The county rates
1 paid at the date of
my liability consists
uture (due 1916) of
against which the
ing fund in cash and
3.23. The treasurer
has boen twenty y ars in office and re-
ceives a salary ote $1,350 per annum.
The county booksuI find accurate and
well kept. I
Woman's In
Women's Inst
been arranged as
Subjects -Mrs. Jea
avenue, Toronto-"
to the Body," "
ages," "Meats," '•'
of Sunshine and Er
Rations and Man
tion of Children.
Guelph, Ont.-"
"Fruits -Methods
ing, eto.," "Cool
Use." Evening s
Milk for Factor
"Evenings at the
town hall, June 1
June 12; Clinton,
Holmesville, Mot
Goderioh, Temp:
Constance, Temp
Ethel, Tempera.
itute Meetings.
tute meetings have
low. Speakers and
Joy, 317 Brunswick
cod and its Relation
ater, Milk-Bever-
egetab]es," "Value
sh Air," Balanced
' "Physical Educe-
iss L. Shuttleworth,
ome Dairy Work,"
of Canning, Preserv-
Dishes for Summer
bject-"The Caro of
es and Creameries,"
Iomestead." Exeter,
; Bayfield, town hall,
town hall, June 13;
odist church; June 14:
ance hall, June 15;
ranee hall, June 16;
e Hall, June 17;
Molesworth, Ora:Age hall, June 19;
Bluenale, Fores ers' hall, June 20;
Gorrie, town hall, June 21; Fordwicb,
Foresters' hall, Jvee 22.
WANTED. -At once, partner for Real
Estate and Insurance Business; must be
a hustler. Apply personally to C. J.
MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent, Wingham,
Sunday School
deavor C
The annual conyc
county Sunday Se
Endeavor associate
jointly in Goderl.
nd Christian En-
tion of the Huron
col and Christian
s will be held con -
on Tuesday and
Wednesday, June 13th and 14th. The
first day will be devoted to Sunday
school work and tie second to that of
the work of Christi an Endeavor societies
The day session wall be held in Victoria
street Methodist 4hurch and the evening
meetings in Kno church. The morn-
ing session of the irst day will be taken
up with the repor s of officers and the
appointment of :ommittees. In the
afternoon there w 11 be reports of com-
mittees and elect on of officers, after
which addresses w 11 be given by Mrs.
Duncan, of Toron o; Mr. E. A. Hardy,
provincial Sunday school training secre-
tary; Miss Church 11, of Clinton; Dr.
Towler, of Wingh , and Rev. W. H.
Graham, of God ich. The evening
session will be a so g service, with ad-
dresses by the Re . J. W. Holmes, of
Gorrie, and Mr. Iia •dy. The morning
session of Christian ' ndeavor day will
be taken up with rep) is of officers, ap-
pointment of comm'•.t es and a discus-
sion on convention methods. In the
afternoon papers and addresses will be
given by Miss Jean 3abkirk, of Brus-
sels; Rev. A. Esser, 3f Toronto; Miss
0, Tyndall, of Carlon , and Mr. Hardy.
There will be time rowed for discus-
sion on the various topics presented.
The evening service mill be of a musical
character. Addresse•,- will be given by
Mr. Hardy and Rev, A. Ester, the meet-
ing closing with a oo isecration service.
The musio during the oonvontlon will be
furnished by a union .lholr.
A Growin Industry.
The following is from last week's
Goderioh Star: -Mr. . J. Cunningham,
representing the Win ham Foundry. Co.,
was in town this we delivering at the
Point Farm, with t local agent, Mr,
J. H. Worsell, one o ' the Co's famous
Huron Chief ranges. The range is of
handsome design nd workmanship,
composed of heavy -eel plate, and has
a capacity to cook fc r from 100 to 600
people. Its selectic.a shows that Mr
Goldthrope is determined to have only
the best for patrons •1 the Point Farm
The Wingham Font dry Co. is a prosper.
ons and growing ing istry and its output
of stoves and range is something to be
proud of, both in q lity and quantity.
Mr. Worsell says he has no difficulty in
selling such goods.
It will be money = yell spent to have
your feather beds a id pillows renovated
by the Canada Feateaer Washing Co,
Barn Burned by Lightning.
During the se .ere electric storm
which passed over this section early
Sunday morning th barn on the farm of
Mr, Peter King, of be tenth concession
of East Wawanosh, as struck by lightn-
ing, and completel- destroyed together
with about forty tons of hay, three
hundred bushels if grain and a large
number of teeming implements,
consisting of wa -on, buggy, cotter,
sleighs, etc. On h aring the loud clap
of thunder, one of ir. King's sons arose,
and on going out ound that the barn
was on fire. Some harness and
small articles we gotten out, but the
flames spread r'reipidly that it was
not long before t e building and contents
were in ashes. a understand there
was an iusuranc of about $1400, but
this will not n rly cover Mr. King's
toes. As a resul of the fire Mr. King
was left without a:.onveyance, and a sub-
scription list wee started and funds
raised to present Um with a new buggy,
as an expression o geed will, and of
sympathy with hii 1 in his loss.
The Late rs. Currie.
On Wednesday a teirioon of last week,
Ann Cor relic nyn, el c, of the late David
Currie, passed awe at the residence of
her son, Mr. J. . Currie, The late
Mrs. Currie was a ative of Ireland, and
came to this conn y when but two years
old, the family fir it settling in Morning -
ton township. In 1855 she Dame with
her father and tw , brothers to this vicin-
ity. (which was ti en all bush,) and had
been a continuous resident since that
time. She was m rried to David Cur-
rie, and four childr n were born to them.
Mr. J. C. Currie, of town, and Mrs.
Wm. Deyell, of Tur berry, survive, two
daughters having di some years ago.
Her husband died about thirty-nine
years ago. Mrs. Gi on and Mrs. Sad-
dler, are sisters, and Mr. Wm. Cornyn,
of town, is a brothe of the deceased.
The funeral took pl ce on Friday atter-
noon to the Wing am cemetery, the
service being condu ted by Rev. Wm.
Lowe, rector of St Paul's church, of
which deceased was an esteemed mem-
ber. The pall-bea rs were: -Messrs.
H. Davis, C. Dallas, Wm. Moore, W. P.
Grierson, John Robi on and Wm. Well.
NOTICE -I have arranged with the
Dominion Bank to manage my business
and all owing me on notes or mortgages,
can pay principal or interest at any
time after falling due. Remember you
need not pay until you aro requested to
do so by me. I thank all those who
have done business with me and wish
you all every prosperity.
"Good" perfumes -the common
sort -are sold everywhere.
The exquisite perfume is not com-
mon in any way and can be obtained
only from ns, the specially appointed
agents. It is delicate, flelightful and
suggestive of well-brednose-just the
kind to snit persons who are a bit
particular. We should like to show
it to you.
Watton McKibboo
Next door to Poet halos.
For Sunday Scho
Mr. E. A. Hardy, o;
Sunday School Associa
address on his spec
Training," in the lett
of Workers.
the Provincial
ion, will give an
ality, "Teacher
re room of the
Methodist church on onday, the 12th
iust. at 8 p.m. All Su;•day School teach-
ers and others interesi id in the work,
will no doubt be pleasF'1 to avail them-
selves of this opportunity of hearing
Mr, Hardy.
WANTED. -Butter, Eggs and Wool -
and quantity -cash or trade, G. E. KING.
Regent Brand °thing takes the
Lead. -In the compe ition of who would
buy the most clothin from A. R. Smith
for a mouth, the an who keeps the
books for one of th best industries in
Wingham won the prize. Guess who
it is He bought 2 -nits and a craven-
ette rain -coat, besis other goods. A.
R. Smith will give tie boy or man who
buys the most furni hinge and clothing
during the month June a good silk
umbrella or a pair f boots. Come on
boys to A: R. Smit 's, north end; he is
bound to give th rising generation a
chance. Remem r lie sells Regent
Brand Clothing a the National Rub-
ber Craveuette incoat.
Messrs. F. Buc
were the represer
Methodist Churc
London Confere.
ianan and John Kerr
tatives from Wingham
1, who attended the
ice held at Listowel
during the past vt~ek. Rev. Jos. Philp,
S.D., Kincardine, was elected President
of the Conference Mr. Philp goes to
Aylmer, and Rev. S. C. Edmonds` will
assume the paste -ate of Whitechurch
Methodist church to succeed Rev. C. C.
Keine, who goes o Corunna. In the
final draft of the rationing Committee
Rev. Dr, Gundy i set down for Wing -
ham, and has bee appointed chairman
of the Wingham istrict. Among the
young men who wee ordained are two
Huron boys, Revs. . A. Findlay and
J. E. Hunter. The ordination sermon
was preached by R . R. Hobbs. Rev.
Wm. Findlay will a stationed on the
Kingslake circuit, t. Thomas district.
WANTED -Immediate] Belt and
Drum Sanders, Ohair were, Band
Sawyers. Must state wages and experi-
ence. Apply Box 5, TIMES office.
Delays Are angerous.
Never in the hist y of civilization has
there been a greats premium on well
trained minds than at the present time,
Never were bnsi ss enterprises con-
ducted on a greate scale or required
more skilful man etnent. Mediocrity
or indifferent cervi a will no longer be
tolerated. The yo ng man or woman
must he able to do the work required by
this exacting age L. give way to those
who oan. Busine s men have no time
nor inclination to nstruct their employ-
ees in duties - h i c h a proper
education would c uglify them to dis-
charge. They see c and appreciate the
help that comes tc them thoroughly pre-
pared to do the wo,k required of them.
We know the req( irements of the busi
ness world. We 1 ave the facilities for
supplying what th + business world de-
mands. There is o time like the pres•
ent. Improve the resent and you assure
the future by taki g one of our courses
in the Wingham slness College.
Tho old method or renovating Feather
beds is that owned y the Canada Feather
Washing Co. S e them about your
Some special prices in fur iture for
the next 30 days. It will,pg�you to call
and see our large stock at get, prices.
Wedlock's L'fe Contract.
The lfiarriage of a iss Ethel L. Wade,
and Mr. Charles .herman Day took
place at the home o the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geirge Wade, Alfred
street, Wingham, o • Thursday, June lst,
at high noon. Tho ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. E... Stobo, B.A.,B.D.,
of Mount Forest, and the wedding
music was played b Misses Lillian and 4 -
Laura Kerr, cousin of the bride. The .
bride, who was ' iven away by her '1'
cousin, Mr. Oliver, of Toronto, looked •.
very pretty in crea cord-de-soire, with 3.
trimmings of rueng and accordoon- '1'
plated chiffon. S• a carried a shower •I
boquet of bridal r. ees and ferns. The .1.
bridesmaid, Miss Jtan MaoMath, wore 'l'
cream orepoline tri.. need with Brussels
net and satin rib ion. She carried a .f:
boquet of cream roses and white carne- 'i'
tions. Mr. 0. J. Maguire assisted as .fie.
best man. Tho d. corations were very ,F
pretty. The bridal party stood beneath •i -
a white canopy •• ich was decorated .F.
with ferns and flow rs. After the cere-•
mony a dainty we ding luncheon was o
served. The bride : going -away gown
was of brown ladies cloth and she wore
a black picturesque hat. The presents
consisted of many antiful tokens of
esteem from friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Day. The groom's : •ft to the bride was
a gold crescent bri ..11 with pearl set-
tings, and to the bri i esmaid a gold looket
with pearl settings. Mr. and Mts. Day
left on the aftern• n train for Provi-
denoe, R.I., and • ther Eastern oities.
The TOM extends congratulations.
Masonic O iters.
At the regular meet' ig of Wingham 1
Lodge, No. 286, A. F. & A. M., held
last Tuesday evening, W. Bros, J. E.
Tamlyn and V. Va enorman were ap-
pointed representatives to Grand Lodge
which meets in Ham Iton in July. The
following officers we elected for the
next year :-W M, J hn Ritchie; S W, P.
N. Tansley; J W, H. H. Wightman;
chap., Rey. Wm. we; Tress, R. Van -
stone; Secy, J. A. Morton; S D, D. L.
Dinsley; J D, T. W. Pattison; I G. •
A. M. Crawford; Tyler, Jas. Fleuty; I
Auditors, H. 0. Be 1 and R. H. Crowder.
10 men and boys wan ed to %TOrk in
factory, Apply at ofof the Canada
Furniture Manufaotu111��� ere, Limi
The knife has been freely used on
prices of furniture at thistore. Come
and see the special ba ins we are of-
fering during the nex 0 days.
MILLINERY, -In order to reduce my
stock as much as possible before altera-
tions will be started on the tore, I shall
sell regardless of cost for le next four
weeks everything in a and Flowers;
also Black Ostrich mes, $3 50 ones
for $2.50, and $3.00 ones for $2 25. Come
early and secure the best.
The "Maple Lea s" Victorious.
The lacrosse cease in District No. 2
of the C.L.A. seri was opened on
Thursday last, when the Listowel and
Wiogliam teams lin d up on the town
park. The game w s rather too one-
sided to be interest ng, but some good
exhibitions of pla were witnessed.
The visitors prov el themselves to be
swifter on foot tha the Locals, and at
times put np some ery good combina-
tion work, but the tonewall defence of
the Maple Leafs wa to much for them,
and the game ended -3 to 0 in favor of
Mr. W. Ellis of Mount Forest acted as
referee, and his deci .ions were received
v, ith general satisfastiou, both to players
and spectators. Th teams lined up as
follows: -
Listowel -Wolfe goal; Huck, point;
Taylor, cover point; Escott, first defence ;
A. B. Pricker, s
third defence; C.
Brawley, third hoz
home; Bartley, firs
outside home; Tut
point; Moore, cove
fence; Beattie, sec.
third defence; Co�
home; Johnston,
and defence; Kay,
. Bricker, centre;
e ; T. Taylor, .or second
t home; Sutherland, ;
le, inside home.
ung, goal; Vanstone,
r point; Reid, first de- •
)nd defence; Dinsley,
y, centre; Cook, third
scond home; Wight-
man, first home ; El Elliott, outside home ;
H Elliott, inside h9me.
IMPORTANT NOTICE -Undertaking re-
ceives our careful and prom pptt attention.
Night or Sunday c 1s promptly attend-
ed to, by calling at a esidence of Jesse
Button, Patrick s et (opposite Dr.
Kennedy's), or at James Walker's, Soott
street. Satisfaction guaranteed, and
charges reasonable.
_ 1
McCall Co.
Optical Room
is here for your benefit, and is
in daily use, fitting modern eye-
glasses, spectacles and artificial
Our optical room is equipped
with the most modern instruments
for thorough eye examination.
Our optical room is in charge of
a graduate of the principal Amer.
ican and Canadian Optical Col-
leges, who has records of thous-
ands of eye examinations which
he has couducted.
It is our business to tell you of
eye ailments, and if glasses are the
remedy we will fit them fur you,
accurately and becomingly.
If a change in glasses or any ad-
justment is required, it is done
free of charge, any day you call.
A11.McCaII &Co.
Druggists and Opticians
.F••i•.;•.;•.g•.,�.g•ao.l•.g•3.•p•i•3•d••1•i�d••� x••1.3• :••1.3••�
Now orjn%
Day and Evening Sessions.
1'WILL IT PAY 1 No young man or 1',
`1,, woman can invest the same amount of +
time and money hi any other way that 't'
4' will ensure such reasonable prof>abili• 4
ties of paying employment. such reli• 4
able means of financial success, or such •1'
'1• possibilities (.f even immense fortune. •i'
�° For further inforituition and terms '1'
'1' call or write +
,11. N. REGINALD FLETCHER, Principal. 4..
GEO. SPOTTON, Manager. M
-1•1•x•'1.1 1 1 1 1 1 11• -1•x•4.4 -1•x•1•-1• 2•-1'-1-4•x1
The only two great
that never have bee]
eign foe are London
A new idea is to
the front doors of b
inous paint so that
European capitals
occupied by a for-
nd St. Petersburg.
ave the number on
ruses painted in lam'
it is visible in the
Wingham Citizen's Band now open
for engagements for garden parties.
Anyone desirous of securing their ser-
vices communicate with Chas. H. Green,
•1•x•x•x•x•x••F•A:i•1•x•x•d'1•x•x•x•+x•x•+x•x•x•+x• x•x•d•x•x•x•+x•-1•4.4-++++x•x•x•++++x•x•x•+
.1. Wingham's Leading Shoe Store
Nothing But Shoes
1111111111111111EMIN ' •tel•
x• �
4* x•
Confining our energy and entire attention to
the Shoe business, and being the largest ex•
clusive Shoe Store in Wingham we carry
the largest and most varied stock of Shoes
in this part of the country.
Our Shoes are all that can be desired in style,
quality, fit and durability. 1
Herein Lies Our:Supremacy.
Seasonable, stylish Shoes are always sold
here at lower prices than anywhere else. .l.
Our regular prices are as low as some are
showing as their bargain prices. Call and +
let us prove it,
Sheer to the People.
See us for Trunks and Valises
414++++++++++444+144++++44 •+44#4'1•+'i++++4* ' 4•l• •44+4144+14444444+4