HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-18, Page 2-1,117.1,11,1•••••11A.
Soops ContAbsing Injurious Chernicaas
IAA Dirt but they also Destro,- Clothes
You've probably used soap that cleaned your clothes quickly but
have -found out afterwards that it had deptroyed theire
Sunlight Soet
legrelmnteed to be absolutely pure, eontaining no ingredient that will
imere the daest fabric,
It ivashes equally well in hard or soft water without boiling or
hard, rubbing, Follow the directions on ti.e packege and yog win have
a more successful wash with less labor.
Your dealer is authotized to refund the purchase money to
anyone finding cause for ceum:aint,
Levee eaogtigeS eimITED• TOrIONTO •
Th•Sunlight Maids admire th• retorts attar war:hint; tht) sunlight wily
11.11 COMB
' 1 • BRING-1NG IT UP.
"Is het voice cultivated ?"
"No, she raises it eaturally." Cle-
veland Plain Dealer.
• While abillous attach: is decidediv
unpleasant it is quickly over when
Chamberlain's 'Stomach and Liver
Tablets are used. For sale by 11.
B. Combe, Clinton, •
1' 'Taint no'use Cyrus ;filet
boy of Ourn eertainly do love co-
untry. He writ me er. letter Yester-
day. an Sez he.Was oyerjoyed -'Cause
going to put him in the right field
next summer." .
•Mr. C. B. WaieWright of Lemon
City F1a. as. writeen the miner
lecturers that mu& better results are
obeamedfrom the use of -Chamber-
la ns , Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedyi in cases of lieges; M the
. stomach, colic •and eholera morlytts by •
taking it in water as hot as caw be
drank. That when taken' in this way
the effect is double in rapidity.- . "1 t
seemsto got at the right spot in-
stantly," he 'says. For eale. by H. B.
Combe Clinton,
. FOR YOUR SE'Asows SUP- .
. .„
has again .arr1ved when people are
•.decorating :their homes, I •ana stifl
• lie—the Paper Ilatigirig and House
ea:tinting Business and guarantee my
. work to be pecomigto none. . .The
' three great features in .this beei-
.ness are quickness, neatness .and -ec-
onomy. my:price is 10 cents per
.• roll. Satiefacticat given or nomon-
: eyeaeked for Orders left at my
house • or. Couch's butcher •shop will
receive prompt attention —T Hele,
Residence, West. end 'Ila,ttenbuty St.
. .
- "-Where is your family going to
spend the summer ?"
"It isn't, decided yet," , answered.
Mr. Cumrox, wearily. "Mother and
the girls are still Writitieletters to
find out which hotel charges the
most."—Washington Star.
Her Mother—I think she'll marry
the Gent if hetbrings enough pres-
sure to bear. • ' Elliott & McLaehlan, •
.Her Father—He was bringing all the Principals. 9
pressure to bear that he could when I
saw them on the porch. last night. 404,44+....40404441.•••••••
• . •
You can get .2., general edti•
• cition in . any school but, thine •
• to the CENTRAL for ; Practi•
• calBusiness Tr.aining. This •
• college has a continental eep•
• utation for thoroughness. 0p 1.$0,
• portunities ere for those who git
• are prepared. Our graduates •
• •always succeed. You may en- +
• ter our 'classes at any time. •
• Writ g Jor a free catalogtie. •
.• . •
Do not consider it a
hardship to do as much for
as you do for it city week
13r or daily ---pay for it in
Consult Your Address Figures.
Subscribe for, The News Record.
The Clinton Nows.Record
MAY 18th 1905
000 0OcO0000oo�000000
The News of Goderleh.
Miss Eloise A Skiinfrigs, At
o 0,00 00 • o.
Mr. Stapleton formerly a tailor in
Goderiele bee been living in New
Yet* for some time.
The church of the Disciples lms been
ftewly mitite washed and pointed, pet-
ting it in first class order for the
season's worship. .
' Miss Kindy, who was the ,,,,,uest of
Mrs. Waterworth for some time, re-
turned last week to her home at Peil-
kirk, Ontario.
We must congratulate our town
clerk, on his knowledge of mechanism,
Several times when Someone's eng-
ine would not work, Mr. Johuston
has been celled upon to make it all
gight. We trust he will be as torten -
ate t� keep the town weeks ie good
running . order, But the. Old town
clock the other day nonpleseed him,
and,he went off and looked up soma
other genius. The clock struck 2 at.
10 minutes past one P. M., one after-
noon. last week, then in alhoirt 10 min-
utes time it struck 1 so that town
clerk gave up. •
The Misses Vesta Watsor. and Rob-
ertson returned laet. week To attend
the re -opening atter Easter, of . the
Normal College at Hamilton,
Mrs„.2W. W. Tye remembered et
hirthday and presented es with a bo-
quet • of daffoclile. Mr: Frank Bee,
narct of Toronto alscl gent us a pretty
birthday token, •
Mr. —.Lawson and family of Strat-
ford have' removed to town, having
purchased the residence of Mr, John
Dicksongnow of Seatorth.
A most delightful entertainment was
given at Temperance hall .im .Friday
evening, under the auepiege of .the
Epworth League of North street eleg.
rch. Rev; Mr. Hazen presided in his
pleasant maiiner, The ' drat • eembtir
on the program was it huntoroes little
recitation, The fate of the Charlotte
Rime., given by Miss Opal Wigfe, fol-
lowed by the pretty Solo, "Sing me
to Sleep'.'. by Miss Nellie Colbortie
Mrs, Frank Elliott kindlypresided at
the gremophone, and gave SOMO very
pleasing numbers. - Mr. Downing when
called upon fee his- readieig said. This
peegtam has been gotten up be the
young, and I feel gutte•copiplimented
in being included with the young.. His
recitation was another illustration of
"Woman's -Wit," -entitled "The . Assis-
ted Providence" Miss Thurza Lewitt
gage .a very sweet solo, '."Jesus is
Caning." Pam Bean's interesting re-
chat:19n, "The. Modzicel" was well
given. Eight young men. Of the E. L.
kindly gave "Tentingto-night" in
good style. A .pretty (Met followed,
`1Beautful Igoe' :of Someitherii" • sive- ,
etly Sting by the Misses Nellie ,Col-
leoree and Edith .Cosforth.. .Miss Opal
Wigle•ogaie ' faVored. the •autlience•wit lit
agaither humorous morcean,::" Tbe
Little ' Torment .tack." Opal Won
great applause. The gramophonestl-
eetiong. were • kindly eivea vggle re- 1
.freshmente • were being prepared; 'and.
Mrs Elliott's selections were correa-
pendingly applaused; Sotne •piceoli
'selection& Were veryfine. . "The '• Bat-
)lieece.CO;r of gFreedom". s a, . grand
We have to thank Mrs: George I.
Fowler with presenting us ori Friday
wieh a •--b.ask.et of Eeglish Violets to
plait in otir garden • ' „
Dr. W. F. Clark ia• adding a atoll
to the addition to his building ighieh
will ;make the rood as high as that of
the house.• '
.The cement foundOtien. for • the neW
North street chureli is nearly finisliette
Tne corner Stone Will be laid on Vie,.
tciria Day.
Miss Nellie Catling,- who, had her
Arm broken gvhile playing at the: Ia
stitutefor the blind at Brantford;
wrote agheatttiful Worded and cor.
eictly Spelled .letter to her siSterliere
Mrs. Alex. McLean ; telling, of her Ple-'
,asa,nt Easter vacation, and that the
idoOter Would soon allow her to taL
her arm out of the plaster .eest. The
letter was written with her left hand
which we would have never Surinisol.
the letters were se . well formed', eitt
we knew thatit was her rifgt arin
that she broke. The management .of
thf Ontario. Institute for the lined,
are to be eongratulatedon the apien-
did work being done there
We are under obligation 'to 1VIrS. .1.
Catling , for correspondence to The
News -Record from her home Copkbto•n
Island.. She introduces to Mir resA.
era Miss Eleanor ChishOlin a little
friend pf hers, aged Wien years, from,
our own county, who lives with. Mrs.
Cetling, , Eleanor flied° one bed. quilt,
and has eornmenced another. One day
when Eleanor's Mother was out,' she
sat down at the sewing machine, and
after studying the methanical 'work-
ing of it, began' to sew, and when her
mother returned she astonished. her,
with the amount.of work she tad
done on the machine. Eleaeor sets
good example to all our little read, -
,The News -Record 'gives the ' local
news'. •
Dr, I.,6orthardt, of Lincoln,
the foremost physiefan of the West-
ern. States, has put forward a new.
tlieory as to the cause of .diseaso.
tle -says:
'There can be no dot0t,1 from the
evidence at hand; that the ; Stomach
Is and has always been 'the first cause
of ninety per cent,. of all the illoess
of mankind. The failure 01 the Stem.
ach to digest the food properly re.
sultg fn. fermentation and decoinpos.
ition, and the poisons arising front
the foul and. rotting InaSs get inte
the blood and tisene and nerves and
breed diseases of' every kind,"--
Dr. Leonhardt has found a remedy
for Indigestion, Dyspepsia,- Bilious.
ness and Constipation. He bas tried
It in thoutanda Of eases without a
single failure.
Ur. B. H. Townshend of Blyth
has rented the resideace of tho late
Mrs. John Blake and his family will
soon occupy it
Mr. .ond Mrs. Fred. Murnoy and
babe have seturned from their Easter
visit to 13uff4o, where they were the
guests of Mrs, Affereey's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, W; Logan,
Mrs, F; Kerney has introduced
"adobile"into our town. It is e
Bred and cushioned. with Russfien 1
ther , Week,: as soft as .satin. '
Vie. A. Y. P. A. oaf St. George'v
firth gave a literary entertaiam
in their hall on Wednesday eveni
which WS • one of real merit.
Hayden presided in his usual aga
manner. The opening chorus "In.
shade of the old apple tree" was
autifully rendered by the chords club;
A paper .on "Frank, Alberta," written
with real literary abAlity, by Miss
Wienitrede Ball, teacher., Frank, Al-
ta., was well read by her sister; Miss
Florence Ball. M. Carrie gave some
fine gramophone selections, • The
"Two Cities" a sacred soh), was well
-rendered by our contralto poloiat,
Miss Kate Hoskin. Miss Ethel Nogg
ly's . rendition of "The Irish 'Philoso-
pher in rale old Irish =int" •
her a defeaning applause, Miss Mar-
tha Wells *n geperous . applause
by her bright, spirited rendering' of
"My pretty' little Kie-Iteepoo" and
for encore "The teakettle.'s song."
"Under the southern skies" was the
second number rendered in fine style
by the ehorue club. Miss Minnie Wells
surprised All with her line rendering
of the recitation 110ateb's•court,Ship,"
also *winning applause. The chorea
• deb delighted all with the finishing.
number :On the program. "The liglite
from the shore" Indeed it was an
evening ot surprises. • Messrs, Lionel
Parses, Harry and Fred. Stui:dy
and .Lionel Naftel ate fine baritone
vocalists, their voiees blending vet yr
musically and it would be hardto.
find a contrelto voice finer than that .
which Miss Kate Hoskin •possesses.
The sopranos were very 'good toe. .
Mr; George Sutton will remove the
present residence (which' he has pure
thased) of Mr. Cutt to the lot west,
of it Mr residence for his son.
IVIr. A. W. I3eall of Peterboto • a
dressed last week the ',goys of • i
Collegiate institute and e also ' t
senior boys Jet the Central school
matters pertaining to Rihbo
reform/ • ••.•
The Wi C. T, U.' meetings :which a
held in Temperance hall on the ' 2t
end 4th Modays et each •month,
open to the public,' its. members .e
tending a /weak welcome to all.
:. Victoriafifeand drum bandellen
theftdebut' march around the equal
under the leadership of Mr. Harol
•Blackstone on ;10th May.. Mr. G. AV
Mr. Magnus Swanson is re -modell-
ing his residence on Bruce street. He
intends adding a storey to it.
Ooderich has again been bereft of
one of its pioneer citizens by the
death of the late Ann Wilsott, reilet
of the late John Blake. Mrs. Iglake
came to New York city with her
parents in 1825 front Carlyle, Cumber-,
land county, England. Later her
lather, Mr. Wilson, came to Goderich
and took up 1,300. acres of land in
Goderich . township from beyond the
present R. R. creasing to the lake,
a much of which is now valuable town
property. • Two blocks on the semare,
en- One On enell side of West street, also
belonged to the 'Wilson estate.. Mrs.
Plake was married in Godericit in
ent 1832, her husband dying in 1882. Her
lig, sisters, the late Mesdames John Sal -
De: !cold, Davis, ;Elliott and Gibbons, all
hie lived. and died here but Mrs. Todd,
tbe (nee FaneleeWilson) died on • the
be- American side.. lier two brothers;
Messrs.. George :and Robert Wits"
;Avec' and died hero All lett families
but Robert. Mesdames Edward and
Bleghain survive their- mother, a4
also her sons, Messrs. Charles *and
William Blake, town, and JoSepli of
IN'oadville, Mich., The easket had
many floral tributes uponit, . the
large wreath' with "Mother" le •cen-
tre was beautifully arranged. Revs.
IL .Gratrant and G. N. Hazen officiat;
ed at residence and Maitland ceme-
tery, Mrs. George COX of Toronto,
grandelagghter ef the deceased lady,
and e large Manlier of relatives and
"fiends in to* were present at the
fenerei. •The pallbearers Were all
old ••friends of the family,: being Mess-
•ts, Joseph WhitelY, W. R. Robertson,
John Acheson, .George Edwards, R.
R. Sallows .and Thomas Boyce. The
deceased lady was in her Olst year
at -the time of her death, which was
causedfrom heart failure. She . en -
toyed ift) and in summer loved to
see what she planted grow in beauty
in her garden, and she always delight-
tedega have her kith and lin Visit
her.- 'She. Was a life:Ong . member of
the Methodist thureh and one of the
wealthiest giroinen of. our town. Her •
end ..was peace,. As 'Rev.. •Mr. Hazen
said; she Was one of the builders up
of our Methodist church here-genl
came to our town when it was a. nil -
*dunes% and brought up her large fam-
iIyk to her and to . their 107'
d -
he . •
On •
re "Poi • Many months my Wife was
unable .to serve herself with her han-
ro because of salt rheum, Dr. Chase's
Ointment has entirely cered.lhei and
e we .strongly recommend it to any
WhO Suffer from similar ailnients,.be
rieving that it has no equal." Mr.
e Ludeer Degue,y, 'Pigeon ,thil Mississ-
gdoi Co;,.. Que. • • • .
d • •
I. . • •
Elliott 'treated' the: Mem
IVIbers to ors:
gm...and baeanas,
rs. John Maxidenald is. having sem
pleasing alterationsmade in be
reeidence on Britannia'Road.
Mr.Porn Bats has added a Pro6t
large addition to his house- on Wolf
Street And otherwise- finProved-A-,--:---
Mrs. ' .MCPliersonis residence . tha
suffered !rein :fire a Mw months ago
is a having a cement foundation Igoe
cd • under it and other imprevement
Will follow. • • ,
13tiehanans• are building ettotli!
house on Trafalgar street.' • • ••••
n- What Is Time To a Hog
✓ - • A profesAorin an Agricultural Col-
lege had a hobby; 'He believed, and
pigached ore all occasions that the
food of animals sheuld be 'cooked;
o just like that of human beings; .One
t he passed a farin the owner of „which
as standing in: a pen near the road
- feeding to a dreve of swine, geherous
s quantities: of cote in the ear. 'Title
caused the learned theorist to . stop.
i. and forthwith hail the violater of his
theory. "My friend, don't you know
that it is wrong to :giVe. • those hogs
s teed th:at has not hem cooked ? Don't
you,linew thatif you would coolethae
• grain before issuing it to than they
would digest 11 111 just 'one hour •the -
r, half the 'time it takeS them as it is
' now eaten ? Wall stranger, sup-
_ pose they Would ; like to know
-',-Indianapolis News.
• ,
-•Mr. and Mrs. 0 J Wallis. or Olin
ton Spent Sunday in town the „vilest
of M12 Charles Blake, aunt Mfg
Walhs• •• • . • • •
Wo" had • the ping* of listening t
a, very philosaphical Setnion giVeir A
the Baptist assenibly hall on Sunday
evening by Rev. •Mr. Norton "of .Ter
onto, Superintendent of Missions, Ile
took for his ,text verse 14 of ihe lest
'Chapter of •Reyelations. Miss. .lebuia
Lewitt presided capably at tholjtgazi..
At the offeetery Miss Eva .ellen and
her sister, Miss Lou; who presided at.
the organ, sang a lovelY sacred . o
"Sing unto the Lord, His preiseS...all:
proclaim." •,
It Is :witleg,:egret We azitouncd the
death ef out late esteemed • citizen,
Mr. Edward VanEvety, •whiph menet-
eir at the. Saults 'House on 91.11 May,
a few hors after an operation which
was performed upon him, His analitly
was an acute form of pertinitis: F.Ter
Since the death some months ago ot
his beloged mother, her son .seernei
to • lose all his buoyancy, . yet : he
never complained and even spent Ease
ter with Brueefield friends, yet they
all noted the absence, of his well
known gaiety of • manner. His sister,
Mrs. Harry Bothwell, and her line -
band and daughter, Maybird of Tor-
onto, wero. all with him duringl Itis
last illness, and all. was 'One for
hint that was possiible, but alas in
vain to saVe hi& life, Rev': Mark
Turnbull ;officiated at the funeral whi-
ch took place from the Saults geese'
on Thursday, The casket was cover-
ed with rare floret emblems, among
them being a' pillow, tribute from
the Rothwell family and his brother,
Mr. Joseph • VanEvery of Chicago ;
crescent , front Mr. B. J. Saults aud
family; anchor from his Goderich
cousins, the' Goldthorpe family;
cross from his old friends, tfr. and
Mrs. E. L Swarts of the 13ritish
Exchange ; bunch of white lilies from
his relatives; the Misses Barry , and
lovely large honnets from Judge atid
Mrs. Holt, Dr. and. Mrs. Whitely, Dr.
and Mrs, W. F. Clark and W", ' L.
Horton.. The. pallbearers Were Judge
Holt, Sheriff Reynolds, Dr. tif, F.
Clark, P. P. Lawrence, 0, A. Nairn
and W. L. Rotten, . The relatives and
Meads who attended the funeral Own
outside points were t Mr. Joseph Van
Every, .brother of the deceased ; 111r3,
Harry Rothwell, sister of deceased,wit
th herhusband and &tighter Miyhird,
Mrs. Burgess, Toronto ; Mfg. •J. 0 -
Stevenson and Captain Combo,. rela-
tives front Cliaton ; Mr, snd Miss
Rattenbory and Miss Goody Marks,
Brucefield ; and Henry Cook and
Joscilh Ellis of Hensall. A very
large procession followed the remains
their late esteemed relative old
nd to ' Maitland -cemetery where
y were laid' to rest in the Va,tiEv-
bitrial plot,
He calls it Anti -Pill, It is sold at of
500, by all drugWists, or The Wilson- frie
Pyle' Co., LiMited, Niagara Palls, the
Chit gole ageots for Canadtf, I00 ery
what in the --time is to a'
Mrs. Feed. -Hills, Walton Ste Port '
Hope, Ont., stetesi--"I was troubled
for some time with kidney disease,
and though I tried, a great many dif-
ferent medicines never suceieded
obtaining relief until, I Vegan the use
of Dr.. Chase's • Kidney -Liver PilIn
By the regUlar use of this preperat-
ion for a thee I was completely cur-
ed of kidney disease • • •
wajor ljarely.Escapes.
"When I was out among the hills
or northern India," said the miiior,"1
had an experieeth that I wonder didn't
turn my hair gray. I was conmietelY
alone on the side of a stream and had
occasion• to go for some water to ben
my beans in. The first thing 1 knew 1
stepped right, into auicksand. I
knew what Was up at once and felt
that Xwasflostand I am Willing • to
admit that Iwas frightened.
• "Itt foot, thot is how I came to es-
cape. AS 1. stood there with that
horrible sand dragging, dragging at
me like some livieg moester, I thread
colder and colder. Do what eotthl,
my teeth would keep on chatter*,
though I knew that every vibration
of •eny jaw was shaking me farther
down int the reatly-ntade gralge, And
.grew colder and colder. Suddenly I
noticed that 1 had stopped sinkleg.11
teruelt bottom, eh," inquired a
"Certainly not! 1 had grown se
cold front horror -41),i (I nifty as Well
admit)—that I had actually. frozen
the water in the quick sand—frozen
the whole business, sir," •
The most successful way of. warding
oil the approach of ohl age is to
maintain .a vigorous digestion. This'
can be done by eating only food gait-
ed to your age Wed occupation and
when any disorder of the stomach a.P..
pears tdhe a dose Of Chartiberloin's
Stomach. and Liver Tablets to c)r-
rect it, /1 you have a week stomach
or are troubled with indigestion,, you
will find the Tablets to .he just
what you need. Por sale by It B.
Cornhe„ Clinton,
Re Fair.
Every mail that comes to Ms
town brings' numerous catalogues And
many of 'them beautifully and artis-
tically illustrated, from the large
wholesale and retail stores of tho
eities. They ere rceelved by the to-
wnspeople and the farmers. Did you
ever stop to think of the real pur-
port of these catalogues? They ore
merely advertisements of firms that
have gotide to eell. In those tiat.e-
loguee you all will find advertise-
ments calling your attention, to tIgn-
ge our home merchants have to sell.
Do not let outsiders draw your trade
away from home as long as you eau
find what you want at Immo. • Re-
member yotir home merchant helps
te build yeur scheolhouses, youe chur-
ches, helps to maintain your minist-
ers, his business house, helps to beau-
tify Orel': town ; he la present when
your toiera Wants waterworks, lights,
sidewalks, etc., be is present with a
donation it you are sick; gives you
credit if .you are in need,. arid in num-
erous other •woys is indispensible
our town. Look at the question fair-
ly • and you will 'give him the first
chance at least to supply you. The
large city stores may, be all right—if
you think so—but whet' de they do
M merit a portion of your trade?
Do they pay any minty taxes, do
fheY Pay any. 01-tY taxes, do they, even
contriibuM one cent to the building. of
your town in anyway? Do they
come to your assistance if sick or
offer you credit it In seed ? Stick to
your home merchant. Heed his ad-
vertising for your trade. You will
be far ahead. Arid when a represent-
ative of an outside print shop asks
the merchant or business man for
work he remembers the home printer,
and that he is entitled .to patronage
as you are to that of others resid-
'eats, of the town and tributary Celia-
No Liquor For Minors.
'Mr. Hanna hes given notice of his
bill 'to amend the Liquor -License 'Acta
It oentains, as was anticipated, a,
proVielon forbidding the' sale of in-
toxicants to ;persons under 21 'years
of age. • When it becomes law, no note,
ot 'order • sent by ,a parent or employ-
er or any other principal mei be plea-
ded by a hotel -keeper in justification
Of e sale' of Heuer M any minoe. And
the hotel -keeper 'Mist take his own
precautious against Making a mista,ke.
If he sells to a minor on the erron-
eous assumptioe*that the minor has
reached his majoritY, the face tha%.
the breach of the law was uninten-
tional Will net excuse it. ' The license -
holder • must Melo sure that the rime
chaser ie net -a minor. Such. a .chango
in the law will prove a great stroke
of temp'erenee reform. .• •
" I have been usieg Chaniberlein's
Cough 'Remedy and want to say • it
is the best cough, medicine I heve ta-
ken,"'•gays.: Geo. L. . Chubb, a theteli-
ant of:. Melee,. Mich. There is no
questiorabout ite being the ..best as
tt7-w1lr-ctite- ough-or celtiginglese-
time 'than any, ether treatment. . 'It
should always be kept: in the Meuse.
ready. for .insterit usef or :a cold can
be cured in ninth- less time .whont
mptly treated::: For Sale by " IL B,
Combo, .011nten.
From The Pit
To The Pulpit.
Theee are.probably few More re--.
marlighlegoen in Seottaird tojey than
the. famous "singieg miniSter ' the
Reg. James Robertson Cif .111,11mm-reit.
His tall, muscular figure, hatettoeiSea
With •his strong perSonality. His
vigorous oratory, his ready wit, mid
good nature, cause hint to be et great
demand for meetings of ail kinds.
Singiegis' his. passion.. He holds all
the certidcatee of •the Tenic •Sol,fia
College, he has Conducted choirs,
kinderspiels and musicaleeremordes
galote I1t.t freduently eterte eingieg
in 'his sermons, . • • .
It le a suiPriing, but pleaagetin-
nogation;' and he doe.s it exec: dinglY
well, He is the heOd..of a laege and
flourishing :.• city congregation". At
Presbytery and Assembly he.is
ready ,Speaker and skilful 'debater
W.herevee he Preaches he draws forge
crowds. He is still a young maim, yet
at twenty-five years of. age he• Aran
Anata humble, hard-working miner.
At twenty-six heloced the M. A,
currieulton of Glasgow University.
Poor, unaided, and coot& endless die-
couragenients he pluckily fought the
long, dreary battle, toiling birdin
the rnineg during the colle,ge vacatioe:"
to intiinliaisi Wined( Miring the College
sessuciieWc:es ere:Weed his. efforts at.
For some time -he was in great de-
mand as an assistant Minister ;• even-
tually ' the Man who within fifteen'
yeare had all Unaided raised himself
from the .position of in unlettered
toilet hi the mines: stepped into the
place vacated hY the IVIoderetor of the
United Preabyterian Church of Scot-
Girls Shoitld Know.
• That the 'home kitchen, with moth-
er for teacher and a loving, willing.
daughter for pupil, is. the best cook-
ing school on earth.
That "the most eXeelleitt thing in
women"—a Iovv voice --tan be ocquir-
ed only by home. practice.
That true beauty of face is possible
only where there is beauty of soul`
manifested in a. beautiful eharacter.
That the girl everybody likes is not
affected and never whines, but is just
her sincere, earnest, helpful self,
And, finally, that one of the moat
beautiful things on earth is a pure,
modest, true young girl—one who is
her father's, pride, her mother's com-
fort, her brother'sinspiration and her
sister'cideal--witioh we should all try
to belected4
Is very often acqulred,
thigh gene'
Bad hygiene, foul air, impure
water, are among its causes.
It is called "the soil for
tubercles," and where it, is
allowed to remain tubercu-
losis or Consumption
pretty sure to take root..
Removes every tome ot
scrofula. Get Hood's,
ror teethnonlals of remarkable merge
item* for gook cm Straight, No. 1.
C. L 1400dte.. Lowefl, Man.
New Issue For
Sovereign Bank.
Montreal, May lOth.---The Sovereign.
Bank of Canada has closed its books
for Mc year ending April 29th, 1900,
The statement whith was issued to
ehe shareholders this evening shows
an increase in every department. 'Phe
most n'otable growth is in the deposits
by the public which show an increage
• .of $2,000,000, the total amount being
$8,316,000-, The total e,ssets haye
h1easFlfra4i S8'e°4°°to$11669
000.heprofits amount. te$19100C,
'note than -double the amount requir-
ed to pay the dividends. The guarti.r-
ly dividends have been paid, amount-.
ing to $86,000 and the sum of $50,009
has'. been transferred to -the reeerve
, sWuliichi hes nw oreached $400000,
$10,000 has been written
oft bank premises accounts and $0,000.
applied to" rebate; of discounts on hills
not• yet due, 'allying $10,088 carried
forward to the credit of profit and
loss: The bank's note eirettiation
shows an increase of about $100,000.
In a circular isSued by the general
manager, he states. that the legaleini- •
it • was froquentty apnroaehed during
the past twelve months aid' this has
eaused the directors to issue addle-.
ional capital to the extent (701 $825,- •
000, briegiug the total capital up to
$1,825,000, This is in the proportion
91 one share 'of new stook to every ,
iota of the old and the issue is enacie
at•.11125, per share. The premium:of 24
fpuitenre.ent. :13e. added to the eeservo
. The general Manager also intimates • .
to gthe shareholders that they
expect an inereaSe, in the diyideml in s
•the near future and. that :the stock ofthc ,
9v.enertehigenill13eanitIlecea°1, q(n
Steck Exchanges early in July.
Home Manners.
, :Seldom is there se. just and at the* .11. • •
same titne se Pointed iteconunent ttel
manner'S ..aS is 'contained fit an incidene
reported by the •111Jondon. Chronicle'.
A. young girl boarded With an elderly . •
woman,. • who was not &di, landlady,: '
but stood to. her :also .",in loao paten --
tis." The •giiii'.had boot out onecven-
ing ,
Upon • her: -return-.
aceompanied her as far as the door, ,
"Ile, is my brother," said the, younWonine
isr" out '.)roher !" gep•lied.the cy• i'cal•
Phi lady. "Why I saw him raise* his :-
het to you when he walked away," • .
Ito the young men •deserire so s'etrere
greg ?": Meny,.perhape• most; of
them dog. They are not alertly& the • ,,
hocirish.; .. rough; . and uncultivateel
'young men, either ; nor is their 'in- ..
civility confined to their sisters': It 18
usually ,a fai iiL' .affair, teat at 'all per-
seeal or exclusive e.simply the care- .
lesseess which .comes from familiar-
ty ; hut • 11 rots life et a charni • fine
enough to lie classed among the rnmeg
irhte i.•:e nothing whioh wihl o'
quickly restore the beautiful old- •
fashioned ,courtesy ,ot husband to wife, • ,
brother ,to sister, and children to •
parents as , Intellectuel honesty: A.;
young 'time was entering e reeeption-:
room with his Wife wheti he steeped
upon het gown and stumbled. .
found it, Maty ! • I wish you'. would .
either hold, yoiir .dreSS up or get •
them Made short " .
The • 'wife .made no reply • for a '
moment. Then she said pleasantly, ,
"Charles, if it had been.some other • •
woman whose dress you had stepped."
on, *hat Wbuld you have said ?"* •
'Pile 'young man was hor,est .. with
hirnself, . He turned red bet
answered frankly . "I •shoeld, have .
apologized for my awkwardness atel
I do apologize to you, iny dean I
ant ashamed of myself,"
• We are all readv to do for those.
'who are nearest to us without stint
or Complaint, and we take pleasure 111
it. ' We ought also to rentemher that
to give pleasure the deed should be
framed itt coarteay. A mother, it
sister, or e wife, of all women, ought
not to miss the consideration which..
znere acquaintanee claims as a matte
er of cogrse.—Youthfs COmpanion.
• Mr. G. L. Stephenson, of Peterbor-
ough, says ; "For over ten years /
suffered constantly With Piles, first
Itching, then 131cedieg pale almost
unbearable ; life a burden. Tried tw-
erythinfi in vain 1111-1 tined Dr. Leon-
'1.bad taken i but a few doses when
Ilegan notice an improvement, 1 de-,
Med to keep on, and now after 113 -
big three boite 1 am glad to say I
am completely cured. My general
health hag alko greatly improved, Ili
givee inc great pleasure tir recom-
mend Item -Bold to all Serierrs with
Piles, and 1 feel eonviriced that what
it has done for Me it will timely do
ler them.11 '
A• $1,000 guatberfee goes with 'every
him of; ITein-Itoid. Price, $1.00, all
Dru*sts, or -The Wilson-Yyle
Limited, Niagara Palle, OM. 9
The Nora -Recut) gives the 1oe411
nOWS4 ,