HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-18, Page 1,
26t11. Year
intele Number 1371
ci 0..0 fl.fl. 0 0 0 0 0 0 El fl0 D. 0
Come To Me
YOVM----- •
Here's a snap on Gent's Shoes :
Gent's Kid Shoes worth $2.50 °for $1,85
• Box Calf " " 2.50 1.85
" .Kid " 3.00 2,35,
cc' Box Calf '" " 3,50 " 2.50
" _ " 4.00 " 3.00
• Patent Leather " 5.00 3,50
Ladies' Shoes, in all sizes, shapes and colors,
. at any old .price.
Children's Shoes and Slippers in extra good goods,
that I am selling very cheap.
Don't forget to leave me .
. -.• •
Graham's Old Stand.
0 0 0
000000000000 00
[3.0 0
• . . e Sovereign Bank . .
Chartered by Dominion Parliament .
00000 00000000000 0000
0000000 (.„
u. T. RANCE, Manager.. • - , W. BRYDONE, Solicitor.
o 000000e\00000000000 000000000000000c000000
sboiseeeeve•swholre •.,
We are offering genuine bargains in
Ready -To -Wear Clothing
and invite your inspection
• • . • e • • . • .
1'. Jackson Sr., " .Clinton
TWAY .24th ivrivrcHus.
The Goderieli lacrosse and baseball
teams are billed to 'meet the Win-
ton teams, on the local grounds on
the afternoen a Wednesday of next
week.' As they are pretty evenly mat-
cired interesting &ales are ac,sured.
A meeting of the House of Refuge
conimittee was held on Tuesday wheni
some business of comparative unim-
portance was transacted, such°, for
instance, as the purchase of a new
buggy for the keeper. The comrxiittee
this year consists Spackman,
W, Lamont • arid Currie. The warden
Was also present. • •
Judgment M the Soo election cases
was giVere by Chancellor 'eoyd on
Tuesday when William Coyne, Pat-
rick Gavin .and Lack Kennedy %ere
ked $300 each,. In the ease of Kenn-
edy if the costs, are not paid within
a week he Must go to gaol for /six
months, He is held responsible . for
the Minnie M. trip and is also found
guilty of procuring personators.
Rev, •Father Pensonneault informed
The News -Record yesterday that he
had decided upon June 2Oth as tbe,
date of his Union piertic, but . the
[deo selected has been "Farran's
groVe," .a half mile south of town,
instead of the old spot out ln, Het -
lett. Father Pensenneault is energet-
ic and will spare no pains to make
the picnic of 1906 a recoid breaker
.in paint of atteadance arid general en-
joyment. , •
• In every line we carry, we have speCial values. We have trial:laity Goods, 4.
A and arabound to reduce out Stock during the' next two months. x •
Yesterday Mr. R. J. Cluit receiVed
a telephone message from Goderich,
statingthat his 4,104, Mrs. • John
was dead, aged 79 yeaxs. The
funeral takes place on Friday. Mrs.
IVIillian was for many years
dent of the :county town, ,
On Monday Cant/elm Bros, shipped
to Montreal a carload a eggs eon-
sisting of 16,530 dozen. This is
their largest single shipment; and is
Probably the first carload of eggs
sent from Clinton station. Beginning
in a small Way CantelOn Bros. haVa
become, among the roost extensive
dealers in butter and leggs in this
• The Electric Light Company have
his week run an underground • pipe
frilin their works to the bowling green
and the Hotel Normandie, to both
of which they will supply abun-
dance of pure Water.* The E. Lt. Co.
is progressive and We fully, expect
to, hear of them extending the water
.service and alod furnishing . Poiver
before vety many months. •
The:News-Record was told on Mow
day that a couple of young English:.
men, who *recently arrived front the
Old Country, had taken position e in
Hullett and would work a year for
nothing,, that is.no wages; merely
getting 'their board and the experience
of farming which they, May pick up.
Our informant Must have made a
mistake for we can hardly thinly any
farmer in Hullett• would thus ' •take
advantage of a "tenderfoot." •
A very drunk man was gathered in
on Monday evening by Chief Wheat-
ley ,and given a. night's free lodging
.in the cooler. In the morning he
took' the first train for St. Thomas.
The v. d..m. came from Niagara Falls
a short tithe •ago and secured em-
ployment with a C. P. R. construct-'
ion gang near Milburn, but. a row
aroseandhe left,. wine south, spent
nearly ialChis money in getting beast--
• ly, dtunk, :hence his night • in. the
' The -track on A.r.kiNitv.s. Bret flirrirl•S
• being lid into shape for speeding by
the Driying .Association which esti-
mates that it can be done satisf AC-
torily . for considerably less -than e
hundred dollars. When in -use sonic
years age the track was considered a
good one, but it is conceded by hot,
semen that it is six 'seconds slower
than the best course- in the ., county
Local horsemen will eertaini.Y.,. app-
reciate. the, existence' of a suitable
plebe for sp,eeding, not necessarily for
racing. ...............• ,
The following nine "Hat Beens,",.
as they • have dubbedttemselVes, chal-
lenge any baseball' - ;team -in Weat
Huronto a :Match on the Clinton
groundl en any 'date after idly 24th,
The "Rai Beehs" are out 01 practice
some of.them very much so, but still
they have :-eorifidente in their ability
t outscore 411 county conmetitors.
• 411. B. Hoover,'s s and•p
R.. Agnew,,lst ,b and p ' •
W. P. SPaltlingk .2nd
„ P,Lewis, ist b and p. •
Dr. Shaw, c; f
's J.: Johnson, e. and 11,
' W.' Harland, s s and. e
• C. E. Dowding, r f
0. 1VICKinnon,-- o I
, W. G. Doherty; S :s and 2nd b;,.
''• .1.st
.3. .3.
$4, All the new makes at 'popular We handle these goods as a side •:
t, prices, many lines at cost and some line and keep only good tellable? .. !k,
A less than cost. goods, made by one of the best ma. A
't • ' kers in the trade, and we sell them A
't PRINTS, LAWNS and HUSLINS less than Alluring gold by the shoe .I.
.:e dealers.
..e. too pieces of Print worth 12.0 at 10c , 7
4 Lawns from 10c up.
•t• Minding ail prices. .READY MADE CLOTHING .--' •
. v.
. -ReAeviero-weAR 000DS-. We have far too many goods in +
A this line and we want to clear out ?
.2 Shirt Waists and White Wear 000 or more in the next few weeks •+$4_
X at cost to clear. glo Will give yon prices that you t;
:.: ( l-- can% get anywhere else, Pull lines :t.
GREY Atip "TB wrrnms.. in Sults, Odd Coats, Vests and j.
tA Plannelettee, Small Wares; La. ?mita, Overalls, Smocks, Witter. 7.,-.
A dies Waterproofs, eteg, at Wholesale Prod Coate, de,
... prices. • • .. s...
'..)% if von want, good value for your money come and see us, We ?
..t: Will give you better bargains than you can get anywhere else X
Ain the tOwn.... 44 . 4 tardIrdower-4.11461.."....* ....o 44444 ritrillaitoorifro..*•41
4$4 i y
e • ,
..Hn DrP,„Yne, Minister of Educa-
tion; has issued' a circular to inspec-
tors enjoining. -the celebration' ok
eke Day. hy.the Schools of the plov-
ince. This vex Empire Day, the day
*fore Victoria Day, falls on l'i,iesdaY
next, The Minister., of Educatior
eloquently • sets forth 'reasons Why
every schoolshould co...OPerata
having the event duly celebrated:. Tho
circular reads as follows : "It is de-
sirable that e'Very suitable means tit
odd be adopted: to foster among the
Youth -of our Country, the best nation-
al sentAment The subject is especial-
ly important at a time when : the'
British nation is at Peace with the
world and when Canada: is enjoying
a large measure of prosperity due,' to
a great extent, to the' development of
our resources and the growth of
tellecttial and moral aspirations am-
ong out young people. The patriot-
ism fostered in the minds of out yo-
ung people should be such as will
cause them to have an ititelligent
keewledge of those forces whioli have
made. the British nation what it is
today. The natio has attained its
present proud. position because of its
spirit et freedom and toleranee, its
legal enactments, its regard for truth
and rifghteeusness, 11111d the strength it
sdettres from its system of democrat -
ie government,. The pupils in all our'.
schools ehould knoW Something of the
traditions of the eation, its power as
a great civilizing agency, the dangers
it „has to surmount, its struggles for
freedorn, and the Main sources of its
present world -Wide power. The pat-
riotism to be cultivated in our oho/e-
ls should be marked by intelligenee,
high moral- principle, the emphasis
placed upon 'good citizenship and the
recognition of the truths .of Chrietiror,
Hy.' The Minister stiggests a pro -
grain to he followed by each school.
The Clinton sthools will, of course,
act upon the suggestion and The
A joint meeting. Of the ,Teacher'
Instituto of East , and West Huron
will lye held in Clinton on Thersclay
,and Friday cif next -week whenn: large
attendalnce of those who "teach tint
young •idea how to shoot" is expect-
ed. They will be made heartily
come ; to each of them will be ae-
eOrded the freedom of;t416,towsi. On
'Thursday evening a public -meeting
Will. be held in the town hall when in
addition toa musical program Rev.
,E, E.. ScOtt..of Galt. will lecture on
'"The Land••••of.The
• • .
• ,
The • four tit centenary 4:i1• the birth Of
John 'Knox, the 'great Scottish.
formei, win be teletirated by ()arra-
dian Presbyterians on Sunday. next.
Of this : :illustrious man, Sir. Peter.
'Younghas given the following de-,
'Itription , • ' •
"He was. below „themiddle height,
with broadisli• shoulders, long lingers',
a 'Swarthy countenance, and. 3. 14ek
beard a .span and a half in growili.
The face and especially the nose were
long, the Mouth was 'large and " full;
and the dark blue eyes looked out
with great , keenness from under a.
strong_ ridge of eyebrows and ever
cheeks which, after a lifetirne of bad
,health, had still. a good deal :of
. In these'word did John Knox sum
up- his . work : • , ' . .
, . .•
considering myself rathe,r call-
ed of my God to instruct the' isnot-
'ant, -comfort the •sorrowful, confirm
.the 'weak and' rebuke the • , proud of
tongue andlively voice. M these most
corrupt days, than to Compose books
.for the age: to come, I decreed ' to
contain myself within; 'the ,bounds .of
that'.. vocation whereunto I. • found.
myself specially called. . •
THE -C. 0, I.' WINS' AGAIN..
me report flew around town on Sia.^
turtia,y that a daughter of Mr. Gerry
Dennis had been drowned in the Bay-
field a,nd many hastened to the scene
of the supposed tragedy only to find
the girl eatmlY sitting on at log enga-
ged in, fishing.
A letter addressed to The News -
Record was by mistake received and
opened by The Clinton Recorder el
Clinton, Conn., who in promptly for-
warding it to us wtote : "There are
good many Olintons seattered ar-
ound the map, as we often find • to
our sorrow. By the way there is a
News -Record ak,Clinton lowa "
• At the the annual 'meeting of the
W. M. S. of Ontario street church the
officers elected for the iC0.11141g year,
WenT•e;ident, Mrs. T. Kearns
1st vice, Mrs.. W. Walker
2nd vice, Mrs. S. Crioh
Rec.-Secretiary, Mrs. W. Manning
Cor. -Secretary, Mrs; E. G. Courtio
Treasurer, J. Steep. •
Mr, Henry Pliunsteel offers his farm
of 132 acres on. the London Road for
sale. It has been used for' stock pur-
poses ,for a number of years and is
said to be ‘‘rich ea.?, • garden." .'The
suggestion ; has been made that it•
would be a good idca for the county
to purchase it fax the Boase ' of
Refuge Which only has some 47 acres,
scarcely sufficient for the ., available
.• .
. A meeting- of Hullett Dis•trict Scar-
let Chapter was held in Leadbury the
forepart of the week,. presided " over
by' Mr W. G. Smith, -the Distriet.
Master. There was a good attendance
and six eaudidates were .initiated int•o
the mysteries of ' the degree. Tile
officers of the Scarlet fot the Current
term are as follows
'District Master,. W 6 Srnith.
Sec. -Treasurer, M. J. Kenny
:e -The Old Stand Clitttott.- NeWs-Ilecord hopes to hear of the.
sehOde throughout the townships do..
Fig 14++.444.0444+4+044'4444-44444.4440.444400.400410 in likeW1NO, •
▪ -
Th•e Hough ,Cup holders got Orr to a
good • start on Saturday when tleY
defeated the first Challengers this
season, the strong team' representing
Owen:. Sound Collegiate . Institute.
The score was' 2-0 'and it would have
been even more arre-sided had not thei
Clinton. team been content to play a
defence game during the. second half,
as four Of the team had , to play in it
second match in Bayfield Lite same
evening.- 'it was a most creditable
victory, Owen Sound has One of the
largest Collegia,tes in the • province
and membierS of their team canto trOm
as fir sOutth as Walkerton andrGorrie.
They had been preparing for the gamo.
all winter and had sent in their oil -
lenge before the snow left so it to
have the first chancel The home team'
outclassed, them in'edndition, know-
ledge of the game and combination
play. Clinton's defenoe is .fit •for
senior Company. On the forward line
the right wing and centre played ef-
fective • ball; and worked hard. The
left wing was rather slow and•lost
several chances. Bothgoals were
scored in the first half, the first, be-
ing gored by Whiddon and the second
by = Youngblut on a penalty kick.
Only onde was the Clinton'. goal in
danger .when a long drop found the
goal -keeper out of,his position. Da
dour got back just in time. to pre -
Vent asOore. Bartliff made a
most effieient and impartial referee.
The Winners lined up tits follows :
The Ontario street League service
of last Monday night was taken by
the new executive. A number of
young people joined the society oral
ablaut forty aceepted of the invitation
of the pastor ,to remain( to the
class Meeting held at the else of
the redular League meeting.
In. consequence of a finger injured
while working in the organ, factory
Mr, A. Goodwin of town reeetred fr-
ore' IVIr. A. Hooper ci,oheque for $40.
Kr. G. W. Logan erBly.th ieceived
a cheque from the same source for
$13.50, having had a sprained wrist.
Moral, "Doo'..t neglect your accident
The WOmen's Missionary Society
of Wesley church last week elected HO
officers for the ensuing Year,' as fol-
lows: •
Presidect, Mrs. W. Harland:
1st vice, Mrs, A. 0. Pattison
2nd vice, Mrs. (Rev.) 1Vianaing
Ree, -Secretary, Mrs. D. Freneh
Cor. -Secretary, Mrs. E. J. Oastelon
Treasurer, Mrs, J. Hodgens
Organist, NIL'S. A. T: Cooper.
A new time • table has gone • into.
effect on the Grand Trunk but there
is not . much change. The trains neW
iaotwri:e: at Clinton station as fol -
"4 4,23 p.
Going, North ' •10:15 m.
, ,o4uth • 76..4315 ay.. inm..
GONE WEST AGAIN. • • ' • •
This week Mr. Joel Beaman and
family ••have again moved to.. Manito-
'bi;, thislheing their' third,ineVe„,,i,orthe.
prairie prcivince, and the second' time
from °linter'. They ma,y be hack
again, but this does not now . seem
probable is Mr. Beaman has sold the:
houSe he oeoupied to Mr. Col, ITeare.
Mr. Beaman't.--deptination thia time
15 Na,pinka' and on a farm near tlit
place he and his family' Will take up.
theit abode with his son. •
Goal, P. Keyes .
Backs, Mt Shipley, I. bailout
Halves, It. McKenzie,. C. MeKinnon
((aptain), D. Cranston '
night wing, '11. Mustard, W.Whiddon
Centre, D. Preset
Left wing, W. Youngblit, 13.'MeLeart,
On Saturday afternoon the chatcP-
ions will met the Berlin tearn, the
game to begin at 2.80. A large at-
tendance of our eitizens will be but
showing the interestwe should mani-
fest in the 0. Ps splendid football
tedna, •
Wheat ,95b,, • „ •
.Oats 35e to 40c. • • '
Barley 40c 46 45c.,
• butter,. 1009C; 130 to 1.40.;, •
Slitter, tut, 15c to: 16e, •
Eggs ne to 1302 - • •
Live Hogs $6.50:
Live iiegs h,aVe dropped 25C pet cwt.,
sine° lett •Week, due largely to the
heavy importation of Americm hogs
Willa Were delivered in Toronto'at a.
profit after paying duty. :•• -
The first baseball garne, of the Sea-
son was played Saturday in the patk
between. the East and West, rest.lting
in favor .of the latter by a ueOre of
4 to 3. The batteries were: East,
Collyer•• Johrison2, West, Fitzsi-
mons and Alexaader. One of the
features of the game was hIcIlveen's
fielding at short stop. The following.
will represent Clinton in the game
'with 'OoderiCh on Victoria day : P.
Lewis ist ..b, P. Couch 2nd e; M.
1VieEivan 3rd baSe, j. Doherty- ,s s,
W. Harland k 1, J. IVICKenziec f, N.
Bluett j.. jelmson c; -N. 'Fitzsi-
mons and P. LeWis'pitehers. • .
The team wish •through The .f.lews•-
RecOrd to state that, they are ready
fora mateh with the 'Sas teens" or.
any other nine..
Mr: C. Wallis left on Tuesday
for IVIanitoba With a (*dead of
The case, of, Goderich township, vs.
Colborne will eome up for hean lg
again on June 1st. '
The West, Huron Liberal Association
Will Meet in Dinagannoti ,on May 305h.
The local Liberals mot next week to
select-. delegates.
• Fiteshnons 44 Son bought a MOO-
ste =turkey from a Stanley cosier:ter
on Monday. Its dressed weight ,v,as
thirty-one pounds.! "'-
There will not be a May 24th cele-
bration in Clinton, this year. Er
Which might have been thus expended
Will be reserved for July 12.th. •
Mr. Thos. Kearns already nas po-
tatoes ready for hoeing mid Ircpeets
to present The 'News -Record With a
"mess" of new tnurphies before July
fist, '
Grass cattle still command a high
figure, some of the farmers in the
adjacent toWnships paying as high
as $5.80 and in at least One ease
thatye heard of, $5.00.
A' ,npecial meeting' of the L. 0. L.
was held Tuesday night what several
candidatea were initiated into ;the
mysteries of the Order. Court Pros-
perity is another of our Meal lodges
which is irieteasing in member:411p.-
Mr. James. Shepherd of Town:Mend
street informed, The Xews-becord on
Tuesday that he has been a reaier
of the Toronto Globe for over fifty-
two years. He is of too, liberal a„ turn
of mind to agree with the policy
of that organ holus-bolus, and often
displays more consistency • than it
• . . '
Going East 7.38 a. m.
8.23p. m.
5.20 p.
' 10,3,5 a. in.
12.56 p. m.
6.40 p.
10.47 p. m.
44 44 r
41 (4
Going West
, 4, • (4
• 44
4.:: „.onTliewed244etshdaoyf Myr asfkall.i,nuf
4. correspondents to send in 4.
4. their copy a day earlier +
+ than usual next week. This +
4. is accessary in order that +
•:* our staff may be able to 4.
4. celebrate the day and yet +
4. et The People's Paper out 4.
' 4. on time an Thursday. Ad -4.
vertmers will also please 4.
note the fact and furnish t +
with early copy.
A day earlier please,'4.
Change of Advts..
Come to Me -G. B, Ballard 1
Saturdayt Bargains -Tozer & Brown3
More NOW Goods -McKinnon & Co:4 .
Cottage to Rent --Miss Stinson.. ..... 5 .
For Sale -W. 3. Biggins '
Goderioh C. of Sturdy., 5•
'Stray Colts -W. Perdue • 5
One Way to Judge -A. D. Beaton 5,
Calves for Sale -H. Richniond . . . .. ..,8
Dentistry -Dr. Lundy.. , • 8
Carpet „Reninants4-1-Iedgens Bros8
Hats, 50 cents-Hodgens ..... 84
Exclusive. Millinery-Newcombe's
- Hiillet:t Township.
......A... nuMber of the•lainiers ii. 'this
neighborhood are growing siniai: beets
this year. , ' ' ' •
Mr,, Charlie 'Stewart attended a
meeting...of :the Orangemen ikeld 4t: L.
0. L. : 'Number bog, Blyth, last Mon -
Ali. „lainis McGill of Mitchell Spent
Sunday with friends on the ..9th con-
cession., ... . • •, ' • --.- . ... ;
:We: understand: that Mr.. ffneodore-
Dexter . of tire ''.9th.poncepnion has 'bou-
ght the fifty -acre lot adjoining his
own from Mr. James IVIeGill, for
Which he gave': a good figure, aii itis
well improved and built on. This
Will give Mr. Dexter a, hundred and
fifty acres: sot as fine farming land 'AST"
there is•in• the townkhip.. .. ' - •
- While at Londestforo last ..- Monday
Morning Mr.: Citarlie -,W,eymoutit's •
handsome '''driver succeeded in 'break-
ing. her halter tie•in the shed; ..' and
struck ,for home at'a lively clip: She
was caught -- owe r by one ' Of . ' the '
neigh'biors -alter , 4
n ing all the . W4
'home and Slightly .amaiging the --rig.
...Mr.. Ja,mes:Tighe returned bast week
from Bay. City; ' Mich,, where be. was
.Visiting his Sister,' 1VIrs. KellY; i'fliF is
*dangerously ill.. • . • .
Mr. ,John Shainnahan •haa the. stone-
work. for his new house completed.
•:•Mr. M. Morrison Went to Hensall
on .MOnclay• to start work for Mi.
McKay, the cement man. : ' .•
On Friday last another of the' pion-
eers of this township, in the person of
Mrs. 'William.. Bail,. pasSed into rest
at the good old age of 73 years. She
was horn. in the oity of Hull,• York-
shire; England, and. came to , Canada
and to Clinton .with her parents ' in
1863.' A few years later she Married
William Ball, who some time pre7
ViotislY had settled upon lot 40 oil the
Base Line, Hullett.: ' There they took
up their abode and Spent theremain-
der 61 their lives. They Were ' in-
dustrious a,nd frugal . and made: a
comfortable houie ter themselves and '
family.. It .yvas, one -of the Most .hos-
Pitable homesteads in the whole dis-
trict . and in .the early days sheltered
many. a Weary land seeker. They were
members of ;the Plymouth Brethern and
lived. consistent Christian lives. In
1887 Mr. Ball passed into eternity
and now after, an interval of eighteee
years is joined by his life : partner.
Mrs. Ball's health continued . to be
gooduntil a few Months ago , when
she' was seized by la grippe from whi-
ch she never recovered,,, and on Fri-
day, as above slated, at an esily
hour, she joined the great throng wi•o
have gone before to that other shore.
Her end was peaceful, surrounded by
her twelve children : Mrs. Charles
Lovett, William. Henry, Mrs. Edwin
Lear, Mrs. It H. Hill,. Mts.. „ Will.
Sheppard,' Mrs. Waiter IVIairs,, ell of
lItfilett ; Elias and Edith 'on ' the
homestead ; Prowls James- of Goder-
ieh ; Mrs, James' rtaithby of East
WaWanOsh ,. Ephraim and Nelatm of
Clinton. The funeral, which took pia:.
ce on Monday afternoon, Was very
largely attended. The interment took
place , in the family plot in Ball's
cemetery, the "pallbearers being the
five sons of • deceased and a nephew,.
G. H. Ball. The services were ion -
ducted by Mr. Ila,yo of Toronto, a
member of the brethern of . which
Mrs. Dail was a life-long ineniber,
Mr. W. McCool delivered a One
driving colt to Mr, Wm. Ilrunsden
this week. Mr. Richard Carter also
disposed of a good draught colt te
the seine firrAreeently.
The repairs on the bridge On, the
8th and 0th eon. have been compleiNt
and to the regretof few the incon-
venience <if having a road fenced: will
now be over,
Mrs. D. F. Maepherson and. IVliss lilac- • •
pherson are theAguests ef Mrs.
eRegistrar) ,Coats of Goderich. ,
FaM.1-Conssresr... ljefc'tBhnth**ii:°i1(eiT°14h6lii:rsadnat1g)..John
ing,for Selkirk, Man., where they will.
again join the fishing fleet.. 'They • .
were acc.ompanied to Clinton; where . •
they: -took train, by IVIr, 'George
Mrs. Higgins, Who has ;been ser -
Mealy illfot some time, is iuprov-'
Rev: .E: C. 'Jennings went to Park ;
Hill on ,Monday and ..returned Wod:
' Mr. J. Tippet is Completing a. new • • '
stone. cellar, up-to-date in every .re -
Rev ' J. Doherty. :of flensan, who
Was , to have taken serviees at 'Irinity,
church on: Sunday list, was prevent -
'ed in doing so by unavoidable
cur fittEcoa
anc!s lititerrvonen inspent
terneen :under She parental roof,
Miss .Ether Marks. has • taken' charge
Of :the.organ in Trinity church • and
Megan her duties -an Sunday last.
. Mr. . Alex. Cameron has raised , his • '
house and is placing a stone founda-
tion Under it,. whieh will greatly % 'add
to lts comfort and stability.
Mr. and Mrs. James. Parsons a
Iiiilsgreen spent Sunday with ,thei
former's mother, Mrs. Parsons.
.Mr and Mrs. George Trott ..,
sall spent Sunday in* the' village• •
Mrs. Stewart of Goderich.15 the
gBureoa*til of.het :sister, , Mrs. Ro:her't
Mr, ..W. •Robinson Of Seaforth spent • 1.
few days in the 'village tile past '
Weeg.*. * • • . • .
Mr, and Mtg.: George Bates Of Sea -
forth. :were in the village On 'Tuesday.
Messrs. • Murdock Ross, Frank Keel
gan• and Georgie Erwin left last .
week for Sarnia to fish.
Mr. Arthur ToWnghend lett on
Monday for the Northwest. .‘
Mr. Hugh McKay of SeafOrth has
been ; engliged. ,by • Mts. Elliott as
Manager of the. .Albion hotel. • • , ;
. Gordon Calderon is home trom'Sca-
forth owing to an attack of pleurisy.
We wish .him speedy . recovery. ,
Miss Jennison 01 Stanley nook the '
.topic in the Leagu:e -nteeting at`„ the •
Methodist church on Sundanyesesvoenf ihneg.r
Mrs. James Johnston received the '
.Sad news of the serious .0
son, W. G. Johnston., who with •his
wifa, left here a few Years ago for
'Milestone, Assa. She purposes .p,oing
out shortly Ito see him. .
Mr. James Macdonald, Who has
spent .the winter with his son, ein-
es, at Washington, D.0., •returned
this week, .
The third game Of the Intermediate
Football . series between the Hayfield
La,kesi•des and Hensill was played
here on Saturday and resulted in '1,
to 0 itt favor of Dayfield. This mak-
es Dayfield the champions of the dis-
4* The seriel whieh has been 4.
• running„„it The News -Rec-
• ord for' several weeks eon- 4.
+ eludes in this issue. It has +
4. been a popular one, our 4.
4. subserily'ers ttuite in' saying,* 4.
+ arid while they were wait. 44
4. ing anxiously for The End, 4.
4. they are now half sorry +
+ that the Curtain has rung 4.
+ down,
4,!. •
+ Next week we will begin 40
4. a NEW nom' which wu4.
4. believe will be read with +
4. great interest. Don't 11118S 4.
+ the Opening Chapters. 4.
+• 0410*,00444,440wwWv,WA.e.4‘0•40“.•
• • •
• ,
• .
21- ••• 1.-.6•1••