HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-11, Page 5I Tim Mitten Sows,414sord THE IVIOLSONS BANK irieorporated by Ant ef Plaaimplato CApITAL PAID UP $3,00000 RESERVE FRIO $3400,000 toaD OPPICIL nifortREIAL.— , Former*" iseto Notes Oohed or Collected. Drell,* an all pointain the. Detninion. Greet,Urilted Stateeatid Mersey) Cowart* bou- ght and Old at beet. ratees. OOP* reeelpte iieued and highest current rate of interest. ellowed. Advitocee made to Femme 1404 Desist's 71AndBpsinet4 Men at loWeet tatee mid on most II:Womble tering. ' RAW DEPARTAIONT. Deposits of $1,00 and upwarde rbeelved. Internet allowed at higheet eurreet Wee from date of depoolt. eumpOunded bide-yeerly and add. principal June 30th and December 814. BREWER Itisina,ger.• CLINTON ..< .4 41 41 4 41 44 41 4 41 40 41 4* 4 4 10 41 4 4 41 41 4* go Those vvlio have used Hellyir's Silver Polish say• it is the best. WHY? Because it cleans verwear easily and verwear remains clean longer than when other polishers are used. Call and get a •bottle, only 25c P. S.—Should your clock need repairing lotus -know and we will call and get it and when it is fixed rep • turn it to you. Vir.H. ‘110.1yar 'Jeweler •end Opticiai ,—OLINT.ON ipaiesWetereieeielifieleie0o 40 • 4/ 41 40 4/ 41 44 1 41 40 41 41 41 S. G ee ran MRS. WM, SANDERS' DRESS. CUTTING. SOHOOL.—I will eeecit the fleet part of my dress -cutting course, consisting of how to eet • all kinds of shirt -waists, sleeves and Plain slgirts, how to draft ses- • tem to make a perfect fit for one. The instructions of this work are printed aid given to each pupil, Charge $5, which is the value et • system alone with lessons- given free, to be taught in 2 days, Monday, and Tuesday, May 15th and 16th, at ray school oe Albert street, Ste. atford, Best ohm& ever offered for girls working inshops. Write me or see me at my school in Stratford • Saturday, May 13th, from 1 to 0 p, m. •Strangers may board at school,—Mr, Wm. Sander's, Tench• ee aud Inventor, Bee 159, Stratfoid, Op.t. •HIDES AND SHEEPSKINS WAN - ted at my hide house in Clintine • Highest. cash price paid. -0. S• . Dean, Clinton. 50-3m* WE MADE A SPECIAL EFFORT'. 'TO SECURE AND HAVE ON HAND A• SUPPLY OF)• CLEAN SEED WHEAT . AND TIMOTHY. FARMERS MAKING THEIR PUR- !CHASES FROM US OM RELY UPON GETTING THEIR SEED.AS FREE AS POSSIBLE FRO1VI ALL NOXIOUS WEEDS. WE ALSO KEEP-• A FULL STOCK OF FLOUR, BRAN AND SHORTS, • CURED MEATS, ETC., AND SOL- ICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PAT- RONAGE. J. A. Ford, PO IT This is one of the most mod- ern of mottos and a geed one it is. You've been,. ' thinking of giving us an order for gro- • . eeriest DO IT NOW - We want to get tied order..We're• anxious to show you how de- pendable the quality is and how' moderate the prices are. We witet to introduce you to • • GrOCCI'Y ' Satisfaction.' —This week we pessed•into . stock- -about half a eon Of "Tea" ,Pri--e —ces ranging feorit 25c to 75e per- -lb. The quality invites inspection— • —Ie justice to youteeli yoe ought -- -to test oui. teas 113,11ii, 11,•••••1•' I HAVE BOUGHT THE BUS AND draying business iron.' ltleiers, Moff- at and Ker and' rented the stable of Dr. •Evans Where I have teleph- one connection; Passengers or bag- gage celled for or delivered to any part of the town. Prompt service guaranteed.—Josh Cook,. 62. FOR SALE.—TWO STOREY BRICK cottage corner Prince. and Orange , streets together .with acre of land, hard and soft water, etc.. Will . be *sold cheap.—John A. Croll. . 65 • CLINTON. • thou° 111. • Prompt DeliVere. _ FOR SALE.—HOUSE °ANA ACRE of hied, on Ontario street east. -- Joshua Pearen. • 65 alth." COLORADO,..CALIFORNIA PORT- -land and Yellowstone parke-Spee- line conducted, are :being arranged via the Grand Truek Railway Sys - tem, in ebarge of experienced con- duetor. All expenses ; included. To leave Toronto early in July and . August. Rate not expected . to 'lie over :$150.0Q from Toronto.' Do' not join any other party. • before consulting..E. M. toWler, 201 Bev- erlee•St.•• Toionto: F. R. Hodgens, Agent at asses • In spring .wben sulfa -bine renders seeing pain- ful smoke glass should be used. Ike; :11:ey.p.. -.AssOrtnient.. To ilave The Stock .0 • 110i.-•:110.illight,Priees Jeweler and 0 GRAND TRUNK miremY roe Whiting has 41,41* Bandi- n and She local police hoe been asked to locate Rachel Elliott, e, re- lative, who, it is thought, lives in Tyrant°. 444ip.4041,44. SHINGLES FOR SALE.— ANY tinentity of good *eclat: shingles uow being •manufactured, in the Village 01 Baylield. Priem right. APPIY to W. R. Jewett, Box 30, Baytield. 70 LOT FOR SALE.—} AOR0 LOT ON Maple street, next to corner of Mill and Maple streets is'offered for sale. It containe nuMber of irtlit trees, currant and berry hushes, etc. " Walter Marlowe. 70 FOR SALE..—THE UNDERSIGNED will steer for sale by Public auction on Saturday, May letle, eoreneene- ing at 2' o'clock p. m. On the Mar- ket Square, Clinton, the following 3 light sprit% Wagons, 900 nearly new, others in good repair, 1 top buggy very good, I open buggy near- ly new, 2 carts, 2 seta single har- • ness, 1 Singer sewing machine, 1 • lawn mower, and other articles too numerous - to mention, Three 'mon- ths •credit on approved joiat notes or 5 per cent. off for cash.—George Elliott, Auctioneer, Irthur Couch, Proprietor, 1 CALVES FOR SALE.—I WILL BE at, :Clinton on Wednesday, •May 171.4) and • at l3rucefield on Satur- day, May 20th, With loads of caeca` for sale.—Hugh Riehmond, Newry 70 BAYFIEL,D COURT OF REVKSION. —Make notice that a CourtotRevi- sion" for the Village of 13ayfield will hold its first sitting in the town • hall on Friday, May 26th, A. D.,. • 1995, commencing .at 10.30 o'clock- , ie. for the purpose, of hearing and. rectifying 'all complaints against or errors in the Assessment Roll of the present year. All parties interested aro requested to attend.—a. W. Erwin, Clerk of - the Municipality, Rayfield, May 8th. FIULLETT COURT OF REVISION. -- Notice is hereby given that the meeting of the Court for the Re- vision of the Assessment Roll of the township of Hullett will be held in the township, hall on Monday, the 29th May, at .the liour. of 19. 'o'clock ne, for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the said Assessineet Roll. Persons ha- ving business at the Court • will please attend at the said time and place without further notice,—Jam- es Campbell, Clerk. Hullett, May llte, '1905. 70 FOR THE WEST. One way tickei. at low rates, on sale daily until Mae 15th, to 'Mints In Montana, Colorado, Mali; ,Oregon,. Washington, • British Columbia, and California. • , • , . FOR SAL,E.—IIOUSE WITH FIVE, rooms on Maple street .for • sale • or to rent. Hard and soft water, freit trees, etc., ete.—W, J. Falconer, Clinton P. 0. MT, otontlEist$ MINERAL BATIIS, • Thousands visit Mt. Clemens every year for treatment of • rheumatism, digestive troubles, and riereous dis- , ,. ordtro. Situated near Detroit, it is uialeveyantiqnyenio • Examination Free. Modioal quickly old comfortably reached by t r-ig "ST. CATHARINES WELL." • The waters of this famoits well are Tiy DA. E. F. 13111;110RP/ELD,, of 8. tout specific for rheumatisin,fout, Syracuse, N. Y. Believing in. Clair. neuralgia, nervous prostration, •and ‘t,royahee or trot, there is no gainsaying also serve as a splendid tonic. Situ - the lett that the dotter tan explain tted on direct Me Of the Grand Tru - the source atd cause of your, digests* nk, eleven miles from Niagara. Falls. ..elther mental or physical and has re- ottOred to health and.happiness many Booklets- gee° information by addre- Itelplefia invalids all their livee. Seed ssittg j. D. Motioned, Diettiet Pas - jock of heir, name, age and stamp to! senger Agent, Toronto, or on Oleic.. DR. 0, P. BUTTERFIELD,. Syracit-I two: to the Company's Attist,tit at THE 'RIGHT PLACE TO G-F,T Men's and Women's Clothing, clean- -cd, dyed and repaired is at Mrs. J. T., Seward's. 69 ---- SlIGP AND RESIDENCE TO RENI' ,or For Sale. --The •brick store on Albert 'street together with the dwelling house lately occupied by R. Fitzsimons, is offered either to rent or for sale. There is a good ,eta;ble. The preniises are well situated and Cuitable -for any business. Apple:to John O. Elliott, :Bayfield" ,Road, or Henry' Beattie, 'Clinton.' 69 Del IC Ijo Cllntn • , 'CLINTON COURT OF.REVISION.-T. - Take notice that a Court of • Edonfor ehe Town of Clinton will hold its first sitting in the Council 'Chamber on Monday, May 29th, .D., 1906, commencing at 8 • O'clock ' p. m. for the, purpose of hearieg,and rectifyingall complaints against cie ertors in .41e Assessment Roll of the present year. All parties interested are requested to attend —D L. Mac- pherson, Clerk of the .Municipality, Clinton, May 3. STANLEY COURT OF REVISION -e Take notice that. a Court of Revi- sion' for the Township of Stanley willhold its first sitting in the Toe eves* hall, Varna, on Monday, May ' 294,Di;1305, commencing at 10 o'el- ock a m or the purpose of heating and reetifying all complaints against, or etrors in the Assessment Roll of the present year, All parties interes- ted are requested to attend; j. Ilainwell, Clerk of the Municipality, Varna, May 3rd. • Brous's. The deoth of Rev. 1.1d. Webb oc- curred on May 0th at 0, private hos. pital in. Toronto, where he had Well for two week. Ile was a •graduate ot Huron College, and wile four years ago. Hie Arse charge was at Windsor where be was curate to Rev. Cita0n Mocks. He lett to take up the duties of rector et St. John's church, Brussels, which he had to resign a few months age Ow- ing ti1 ill -health. Be was a very pro- mising young man and hie death will be greatly mourned by his large circle of friends. He etas the eecond son at Mr. A. Webh of Granter., a nephew of Mr. C. 14. Webb of.Toranto. His body was taken. to Granttan and was interred in Bin cemetery on Tues- day at 2.30 p. rn. • -Port Albert. • John Schoenhals is again ready for work. leis mill has been working the past Week. Nels. Pearson wags a big smile, a baby daughter having arrived in the family. • II. Bradford movee Jute tbe village tbe past week. • • Jas. Quaid is not so well tlae past week. Seeding has finished in this eection and the beautiful rein or. Saturday will do homes of good. • Belgrave. Belgrave baseball club have reor- ganized for the comiug Season. Bodmin lime works have burnt their second kiln of lime mid have the third filled and ready to burnwhen required, Wilson Nicholson and John Vetti whiteengagedi at 'stripping earth -from the rock and they were in tee act ol dumping a load of earth at the side of the river the wagon. upset into the water taking the horse with it: . It took • some activity in freeing the hoiee from his uncomfortable pest - the'. Wilson and Jack won't forget •the•scene for many a day to come, NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—IN THE matter of the Estate of William Brendan, late of the Village of Baye field, in the County of Huron, bet - cher, eeeeased. Notice is hereby given 'pursuant to the Revised sta- tutes of Ontario, chapter 129, see - tion 38, and Amending Acts, that • OreditorS tam others; having claims, against the estate of the said Wil• - Wen Brandon, Whe died on or ab- out.' the ninth of IlViaroh, 1005, are -• required to send or deliver their geld' dame on or, before the twee- tieth day of May, 1009,- to Kathar- ine E. Brandon of the said village Of Myriad, the executrix of the Wilt of the said &teased, and 0.180 that after the twentieth day , Of May, 1905, the said execittriX will Preceed to distribute the assets of The said estate antoeget the parties entitled *dote, having regard only to the claims ot *bleb she has then MAIM and Will hot 'he liable for the 'Tweeds of the said estate or any part thereof eo distriblited • any person Of Whose claim she had not nollee at the time of • Ruh dietriletitiore...Diekensott & GarrOW, Solicitera for the itaid Executrix. Dated at Goderieh, tele eighteenth day of April A. D. 1005. 07-4. Dungannon; Mr, and Mrs. James Whyare recent- ly visited their daughter, Mrs. et'. Stothers, and other friends at Tees - Water. . Mrs. J. Glenn ,a.ed W, Olivet are on the sick, list. David Lane of Kintoulh a. divinity student, occupied the pelpit. on Sab- bath for his. uncle,, Rev. C. Ruther- ford, who, we are sorry to state is still unable to take the services. Marriages, HoLLAND—JARVIS— In Winnipeg, Man., on Apeil 29tle.Celia Jarvis to Thos. • Holland, both formerly .of the township or Gocleriolv , CAMPBELL—DAYSON —In Toronto on April 29th by Rev. Dr. Turn - bide •Florence Alice, fifth daugh- ter of Mrs. John Raysori of Clin- ton, to Thos. Reid Campbell pi Toronto. •1 StIANNON—DORRANCE -- At the manse, Egnoondville, on April 29, by Rev. N. Shaw, William Jamee Shannon of Logan, to Elizabeth Dorraece of Seaforth. • S'rEPHENSON—PRASER-.At Wy- oming; on April 26th, by Rey. J. M. Gunn, J. II, Stephenson of Wingham to Emma Jane Fraser of Plympton ' Births. • • DOHERTY—he Clinton on May -9th.,' to Mrami eers. Lew Doherty, a daughter. • HART—In Hullett •on'May 6th, to Mr # and Mrs. 'John Hart, a son. JARVIS—In Goderieh township ' on • May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jose- efi Jarvis, a daughter. BELL—lit' Goderich on. May 5th, to Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Bell, a dee- ghter. • - SMITH—In MeXillop, on May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, a son. - • Deaths. e WALKER-ein. Clinton:•on May 9th, Thomas A. Walker, aged 47 years, . 1 month and 20 days. FOX—In Merden, Man.; •en May eta, John ' Fox, a former resident .of Clinton, aged 76 years, ROSS: --in Edmonton', N. W. rsr4f ,011 °April 23rd Ernest W. Ross for-. merly 'of Gederich. Xileel—Ie East WiaVanosh, on May 3r4, Jeanette Yuill, Wife of Mr, Peter King, aged 04 years, el mon- ths and 2 days. HANNA—In Winghain, ,on Apeil 30th, •Elizabeth' Ruddy, . relict of ' the lite Campbell Hahne, aged 74 years,.1 Month and 13 days. ' McLAUCHLtN—At Brier*eoe, Mani- • toba, on April 1Qth, Lena, Leota. Scott, beloved wife ef 'rhos. Me- Lauchliu,• formerly of Iirusitels. CONNER—In Exeter, on April 27th, • Margaret GlIgan, Wife of James • Connor,' aged 62 years, 9 months • and 10 days. . •SOOLE—In • Pannystelle, Manitoba, oti April 301h, Laura Joe Cam- • pbell, wife of Mr. Wm. C. Soole, formerly of Seeforth, aged '24 'yeare, LITHCO—In West Toronto, on April • 30th, Louise Emerson, wife of Mr. Robert Litheo, formerly "of Luelmew, aged 48 years. . EXettet, For 00E00 time pot it has been ipmerally *town that Mr. F. E.14e,re, manager ot the Sovereign Bank bete, wan to be removed to the new branob now being esigabliated in London. The change we understend is to take plea in a few day*. Mr. Karn has hOeu manager of this branch since its establishment and by his genial ad. Obliging dpesition, coupled with his many other good qualities, he has made hosts Of friends. The vacaney is to be filled by Mr. Jos. Snell, now manager of the branch of the same bank et Dashwood. On 'MOOT Mr. P. A. Anderson re- ceived word of the death of his !tether, Mr. J. Bo Anderson, in Marnuette, Midi. About two _months ago the doctoes mother died at the sante place. His many Weeds will.be sor- ry to rare of Ids second berea..vement, and will extend to bine their sincere sympathy. • The doctor the same after - men wheeled. to Mitchell. from wheel place be left for Marquette to be in attendance at the funeral. . The town has been iu darkness, as far as the absence ot electric lights could make it so, since Friday &en- ing last. Some miscreant having a knowledge of the premises and also some knowledge of the working of the dynamos undertook to put the pleat out of biisiness sometime during Fri- day and secceeded in doing so. Both the dynamo that runs the Are ligetee and that which supplies the electric- ity for the incandeseents were temp- ered with. Clothes line thieves are again in evidence. Oa Monday night the tinee Of Mr. Samuel Adair and Mr, Si Sanders of towe were Visited atie clothes to the amount of several dol- lars were carried away. The toctur- nal visitors will yet carry their prac- tices too fee, as a, sharp look -out is being made for the guilty parties, •• Travellers' Sandwiches. Take some sandwiches made with Clark's juicy, appetizing Lunch .Tongue. Nothing half so tasty. EXItniellatiOttS. • Entrance examinations to High sch- ools will he lield commencing on Juno 28. The legal teaching days for 1805 are : Rural schools, lst half year 122 2nd half year 89; urban school, Ist • half year 12e, eed half. year 88. cording to ebbe circular , sent out to teachers „ this year there will be no papers set for examinations in any of the alasses in literature, history, temperance and hygiene, natural stu- dy and writing.. QCiAL are The Most ,Extreme Cases. STONE IN THE .KIDNEYS •CAN- NOT' STAND BEFORE DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS. , • _ CASSIDY OF OTTA,Wk PERMANENTLY CURED AFTER. YEARS OF .SUFFERING etee THE' GREAT CANADIAN NEY -REMEDY. • " • ei " Ottawa, Out., May 8eir--(Special)-e While all . Canada' knows that :Dod.d's Kidney Pills are the standard remedy for all Kidney Complaints, it may surprise some people' to know they 'cure such extreme cases as Stone in the ' 'Kidneys: Yetthat is what they have done right here in Ottewa. Mr. .S. A. Cassidy, the mae. is the well-known proprietor of the Bijou Hotel ee.Metealf Street, oa fit an interview he says "My friends all know that I have been:a malty; to Stone hi the Kidneys for years. They knew that .besides consulting the best dectorein the city and trying ..,:very medicine oouldethinet of, I was 'en- able to get better." . "Some time ago 'a .tkierid told Inc Doed's Kidney- Pills Would cute me. As a lest. resort I•tried there,' :' and they have Mired re. - 1 could not imagine more SeVere' Suffering than ohe endures Who • has Stone in the Kidneys and 1 feel . the greatest • gratitude to Dodd's Kidney illS 11 e disease is of the Kidneys or from the Rideeys,•Dodd'e Kidney Flits will cute it: • I have purchased the tog business formerly earried on by Harland Bros., but lately by Mr. Donald MeCorvie, and am prepared to receive orders for all ghee of Coal, Grate, Egg, Stove, Nut and Soft, and solicit gout .pat- • rouge, Orders left at my office near the coal eheds or et Harland Tiros. .hardware store will reeeive prompt attention.—Willfam Downs. 7.0 SEVERE 'CANADIAN WINTERS DEPRIVED OF THEIR DANCER, Colds and Their After-Bffeets Conquered • By the Use of Pei.= mt. ter Nod Catarrh of, the Lungs • and • • Perm:a Promptly Cured me." • –Alfred Roches. Bon. Alfred Boehm, President -Canadian Foresters, 76 Fieurie streoe Quebeet Oanadoi writes: • . qaM pleased io add my testimonial to ' the many I see to the efficacy 0/ Peruna. I suffered for some time,with chronic catarrh of the lungs and really .cthoonugeor htlbiletaai tl wasnefibnot about 8. o Ethesame etasnyre.lief, aapine Used so many remedies and ally di .iFineiiy 1 decided on Peruna and that was a lucky day for me, for it proved to be the remedy Which' cured nze, iffy lungs are perfectly sound now and have nothad the slightest trouble with thensince, and at the slightest inflica• tion of a cold now I take a fei doSes and itwill'always wardoff any btizi effects." Rochon. • Catarrh 'Of the hillgO is, ordinarily, & slight cough, which, without a yes - known as consumption. In, these eases tige of doubt, Would soon disappeu the catarrh tetb usually found ita way with the uso of Pertma, becomes cheonic of the dieease from the throat through quires a persistent into the lungs by the gradual extension bronchitis, which re - neglected . ' great many cases of consumption the broncelial tubee. Consumption is uof se PerunTh for IS NATURE • cheonio catarrhEvery one . the natural teemination. ot all cases of some time. There areWARNING . who is •afflicted With overy year due directly to a cold. • chronic catarrh is Perim& is for sale by all first class liable to be attaeked drug stores at $1 per bottle. witli consumption at Send to The reruns, 'Medicine Cont. • any time. 'In A•he first stages of the 'pany, Columbus, 04 for Dr. Hartman's. disease Fermis is e sure curefree book, entitled, “Ohronie Catarrh...11' . • .• • NEGLeCTED COLDS PROVE DISASTROUS. Carlow. •miss Courtney spent- the Easter : holidays' at her home in lerece cetine neer Amberley. .Y .1 Miss Tena lel. Johnston,' teacher in i No. 8, 'spent the Easter Vaca- -Lion with friends it St. Helens:, *Thos. Bens was in Toeonto over Easter on •bnsineas. After returning. •home en -Monday he received ,word'. of the death of his beothereneetv; Jos- eph Hunter; M. Toronto, and returned to the city the following day to at- tend the 'funeral. . At a recent 'meeting' of Morning Star Lodge, A. F. and A: M., the lodge Was honored, with the ,pieseece of the M. George eVialeolm. of St atfoed. . Brethren were present also froth Goderich, Dungannon and Blyth; Alter the work of the ' lodge the D. -D.' 6. m. addressed ehe. Mem - bees and .comphmentee them upon the Manner in which they had performed their duties.. Afterwards a iiippei,. and a program, in eilechenany of tho- se present took part, were ,much 'ere joved If you - see it in The NewS-Record it's so. East and West Huron . Teachers' Associations, A union Meeting of the East and West Huron Teachers Associatione will be held in the Collegiate In- stitute, Clinton, on Thursday and Friday, May 25th and 26th. Follow- ing is the program: Thursday opening exercises, read- ing !thud.* appointment' of ' com- mittees. "Should the leaving exam- ination, as it was, ten years ago bet restored ?" by C. Bluett, Crediton ; "The Metric System," E. McLean, Clinton ; President's ecldresS, G. S. Howard, Illake ; reading with class, Miss J. Wilson'Clinton ; Supplemee- tett, reading, W. J. Moffatt,• Sea- ferth ; reportofdelegates to 0..8, A, G. S. Howard and Mips A. E.Con- Sitt ; " Spelling," Inspector Tom, Goderielt ; "Home birds," J. H. Cam- eron, Brussels ; Representatives of firms who are allowed Ato address the Institute. Thursday evening, President's' dress, G. F.. Rogers, It. A., Seaforth; Music, vocal and instrumentallec- ture, "The Land of the daple," Rev. IL t, Scott, Galt.. Friday, election of officers, etc., report of the -resolution committee ; "Definiteness, aecuracy and simplic- ity in teaching," W. R. Lough, Clin- ton ; "How to interest parents in the new course of study, Inspector Robb ; "Writing," J. W. Westervelt, London ; "Lights .ar.d shadows in the teacher's life," 11. I. Strang, Goderich "Nature study," J. For- est and Mies A. E. Cousitt, Hflls- grcen; Promotion examinations, G. Baird, Clinton, and A. Scott, Sea - forth ; Question, drawer, Inspectors • Tom And nab. Live Stock Market. • Toronto, May 9th.—At the 2.eitY cattle market today there' was not .,quite,es much life teethe trade as has been noticeable the past two -weeks, but for ell that there does not ap- pear to Italie been any filling; Off in eelees. As a matterof fact, though., there was inoredeliheraticni, the ireee ket at times appearing 'draggy, Yet in several cases, .as 'high Prices were - reached as any paid during! the recent high niark,ets. For pod to choice butchers? cattle; the .market Was 4.1$4 stiff as ever, and loeal. dealeis said they had to pay More for their catt- le he minty cages than they 'could hive the game cattle for last Week, 'There were some leayers from outside pointn in the Market and this element of competition . with the local buyers made • the market firmer for butch- ers' ehoice and the common .butcher cattle. For choice butcher. • cattle $5.50' was freely offered. Although there is still, trouhle s to sailing, several boats being still fest ..in • the ice vvhich were expected would be in port by thie time, and although the present prices in the Old Country 'market do hot warrant the high pri- ees which are 'teeing -paid here, yet the export cattle offering today were bou- ght up to: the $8 mark. • The first lot of North-West eattle were on the Mai.. ket today. They were.a fine lot' of Manitoba cattle, good mixed shippers ane butchers', and they sold well • at S5Th25to e sheep m60.a,r k e t is. dell for year- latnbs. • The hog market is steady at Iasi, • week's .quotattons.. • George Rowntree bought for the Abattoir Cempany 180 head of cat- tle, export, $5.76 to $5.80; good but: ehers' • hot -rep, 15.20 to $5.40 e good loads of. buechorse .14.75 te *5, medium mixed steers' and teem, at $3.75 to ' $4.25 ; common eows, at tuo ta,$4.15. Frank Hunnisett hought,00 Mita - era' cattle, 050 to 1,000 lbs., at $6 to $6.75 ; 50 calves, about 125 Ibs, itt- 4o per lb. • Harry McRae bought 20 Mit:hers' cows, 1,000 to 1,800 lbs., at $3.60 to to01.4Zed5a.gman and Son sold a couple of loads Of 7004b. stoekers.at $8.85, Jess Dunn bought le, load of export Cattle, 1,800 lbs.,°at $5.80„ less $5 on the deal. • 0. McCurdy bought a emote of voireemism amiaLlaiamit.• oads of export cattle, 1,250 to 1,500 at $6.60 ; a load of 'mixed cattle tee.rs and bulis, 1,e00 to 2,200 . lbs , AV1e414 7 sto Dunu bought 59 sheen at $5, 188 yearling lambs* at $6.60, 45' spring lambs at $5.25, 220 calves at e5.76 A. W. •Pringle bought 15 butchers' cattle, 1,00e lbs., at *5 12 , Wilson, Maybee and Hall sold -a lo - n of export cattle, 1,335 lbs., at $6 ; ton cattle, 3.-,e00 lbs.;.at 15,70; 93 North-West cattle, line ,quality, do- " mesticated, mixed' butthers told ex- port cattle, 1,100 .tee 1,400 les., • at $9.25 to 1e.60 ; two loads of nice butchers' cattle,. 925 lbs., at $5 ; a load of choice butchers', 1,085 les., at $5.40 ; a load of cows, 1,000 te 1,3Q0 lbs., at $3.50 to I4 40; ten' buUs at $4.25. . • • . • W. J. Neilly bought for Park, Bla- ckwell and Co. 100 head of buteliers' cattle, good to choice, 15 to • $5.§0, . medium $4.75 to $5, goodeows.$4 to • $4.50, etuurrion. • $3.50 to ,$4. • •gorbett and. Herderson 'solc1•18 but- chers'cettle, 950 lbs., at $5 ; three. • 900 lbs., at $4,90 ; .six, 1050 lbs., at $5,40 ; five, 1030 -lbs.., at 15.25 ; sev- en, 91:0 at $4 90 ; four, '180' lbse at $4.50 ; ten expert, 1,300, lbs., at $5.65 ; 'export bull, 1,210 lbs., at $e ; • • export cows, 1,e50 lbs., at $6 ; tliree cows, 1,e40 lies., at $4 25 '; nine but - °hers' cattle, 960 lbS., at $5.15. . , Today's run 90 cars, •with 1,421 he:. ad . of cattle, 275 cheep and lambs, e,1041 hogs, 275 calves, : Export market steady to firm at $5 to 15 90 ; ehdice heavy steers $5.90 to • 15, bulis 14 to *$1.25. • Sheep and Lambs—Market dull and gts$135to.c.a. w2itan5.01-vf; e, e$Esd6. Lb): uepusaceoucia.hst:.0 et$ettw3:so.s,,otse7a!doedyea. esdl.ty;,; b$a4riatan7y5a.brtscie, lambs, $3 •to $4, dull ;. spring' Willie,. for *goed.. 0.a -t- ees, 125 Dis., but the smaller • stuff almost unealeable. ' I-logs—Market' steady at $7. Butcher Cattle—Market steady for choice cattle, extta choice firmer, tee- diumeto common holding steady, buij • slower sale.. . .„ '.Toronto Farmers' Market. Toronto May litho—There was a little better showing today in both • the grain and the meat market,•There was • a fair delieery of dressed hogs, and a little easier tone all round .to the' 'meat market, though quotations were unchanged; • Several loads ot wheat were delivered, the rast fcir a week or more past. . Butter market is easier and ' Grains—Saleg today were 500 bush - ,els oats at 46ec 'to 47.1o, 200 bushels e red and white wheat at $1.03. • Fotatoes—The market is jugt a little. firmer. Eastern shippers are . now asking 70e for ear lots. . Apples—Good :spies aro getting very stereo and the maxkob is firmer. Holders are asking $3 to 13.50: • Dreseed hogs steady at adVanee to $91. and, $9,50 ; live hogs steady at $7. flay -80 loads at $9 to $10.50 for • best, $8 to $9 for mixed. Two loads: of strew sold at $10. Loose straw le quoted at $5,50 to $0. Baled hay • steady-, but very little now • conning •forWard, at $8.50 on trek here. Bl- ed straw $5.50. • • Poultry--Iteceipts light, Dressed chickens 140 to 16e, live Vine 100, old ° hois 10e; turkey hens 18e to 20e, tur- key gobblers not wanted. Ontario potatoes Are 'quoted at 50e and NeW EtriMSWICkS at 650 to 70e, ear lots. Out of store 70e to 75e Duttor—Dairy pound toile 190; cie- ruiNll'ge—Mke a0eart09tllIeire at lie to 14ic,