HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-11, Page 3OR0 B TH 011.0 disease of thhmees in( children is scrofula; in adult', consumption. Both halo poor blood; both need more fat. These diseases thrive on lean- ness.. ftt�Aebetiueans�t overwmint them; cod liver oil makes the hest and healthiest fat and SCOT EMULSION is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil. Bare% a natural order of things that sho*s *hy Scott's gmuloion is of so much value in all eases of scrofula and consuniftion. More fat, .more weight,..nwre nourish- ment, thave wby Send for fm&sample. SCOTT & BOVINE, Chemists Toronto, On ' goc.imetge,o0 * is AildeaRtele A hundred men Of the striking boot - makes ofNertlianaptonshire are mar- ' citing to London. • The Chicago tearnsterS' strike cost the intereSts affected nearly twb and a half million dollars last week. If you see it in The News -Record it's so. In a brush with. natived in German sotithwest Africa the German force It sixteen killed and wounded. . By a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States it is held that bucket shops mush not he supplied with the Chicago _Board of Tradelquo- • tations. " • • • • • The Inability to Rest and Sleep la a. marked sysrptons of non- vouo exhaustion, tit* natural outcome of which Is paralysis. The person whose nerves are exhausted can- not, keep quiet but is ostiess and fidgety, easily, Irritated and subject to spells of severe 'headache and indigestion. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food thor- oughly cures nervous diseases by budding up the system and instilling new vitality into the wasted' serve cells. . Miss M. AND1tissa, 136 Creighton Street, y 000 Halifax, N. S., states :-- "hlywhole nervous system -P.W45 deranged, .1 could not ,.sleep and, • had severe at. , taekx of headache. I pro. - cured a box of Dr. Chases • Nerve Food and by the time r had 'taken a few boxes 'was ;alright *gain. hly appetite was very muds All: Improved, I was cured 'cif sleeplessness and head. BLISS ASSESSOlf ache, and mv system gen- erally steroid to be thoroughly built ep.", By noting your ict.-.eage in weight white using this great food cure, you can prove that new, firm tesh and tissue is being added to the body. To. protect you against Imitations the portrait and signature of De. Chase, the (wow *tails book sabotare on ever/ box 040110600664.01101)11001111 e THE NEWS -RECORD'S • 0 • • CLUBBIN'G LIST. • O . • The following are the' rat- • • es at which we give any • O of the city Weeklies or Dale 0 . • lies, when taken With The • O News -Record at one ' dol-' 0 so lar per year : • .0 • • Daily Mail and Empire $3.25 di td Weekly Mail and Empire 750 '• Daily•Globe -- 3.25. 0' O Weekly Glebe 65 • O Toronto Wdrld 2.00 (0 • • Toronto News • 85 0 sp Toronto Star • 85 0 • • Weekly Sun 75 0 e Farmer's Advocate 1.25 • O Weekly Free Press 75 • • Morning •Free Press 2.25 • • Evening Free Press 1,25 0 • • Family Herald. and 0 •• Weekly Star „ 75 0 O _Remit by postal note, teg- 0 • istered letter or express tire 0 - • 0 der and address . • • • • • W. .I.MITCIIELL, • di The Nes-Record, Clinton if • 10001,11104900000100111111110110 TRADS Dunlop Book for Horsemen ° free to Any Address Sixty.four • pages, with • histrations and valuable charts. 'Useful • information about I a me horses c a ee- fully• selected and mpiled,• • Write for It today by post,. Card, giving yeer name raid , address and the name of the Iaper an whiCh you saw this notice. TOE DUNLOP TIRE CO, tosortiremzq • Between two sad three o'clock tut Wedneeday morning tbe large saw mill belonging to Mr. Thomas, H. Tt leaven, in, this 'village was totally de- stroyed- by fire. How the, fire origin- atedI MYSterY and o the &ones bad gittued great headway before it wo dieeovered, it was 'impossible for the fire brigade, who were promptly Olt the Scene, to Save the building from deetruction. The 104$ ia a seri- ous one to Mr. Treleaven, as there wais only an insurance of $1000 en the buildings and machinery. Besides the • saw mill, the new chopping house, Wets clestraYed; and his loss over the euranee will be fully soca, The wife of Mr. W. H. Stewart and sister of M. James Hamilton of this vtflage,.4lied in Guelph hospital on AptU 160, after a short illhess. The •funeral took place at Guelph. A Stoscessful Forasc4, A GOOD ARTICLE JUDICIOUSLY ADVERTISED FINDS A. READY SALE, MeCLARY'S "SUNSHINE" FUR- . NAVE IN USE PROM HALIFAX TO VANCOUVER. With this issue of The News-Ree- ord the IVIcCia,ry IVIanufacturing of London, Ont., commence theirad- vertising for tide year, uSing a Ser - les of four advertisements from whi- ch twelve insertions will be made. The first in the series deals with the ash -pan feature of the furnace and event a perusal of the adthe advan- tages of the ash' -pan la 4 flirtlaee and this one in particular, can readily Ile understood.. Tile second ad. describes the large double feed -doors, explain- ing the ease with which the "Sun- shine" furnace ean be fed. The third explains the necessity of a waterpan properly placed .41d:used; While the fourth coverscoos the very im- portant fact that the "Sunshine" fere nacei Urns any kind of fuel and is supplied with both coal and wood grates. . . , . • While the McCiary Co. are large users • of daily neivspaper. space they do not think that an advertising .canie paign etrald he made suecessfel in. Canada, without using the high-class weekly Publications of which they' have" over onebemired on their list. • . • Winghis. Members of Winghain Loyal 'True Blue lodge and other friends were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr: and ',Mrs. Beckwith on Thursday evening. The object of the gathering was to welcome Mr. and Mrs, Haines hack to Wingthani, Mrs. Heine? -rag teen -lit active member of the •• We regret 04 Week to report the death of !Mrs; Peter:King' of 'Ectit Wa.- wanosh. • Deceased „ had been ill for three weeks Witli kidney trouble and passed the boundary of time earlY, on Wednesday moreing, May 3rd: ; For many years she had resided with ber family on their ..farinenear the brick church and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all who knew her. Itis a steAtige coincidence that Mrs, King; and the late Mrs. Hanna,- Who ee.sided, :pgadjoining ferrets so inatiy yeers,' have beer' 'bath; laid to rest within three days of each other. Mee. King leaves a sorrowing husband, ir ta. soap' and four daughterse-Williatn,• !'harles and 'Alexare at home, 1Lobt in ftni- toba ; •the daughters .are Fti gte- eon and Mrs, Mettin, of Maniteba,Mes, Baird ef Miehigan and Miss Angie' at home. Deceased was in herb year and Wag .a, member! of Calvin t'reeliy-•• teriaflchutch. ' Mrs. 1. F. Tilt of Winghain tnetilns. the death of 'her father, Mr, „Edward Stovel of Guelph. • Deceased NtaS one' of the oldest and most eateeneel citi- zens of :Guelph, halving been .inehusa: ness _there for forty years., _ He .died. ir St. Michael's hospital, Teri:into; on Friday lest. The interment' eook pia- , ce in Guelph or. Sunday. • • On: April 26th, a very enjoyable tint° Was spent at the •home di: Mr, Geo, Brandon, Portage la Prairie, when he Was united in marriage to Miss Mary Emily Owens, eldest dau- ghter of *T...and Mrs. John • Givens of Belgrave.' • . • • . • . . • ' Mr, J. H. Stophensoit Was .in Wyom- ing last weak on a very happy mission in taking- -a bride. 'Malady of, his choice was Miss Ernms J. Fraser of Plyrepten township.' The wedding cc- roriony Was performed quietly at the rectory in Wyeinting on. Wediteida,y of last week by the Rev. J. M. Gunn. Mt. axed Mie. Stephenson Came to Winghant on Wednesday evening and have taken up, house -keeping. in. Mr. Stephendon's, • residence on Josephine street. . . . Mr. Anson Dunnage, the town asses- sor, returned his roll to Clerk Fergu- son on Saturday last. Prom the roll we gather the following figures which will be • of irAerest to our readers .:. The actual value' of real property, ex- clusive 01 buildings is given at $124,- 420 ; value: of buildings, $466,640 ; business assessment, $84,470 ;.; taxable interne $5,450, making a total aseess.; meat of $080,780.The total assess- ment for the different wards is divided as follows Ward No, 41 $125,110 ; No. 2, $131,030 ; No. 8, $194,925 ; No. 4, $229,715. The total assessme- nt last year wee $072,722.., Many we- re of the opinion that under the nevv Assessment Act the total assessment this year Would- be below that of last year, but the above figurea 'show that instead of being Iowa, the assess- ment is several thousand dollars, high- er, The number of children between 5 and 16 years is 488, and between' 5 and 21 year046. the total popu- lation Is given at 2,216# an inerease of threw over teat year. The number of dogs Is given at 1011, eomPitred WI* tit ca of last year. • The, •Nears-Itecord gives the local news. Mimi to yeast to tid01111441114/AS1414 cured ef etcittlY, tehOODIng cough mid told; ta tieing l'epteertiecilene-tkey breath* NilC Hrs. Hall of Clinton and daughter, MO,s lvtta, were reviewing old ac- quaintances at Nile last week. • Miss Ruth Echlin of Auburn is vis- iting at Nile. Ernest Jackmait of Blyth visited at Nile last week. Miss Annie Elliott of Toronto is • visiting at home. We are pleased to report that Mrs. George Currie Sr. ia soinewhat • proved after her reeent severe attack inflanunation. Henry Dodd is under the doetor'a care at preseat • The Nile League purpose giving' thee annual tea -meeting on the auk May. Epworth League topic on Tuesday evening was. "The Making of a,.Chris- tiar. • His Exercise." Wit and Miss Edith Kirkpatrick visited friends in Kincardine last week. • Jas. Tabb has raised his barn and intends to put a eernent foundation ueder it. As Mr. and Mrs. Dustow were re- turning from. Goderieh ane evening last Week they were run into by an- other driven by some young men evi- dently the worse of liquor. Mr. 1MS:tow's buggy was badly smashed, hut fortunately no one was injured. •.•••••••••. The Lauda,. Financial Times sats the paseieg of the Canadian act res- pecting the jurisdiction of Exchequer Oottrt Judges will create distrust in the minds of. British investon. EE1W.THE BOWELS REGULAR. • If your bowels didn't move tor ar. week you 'would be•prostrated. It more than one daY goes by you be- come languid) blood gets bad, breath horribly offensive, you teel sick ell over, To remedy this take Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills which regulate the bow- els and' cure coustipati.on. • Taken at night you are well by meriting. They purify and cleanse the system, prevent headache, lattliousness and sick stemach Prompt and certain' are Dr.' Hamiltons Pills of Mandrake and Bet- ternut, 2$c per boor. five for $1.00 at all dealers. , • • • Gotlerich. • Miss Gertrude 'Davis, daughter of :Editor Davis, 'of the fil:itchell •Advo- cate, is spcnding a few weeks the guest :Of her brothers, the .. • MeSsie. DavisMis , ' Jewell %gel 144. bier have our-, pet- ty cottage owned.by him on Cambria chasod from Mr Ben, Allen the Mi J AleClusky has. removed, • to the:reside:nee Co St,. Andrew's ,stre,it lately • occupied by Mr: W, Sharn4a. ..We fook a. walk to the heel:or on Thursday last' end saw the 'iladausitc unloading at the elevator. , She had a, cargo Of 113,000 bushels of • ' wheat, 30,000 'bushels of :which after touching firet a,t tOoderich, proceeded to Sarnia where elle enloaded .and 'later returned to the elevator here with the .balattee. MORE DEADLY THAN FAMINE • Neglected catarrh soOner or lat(ir Causes • consump.tion which. destroys Mere human beings than famine A nd war Corabirade '1 lie way "Ca,tarrho- zOne" ' -Cures catarrh- is. Very very simple it first' kilts, the germs tha,t PaUse 'the irritatiOn then by nontli- in4 away the ,eori1Oestied and iallarn-, nration it eureli the diSeharge, hawk- •amI dropping in the throat.. "1 suffered So continually • frotti naSal catarrh" writes Ernest R. Dakin if Rosemont, "that I scarcely knew what it was to be free from headache and pain over the eyes. Catarrhozone• I e4 me ' at once and made • a thoroie, gh care' No other remedy •• cures like ""Catarrhepone".e-try • it for :your itext . cold, , • . • " tiensall On Saturday Week John Ourityling dieff.at the resident% of 'Duncan Mc- Gregor, con. 10, Tuckersmith, The deceased, whose home was in .Egrnon- dville, had been Stopping at the resi- dence of Duncan McGregor, for a couple of weeks previous to his death. Ile • was well known in this section, having worked. for Jos. Htelsort and Other farmers for sorne years. He was a quiet, industrious mate . George Malcolra, • Dietrict Deputy Grand Matter.„--Whoeneides. in Strate ford, visited' Zurich Lodge , A. F. 86 A. 1VI. on Thursday night, Hehighly complimented the menibevS on 'their work and the prosperity of the Lodge: After the adjeernmeot the mentbers And viaitors proceeded to the Queen's hotel Where a lunch was served; - Last week the editor of the Observer invested in a, home and would like all enbserebers in arrears to take an in- terest in the concern by paying up, • Hugh Maedonald was down at .• St: Thomas a few days a2;0; On his waY home he stopped' at Rodney and heard the evidence gien by Willis at the cor- oners inquest .respecting his movennen- te on the night of the murder of Miss Lowery. Now that the wane Trunk people are about to favor Exeter with a new passenger Station they 'should also. give Hensall one as the business done at this station, is in excess of that done at the former place, in in.nt Howell is the most important point on the L. 11. & 11. division, we think. The Clintest titoww.-Shicillts1 Morris Township. Mrs. and Milnt Ilood will continue to make their home at Suniii:tie for the present. James Sharpe, otb Lne, sent one of his teams to Walton to work with the construction gang of the V. P. R. Miss Tillie Clenuan, nurse, left on Wednesday for Nelson, B. C., where she purposes making her home. We , wish her a safe' journey and a pleas- ant time. Last Sabbath afternoon the Union Sunday school Meeting in tle3 Auger, son. school house re -opened for this • season's work. Thos. Struchan la Om faithful superintendent, having filled the position far A 1111111her of years, Word comes from the Morrisites who recently went to Assiniboiat that they are well pleased with, the locali- ty, are bitsy plowing for oats and have one house and .stable completed. The weather is warm. Lyon. Findlater has takcn up a, farrnalso. : NOT SLEEPING Without sleep there eatt be no bodily or mental vigor, conseenenti• v eleeplessness is a dangerous condition Nothing so surely restores sleep as • Ferrozone ; It's harmless -Nit a weir - Ming, strengthening tonic. Forrnee one vitalizes 'every part of the bogy. makes • the nerves hardy, completely rebuilds the system. The cause of • :Iteoetpoldelsynoer leu sarranwooer,eat,edk-hei feel like new .after using FerroZole. Don't pat off-Ferroione costs 500 per box at all dealers ; get it today. ' Walton. Mrs. and. Miss Lizzie Berrows•have returned from aetiyo weeks' visit with • friends in Harriston, • • • Itev. Mr, Miles cif • Kineardine cote ducted the service in St. George's ch- urch Sunday afternoon. • • Saerameet was ohserved in the Me- thodist% church Suirdey at 10 a. m. Epworib League oonclucted ehe (wen- ing service, •• , • . • The Epwortli League held their elne. tion of officers -Thuesday ,etening rer pelting es fellows • : Hon., Pres., Rev. R, ,S. Deicer ; Pres., J'. W. MerriSOn lst Vice Pres., Lizzie barrows ;. 2nd Vico 'Pres„ J,M. Dennison; 3rd Vice Prs., Aug. J. W. likirris- 4th Vice Pres,, *S.A. 5, Biticet: • see„ Minnie Bennett; •• Organists, L. Fulton; C.' Berry,. P.:. • Deneison, G, Grigg; • . One of the Oldest pioneers ;of. .this diStrict passed away'.froni earth tee Saturday in the .person of Jatnee Fe- rguson. •Though having attain;th ed e adVaneed age of ninety years Mt. Fe- rguson' had always been heartY and fresh looking and very active until Seized about...a. Week before by an • at aek of la,. geippe which :resulted ir his death He was born in the County of Leitrim, Ireland.; in: the year 1814 and what about tweney 'years* of age 'Went. to 1Vianalreator, England. In this'city be Was 'united in marriage' to Itliss Anne •Hyland on • Sept. .15th, • 1841 From' this 'marriage wes .horn 'eix. eons and one daughter, of Whorn stir; vivo Monies, of Smilit'aFafls Robt, H. AO Mrs. W: H.•Flionpheiee - of _Wa- lton. Iti 1847 . the fa.mily emigrated to the County of Leede and settled it. . the township of Kitley, where his wife died 'in 1855..- eeontl wife. Was Margaret • Daley; of New york city,' Of which marriage' two children were horn cif whorn Mrs...Thos.: Card- iff, of- Grey .surviyes. They finally nitived to the Herm:, tract thirty-three years age, settling•in the township of 1VIOKillop, CROUP IS I) ADLy . It, must be stopped quickly—Noth- ing •so mire as'Nerviline. '01we it in- ternally and rub it on ehest and Ikr- oat-croup soon vanishes, No doctor can write a raPre efficient prescrip- tion than. Polson'e Nemiline; which. teaches the trouble and cures nutekly:- The marvelous' power of Nerviline will' surprise you ;It's the .beet household remedy for coughs, colde, . sere' chest, croup and internal pain ef every kind. Largo bottleS have been sold by all dealers for nearly fifty years at 250. • • ... • . . DEFECTIVE EYESIO-HT AND HEARING. . • . Writing -in the :Jew- Delineator ot the care of the eyes and ears, "Dr. - Grace Peekham Murray says ; "Many cliiidreit have imperfect vision and •idler from it long before the parents are •aware of it. These are some the indications which thould lead one VC suepect trouble; The.eyes are red and inflamed most of the: time, and styes meet frequently: Childeen who heed glasses squint and peer, or shill; their eyes' to a chink, or hold a book or an object dose under. their noes or far oil at arm's length, or •they may fear the light .or have •a drawn and anxious look and tie unable to read from the blackboard, All such childreu should have a careful examination of the eyes aid be fi,t,ted with • the kind of glaseee that are necessary to correct their visiett. Many. children that have the appeat. twee of being backward and • Stupid are not so in reality, but seem, so because of their imperfect vision or hearing." . Elsewhere in the same article, we read hi regard to the ears that; " Earache in a child is a ymptom that requires •immediate( attention,. since it may be due to boils and ab- 60e8W4 or inilarnmations, which give rise. to chronie middle -ear trouble, The • danger is that such trenble will extend to the ;soft bones' back of the ear and what is tailed a mastoid ab- scess will form, whielt, it it breaks into the brain, may pro Ve fatal; in ease Of earache and itiflammatiens always look out for the ,swelling whit ch• conies back of the tar and all in a physician In time to prevent digits.. Aer. Children Who seem stupid:and do not answer readily when opoken • to may • .have imperfect hearing. This elmuld be kept in mind and tests ap- plied to rscover if such is the case.'' 11)AVII8 494R WLAND CLINTON been. made is the method 'that bee at- . forded the best .protection against thel - 4 RI 0 0 ,•"1 ,7) I e: i I • 7r=b1116.1,4140,4414s. :n7s Hat .S, :le C9n.t1nues. .43 •For the next two weeks you can buy your spring hat here at less than wholesale price. Not having room to handle the.hat trade we have decided to:go out of this line and this is the only reason we are selling hats at the following prices. You will find the best brands and makers here and styles right up.to-date. 75c Hats for 50c • MEN'S STIFF AND SOFT WOOL FELT IIA.TS IN BLACK, SIL•K BINDING', REGULAR 75e, SALE PRICE• 50e -+ • $1.00 HATS FOR 60c , • MEN'S STIFF AND SOFT BLACK FELT WITH SILK BIND- INGS, ALL SIZES, REGULAR $1.00, SALE PRIOR • 75e $1,25 HATS FOR 7,5e MEN'S SOFT FELT HATS IN BLACK. AND LIGHT GREY, ALL • SIZES, IIEGULAR $1.25, FO,, ...„ 75e • $i.50 mews HATS FOR $1.00 • . MEWS ALL WOOL FELT FIATS, NEWEST UP-TO-DATE STY- . • LES IN BROWN, BLACK AND PEARL GREY, REGIT- • LAR $1,50, FOR ••.. . .. . $1.00 • $2.50 WAKEFIELD HATS FOR $1,50. WAKEFI4D'S NEtAr; UP-TO-DATE R.A.Ts IN STIFF AND SOFT SHAPES, IN 13110WN, GREy AND BLACK, THIS . YEAR'S STYLE; REGULAR $2,50, SALE PRICE . ... $3.00 KING HATS FOR $i:t0 • THE CELEBRATED,' KING. HAT IN SOFT AND STIFF STYLES IN BLACK AND BROWN, UP-TO-DATE STYLES, REGULAR , MAO SALE PRICE • •...„. .... . , . „,.., $1.50 SOc MEN'S HALF .110.SE. isc • 25 DOZ. MEWS FANCY LISLE THREAD IIALF HOSE, BLACK • GROUND WITH FANCY STRIPES AND CHECKS, ' FINE QUALITY, REGULAR 50e, SALE PRICE . 25c ' . • • • . . • LINEN COLLARS FOR 2.5c MEN'S LINEN comAgs IN ALL THE LEADING SHAPES, .ALL SIZES, REGULAR 150, SALE ' PRICE . ;- . 3 FOR 25c 1 ' • 'uccessors to R. Ciats, cLiN.TON.I. • 711 0 0 0 0 000 00 (01 Lord Nelson's Centenary. • On .21st•Oetolier next a hundred ye - ere will have elapsed since Britain gained. the battle of TrafaVger and in the • fight lost her great naval hey° Lord Nelson. Annually since then the British have celebrated the double'. ev- ent, and hung . fresh ,garlanda on the . noble column erected to the hero' memory in Trafalgar Square, London; but it is wisely. •thought that •upon the coinieg 'centenary of the events the celebrations Should .be Ori a meeh grande scale, and ought not to be eonfined to 'the .raetropoliS where ,his asheS ' rest; It is 'thought that. Brit- ons everywhere will gladly join in then specially limberingthe memoi'y of one in whose heroic and pattiotic career they justly take' au& great: pride, and have enshrined his last and , crowning victory in that • .everlastiiig song heard almost -daily ineeverYecre ner 'Of the earth -e . ' • "'Twas. in Trafalgar's Bay • ' We saW the Frenchmen lay," &c No song is more welcome to the Bri- tish eatland it never fails to stir the true loyal and teatriotic feeling. .iti every. heart.' As a sea' Song that is as impershabie as ''l3tirnsr noble Address by 13ruce-te his erniy-"Seots whit hap wi' 'Wane bled." It is said that Nelson never uttered thee ,mem- orable words .recording in the song.- _ "England expeCts • that every .rnaii L• • ThiS day Will do hie dut-Y.". but Scotsmen at leeete will never ere:- dit that, any mere than they will be-' neve that Jenny. Geddes.'eever fleet the etitty Stool in St. Giles, - . • . • . Steps are not only already being ta- ken in: Britain for the due celebration of the centenary, but abroad in every corner of the vast British Empire., We are specially gratified at the prepar- etions.being made lir tbe DoMinion Oi Canada, ivhere the Hon, M. Dornyille moved a .resolution ie the Senate in favour of a general ieliservanee• of ,;,the day. The resolutiph was, of course, ce,rried: Canada holds a; peculiar .spe-' dal link in the chain of life of the great heroi. While still a, midshipman on hoard a British frigate visiting Qttebec 'Nelson fell in -love with &lin- ty ,Canadian maid, to marry whore hd was willing to sacrifice his navel car- eer. and to settle dOirlf.ittCanada . • Luckily • for •leritain--if not for the where world and also for himself -the • Quebec beauty dui not agree with.hrre iii that; and so Nelson was persuaded ' to return to his Ship. Then followed that glorious career •which earned. the British netion's • gratitude and the world's admiration.. --,-:Scotish American. . • Rstablisheil 1879; .'• Whooping Cough, Stoup, Bronchitis ,..Coughs ;Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria, , ere:ohms 14 a boon to .11*tismitticts enamors isa long eirucanbea iiiloseasra remedi for the diseases indicated. 11 cures %canoe the' air rae. dered strongly antiseptic ta.carried over the disesied sure faces of the bronchial tabor with .'every breath, givitig prolonged and Ctinstani tree:Anent. Those of a consump. ttva tandencf, or sufferers front chronic bronchitis, And' • inintedbAs relief own. cocoa or. tailwind Conditions or , „. . • the.throat. Valtzppresolene •10 sold by', druggists or sent pre- • paid on. reeeipt of price. A • Itapo•dresolene. out- fit including ft, bottlenot, CresoletiefA.60. Send for • free• illuatrated lataidet, , Lastfritti !limas Clo., Ltd:, Agents. 28881: 411109 FM; • • minimal, Canada. 308 • -- • Peasants are again burning estates ie Southern Russia. . Washington Duke, the inillipneire • tame° manufacturer, died a,t Dur- ham, U. S. , • • The News -Record gives the Getter" news, • . • II. K. Pomeroy was re-elected Prese ident of the New York Stock Excha- nge, • • • • . HOW , TO WARD OFF OLD AGE. • The niqt successful way of vearding • off the anprdach of old age • •is to maitteain, a, vigorous digestion. • Thisl 'can be clone by eating only food 'Suit- ed to Your age and oCeupation and , when any disorder of the stomaeh ap rears take a dose of Phantherlara's. Stomach and Liver Tablets to eor- • rect it. If you have a weak stomach a.r. are troubled with indigestion, you will find these Tablets to be • just . what you need, For sale by 0, Coinbe, Cliuton. • A good bakiog oven is • what every. housewife re - 'quires itt a range, Other , advantageadd to the • . 'esefulness • of the range, but an easily regulated; perfect baking and roast- • mcivet is an indispens0 • able feature. 11 is the • perfection in operation of the oven of the imperial Oxford Range - that has made it such a..ityikihg success. It is itt the oven cense uction that the great- est difference is found between the Imperial Oxford and any atter range on the market. The diffusive oven due draws the cold air front the floor, super -heat itand distr,butesit through. out the. oven, keephig it at an even temperature 'in all parte 1 his flue Also malice it easy to regulate the heat of the Oven and secures a '• marked savitig in fuel. If your dealer doesn't handle the Imperial Oxford, write to us direct ' and we will send you ottr catalogue aral tell you where you can see the raege. The atruzy Vouu4ry Co., Limited 13 Taranto Ilitanlocal WinniDeg "tralicetrVer -FOR SALE • 9.69... • How in the Time. An agricultural exclutnge points o it that the meet itnliertant work to •he done this month is Spraying, A dal• Inthe' orchard and garden now • and then will Save malty days hard . 'work of doubtful value later in the season. The •general rule lit itegleet preventive measures Utttil tee late uti. tli after the inseeta have got a good start. The fruit trees need careful attention now. EXperience of Oftreftd and intelligent fruiterers Show• that spraying every two weeks from the 1st of May16 the last of July has given the highest per tent of perfeet • fruit, but the most mid profitable returtra for the work done have been produced by spraying four times. Two 'spraying in the early spring ItaNri ; not improved the value of the fruit (trough to pay for the work. Spray the trees as eeon As the blossOMX fall , end. then repeat the application every BY, ' two weeks until, four `sprayings* have .• • if ••S• •