The Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-11, Page 211 Vaat SVNLIWIT SOAP and SAVE 4THEI COUPONOt The Coupons are dm same as cash because they can be excha,nvd for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every vreekt 'Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEEEPUI*,.' SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing. Ask your grocer fOr pattichlars or write us for Premium List. A gift IS of little value if t COriast; of something you have no use for,. In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use. eve*, day, ••••••••••••• LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA. Always fresh. OUR STOCK OF DRUGS ETC. WILL ALWAY4S BE FOUND FRESH AND UP- TO-DATE IN EVERY BR- ANCH, AND WE INVITE YOU TO GIVE US A CALL He Y01,1 WSTO TO PROCURE ANYTHING USUALLY FO- UND IN A FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE.. H. B. COMB" cHimisT The Ontario GoVernment is. con- ' I siderieg a proposal to" litipese a tax Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones have taltea up their residence eon Trafalgar street in the 'house lately occupied by Me. Alex. Robinson lately removed. le the Rattenbury House, Clinton.' A goodly congregatiou attended thi •Church or the Disciples on Sunday evening last. Mr, Vea,terwerth ex- pounded their faith in truly disciple style, His subject was "The Chureli of God established" and swelt on the 'prophesy written. in Daniel 2n4 chap- ter, 44 verse. The Speaker has a fine resonant Voice with good accent aed understands Well itll the passages of scripture' that he quotes, His sub, ject next Sunday will be"How to on stock transfers Similar to that 1 recently, a;dopted in New York State, whieb (Nebo is also eeneidering. Goderich• runc.•, A GOOD SUGGESTION, Mr. 0. B. Wainwright of Lemon City Psi,a„,, has weiteen the manu- facturers that numli better results are olettaixied from the use of Chan:there lair's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of painsin the stomach, eolie and cholera morbus by teking it in watee as hot as ean be drank, That when taken' in this way the effect is double in rapidity, "It seems . to get at the riglit spot.in- sta,ntly," he says. For sale by H. 13. Combe, Clinton, , The capital di the T. Eatoo Coin- panY has been increased ,froni $.5p0,000 to S1;d00,fmei. • • • FA.OIAL PARALYSIS: St,. Catharines, Ont., writes : "My face was all twisted out of shape with facial pv aralysis,- and is doc- tors failed to cure or even relieve, me. • By the persistent use of Di. Chase's Nerve ,Food I have been en- tirely cured and have returned to work strong and well, I have gained ' in weight and feel that I have a neW AND DR•UGGIST. lease of life," ' ' Mr. W. • J. Brennan, Wes tern Hi! I, COAL I LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -NOW • FOR, YOUR SEASON'S SUP- PLY OF COAL. WE cAitRy ONLY THE VERY BEST GRA- DES 'WHICH WILL BE SOLp. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE ORDERS MAY BE LEFT AT • DAVIS & ROWLAND'S HARD- • WARE STORE OR WITH W.J.Steirensor• 'Weeramiaerm.,..er., George Whiting has died In Hamil- ton and the local police have be, asked to locate • Rachel Elliott, a re- lative, who, it is thought, lives : in Toronto. The News-Reeoed gives the • local news. . • • + A GREAT ADVANTAGE' If you get your auction 4 - sale bills printed at The + News -Record Office, you.. 4' get them at the same r as you would pay elsewhere 4 - and you have the addition- + al advantage of a free not- + ice in The News -Record -le which goes into most ot the homes in this distriet. 4-* But if you want your bilis 4 - printed elsewhere it will + Pay you to put a :notice Of + your sale in . The ews- Record. . 4- 11•Milamm•Niftra•Min . . , PAF'ER, HANGING. -THE SEASON has again 'arrived when people are decorating their homes,, I am Still • in the Paper .Hanging and: Honse piain•ting Business and ffilera.ritA my wokk to be secondto none; The three great features in this 13 -pi- erces are quiekness, neatness and eti- • onomy.. MY•Price is 10 °cents. 'per roll. Satisfaction given or no-enon, ey asked . for. Orders left at My house be Pouch's butcher shop, will receive . prompt attention.e--,T. Hale, Residence, West end Rattenbury St. . 3 eeneeeneaeeeeeeeeeneneeeaeseeeseeee.:÷ee, •••+ :• ' ' ' + SENDTBE'NEWS-RE°- + + ORD TO YOUR BOY IN • ee• •:•.. THE WEST. " TWELVE' • • MONTHS FOR.ONE DOL- • ..e• LAR, 'POSTAGE PAID. eeneteekeeeeneeeeseene•!,:e.ea :444 • • • , 'CENTRAL STRpiTTORD. ONT. . , • You can get a general edu• - • cation in any school but come • • to the CENTRAL for Practi- 43‘ • cal Business' Training. This 4> • college has a continental rep- atin • utation for thoroughness. Op- 4. • portunities are for those who 40 • are Prepared, ' Our graduates • • always succeed. You may en- * ** ter our classes at any time. ee • Write for a free- catalogue. ' • • 'Elliott & McLachlan, ,• lOy • • Principals.• 411•11•444••••••••••••••* Do not consider it a hardship toldii as much for THE NEWS -RECORD as 3rou do for a city. Week- ly. or daily,----pasr for it in advance, ConStittYour....44d0Oss •VigiarOsi• • 80s:00i for !helms Regordi become members and live Members of the Church -oe Jesus Christ," • Mr. George' H. Fowler put in 0,000 strawberry plants before i Saturday's rain came on Some of his stra,:we berries are in blossom, Three years ago Mr. Fowler had ripe stra.Wterries for the 24th of May but last year dis strawberry crop eid not ripen until June 16th and the preceding. year 14th June: • , ' Herry. Waite, son of: Mr. Jam, es Wells, went to the Northwest last fall. thinking that change. of climate might benefit his health, but instead he suffered a great deal from neural- gia of . the heart. He returned a cou- ple of weeks age but ie suit: Mr. McKinnon, who has been a resi- dent of East stee,et for some is removing to the houee caviled and wathitperlyecent. occupied, by.:01 J. 13. • WHY 'SUFFER' FROM leHEIRVIA- ' 1*Vhye ,suffe-refeToniIS' Mrlielumatisin one applioation of Chamberlain's Pain •Bann will . relieve the pain'? The. quick rellee -which this linim•erut affor- ds Makeslest and sleep poesible and that 'alone ' es worth Many times Its oust: Many Who •have :Used it hoping only for a short relief , from sufferine have been •happily,.surprised to find 'that after a- while the relief became permanent. Mrs . -V. H. Leggett . oi Yum YunnTennessee, U. S. A., write. es e I ant a great sufferer keen rheu- matism all tower from •heiti to foot and Chamberlain's Pani 13alin is the only thing that will' relieve the pain." For sale by H. B. -Oombe; Clinton. The News -Record' •giVeC the Gotten - ii news.. .111r.lPintier of Chas 0 .ee's eeeabe liehoient, has bought thebusiness of G,, N. Darts and is now in possess, Miss Kettleah, Brown. ha's returoed front a, pleasant iset at Torento. The annual election , of officers of The Woman's. Missionary Auxiliary of North street .ohurch • was• held on May lete The following were elected to ()trice ,• • ' • . . • • • President, Mrs, George Acheson. it vice, Mrs. 4. IL -Oolberne • 2nd vice, •, Mrs. .Smeeth .Reee.Reeretaey, Nies. • Pe: W. Currie , Cor.. -Secretary,, Mrs. W.,T. IVIurney ' Treasurer, .Mrs, C. Nmeton. • • Supeeinteraleot .of systematic giving, Mrs. -Alex. Davidson. „Vle are sorry to learn that ivirs. Moss; East street, is not making as much headway toward recovery as her friends would like. • The remains of Arthur E. Kidd; a 'little grandson Of ipaptain A. M. McGregor,: arriVed on Tuesday from Indiana on Tuesday evening where they were intereed.about•foer yeaes ago, •the little lellow.luteing died of pneuroonia, end on:Wednesday morn- ing they were re -interred in the R. C. cemetery at Colborne in the McGre- gor plot. . ' Mr. john Weatheraid • in his rabi- blingS around towe said that last week he saw a peaeli tree in bloom, •THE ILLS Or THE AGED. MRS, STACY, OF HAMILTON, TELLS HOW THEY MAY' LESSENED. Mrs. Elizabeeli Stacy, of 172 Huh - et Silirtiet West, Hamilton, says - "I was. Very mlioh tronbled With 1-/eadittelle, Dizzinese and Constipat- ion. I am in my eighty-first year, and I grow worse and worse till I was .so weak and taint that !could hardly keep from falliag. . umitig Dr. Leonhardt's Anti - Pill 1 am voty Much better ;.in tact, may say 1 am very well tomParell to What I Wag before using Anti - PM, ''1 .au no thankfill for the iniPrOVe- MPIlt 11,t, tuy tuivitheeti lutelitat think 113hptjd write and tell you a - tout it. I will ialWays recommend 1)r, teeenlin,riltis Ant1.1)111 t, altY °be sufferInt WI 4 with," Antl-Pill is positively the best mod- ieine tor 11,04 men and women, All druggists hell 600, for MOOth's tucattnent, The Wiloon-Pyle Lintited, Niagara. 14Uft Ont. Hole agents for Ottuido, 10$ • iseFeeetierefi3AfleVefTerWre sq#' 43(FAX40., The News of Goderich. * Miss Ukase A. Skitninge, Cerespoident .4(:)q 0 Oe 00 000 oo 0€(0...*Aei iLik.4.'Ci..,44 cf.:0 0 0 o e) Mrs. Keeip feels Justly proud of her Mr, A.0. IiicLeau was in Montreal young ;Mack Minorca hen that n StIlfr. last week. day, 801:4 April, laid 4P. egg 8 by 7: The annual meeting of the West o inches and on Wednesday following Huron Woman's Institute. Was held one alMost a,s lar4e. - laSt ThUrSday in the handsome draw V. F. Lawrence is going, to ratIOVel ing rooms of Mrs. Charles Doty. The toilatelate James mEaaNstatix. streett eState day belng beautiful there wee ()! a largx,, attendance including guests from Mrs. W. D. Shannon and Miss Joie Clinton, Ifoimesville, Auburn * and will oocupy the residence on Kingston Gtotierich townohIP. Mrs. Cautelon, street that they oecupied before go- ex-pre.sident, called the meeting to to Ottawa to spend the . past I order by eking Miss Skiinings to winter. preside at the ergaii while the dosoP On ist May to Mr. and Mrs. Percy ogy was being sung, after which she Cornell (nee Miss Lexie Sutherland) made a very nice impromptu speech, Toronto, a son. • lexpressing the great pleasure it gteve A little lea,ven, leavereeth the Whale ilter to see se xna,ny members of the loaf. Mrs. 001in Campbell's visit to !West Huron Woman's Institute prese Clinton recently inaugurated auother 'exit and congratulating all in tile Woman's Institute there. The rink on the hoWliag green shou- Id have that tattered substitute for a flaTghetozt•indop?su -down Visi- tors on 20th June will think it ..i os We are sorry to learn of the ' very Serious illnese of Mr, Ed. VanEvery, at the Sa,ults House. The veteran, Thomas Whelan, who (AMC ta Soderich. after the Fenian raid, died on 23th April, at his re.ii- donee; South Napenee. While here he was.etigaged at the old armory. . He entered earlyinelife the 1st battalion Prince Consort'SOwn Rifle' lerigade. Very iron afterwards the regiment yva,e ordered to South Afeica and ser- ved lathe Kaffir war. Shortly after the regiment was sent to the Crimea, where Whelan took part in almost all the principal battles of those terrible campaigns. He had three medals, a Crimean medal, one- given by the Tur- kish government to all the 13ritish soldiers then serving in the Crimea, and a $outh African medal. He ale() had four bars given him for battles of Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman and Sebastopol, He received a wetted at the ?Iliattle of Ainea, the only one ho received in all the battles in which he was,engaged. The bayonets were bete- ly used at that battle at the pits. A Russian made a desperateIuoge .at Mr. Whelan, :who struck- . his oppon- great interest they have taken in the work, 'atter which she called upon 'the seeretary, Mrs. Colin Campbell., to give her report of the work done the past year. With great grace Mrs. Campbell itrOSQ and read her revolt which was as folio -Ws : • " Another year has passed quickly by and it has again become my duty to inake the annual repert of the West Huron Wonian's Institute. In reviewing the work of the ,past year It mast give pleasure to 'all members and friends of the Institute to lind so muc1. evidence of the prosperity of the Institute and its ever increasing - popularity. Fehr and a. half years have piesed since the West Huron Woman's Institute had its birth and that its trend has been ever onward, not by rapid progress, but by eteady healthy growth is of commendable sigeifieaece. This year, at• whose close we are pausing, has bee o one of interest to the individual branches of 'which it is composed, rather. than tht,. bapPening of any einem event of great iinportance to the whole. We have three branch institutes in West Hue.: on, viz,, •namely at oderich, Hol- mesvillt3 'and Clinton. The ;total mine ber of meetings hked during the year was 25, ,number of papers and dresses given. 60, and 5 practical de- monitratioris in °oohing, attendance at the meetings 1100. Total receipts ent's rifle down, the weapon penetra- $56.35, expenditures $35.26. We hale, ting his righthip. Before the Russian 'could recover his gun. Whelan's bay.- ooet *hid forever placed the 'Russian beyond the' heartng•Of the bugle cell. The wouod was dressed and Whelan never lost an hour -Ile WaSan eye witness to the famous -)clearge of the Light Brigade. He volunteered in 1363 into the Royal Canadian Rifles ad by them was seat to this post as, .a leokout. He leaves fouresons,. aria a daughter : Thomas, Cornelius a:ie Patriq of Fernie, B C. ; J. F. Of Wallace .Idaho ; and Mrs,: 'Pa -16.1c Gleeson, Napanee. Satlirday, ' 30th April, was the 41st anhiversark of never been a weak struggling organi- zation. for we have ever , had the .sup- port of the Farmers' Institute and eee• take this..oppertunity to again. thank them fee 'their kind interest andfinan- eial also to thank .the De- partment of Agriculture for their -fin- ancial assistance and the local press in the West; Huron district for their kindness 1 advertising and reporting the :monthly .rneetingee I also ,than the officers et the branch Institutes for the courtesy and 'willingfiess to promote the interest of :the:I:Institutes and also• -the secretaries for etheir: promptness in forwarding the teports his :wedding and, it :was the inteation' et reontlilY meetings. I have endeix- to have a militaryfuneral but it wasored to the • best of my abilityto do .found impose:331e to do• sen• The above is shortened account of the death of the veteran, Thomas' Whalen,. taken kern the Weekly, Beitish Whig, . Of May lst„1905.:' 'rhe Goderich,part wes• have, addeel :as we, knew him here, ' We, feel. very sorry to be called upe- on to• record. the death pf Ernie Ross,' a former employeof our local print shops on 'April 23rd. His faine ily left tewn for S.arnia some years' ago and Ernie, as he was familiarly eallede went With therir to that place. but 'later worked in New Yak and. chicagoe leaving the I•atteri bilsy ,city for Edmonton in March last in guest of health. His remains were brought to the home of his parents; Mr; :and Mts. Donald Ross, .who now reeide at London, Oet, He: belonged to "the Oddfellows and •;other soeieties.. • The following marine nehrS'affectieg the steamers Roeematent and, • Pair - fount, that 'called at our .Post 'se oft - is copied from lase week's issue of the Weekly. Whig of Kingston :141, T. ,Company elevatot -S 5 Rose- mount , frorie Fort William; . with 80,Ie e00 fushels of whet, Captain Wood of the ,steamer Rosemount, on teach- ing Fort William from •Goderich etat- ed that vessels plying on the , upper lakes this spring, have been damaged by ice to the • extent of _31;000,000. Companiee insuring VeSsels have no tie fled' all •navigation• companiesthat they will pay no plaims where boats are•darnhged In ice 'flows, • In conSd- querice of the foregoing proelamation captains of steamers dock,ed at Fort' William wereee.inettucthd to exert every precaution ewhen in the . ice fields of the tipper lakes,. While leav- ing Fort, William on April elith; the steamer Fairmotme, loaded 'with gra,- in, was .striiek by •an ice flow in Thunder Bay, seeding hex out of ,.hci course and..into themud, where She remained until the next morning. The accid-ent will east, her owners $25,,000 it is said. N. D. Rougvie of Sarnia was ft. town last week, . • Mr. Donald Fraser or Stratford was in town last week.' Mr. Ed. Lyno is now on tire list of boat bUildere. Ile' is at present at work on a barge. Mr. Lynn, brother of Mr. Ed, Lynn, IS hOW time keeper for Pigott and Co., heeling been time keeper ail winter for the stone firm at Elmira. Civil Engineer McIntosh took with bine to the .0. P,fl. work` at Strat- ford for the new road Messrs. Jack Weleh, Harty VViggins, Sitillia,m Twee-, dy and 14.4ernith. 15, W. Massey of Toronto has taken poSition with Dr. Hayden as (tee sietatit, Mr, Massey is a 'graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry,,. Miss Ruby McCatighant loft for one month's visit it Toronto with her sisters, and will visit Montreal ;da- tives before her Tetuen, Ozone is now highly recommended as an invigoilating tonic"and Goderieli air is MOW, eornmcnded. Er, and Mrs. Calling and lovely little on, Clayton, who werd for some tittle guests at the residence of Ws, 0011111g% stet/cry UM, n, Pe,e- Sotifif returned to their' 11(11116 at Tor-, onto last araek, Mill. Mille, Whe Mot with A. very serious accident some time ao or Maitland bridge, is the guest of Mrs, (leap Illssett of the poste -office. fAhe Is still under the doctor's care. the work assigned nie and I humbly trust this enkledvor has resulted ' in general satisfaction." Mrs. Campbell's addresswas re- ceived with ,great aPplause. The officers and directors foe'the en- suing. year are President, Mrs.' Prenah, , °Rotate , Vice, Mrs. Wm Jenkins, ilolnlesvilla See -Tteasuier Mis °elle CainpheD ' Goderich :Direetors for Goderich,.• Mrs. D. Pante-Ion, llers, 0. Gundry; IVIrs. Colin .Campbell, Miss M. E..Salkeld, Mrs. Magnus 'Swanson. . Directors for Holinesvill,e, Mrs, 'Wxn: Jenkins and Mee. George Telebutt. • Directors for Clinton, Mts. 0••• Free-. oh and Mrs. F, W. Watts. " Directors :for Carlow,' Mrs.' ft,, M,. -Young and Mies Julia Johnston; Auditors, R, Young and Wm. Bair.e, It was the inipresSion'of practically all present that the annual meeting was ono of the' inoet- Sticeeesful the Iestitute has yet heed, ' A hearty vo- te of ,thanks Was tendered Mrs. Doty for her kindness in giving the use of her home and ,preparing a recherche 5 n'clock tea for the annual meeting and to Mrs. D.. Cantelori for kindly presidingas: president. It Was de- cided that the annual picnic of the West Huron Farmer's and Woman's institutes will •be held at ' Point P'arm on Saturday, June 3rd. :Mabel Tretheway kindly, played severai pret- ty instrumental solos before tea was Served and With others waited upon the guests during tea. Before leaving write National Anthem" wes'.' sung, Miss Skinthigampresiding.at the piano. The delegates from outside branches Were : IVIesdarnes D. French, Watts and Lavis, Cliuton ; Mesenines, Jen- kius, Connell, George Jenkins and Mulholland, Holmes villa ; Mrs, . Stew- art Metiou.gall; Porter'sHill Mrs, R. Young and Miss Julia Johnston, Auburxi ; and Miss MePhail, .1,101m4 - vine. THEY MEAN IT Ne one should suffer a moment lon- ger with Piles for Dr. Leonhaedt's Hein-Rold will cure tiny. case. A guarantee for 31000.00 goes with every package of the Hem -Reid. .. .No matter what kind you have, Blind, Bleeding, Internal, External, Itching, or Supurating, Dr, Leonhar- d:es Hem-Roitl will, cure yce.,' • This is a• strong statement but it is supported by a thousand testiition- fele frOnl those who have been per; :fluently cured be Hem-Roid. •fl you are not Cured you get your =Ivey back. $1.00 at Druggists or The Wilson-loyie Co., Limited, Niag- ara, Palls, Ont, 11111P4"°*.it**VerOakihitalkeltrit$010111WIMit Goderich. The nerne of our young citizens Mr. John A. Carrie, we are pleased to state appears in the list of prize winners at Wycliffe flollege. Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell of TorOnto, aeeeiriPanied by, theft daughter, Mie4 RothWell, are registered gt the Semi. - j ts House, where Mrs. Rothwell's bro- ther, Mr, Ed; VanEvery, lieu very attending Victoria opera house. in future are asked to timily remove their hate, and some of the lady performers at Vieteria bill hope that the manager Will carpet the floor of the .dreasing room. Mr. George Sutton hes purchasel the privets residenee of R. II, Liutt Rev. Dr. Tuaer, secretary of th3 Mission Roeiety of the Anglican ohm -- ell in Canada, preached at $t. GPor- goisitchlontilzhh onthc,i1usidtaayi May, xenday, Wae e, very cold day over 100 babies wvesretiar4eblbaiEroibletu7ghli ,tior3,abaylopcaayl JILotonoerwaralia- Darius Doty Sallows of Woodstoelt Was a guest last week at his 'old home. Mr. Thomas Tilt held his real es- tate sale ou ist May. Seven town lots in the south east part brolight $35 each, being -1. acre. The Purchas- ers. were : Ed. Sweets, who purchase NI two lots ; W. E. Kelly, F. 1.3rop1i-' ey, R. Doak, C. Garrew and Mr. Julian, The farm of 25. acres on the Huron Road, formerly the old Wilson estate, was purchased by Thomas Gundry for 31,800. 1Vlariager John Bain left -this month for the Duck Islands :where he is en- gaged in business with the Purvis Bros. The 'Woman's Missionary Society of Victoria street churcliheld their. guar, terIye: meeting Iast week and elected the following officers for, the ensuing year: • • President, Mrs. •(Rev.) Graham Vice, lVles. George Harris Cor.-Seeretery, Mrs. Cleo. Elliott Ree. -,Secretary, Nicholson Treasurer, Miss Barry, • The Missionary-Extenefoe . Fund of Victoria street church received $50 towards it on the ,evening, of the Missionary Tea held en May let.: eVIrs. Geo, M. Elliott having presented, Mrs. (Rev,) Graham, president, with a life mamba:ship in the Missionary society and Miss playn presentedthe society with the other 345 WhiCh gave her also h life members•hip. , Mrs Alf. Nicholson, recordingeeeceetary, Will attend' the coming convention • tq he held. this month at St. Thomas: 1VIrs. (Rev.) Swan and Mrs, (Rev.) Leech attended the meeting here and mado very epleasiug speeehes of •cone grattilation on the success Of the nice - ting. Mrs. Elliott . also presented: Mrs. (Rev) Graham with a handsome Pirx•andeMrs. Harris react addrees. • The iron Steamer heniessa came in en Sunday decorated • with manrilags with cargo of ogle 'from C011ingwood. . for Charles Lee. The steamer &longs: to Hamilton and plies - between that city and Toronto. She wintered at Owen Spend and went there to eha left on the dry dock, her Owners .enlarge her for the ceonfort •Cf. the many passengers who patronize her. PERMANENT CURE ' FOR BRONCHITIS. "My second daughter was troubled with brouchitis from the age of three weeks. Oftentimes I thought she would choke to death. .Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine brought relief, and further treatment made a thorough cure. This troahle used to come back front time to time, ,but the cure in now vermeil- ente''-11,Irs. Richmond Withrow, Haut s Co., N. S. .Gadeiich, O. F. • was ;truly a delightful affair. The music was all that ceadd be desired. : The lodge -room was given ;t4 the dancersand a, line supper was laid in the .dining room. Numbers of the ladies had lovely new. gowns pink • and white silk, pale blee, 'ashes of roses and other tints. of Voile, but many 'chose white lawn trinine.d.with Grecian or other net with". geeniture 'of crimson roses or pine ea ea ioes as fancy dictated. One .striking ture was' .the predoininiaine of the dress coat for the gentleman's evenieg wear, Nearly ail 'wore a boutoeiete, Those from a distanee were Mr. Pate, London, England ; Mr. J. Bat: - tie, Catberiees ; Mr. Sangster 0. Toronto ; Mr. Donald loraier, Stratford; Er, Killoran, Seiforth ; Mist Henderson, Stratford; Gertrude Davis, Mitehell'; Miss I3igg- art, ClintonMiss Shateion, Ottawit, The professions were well represent- ed. Three sets of lancers were dance ed. The ball did not break up until 'about three a, in.• About 65 "'couples were present, ylpeps a stomach and other MOM; are weak or ! debilitated. kw causes no - end of aches and pains and ;la most/ conunon where • holt, their meals and urry and worry as OW do In Ws country. HoodtsSarsapariila ,cures dyspe0a—it. has "0, inagictouth" in this diaease. Tor teeth:loads or reradrkam• curie send for Book on 03111*Pg* No. 5. C. I. Hood Co,. Ixowan. Moss Tiltae rlyastiala Stallion CROSbFIELD Ceossfield is a Clydesdale Stallion (No. 3279, vol. 12) with white fore- feet, white on face arid one white hind foot.: ./Ie ,Was foaled August, • 1899, stands"16 bands high and wel-, ghs about 1800 pounds, He has S11- prriOr bOhr, plenty of hair and. good action. He was bred by A. 13: Scott, V•aelleek; Ont. e • Crossfield was sired by Rakefield iTnp (4e7) (4100) ; dain •Moonlight (2016), .; sire dam, The Red Cross i(m.84p9. ).;(22s5e)e,oribdy daurn,acgrleCgaotre Lo(ltit8w7)11..1x; third dam, Kate•of Lorigwith (2018), by the Laird (805), fear* darn, Nell of Kirkpatrick (2442)by, Lord Clyde, Crossfield will stand .for the provement of etock as follows : • Monday -Will leave his own stable, : lot 22, con, 12, Stanley, and .igo sgi•itahoOtrib,tlicn : Nie.heela°weltatt E141<ne., f ' Hay, theilee smith on the :14th: pen to Jos. Claecho's for night. se • Tuesday --Will .procerel aeroaa".to the .Sa,uble Lille, thence north to Peter ' Denetny"e for noon, t10 to SaaWderi Brosfor night. • WedliesdayWillpreeeed north on Sauble "Lflo, thence antoes to his awn stable; on the, Ilfownson Li aa,for rifoldiollti%Iviebgernie -botinvg°.‘ '11.1i Li'. the Thursday -Will, . proceed aeroes to the Goshen Lino to. Stephen,.. son's fon noon, thenceraeross to the Parr Line; •thente.'nerth to Varna: for nzght Friday -Will .proceed eeroesee • to Gied,erich' 'township by way of bay - field •LitiS to. Geo, 4. Copper's, 9th " concession, • foe noon,thence west to' Jas. Wallis', let •con., for night. , Saturday --Till., proceed by way ' of, Bayiteld . to his ONSli stable where • he .nill eemein until the: following Monday morning. e Theabove route will be 'continued • . during the season, health and tveatle.', er-e permitting. Terms -To- lesure•• a foal $11,' twomares. from same own- er 320, peyable Jeuesery este 100e. ' .Mares must he returned regularly to home or will charge. Whether in foal ee in foal or ..noe; All. aceideints : at, tee ponsible foe -the ineueance; wheth- • - or not. .•Perties disposing of their, risk of oWners Of mares- .. meres before foaling 'tomo Will be held : ROBERT .I'EXPIALEe • -;•Peoprietor-and .Mitringers—," . • • . Mrs Douglas McKenzie of Toronto is one of the crew of the ,Tadousae. Ile married Mise F Oke 01 Goderich so- me months age at Toronto and she will /spend the geason heteat. the resi- dence. of Mr, and Mrs. Oke, Cambria Road, until the Tadousac lays .up for the end of the season. Mr. and Mrs, McGregor (C. P. P.; staff) htiVe taken one of ,our mem- her'e cottages for the eeason down by the gee,. IVIeesrs 1:oroe Chrystal and Con. Stapletou left last week tor lVfoose- Assa, 'the eket mentioned for his health, • • . Orders have been issued (or the formation of a PI:OViSional infantry .bp.ttalion from the city legithente, tcr go into camp at Niagara. in June,' Di Thomee •Beadley of 'Kincardine , township, is 'appointed Ideense Inspec- /tor for Ware Bruce: . .111 future signatures on •all legal documents • for use In England musti he endorsed by; tlin Governor-General. Paiirtecti new eonnianies with ane atgrekate eapital of 3721,000* . have - been 'incorporated. :by the Provincial Govelnrivet. • ' • CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REM- ' ED?. THE vEnY " I have been naing Chamberlain's , Cough . Remedy and waiit to say it 18 the best cough medieine I have la:. keete," Says Cleo, Le. Chubb, a raerd-k ant of Harlan, Mich, There is no questiet about its being the best an it will eure a cough or cold in lees titrie than any, other treatment. It should always be kept. in the house ready for ihstant use, .for a cold Oen be Cured in molt less time whom pro- mptly treated. For sale by IL B. Combe, Clinton. . • A despatch from Caira, Egypt, An. nounces the arrest there of a malt stinPeecd to be an, accompliee 01 Bree- d i the murder of King Humbert, in July, 1900, After the crime he es- caped to Zanzibar, where he heeame Mohammedan. When 'errieted thti . saspeet was dressed as a priest, ' • eee.eikeketiete. • A ; trmf., wetfortptxrmititirpwpfm"),""irmswaazimaa0900,90.90e0061084904,66090,96, arum, 3CAT COMMIS git1HARDS°14 84 IMPROVED ,BUTTER COLOR MELIA OM% (Oro Os True !Itolden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter, Die Largest and Best creameries and Dairies Itc the World Use It LOOK MR TRE DARDEIJOR TRADE MARC BEWARE OF 8URSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. Akita* XVOC•VG*026130 A•111,0 eeeeeeerePePeeeeefernerelenerire