HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-11, Page 1•
2fith Year
If you feel duty bound to buy your Shaes
somewhere else, why not buy your Grocer-
ies, from me, and if you feel duty bound
to buy your Groceries somewhere else,
why not buy your Shoes from me, and if
you -feel at liberty to deal where you wish
for everything, why not buy both .Grocer -
les and 'Shoes from me, as it means a good
many dollars saved in a year... .
11W.Specia1io Farmersatalk
You can buy. Turnip and Mangold Seed
very cheap from me
• Butter and Eggs taken for Groceries,:-----.
--Shoes or Cash-- 4
'R. Graham's Old,Stand.
0 Li 00i.:30Ci900.00000000
cs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o <••> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. . The Sovenign Ban . . .
Chartered by - Dominion Parliament
00000 0O000000*00 0000
0000000 , 00000000,0 0
H. T. RANCE, Manager. • BRYRONE, Soflcftor
o 000000000000000000,,,0000000000000c00000000
T. Jackson Sr., Clinton
../r4 II 440 1 to fie.Abfi4h/rmq!?.;•,
, .
We are offering genuine bargains in
Ready -To -Wear Clothing
and invite your inspection
T.,Jackson' Sr., .Clinton
The Ceal business, whieb Harland
'Bros. sold to M. D. McCorvie
month ago, has again °hanged hands,•
• the purchaser this time beini Mr, W.
DoWns, who is now in possession.
Mr. Dews had somewhat intended
ping to Toronto, but has decided
• that atter all there are just as great
opportunities • in his horae town.
On Monday afarmer drove -into
town- from! the Vicinity et Londesboro.
and put up at the Mason House -
While his horse was being stabled a
ben flew •ofit from under the buggy
seat where it had, evidently taikeivref-
• uge thoeveniug before. It had made
itself' Otte at home,. however, and
had laid an egg which was found
under the seat. When the farmer re-
turned home he took the industrious
• hen With °
For the past three weekelvIr. Harvey Beavens has been drilling wells
up north. In• one week's boring be
found abundance of water on the farm
• of Mr. Sloan ot Huliett, near Blyth,
where tow other drillers had latbered
in *vain. He then moved to Mr. Jam-
es Campbell's. of Londesiboro and in
three days hie drills had reached down
brie hundred and fifty feet and struck
a spring that Mr. Campbell never ex-
• pmts. to pump dry. Mr. Heavens is
now ,at work on Mr. Robert Scott's
farm and from there goes to Mr John
On Wednesday of last week there
departed' this life at Mordeu, Man.,
fanner resident of Clinton in the
person of Mr. John Fox, who is well
remembered by our oldest inhabitan-
ts. It is about a score of years since
he went West. He died at the home
�t his son Neil, a brother-in-law •of
Mr. W. D. Fair of teNstn.
Eighty •steers, mostly three-yeat-
olds, were driven up tl3e Huron Road
yesterday. a,fterraion to what has been
known as Beekler's resove• on the
Maitland river about three miles from,
•Goderich. They belonged • to Mr.
Robert Winters, whe valued the drove
• at $4,000. The reserve once consisted
of 1,000 acres, s•onve has been sold of,
but it still continueto be one of the
• largest "ranches" in the county.
The annual meeting of the Goder-
ich District of the Methodist Church
will be held in 'Wesley church on Mon-
day and Tuesday, May 22nd, And
23rd. At 9.30 a, m, on Monday the
ministerial -session begins and in the,
evening there will be a public meeting,
•in :the interests of 'Sunday school
work, •to. be addressed by Rev.• • 5,
Baker and Rev. J. Kernekly. The
general .sesSion will open at 3.30 a,
m. on Tuesday, '
On Tuesday. of. list week:at St.
Mary's churth, Dovercourt, • Toronto,'
Miss Augusta B. Taylor, youngest
daughter of Mrs. Maleohe Taylor, Of
Clinton, was united in marriage to
Mr. G•eorge H. Laight, youngest son .
of Mr. Charles Laight. of Totonte.
The wedding was. a quiet one, the.
couple being unattended. The • brill°
was given ' away by her brother-in-
law, Dr, J. Y. • Egan of Teronto. Rev.
Anthony Hart performed - the :cere-
mony. The happy couple left for:
Brandon, Manitoba,„ where they will
reside. Thdir•many ;friends *wish thein
ill' joy and, prosperity in 'their ' new
* After an illness : extending eirer•
several months Mr. Thos, A. Walker
passed • into the' Great Beyond en
Tuesday evening. , He was born , at
Bolton forty-seVen rats ago, but lot
over . twenty years has .been A
'resident Of Clinton. He was a warni-
hearted, kindly .man wtioni everybody
liked and great regret is expressed
'that he has been but down so early.
In , matters he took 'much
interest and for several, years. he
represented St. John's wird in the
• town council. At the 'time, of his
death he was asmssOr. There was not
'a stauncher Conserva.tive than "Tom"
Walker,' . who was•.ptoininently identi-
fied with every political cainPaign in,
• West ,Huron for nearly two decades
and' stood high in the confidence of
the leaders leaders of the par.ty. For several
• Yeats and up to his, death he Wes a
member of the central executive. Mr.
Walker.'was a Presbyterian and a mein-
• bet of Willis church vvliose pastor will
conduct the !Uncial services this after-
• noon, * assisted by Offieers of the • In-
• depende„nt• Order of Foresters.
Mr. Walker is survived by his wife
4. And their `•two children, Dolla and
Taylor, •to -whom the sincere sym-
path), of very many friends gOes out
in ;their great sorrow.
The old song "Woodman ,Spaxe That
Tree" has lost its significance, at
Wheat WOO.
Qat 5' 35e to 40c,
least •for Clinton, or instead ot hav- Barley 4(le to 45e.
Ing too few trees we have too Many. Butter ,I4e to 15e.
HoWever, many have been felled this Eggs 12e to 13e.
• Rev. E, Norten, Supeantendent
of Baptist Home Missions tor Ontar-
io and 'Quebec, will preach morning
and evening next Sunday in the Bap-
tist church. The morning sermon will
pertain particularly to the subject of
Home Mission Work. Rev, Mr., Nor-
ton is ale able preacher, and all who
bear him Will be delighted. A. cor-
dial invitation is extended to the pie),
lic to attend these services. . •
Rev. Mr. Viens, of McMaster Unieee;
sity is expected to give an, address in
the Ba.ptist churoh the• near feture
on. `‘Grande Ligne'Missick." .7
41: •
,046 •
. ••
.s. In every line we . carry we have special values. We have too inset Goods,
. • . . • • • ' •
spring ned more are yet to go. Ekren,
on the school grounds Principal Lou-
gh recommends that the services of
the woodman are required.
The pulpit of St. paul's church was
occupied last Sunday a. tn., by Rev.
Mr. Turnbull et Goderich and in the
evening by Rev. Dr. Tucker of Toron-
to, The Dr. is an eloquent preacher;
resembling Pornewhat in style the
late Bishop Baldwin'. He Is secretary
ot the Anglican Missionary Society
and. as the,result of hie visit to St.
Paul's the contributions to that fund
were increased.
• *
In an • address to Wesley SurdaY
sehool on Sunday afternoon last Rev.
Mr. Mannirig asked those who wishe,d
to become membets of the church on
trial to so signify and twenty-seven
ot. the children responded'. •The large
number and their earneetnese' was
•very pleasing to the church workers,
especially to the zealous pastor who
labors so faithfully to advance • .the
interests 'of the Master's Kingdom.
• •On• the 22nd of MayMrs. Holmes
Of Holmeiville will enter upon her
99th year, undoubtedlytheoldest re-
sident of the county.,. She was born
in 'Kilkenny, Ireland, *was, educated in
Dublin arid came to Oanada. and Hur-
on•in may woinanliooke, Mks. Helnees
has been in many respects a remark-
able woman and though nshelias long
passed the allotted: span- shotakes an.
active interest in enrient eVents. and
ietains all her- old fondness tor read-,
'At the Epworth League, meetleg
for the election of officers tot
the eriauint year it was resolved that
for the summer months the League
meet' on Monday night instead .01
Sunday evening after -Age service and
also 'that the Young People's class'
meet in the north' class- rciom ti half
hour before the League. , • • '•,• • • • ;
The kind invitation of the Weiley.
'League for the 22nd inst. was accept-
, .
ed. ,
Beth the literary and social meet:.
inga he held on.: extra nights' so
that the regular League meetings will
,be devoted . especially •t,i) devotion,
Bible study and °Missionaty work. it
is expected that once a month' the
regular 'topic Will he tfiken by some
other League or Society'.
The election of officers resulted as
follows I •
Miss 'Stevens, Whtv has been presi-
dent and has filled the position With
4 and are bound to reduce our Stock during the next two roont y so much acceptance and faithfulness,
Mr. Charles Lovett, who will on the
23rd of this month celebrate the 60th
anniversary of his birthday,was the
first child born on the Bese Line, be-
tween Clinton and Auburn. Ile has
ever since continued to reside on that
Line and by energy and perseverance
has accumulated a goodly share * of
the wherewithal that helps to make
this *life' comfortable. Mr, Lovett
is el • North of Ireland • parentage
and proud of it. ,
ing. He husband long since passed:
away*, but three sons and•four., dau-
ghters remain who surround their
mother with affectionate care. The
family are : . J. R. Holmes on the lice•
rriestead W. J..11. Holmes .• of
Groderich,. county treasurer, Dr. T.G
R. Holmes of Detroit, army surgeon;
Mrs. W„ R.' -Mackenzie of Goderich,
Mrs. :Howell et Onondago ; Mr 1Le
eh and Miss D. A. Holmes at hoed. 10
. • • • • . , • • •
. ' • • ' . • • . .
LiVe Hogs $8.75, lower tendeney.
Ur. A. yr.. Cooper, vibe tor the past
fifteen years -has been local agent oi
the 0. P. R. Telegraph Co. and Also
the Dominion Express Co. has sent int
his resitnation to 'both companies and
expects to be relieved at an •early
date:" The' other departments ol ids
business require an increasing amount
of his time, her.ce his resignation.
Seven heavy horses were delivered
in town. on Monday for which big
prices were paid, the highest • being
$265. They were bought froni
G-eo, Stephenson, Hullett • $265
• 240
t 395
• 275
• The big price, 80.75' per ewt, paid
ler live hogs this week has brought
out about all the .porkers in a mar-
ketable 'cOndition. Centel= & Wallis
on Monday shipped 357 from:Clinton,
Brudedeld and • Londesboro. They
here bought -220 with an aggregate
. weight of 38,500 pounds for Which
they .paid $2584.50.' The best bunch
was delleered by 'Mr. Thos.. Archer of
Hnllett who for ten hogs was. paid
$180.70., A few of the best lots were:
Thos. Archer, Hullett .•• .10 $139 70
W: Nett, Titekersniitli • 10 117 75'
T. Shipley, London Road 12: 112.30
H, Jenkins Huron Road 10 115 40
W.41. Lobb,, Goderich Tp. 10 118 10
G.W. Layton, 1..aeitIon Rd. 11 *. 137 75
D . Grliddou, Geelerich TP. 8 98 $5
J. Noble, Huron Read • 6 .70 85
Hudie Goderich •Tp. 7 81 00
S: Merrill, Goderioh: Tp. 9 104 95
T. Farquhar, Hillsgreen
Jelin Reid, Stanley
L. Wiltse, London Road
I. Rathwell, Goderieh, Tp.
J. Evans, McKillop (2)
Mine Host Graham of the Monet
House still lias the caepenters, Paint--
ers and paperers at work in his house
Which he is giving a thorough reno-
vating. In .accordance•with the licen-
se regulations, • which are now " being
enforced, he is moving the bar to the
front of the hose. Mr. Graham has
renamed his hostelry. which will in.
future be •known as "The Graham
House."'. .
., Fitzsimons & Son Shipped a double
deck of hogs-, to Parolee on Tuesday.
, Seven . carload's of hogs were in
Clinton station Yards on 'Monday • af-
teknoen.• • :-
Snow tell on 1VIonday ane it.. has
been • almost cold enough since for 'a
fall of the beautiful at any time:
Next Sunday. Will be W.:M. S. day.
in Wesley church when there will be
a special thank° pririg for the worthy,
cause. . :
Mr. Josh Cook now has his ' bus
and dray oMce in the? Normandie std.'.
ble 'where he . has telephone ' con-
nection: • '
• A' few days v ;ago , Mr. A. Hooper
handed a cbeceue •fee •$100 ' to Me
George , Dale et Hullettas' coirmensa-
tion for illness ,with typhoid fever.
The • Presbytery of Huron met in:
Union Church; lirueefield; on Teesday.
' The name of. Mr, Carney, eldet,, of.
Blake, was substitiited for that of
Mr .• M. Y. *McLean of Seatorth as
Commissioner to the:Goleta' Assem7.
Further steps were taken to effect
if nessible•the union Of St. AndreiV's
churele Kippeu, Chiselliurst, and
the conselidation of Varna, Hills.-
green.inatilla,ke into a, 'district •
toral charge.- ' : • ' •
The rePeirt on statistics and finance
was, on the whole, •encouraging. .The
returns from the 17 pastoral. charges
within the boun'ds shOwed atrinerense
of $858 ter. Miasimiary. and enevolent
purposes.; and ar,: increase of. $8362 for
ill:. purposes, .notwitliStauding .a de-
crease in the number <it familiee E: LE1NIS
()ugh. emigration: • : ' • • • ,
• .A•unanirivous and hearty •eall from . The Vote given' hi' Mr. t
.*:. • was re-elected. She will be suPPorted
A‘ ---
4*. Friers, many lines at *cost and some line and keep only food reliable :t• "
. , 4
4s. All the netv makes . at popular We handle these goods as a side y'
* ells than cost, roll., tiat:It ts rul: 41 f the Istea- .1`..
A PRINTSi LAWNS and nusurts leeersitiliia tufuttiel;r ti:ourgAbo al= i'
.s. 100 ieee oft6 i b' rth12110 it tOc agate"'
• Muslim all p coo, • .1RIBADie MADE CLOTHING..
1 -READV40..WHAII, eobes- We hove tar too mooy. goods in et
thii • lid we want to ear ont •-•
es: at pot tort. Weleaairsta and WhI.te Wear osocioner tore ht the next, fele wake .4.4
Wo will give you prices that you
mune AND wins c,orroNs emit it* Algraere else. Pall hues .8
by the following excellent stafi of
-1st vice, Miss Moore
• 2nd vice, Miss Tebbutt
3rd vice, blies 14, doatiee
4th 'Vite, Miss X. Mureh
Secretary, Miss Carrie Shipley
Cor. -Secretary, Mies Ada, Murch
'Treasuter, Grant Beaton
Leader of' Singing, Len Weir
Pianist, Miss Lucy Grant
• A.seistaiit, Miss Plunisteel.
The general report elf the officers
Was 'very encouraging. Progresshas
been made as stIttod in work, Dible
study- and 'attendance and the • Soo.
:$4 '-.. in Su tu.t d tiutits' " • t and'' let is free of debt.
4 Flannelettes, Small Wars, La. Pante. uvers,lis, smack% Water. .t. 3/
i: dies Waterproofs, etc., at wholesale PrOoNeete) eta. That the future is intended to be
*10 prieeig ' oven more progressive than the past
? n you wantgood vitae ter your money ookne ittlil deb net We • is shown by the election of captains
Y *Higive von bettor bargain* than you can got anywhere else of divisions who shall work ler three
Iii P MSTELL gut) ,aud subscribers toward the For -
firi thethWiri• Of 6111. • • fib*. • .441k • t•Po. tO • •
Autonomy * • it* • I to • kr • 4V t$ • t.t..
months In a special contest toward
inereiteing the membershIp the Lea-
Whole Number 1$70
The second game of the interme4.
late football series between Hensall
vs. linyfield, was played on the lien.
vall grounds on, Tuesday. evening and
resulted in favor of Bayfield. by 3 to
2- The third game will be played.
here on Saturday at•I3 o'clock p. in.
The Moving picture show in the
town hall laat Thursday evening when
a disaPPOintnient. A. large numher
freva the country and village turned
put expecting a, treat which they did
not get.
G. W. Holman, of Egmendviile was
in the village on Tueettay,
• Mr. Harvey Sperling, who for the
past eight years has been Manager of
the Aliblen hotel, has left Ba,yfield and
is now engaged with George Munro,•
butcher, Brucefield,t
‘ReV. E. Jennings visited relatives
at Parkhill this week., • •
Rev. Beal occupied the "pulpit of $t
Andrew's church a. m:, and the Meth-
odist in' the evening.
Mr. John Falconer is improving the
appearance of his house by the addit-
ion: ot a new kitcheen.
Dt. Medcalt of Detroit with his
wife have been staying at his beauti-
fel summer reeidence for sone time.
He is having a, nice boathouse ereotekt
neer the bridge. They will soon he •
taking -up their abode here for the '
Summer months.
On Monday the fishermen brought im
three beat loads of fish weighing over
1700 ponds.
Mr. Mustard's mill in running stead, :
iiy now. He has! an hnmense lot 'et
logs to cut into limber.
A large •majority of inc supporters •
re Opposed to the Autonomy Bill.
Why: Net -:,-0: B. Ballard • , .1
• Hat Pale -Continues -Tozer qt,..13roya 3
Shoe Sale -Taylor & Son •
Bargain: Day -McKinnon & Ce
Silver Polish -W.• ... . .
Shingles for Sale -W. R:
Lot fpr. Sale -W. 1Viarlowe '5
Auction Suld-4. Couch . 5
Oalvea for Sale -41: .Riehinond 5
Bayfield 0. of R.,-11. W: . 5
Hullett orR.-.F.:00,iiMbell • 5
Dreasinaking-Nfts. W. Sanders 5
Coal -W. Downs • ' )
Municipal .Notice -J. E. Harnwell8
Trinimed 1V1illinereNeweoinbe's 8
Reinnants-Hodgens Bros. • '
•Vitty 'Cent' HatsHodgens Bros..,8
Wafl Paper -W,; D. Fair Co.... . . . ... 8..
• • . . • ' , ,
• • , .•
• , Varna._
. Mrs. H. G. Hutchings 'and family
ot• Goderich tOwnship spent the lattee ,
pait of last week under the parental
• On Monday et last week Mr. Robert! -
Dennison wag •stricken. with paralysis
'of the brairi. On • Sunday afternoon he, •
,passed into the great beyond, . • '
Mr. Percy. Wanless and Mr, Joseph
Cook spent Suralay hi Varna,
Mr, 0, Ward and Miss Hannah spent
Sunday with •Kippen friends. • ' '
• ,(Intended for last. issue.)
Miss Katie Stinson' of Brucefield .
spent Sunday under the parental roof. •
Mr, John Johns and 1Vliss. Ethel •
spent Sunday with Godericb township',
Rev. lyfr:. Doherty of Hensel' will
preach .in- St. John's church next -
Sunday evening, service commencing
. Miss Martha Keyes' was in Seafortle •
on Friday.. . • . :
The 'annual Sell Denial effort ot the
Salvation Army is now at hand so.
that those of our 'citizens; who have
been in the' habit 'of eontribintifig to
this worthy. fund, will be interested
in, a foe figures' pertaining' thereto.
During the year 57.5 girls passed
through their .12 rescue homes, situ:::
• tiona being obtained for 272 whilei94
were returned. to •parents and friends.
402 children were looked after.' 990
Men 'Woke met and advised on day of
discharge from prisons' in Toronto
and ' to 040 temporary employment
was given. 90,334 beds„and 97,160
meals were furnished and 4,088 . per-
sewouendrsse wfwereeeprned ,serciluteirreetld. for34e01. missingwuih.1f r1.10-
Knox ehurch, Lonsiesboro, and Burr.t.'„
church, to Rev. Neil M,
Leckie 5. A., B. V., was • sustained
Bill has • s n ce 'been the
• subjecb. of much discussion through -
tut the riding. Among his supporters
aed provisional arrangements mM
ode uch dissatisfaction has manifested
tor hie, ordination and induction in itself And Mete is certain quarters a
the event of his acceptance. • • disposition to give. the difference all
It was agreed to told the next reg- possible miblicity, It is, proposed by
Some. to ()all a convention to give
expression to their disapproval.
Nothing Wend. better please the
Liberals .who,. not being in. the habit
Of • having public "Indignation•ineet-
• lugs" themselves are anxious to seo
how their opponents • will condect
themselves on Midi an Occasion. The
Conservative executive meets in God-
erich tornOrroW to eonsider this and
ThoOld Stniid
PrIfees under tale leadership of Miss
word Movernrit that is rrio akin
Te ott. bias and the reds will
diattipiona by IVIiss Agnew and Mr.
ula,r meeting in Caen Church, Exeter,'
on the seeond 'Tuesday of September.•
. • • •
TWO important hotel changes were
consumniated•in Tbronto Friday,.
Mr: Robert Gardiner, chief clerk of
the King Edward Hotel, has purchas7
ed the Waldorf Hotel at Hamilton,
and Mr. Frederick Bain, cashier . of th niqtters •
the Xing Edward, has become pro-
prietor Of tile Elliott Houte, Toron-
to.' •
Mr, Gardiner is well and Invorably
known 'to hotel patrol's. He Startedds
as clerk at the Walper HOUSO, ain't..
Prete thete he Went to the Tecumseh
House, London, and Subadqueutly to
the Waldorf-Astoria, Netv Yerlt. Mr:
Gardiner was brought to .Totonto from
the Waldorf by the management of
the King Edward on the opening of
Toronto's new palace hotel, and dur-
ing his stay in that city has made a
host of Warfn frieteds.
• Mr. Gardiner will asseine control of
the Waldorf in a feW days, It is his
intention to tircirougbly, renovate the
plue, paying special attention to
those feature0 that Will appeal to the
commereial and travelling public. Mr,
Herbert (Doe) 1V1eCarthy, clerk at the
Xing EdWard, tvftl acervinpany Mr.
• Gardiner to namiltomt as chef clerk,
Mr, Gardiner Succeeds Mr, Robert M.
Gi1k4nson, who Was proprietor of the
Waldorf for seven years. Mr. Gardin.4
or is a, native of Clinton atid brother
„ 600 **tot teoptetivtly, of Mr.. Jelin Gerditter, „
In an interView The News -Record
had with Mr. Lewis on Tuestia,y at-
teplOon that gentleman expressed
himself en follows :
"• I first thought of cafling a • con-
vention and abiding by the result, but
as it Would haite ended in a disagree-
ment' 1 Votee as I thought for the
best interests of the riding as I had
a perfect right te do: knowing full
well that if anyoirrs to suffer kt will
• be myself, '
"Mr. rden stated that it Was not
a Party Measure and that each mem-
ber could vote as he liked. In his
great speech on the question in the
IlOtttle on 'Werth 22nd he said: 'Ido
not for one niontent suggesfi that site
• gentleman on this side of the House,
following the dictates of Ills eeu-
science And of his good judgment,
should feel himself in any way'. cod
strained by party ties to endeavor to
• agree With the views Which / shall
Mr. Lewis cites Mr. Dorden to re.
lute tile charge that his vote on. the
• 8111 has Weakened his loyalty to
that gentleman's 'leadership.
. .
. .
• , . Northeast Stanlgy. • • . •
Over one -hundred :limbs have been • • '
added to Mt. John.Maetarlane's, 'fiocie
of Shropshires this spring. Mx. Mac-
farlane has had gbod luck and the av-
erage is higher than usual. This ' is '
due in part to the close attention he • •
pays to his flock. • - • •
Mr. • Fenwick Stewart has sold ten
Polled3Angei heifers to Mr. R. Wier . . •
vers. They were a finelot and will he
placed on the grass.
The river is full of "shad, some - of .
censiderable size. Speaking of big
catches reminds us that"George. Pear- ,
son caught 'a sucker the other day
which weighed sefien pounds. • „
Mr. • Malcolm McEwen brought a
carload • of grassers 'up from Kent
county last week, • .
Mr. George Baird has had his barn •
moved and raised in order. • to have
a• foundation placed under it. '
Mr. Dave Elliott has bought from
the Lane family the acre of land at
Granton upon which 'the hotel former-, •
ly steed and is now busy cleaning it
up and will bidid a house thereon. -
Once upon a time Granton was ot "
some importance, but is now only , • • •
• •
memoey. • ' , ,
Stanley. TqWiwShip.
Treasurer. Reid has two remarkably
fine heavy. colts, Me of them, twen-
ty-two ',menthe old, 'weighs 1355 noun-,
ds, t and the other, one month older,
tips the beam at 1315 pout -ids. They
were sited by an imported horse and
Money could hardlybuy*them. from
the worthy Treasurer atthe present
time. '
1- Miss Maggie J, Richardson, Who foe
some', time past has been visiting at•
her home, returned to Wyoming re-
Miss Lily 'Duncan di Varna was on
Sunday list the guest ot her Weed,
Misetihnia Peek, ,
Mr. George l'ehnsten 151 the Goshen
• Line is improving the appearance of
his farm by having a new wire fence
• Miss Marie Dalrymple ot Lakeside,
who has been visiting friends ie this
vicinity, I:dialled to her home on Me-
Miss Maggie Clark of the 'Goshen
Lire Was the gueh of her' friend, Miss
M. Cameron of Byfield, on Sunday
last. ••
Mr. Herbert Johnston, brother of
Mr. Wallace" Johnston of the' SanbIe•
Lint, Who has been in Kearney, Al-
goma,- tor Seiroral elOnthS, recently
went to ASsintheitt md. hag opened
put in'the hardware buSitees at Air
lesbuty, One of the new places just
being started. ,Aylesbury has not
even ti, postmaster yet, but it is ex.
peeted that an appointment will be
• made shortly and that IVIr. Johnston
• will be the Man thoeen. 1410 many
friends here Will Wish suecess In
ki ' *
Goderich Townslyp.., ,
'9 .
art -of the Bayfield Line sold ;twenty
grassers, with /5.h average weight of
1250 pounds, to Mr. 1Viactlenald of
Exeter, • Mr. Stewart went Up. to
Whitecaurch this week to look up a
fresh stock for the grass.
Mr. W. Crooks has presented his. •
daughter, Miss Tessie, with a beauti-
ful Dominion organ..
Holm McGregor and Morris Switzer
have returned home from the West
land ,not at all in loven with that coun-
try. They loud situations So scarce
in Manitoba that they came east to
New Ontario whete they obtained em-
ployment.' Herb got his leg cut•while
away. which laid him oft work 'for a
few days, •
Mr. Isaac Bothwell delivered to Mr.
Jomes McClusky in Clinton on Mon-
day a six-year-old horse for which '
he rebeiVed the handsonie sum of
$.235. Good horseinert say it Was ono
Of the finest horses le the county for
quality, style and aetion. 'weighed
1080 pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Beattie Webster of
Ashfield spent Sunday at Mr. George
In writing to a friend here Mr.Matt.,
Sheppard, formerly of the Bayfield
Line,' saYs. under. date* of .A.pril 28111
We are well aild have had a fine
spring, The farmers hereabout are
• nearly through with their spring
wheat. • I had 148 acres sowed and
finished on Metuloy,
Mr. new Elliott expents to leave ori
Monday for OlarkSore state of Wash-
ington, Where his brother Will. has
been for a few years past.
The "armory" of the IlolmesVille
ride ,associatien is at Mr. W. Miller's
who keeps the rifts as brig,ht as new
dollars'. The members were out for
Additional StaniernieWs on page 1/. practice 1ast rriday.
• •The • Other day Mr. J bri B Stew -
• ')