HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-05-04, Page 1WOI•Ite. oth Year CLINTON ONTAIO, tiluRsamr, riAy 4th, 1905 Wb.ole Number 139 El. p. 0 M 0 Ei 0 El 0 0 Ei El 0 Ei One Thousand Dollars. 7 Worth of SHOES just arrived 1100111,_ 000 • *Everyone who sees my SROES claim they are the cheapest ever sold. in Clinton, FARMERS JetS:p DONT FORGET' That I can save you money Mangold and Turnip Seed . . . . yoUr • -Fresh Groceries coming ihi every day- . . . I:latter and Egtfii taken for Groceries,- • -,--3,--Shoes or Cash -- B. BALLARD,CLINTON. R, Graham's Old Stand, 0 0 I* • ANOTHER PEAL. 00000000000000E000 Inimisiirmairestot >000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . The Sovereign' Bank . . Chartered by - Dominion Parliament 00000 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0o00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0040000 . CLINTON BANIIo H. T. RANGE, Manager. 7 • W. BRYDONE, Solicitor. <><><><>00,:><><>>0,o•oo,o. <><>0.:><><>oao-000c,oe>oo<><><>0 T. Jackson Clinton We are offering genuine . bargains ill Ready -To -Wear Clothing and invite your inspection • T. Jackson Sr.,..Clinton Mr. Albert Seeley hut bought tht. house neXt his plaoe of business from Mr, J. G. Sale, the purchase priee being $380. It was: formerly used As a, residence and Mr. Seeley contem plates fitting it up tor that purpose again, A. DIG LOAD. On Saturday last Mr. Isaac Rath - well a. Goderich township brought in a monstet load ot oats, made up 'of 57 bags or 154 bushels. In Witten to Making a hig show, it was a heavy.load, but Isaac's fine team drew it along qiiite ,easily. The Rathwells keep good horses. THE TOWN COUNCIL. At Monday night's meeting of the tewn council Chiet Wheatley praised the dilligence of the electric light meter in the town he,11. Why, said he in effect, to ,total up so *ell it must keep a counting daylight and dark. - The IVIayor said that inasnmeh as the meter has the Government c'al must be correet. ' • The Clerk, who had been looking up. the payments for th. pat few yeas, stated that:the amouats hav ben onthe descending scale, though . riot cerning down very fast. It , posts about $73 per annum t� light . the hall,-• Councilior GibbingS reported that cennnittee had .purchased .100, tons of coat at $6.14,. a somewhat better week was negotiating for .the Pur.' rate than 'the. ordinary househelder chase of Mr.' Albert SeeleY's blaelr.7 gets. Part .ot. this s for the hall smith shop,: did not close the deal, and the remainder for thesehoolS. not being .able to secure a suitable Councillor Cottle related the ex- ;residence. Ht/ever; •having takee ;a perience of a citizen who stumbled fancY. to Clinton, he has bought Mr. ueort.'oe. Of the old plank walks the George Trowhill's Shop and the tsi- other day and nearly •broke, his nos, denee adoioing; for which he pays in. and added "If he had done- so/ I the neighborhood of $2,000 and takes Suppose we would have to buy him a possession; this week. new one"' implying thereby that it iS Mr: Trowhilik has rented the bons .comparatively easy matter to tile on Maple street, fOrtnerly occupied by a claim against. the- Coporation'. The Mr.•H. W."Cook Veld will continue for worthy councillor advised that , 'the the tinie att least a resident of the plank walks be all irlipected and tho- se that are showing sigta Of Weir be totn up 1'shis in his estimation,. will serve • a double purpose, one be: ing that it , hasten .the comple-; tion of the system' Of ,cement•walks The Clerk said : There are only two Petitions in for walks, 'oneenthe.We st side of street- and .the oth• r- for in front of: M.D.B. Kennedy's: residence and Davis' livery. barn.1 • Councillor Cottle said that C. Oiverbury.: feneed a nation Of Osborne street in the neighborhood of the Grand Trunk "diamond" ;and, is •repeiVing reeente therefroin., The nientary honots. For- years he was fence' .engaged• in the graintrade, but he Is amouet. is not large, but the trihning in Morris, It is • con - Ills to 'busirreas: there; so: Mt.' Cottle: eoW, requested that the council will order eedad • by that he will Make a , Councillor: Gibbizigs introduced No change of.. inspectors. has : yet'. its-xerneyal . th0:0 • iaspestor, question street .wa,tering.• :Iledoes been made. in 'South but it. net ..,think the present system an en- may 'toren any day. Wo hae far qualfied success tor he had heard con- seine time MitterStood.ihatMr.Bal siderible coniplaint. rather tali- lantine centerepiatttg . resgning.: ored; the CorlioratiOn'-doing.the, WWI itself ' • • , • • . . .Robert McMurray Of Bayfield. • The ',Mayor thought list -year's -see. has. been appointed „fishrf:overser for •Huton•with 'jurisdiction over the vice :had been fairly' good. • If • ihe coast line •from Kincardine to Graed eetincil took Over the . work it would . Bend,- The pont is Worth $150 a year. have to sink a well and buy in This appointitient -dme as a great: surpriie 'to most people but there is at, bt was.•rather:late the sea son. ' do that now: His worship. took advaninge of the discussion ' to put in a • geed word fer a • ,Water. - works system •wideli he strongly • be- leves it would* pay the town to hi-, stal., It, would give es good the pro... tectten___-aed _ _furnish_ :us with ablin- dace. of water fr. the streets, lawns and dornestie use • where needed, • Councillor ,pttle' instanced Sealer. - where the council furnishes tart. and water, • but 'pays thirty cents an hour for a, snail and ,-teare. • • 0tincillor •Wiltse was of :theloPin- ion: that it is tow ti) tate to make. • any change for ' .season,.., but of Couse' a neW .contract shoiild be Ma- de with Mt, Miller.. . • The amount reecived last. year. by it.' Miller was .' $440 made up' as follows • •• : Council ' ' • $300 • . flusiness Men 140 • • SALE OF STOOK,. Mr. H. PluMsteel has made a sale of three ot his Shorthorn cattle lat- a hull to Robert Lawson ot Col- borne, and a cow each to John Gib - Ulna of town and George Iludie Goderioh township. The latter pa chase was for a third party. N07 YET SETTLED, The Sur:mobil' school ease is not yet settled, but negotiations are in, progress and we hope to be able to announce shortly that a satisfactory arrangement has been' arrived at. Thu new seetion is willing to accept the now disused school and $200 with which to refurnish it,. but we believe No. 4 says We will .eive you. the sch- ool or the 040 awarded -by the arbi- trators, but nothing for furnishins, HOUGH OUP opALIAENGBS; Five cliallenees have already been received for the Hough Cup which has been held by the Clinton. Collegiate for the past three years and there may be inore yet before the season is over. Those now in are freiri Owen Sound, London, Berli, Seaforth and Goderic. Owen Sound Comes on the 6th of May. The Lakesides Bayfield Play the champions a practide game this evenin, A BUSINESS CHANGE. • 1Vir. J. F. Wasman of Bluevale, who, The News -Record said last A CEMENT TANK. The JackSon Mfg. 00., who nave had considerable trouble during the past few months in securing an ade- uate supply of water, have decided to have built a, cement tank with capacity of 125 barrels. Mr. S. J, Andrews has taken the contraet and, heing an expert in work ot this 'Riad, will Inake a good job of it. 13USINESS CHANGE. Mr.' J. G. Seale of the Rattenbury street m-arble works has sold his un- finished stock; etc, to Messrs. Hoov- er 85 Ball of the Clinton marble War, ks and extensive dealers in furniture, Mr. Seale has been in hushiess hero for twelve years and is a capital salesman. He is a hustler for trade and when .he starts out for an .order it is very difficult to evade him. Be goes to St, Thomas where his bro- ther carries on a, marble works. CHANGE OF AbVTS. Men's New Hats -Tozer & Brown- 3 Housecleaning-IVIcKinnon & Co. 4 For Sale -W. J. Falconer...,„ ..... ... 5 For Sae -J. O. Elliott •5 Clothes Cleaning --Mrs, Seward 5 Court of Revision -J. E. Haxnwell...5 Court of Devision-D.L. Macpherson 5 4000 Worth.G. 13, Ballard 14 Bargains -H. Plitinsteel ...... ....... ..„ 1 Interesting Bargaies-liewcombe's.„ 8 Wet Liuens-Hodgens Bros, ... . ... 8 Boys Knickers 29c,4todgens Bros,. 8 A ONE-SIDED JURY. Over a year . ago it, was decided to Lower the grade en what • is known tkc Colborne hill in Goderich to- wnship. The cost was eitimated at $1,100 to be Made up a,efollOws County, $500 , • Clinton 100 Goderich Tp 300 • Colborne - 100 , Private Subs 100 . $1,109 .• , it166-711'Palkstilinchinelitaeisnl),Yeelal rhsi bees' nfoo PaanTiddh ivite9i.t; jrii/keh. ec*i°rants tit let tPtalite dtPI tGaistclerfP:iilevInel yet decided what he will. do. townshiri. under whose &tee - a. splendid blacksmith but it ls tion the -work-'was 'done, exCept Col-. sitde , he Will not cntinue -art the borne against whom a suit was en - trade any longer. tiered:. The case Caine rip on IVIonditY; NEW, APPOINTMENTS; . ' but when the 3ury was pe • • t waS found that 'every one of them was a Mr,, Williatir -Clegg Of Morris- has ,reSident-•-tifstlie.- defeedant -townshp.: been appointed Bee/Ise inspector , for Under these rather -peculia,r "circum North .1-Itiron;• sueceeding John • R. stanei. Judge Holt .would not allow Armes has been mentioned for Partin-, Made up ei men from, other 'muniei- Miller. Mr, Clegg is one of the. best he ease e .to ard, but adjoir rne, knoni. men in that riding and several one month, when :be panties than those immediately , inter-, two HOTEL CHANGES: THE LOCAL MARET. Wheat 95c t� $1.00. Oats 88c to 40e. Barley 40e to 43. Peas 60e to 65c. Butter /14c to 15e. Eggs 12e. Wye Hogs $0.75, 'WESLEY CHURCH. ' • Rev. Mr. Manning addreSSed the children of the congregation every afternoon.t during Easter week anti a couple of afternoono of this week as well. There was a good attendance and the eloquent pastor's talks made a deep Impression upon ,the children, trom the youngest to the oldest pre:. sent. Next Sunday Quarterly services and the Love Feast will tie held in Wesley. church, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Gunne will be in London where he will in the a, m. occupy the pulpit of St, George's church and in the evening that of St. Mathew. • At the evening service in St, Paul's Rev. Dr. Tucker, General Secretary of the MisSionary Society, will speak on behalf of mission. In the morn- ing tire preacher will either be Rev. Mr, Turnbull of Goderich or Rev, Mr. Peritins of Exeter. ' • WON'T GO. WEST. 14 • • • •••••• ••••••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:* •:••;••:••;$ •:" 416•• :••' :4 4:4 It, •t• •••• ••• • ••• • 1,44,00e ••••••••••• ..t.••••••••• • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • --BARGAINS • • • .. In every line we carry we have special values We havitoo many Gouda, y and are bound to reduce our Stock during the next two trionthru EVERY DAY A 'BARGAN DAY. go, X X -DRESS DOODS- All the new Makes at Populat- e:. prices, canny lines at cost and Some less than cost. V• PRINTS, LAWNS andlIUSLINS 2.00 pieces of Print worth 124c at WO tr• Lawns falVcT1ussipte s :. RADV-TO.W.EAR GOODS - Shirt Waists and White Wear .t• at cost to clear, ••,!• :•t GREY AND WHITE COTTONS 4 Flannelettes, Small Wares, La, ,y ales Waterproofs, etc., at wholesale -BOOTS AND ' SHOES..: t. We bindle theegOoda as aside Y line and keep only good reliable )4: goods, made by one of the best ma- .. kers In the trade, and we sell theist less than usually sold by Gib shoe * dealers. READY MADE ct.o.rtittia - I. •ii We have far too many goods in ot. this line and we want to clear out y s,000 or more in the next few weeks y We will give you prices that you *t; can't get ansrwilere else. Pull lines in Suits. Odd Gnats, Veda and. Pants, Pants. Overalls, Smocks, Water- .; proof Cots, eta, .2. ( prleee. • ' • • . 4.• roll Want geed value ter your Wendy ciOute and see u, Al •46, tri I give you better bargains than you can get anywhere else os 41. • „I., )in the 000.. N. ft* 1...4 1,14 Io. 4 *Its •,ir 14 .4, 41 OM .4 w re *4 114, • I am. s 111 H LUM TEEL X -The Old Stand • On Monday two of Out local -hotels changed hids, the -,Ratteributy and the Mason House. Of the. latter Mr, Reuben Graham is again proprietor. After having been engaged in another line 'of 'business for over a year and a half. Previously he was a tenant, but .now he is .the owner and is Starting' off by making :several improvements on the exterior and interior . of the house. ”Ile • is a .pntila,r . landlord. John • Taylor will be wine clerk while John Steep will be in charge a°personal ebleptioh to the. oriel or the stables. Bob and ..it.isjaken for granted 'Mr. A. W. 86,nderberker, the late he will de, justice; to: the position, • • Dr. J..P. Kennedy of Wingha;m, has Mine" -.host, has gone to his • hothe at 'Stratfod but only temper - been appointed' an associate Coroner Rev. W. D. Magee some time since roeived A call from the. Baptist chur- ch in Swan Lake,• Man., Which was in, eery, way a promotion, including a subbtantial increase in salay. Mr. Magee was strongly tenipted to ac cept; but after eareful consideration he has finally decided icy decline the call, much to the satisfaction of the memberg of his Congregations in towe and on. the Base Line, among *hem he has become very popular. for the county of Huron/ e- arily as he 'expects in .a short time It treated --.4that-there-will- additionak- gtioilesbs% aligain iithati,eughaegelidinthe a4ahotel bu- rrilteh - and coroners and that one 01 the number successful eperienee. Ile greWytfutte fond of Clinton and ma;de many Mi. Alex, Robinsn, formerly of the. Colborne 'House, Goderich, is now proprietor of that widely -known hos- telry, . the :Rattenbury House,' arid that • he Will maintain its popularity it is fully expected. He Is a genial man : and a favorite.with ;the travell ing Public. George Tayler eoetinue. to he wine clerk, Mt. • Stanley/ 'Who has 'been. Carty- , nig on the bUsiness Lot thepast eleV en Months, has rented the house late- ly occupied hy Mr. R. Graham arid With his esteeniecl family will contin- ue to reside in 0140ton' for a; few mnths. • will be' Dr Thompson of Clinton, who stands high in the 'profession and ii a popular • citizen •as well, . . ' • . • WOMAN'S INSTITUTE.. ' . The APtit: Meeting of the Clinton Branch of West 'Huron Woman's In- stitute was 'held at the home or Mrs... F.' W. Watts on Thursday lagt. There was .a good attendance, the Membership being doubled, After ' the usual routine of business the subject 'Tare of the Vegetable Garden," led by Mrs. Walter Man- ning, was discussed, The preparation of the soil), proper soil for different veetables, selection of the best seeds an bbst varieties to plant,- de., were .0 Va ly discussed ant brought out ma y ideas that were interesting and instractive and .whieh Would certainly make -gadening more ot a; pleasure than a toil, .. The second paper "Wrnen's Insti- tute meetings; how to Make them in teresting" by Mrs. Jenkins was full eit'good thing, explaining the object ot the meetings, to elevate the stand- ard of home life hi, making.the home more attrotWey the best method of preparing food to be both heakthful and palatble, cleanliness, care and education of ehildren, etc. To make the ineeting interesting attend every Meeting and always matte a point of bringing a Pew mernthr with you, Keep vied order, entet heartily into the discussions, thus giving others the benefit of your sucoesseg or falures. Mrs, Jenkins was tendered a vote of thanks for he very excellent paper which Was much enjoyed by every member. The following Iadies were then ap- pointed a committee to arrange the program for the next sir months .. Mrs, French lVfiss Lily Johnston Ws. F.W,Watte Ms, W. Maiming Mr. G. Lavis Mrs,. T. Johnston Mrs, .1, johns ton Mrs.J4telacherty. Mr, T. Kearns Mrs. ,I; Steep The telt meethig'will be held at the home of Mr. French On'Thutaday May 2.511t, at 2.30 p. tn. Subects, "Canning Fruit" to be taken byMrs. Kearns and "Entertairnent of Com- Ouhy" by Mts. Steep. All ladies ite, terested in the home are cordially in - • Connell -tor Ford, ehaititian of the street committee, asked the opinion of the council on the sidewalk in front of the Notmandie hotel and Cooper's block, Several of the blocks were broken by the fire which destroyed the old ClarenOn. They should be repleed but at whose Rus, the toWn. Or the owner of the property. And again, the walk is too low and should all be raised. Who should pay for doing It ,? Councillor Ford did not give his own, opinion, but asked for the judgment ot the whole couneil. To this the mayor replied that as the case Was !not an urgent one the comtnittee tould investigate and re- port at the 'Juno meeting. The finanee import Was rather long- er than usual, provsion, being made for payment .of Mottday!S election expenses, •• CAmmeillor Ford gave an outline of wrk; which will be gone ahead with by his eominittee, including the grav- elling of Albert street front postoffice to, ,Fair's mill, the grading and ctn. dering 01 Victoria•street from the postoffice to the station, the grading of Gib/Wigs street end gravelling the street from. Catrick's corner to the orportion Iiinit. • Mr. It. A. Downs had intended ak. iftg the council for a grant of 'SOO for the Citizens' Wand, but was call- ed. awaybefore he had an epperturt- ity of .addressing the honorable body. However, the matter will come up at the next meeting and it Is somewhat Clltdeu taken o',0 a matter of °oases that tho 44. d ill be de It 'th ast generously, an w a wi GIOVERNMENTS MAJORITY 81. toonokthpeiveNoritnhwtheestuAusu; toAucandyivisiiioin. cola x aC Oeilitutr nwenass Isausattna aghj whenthethae i0Groary: Of 81. Mr. Lewis ef West Huron voted with the majority. DR. AGNEW RETIRE% ing enAtigs4treyw'inwilaniltaosnbfe:ril• tPhIr ptaisst" fifteen years, has sold to Dr. J. 13. Lundy of Brantford who takes poss- ession in a few days. Dr. Agnew is undecided as to the future, but pur- poses taking -a prospecting trip to the Northwest.• A NARROW ESCAPE. • Mr. D. , Cantelon was on Tuesday attaelced by a 'savae pig, which had become excited hr tb0. presence of a stranger, and only for the assistance promptly rendered would probably have been severely injuted. It was An exciting three minutes - for I '‘D. 0" who doesn't at all want a repetition of the expeience, A BIG PRIM. Last week Messrs, John and Andr, ew Flynn of Goderich township soid a pair -- of geldings for $450. ' The Priee ie big, but the pair were good, six and seven years old; respectively, and with an average weight of 1650 pounds.. Mr, . J. Reynolds also dis posed of his heavy horse, getting the refor Sap. Good horses are the 'rule in that section of IluUctt CLINTON BEAT SEAFORTH. LITTLE LOCALS. • • Next Thursday evening thei R. T. of T. will Conduct a debate t their regular meeting entitled . Resoleed, that • country life is better that. eity Rev. Mr. Graham. of Goderfeheprea- ched in the Ontario ,street; churen fait Sunday, a, m. and evening; hay- teade an exchange With: Rev. DrCook. • .., • , • Mr. R. Fitzsiinons has rented the house formerly occupied and owned 4 the. late 'Henry, Steep. Fitzsimons & Son move into :their neW 'shop in the Tisdall bloelein a feW .days. • BASKETBALL SERIES. • The O.- I. batketball teams have concluded :their series. fd guiles and their standing is as given below. There were five players in eaeli team„ but only the captain's name isgAveri • • :2 § a 0 • C14 • ,r..) • A r.7 .c/10 C. McKinnon 5 0 0 114 34 M. Whiddon 3 1 1 - 42 35 J. Runtball 2 0 , 2.. 43 31 D. OranSton ; 1 1 3 42 44 D. . -Fraser . 1 ' 0 4 .35 , 71 D. McLean 1' 0, 3 .,18 '19 .„ • Last night the Seaferth • checker club tried donclitsions with Clinton, lbot but owweinrge p.sraeotrtey willbadsblydoewf ted as the Clitor, Seaforth Draws Cook • • 1 Calling 2 Hoover 2 . Staples 0 '4 • Grant 1 Broderick ' 1 Snyder 2. Shanahan 2 McKenzie 0 Hays ' 2 '4 Johnson 5 Scott ; 0 1 Holden 4 Kennedy 2. 0 Wilt -se ' 3 I-Iutchison .1 - 2 THE BAPTIST The .Young People's. 'Union of ..the Baptist church held a veryinterest- ing _meeting last Monday night in, ;the: a,uditotiiin of the church. Each quarter a missionary meeting is held, the various missions Of the BaptiSt. denomination heir* taken up in turn:* On Monday night "Grande Ligne Mission" received :attention. * This Mission carries on educational and evangelistic work in the l province and Quebec. By means of a' reading .from, a history ofthe iniasion and an ad- dress on the scope •ofthe work, the origin, development and present con- dition al this important work were put before the meeting in an interest. ing manner. Several ebbice seleetionS of vocal Music, together with recita:- tiong, not only Pleased the hearers, but artitised a geater interest in the/ cense of Missions. The attendance Was good and an excellent offering was made towards the funds of the society.. Rev. W. D. agee will preach next Sunday morning the third of a series of serroons. on the first chapter • of . • Ttir, 13Y -LAW CARRIED. The 'bylaw to loan the Knitting Co. the sum of $6,000 was atrial oit Monday; only 26 votes tieing recorded against it. For obviou8 reasons there is just now a large. absentee • vote mast . of which would have said yea. Thevete in wads stood as follows • For Against #0.000.400.4440.0.4.444 444414444444444.44+04 oodoo, . vitvl ix) become members. ari• -. or • A PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL, • • • 1 THE MOTION RESCINDED. The lieense commissioners of .West • Huron, ;. met : on • ,Saturday :to consider seine three-tranSters.1-• They :also' re:L. seinded their inOtiOn •of a previous meeting in -which they out short. the selling hours.: . The licene• act is rather indefinite. One clause sayS the. commissioners have :such power, but airnest bhp next deelares they hav- ent, 'Even. among lawyers there is a liversity of opinion,so the Vea,ed de - tided It was better .to go hack to... • the olcl hours at least until the GoVe • ernment has had time to .straighten but the act...The. hotellteepers.are,of ecitirse, not sorry that there is not ••• tobe any Change. • , . ' ." AN FORESTER Mr, William Burton of Stapleton is in Ancient Forester, indeed; 'He join. ed the A, G: F. at • his birthplae; Hull Bridge, England, forty-six years ago and has ever since Continued. a. tnernhet. During . all that time •he has only drawn eighteen shillings and • lour penee from the el* benefit fund.; if all -the members had: beep.. as free from sickness and accidents as has , .2 Mt. 13urten, the A. Q. F. reserve feed would now have reached a prodigious !Wire, :though_ a._ it 45, aMounts to a large sum. Mr. Burton's son John is also an Ancient Forester, but his initiation only dates back twenty • years- • DO YOU WANT IIELP ?, Mit J.A0013 TAYLOU, After wen years, service Mr. Jae- ob Taylor has retired front the sup- erintndency of the Ontario street S. S. .1 -le always manifested a deep in- trest in the sehol, itt mahout of it4 and will doubtless iri Som, other ca,p- scity continue to advances,'its welfare. It is a, source of SittiSfaition to Mr. Taylor that on his retirement the school is more prosperous than wbon he took charge of ft. St. Anzlnew's St. John's St, George's St. James' The stearnship Vancouver is eip t- ed to ' arrive at Montreal in it few a.- ys with over. 1000 immigrants • svba are . being brought over nutlet the. auspices of the Salvation Army. If anyone in this district requires help application should. e made' to CaP- tain Boyd of the local Oorpi who Will, if they are required, bring as many, of the newcomers here as possiVe. TI citizens who have articles or fur- niture for which they have no further use, 'such as • chairs, bedsteads, Stove pipes, stoves, ete., and art willing to. help needy immigrants, woeld let the faet be known to the officers of the SalVatfoin Army, a good purpose will be served, What' Omit those old ehaire ionhave stored up intle3 attie and almost forgotten, and the .wood Stove that you ne longer use? OFFICERS OF WESLEY 5. 5, The Sunday sehool committee ot Wesley chureh, etinsisting of the •tea - elms and officers of the schoel and the following representative s appoint. ed 'by the Quarterly /racial boatd Messrs. P. Oantelon, 0. Wallis, las, McMath, 5. T. Mach and 0. Hoare, met in.the °lint& lecture room fast eight .and elected the Sunday Ochool stag for the coming. year Superintendet, A T. Cooper Associate, 'II, E. Rorke Secretary, L.13, Doherty Associate, W. 1.1. Hellyar Treasurer, U. E. Manning Leader of Choir, Miss Manning Organist, Miss Ida, Holmes Teachers, J. 0. Stevenson, a. 3...1.1 Manning, IL E, Rorke, G. Roers, P. Hill, A. J. Tyndall, F. Brown, Miss Washington, Miss Curininghame, Miss Jenkins, Miss DaVisi IVIISS Portr, MisS Cotiper, 'Miss Armstong, Miss, M. Hlmes, Mrs. 13.3. Cantlon, Miss Haddock, Miss Rudd, Miss Ida Hol - ms, Miss Southeombe, • Superintendent of Moine Depart- ment, Miss L. Washington. Associate, Miss Harland. License Inspector Asquith Wg- in town rrda. 78 4 68 11 72 4 93 7 4,...••••4 1.44 • 806 ,26 Not Wu% eau yet be sait about the intentions of the Knitting OemPallY/ but we have been giVen to understand that they will Start making ready tOt building in a few days. The 411e,Stion 01 site Is not yet 'tletided; There appears to be a difference of opinion as to whether the present buildingbe enlarged or a new • one erected up town. ' The litter willprobahly •be decided upon °Wing 'to its greater itc-; cessability. The ratepaydrs having thus shown in no unmistakable manner that ' they are ht favor of progess, The brewa. Record hopes to be able to report In due 8eaSOtt of other eriterprises Whig On fOoti .14 beg 44 man7. • •