HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-27, Page 8Hod ens Bros., Clinton. The Scene Was Changed r4: Tke Clinton Nowa-Rower p OME PRI NG PECIAL.4$ From our Big Carpet Department From a•long list of good things.in our big car- pet Department, we select the following specials. Bigger stocks, more patterns, better Carpet values. we never bad, and we are in a better position this spring than ever before to supply your Carpet needs All Carpets at 50c,per yard or over, cut, made .and laid without extra charge.. Weknow.how to .do it right. Our Special in Unions 45c Heavy Union Carpet reversible, new patern and • color combinations, extra heavy weight, colors guaranteed not to run, made by the best Carpet makers in Can- • n ada, special at per yard Other lines at 80, 85, and 400 • Our Special in Wool Carpets 8.5c This is one of the Carpets on Which we built our reputation for selling goo d carpets. it is extra heavy weight, super two ply, colors guaranteed, will stand no end of .hard wear, many new designs to Select from, extra 85c value at per yard Other Wool Carpets 75c and, $1 Our Special in Tapeatry.Carpets 65c Genuine English Tapestry Carpets, close pile and strong, firm back. a big variety of, new and pleasing desigray a line ice are making a special run on, made and laid at per yard • •Other qualitihs at 40; 50, 75c Our Special in Brussels $t.15. We have other prices ip Brussels Carpets, but this is the line we sell by long odds the most of. It is an extra heavy close pile on a very firra and strong back. Only the best of wool is used, and we show a fine range of new aild handsome patterns, made and laid at per 115 yard . ... . .... Other BrusSeirs paxpete 90c 51 and $1.25 Genuine Scotch LineOletimS • Many new patterns in Scotch Linoleums just 'opened this week in designs you will not see elsewhere. Cloth that is thoronghlyseasoned Which is a guarantee 60c thatit will give excellent :wear, per square yard RUGS • r If you are considering the Bug question we invite you to come and inspect the very large stock we are showing. They are becoming more popular every season, and we are carrying the largest stock that has ever been shown in the county. Wrappers 65C Regular $i A bargain'in Wrappers for Saturday.' Just 14 in the lot. Each worth a d011ar bill and good value for that money. Saturday we sell them for 65c. Good patterns, white figures on red or blue groimdi. A good place To buy Curtains This is a good Curtain store. Stocks are, from . . the best makers in England and Switzerland; 'pat- terns are new, there is a big variety to choose fronl,.. and values are very much in your Casey.* Here are three specials. -Of . course we lia.ve lots of better Lace Curtains' $i.00' Half a dozen good patterns at this -popular priee, All si yards long and from 54 to 00 inches in •width. New ' • designs, nice laey effects, suitable for any room, very nn special as per pair • • . . , . _ ' oUU Lace Curtains $1.50. • • ' Several patterns at this price,: every one a seeciaL Hand. some new designs instrong firin het all lock stitch edge very special, at per pair t50 Lace Curtains $2.25 Half a dozen patterns in handsome Nottingham Lace Curtains at this price The newest designs on the market, suitable for any room, . Strong net that will give satisfactory wear. all three and a half yards long ein and full width, special at per pair, ...........,........ HandsomeCoats Some special handsome Raincoats' are among this week's arrivals. Garments Made in the latest New York styles, from English Showerproof Cloth. Not more than One or two garments of any kind. $1o, 01 2 alid $/5 Millinery Novelties Always soinething new in the Showroom. Every week sees new stock arriving. It does not take long for novelties and new styles to find their way here. This week we are shout ing new American Flowers direct from New York, and some very sty- lish Straw Shapes, Come and see them. atteemailiessomoostiieweraneresaloommasaminonOes•aomasiasolano pry Coo& Clinton .4.9..1191,11•10., —at a small expense by the use- -of our Wall Paper on the room,- -It made it clean awl bright, a- -freshness that nothing else eo- -uld give it. NiNver before i'laVe- -Mr# had so large an 0,assartme —at, so clean a stock, In price— , —they are what we alWays try— ' -to have said by knowing pen- -Plc about all our goods, viz, in- -keeping la all' eases with the- -,quality, as low as we lino*, —how to make them and oo —honest, just a fair prodt is- -what we want and must have..--, --Ali other price advantages, go- -'to our customers. They please— • —most people in an respecta., —;Wonder if they wont please— , • Agents Parker's Dye Works. • ' Wo B1 Fair Go • Often the Cheapest, Always the Best . 4111:01§1 1=i . „1••••.r fiourssatalustittnit, gar 0 ... Among those who came home for Easter were,: 0, Olson., Woodstock.• Walter Ker, Goderich. Fred. Chant, Aylmer. Bert Sage, Stratford. Fred. Dowser, London.. • Edgar East, Woodstock. • Victor Barr, Stratford. Wiiliam Foster, Preston. Lew Doherty, Stratford. .„ . William Ladd, Stratford. Mike Graelis,. Werodstack, • W. G. Moffatt, Stratford. Samuel Kenip, . Stratford.; Wilhiam Kemp, Stratford. ' • . • Fred. Stevenson, •Londan. Wilfrid otevensen, • London, Stewart SeYrimbr, London. George Cooper, Woodstock. •Will. Ratteabury, Woodstoek. • .VVIlligni King, Niagara, Falla: Mr: and Mrs. Erse Jackson, Lon - den Mr. and Mrs, Fredt'.pooper; Strat=, Dr. W. , Gunn was in Goderieh on 1VIonday, ' The Misses Fianishere visited London on Monday. • - • Miss Lottie Johnstone 'returned from London.. • Mr: W. D. Fair was Toronto.from Tuesday to Thursday: Mrs. John Wigging/ten visited' her 7 • dauglvter near Fullerton during Ea Miss Minta Ballard of Listower •the..guest of Mr. and :Mrs. G. 'B . Ballard. ' • • 1VIessrs.. J. W. Contba, J Constantin and Alexander spent .Eastertide Toronto... • , • • ' • Miss •Treva, Ennnersonbf Bervie has been the guest Of Miss Mollie ciu • this Week. • . • Mr. D.. Graliain of Inglewood,' ()tle Of the, electric light plant; Was in town last week • • Mr. and Mrs, -Albert Mellrien •and Miss Olive• of Ilegsall spent Sunday With Clinton friends: Mr. W. McTaggart, Toronto, was the • guest on Good Friday of his moth er, 'Mrs, McTaggart -Sr. Miss Frances Manning -returned :on • Tuesday from Uxbridge where she filled 'an errgagerneat as. soloist: - Miss -Burk of St. Thomas spent Eas- n' • e t. April III* ties Oreat Vaines It: .„ Carpets and. H HOtisfur01131ilitig• • • • During April. at* May. • • Without doubt, the values we have in CARPETS this spring are by far the best we have ever had. We are anxions to make this department one of the best In the store, and with this end in view have marked our stock Much iower than any previous season. All our Carpets were purchased before the big advance in the pike of wOol, and, white our stock remains, you can buy the best qualities for less money than others ask. lbe Wool Carpet at 1$e 30 inch wideall Pure Wool Carpet, good; heavy quality, reversible pattern, all warranted fast colors, Regular 75c Carpets to go dur- ing- our Spring Sale at• „., ...... .. . „. „ tle Wool Carpet at 79e This is the very heaviest 2 -ply Wool Carpet, elegant designs, good fast colors and guaranteed to give- satisfactory wear. Regular 00c Carpet ........ . , • •11,11..••• .. ; e ............ ... , ... 6.66 • .... 66, r Hest 3 Ply Carpet at 93e This is really the best Carpet Bargain the store has ever given. This quality of three-ply carpet we are selling at 03e is sold all over the county at $1.00 to 61.25 per yard. It is made of the best yarn and thoroughly scoured before making. It comes in reversible patterns and will give many years -wear. Special • for our Spring Carpet Sale, at . ..... ... Of .1••••• Best 50c Union Carpet 44c 80 inch wide extra heavy quality of (inion Carpet good assortment of colors, reversible patterns and sold everywhere at 50c. Our Spring 'Carpet Sale price 0-10.44. 4.•*• • •I 0,0019 .. se. .... • ... • • tI Oe 46•••••• •• 60c TapeRtry Carpet at 49c 400 yards of 27 inch wide Tapestry Carpets in a fine range of new de- signs These are all extra good qualities that will give satisfactory wear. Regular 60c Carpets to go during our Spring sale at........ 15c and 35c Tapestry Carpets at 690 500 yards of the very best 75e and 85c 'X'apestry Carpets in a wide range • of patterns, good firm makes that will stand the wear, Regular 75e and 85c, Spring Sale Price....... .... $111almoral Brussels Carpet 190 200 yards. of the best Balmeral Brussels Carpet in assorted' colors and Spring Carpet Sale at designs, extra heavy quality and regular .$1 value Lo go during • • " 60c Tapestry Stair Carpets at 88c. 456, 64 46 "33c 63c 79c 93c 44c 49c 69c • 79c •Tapestry and Wool Carpet Squares . For this spring Carpet Business we have added a very large assortment . of Tapestry and Wool Carpet Squares. • These we will sell at prices • much lower than you will find elsewhere. ' $8. Tapestry ilugs at. $5.75 8 only Tapestry Squares, size 2x8 yards, extra heavy qaaliny, all good • colors,. This rug is regularS8.00 value, but we cleared out the lot aten &price that enables us to sell them. at • . . . if • • . Tapestry Squaresat 50, $10, 512, etc.. • . ‘ $7.50, $8 to $12. Wool • '• • • • •• LinOleums • • • The very best quality of 4 yd wide'Linoleums at'per square yd i13, 50c and OOc 2:ya,rel•wide Linoleuins at 95c 51 and $1.15 for running yd Oilcloths 25c • rig, yd, . • • • hite'Lawn 'Waists atlialf Price 'We have placed on a table all the white—LaWn Waists, carried over • from last year, and; while they last, you can have your choice at EXACTLY HALF PRICE. 51.00 Waists at ..... ..50c • $2 00 Waists at. , ... . . „$L00, • .. ........ 63c • $1.50 " • ' • 75c .1.0c; 15e to 20c Embroideries (several hundred yards to choose from) at 50 • RAIN COATS at. Et, gig. Saying.'in Price , $6,50 to $8.50 Rama eoats• at $3..00 • Your choice of about One dozen fawn and grey three.qua.rter and full el fie length:Rain Coats, that were 56.50 to $8 •50, to elea.r at • Lace Ourfains at a Saving in Price.. Just now, when you need new Lace Curtaips to brighten. up the home, we make it possible for you to buy them at a saving in prices. These Curtains are of the best Nottingham make, and are warranted to give good wear. 25e Lace Curtains at 190 50 pairs of Lace Curtains, 24 yards long,, taped edges, neat designs, regular 25e value, at .. . .. .. ... 85c Curtains, at 750 • $1.25 •Curtains, .. .00 $1.59 Special Lace Curtains at $1.15 19c 25 -pairs of 8 1-2 yards long Lame Curtains, bound. all arout.d, to very. pretty patterns to choose from, this Ourtain is sold in other ei towns, at $1.50, special at.. „ .. *. ... Is 4.• 1 Values at $;t4e, $2,250 $2,500 $2.95. etc.. At the above prices we have the best values ever shown by this store, All come in very dainty patterns. ' • Bobbinet Frilled Curtain Aluslius In a fine range of designs; prices 20C, 2C, 30e, 350, 400 to 6oc, 16c, 18c, 20, 22c Art Alusiins at 12ie Your choice of about 800yards of Art Muslins and Sateens, in a fine range of colors and designs, to go on Sale Friday, at . .. . 12c • I • • • • • for Frklay and Saturday. 0.C:Tarie:.:9101.1p..Coi*t....at 35C::• ..;.-.0n..Friday:Morning :We we . place on sale 150 pairS..rnereof ticitiSe...10c:Tape Girdle Corsets'at.,.;,.•••••••-:...10. , . . . . • All 'Sizes in Stock.• • . • . .rOutt MONET 111101f,• 111' YOT.1 WANT . °LINTON :ew }Iats • :• . • • Tho Beste • . • Ward and • Watson's • Bankrupt Stoc • . ;•Personal. Among the teachers Who, are spend- ing their Easter ,,holidays at 'thein. home' in town are • ' ‘Norman Murch; Blyth. Miss • Chidley, Niagara. • , • Oscar. Rogers, Wingham. • . 1Vliss Minnie Ker; Morris. • Gorden Manning, Wingham. Miss Lillian Agnew, Walton: • Miss . Jessie Wiseman, Wellesley.' ••Miss' Olive Ilelyar and Miss • Daisy • Doherty. •• Mr. Dick Elliott, Bayneld,c•• was in Clinton on Sa,turdaY. ittajor Dadley Holmes of. Wingham was in town on Tuesday. • , kr.' Oswald Hunt' oFLondon-'• spent • Easter. With his father, •Mr. . IL ter as the guast of her sister, Miss Burk of the • millinery staff at the• , Palace* • , • • Miss Lela Homier and Mr. and Mrs.- . W. Glen Campbell Will attend the Paderewski concert in London on Thursday evetling. • Mr. Lester Whitely, lateol the. tea- ching staff of the 'at, Timm Obi, • legiate, is spending his •holidays 'with his sister in town. The Misses Atsell of Carrick, Bruce county, who had* been- the guests of Mrs: J. J. McCaughey for •a few: days, returned home on, Tnesday. Mr. Robert Walsh , of the London po- stoffice staff has been the . guest ot his :brother -in -la*, Mr. Peter Lew- • is of the Hotel Normandie this wdek. • Mr. W. Mena Campbell spent Sunday' in. Aylmer with his Mother, Mrs. J. • Gordon Campbell. The •orgar,, in. Willis church was taken by Mrs. Campbell. • •• ••• • Me. and • Mrs. James Eagleson and Master Wilber of Goderich • eatne down 'Friday a. tn. .to spend the day with the Ker iaxn1lies. • Wilber re- mained until Monday. . • Miss Celestine Lewis and Master Wil frill, who are being educated in the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Lon- • don, are spending this week with • their father, Mr. Peter Lewis', •Mi. and Mrs. T. C. 1VIeElroy of St. George and their two handsome • boys, Bert and Earl, visited Clin- ton friends on Thursday last on their way to spend the Baster Sea- • son at their old home III Myth. John Scruton spent from Friday until Tuesday at Vienna, Elgin • county, his birtliplaee and where • he spent his youth, Many changes have taken place since thee, hut it • Afforded the genial John rnuoh pleat sure to go over the old playgroun- ds again. • titr, lien. 11. Townsend, lately pro- prlotor of the Wroxeter Star, • was in town Monday on his way to • Cioderieh where he has accepted a situation, Mr; TOwnsend has been in the newspaper work for several years, tor some time as editor and proprietor of the Durham Review. He understiola the busineas • Ilaw's Celebrated Black Stiff . Hats, in the' up-to-date sty- , • le, . sold everywhere at $3, our sale price • .• $1.50 $2:5() English Stiff Mrs. A. .T.‘"viieheli and children of Rennall spent Easter with frient.ds in. Ilats_,for $1.25 • .• . • Mrs. Fair Sr. spent •Easier- with Union Best English Stiff Hats. • color guaranteed, latest le, in black andbrown, regu- lar $2.50 hat for $1.25 $3.00• English Soft Hats $1,50 • Made by best English and Am- erican .makers itt the very la- . test and uP"-to-date styles, in snuff brown, golden brown, • greys and blacks, regular $8.00 for •$1.50 $1,50,Stiff and Soft Hats for 75c Several styles to ehoosel from • all new and up-to-date, your • choice for• . 75e • $1 Soft and Stiff flats for 50c Men's Color Sox 25 doz. fancy stripe and em- • broidered • Mon's Half Hose, sizes 10, 10i and 11., regu • lar 50e for 26 Oig Bron • her daughter, Mrs, • (Pr,) 'Campbell • of Detroit.' •• Mr, William. Cantelon spent Good I. •' Friday with his daughter, Mrs, J. ,I. Brooks of 'Mitchell. ••• Mr. and Mrs. •E. J. Cantelon visited MrS.• J. Pi, Brooks of Mitchell from Saturday until Monday.. • •• • Miss Kathleen Stanley returned • last Week from St. Joseph's pouvent, , London, for the Easter holidays. Mrs, ,William Grigg aud Mrs. A. J. • Grigg and. little Miss ilelen Were Easter •gcests of. St. Thomas fri- ' ends, ••• Mrs. J. J. McCaughey lett on 'rues• -, day to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs, Pi Cummings of • Wal- kerton. • Mr, 'George •Railton of Petrolea, an Old -tithe resident of Clint' on was the guest of the Misses Mountcastle this week, Mr. Oha,rlie Tisdall, cadet of the. Roy -4, ttl Military College, , Kingston, was home for the vacation, returning to kingaton. on Tuesday. Mr. , Sani'l Rogers of Mt. Forest re- tnened home /Woodsy after visiting • for several days Mr. D. Cantclon and other friends in .Clinton. Mr. J. W. Bell of Myth was in town mi his way home after spending Bei -- star with his daughter in Goderich. • Mr. Bell is very loyal to Blyth and rather retaliates if any doubt is expressed as to its future pros- • verity, Itrir. and Mrs, E. iCetnp and their son, Mr. 'G. F.• Xemp of London, spent • from Friday until 1VIonday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. 5. Keznp. We we - to all pleased to see Mr. and • Mrs. Kemp, and .Boge, too, looking so Well.' Mr. xenip is one of those active men upon whom • time makes but little. 111(11)001m .11140100111 oeigaamo • 'Clothes that is extra good value. At this popular .... Suitfor $10.• For a ten dollar bill:we will sell you a Suit of price. we have always aimed to have the best values to behad in the market. This spring vve have ex- celled ourselves discountitrig any past values, and are selling Suits at iii/o.00 that for style, for fit, for down -right good value and good wearing qualities,. are away ahead of any we have ever shown. Tweed Suits S10, Suits made from good quality pure wool Tweeds, a very large range of patterns of the most fashionable shades In brown, grey, eta first clitss linings used throughout, well tailored and perfect fitting, serge sults vot very 00 special valtie at each ... ...6 V. .6 Y• •ei. 6 6 •• "et e• Snits made horn pure wool 'Worsted Sergps, it material - that makes a very dressy Suit and gives excellent wear, Welt or navy Mae, lined throughout with good linings, well made, will retain their shape and ehi ft flfl color, very special at eit, UU A Suit at • A Suit for a little less money, if you do not dare to pay the full • 310. Not quite as good, but the wit (pito so expensive. -Suits made from wool Tweeds, . a good line of new pat- tertia, well lined And earefully made, perfect in fit, An • spaciaIa5 e4oh.,.. 6 01,16 VOO.e.Of . • . ib..111,6e,11111,4•P4 WWI/ iiodgens Brosi Clinton. 4•404, amoil 6