HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-27, Page 4▪ 4 The Ne CLINTO N. s -Record ONT. Terme of subseriptiou—$1 per year in advance $1.50 may be charged if eo paid. Na paper discontitated until all arreare are paid, unlekis at tb.e opinion of the publisher. The date do which eVery subscription is Paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates — Trensient adver- tisentents, 10 cents per„ aonparlei for first inseetion and 3vents pa line for each subsequeat insert - fee, Small advertisements not to exceed one inclsuch as "Lost," "Strayed," or `,'Stoleit," etc, in- serted once or35 cents and exult subsequent insertion 10 cents. Communicatione intended for publics - tient must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accoMpanied by the name O f the writer. W. J. 1ITC1-IELL, gIUtQr and Proprietor. IM10,001•1•101•11.11•11 Mrs. Woods (nee Miss Annie Beat- ty) of Listewel spent Easter under the parental roOl. Itlise Tete spent Easter with Goder- lob friends. Miss BoXie and Master Willie Pal- mer of Goderich are .Asiting Varea friends. Mrs. Collins of Ripley is Visitine her sister, Mrs, 0, Logan. Miss Maggie Reid of Brucefield ep: ent Sunday under the parentel roof. Miss Alice Carr spent Easter with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. T. Carr , of 13rucefield. . 'Dhe many friends of Mr.J. Arm- strong, late of Varna, will be sear) to hear he has had a paralytio sire oke. St. John's English thurch was' han- dsomely decorated, with plants and baguets on Sunday evening.. This gives great praise teethe ladies. Miss A. J. Keyes sPent Waster at her sister's, Mrs. S. C. Rathwell's of Gerrie. She was accompanied by her little ni•ece, Miss Mary. Rathwell. Hohnesville. Mrs. T. G. Holmes and daughter, Miss Estelle, of Fort Waine, Detroit, spent the holidays as tne guests ' o. Mrs. Holmes. • • Missk, Tessie CroOles spent a few days with Goderich friends,' • Mr. W. Stanley, nisited sou in Toronto last week, ' Mrs. A. J. Courtiee and Mes. Cotir tice visited friends in Lo•ndon. Miss Susie Acheson epent Sunda) wItti'her friend, Miss idallolmes, Ot Miss Mabel Pickard and Ifkother Albert were the guests. of • then grand 'mother, Mrs. T., 0, pickarue Londorx, late week. • „ Mrs. H. R, -Forster.- of Markham A" sited her parents, Me, and blee....1, Yeo. Mr. Harvey Mulhellancl of Goderiel. spent Sunday at holm. •• Quarterly services will b'e ;held h. the Methodist church Sunday.tie official board Will meet ...1VIoncia,y erting at the pante:age, • Huron 'Road, East. Mr. John Layton of London is spa, ding his Easter vacation with frieme, here. • . Mr. W. C. Lafideborotigh arrivet., . home on Thursday Mit 'from a Pros: pecting tour through to the ?spine Ceast and in the West.' A : number of our peofile: tot& • in the Spring Show. in. Bruceneld• , On Good Friday, • . • Miss Phoebe Jennieori of Loadoii. was the guest dheing: Easter at- het, . old home here. She Wasi sec:On-wanted' by her friend, Miss 'dreg. Mr, Chas. Giblungs was in Loadon Good Friday. • • • Mrs. Robt. Lawson of Colborne to- wnship has been •the guest •the past week of her mother, Mrs. Ed. Johns.; Mr. John White has the Material on the ground for: a stone foUridt. tion to his barn. Mr. ie. • Hill • of Clinton has the contratt Ler the nue - on work. . • Mr. and Mrs. Pelletsof Mxflyank sperft &fridaywith the lady's stiff; Mr. J. G. Crich. Mr. Addison Johns is " Easter week with hiS sister, Miss bi- la Johns near .Snallonr Lake in :Gre). nounty.• - • • • The vete taken in Turner's; ohureh on Sunfday as to whether they Would engage a .younig man for the etoming conference , year or unite with the First Methodist. church, Clinton, Wee unanimously in favor el the latter proposition. • • • • Squire Biggins ofElmhurst Stock Pam has sold on q ot this shorthorns, Fancy's Pride, to, Mr. John Coultes of Bel/gave. The price paidl was a handsome one, as usital t . St. Helens, *Misses Mabel and Flora and Mas- ser Tommy IVIandoriald, frorn Wing, ham are Visiting at • their grand- father's, Mr, ithoe. Todd's. Mr. Leslie of Eramosa is visiting at Mr. David Todd's Sr, . Messrs. Hugh IVIacdonald, Stewart Miller and the Misses M. Clark,'. M. Rutherford and Lizzie Rutherford of the Goderich Collegiate Institute are home for their Easter holidaas. Quite a liternibter around here are1 through seeding. Quite a number of the little folks attended the hiirthday party of Miss Pearl Todd on Saturday. 114rs. Bronsconill and her daughter, Mrs. Abell, from Cargill visited friends around here last Week, Mr. John Lowell, Miss Lowell and Mr. Harvey Anderson from LuckneW visited at Mr. M. Buchanan's last Sunday.' Miss Marlette( Johnson is staying with her eister, Mrs. Robinson Woods, if yee See it in The NOWS.Record it'S • Auburn. Mr. A. J. Holloway and Mr. SAL Ball of Clinton were ifti the village on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Kennedy of Myth is to preach in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning, ReV. ;Mr. Sm- elt taking chargoat the Nile. ° Rev. Mr. oupland went to Brussels to give an address last Monday even- ing. MISS YnteS Of Goderieh was the guest of the Misses Blair last week. Mr. N. Beaver of Crediton is the guot of Mr. Younghlut. M. and Mrs. R. Jones, also Mr. Wm. lielwig and Miss M. Robinsen of GoderielpStinclayed at Mr. .0. Helwig's, Mr, Heeliert Coupland of Belmore spent a fen/days last week at his uncle* Rev. T. Coupland's, Mrs. Small left last week for Tor. onto where she intends to reside, Mrs. (Dr.) Standielf and son Bev. pricy are visiting at Guelph.. The cantata given in the Freshener- = church last Tuesday evening pro., ved r a gsand success; The proceeds 'amounted to $26.90. , Seven teams started to work on the .0,?. R. last week and more tea , - ms and men are wanted. Two, teams came out from, Blyth the latter end of the week., but they went • back again the begenning of this week. The Missce Maedougal of .11elton are tire guests of tneir sister, Mrs. Macdonald, as is also Miss Caldwell. Mr. John Walden felt off a wagon one day recently and 'disloceeed shoulder. He is. now going eactund with his 'arm in a -sling. , Mr, A, E. 1Vetherald has been ere eaged to teach sebool in ,plane of Mr, Morrish" at Westfield, till the summer holidays. He commences about the middle of May. • ' Gearge Beadle Sr. left 1•ast Monday for 1VIenesetung Park . where he has secured a. job for the seinmer. Mr. W. Henry of Godertch wag the guest of Miss C, Lawlor last Men - day. . Mr. and 'Ws. Robinson of Gaherl- eh Suralayed at the latter's inether's, Mrs. W, Youngblut's. The News -Record gives the news of Auburn.. .• • GOderiell Township.'.. ildise Celia Jarvis left on Tuesday for the West and. will On her arrival Winnipeg, if not before,. enter - the matrimonial state. Tive.hanfiy man .is well • known in tide toWriship , and the numerous friends • will be wishing him mech. joy: We refer to 1),,Ir. Thomas Holland, 'sot of the ista j'epthe Holland. ' Mr:. John. Perdue has gene to Ful- lerton. to assist Mr Alex. • Elliott who is there, hirsY On stone • Mason coirtracts .”Mr. ',William Ctiiine has .11,OUght Hereford .bull, -• twelve months old, feem the celebrated herd of W.: Elle tott& Son... It is a fine animal and cost Mr.. Currie a pretty penny. • Vire, 'E. Davidson; •whe has spent; seVeral ',months ep'ast- with her broth - m,; Mr. W. Currie,' leaves next :week for her, home fe 'Sanilic county, Mt-, ebigan.' • . . 'Mt, James Johnstone of the Bolin. ld. ;Eine lost his best horse , 'sleet • week Iiolvako W. Miller of this township, Wiley has been teaching; e at Deilearsts, Algona, for the past cou- ple of years, has resigned his positi.a on and is new studying it The Furse Business College of Sault Ste. Marie, -Howard is perselvering and plucky eti is bound to go - •ahead. ' KiPPen• ' Mr. G. Penfound, wife' and Child, of Oil Springs visited his parents, • , Mr, and Mrs. H. PenfoUnd, . here. They all spent Easter with the latter's daughter,. Mrs. Bates, in :Godernah. • Misses Moffatt, Ricker and MeCly- moht ef London 'arrived home for EaSter. • lgiSs Lottie Grassick, who is teach- ing near. Dundalk, and Miss Hattie Cameron; who is teaching iie• Lakelet, are spending the- vacation' with their Parents here: Miss Cameron is ac- companied by her. friend, Miss . Bush- fleld Mr. AleX. IVIcNevin of the SOVereign, bark has returned .to Arvinston after • • speeding three eeke at his home • Mr. William' Armstrong; 'who learn- ed his trade. vrith Mr. T: IViellis, and thinks there is no plat* like Kippen, spent Easter with his many friends. Mrs, Alden Jones and children of London are spending the Easter holi- days in the home 'Of Mr, John Jones; her father-in-law. . 'The Misses Dinsdale of Parkhill are Visiting friends in this Activity, After a. fairly successful whiter the Staeley Literary Society' held an entertainment last Friday night. The night was pleasant, the attendanne fairly large and the program very good so that a pleasant evening was spent. Reeeipts were sixteen dollars; A closing meeting is to. be held this Friday evening. On t* 14th hist Mr. Jan McNeVin of kippen died. Be was pine of the best known and highly respected far- mers and millers in South Huron. For a large number of years he was one of the leading, officials of St., Andr- ew's church. The funeral on Sunday afternoon Was very large, there be- ing about two hundred rigs in • the, prooession. The Rev. MeL. Smith of Hensall tonducted the religious services and the Maack:fie rites woe conducted • by the Hawaii lodge, ass- isted by Masons from Clintoil and Seafortb, The 'pallbearers were Mes- srs. W. MelCay, D, Ewen, G. C. Petty, J, Weismiller and J. Stagy, His brothers, Donald, of Dungannoti, Alex. so Angus of God - Mich and his sisters, Mo. Nevins, Goderich, Mrs. Fowler, St, Augus- tine, aiid MO. Hiehleirk of Ilettsallt With most of their wives Joel hus- bands, Were present. Besides these there remains to Mourn their loss ith aged father of Dungannon, a avife and four sons aild two dattfOterft. The G hit. News4tocord Hullett Township. Mrs. Robert Drov.'n visited Godela ich friends daring the holidays Mr. Beery Freeman sold a bull to Mr. Shepherd Dale for a good figure. Mr: A. J. Cantelon of Goder- ich township and sister Linda visited friends in Willett on Sun lay last. Miss Salina Glazier is %pending .her holidays visiting friends in. this vicinity. Mr, Thomas' Glazier and. sister, Mrs. J. V. Parke, and 4no1her Albert also Mr. Mawson Of London attended the funeral of the late Thonsas Tre- tiller on Thursday last. Mr. Jolla F. Dale bought a driver from Mr. Luc Peacock, Mr. Peter Glazier has moved in wi- th his fatber-indaw, Mr, Henry Cook. The following is the standing of the Pupa's of S. S. No. 2, Hullett, for the present term. JO pupils were pro- moted nth c1asse4Sadie East. 4th Sr.—Adeline Glew, Mabel Bro. wn, Teddy Weir; Annie Challenger, Jennie Brown, Anthony VanEgmond, Frank Tyndall. 4th Jr.—Ray Ford, James McNeil, Arthur CoIclough, Grant Archer, Fred. Tyndall, Cyril Hoare, Stanley Challenger, Myrtle Tipiady, Howard Farquhar, 3rd Jr.-ellella Mann, George Mann, 'John McNeil. 3r4 Jr.—Bell Farquhar, Willie Mil- ler, Bessie Brown, Mamie Churchill, Wilbert Lockwood, -Wilfred Farquhar, Cltester Farquhar, jean 'Mason, 2nd Sre—011ie Churchill, Frank Churchill, May Colelough, Mamie Mann, Lois Challenger, Mary. Tye- dall, Robert Brown, Samuel Mown, Charles Lockwood, lVferion McNeil, Roy Lockwood, 2nd Jr.—Austin Hoare, Norman East. 1st clase—Roy Tyndall, Leoaard Mason, Merlin Mason, John Mann, Carman Hoaee, Fergus VanEgneoad, Henry Glew, Pearl Farquhar, Luella Churchill, Edith Lockwoed, . Average attendance for April 47,— Thos. Murcif, J oaener. • • • Brucefield. Mr. *Chas. Sewers of the . Western Medical College,London, spent Eas:- ter at his lionie ,here. • • Mr. and Mrs. George Forest of Lo- ndon called on their many friends he- re last week. • Miss Midget Sir.clair holidayed. wi- th her cousin,. IVIiss , • MissKato Hart of Zurich visited at bonne thisl week. ' The many friends of Mre; John AN- eithead 'of the Londen Road Were sh- Cocked to hear . of ter Sudden death oatureday 1x -Mayor R. iiro•ell'. 0.f Lo•neo-on, • tended the funeral of Mrs. Aileenead. ,.on1;4..S.a.jtuardidayu.it• teebe. of the i',.•3,ank 'el Hamilton staff, Gorrie, spent Easter tide at his .heme. . • Mr. Will ,Baird Of Toronto is home for Easter: ' rhe Sprieg Fair held here 'on Fri- day was net nearly so well :attended. not was there as good a Show, Of animals as other yea;rs.... Mr.- Wm.. Dixon, of Exeter spent Good Friday 'in our village, . 1Vfia; Taylor of London is Abe guest of 1Wrs. Jack Sniner. • Mr. Ed. Caldwell left for •the Welt; 011 tnesday, Mr. A. • Aileenhead .of :the • Medial College, London, .is home for his. no- p.oTivoihrrei.y.le:ny _friends of Mr.. Chas. Mae! son will.;be sprir to hear he is very umball ef ; Clinton held • auction . sale of jewellery intown last -Week.. • • . .„ Miss Margaret McTavish is spending few 'Weeks 'with' her sister, Aire. McMillan Of Shakespeare. • .- JL Blyth. Mr. Thee, McElroy, wife and family Of St. George spent their Easter ho- lidays with frierals. here, • , - Mr. B.. H. Townsend, who has been working'in the Standard office for the past six months, left here. on, Monday. to take a sit in a print shop at Goderiolf. • , Our townsman; Mi. •James Handl- *tour has carpenters engaged putting another storey to Ids el:ft-thee On Ditieley street.. . • .Mr—IVIoNally is husfe converting the old Temperance hall, which he pur- chased a, short time ago, into twO residences. ' They will be Constructed of cement blocks. , The railroad men have got their steam shovel into place on James Cummings' farm and commenced op- erations with it on Tuesday. On Tuesday several more men and teams. arrived at this sta,tion from. Niagara' to work on the obstruction of the.C. PA • The boys don't like the idea of not being able to,get their night caps aft- er 9 eYeloek, the new license regula- tions requiring that the bar -rooms M villages shall be Closed at that hour. Our fire company and engine were out for a little practice on Tuesday evening, The contractors for the C. P. R.are getting everything into shape for the commencement of Operations, The 48 - ton steam shovel is on its way from the Greed Trunk yard to the west side of 'the village, A beWling club has been organized hi Blyth with the following officers z President, Mr. fl, B, 1VIcKinuon Vice, Iteeve.A. W. Sloan See. -treasurer, Dr. J. 0, .Litidgity • Chaplain, Rev. J, Edmonds CoMmittee, Messrs. Alex: Elder, Prank IVIetealf, James 1VIelVitirchie and Dr. G. .Long. - A syndicate composed of Reeve J, E. ERIS and IVIesere, W, P. Hallehan and Fred. Rath of East Waweinesh and Messrs, J. l. Bennett and 'Wm, Johnston of Blyth to he knowa as the Myth Percheron association, have purchased a Perchertallien item Mr, E, Met x of Homewood, Illinois, one Of the largest importers of Free - eh 00011 horsed in ArneriCea -r-- <, Stanley Township. Miss Cora Rathwell of °octant township is spending this 'week with her friend, Alirai Edith Rithwell. Miss Jennison is Spending her Eas- ter holidays at her home near the Grand Bead. Miss Mary Dowson spent Sunday under the parental. roof. IVIrs. Win. Foster of the Parr Line and Mrs. Win, Dowson are spenalittg the Easter holidays in London. ' Mr. Will. Harrison, accompanied by his sisters, the Misses Harrison uf Goderieh township, visited at the ho- ine of Mr, Wm. Rathwell one mining recently. , Misses' Clara and Edith Spackman have one to London where they have soured positions. 1Wies IVIinnie 'Webster of the Part Line visited at Mr. James Reid's one Mn. da.WY .reScetnaittll•yei of Ilohnesville paid a, flying visit to friends here this wLerk; Valentine Wilde has very much improved the appea,ranee of his farm by the erection of a. new wire fence. The Misses Clara and Edith Spack- man left last Monday for London where they have secured a position in the biscuit factory. Mr, John Macdonald has purchased a very handsome young driver for wh- ich he paid a good figure. Miss Haste Armstrong of Blyth sperunag the Easter, holidays at hen. nom° on the Brownson Line, • 'Miss 1Vlianie Pe,thale of Bosancruet is this week under the parental roof. Miss McCarty of Dutton is the gue- st of Mr. Chas. Johnston, What might have been a serious a,c- eident happened to a young math from near Varna one everting last week: After seeing his hest girl home and returning in the we safe hours he somehow. got his feet entangled in Onit•"Of the wheels, but With the ex- ception .of a Severe shaking up and a pair of torn pants be 'got off safely, Miss Hannah Penhale with her cou- sin, IVIiss Leete, Penliale of St. Thcim- • 'as, are spending their holidays at the former's 'parents on the BrOwneon Line, en the Salable Line, , • 'days this week visiting ' Wads , • 1VIr. Dan. Speaeer of -Toronto Spent• a few ' Mr. 1Wasop, Who shipped a ofhose, to Moosdmin a 'short • time eko, returned laSt weel and will -pro- bably buy. a- farm in this locality. Mrs, Chas, Johnston, after spend-• ing last week Visiting :friends, on the Goshen, returned to her hoine on Monday. sfj)a°chknn aW'n. a:. St lsoir '. f, haso rentedteE. n i of y, Mr. Robert pewee. ha,s . engaged Mr, Chris. Parker for the .eniring peeding. Chris, is a hustler. .: - eais Mr. Rolit;Poliale is on the lookout for a new del:Ver..; Bob Wants spree - thing nifty and no: doubt •he willget The annual° Easter . Vestry of • $t. Luke's ,chitrch was held-. :oa Tuesday evening tail). : • . St, Luke's cngreli is 'again the kir- tunate reeipient of a Valuable gift in the form, of a set:of fair linen cloths, for the Communion table. The mater- ial is the best and the Work and ern- niems are of ekeelientequality. The donor is IVIiss Fee to whom the con- gregation a,re grateful .foe the ::gift • which will always he a usetul one. • A GOOD WORK: . John A.' Edgar did a good work la- st' year ingeting boys in Our town to sign a,n agreement not to *list the birds—as a reeint there was no nest -robbing here last season. • En- colraged by it he, has started a bird protection society or this year and has called it "The...Forest Audubon. Society" after the great Naturalist. Aralubon.—,Forest 'Free, Press; • ' When the maid leaVes, suddenly you will find Clark's • CoOked Meats in tins nicer than the ,dinner she .was going to prepare—good and: whole- some. ' Constance. Mrs. J. Clark arid diaghtere el Sea - forth spent the Easter vacation with her mother, •Mrs. VVinn, and other friends. . • , '• Mr. Will, MeOtilly And mice- of Str- atford called on the former's' sister., Miss Bell McCully, last week. , ' the Weman's Institute will xneet at the residence of Mrs. Dur.eanTud. or On May 10th, The topics for dis-. eussion will be "Gardening" and "Se- " IVIr, Arthur McAllister is spending his Piaster Vacation at Hensel'. The Modern Mother. • Children shudder at . castor. (AL and with good reason. 'Castor oil is a relic of old-ttinie barbarism. Not only, is it repulsive to the taste,' but it gripes and . torture§ delicate chil- dren, IVIodern mothers use, Babe's Own Tablets, a 'gentle laxative whieh does not gripe; a comforting mai- eine which may be given to a new hem. babe without fear of, harm. These Tablets Miro ali the minor ills of little ones and promote natural sleet) and repese. Mrs. R. H. James, Fetnagiavalee Ont., says : "1 iind great sathrfaction iq the use of Own Tablets and do not know ° how I could get along without them. They; make children well and keep them well," And you have a gnarantne that there is not one partiele of opiate) or harmful drug in this medicine. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Wil- liams, medicine Co Brockville, Ont. A long and heavy earthlquake shock Was experienced at Guayaquil, plequa, ador lagt night, Mr, J, W. Quinlan, ex-IVIiyor of Port _Hope,' died this morning aged 58 years, Hon, Thenias Greenway has endor- sod the An:hammy 13111s, ineludieg the 6011001 elues, A Spring Tonics vol•PPPP,.1.• DR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS TA- hEf FOR SUMMER. •••••••,•••. snit Every loan and woman bit Canada, nerds a tonic medicine at this seasCit of tha year. Thy tenethale- aew, rieh blood to build them up to hear the trying- heat of summer. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Piths .are the greatest springtonic in the • whole. world. Every rdoe makes new, rich blood— new vigorous life. lbey transform weak, weary, anaemic girls into healthy, graceful welledeveloped wfe men. They make nebilitated men strong, lusty and energetic. Tiny gi- ve worn, deSpondent wotnen new heal- th and comfort. They do this every time—theycannot fell. After a couree of Dr. Williams' • Pink Pills 'every man and woman can withstand the stunmer's heat free from back- eehe and headaches, weakness -and despoudeney. Mrs. M. A. White, Seal Cove, Que., says : "I vannot praise Dr. Williams'. Pink Pillsto Windy. They have not only Made a new per- son of myself,. but haVc been. of ines- timable value to ray family. • 1 alwa- ys keep the pills in my halite and the result is have no (looter's bins; ner have I any delicate boys or girls, as' the pillskeep them. :Strong : and healthy. .constantly recommend the pills to My friends and I always hear good words nom „those who use the Dr :n'e.:r). simply . Make neer rich, : red. WilliamS' Pink 'Pills do not.act upon ;. they the bowels do not bother with the mere symptoms' disease b hlood and thus cure AD, the cowmen ailments' of' life. But you must get the genuine . with the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pate People &n.s01.11,e;.. •awilraapep4raseervoeurnaylwh. eerth nb ohX. y mail at 50. cents ,a box or sixboxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr.: ii Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Brussels. The closing down; of the salt well has made a marked difference in the shipping business from the de T. R. as bout a. • car a 'day, on an:average, was loaded. It it • a pity with as pri- me an article•of salt at our doors that the block should not be kept in operation. We would suggeet that .if Ransfard '13eos. 'refuse to resume Op- erations, or lease the Works to those whe will, that a public 'meeting -he calla to ,diseues the propriety of putting down another salt well 00 the coeeperatiVe plan and build a hbecn adjaeent to the G. T, R, and thereby do' away with Ithe long haul. of salt and coal as in the past • to and front the Grand Trunk. The Poet thinks the council should make some enquiry of Messes. Ransford right seraY as to their intentions in the matter. • • A meeting of tne 'ekeentive p1 .Bast 1-11fron Conservative Association was lield in Brussels on Friday -Afternoon. Among othe•r matters up: $or ajudieae tient. was that of license. inspector. Jas. ,Boiernan bed ibeen nominated at a Previoaa ...Meeting .but since then had, I declined the honer. A number of .names Were suggested for the &lice . and the .euecessful nominee was •Wm, Clegg, notv' Of .Mcirris township, for- merly of Whigha,m,.' Inspector Jae, R, Miller, who.' hag occupied the • post for a . goodly hamber of years, is stilt' ..discharging ids •duties but his tenuee of office will no doubt desee before very long. • • Two Nnisances. . . The complaints that tthe. County ie flodded Witn foreign pedlars is by no Means a :new oae,.- but the number' who :ate at the business is increasiag throegh, the ..bitlux of a, foreign popu- 1atio Mat is • of eo. valeta:* to the coentry. They "; are largely Russian Jews • who have come to Anferica..to 'escape • Perseeution and rooitioxy:. ser, vice, .opiers Iieirig A0Yriaas who: are here front, .a Similar reasegi. The county eceineil nstAaw Whieh his, file ed the license fee up to the Point just inside Of . being prohibitive, • 7:does ; not seem to abate the tatieance and so long as the grn•eral public will take: chaima is dealing with these Wandering characters, -there is little 'use of atter:tinting to suppresS. the nuisanee.unless a. men is paid to give. the matter' Ids Undivided :attention. - But white the. Pedlar is a nuisance he has bus deuaternart in the junk, gath- erers, • and they •should pay ' license also. . G.ot 'A'shorttiiucag� some men were eagagede in putting un telegraph poles en sonve land belongieg to an old farmer who disliked seeieg his . wheat trampled down. The men pre - Geed n Paper ,by ' which they .said they had leave to pat the poles Where they pleased, The old farmer went back and theried a large buil into the field. The savage beast" made after the men, and the farmer seeing them running from the field, shouted at the top of his voice ; "Show him the 'paper 1 Show him the paper We -Grand .liend- (Mo.) Re- gister: .The 'News -Record gives the local news. + A GREAT ADVANTAGE * + If you get your aitetion 4- Sale bills printed at The + News-Reeserdt Office, you +. get them at the stinie r tO ▪ es You would pay elsewhere + and you have the addition- + al advantage of a free not- +, lea .111 The News-Reeord + whioh gotinto most of + the homes in two dieted, 4. But if you watit your bins + orlutea elsewhere it will + Pay you to tb ft notice of + your sales in The ews- 4. + • ' Awn 27th IN*,), ++++++..:4,44.44.+44,444,44. M cK1NNCN & 00,1 BL !TH i, --os-.,---, fINOTHBR LRBGE 8MPITIENT w.e-c----:(--- 4.. . 1, This week we i ere teed soother 'Mtge eh fifth ent of Now Gino* t10114 4)- Montteal.-whIch fints on stock in good sit ere fitr Inv rprinerpallte .10P hloat of three jowls $V,01•14 fought mete. pit'4 for SPIal° -0-1,4-13, and will be bold BULOW REOULAit PiticleS, Flannelettes, wide widths 111thak And 111411t N111146.9 and cheeks,. very • -special, worth le for Se. X Wool Tweeds for Wye' tents, great en I an at 25v, 05e awl 50e. Bock -fast Shirting, feet voter,. Ifew pot i. rite, worth no foe 1 rs... .) Oxford Shlitiege, in ilea pat term., fast volt.. r.at idet and 12iPte -,5: Clatonades end Molest: ixis, oew int tenet, at 13e, 20' and. 25.e. -s- New Table Unroll, hnif bleached, 1, ea). Fp1.11:ii /it 2, Ma' itniln00- " Ledlno' Raln COPAN 111 Ora &newt te and f ohltef hoed at $3, $5 and *If P? .1, 4 .... 2 ., nn I n on,,,,,,,, in (ewer!, ee.tb, and 1 ainpr, of I t 1 $2 'SO, st oo $0.0o, •• ,,,, 4 4 to an $ 00. Itlen'e Felt, •Ilatei in ali the latest styles et 7.50, $i, si,r•u •kna *2 0'). Meat's Oaten lis wit it .tiel e it 'wet, bine at We, we, ale ekil si.to; Men's fano) Imo wain still Ls, in great variety, at Mk 75e nod $1.00. BoYe' and Yonthe' Sole. iti t weett.arid fine eereets at aft eriens. White and. (hey Cott one, txt in value, nt. rite 7v, in- and 10e. . New Gittelanns in bine and witite effecten mat brightpier, worth • . 70 for 5e, Metes 11011vy wool Pante. very specie!, at, $1, $125, 450 and $2.00. Pe 11.• • 4;* BOOTS ,AND St1OBLS. se P:0 letfey Shoes for working men In all•sizes at,S1.25. $1 4•101ttta $2.00. 4* • NVillitt els' patent adjustable shoes-, merle of solid leather f they are 0) • waterproof and wear like iron, at *200 tutd $2.50. e. • w'r-,-,-P•P"0".."..":"......0.0,1MIP•Prpp PNAPP•p••••••••••••P.PropPp•••••••00P1P4ZP744.0•••"'rPI Pt• MoKINNON *CO1 I Th • 4:**:**:***0.:**:104..:**:40•:**:**:•444:444•41.44:44:**:**:•.:**:••:**:**:••:44•444 P.:*+:•*:**:**:*•:**:**:* 4 .s. • * se, 2 e 4.03: st* X * ot. ;6 4.4,e 4( 4 A You Mpw uppG. 31,10Edi .wfurr ,ptutit ui LA pi, Our Spring Stock of Boots and Shoes is now complete. We have all the latest styles in Black and Tan Boots and our pFices are the *. lowest quality considered ' ' I You are cordially in- : vited to call and inspect I our immense stockof: Up4o-Date Footwear , You will be agreeably I ' surprised when you see : the goods and the t prices we are 4 4 selling them at. • .: We court Criticism and Comparison of ASsortments, Qualitiee and Prices ; We:soliele your Patronage and the inducements we offer you. are . . 4) • the hest aud newest goods at the !One. t 1 i r 1 c e se • NO trouble to show goods. . • The Old Reliable.- W1V1 TAYLPR ,„•:: • `14. '"NT •,k;$ . , 61,eoomed Cottage .9n Ont. Street to Rent. ti•••••••••••••••4**44,4****4 • • A/1/1111/07/M/MINISSIN . , 3.B. HOOVER. "*".".4......- N".41tELSON.'BALI. i - : 0 2 111111111,1 'atelit Uurtaill' e aves Time and Labor. ould Have One , Undertaking promptly attended to by night or day. RI. L . • Night and Sunday calls answered' ao residence bf either of the prinen pais .4•0••,4).••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o •••poo.•....,aP ..,P4iorP Just received a supply of Aluminum Ware for kitchen use. CALL and 'gEF, IT. A full Sto0c of Coiled Spring Wire, • Barbed Wire, Plain Galvanized Wire, Oiled and Annealed Wire. Stades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, etc All sizes Black and Galvanized Iron Pipe. A lot of small .ends Poultry Netting to clean in job lots. PrOPAMPokukrimpo•PmPoPooma WANTED -A good strong boy to learn*WANTpri the hardware business • APPLY PERSONALLY. 'HARLAND BROS,:# • STOVES - • HARDWAPE •••••••• A. .