HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-27, Page 3amok A Clinton isfsw broat ,CougAr A tickling in the throat; hoarseness at dim; *deep breath irritates it;,...these are features of 111 throat cough. They're very de. cepnve and cough mix- ture won't cure them. You want something that will heal the inflamed membranes, enrich the blood and tone up the system A A Scott's Emulsion is just ouch a reniedy. •It has wonderful healing and nourishing power. • Removes the rause of the cough and the whole system is •given new, strength and vigor A Ilesd for fru sasuplo 4COTT & BOWNE, cbergat Torok Ont,' Soc. msd$i,00. 411 druggists 1 eneeeeee-ereet-teeeeree:-:.--reeeee'ereeefteee. .That ',Boy- Of.--YourL... Wechaperon our gids anti carefully gitard them against unworthy bays, but we leave. 'the boy to choose for himself his associates mei his aehie- vements. • • Girls aee naturally winsome, gentle., companionable. They win their way homes aad. hearts. • But the boy, noisy, awkward, mischievous, is inv.', ted into few homes and feels noneetoo much at home in ;his own.: About the only doer thee .swings. with sure welcome to the bey, •ahout the only &air that,, is ..shoyed hear the lire especielly..fot the boy, about the only place where ,he is sure • of : cordial greeting is wheee.he eught not/ . to go. • .• It is one . of the hardest things. hi. the world to get held .of a boy—to • get a sure grip on him. • He is , hungry e for companionship, and he will have ft.'. You can't chain: - hint. away from it.. Ile wants . the companionship of . boys and nothing will take the plap,e of it. ' ' If the crime of. oellislueess has so in- cased.. your heart that' the joys and hopes elf your -boy cannot enter into it the boy is to beepitied,' but Soar you.—Milwaukee jperriaL • THE... COUI,I,I1, -IS. THE EilIDE. RC THAT the lungs are irritated and , A inflamed and need the influence of some soothing,. healing, curative Medicine, such as ' DR. CHASE'S SYRUP OP LINSEED AND TURPENTINE, a medicine that not only heals and soothes the bronchial . tubes and • ungs, but also effectually clears • the air passages by its power, to loosen and throw off the sticky mucous secretion called .phlegm. Devoid of opiates and injurious sub- stances, it is the ideal treatment for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,. hooping cough, asthma, and all ailments of the throat and lungs. • Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, 26 cents a bottle, aean deal+ ers. To protect you against imitations the porti-ait and signature of De. A.W. Chase, the famous receipt hook author, are on evel bottle. seeeeseeeeeeereeeeereeitees. If you see it in The News-r.eeord it's. so. 4 toe7 Dualop Yam Rubber Carriage. 77P-Ity mom ix./0,0 04 CgriVapto poiaine are ;Make ea. cattlege more beinforfable 10 ricle'in. Worth theft cost. in the we *ad titer' the,' *ave. "Ails ',is tons ato Iron rtmi on iati ail/ roads. Dunlop Tiroi Co, 'Aldo teditoketto At *Mir VAIrritit ' Virriltftal ' B minor. ' Norman Snyder visited at Nile on Sunday. II. S. Fisher Spent part of the we; hi our midst.. , Wm, WI Jolla Vanstone have been engaged to work at the brickyard the coming season. Mis.s Jame STraughan has returned to her home after spending a teW weeks in Goderich. M. McDowell has resigned his pos- ition as teacher in S. S. No. 7, to take effect at Easter. Aaron Fisher has secured the ser- • VieeR of Samuel 13utt for the Summon months. • Rev. Mr. • Swann, of Holmesville, preached missionary sermons on this eireuit on Sunday last. Rev. Mr Yel- • land conducted serviees on 11.ohnes- ville cireult. • The semi-annual election of officers was held by the Epworth League on Thursday evening, resulting as foll- •ows - i Flonorary'president, ROV. J. .0e • Yelland ; President, Ail/bur Fisher ; 1st vice-president, Harry R. Long; . 2nd viee-president, Miss Mabel Me:. bring ; • • 8rd vice-president, Miss Ada Fisher; 4th vice-president, Miss Resale Yet - land; •• . Secretary, Ed. Stewart; .Trea.surer, .J. R. LOng ; • Organist, Miss Becky Snyder. 114.••••••11. • Dtlieghleeliene. Mr. met Mrs. Andrew McNally of Blyth were •guests for a short time • last week o lVIrs.McNally, WeH. Mcl3ride and son, Preston, of Owen Sound' in passing through here en route for Chicago, visited Mr. Me - Bride's niece, Mrs. MeNtilly, for a few days, They left here to visit friends at PorteAlbert on their way to Go- dedch. Miss Mara McWhiainie a A.shfield is visiting .her sister, Mrs, Wm. Mole. Rev. R, Forbes D. D., of ;Philadel- phia, Pe., onhis way to Toronto via Goclerich, made a•short call on frien- ds' and former' acquaintances in Luck - now, Dungannon and vicinity. The reverend gentleman in the sixties ta- ught in the Public, school 'at Dengate non for some years; after Which he Went to Uncle Sare's ,domain' and qualified himself for the ministry in the Methodist denomination ane ap- parently has been very successful, ha- ving become a D. D. He was brou- ght up, in Goderieli township near Dayfield and is a credit to his native Ogee, Some of his pupils of former year had the privilege of Seeing him and were pleased to :findhim looking as if the city ef.telyiladelphia • agreed. with him. • ". 4 Ate-mideight on Sattirday fide dee steoyed' the bare.. and anne.xed slexii' longing to ;dee: Brooks, a farmer Of 1•Itiren townehip, three miles north of• • The fire is surrounded with MysterY, following, as it does, severe ether losses by lire, ihe Origin • of which in every case was equally as 'difficultto determine. Mr. Brooks arid family: were startled from their sleep a •few minutes before. 10 o'clock to find the ,barn enveloped in flames: So. tar had the blaze advanced before It 'was:discovered, that only . two hOrses. were saved •from destruetion. 1'he entire ;emelt-deg stock, niiinbere ing twenty-six head of 'cattle': three horses • and all firmingimplements, eogether with many tone ofi • hayand a, quantity of feed vvernebriSumed. Residents •• of Wingh.am and :vicinity will remeMber Mr, Edward:Miteray for maily: years a respected resident of Whighent. A few yeets 01E9, iafter the death of Mrs. Murray, he 'removed to Ottaera, • Where he resided.. • with- his brother. For the • past -tett' months lie liae been failing in pipette - htit. • swas only confined to his bed eefew days. lie- passed away, en•Aptil, 7t1i; •aged , 80 years. • • • On Thuesday laet a 'Wedding . took. Place in the Wet, which isof' local interest, itaernuch as the 'bride is Miss ,Alice 'Maud, daughter -rat Mr, lialsey Park Of Winehame The - gene tleman, Qui made' happy,. is Mr. Jo- hn. Oliver and the niarriage takes place at theresidence of the bride's brother, Mr. M. PlarW of Dauphin; :.•Mr. and lies. P, •Porterhelf of East WaWanosh are in deep sorrow. They received a nieseage.from 'Omaha- on Saturday, Statitig ehat their eldest som. Teter, was . dead At, ',time of writing; no particulars are at hand, bet as the deceased Wee coedector on a freight trairi, :it is, possiele that are accident Was the cense of his death, Mr., Porterfield was 41 yoars of age • and was • titunarried.. The retneihs were brought home for interment, his brother, also of Omaha, came hornet tee eame timet • A thoeiand or More emigrants for Carted& sailed. from Liverpool yester- day on the s. s. Vancoever under the auspices of the Salvation Army. • The News-ReeOrd.' gives the local helm. The Useful Girl. It is said of the ideal we of Scrip- ture, "She looketh well to the ways of her household." Expend the time in wthich you adorn a cigar ease' fn }cern- ing how to triake a 'good, honeet loaf Of bread. Turn your attention from the Making of flimsy nothings 'to the manufaeture of important somethin- gs. A well 'kept hotise palatable and prompt meals system and good cheer bs are su,tantial bases for the realiza- tion of the dreams of °blissful home- • making, YOung people think they must not be trembled with such dean - Men places but the.newly married won't be long within their own doors before they find that something more than tender sentirnen,t is neededto Make their -borne life 0, suecess. nveit if a .girl should oeVer le rtpired to work herself, she ought to knoW Whether the work is done In It ratOPer matutere,exchanp, •' Morris Township . rla.sto: Boss 'Batt on is visiting at his atetVs, Mrs. James- Scott, a th Line. Mr..roilar4,. 01 Bluerale, is renew - in .Q14 friendships in Morris this week., • . Mrs. Samuel Walker., 6th Line, is .away to visit her sister, Mrs. (Rey.) • Jewitt, at Rodney. Joe Bowman, of Wingharn, was visitor here this week. Ile ha.ssold, his feed store..angl talks .of going West to See what the prospects . are Col Wm. Jackson, of Myth, lornierly of tho- lith Line, has been ill whill pleur- isy but his many old frknds ' wit be pleased to bear that be is improving nieely now and N.Ve hope he , will soon book, • • . . • We are sorry to report that Miss Maggie Haiti 6th Line, who was so seriously burned a few weeks ago, continues Very poorly•despite allthat is being done for herbut we hope . a„ change for the better will -Speedily en- sue. On Monday night, 17th inst , at the good old el* of 80 years, Writ. Hanna 3rd Line of Morris, passed away att- er a few weeks' illness. m6 .tlecoa,s- • ed had been a resident on the farm • on which he died for 50 years. Mr Hanna was among the first settlers •of Alorris and • had ramie for himself a comfortable home • on whit* • bis sen, George resides. Like a great many of tho first settlerg he was not- ed for his hospitality. • He was hon- est and upright in his dealings, Ws wife passed away 13 years ago. Mr. Hanna was Irish by (birth, in religion; a Methodist and in politics a Conlser- waive, having voted at the last elec- tions. He leaves to mourn his . loss, two sone—George on the bomestead, William,' of Michigan and three daug- hters, two in Morris, and one in Michigan, Mrs. Brown, who with her William was at the funeral,wbeit the reinahis were laid at rest in the eleCrae burying ground. • e • • • • • • • Dunlop. Miss Idallarker is enjoying a plea - ant visit wilh her aunt, Mrs. Ed: FOren, in Chicago. • Edward • Lawson, • who has been it student it the Agricultural College at Guelph *for the past six months, returned home on Friday night • of last Week. He intends to return in Septemberenext to °teatime his sttid- ies , there. • • • . ' Mr. Kuntee who sank several ar- testae' wells in this section - rast year, is sinking .ohe here this week for Joe hn H. Barker. ., • • , On Thursday of lase Week ourepopu- tat townsman, ',John H. Barker, had - a bee to cut gentle ,poplats that he had purchased from the Attrill eatate. , 14. Mr J A Wllliams bas had bis null engine thoroughly, overhauled by Mr Keiehon Of 'Unsaid. • Mr. Adam Feint has purchased the, building which at one time waS'oc cUpied as A betebere shop, and the stable, in theproperty known-. ' as• :he Zeller' block, from Mr. E. • Mre F'auele will -move his undertaking buSiness Into it; The price paid fer it is $§50, • : •• On NIOnday the Sad intelligence was reeeieed by a telegram'. that Mr. Hen- ry Dement Of Port -Arthur, brother of. our town mon, Mr. Fred., Demuth, had died there on Sunday, at the age of about iiftY years. The deceased had beenailing for some lieu?. from 'Bright's' disease to .Whicli be it last .succumbed.• " Another bueiness change of itnpoet- ance teak ••plaee in • the village this Wee,k: Mr..•Lonis;Prang. has 'purchis- ed. the' •residence and blacksmith shoP of Mr. J... H. Wismer, the price. paid for the •proerty being :$2,100. H• ar,Township.. The township council met at •, the call. of the reeVe on Saturday after- noon !with. all present. The minietee of Lthe previous meeting were read and adciPtect . • • •A• road division comprising 'the Village of SeJoseph was • formed ; Neleou Mos* Sr., was appointed palhineetere The council. made a •grant of $200 to the Hay Branch Agricultural So- ciete under .the,folloWing conditions : The society to give storage. roomlor road grader, tile enoulde andetetnent in the buildings of • the society, also to give space for making and storing cement pipes on the grounds, also to furnish water for making cement • The Clerk was instructed to nett- flr the contractors and the .suretlea of the. SChWalin Drain to be present at the ttext council meeting to make arrangements, 'it possible, to complete the •drain, Council will meet again on Satur- day; the With day of May, as a Court qf Revision and for • generat • busi- ness. • • • THE TONIC OP HEALTH. ' Must be more than a, stimulant— meet be a food ElS well, There is one medicine that is both a food and a tohle—it aids digestion, promotes as- similation, converts food into nutri- ment that builds up nerves, .blood br- ain and bone. That tonic is .FerreZo- tie which contains 'tiactly • what a run-down system needs. • FerrOZone supplies oxygen to purify the blood, phosporous to develop the brain, iron to harden the inuseltri. No won- der it makes such vigorous Men and women. You'll eat, sleep, think and feel better by using Perrozone .; try it—now. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate coated Perrosohe tah- lets., at all dealers. • Colonel Charles Sriaart,, ranking assiStatat surgeon -general of the Unit- ed States 'Army, died at St. Amos - tine, Fla, Ile was a native 'of Scot- land, and 04 years of itge. Navigation from St. Petereintrg, Russia, WaS opened today. • rort Albeit • John McConnell, Toronto, is visit- ing in the Ilpighborhood. Hugh, Gauley, Brantford, is visit'ng his parents. Mrs. George Fellow,. Bangor, • is visiting her father-in-law, W. T.: Fellow. J. A. Haw/40 left hr Tort nto hut week, Mr. Clayton White is visiting his parents till school opens atter Easter holidays. Miss -• jean Dunbar is. home . front • Guelph at present • •• Geo. Bradford, blacksntith, not- mesville, IS moving to the village ab- out May ist, it is 'reported. • WHEN SEVEN MEN DIE You know at least one of them had consumption. At first it was only eatarrit--but it was neglected. Whea "Caterrhozone” cures so quick- ly It's foolish to suffer—Ws a shame to keep on suiffeling and hawking. C'a,tarrhozonn goes direct to the eat.90 of the disease—that's why -it's so de-; ad certain to cure. It stops the cou- gh,• prevents that disgusting .dischar- ge, clears phlegm out of the throat in five minutes. Very pleasant awl safe too; get Cata,rrhovione from yo- ur druggist today. • FOR SALE -1 BUGGY; MIKADO, will be sold. Can be „seen at• Les- lie's carriage works.—.A. W. Bran- • denburger. 61 NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—IN TIIE metter of the Estate of William' Brandon, late of the Village of Bay- field, in the County of Huron, but- cher, deceased. Notice is , herehy given pursuant to the Revised Sta- tute.3 of Ontario, pleepter 129, • sec- tion • 88, and Amending Able, that creditors and others having claims; against the estate of the said Wil- liam Brandon, who died. on Or ab- out the ninth of March, 1605, are required to seed or deliver .their , said claims on Or before the tWen- tieth day of May, 1005, to Kathar- ine E. Brandon of the sold. village • of Payeelti, the executrix of th•e wifl or the said deceased, and, also that after the twentieth day of May, .1905, the said execittriX will I Proceed to distribute Um assets of the said estate amongst the parties • entitled thereto, having regaixl only • to.'•the.clairns of which she has then notice, and will not be liable lot the proceeds of the seid estate lox any • part thereof so clistriblited to any peeeoe of , whose claim she had net' • tuytiee • aft the; time of such distribletion.--Diekeneon ee, Gaerow, • Solicitors for the • said Executrix., , Dated 'at .0 oriel:ice', this eighteenth • day of April A.:D..1905. . • 67-4.. WANTED : FIRST-CLASS' Iti11313- er ird polisher, man who melee - steeds rubbilig and polishing piano • eases. Also man to go' wood turn- ing and make himself 'weed .in iiiill. room.—The Carpenter COMpa- ay, Organ Makep, Batthilitorce • Vt., COLORADO, 'CALIFORNIA, PORT:- • land and Yellowstone, Perke—Speee jelly conducted are beittearrengee in the ;Grand Truek Railway Spi- t:ern, in charge of .experie.nced • coe.- iltietor. All ''eepelisee. ineltidecl. To • leave Toronto early. in July and Auginst, Rate' is, hot expected to be over $150.00 from Torplitee. Do • not, join, any •otirr party before- •celisulting E. Bif: Bowler, 201 Bev-. erley St, Toronte. • P. 13„ Iledgees, Agent at Clinton. • 'PARTNERSHIP DiSSOLVED,--THE 'pertnership weisting between' Messrs Pont sr McNeil has.been.dissolved by the latter retiring. As Mr.. McNeil has gone West it is •nteessary that • the business Of the firm be WOund Up 0,s speedily ge possible so a sat- . 'isia.utoyy settlement of all accounts • /mist be made to the ,undersigned be- fore .the firet of May, up to which • date the books remain in thy pose- ession, but after that they will be placed in other hands for oollect- ion.—james A. Ford. . 66 LICENSED AUCTIONEER.,-GEOR- ge Elliott„licensed auctioneer for • the County of Hutonefreolicits • the patronege of the ptiblie for busi- ness in his line, 'Sales conducted , percentage or so much per sale. All business promptly attended tor • --George Elliott, Clinton P. O., re- ' sidenee on the taYfield Lille. •• 59 LICENSE DISTRICT OF NvEsT Httron,;-Notice is hereby given that Michael Stanley has made, ar plicatioo for perniission to transfer the hotel Beene° for .the premises in the town of 'Clinton known as the Rattetibury • House to Alex. Robin- son of the town of G-oderich and that said application will be cOnsidered at the meeting of tiTe Board of •..eense Commissioners to be held • in Clitattni on the 20th day of April, • 1905, at the . hour of 11 o'clock. • All persons interested will govern thentSelVes accordinglye—A. th,• License Inspector. Clinton, Ap- ril 12th, 1905,• LienNsr, D/STRICT OF •11PEST Huron.—Notiee is hereby given -that A, W. Brandeigaerger has made ell - plication for permission to transfer the hotel license for the prendees in the town of Clinton known as the Mason House to Reuben Graham of the town of Clinton and that said application will be cOnSidered • at the meeting of the Board of Li- cense Commissioners to be held in Clinton on the 20th day of April, 1905, at the hour of 11. o'clock. All persona interested will govern themselves aceordingly,—A. Asqui- th, License Inspector. Clinton Ap- ril 12th, 1005. L. 0 0 •„ii r1 kfit****nitirifike4ribiliosaVsliditr Ataliblislibilt.WteraleetileeleiSiteelit411,41.e4KifKalefallefilieer~ifl*WiftyVeetureOlOW4eelf4a*e*etilekill,ell at• J at] MATERIALS Fll • We're enthusiastic about our New Wash Goods and are showing a choice range of material for the popular Shirt Waist Suits, all the, wanted styles and colors at prices easy to pay. e Suitings at 15c • PLAIN CRASH SUITINGS, •FLAKED CRASH SUITINGS AND STRIPED CRASH SUITINGS IN EVERY WANTED COLOR, , SKY BLUE, NILE, LINEN AND GREY, A SPLENDID RANGE 10e e • • Mercerized Checks 25c MERCERIZED COTTON SHEPPERD CHECKS IN BLUE', AND wurrE, BLACK AND WIIITE AND BROWN AND Num, QC - ITE A SMART SIIIRT WAIST SUITING 25°. .•••••tsrlo,...... Cotton Delains • IN BLACK GROUND WITH A DASH OF WHITE AND WHITE SCROLL, 27 iNCHES WIDE; .A.DMIRABLE SUITING leGR EL- DERLY LADIES ,. 25c Gingliams and Chambrys PLAIN CHAMBRYS IN ALL THE GOOD SHADES, CHECK GRAMS AND AND ZEPHYRS, A BEAUTIFUL RANGE TO CHOO- SE FROM, PINKS, BLUES, REDS AND • GREYS• 12.4e Crum's Print 12--c'- MOST WOMEN ASK FOR CRUM'S PRINTS POR THEY KNOW ' CRUM'S PRINTS ARE THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY. IF YOU WANT TO BE SURE OF GETTING DEPENDABLE FAST • COLOR PRINTS INSIST UPON GETTING CRUM'S, 100 PIE- CES TO PICK FROM AT ' 12ic VVh'te Vest:ngs , WHITE MERCERIZED VESTING FOR WAISTS AND DRESSES,. A- VERY HANDSOME RANGE OF NEW PAT'PERele ePOTS, BR00I4ES, STRIPES AND 'FIGURES, . . .. . . . ... „ 15c and 25c • Whit:eWaist ' CRITICAL BUYERS TELL LIS THAT WE HAVE BY ALL ODDS THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF SHIRT WAISTS IN CLINTON , AT•• •$1,00, $1.25 'and $1.50 .Linen Buster Collars FOR LADIES AND, CHILDREN IN SOLID 'RED, LINEN AND WFI- :• ' ITE, ONE AND • TWO ROWS OF HEMSTITCHING. THESE .WILL BE 'QUITE POPULAR THIS SEASON, PRICES and 25c SUCCe SSOr• CLINTOo. 0.00000xx • • 'List Suoday moptiog the service Philip Duchirme7.has returned home .in Main street :church wa§:teaketi :by after spending the Winter in the lum the Rcv G iloudersen 'of-eCrediton, her Oatme at Lien's Heed on :the Geo - and in the ening ' there was a •song . 'g an Bay. ' service: ' choir, under the able Wm. Turner has gone to •Owen leaglersiiip and directorship of IVIr. ; Sound where he will spend the senile.' Gureey and Miss Huston,• aee• doing rneron the Government .sureey boat.. weed: work., • . 4 ”, The flshing firm, of lefanore.Sreenan Up- understand • that the slander are reneiring 'their nets and expeee: action trotight by plIonlas Rue:sell to begin business in the near future'. on: behalf: of his, daughter • JesSic, Miss Maggie: Sparks, nurse, of Det- :fiei,tihi gialnstLio. • reit, is spending• a few days at the shpoJ will be alloived 'mine of her perorate, Mr. and . Mrs, to go te trial. The. Assizes core- Gee, SPerlis, Brovvnison' Line. • menee at London on Tdesda.Y. Tee Messrs Jos '1VIOnsse and Alex..Ch ttl'otalblpeo'phietfrom thehe syolynoettotoef thzi'ctexpiiihiee ..veileleintitayre9fEereexeeetnegr.windinills le the o subeequent'ebeusal of the teacher and Meesrs. Snowden. Broshave engag- trustees to withdraw the .ed .Messrs. H. Moro and W. :Sliilbee for Word Was reedered.heee last .wetik the stiiinnet. .of (nethed r.i'•anena,taliti oBfiaMrtehsr.o. Ed•aulvtaertren0"1,1 ftte!atainuredx, tmenidasedidvatisitpuvirraiutlid hfruieordes. Bwr laattehonforhda,da!, ;+n Joseph ep turnedj6athRau hashonen tehgaer:ed. trirhe she, °Sra.......sucoesas •Drysdale.' her husband been Being, on • a 'farm iUtt• ' near Sterling, Ooloe and efor s'arne • The angel Of death visited e the time had suffered from a tumor. It h°1fle.of4lr' and Mrs.Jos.Rati on was ideeided :to have her :underge an operation -at a Denver hoSPitaland she was. taken there on Friday, April 6th. The operation was sneeessteilly• perfornied but: 'she was unable •to withetand •its effects 'end: 'death . fol- lowed on Sunday; April lItit Mr's. Warren • .was •horn •in 186e. Shp went to Colorado in 1805 and Was -Warded to Mr: -Warren in 1902. Mrs. Warken was well, respected by all those : Who knew Ire- Her •parents and two brothers have the sympathy of many in 'nig Vicinity in their 'sad bereavetnene. ' On April 14ell Florence; wife of •John Rowe of Hay townehip; eldest daughter of Mr. Wm: Bitikereff, of Exeter, died at her home in Hay, af- ter a .feW days' illness from puede m.onia. She had been suffering from 'la grippe for some days : which de- veloped into pneumonia, causing her death: Mrs. Rowe was in the best of health prior' to her illness, and her death ceme as a severe shock to her inmily and telatives. • She .leayes, besides a loving 'husband and three sons, the youngest of whom is Meer", years of age, her' .father, Mr. Wm. Balkwell of Exeter, Mrs. R. CarnpfblAl of Hamilton, Mrs, •A. Rollins of Stephen, Mrs. R. Welsh of Uslhorne, Tillie of Hamilton, Eva, and VVilliani of Exeter, IVIre. Rowe Was born in ieshorne 42 years ago and has always made her home in Exeter and Sunday and took: therefrom their lit- tle: eight-year-old son. The little fel- low was a victim to inflaenmatore rheumatism, followed .by an attack el bronchitis. eaaeoravieassersememao;uaomomiself,;,‘ • • 'Estabii,i 4ed :870, • WhOOpint Cough, Croup, Bronchitis- ' •• Ciosoleno 1O* boon . to ,Alitharatio. • Chustiisnis iae, long netahllehed'and 'standard reinedy for the dlseaseelndleated. It cares becauee the als. ran. • dared strOhgly.antleeptle Is carried over the diseemed Bur Wee: of the bronchial taboo 'with every. breath, 'giving prolonged and constant treatment. Those Uf a ermiurap. tire tendency, or, sufferers from Ohm*, bun:misfile, And Inimedlate relief from Coughs or inflansed co:tinting Of • the throat. • • Vapo•Oreerdene le sold by druggista or 'ant pre. .• pai4u recalpt of price.. A. Vapo:Oreablette out. ' da "needier re bottle er • Cresolene .Send tot • . fruo Illustrated booklet. ° Lusertgo'llttas CO., Ltd., • Agents, 28E} St. J'alnes Bt., Montreal, Canada, • 306,.. ' Mori. Getteon Ouitneteeeeho: was Pre- elitee of • Quebec from' 1873 • to 1876 and leter Superintentleet of Pubh • Insttuetion of that Province, died On 11Jonclay,, aged 82 yo4r$, S.enforth. • 9. 4' • At ,the—regulie monthlyz.mootitkg of the poultry fanciers of the town a very instructive lecture Was given. by Mr. P. C. Elford of the Central Do- • minion Poultry' station. a,t ; Ottawa. Mr. Elford gave stetisties, foe • show that the poultry industry; 'was not wily one of the' most profitable bran- dies ,of farming but that it was des- tined to hecome • ono of t•he leading • features on a. great Many of our most up-to-datc farms, He went on to sh- ow that at present it was impossible to supply thedemand for strictly high dlass, fattened fowl of every • desoription and that the English mat- kets as yet have been scarcely touehe ed aed that if the lemon' and pout-, try keepers of Canada will supply the Omer class ef fattened poultry they will find a ready Market with priees that vill more • than compensate them for the little extra care requir- ed to put fowl in a properly fattened condition. •. , A young lad, the son jof Mr. Simeon Neely, town, Was ,quite seriously in. jured on Saturday peeping by being rue ,into by a furiously driven • horse near the oorner for Goderichitted main streets,The driver Of the rig, •who Heavy snow is again reported in re8td°8• in the country, was • hailed Colorago, while torrential rail's have before Magistrate Beattie on Monday fallen from Arizona; to Mentehe. •and assessed two dollars,,and coats Mr. J P. Tardwel, the well-koown for exceeding the legal rate of (let, - editor of La Verite, the Quebec ramontalie newspaper, died Monday, Elgin Jones, son of Mr. *Robert Jo - aged 54 years. nes, town, who has been 111 for Some A lady near Hamilton: has offered time 'NA, was on, Sunday iveek op - board and lodge ten, poor children crated upon for appendicitis. 1 But a week during " the summer monthsslight hopes of his recovery were en - The offer will be accepted by the Tor- tertained previous to the operation, onto Miesioe Uutlon. \ hut this proved most successful and Mr, Justice Nesbitt denies the rum- friends of the family will be pleased or that he will leave the hettelt to to learn that, he now has every pres- enter the Dominion Government. peet of belts restored to health. A GRE,AT ADVANTAGE +•, .If you get your auetion Sale bills printed ' at The '4 News-Reeerd , Office, you 4- ' get theni at the same I [8 :9. ' as you would pay elsewhere • and you have the addition.- .4.. al aelvantoge of a free not- 4. ice in The News -Record + which goes into most of + the: homes in this' district. But if you want your:1)111i • printed elSeivhere it will .4 pay you. to. put a notice of , your _sale in •The ews9. - Record. eaking to The News .Mondaymeor- iimg, Rev. Dr. tangtey, . vicar of St. Luke's church, expressed' himself as being opposed to the introduction of the system of pew rents. The matter Will be discussed at the vestry.ineet- ing •tonight. . •.