HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-27, Page 24
The CUncett,Mows-Record
Sunlight Soap is a well made Scapj
The making of soap is no longer a chance mixture of miseellane-
ous fats, Expert chemists carefully watch and Wet every eke? in the
making of
Sunlight Soap
• The fate mid oils must be perfectly pure and et every stege of the
proceee the soap' muse :come tip to SunligliOetandard... Theis why it
eleenses your clothes perfectly, mime your blankets soft- and dui%
doe not destroy Your -most da:ntylinens or injure your
Senlight Seep washes equally well in hard or soft weer.. -Your
deeler is guthorieed, to retina the purchase money if you are not .
e etudight Maids are through thief wastene by noon -teat
. •
the aunilght wAy
• • ' . .
j. Stevensor:
If you _ get peer auetem +
eale 'bills printed at The •+
News -Record Office, yon 4.
get ;them at the same r e+
as you would pay elseWhere +
and yoe have the addition- +
al advantage of a free not- +
Me in The News-Recerd +
which goes into, Most of .4.
the homes in this district. But if you want your bale 4 •'
printed elseeithere it will 4-
pay you to put a ,notiee of -O.' .
your sale • in The red's- 4.•
Record. ••
An ad ill Te News -Record pays.
inschool.—Foit$10 I will give a
$5 system free,eand teach any, lady
how to cut, fit and put together
any article, ire Dress or Mantle Mee
lOne, IN TWO WEEKS from the
• •plainest shirt waist to the most
elaborate dress that can be found
in the Fashion Book without the
use of paper patterns,. I have tau-
ght ever -170Q: (seventeen hundred)
this last six years, and offer $100,
• toile hundred dollars,) to anyone I
can't teaele or gen pro -ire to me they
can learn, as much any other place
• le two years, JUST THINK OF
' IT. For $50 I twill teach anyone
• that is te dress maker or good sew-
er and drawer to Wail thie courseb
giving them 'my teacher's certificate.
Strangers may board' at school. A
• suitable reward given to anyone
forming .nee of any person tryieg to
teach this --bourse widen I invented
and had patented,, that does not
hold a certificate from ' me. ' Last
Plass commences Monday, May 1st.
. Write for particulars or see one at
my School in Stratford, or( Albert
St., opposite Wiedsor Hotel; on Saturday, April 29th.. This is positi-
t vely .zny last class this summer,ae
. Weleave for Winnipeg the ead of
May. 1Wra, WM, Sanders; ...Toaster
. :and Inventor, Box 159 Stratford. P.
has . again arrived when people .. are
'decorating their bonus.. I am -still
in the 'Paper Hanging and House
iPinting Business and gue.rantee my
work to be second to ,none. • The
three great features in this busi-
ness are quickness, neatness and ee-
.onoiny. My price is 10 cents per
roil. Satisfaction givbn or, no Mon-
ey' asked for. Orders left at my
Wise r Couch's butcher shop will
'receive prompt attention,T. Hale,
Residence, West end Rettenbury St..
+ •It pays to get' a Pract- +
+ ical Education and it pays +..
+ to get it. in this senool. +
• + We -can do .mere for; our +
+ graduates ;than any other.. +
+ Business College .in the '+
Province + ..•
"+' Commercial :Schools eine +
+ ploy our graduates as tea- .+
• + chers? they know that the +
+etraimng Oren .in the this. +
4.lnstitiitions is the BEST, +• '
+. Enter now. + •
+ Write for feed catalogue, +
+ - Elliott '‘.33 IrIcLaohan, +
+ • -Principals,
' +4-1-144-1-1-1-14++,1,4-1-1-1-14++
Do not -aonsi4er it a
hardship to do as much for
as you do for a city week -
13r or daily. pay for it in,
..Consultfit,:our.A4diesA •
Subscribe for The News Record.
We are glad to annouuee In this
. Wee of The News -Record the re-ope
ening this week of Randford's 4a1t
Ivories. The. men, Wee been employed
• steadily there or years, yet when
works are coed they know not for
• how„ long they may be out ot work.
The studentseof. the Collegiate In-
stitute are preparing for a most at-
tractive "At Horne" to be held in
Mr, Albert Dickson of the Bank of
IVIontrealf at Brantford went his tEee-
ter holidays et his old home with
• his sisters, the Misses Dickson, and
his 'brotber James.
Mrs. Walter Saults and Miss Gladys
have returned to their home after
pleasant few days Visit at WOOdStO-
Inspector P. E. Tom is in Tomato
this week.
Dr. Mills spent his Easter 'vacation
at his home in Petroloa,
Dr. LeToueel spent Sunday out 'of
Mr; and, Mrs. Bert Kemp of London
spent Good Friday in: town the.gues-
ts of Mr. and Mrs. Harry -Romp, Bri-
• tannia Road.•
'Mrs. Curzon of "Curzon House"
Huron Road, spent Sunday, in Toren -
• Easter at St. George's was an
unusually fine musicel evert, 0e-
ganist Cuff glories in fine music and
• the Easier feast this year falling- on
St. rieorge's day he seemed( to excel.
In the detelog Rev. Mark Turnbull
chose for his 'text Leviticus XVII,
11; "For the life of the. flesh is .in
the blood and I lia,ve given it to you
upon the altar to make an atone-
ment for souls." The evening ' anth-
em "God hath appointed a, da,y," •wile
lke,utifully rendered by the choir, the
• orchestra playing well their part,
Pretty cream ' drapes in front of
reading desk and pulpit:, were decora-
ted with flowers and myrtle and :the
altar and 'choir loft had the lovelieet
flowers. or Easter lilies, hyacihtles,
etc., arranged :with much taste. The
National • Anthem was sung before
the end of the service. •
en Mae Hiefsie A. Skimings,
, 00..0 • 00) 000 0 in:le
. .
. April 274 19700—
The News of apdrich.
Mts. Fred. Hotteson left a few weele
ago. to spend a? SMS011 Cellinsewto
all• with the parents of lier huShand
'h has has also errived to speed some
l-ime with her,
lee eieSere. Iiii!Scri alai their well
trained liottede wt inout on Good
Friday a. in.'the , wet es it was, to
e woods for game. '
Electrician. Yule has a way of
pumpine air into the rubber tire ef
bieyelve simply by having a reservoir
comereeeed air et the door vent
eh :quietly inflates the rub,ber •tires.
.so more pumping. for the Weil -Mist.
That's a comfort.
Willie Yule has returned to the
Northwest. •
t' W. °Dm
. Tye, all clerk, is making a
: beautiful lawn. at his. Elgin otreet
Corespondent 5 residenee. -
a'r'ii")Ce14244;(*W.**X4',"."'w," ' ' i l'41St5:1441:Geelo"rgePletnewriee ftehaest Xdeatly,""23t4')d!
Mise Jessie Meedonali left otif.lood , of April, which fell on Easter Sun -
Friday to visit trieoda in Detroit.. ; day, than ever' did. before.
On Sunday • neat the Oddfellows I Flowers were high priced in Ea,ster
will tuareh at 11 a. m. to Knox char- t Week. '
eh and listen to the sermon wide% 1 On Easter Sunday A. 111. 'Rev. Dr.
Will be preached to their . order by ] Potts of Toronto lilted the pulpit id
Rev. James A, Anderson, • 1 Victoria, street chureb.. It is Wearinn
- The knitting faetery is shipping ev:n... on to half a. century „since he filled
ter goods this •week. ' •the pidpit of the first church that
John Sands of Saltford bill is re- ceingregation had here. . For his text
moving to tome having purchased a. the Rev. P. chose $t. Mark XVI,
tot on Gloucester terrace en• the 3 : "Who shall reit Us away the
ks boufthinegat
eeitlaoend;.townr,end in- stone 1" He said that all that, nor -
tends ning with him must know what a
Changes are being made already by • large atone was placed at the *pot -
the new Government, Mr. James Ye-,• leg of the sepulchre, for : the holy
tes, fishery •overseer for the County women who came there could not
,.... of Huron, is succeeded by MX. Mc- Combine sufficient strength to roll the
Waiter McIntosh, $011 of Mr. 'John Murray, ... .. stone away. Dr. Potts made the text
C. Metatosii, bas accepted a good Miss Lewis, sister: Of Mr. E. N. the basis' of lite. • "Wbet is the meg-
po ;Won in 13uffale. . Lewis M. P., spent a few days in nitude of guilt he said compared to
-Dirs. E. N. Lewis is delighted to Goderich recefillyt At present Miss the magnitude of Ged's mercy, whi-
le: 'bark at the pretty reside/nee at Lewis resideet Ayreh rolls away,the stone" Sin . ie
--the lake but says although there was A, A. Burke .of Glenwood Sprioes, moral insaeity, if one who leads a
plenty. of snow in Ottawa and cold California, is tire guest of his mother sinful life would just stop and review
weather, yet 'there was an absence and brother, MO. and Mr. Burke, Al- hie life, like the prodigal Son„ be
of high winds and Plenty of . auto bort street. •. •• would 'return to. his father and ask to
shine each week, but storms every Mrs. !Joseph Kidd and daughter Moe be allowed to remain with his .eer-
week during the winter. - nn, are the guots of Mrs., ' Long, 'ante; even with his elh\res, just to be
Mi and the, Misses Berrie -will soon sister of 1VIrs, Kidd, et: Tooanto. near Him. ' God's grace woeld roll
return to the ,Elgin ave: restdence. - Mrs: John_ Baker and little grant- away the -stone. Rev. Dr. Potts has
Mr. and Mei. john Graham We son, Ernest Praigie, spent the Eastair a fine resonant voiceand understands
removed :: to their residence on Elgin holitlaYs with relatives. in Detroitthat diilleulties. form a line in this
ave lately owned and occupied • by Miss Toyesa: Chisnolin returned last life tlia,t. must be met without fear
111r. Grahaen'e leather,the lete Mrsweek from her visit ta- rier b,rothete and compered. He spoke of the gre-
Christopher Dulmege. ' ' Mr. Austin Chisholm ot Toronto-. e atuphill work those concerned in the
.-Mrs, James . Munro is imoroving Maori, Chisholm are improving the- education of the rising yeung people
very. rapidly . from her late,serious -h property on Saltford hill. • •- • had .to encounter . nut the Colleges
attack of eongestion of the lungs, ... mrs, maccalie, who with her : son now 'were free from dent avid that' the
IVIrs: Stewart Straiton has, gone and daughter have retired from farm latest addition is the Albert College
to Ottawa where her husband has a life, have purchased • 'the residence at Edmenton. Before the sermon the.
very lucrative position. . • . . ' Owned and lately occepied .. by 'Mr, choir sang in fine'ivoic0- SehnecRer''s
Mr; Filstnger has had the 'cellar OX.- -Evans who has eemoved to a; farm"Easter Sunshine Breaks' Again" and
eavated • alreadyfor the new brick The coal barge H. E. Rtanells, that ht the .offertory the4yusa:a .Tg1.IuCinor o
"Keep in t a,- dTriointoTia
The United,raeSteettob
ae.,wfilln.gs, send back
e the u- :
be intends building on West wintered' . in our harbor; • - left . • for line With Jesus." it
. . . Pott • Huron on 17th last, the first lilies', - ete., -deceeited the altarlei boii.it.toblerriat.odc.aJcaenn je:,,d. is- tu-rb' anees are .
Victoria, Park is becoming' the re- large. boat to leave the •harbor. ' the evening Rev. T. M. Campbell -pro-
creation grounds . forour baseball te- On Good Feidey we -had the pleas- ached the sermon at Victoria'. Street reported. from Mont Pelee, Island - of -
ams ure of. 'being ehowii a. •-well .executed church The fine anthein "The Strife IVIartinrquee
Mrs. V.' Et • Smith Of Hotel Godere petal:Mg in ell of "Hamilton Marsh" is., o"er" . was -. sung • by • the ohou.
ieh has been :epending e. few days in done by 4:visitor to :Our town last Mr, Sidney Belches renderedyell sae
FOR A • WEAK DIGESTION. I Clinton the guest ' of Mr. ' end. , Mrs. einem& and at . preee.nt Miss Fulton me 'fine eolea; On ' Solidity fte?ch.• the . ABOUT ' RI-IBM/LA TrS1VI,
) James Smith: Tnebotel will • peen of 80wmanyille..' Shell -as also execute ehoir will eemicr ,"Tlie Glory Ilyntin." ,
. • .
. • . s
Nee ' medicirre can • replace .food bell' berniened, much to the ptea:sure . ef ed a dainty oil painting of "Wafter :Mrs. R. '.Jennings peturned from a There are fewdiseases that Inflict
ineoming guests:. . • ' : . • Lilies." .. - , : : . - ewe to her ,,daeoter, were.: Drle more torture than rheumatism •atid
Chatilherlaitt's '. Stomach. and '. Liver
Tablets' will help you to digest your Mrs. Shirley and Master Byre)). . -Mies Nellie POwell. of Owen.-Sotind
. . Packwood to. spend •Easter ' at . hr there is probably. no disease'for will.
food. - It is not:the quantity of food. ,bave 'returned .from. their pleasant vi- and her :cousin, Master 'Frank King
remedies have been suggested. To .saY:
cli each nveried -and uselese, lot of
telcen ' that gives -strength lied vigor sit to Indiana. • - -. „ . ' . • of-Win:ham,. spent.their Eastee 'veieae. h°111e. . . . '
that it can be Cured is, thereforre' a .
Mr.: and Mrs., Fred, 14Iuriwy • .arel tione.with 'their uncle end :aunt, - Me.,
'to. the system, but the amount diges- little -son eleft for Buffalo oe Satin- • and !Aire; R, King.' hold itetement to Maki, but Channo ' -' •
ted and aeeimilated. If troubled with .-• .. •
erlain's . Pain Balm, whin enjoys • an •
a: 'weak digestion, • don't fell to give -
day, Mr.. Murney to spend a- . couple' .. Mies. Welsh intends going to' Steel-
these:Tablets a trial. Thousands have of
days and Mrs. MurneY an,14 balm lard •• to remain With their relatives extensive . sale,. has :met with great
been -beaeAtted . by their use alielri, they will
2 'a -month: While in : litiffelo ' foe Poole , tintee . The 'sae° •at her Old
'ease.. Coe. epplication of .Pale Balne ',
Silf,tegs: in the treatincnt of tide dis- •
wilt he the • guests of Sulit..amtihoree' was held on Thursday last,
only cost a qtuarter. For sale by '11.. Mrs. Will: Logan. ..• • .. ' The estate will be sold else:
13. COMbe: ' . Will relieve the pern, and hundreds. 4f .
sufferers .haYe. testified to permanent ...
eures7.by its este, Whysutler when -
.Paia • paint .affords siteli ...quick rebid . .
and Costshut a -trifle '1'. .For vale by
1-1.; B,:',Otonhe, -- • '
'esti curative
medicine the world bas ever
known. lt Is an all.round
medicine, producing its Ian
equafled effect,* by purify.
Ing, vitalizing and enriching
bhe blood on which the
health and strength of every
organ, bone and tissue de.
pent Accept, no substl.
tutae for Hood's, but. In.
obto on having Hood's
The Curfew.
• There will probably have to be a
petition signed by balf the inhabitan-
ts should the curfew bell be Molten,
• timed to order the young people in
doors at a, certain beer,
The Curfew Bell may ring at eight,
But not to Cover fires,
It's sound will mean to boys and girls
Go' home to ma's a:n(1 sire's.
Ob course it will seem very 'stra,oge
- to hear that bell at eight,
Yet it will be a strange thing
• To meet no youngsters late.
• I wonder what the Norman King
. Would say if he but knew,
guess he eetrer dreamed' his scheme
Would act on such a crew.
• Rey; T. N. Campbell preaohed an
Easter Sunday sermon in the COurt
Rouge oil :Easter Sunday a. m. and
ger. Dr. Potts preached a serrate le
thcevaning at the same place. -
Easter Sunday morning will long bo
gratefully rementhered by out .citi-
zens, not a • cloud obscuring the'. sky
end very Miteh warmer than the pr -
ceding day's . Everyone seemed to ha-
ve a new Easter het and a rope, el-
ehough all the. roace .were not ppd.
• The Messrs: Wesley and Frank Ede
ward . spent East& • with 'their- par -
, Mr, and, Mre. Joh!' "Edward,
13ritannia, Road,
Japan holdiii.. an investigation
into military edancrale, 7
Grand Duke Serguis' .aeeaesin, •.a,
named .Kaleieff, has been sett-
teeced to death. • '
Harry Sanford, well-known 'ii theae
trical cireles- in America, and Europe,
us dead at New 'York .frern Bright's
gisease. In recent years. he, acted as
•business Manager for many'nroinin-
'ent peeWrineka.
Mout .Vesuvieseis ineVery actzvo
• rho ,:exereciating pains •chareeterise
tie bf rneernatism and eciatiCa zee
quicklyrelieved by applying Cifeurdi-
ereain's Pain Belni.. The great pain.
relieving power, of the liniment
be •the surprise atict delight of thou -
Sandi of.: sliffereme The quick eolief
from pile which & affordp is alone
worth many..tiniee the cost.. For said
by H,.' B. Combs., •
The Arthur Hotel, at Wa1lacebure1s
and the Mannell. Reuse, at .Listowel,
Were burned,. A very serious fire et
,the Wallaeckeurg telaeg -Whirs is akt
reporte-d. - •
Seven.thildren of Mrs.: Charles Boa-.
cher weee burned to death in a fir6 .
that destroyed the family dvialling
Ste. Anne de la. Pocatire;.Que. Mrs;
Bouchee was, seriously burned.
Benjamin Pipe : of Wepelle; Assini-
boia ,is on his way to England. to
}educe fifty healthy, good-looking gir-
ls to accompany him back to the •pre
•aide, whih the •object •of inareying
-them tto. prosperous young farmers, .-
The egpioaion of a -gas buoy oir
the. steamer Scout at Kingslen
led Firet Mate Fred lIffullee, seriously
injured Captain Allison , and caused.
the destruction of the vessel by Are
A lot of glass was smashed.in near-
by buildings. '
ION, •
• There ate few women indeed who
do not suffer with chronte constipa-
tion. Nearly all are slaves to some
kind of medicine to correct this ire-
uble, and yet they get nothing but
temporary relief, One period of cone
stipetion is follovved*by another, and
it's physic, physic, phYsie, yeer in and
year out, till life becomesa. burden.
There is now a sure cure for this
condition and a Curb that does • not
have to be repeated. It is Dr. Lean-
hardt's Anti -Pill,
Dr. Leonhard, of Lincoln, Neb., le
the author of Ode prescription; •He
used it for years with Wonderful suc-
cess In his owfi large practice as a
remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness and
Many ladies who have sdflered for
years are now esloYlog good health
and a perfect freedom f rem the oltt
constipation through the nee of
Anti -Pill.
Mrs, Tabb; 287 Emerald St. North,
Hamilton, Ont., says
• "I am no tenger troubled With con-
stipation 1 canno-t praise Anti -Pill
too highly."
• A Motith's treatment for 500. Al)
druggists, Or The Wileon-Vyle Co.,
Lill:Mode Niagara Palls, Ont. 15010
ascilta for Canada,
• Mr. • Ed. Swarts of • the ' British
*Exchange is now able to walk
anent his ream. .• . -
• Alias • Collinson of the Aberdeen sp-
ent • hen Basta vacation withrela-
tives at, Toronto.
' Mrs, ..Caseela and two lovely daugh-
ters and bee btather, Mr, Maitland.
'Humber.; all cif. Stretford; were for
the East.er holidays the guests „of
M. and Mrs. C. A. Humber; •
Contractor Pigott bas both his
steam shovels at .woile again, ‘:the
smaller• -one haying been moved and
started t in 'neer ,the large -one on a•
higher. level. ,The sMaller one ?Wows
the -dirt down to the ether • and the
dumpers take it up the line in the
direction of the C•olborro hill, .dump-
ing it into the gully. • :
One .good law passed by the Ontar-:
la Govern merit, • Here, is what the.
OittrWa, citizen says : "The 'Ontario
Government •haa issued orders that
eny civil serveet of the 'proVince who
runs into debt 'ehell forfeit his :po-
sition. There -Will ibe a huitle to
eettie now.
• Dr. James' L. Turnbull has .same
plreesants. Tbey are the first
that we ever. remember seeing 'here.
Aariy . peoplehave had, guinea fowl'
and 'peaeocka.leirt we think -those are,
the first pheasants brought here.
On. Monday ,evening ni the Court
room ;Rev. Hamilton Wigle delivered
a-vety able lecture under the auspices
of. the Epworth League on his trip to
Ate Holy Land on the .oeeasion of the
Werth •World's Simeley School : Con-
vention which was held in Jerusalem.
820 delegates left Ile* York, includ-
ing men a,nd women from every stale
in the Union and front every province
in Canada ; His looter() was truly in-:
Wee:sting to all, weeded in ,laiesseage
all 'classes could understand: ltlillion-•
aire•s and people in humble lite, :eM-
barked all on the one errann, to tell -
the VOIld _that theyetrod the streets
their Sieioug trod, - Ile with the
&here visited all the places Mention- .
ed in the gospels of the • Apostles, ab-
out Jerusalem,. Gethsemane, Mt. ()I-
'ive, Tower of Babel, etc. A ourniner,
including the letterer, •climbed to the
top of Vesuvius and looked into tho.
meth' of the burning chasm, When
they got a chanee,sbetween the ever
recurring:eruptions of flame, which
alweys .attempted by 'great tiek to.
Abe lives of traVellerS. W -hen at Jer-
eisaleni the leeteret was so filled wi-
th the eity of Jerusalem being the
scene of .Christ's life and death as
man, that no felt almost as if in
the shadow of Ifis Presence. • He felt
• that the' ground Was holy. Those
children playing 'about, he thought mi-
ght have resembled the child Jesus,
and the women also might have re-
sembled, the Blessed Virgia, His Mo-
ther. The Mediterranean Sea azul
Naples 'charmed him almost with the-
ir Wondrous beauty as much as. the
land where Christ wag crucified filled
him with Won -times' awe. IteV: Mr.
Wigle sees the humorous sides of
nature and, related many funny epi-
sodes, which occurred during the goy;
age and after.
We are 'sorry that the fine eptate
Of Judge Gartow on three streets at
least is being sold in patois. 1VIeeS4
rs. Lee, Col, Young and R. H.Cutt
seem hoW to be a trio-univerate to
rule that block, It is a lovely place.
• The Ladies' Aid of Victoria street
church held a bazaar lir Elliott's
chlha, ball on Thursday and Satur-
day. They had two Mee quilts am -
tang the eolleetion. Any amount of
pretty aprons, eliildren's dressesedoye
• lays, etc': Their Doiriestie &tette
department wee well supplied anti
well patronized, although the hex=
was by accident not advettieed un -
100 1 til Thursday, ... 4'
Mrs. Welsh returned from her visit
to Loa Angeles week in April
and wag highly delight'ed with her
wetter sojourn itt 'that land of sun-
shine, flowers 'end : feeite •
Miss Tillie Weiss ,of Stratford i
theguest of .hce: aunt,. Mra. Weiss,
.. Captain WilloUghby and Engineer.
Baiter have made three trips -with
Cargoes of eoal, two ta .1Vinds.or and
one to Pert Huron. :.The • "Benton."
is viinrAng great '.favor it eeeme, as. a,
fast goifig barge.
hL Greig of Seaforth and . her
/awl"- daughter Evelyn: Were the owl-
eets • dneixig Easter. of Mr. and lides,
Wlliaut Aeheson.
Alta, Robert Reherton qf Aeleurn
was ',theguest. at Eastertideof kr.
. and Mrs, Voleert Jonte it, OddfelloW's
; Mrs. ..Angustue -Cernell 'speet East'.
ertide n,t Blithe- .
iIr,Ben waa the: guest dUr-
ing Baster :week ,,o,f Iris brother., 'Mr,,
Percy Cornell of Tonento. ,
. Mr. Scott of the Teironto Business.'
College Spent his vacation :with . his•
sister, Mrs. -John Graham. He' also
assisted' Mt Sharman clutieg tIse Bas
ter . rush of business in that, eetab-
"iishmeete , • ,•" '
Mr. Kiekley of Sharo3an's establi-
'shmeet spent : his .I.30,ener.' vacation et
his home in Guelph. •
. Mrs; Alex e Stehle of Soto:all spent
-her Easter Vemetionas thootteet - of
her sipter, 1VIrs:'Heraliii. •
Mr: • Oba,rlie Symonds is, rilietirik
fine lawe .at: his tesidente... lie heel ant
enorthous, iredler 'levelling • it ...fleet
Saturday. •Hie trip to Dakota neat
.autume has • invigtereeed hire mere
than doctors' Medicine, •
We have learned. on. good •authority
tbett affor. the .swow of last whiter
'melted fermi the on:heeds bushels • of
finc apes nere -.picked' Op by our
farness Who left • theni.. to decay, ,la
fiete upon - matr Moralize JOE
many ate left to decay, but
God's watelitng eye' yeeps them eate•
and sound, vovetedehy his mantle Of.
mercy: . • '
• Mrs. ,Strwart, wife of: Mr. Janice
DelryrepIe SteWatt, is- somewhat •bet-
ter and dve feel certain tho,t the .
my • weather .of flowery May will
store her. to her old thee • perfect lie-
Mr. Ed,. Swarts joined his family'
and guests' at dinner an Eater Sun-
da -Y. *Ple wore the red, red rose of
St.. George,• the patron saint of 'Hag -
land; '
"I first used Dr. •Chases Syrup of.
Linseed and Turlientine with my dau-
ghter who suffereed from a, severe at -
take of rietlinaa. The least exposure
to eold would lay her up and • she
woulb neatly ,auftocato for Want of
breath. I mut say 1 found lt to. be
•a most satislaztory treatnactst'and it
has entirely cittred her, A.
Vantluskirk, F lob tree t, Irlorie ton,
• • .
• Mothers bay it for croupy children
railroad men ebuy.t.i., „ter severe conghs.
.,and elderly ,people buy It for ;la grip -
PO," •say Moore: Bros., Eldon, Iowa.'
"'We -,ee:11 more. of Chamberlain's Cou-
gh aeniedY then any other Weer It
.efienes leee ;taken. lee,d Aver
several other leraenis." There' s
110 RaeStiOn Mit klit$ 'lllOinc4Je Is '141e
best that -ean Peoducen for :eougns .
and beide, whether itt be la ser
an:adult( that..is afflicted. Ie always.
elites and cures quickly. . 8034 by
Combe: •
Th .ush'ilei:Xauoda
.Winnipeg; Apri1:49theee That
fourthof the entire i population of '
•towh in England gliotild, with . one.
accord, decide to emigrate. to Canada ".. •
is eeite remerkeideerooveinent, but •
tide' is what has oceurred this epeing.
"There...Will he a very e etrong .erni-
gretion. Out from England to this
;country this year, I am sure;" said
Mr. Hotbeidge. of. the.lVlidlande to
the News, "and movement ,extre- • •
mely Near Where' f•
lived Was a ,Villago of 590 inhebitane
aret I, know .fot.''aeeertainty 'that
•cefele 150 people trete that place alone
came to Canada thig, spring to build
ue Alen? .1.19trites. • ••
Mr, George Bolen, Spry, Bruce Cep.,
writei : "1 was troubled with nervous . •
Mrs, 'IlUssell retUrned to het dyel'epsie. .swie years Ant:1 • after •
adiingW-aaliPelervaislaleniti6drri'eltlit4wstietrii 1VIErtse.r. nine.1:6*es of
Dr. Chase's
Brown and . other relatives here.
• :11/fr. R, Joues spent East-
er Sunday at Aubern.
We had. a regular Easter. feast of
lovely flowers awl have Iliank Mrs.
W, L. Elliott for some magiiificeet
cella lilies and pink. carnations, 111t4
.Fulteee 'for white hyacinths and a
grand-daughhter of Mrs.- Jenninks
f or a 4iSiqUel of double daffodils,- tied
With bows of gold eolored
Whichlenakes marble top ed table
gitalgtitibitengtlui's alVitt MabelEngWiliash
violets to plant in our garden.
+rodeos, pot. store takes the
palm for Baster decOratiOn. . Artist
Irwii. completely bewildered our, citi-
zens„ with .his artistic skill in 'hand-
ling the ribbons, not of a' first class
team, but of an Easter ,Coiening.
"Green and. svhite is my. delight" eves.
Harry's Easter song, which reaches
:Litt as th, .pretty
The Turret Chief, Captain Dix, left
her winter "mooring on Saturday ' af-
ternoon for Cleeland: She and, , hi
'sister steamer as well as the Rose-
• mount, were alt ready to leave port
tWO Weeks ago but the ice in St,
Mary's river wae: tes..ving abhor steam-
• ere trotible so the owners thought the
Steamers had better remain here
some time longer to engine safety'.
Mr. Harry Bothwell of Totonto was
ir. tawit on Good Friday. • e •
betrilvn allstwere
ebuIstrecdh etas great
FlausatTr. Tho Government of New South
IfIVIIner's, W. A. Rhyne epeot Easter- (arranging for a series of addresses in. .
. • Wales, following Canada's lead, is
tide with her son, W, 0. RhYnas of • pthoein-taFtirgicoulutturtahleditidtvta'ienttasgoefs 1Ln141,;ate(11v,,
ThrraellrtfoGterich 'news read The News- • South Wales as a, field for •fartriere
Food felt better the,n I had 'for '
-years.. .Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ,is
certainly . the best medicine I ever
used,, and I say• so . beCaese want to
give full 'credit Where it is due.",
Ai.. aclVeetiseinent in The News -
Record brines good results.
Iledwzg Niemann Renbea., a noted
German actress,. did at Berlin in en
institute for mental diseases. She
was taken ill on Dee. 3, 190,4.dt/ring
the celebration • of her, sixtieth birth-
day,' .
A prolific cause Of is the use
of cathartics antyills of a drastic,
violent nature, which is al'ways follo-
wed by a rbac•tioe on account of the
resinous, diying proPeetiee they cone
There. are other easing, but 110 mat-
, ter what the. cause or what the kind
of• Pile's, Dr. Leonhardt'e 'Hem -Rohl
can be relied -upon taeeere—to, stay
cured., : . '
It's an internal remedy that reinov-;
es the ,caifses of Itehing,"Blind, ,Bleede
jog Or Suppurating Piles.
A guarantee goes with efteh pack.-
age containing. a moth's, treatment.
• It ear. be obtaimed for $1.00 at
druggists', Or The Wilson -Pyle. Co.,
Limited, Niagara Palls, Ont. 6
N. u, of small means.
—."---',---""I'..-:,-,11..-",:."."1"1•1•11*-:—. .
edigiawatiritaii iniatiiiimerammiliklimmihmiwarimmi •
1:-4 663690 ei9i096964*)6:031)63,91009100469,0640663%)666(031,6)46,666060a69i64663
. . .
ia30 N covnast I
as,- ; ...............„„_................................„....„,, ,,,, .
Gives thieerricietoolden June lint that Guarantees Prize Butter.
The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies In the World Ilse It
g$411.4111AViltilirrit 4ii,..1301110 16*.401.Xilti2a0i.
• —
• 60