HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-27, Page 1— 7^-,--ropprie7Fir....",-.3 ',.-^.•••ippror.r."-.---,..,.,„„,..
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— Farmers/
g I •
0 0 0
To come here for your Shoes and Groceries.
I pay the highest price for Butter and
Eggs and will give you the best goods
for the least money.
—4tist °Periled Uli—
A lot of up-to-date Tan and Chocolate Shoes
• in Ladies' and Gents'. •
See samples of Itliem in the window.
Come in and get my prices.
Clean Fresh Groceries.
At Cheap Prices
R. Graham's Old Stand. -
0 0 I:3 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 or 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0c> 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0
. . The Sovereign Bank:;...:.
Chartered by. - Dominion parliament
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :0 0 0000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 <> 0 e •0 0 0 0 0 0 0 er e
0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0
111M' .
a. T. RANCE, Manager. - . W. BRYDONE, Solicitor.
0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
•T. Jackson
We are offering genuine bargains in
Ready -To -Wear Clothing
and invite your inspection „
T. Jackson Sr., .Clinton
Mr. Pet ei Lewis of the Hotel Nor -
Manilla is this week having twenty
Devau house telephones installed in
the bedrooms; ete. of the hotelsoNo-
tiring is too good !for the Normandie
aud the guests thereof, ia the motto -
:n• of the caea.ble landlord. IVIessrs. Ste-
venson and Nediger of „the electric
ight works are installing the phones.
Mr, J. F. Wasmen of Bluevale Is
• negotiating for the rental ot Mr.
Albert Seeley's blacksmith ehop •and
the expectation is that he will take
possessien in a few days. He wag in
town yesterday- enquiring for a. house.
He is a brother Of Mr, Charles Was»
• man of 'near Brueefield and has
reputation of being a Drat -class me.
chanic, • Mr. Seeley retains the mach-
ine shop.- •
The News-Raeord Understands that
a change in the ownership of the elec-
tric light plant is probable in the
near future, say in pia weeks, and
that the company which will take it
.over • will .consist of gr; W. J. Stev-
enson; Vie:present enenentie And thoro
manager, and his capable assistant,
Mr; W, J. Nediger. Since they have
had to do with it the service has
eertaiely greatly improved, .
A. 0, P. VISITORS, .
ntnniber of Ancient Foresters front
Sea,forth and the. District Chief, Mr.
Naeh of Winghanin attended the mee-
ting 'of Court Prosperity- held . on,
Monday evening when there
large. turn out of the. local( hrethern.
The Worthy. Chief, Mr.. F. • W.
Evans . presided '4 candidate
was initiated ands the District 'Chief
said ,the work, was Well Mine: 1 There
were also speeches, .songs. etn; and.
last, but. ink no ,means least, •nre-
fresinnents were served on a generoes
scale, The visitors expressed theni-
selves , as • muoli Pleaged and enified.
with. the evening's entertaiement and
will retain Pleagable recollections of •
their evening spent with the Clinton
T.he',annuol yeatry, meetingof .St
•,. church waa bele nye Monday eV -
ening, the motor in the .cneir. , 'The
yestrnn clerk having reinoved: free'
tOwn, gr. William JaCksen, wasnan-
pointed to, that position. • The :repents
.of the teeter and of tile- churchward-
ens Were received and o rnotitei;Meg!..
srs. p. E., DoWding •and W. Jackson
Were ,appenited . to aireit• the wardens!
accounts. Mr.' T.:, D... Johegon Wan re.
.elected people's warden and Mr, • FI, T.
,Rance Was anPeinted elergyrea;n's WA -
'den The 'latter who is already pr-
etty well supplied. with Work .in the
.choir. ad Suutla,y;SchoOl,••as,keil -time
to consider bis aceeptanoe of the poS-
ition, .inaltieg it 'contingent tenni .. the
actic6r. of the'ladies' Guild whichnie7.
•ets • on Thursday evening"in annual
meeting, • •1VIesers:W, Weinin•IF. Colele-
ugh, -Johnston:, 1. Herman,. C. E.
'Dowding, it Pniner„ T. Rance and
T., I -ferniest Were appointed aidegmen.
The: meitieg was adjourned t� meet
as usual in: two -weeks to coesider
the Ouditersn report
After, tfie Aloe of the V.eatrY meet-
ing a congregational • ..meeting:Was
heltinnt whieh Messrs. John..11ansford
. • and S. G. 'Kenn= Were re-elected
lay -delegates to the SYnc,d-nof-Huronn
Sin: PAUL'S CflURCRI, • . •
. .
The services in :St. Paul's eluiren
on' Easter DAY :were largely Attended :
and the number of eommunicants the
largest for Many min. The choir .re.
miered .the . Easter mimic • 'teitinually
well, the anthems • jet' Easter , and du-
ring theoffertory being.: nenpeeiaily
geed. In the' evening .6, solo Waa 'giV-
en 'by Miss MeNa,ughtee in her •usuan
good •manner and the anthem nAwake
up illy: Glory" was sung. with • 'Much..
MOO and was execliently rendered.
Ttekernions• were appropriate to
the occasion, that in the morning.be-
ing based on 1 Con V, 7• and 8, and
that,of the, evening on $t. 1VIank XIV
5. • "
The rector preached at the morning
and evening nervicen and the •OVeiling
address opened with a description Of
the Made of burial • among the, Jews
2004 years •ago. Then n he described
thevisit of the faithful, Womee to the
tont, why they came,' their theughts
and their bringing .the tidings to the
apostles. The_ ohjecntiens • of the Sta-
les and the' ifiestion Of the Corin-
thian Christians as to the resurrect -
were omitrasted with' certain no-
vel religious (if the day. which seem
to exist only. to show that history
repeats itself. These new religious
asaert not orte bet Many iecartuttions,
and thus testify indirectly to a, belief
,in the' heart of man of a resurredtion
Pant just as Hercules bears winless
to Samson and tradition in every
uneivilized 'people bears testimony to
the scriptural account of the flood.
Christ's tinivaratice to Maryshowed-
Ile was alive, to the' AnoStles that
He Was a Spirit and a Body and to
Thomas that in physical structure the
body ineorruptible. and immortal had.
the marks of the nails and of the
sword thrust •in the side. The prea-
cher then dwelt upon the stoues wh
left mot be nolled away and whieli
like tho faithful wonme may be found
with faith to .have been, rolled aWay,.
the stones of doubt, hesitation be-
tvaaert right and wrong, ignorance,
Mise ideas of religion and evil exam-
ples. It is to be remembered that
as Jesus Christ rose, the first traits
of the dead, We all shall rise again.
Sonit) will rise to Joy and felicity,
3 t ro., Shame and everlasting con-
tempt. We pay for our time by an
004.4.44•44044,0,:4».144,0 4•4•4•444 +044 4444+4 446:4444,4404:41.
I Some Extra Values in -
New Spring Merchandise.
. ...
• Prints. • ?
We have just placed in stock about one hundred plecea itn
heaviest Canadian Print bought at a great taxies on regular ns.
prices. These are the quality for which other places are t
asking 121e, Our prices while they last I0c, .s.
They are almost as booty as duck and good washers. #*
Dress (foods.
All the new thingg both in wool and cotton Dress Fab- •14,
4ies inay new be found on our shelves, Quality as good as
•, e best, neva e' meat. : X
T •4.
.;`. i•
.ti; Parasols and Umbrellas. .:
x We have otic of the largest stooks of Parlsols and lim- •..
t brellas to he Mud in town. NeW an nab), goods at from ' e
1:, • 50e up, Call end see these goods and be convinced that. our
.* prieen are right. . • yr .
.f.e I
The Old Stand ' Clinton ):
ftd4446+4404&04440++++++4 .44441044+++++4,+”!+.44 .5
Mr. Harvey IVIel3rien's son Stewart,
a handsome little lad ef two summ-
ers, got his hand caught in a clothes
wringer in operation ‘on Tuesday and.
had his fingers so badly bruised that
the services- of the surgeon had to be
called in, .
• Messrs. Harland Bros. still continue
making improvements in their big
hardware store. They are now tak-
ing Out. the front hall door which
they are replacing by a plate glees
window, 40x88 niches. They are also
putting in a metallic .ceiling and a
new floor. •
The new officers of the Ontario str-
eel' Sunday sohool were elected on
Tuesday evening and are as fol-
lows• :
Superintendent, Thos. Murch, .
Assistants, Dr. Thompson and A,
Sen-Trea,surer, Ralph Tiplady
Librarians, Miss 0, Steep and Ant-
os Castle.
• Mr. Muroli has been identiOecl with
Sunday' sehlitol work for the past !or•
ty years and there is every reason
to believe that the schoel will, under
his Management, continue to ProSper.
The. Wesley S. S. anniversary hel
last .• Sunday was iargely attended '
and, view it as you will, a success.
Rev. Dr. Crews of :Toronto was the
•preacher of tile day. His discourses
were apt ankpractical and mut* en-
joyed by all who heard them.
. At the. a. in. service_ the children
• were present in large numbers and
occupied- :the front ' pews. They also
filled the choir seats and furnished the
nipple under thedirection of gr. S. •
Murch, assisted by an orchestra with
Miss Ida Hohnes• as pianist. '
• In the afternoon there was an open
session of the school, the superintern•
dent., Me, A, T. Cooper, Presiding,
Addresges Were given by Dr. Crews
and the Pantot, anal niusie by: the
School and an orchestra of ten pieceg.
• In the evening the church lines' well
filled. 'Di Cre*S was again the prea-
eher-and the chi:reit choir exeelled•itn
.self. 'Phe (Ian's contribetions anieurn
'bed. to $77,75, More than was anied
• Among those who suffered by, fire
in the West this spring we notice the
name of Victor GoodWin, formerly of
tovvn, whit, we are informed, lost his
house, stable and contents, in feet-
. everything,. barely escaping himself,
AN 4.114, •
, • . ' .
Clinton, islosingoberniing daugh-
ter, and the West is once. morethe
gainer. On Tuesday Of this week, at
the family • residence.. Fulton .St.,
Miss. .Eva, •daughter of Mg. Win. •
Cooper, Was united in marriage to
Mr. Victor C. French,. 6, former Olin!
tonian, now editor .ancn.prepriethr. of
the Wetaskiwin Times. The cereniony
wag Performed in. the presence- of. fifty
guests by the Rev. Mr. ganning,. and
after 'a Wedding breakfast; the happy
couple left on the afternoon. train for'
Detroit. The bride was given away
by her brother, Mr. John A. Cooper,
Toronto. The groom: was supported
by Mr.' J. B. Schneider. of. nintenet,
Mise Olive, Cooper was maid of hon.
or, • Miss 1VIene Hartrey cif Sean:nth
was bridesmaid and nliss 1VIerjorie
Cooper, flower girl. The btide'S.dress
was of ' white eolienne taffeta , witli
yell. The maid of honor .wore ohann
nagne. voile and the bridesmaid green'
silk Crepe de chem. The bride tarried
white -roses and wore laid groom's pr-
esent, a Ita,ndarnne sunienat of pearls.
The presents were numerous and ex: -
pressed' the esteem in which the bride
was held. Mr. and Mee; French will
visit Toronto, IVIontreal and Ottawa
beforeleaving for the West.: Among
the put -of -town guests were Mien El-
liot, Welland, Miss, Dunham, Berlin,
Miss Dean, Galt, Miss Collard, Tenn-
nto, Miss Floody, Blyth„ Miss 'Ada
Howson, Wingham; Miss Mitna
Seaforth and Mrs.. Young, Godn
erieh, The clay was the. 'brightest yet
experienced this ,spring, and a•Iarge
crowd aneenthled an the railway stat-
ion. to speed the departing 'ones with
good 'wishes, confetti and old shoes.
. .
The meeting of the West Huron
license commissioners held in Clinton
on Thursday last was rather seusa-
tional. A strong delegation of Tem-
perance workers made several neves.;
asking for shorter hours, stricter
regulations, etc: They also emphati-
cally registered an dbjectioe to grant-
ing a, license to Mr, Peter' Lewis of
the Nortnandie hotel, not oh the gro-
unds that -Peter has misbehaved hini-
self since, totting to Clinton, but
because of his alleged bad past rec-
ord. Several prominent citizens., am-
ong them Mayor Hoover and Council-
lor Ford, took en the cudgels on
Peter's behalf and Supported his ap-
plication because of their belief that
he is running an hotel that in a end.
it to the town and has been good
citizen since taking up his residence
here. There was so much discussion
oVer this one hotel that an adjourn-
:n(1.01A Was made before mach business
was transacted.
Oti Saturday the board met 111 Dun-
gannon and granted licenses to all the
applicants except John Perkins Of the
Queens, Clinton, and N. O. Boggs,
Carlo*. They also shortened the day
by Meting that 111 towns the hotels
mUst close their horn at tell O'c'ock
p. m. told in the rural districts and
villageS at nine &Clock. This cuts off
a profitable hour for the. litense hold-
ers, but it is a concession to the Tem-
perahee people that they never ob-
tained before in this riding. The
board is composed of : Thoa, Church-
ill, chairman, Thos. Dunne and M.
Loekhart, with Alf. Asquith as in-
The meeting of the Baptist Young
People's Society next Monday night
Will be devoted to the interests of
• Missions, An excellent program will
be gives consisting of music, readings
and eecitations, all appropriate to
the occasion.- An address on "Grande
Ligne Mission Work" will he gieen
by the pastor. A collection will be
taken in the • interests of the society,
A cordial invite -tion is extended to
•On IVIOnday the ptice of wheat drop,
Ped- in Chicago from $1.10 to 98Ac,
but in Clinton it remained stationery'
at $1.05. Live bogs ere advancing in
Klee, $6.50 nowbeing paid locally;
with a somewhat better tendency. •
• Whet $1.05,
'Oats Mc to 40c.
Barley 400 to 43e,
Peas 60c to 65e. -
• Butter 14e to 15c, •
Eggs 120. ••
Hay $7.00, •. -
Mrs. S. Kernp' had an experience la-
st Week which called forth a display
of nerve which comparatively few
would lia,ve shown: :While in the wo-
odshed she stepped upon a Very sharp
axe which in some way turned up
and penetrated the -slipper whien she
wore and cut oft one of hei toes.
Mrs. Kemp made no outcry, didn't
apprise a neighbor or call A. doctor,
but patched; up the toe with sticking
Plaster so that in •seems to be grow-
ing ,together again. In the . meantrme
she has gpne about her housework as
usual, ' . • • .
. •
At midnight on Friday list Mrsn.
F. W.: Frenenn wife of the principal of
the, Collegiate Institute in East
Termito; passed, „away guddenlY. She
had been in pone health 1 OL over two
yearn, but the final suitimens •came
iinexpectedly. • She was the only sis-
ter of Mr. Ja:cob. TaYlor, of totvn.
The funeral teen . Place: :en TuennlaY
with: her fcier eldest brothers actin
as pallbearers William of Chicago,.
Joseph ef Toronto, Jaeoh 011 Clinton
and Israel of London - Thenieterrnent
took plane in St: • John's cemetery,
pity, the rector of the church corn
ductieg -the services. Mrs. • Freneh
is.Survived by her 'husband and their
three children, the oldest a boy of
. .
twelve years. •• •
: • •-• • •
, Every seat in Willis bhtireh was oc-
cupied .on Monday evening On the oc,-
easierof the organ recital given by
Master .Ernest McMillan of ' Toronto
. remarkably elver toy who,. althou-
gh he has not. yet reached his teens, .
handles the pipe organ' ao akilielly so
to win worm praise train :Motors
of music.. A bright future, is pre-
dicted for him. It is scarcely 'in-:
.esSary to say that those who bear
bite here Were delighted and have ex -i
pressed the hope than nlienn may Some
time' in the future again have the ple-
enure of listening .to him .: In 'additt.
on to Master •MeMillan, feu Of our
local- .eoleists took part in the: pro-
gram, gins gaud ,MeN.a,ughton, Miss
Lillian Coats, Miss E. Reid tend Miss
McCorvie, Their selections, were mu-
ch enjoyed by ' theaudience' which
said so, as loinlIn as regard for the
place :pen:ratted,- , •
In the evening before' the recital be-
gan the children of the: Sunday. 'soh -
eel and a . number of friends were
given a tea itt the school roimi. • It
Was a, very' social gathering' at Which
all 'Were soctable and thus had al good
•, .
Editor News-Record,—Will you kind-
ly gine these faots to your readers :
Last week we sent out. a circular let: -
ter in eonnectioa with the ,Knitting
Cenmatin bylaw. In „this' We .stated
that we. were giving the town ample
security, but neglected to say among.
other things • that this included the
fire insuranceon our Ibuildings, but
as this is set forth in the agreenient
made with the town, and published
in the last three•iasueseof your Paper
W0 thought it would ''be untleretooe
by everybody. Softie one 'has started
the rumor that neither Mr. Owen or
Mr. Jerikins, are members of gm pro-
posed company, 1 wish to give this
a fiat 'denial, there is absolutely no
truth in this rumor. The reason the
agreement with the town is • only
• signed by H. T. Itanee, W. P. Spaul-
ding and H. 13. Combo is this: • Mr.
Oweu aud Ur. Jenkins are not resi-
dents and ithe three first nien aerie('
menfbers of the proposed Company
were on the spot when the agreement
Was ,enectited, and lianci full authority
to ant for the Company in . making
this agreement, The persoenel of the
Clinton ICnitting Company is as fol-
• lows ,
President, Sarni. Owen
Vice, John. Jenkins
Sec. -Treasurer, H. D. Coati*.
Managing Direotor, W. P. Spaulding
Directors, H. T. Ranee and M. M,
We might further add that tio part
ot the proposed loan is to he • paid
over to the Company until the build-
ings have Weil ereeted. •Yours truly,
If. flCoinhe,
Whole Number 1368
• The Wise property at the lower end
of the towq , has been bought by Mr,
Martin Waugh of London, who t4kes
possession in a few :days. The pur-
chase price was $805. Min Waugh
intenda engaging in gardening as did
the late owner of the property.
Farmers—G, B. Rallard • ..... ... I
• Great Valuese-Newconibes 8
1VIen's New Hats—Tozer 4c Brown.— 8
A Stilt for $10—Hodgens Bros 8
Something Special—Hodgens Bros_ 8
Wash Suits—Tozer & 'Brown
• Aluniimun Ware—Harland Bros 4
Auction Sale—F. Joyner. 5
On Thursday last the ,property own-
ers in the town of Durham veted on
a bylaw granting a, lienug of $10,000
and a loan: of the same amount to
the furniture factory in that place.
The vote was not unanimously in fa-
vor of the bylaw, but it was the next
thing to it, only fifteen opposing. The
vote next Monday on the $0,000 •by-
law should be eq;ually etnphatic. Clin-
ton has need of more industries and
should 'make an effort to get them.
• Vote for the bylaw. •
1VIAny cif oen rearciers may reinemlber
the accident which Wet 1VIra. Peter
Cole of Goderich township while dri-
ving over the railway crossing near
the • station le October last. Her
horse got its foot Caught between the
rail ,and plank, throwing it slow'', and
Mrs. Cole out ,of the buggy. From
the effects of the injury then glisten.
ed she has not yet fully. rebovered,
There will not; however; be •any
action against the Greed. Trunk, the
Company having settled by .paying
Mrs. Cole $500 arid the..arnount oq tin
'doctor's' hill, or $550 in all. .
.•Personal. .
Ms. Alex, Ostrom spent Easterat
the parental. home on the • Bayfield
Miss. E.: Fleker spent Eastertide at
home„ returning. on, Monday tO.L11-.
eknow. • • , • - • •
Mr, and: IVIrs: Henry Routledge :and.
• MissMary glient Good Friday -. in.
. 4
Seaforth. '
'Mr. W. ,R,.. Denrie; editor of the IVIR-1
. ,
chell Advocate,. was in .Clinton ,on
. Saterday. ' .• • .
Mr. John. Wanless- of Toronto • was
the guest on his brother-innaw, Mr.
-:'Williara Graham; *last week:. ••• -;-•
Miss Clara Wiseman is 'filling a.,.pro-
•I fessional engagement al" eerie at
Lendeehaeci this -week: n
Mr, 0.1R. touter arrived from: Toin
.•. onto on Tuesday to take a situation
as marble cutter with ,J', Q. Seale
& Co. •• • ' '
Mrs. Donald. Macdonald and her gra-
nd -daughter returned home Tues-
• day from ,visiting :her daughter in
• Detroit : •• ••
gd. Frank Arscott, Miss. Ena ' and
• Master Earl of London spent Eas-
ter with her mother, • Mrs: • George
• MeEwen. • - •• n n
. Thompson, Mrs, Thompson • and
ters ,Fred. and Charlie visited
. Mr. Thompson Sr.:in St. Marys On
Geed Friday. . • • •
Dr, Woods and Mrs. Woods of BO,:
field were 'in town:Tbursday on'the-
n: way to visit the:latter s . old
•home in Denham,. .- ., •
Mr. William tTaylor 431 Chieagbi„ , who
is accompanied by his son Walter,
is • the guest of his brother,„ Min
' Jacob Taylor thinnnveek. —
Aincieg former residents who • spent
•Saterday and Sunday le Clinton
were •Oharlie' Ball 'of, London and,
Ilarry trout of 'Woodstock,* •
Mr. W. H. Hellyar spent from lintrs
, day • until Satunday in.' Sarnia and
..tiotioed a great change in that town
since :be. lived :Gliere a. kW Years
age. ' .
Miss. Olive Patterson, daughter ef Mr.
: William Pattetstin of near Auburn,
called On Cliaton friends the latter
• part Of last wdek on her way home
• from Galt. • . • •
• , M. U.. McLennanand -children,.
who, had . been spendin some time
with her narents', Mr. an : gra: J.
•• Beaman; returned to 0 �n Sound
on Saturday, :.
Mrs, •Henry gook, Who spent. , the
wifiter ,months With her son; •Mr;
Josh Cook of town, has returned
to the old rhentiestead on the ilth
ooncessilon ef .Goderich toweghip..
Mrs. • Robert Ferrier, Toronto, was
the guest during Easter of her eon!
sin, Mr. Joseph Wheatley. On Tarr,
esday Miss Lottie Wheatley • end
Mrs. Ferrier visited Mrs. ' J. J. We-
, rd of • Varna,. .
Mrs. Dort Mil= and child, who were
, guests of her *parents at the Wesley
street parsonage far several weeks,
returned to their lionie at tramp -
ton on Monday accompanied ny Mr.
Milner who joined . them on Friday,
On Friday last Messrs. Oliver Johnn
son and C. IL Wallis returned fronr
the Northwest where they had boon
disposing at shipments of horses.
They found the market overstocked
. but knowing the ropes they mating
eh to pull out all right, They take
a roseate view of the .West and he-
• neve only a, suceeSsiett a bid erape
can cheek its prosperity. . .
r. W, II. Ford of Xamloops D. 0.
rrived last eVeeing and ..is spending
a, unpin of days with his brother,
Councillor J. Ar .Pord. It is six
yeana inee Mr. Peed Wes laat he
• Clinton. Ile is now on his Way to
London, England, his travelling
companion being a.hrother-in-law 01
• the famous . Rider ,laggard and 801-1
of a former headinaster of Itugby
Colleae, The trip is a businens On%
The street sprinkler made its first
appearance for the season on Tues:
• 'rho wife of Ur. J. D. (Ike) Read,,
formerly of Clinton, is very ill •at
11er horne in Ottawa.
In Addition to an anthem next Sun*
day evening in Willis ohureh Mr. W.,
P. Spauldieg will render a solo.
Edward Saddler, who came from
Winehatn and entered the House of
Refuge wheu it was first opened, died.
last Thursday, aged 08 years.
Property owners will please note
that in voting on the bylaw next
Monday they may only vote in one
ward, that in which they reside.
While a couple of ladies • were dr-
iving to Varna via, Brucefield they,
lost a Persian lamb ganatlet.' The
finder might leave it at this ofilee,
Next Sunday a. m, the Oddfellows
will observe the sixty-eighth aneiver-
sexy, oi the foundatioe of their zohie
Order by attending divine service la
t. Paul's church.
Monday Harvey Davis clipped
erses from head to foot in one
bout:, his is record time. Bert Kern
held the watch, but Harvey thinks he
could do even a little better..
The Jackson Mig. Con is stodk talc- .
lag, this week, •so that a nuniber of
the employes are holidaying. 1 Next
week the factory will again be in full
_cperotien, working on fall goods. :
Mr.- 'Julia Hearn infOrnied-T1ie'Ne4 '
ws-Record on Tuesday that he •haS
cucumber vines in his garden' three
inchea: high. Mr. Hearn devotes con-
siderable nine to his garden in which,
he takes much interest and, not un- •
frequently his vegetables' are the envy
of other local growers. •. -
We are sorry to state that Mr. A.
H. Goodwin ,has been aeribusly ill for
a week With a severe attack of in-
dammation of the bowels. • gr. Good-
win had just resumed his work a few
days after being laid. off for nine
vveens with crushed fingers, when he
was stricken:with 'this diSease, We
hope he may Boob be around again.. .
Fred. Hiscon, London, spent Eaeter
. •
. with his aunt, Mrs. 4. W. B,a,ttea- •
bury. , , • • '
Rev. John McNeil andhis sons, Gra- •
et: And John, were in Clinton. yes-
Rev. ratber'Stanley ot Loinl•ort, was
a' priVan'e . guest at the ,Rattenbury,.
House this Week. .
Bayfield; •
". The ne*Iy-organized football, team,
the Lakesides, of Bayfield played an ,
exhibition game' •with the .1-lensall•te- •
am on Good Friday at liensill;;.ro- •
suiting •in 1 to 0 in favor • of • the
nekesides. Owing to the state of the
grounds playing was very ,uneleasant, ••
On Saturday .of„ this Week the •'Henn
sail' team will Play here ontlie exhi-
" greunds, the first league. gamen • '•
of the ...Season at 4 p. in, Every per-,
son :should tura out arid', encourage
;the boys, Admission ma and 15t:
Don't forget that Stores 'close each
Tuesday atid' Thursday evenings at 0
colninencitig on May 2nd. .
inesSrs,. It Darrow and' Geerge,Gr-• •
eenslade attended the --Meeting •Of the •
license conenissionein at Henson.. on
Thursday. ' ..• •
• Mr, James Ferguson 'attended the
funeral ' • Of his nrother-in-law, Mi. •
Alex. Perteinield at telgraee; last .
week. ••
Mrs. Chesney And son, Mr. George
Chestto ..of Seaforth, spent . Good°
Friday in .the village. • .•
Mr, J. Cowsley of Toronto was the'
guest �f Nellie Martin a
days the past :week. . ' •
Mrg. Georne.Mitoliell and sons, gas- •
tern Harry. Enid 'Clifford. of Lobb, were •
the'guests of Mr:- and Mrs. F A Ed-
wards,Mrs Bihreanpdoansta."eed ficaiinity s'Pent the •
past week With friends at Belgra,ve. •
• Mr, John Tippet and daughter,Miss--
Alice, spent Easter week at Berlin.
Mr. Drown of London was the gu-
est of Mr" and Mrs. John Whiddon.
a few days the. past week,
Mrs, Mattock and daughters, Miss
Ruth Chattock and 1Vliss Marie ,Nete, '
• ell, •of Detroit were 'the guesta, a
her mother, Mrs. Sellars, the Past
week, •
• Mr, S. Haidenhy spent his. Easter
holidays at hie home in Teesveater.
Mr. Dan Spencer of Toronto spent
his Easter holidays under the paten"
be roof.
• •
gra, Rutile of London arriVed last
week. to spendthe summer • in th.
Miss Edith Falconer of Goderich
spent • Sunday under the parental
roof.- •o•
• Dr. Smith atteened the ineetirg of
theintermediate football. league at
Berlin on Friday. •
Messrs. John Whiddon and Alex.
MeLeod, who are attending the Noe -
Mal at London, are spending their
rEaitostt.e r holidays under the parental
Mk. T. 13rownlee, principal of the
?ebbe school, is spending his Bas. .
ter holidays • in Hensall and Soaforth,
Miss Meta and Master Wilber
• win are spending their taster holi-
days ora.ths Parr Line, Stanley, at
Mr. Ralph Stevensoe's.
The animal Easter Vestry meeting
of Trinity church was held on Masten
Monday at 2.80 p. in, The accounts
were all paid and after everything
was settled • about $00 of a ,Ivalanto
remains on hand as the result of a "
year's work. A list of those • eleeted ,
will lie 'gkven next week.
Mr. Setitchiliere Sr. has .purehased
a Dominion organ frotti Mr. It. Peck,
Miss Martin tyt Seaforth is the gue-
at for n kw days at Mrs. COM
0' t
• .
• "