HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-20, Page 9Exquisite.
Easter Mill nery
Charming Easter Millinery is on ex-
hibition in our showroom. Dainty .creations
of the milliner'sart fresh from our work-
rooms for Easter selling. It is no exagger-
ation to say that Millinery such as on our
tables to -day las not been seen in Clinton •
before. This is the verdict of shopperswho
throng our showroom daily. ' Though style
is the keynote of the entire showing, yo.
prices are moderate and reasonable in every
Flowers From New York
Right from New Work; the.s-great Dtillinery
centre of the continent, carne a shipment" of beauti-
eautiful flowers• this week, They are choice, stylish.
goods, out -of -the -ordinary and exclusive in style.
Not enough for thein to be common,and of the
best, no two alike, See thein before the assort-
ment gets broken,
Those Remnants we put on sale last Saturday
are going out fast. No wonder, for they are bar-
gains in'the truest and best sense of thatmuch-
abused word. 'Not as Manyas a week ago, of
course, but still enough.. for you to• et a BAR-
GAIN, if you can use a, short end of dress.. goods.
TABLE No. ><
40 ends of Dress goods, of all kinds, diirk or tight
colorings, mostly short lengths in this lot, " every
one a BARUATN. Choice` 504
• About 30 or 85 ends on this table. longer lengths
than,on No.•1, but: just as big •BARGAINS, All
kinds s of materials. Choice of this ,•,.•• x •
All kinds of lengths and all kinds of prices on
this •table. ' Only el. kind of BARGAII. S . though'
•,hig'ones.• We are bound to keep the remnants'
from ggatheringg• `and have, pput prices'. away down'..
to make the selling sure. t will pay you to look
over this table:
Taster .Gloves
Of cot -se: you will want new gloves for Easter
Sunday. Don't buy an: unknown..make, 'they. are
seldom satisfactory. No •• doubt" about beingsatis-
fied if you; buy our:well known. and reliable .makes..
Stamped with the •maker's name in every case; 'and
each pair.guararteecl Spring shades and all.•sizes
now in stock
The '"F9ertess, ► in grey, fawn, •brown, white and .el nn
black, an exceprionally good:glove at .. " 0 liuu
The 4faxrey1ocli,"'made from seleotedlslkiiis, in grey,Si
fawn, brown and blank, .et. . , L
The a'Shelbourne," a high glade glove,• in grey, ti 5n
fawn and brown, at.... up , 1!
The ,Weddle," 'a 'washing Glove of exceptional equal-
ity, hi white and light shades only at. • •: i 5Q
A Raincoat Special
A very nobby Raincoat, made from pure wool'
fawn, showerproof. cloth, cut in the popular
three-quarter style,: belted back, new -sleeve, a
stylish and serviceable garment at a
moderate price. Special at each.....-. na.Utt,
A Great
Carpet Stack.
The largeness of our Carpet Stock is one reason
why it •is.. to your advantage to come here when
looking' for, carpets, Of course mere bigness is not
everything, butwhen, with great variety you get
newpatterns, dependable qualities and.. moderate
prices, you have a combination hard to beat. You.
will find it here. Spring stocks are complete, and
we were never in as good a position to serve you
as we are to -day. All Carpets at 50c.a yard or over
cut, made and laid without extra charge.
Wool Carpets, guaranteed' pure wool, colors hist, 25 patterns.
70e, 8Se Sad $1.00
Oagi1siq,' Tapestry Carpets, new designs, 80 ,�pnatterns to
select from, . ,... . . 40e, 8Oc, 60e add 75
English Brussel* carpets, the best to wear, choice •color.-
ings, 15 patterns, , . . . 90e, $1.001 a►ad $1,1$
Veliret and Fibcnrlaster Carpets, tst famed for their richness
and durability ... , P. • �, $1.26 Sad $I,80
Acotclt 1.ttsoiiltlais, 2,B and 4 yards wide
per square yard- . • . , . • . *0c, SOC add 60c
Hodgens : ros.,
The Clinton Dawn.R
Dry Goods Clinton.
irMrrl ...L A t. ,.
a ..Ir 1040•
Agents Parker's Dye Works,
De Fair 0o,.
Often the Cheapest,: Always the Best
Mr, John Moore cable up from Exet-
er for Sunday,
Mr. • Stewart Seymour comes home.
• from . London for . Easter.
Mr, and •Miss. Fred. 'Cooper will conie.
home frond Stratford for Easter.
Mr. John Taylor, who has been In
Hensall fora few months, has • re-
turned home.
Mr. John Ransford bas been confined
to' his residence this Week by an
attack of .neuralgia..
Rev;' C. R. Gunne went to Parkhill
yesterday to attend • the funeral of
a• fernierparishoner.;
Mr: .:William Downs goes to Toronto
today to look into • a .business pro-:
Position which has been made • him.
Mr. ,Elijah Jaoklin and his' eon Har-
ry ` . of Grey township visited -.his
daughter; Mrs. Salm' Cassels, this,
Week, •
Mrs: Fair . Sr: returned h rile 5st.
week from a visit of; Several :''•noon-
ths:with' her daughter, Mrs...R. a7;
Macdonald, Toronto:
Mr. John.; Rogers,:. C. E., Mitchell;
galled on his old friend, Mr. A. W..
Brandere'berger, on Tuesday while'
on his- Tway to Hensall :
Rev. Mr..11IcGee leaves . today ;for
a 'few days' • visit." to kith and kin
in New• York state• whorni he • has
not 'seen for many years:
Mr. .John : Johnstone of Rattenbury
street goes up to ,East Wawanosh
today to visit'his brother,', Mr..Ro=
bert Johnstone, whose • wife is ill;
Mr. C.' L. • Cranston, 'mathematical
master •atbhe ;Collegiate,,: leaves to -
•dray to spend the Easter hjolidays ate
Guelph, Toronto and Caledon East.
Mrs. - .Jos. Season
is spending the
Easter ' season with her 'daughters
in London, Mrs,., Robert; Sheppard,
Mrs eRallsp'h� Bezzo and Mrs,. Herb:
Rev: T. W Cousens of Brussels, . who
;: conducted anniversary services in
the -.Ontario sheet:;, church . on Sun-
day, Was 'thrk.guest of Re{v. Di,Cooly
while in town, '•
Rey: Dr Gifford, St: Thomas, a for-
mer ;pastor of Ontario' street e ur
• ch, has been ill for nearly two
months, but was able to occupy
• his, pulpit last Sunday
Di W. Guhn is daily gaining streng-
. th, but his recovery will be more
rapidand permanent if hey takes a
sea voyage and complete change of
climate, so .he expects toleave for
Europe shortly. Mrs.: Gunn may
accompany him.
Mr. G. W. Barge returned, Friday Iast
from a tw.e-months business trip.
through the West lin• the, interests of
the Clothing department of Hod -
gens Bros.' big store. While out
• there he met many old Clintonians,
among the nunnber Dr. Bruce who
is practising dental ' Surgery at Fort
McLeod, Alta Mr. 'Barge • is ':up
north this week picking`. up l business
for the. firm:
Mr, -and Mrs, D B. Kennedy were a-
.greeably surprised on. the arrival of
the 10.47, train last Friday evening
by .the unexpected arrival of Mrs.
Reuben :West, • wife of the ..editor of
the Glenboro, Man., Gazette. Mrs.
West will be best reniemliered' by
the friends here as Miss Flora Watt -
son of Blyth. She was accompani
' ed to the 'old .home in that •,village
on Saturday by Mrs. Kennedy and
purposes . remaining 'in Ontario for
a couple of months.
Mr: Victor French, editor and pro-
prietor of .the Wetaskiwitii Alberta,,
Times, arrived in town. last Friday
night en a visit to his old home
It is five years since he Went to
Wetaskiwfn which was then a bon -
let, but is now a pushing town of
nearly 3000 inhabitants. 141x. Fren-
oh, who. is •'looking remarkaibly veli,
is a staunch admirer of the .breezy
West and says its growth this
year of grace will be greater than
ever before, There is a large for-
eign element in the population of
Wotaskiwin, upon which the editor
Of the Times leeks thi ugh optifnts-
tie glasses and which he believes
will accomplish much ir. the open•
ing up of .the new country and in
the course of time become good
Canadians. It is now no secret th-
at Mr, French catrle home to be
married to one of Clinton's fair
maidens •in the person, of Miss rive,
cooper, daughter" of Mrs, W. Coop -
or. The Happy event will talo place'.
at thigh noon bat Tuesday, but of
that mote again,
Throughout April and. May
Our Spring -time Sale has started with a rush. Never were we in a better position to supply your needs as• now.
In_cveryone of our departments you will find a gathering of the choicest selections of merchandise that has ever been offered
by this store. Popular prices prevail everywhere. No matter what you purchase you are sure of a savingVere. Through
our syndicate -buying with.seven store, our outlet being very large, we are always ready to take advantage of any special
price concessions, we are often able to buy considerably under price, and in every instance share these savings with our
customers. Do not fail to take advantage of our special offerings during April and. May, It is . all on brand new Spring
Coods purchased by us at less than regular value.
/Beautiful Easter Millinery
.i ypp y i by p week
That our Millinery is appreciated reciated b our customers is shown the fact that our sales in this, Department last'
were the largest we have had in any one week since we came to Maori. The Hats we are showing are notonly stylish,
but becoming. They are made of the very best materials, r.nd are from 15 to 25 per cent. lower in price than any previous
season, We have just received this week, direct from New York, a fine assortment of Millinery goods for Easter.
Kid Gloves of £.epeadabk Quality
For Spring and Easter
The Kid Gloves we sell are the best that can be had for. the money, we are very
• particular about theloves we handle, none but the most tellable makes
will be found here. Everyglove from. *1,00 up is fully guaranteed by • the
maker and by us, to give good wear, For thio Easter trade we are ready
with the finest stock of kid gloves this store has ever shown. All come in
the new shades of Navv, Brown, Grey, Myitle, light and dark shades of
Mode, also black and white. , •
Prices $x, 1.2s, Iso and x.05
A Regular $1.60 Rid Glove at 55e.
Ladies Kid {Moyes of real good quality, will give excellent wear, Comes
in Tans, Browns,•ete, All sizes from Oto 7i this glove we have been
selling as a•Specual at 'Toe.but is being sold in several stores at $100
to go on sale at,- , ,,.. .. .,•... ..........
No ---4......r
New Wash Goods at Reduced Prices
15c: Prints, a Yard Wide at 9c
1600 yards of 36 inch wide American Percales, in a fine range of light
and dark colors, all warranted fast, these goods were made for a.
big• Manufacturer of Shirt Waists, but the lot.was too large so we
heped him out, and took over: 1000 yards. Regular 15c Percale.
Onsaleat 9.a i ......... ,.
20e and 25e Cotton . Delairies and Gingliams at. 5e. .
Just at the beginning of theseason,, when you will need these good
• most, we intend turning•.them over to you at a big saving in price
I: These cotton Delaines come in the very choicest patterns and col-
ors, and are warranted fast co'or, they come in patterns suitable for
childrens dresses and ladies dressing. segues, regular prices . are 20e :•:
and 25c. On Sale at .. ,., 15C
Buy Year 'Carpets Here •arid Save Morey r '
50c Carpets. at..'. ..440
750 and 85c Carpets at , . 69e
000 'Wool Carpets at.• 79c
: 31.00 8 -ply Wool Carpets at ,93c.
31.00.Brussels Carpets at . .. , ,'.19c
TWO R itk�.pn Bar ain � . s
k to ib
2 1 c Ribbons � at 1.5,0 •
'400 yaris ofure silk ne;k ribbons in . all shades of.. Pink SkyRed
• Navy Tu quoin, Cream, White &c, regular 20c and 25c values ' go
during this sale at. ...,.,......,.. ... ,.,...i. 15
No to 05c Ribbons at 20e
500 yards of extra heavy silks ribbons in nearly every shade also fancy
' striped ribbons. suitable for neckwear, regular 30e and 35c values to
25e India Lawn at.Ite
1000 yards of 39 inch wide India Lawn very five round even thread;.
' this Lawn if bought at the regular price could not be sold under
• 25c, we bought this with Our syndicate in such large quantities that
enables us to sell this 25o Garen. at .. .. ,, x ,.... 14ir.
(t 50e 00e 75c to $1,00 $11k Collars at :25c
A very fortunate purchase made some time ago, enables us to offer ou
(• vour, choice o oy
of dozen Silk Coll
ars •that are regular 50c Obc 750 • to iii
New: Spring Coats: 'Direct from New: York. City
The most stylish•Coatswe have had this season just arrived this
week from New York.' They are made of a fine. Covert Cloth, and . lin ea gfi
edthroughout with satin, just afew of them to choose from. Price,... 91UU'
The Best of
Ward and Watson'
' Bankrupt •bck
}Taw's ' Celebrated' Black $tiff .
.. fiats, in. the ' up-to-date sty ' •
le, .. sold everywhere at $3,
• our sale price' $1.50
$2.50 Engfrsh :. Sti f f
.Hats . for $1.25
' Union Best English Stiff Mats :
color gua3> anteed, 'latest sty-'
le, in black and ibro*n, regu-
lar $2.50 hat for $1,25.
$3.00 English Soft:
Hats $1.50
Made by best English and Am-
erican makers in. the very la-
test and up-to-date styles,
in snuff brown, golden brown,
greys and blacks, regular
$3.00 for $1.50•
$LSO .Stiff and -Sof t
Hats for 75c.
Several styles to choosef frorm
Seaver stew and tip -to -date, your
choice for .............. r,..:...,,,,.,.. 11604
$1 Soft and Stiff
Hats for Sae \
den's Color Sox
Q25 doz. fancy stripe and em-
broidered Men's'. half Hese,
sizes 10, 10ji• and 11, regu-
lar 50c for . ,,.,....,.. 25e
Tozer& Brou
Mrs. II.' T. Rance : ,and" Miss ° cchi-
bald ,are in' Toronto. •
Mr aad Mrs.' Will: Townsend rla n
today from Strathroy.
Miss Maud Porter returns j today fru
Centralia to spend her Easter holi
days ',with'Mr. and :Mrs .David`'.
Miss I. Strachan, Who has been steno-;
;.grapher and 'typewriter Scor the Hod-'
;gens Bros. for a 'year or so, severs
her connection' with the firm• next
weeks and will go West
Mr: and Mrs.. W C....Brown returned
'on Saturday after a•' Visit of better
'than a week to. friends: in Detroit
and Pontiac, Mich.,. where Mrs.
Brown's.. people live. ,.
Red. Father Pensonneault is. in Lon-'
don" 'this . Week. ,He will return 'on
Saturday and • celebrate masa at
• Blyth at 8 o'clOek :a, m. and at
Clinton at 10,30 a, in. and 7.30
p m,: Sunday.:
Mrs. '(Bev,) .Speer left :on Mbnday
morning to visit+friends in the state
Of , Michigan, .Mr. Speer remains
here . for the : preseet. His plans
for' the summer will not be decided
upon until the meeting of the Con-
ference of the Seventh Day Advent-
. ists of which faith he is a. sincere
and actilve •eftponent,
Mr, J. E. Harnwell, merchant, Var-
' na, was in town Monday and • took
• home a. load of building supplies for
• the: residence he ishaving erected
on the same lot as his store. When
The building Is :completed the •:ap-.
pearanoe of the village will be en-
hanced and the genial J. E. and his
estimable better half will have a
handsome and 'comfortable 'abode.
Mr. and Mrs, John McCool and fatrt-
ily left on 'Tuesday . for their future
home at Crossfields, Alberta. They
are old residents of town and many
friends gathered at the station to
say good . bye, land wish them a safe
journey and prosperity at the end
of it. Johnny Mcllveen accompanied
them. Mr. McCool has spent sever-.
al summers in the West engaged itt
ranching which will be his future
occupation. Among his family is
his son, "Billy," who for the -three
years has, been employed, in the eel-
ce of our contemporary down street.
Ile is a sterling . sand industrious
lad and will make his way., Tho
News -Record .wishes Mr. McCool and
faintly prosperity .in their now ho-
B this.
ASSIII S—In Clinton on April 1.9th,
to 1Vlr; and Mrs. Samuel Cassels,
a daughter:, <...
.rano. rq.."•+.' ; •' .* •
• YOUJt MONEY i'3Ack ;
. xi~. Vov WANT F8 •
A ilat for Dressy .mean
This famous Hat is the most
make -on the Canadian market to -day.
We have : thesole agency for Clinton,
and show it in the newest and most
f ats h i o n a b l e• shapes.
Black Or the new browns, so 5h AND
hard or soft shapes r U��'
Two Big Specials
Two specials in Hats and Capsfor'
one reason or another are selling below
their value, Whatever that reason be, it•
is a moneysaving one Mr. you.
Inen's flats soc.
Men's reit Fats, hard or soft shapes, last one or
two sizer of a kind, and balances of broken lots, that
sold at $1 and $1,50.. Blacks, Browne, Greys, 6f
Choice of this hit, about $0'inall,
Men's Hats, 09c
A elating lot of better lino, hard and soft shapes
Slacks, Browns, Greys, about 75 hats in all, being'
balances and odd onee left of litres that 'sold at
$2.50 and 43. Clhole° of this lot."... fifth