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The News-liecord Supplement
CLINTON, APRIL 20th, 1905
Mrs, James Ferqueon received wo,.•ri
On Friday last of the death of her
brother at Omaha, who was a ecn-
ductor on the railroad. She left fur
the old home at Belgrave where the
body was to be brought for inter -
Mrs. Whitmore, who has resided
t -h Mr. and Mrs. Snider during the
win ter, has engaged the co t t age • of
Mrs. Sellars and taken up house.
Mr. Creerge England of St. Cather-
ines, .proprietor of tire River hotel,
i$ in the village at present.
Rev. E. Jennings and family re-
turned home last Thursday, being
called to Parkhill a few weeks ago
on account of the illness of Mrs.
%Jennings' father, who is no.w improv-
ing in health.
Rev. Forbes of Philadelphia was the
guest of Rev. Snell last Friday. -
Master Gordon Cameron left this
week for Seaforth to learn the trade
of moulding in Bell's foundry.
Misses Gilmour and Thomson r.f
Brucefield were the guests of Miss
Lizzie Falconer the past week.
Mr. Alf. Faust of Zurich was in the
village last Friday.
Miss Carter and Masters Garnet,
Casey, Grenville and Jack of De-
troit arrived on Friday last to spend
their Easter holiday in the
Mr., James Fowlie received •worci un
Mor.day of last week of the death of
his father, Mr. William Fowlie, which
occurred at Detroit on April lOth.
the cause of death being asphyxiation
by gas. Deceased was one of the
pioneer resi•dents of this village and
was most highly respected. Abol,t
seven years ago he.removed to De-
troit where he has since made his
home. Ile was in his 68th year
[le leaves three sons and one daugh-
ter, ,James of this village, Andrew
who is a mate on the City of Berlin,
running out of Detroit, Herbert of
Galt and Mrs. Samuel Swit7er of
Goderich township. The remains were
brought here for interment, the fun-
eral being held on Thursday after-
noon, Rev, McNeil conducting the ser-
vices. The pallbearers were Messrs
John Ferguson, Murdock Ross, Tho-
mas C'ameron, Whiddon, John
Pollock and John Falconer.
Dr. Metcalf and wife or Detroit sp-
ent a few days, in .the village this
Bayfield. MeKilIop TownshiP.
Mr. Alex. Martin of Toronto, who
was visiting his sister, Mrs. Peter
ain't/bell, the past week, returned
home on Satsrday.
A former missionary 'in Japan, the
Rev. Mr. Beal, who is now engaged
in the White Cross work of the W.
C.T. U., is expected to be in the
village on Easter Sunday and will
address a meeting in, the Presbyter-
ian church in the merning at 11 a.
m. and in Mle Methodist at 7 0. in.
His subject will be "Personal Puri-
ty." 'Mr. Beat is a graduate of Qu-
een's University and is well worth
Oh Tulday Mr. Jetties Parke, who
lived for many years on the Varna
road, a mile east of the village, died.
on Tuesday, aged • 81 years. He is
survived by four daughters, Mrs.Loini
CLOY and Mrs. H. W. Elliott of Go I-
erieh and Misses Mary and Kate at
home, also two sons,. Rev. J. F.
Parke of Amherstburg and John Par-
ke •of La .Riviere, Mae.
Mrs. McDool, who has been ill for.
the past two weeks, is improving
met.sly under the doelor's care.
Mrs. Wamsley has improved the ap-
pearance of her house by the addit-•
ion of a god coat of paint.
Mrs. Geo. Cassels is still confined
to bed with an attack of lagrippe,
Mr. G. Ifewson is recovering from
a severe but short illness.
Mrs. Jennings has returned home
after two weeks in Parkhill during
the illness of her father.
Miss Fe Cameron is expected home
this week on a few days holidays.
Or. Good Friday at 7.3.0 p. ar. there
will be service in the English church
and on Easter Sunday special service,
Holy Communion, and Easter offer-
ing. On Easter Monday at 2.30 of
m. the annual vestry meeting and
election of officers will be held.
• ., . •
I• It Has been a very severe Spell Of
weather foa the middlep Apil.• •
There was 'a eonsirderable arnotintot
seeding done 1.st weelc, hut. with se
much severe fpOst since that it • Is.
difheult to say how it will pull thro-
ugh. . •
Phonies Irvine, who has been away.. ,
from home for some -thug doing bus- .'
iness in the •vicinity of Guelphis,
home an a visit. . •
Robert Gray "of Sarepta, former
resident of McEillop, was back 1100
for a couple 'of days •1aSt week. • • • -
A: Ross, who - has been suffer- • "
ing fo,Qearly a month from a sq:ere
attack of sciatica, is. not muck bet-
ter yet.
John f BilliePh6rSOri says that he has
made over fiftyais of' maple sy-
rup this seaso eic. will ha,Ve
sweet lick all suminer, sure thing.
•A parlor rian'oe' at the reSidence of
Tom Davidson. was one of the •goeial
events of last week.
The dealers complain that fat :hogs
are very scarce in this section and
that it is somewhat 'difficult to .get
Work is constantly to Progress on
the new line,of railway close to the
boundary of McKillop and' Grey, •
After a few weeks illness. Adam N.
Hutchison passed away at his home
in Howick in his 77th year. Mr. Hut-
ohison was one of the pioneer residen-
ts of Howick. He had been suffering
from pneumonia, Mr. Hutchison was
father of Mrs. R. A. Hutchison of
this town.
K1PPeti• •
Rev. Dr, 1%ledd Of Hensall will prea-
ch educational sermons in the Metho-
dist church hero next Sunday aftece-..
noon. . •
Mr. John McNeVin died onFriday
last aged fifty yea,rs,- The funeral
took, place on • Sunday afternoon to :.
Hensall, the interinent taking Place
With Masonic honors. • •
The Allan :turbine liner Vletorkan
made the trip from Halifail to Loch
Foyle in seven and a guarter days..
Joseph .Oftexson, -the actor, is slo-
wly /sinking at West Palm Beach, Fl-
orida. His death- expected atany
Managing agents of the ,Equitable
Life, meeting in New York, passed a
resolution to give policy -holders. ad-
mission to the directortate.
The NeWs-Reeord gives the local
.... • • .