HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-20, Page 2The Clinton News*Recerd
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Sir Charles Tupper received the spe-
cial blessing of the Pope for his I
constant defence of the rights of Can-
adian Catholics.
The excruciating pains characteris-
tic Of rheumatism and sciatica, are
quickly relieved by applying Chamb-
erlain's leain Balm. The great pain
relieving power of the liniment' lias
been the surprise and delight ofthou,
sands Of sufferers. The quick relief
from pain which it affords is alone
worth many. times the cost. For sale
by II B, Combe, •
A combination of iron and. steel
manufacturers of .Great Britain, Ger-
many, France and other European
countries is being orgapized.
Not • medieine can replace food bet.
Chamberlain's - Stomach and Liver
Tablets will help you to digest your
.food.. It is not thequantity of toed
taken that gives strength and vigor
to the system, but the amount 'di.ges-
ted and assimilated. If troubled with
a weak digestion, don't 'fail togive
these Tablets a, trial. Thoueandehave
been benefitted by their use. They
only Cost a 'quarter. For sale by II'.
13. Comhe,
• ing scheol.e-FOr $10 1 will . giVe, a
$5 system free; end teat% any laclY
hew to eut; fit and Mit together
any article, in Dress or Mantle'lVia-'
king, IN .T.WO 'WEEKS from the
plaineat 'shirt waist ,to the !Most
elaborate 'dress that can be ' Wend
' in, • the Fashion Book without,• the
use of paper patterns .% I :have tat,'
glit over .1700. (seventeen 'huridredf
• this last six years, and loffer ' -$100,
(tine hundred dollars,) to anyone 1
. can't teach, or can prove to me they.
can 'learn as mech any • other place
. in two years. JUST THINK OF
IT., For $50 I 'will • teach anyone
that is a dress maker or good sew-
er and drawer to, teach thie course,
' giving them my teacher's certcate.
.Strangees may hoardeat school.: A
Suitable reward given to atirone•eir,-
forming me of any person trying to
teach 'this 'course -*Mph I invented.
and hadpatented, that. does' not
.hold a 'certificate from. me. Last
class commences lVfenidaY, May -1st.
Write for • particular's • or see me at
my 'Schaal -in Stratford; on' Albert
$C, opposite Windsor Hotel, on.Si-
turday, April 29th s This is , positi-
vely my'. last blase . this summer as
we leave .for Wiraiipeg the end of
May.: NrS. ,Win. Sanders,- .Teacher
and Inventor; Bok.I.59 Stratford P.
has again arrived When •people ; are :
decorating their tomes. 'I am still
in the Paper Hanging . and Reese
Painting Business and guarantee' my.
work to be second to none. The
three great . features in this busi-
ness are quickness, neatness andeec-
onomy; My ;Price is 10 bents „ per
ioll Satisfaction given or no mon-
ey asked., fore Orders left at ley
house or Couch's 'butcher shop will
receive prompt attention.—T. Hale,
Residence, West end Rattenbery Ste
Do not consider it a
• hardship to do as much for
-- THE. • • NEwtE00
as 3rou. d,o for a cit3r week-
ly or daily pay for it in
Consult Your Address Figures.
Sobs -ode: for 'The Niows Reoord-„
On Monday evening the classmates
and their friends made merry the
home of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Bates,
as re means' f celebrating the anni-
versary of tI birthday of their
host,. A very g od program was pro.
pared, Mr. $at1eid being chairman
made a very humo oue and congratu-
latory speech. Sup intendant Woot.
en of Victoria, stre t church, •ti.
which the host and kstes belong,
also made a pleasingesPeech. Miss
Gracie. McBride gave a ve y interest-
inging reading. Solo's were given, in -
eluding Chairman Wooten's
ance one, •by several of the
but the solo by Chairman S
"The Repenting Sinner Seeking
Lord," was greeted with great
plause. Choruses, too, made a deligi-
tful 'evening. A lovely • supper was
Partaken of et 10 a, m, when many
pleasing allusions were made' suitable
to the occasion. Mr. Bates replied
.in a very gra,elous speech tohis
classmates and their 'ghosts, thaakieg
theni for all the kindness they had
showe him and his family during the-
i'many sieges Of illness • andwas
proud of. the occasion this anniversa-
ry of his birthday • on April 20th,
loop, gave him to greet them, all in
geed health and his family allt• en-
joying the' • same blessing.' , Before
parting all ',sang "God be with thee
till we meet!•ag,ain." . •
Mrs, Duncan Campbell (nee IVBSe-
Mary Martin) of Ripleyspent a week
in town the guest of Mrs.' - Anstay.
She seetried quitedelighted with • her
lie* home at Myth. '
Mr, Kriyvettb Naftel has returned.
from Sarnia:1:e which Place he went
in the .interests, of --the Messrs. Rouge
vie. He is now •at their:old e tore on
the square,. occupied present .hy
J. B., Haerkina, • ' . • ,'
A handsome .door with two leaves
now opens ieto. the. businesspart of
the knitting factory and the • office
has been removed from the north
West bonier of the building to • the
north -oast torner. ' ,-; •
• • Mrs: (Rev.) McLaughlin; his .,re
moved .her fence from her new resi-
dence „on COlborne street. •'
The :sale at the Furze homestead,
Chestnut Farm; was a great success.
.bit and. grs. A.M. Small of the
G. T. R.. staff will spend Easter out
of town.• • ' •
Mi . and 1VIrsCox of the a..T. R.
.s1taff Will Speed Easter at MrS. Gati-
ke's, Plattsville,. the old home of
Mrs. Cox'. ' •
Mrs.' Yates is putting abasement
under . her iesidenee on St. • Patrick
Mr.. F. J. Latter, ,Settilt Ste. Marie
representing tho. Algoma Central Ste7
arnship Line, was in Goderich on
Wednesday of last week.rn the inter-
ests of the King Edwardfle inter-
viewed Wxlliam Lee, foiwardei: - and
ticket agent, The .King Edward is to
be put into comillission it an 'early.
Our esteemed -citizen,. Mrs, (Rev.)
Cliristenherson;' at the meeting. of,the•
W. M. S., held at 'the eosidence • of
Mrs. J. II. Colborne on Friday eyee-
ing, • as a farewell to that lady and
het neice, Mies Olive Detiori Pre-
sented Mrs. Chrigtopherson with a
carefullyworded address and a core
tifleate •of life inemb.ership in the. W.
S. of the Methodist church in
Canada: 'Mrs. Christopherson; respon-
ded to the address with great
The .ne* '"baloon" sausage shaped,.
ought. to be called the lung stiasher.
We sawea little girl blowing away at
one and to look at her onewould
think'blood would ooze from her moe
uth, her 'cheeks were. So redand putt-
ed out,
Mrs. George Thomson is improving
rapidly from het late serious illness.
WiiAT IS ANTI4'1144 9
, Dr. Letinhardt 'found in his practice
that chronic constipation and ,its
dred complaints were: the result of a,
dried-up - condition Of the mucous
membrane lining of the stomach and
bowels, Ne investigated father and,
found that this condition was Mead -
ably brought abut by the use of
OrithartiesWhich all Contain, a certa-
in ameeitit' Of resinous matter.
After the first adion of such medi-
cines' a tesintnei reolduo motes'
hind and this has a dying effect on
the Ifni* of the stomach and bowels
He made tip his mind to produce a
medieine for all stomach and h(owel
derangements which would lye entirely
free from all •resinous matter.
After much eXeeriltient he sue.,
ceeded and to emphasize the difference
between his treatment and the old-
fashioned ftreatments, be gave it the
name "Anti -11111,”
Anti -Pill' will aure dyspeusia bil
ti *
iOuSesS or constipation period& and
fpr ever.ore to staycured—With no
1)11I habit loft to ho overcome later.
50e. 'All druggists, or The Wilson -
'Pyle Co„ Limited, Niagara Valls,
Ont, Sole agents 10_00,1144a. 105
(1,1- Goderieh, •
The News of Goderich,
glee Eloise Af Sk !Mugs,
OA:el •
000 0 00 000
aer...re,,i'e • 0 0 E
Messrs. Donald McGillivray and 1 Mrs, J. Tett sPend ter Easter
on Monday in cointpany With Captain
Thomas Cooper of Kingston arrived.
Wooils,.to ta„Ite their positions on the ,
steamer Rosemount.
The A. F. and A. M. Lodge hve
very pretty large 'globe • outside of
their. rooms, .which shows a. fine light.
Mr. R. Parsons Is •inalting a cement
walk leading 40 his residence from
the sidewalk.
Mr. Alexander Matheson et 1VIIII-
bank, a brother of IVIrs. James
Stewart, has puroliesed Mr. Sanford
Stokes' residence on South street.
Mr. W. II. I3aker has purchased the
residence now eccepied by Reid
on Quebec street.
• The steamers Rosemount, Turret
Chief, Turret Crown and others all
lay at the harbor on Thursday ready
to leave pert, but at 'other points
ice had gathered and the steamers
that left other' ports early have been
badly injured. by getting in its thr-
ells, .
Mr: Fred. Thompson and .his son
• Roy have been hOme •for some - time,
Alt; ... James. Dickson -of-the • registry,
office will enlarge the cottage , pur-
cha,sed latelY by hint, „ •
fleeter Nays left on 12th Met,
taottffjao1194., the crew _of a steamer in
The. Ladies' Aid 'of North"street
church • held a delightful entertain-.
Moak . on . 10th April,• filling the draw-
ing rooms and ball. Rev. Mr. Hazen
acted its chairman. The chairman's
address was very 'pleasing. Mr. Eg-
eau sang the first solo "An Irish
Lullaby." . Miss' Edna. Straiton'.s re-
citation "Jennie and the Spider" was
well 'received, as was Miss Martha
Wells' "You're as welcome. as the
Flowers in May" and "The Tea Ket-
tle's Song." We never heard Miss
$allows. recite before but "Abijah"
s well rendered by her, Gtamo-
ph ne 'selections were :them 'given by
all t ice during the evening. Mr. Jae.
Iffrs.ra,nk 'Elliott which delighted
Mitotic I recited some fugitive; clipp-
ings froin ."gra,ve to 'gay," eVhieh aU
dell much to theepleasuro of the ev-
ening. Mr. Egener rendered "The
Shephard Stood Before the Fold" in
a very feeling,. manner. Mt. Roy
Adaims f011owed with aewell executed
piano splo.. Rey. Mr. Elliptt gave
both an •address and teeitation.1 The
address: was on: the possible' arnalgae
illation of the-r1V1ethediet and t Presby-
terian, 'churches and neat c'ompliments:
to the Ladies' Aid„ under whose aus-
pices • the 'eirtertainMent was given,
. The: recitation .:was "No Sects' •:. 'in
Heaven" .very well given. • Dr. Le -
1 brought the delightful enter-
taiiiment to • a dee& by ; his • fine yen
tiering of "King ..of . the Main" ":aiel.
on receivitigevery warm applause h"
.kindly. sang "The Arreoree's 'Song."
Dr. LeTcnizel ; is a voeal , artist ' of.
merit,' his .yeeli trained •and finele
modulated 'Voice commands the • •ad-
Miration of all. . The .'accorripanists
weep. gr.' Roy Adams and Miss Welia.:
Eighteen dollars Were. ,realiied to-
werds..the Ladies' Aid Fund:
gist. .F.Hiza....Logan,of Clinton has
gone: to Toronto AO visit .her sister,
. In alavor rebeived :from gra. me.rf
M. Eberts ": of Garnet, Chat-
ham, 'one our • school day friends,
she. mentioned' at tending „the recePtion
accOelled: Rev. .111r. late.
Dean .of Heiron, and' Mrs. • Hodgine,
.mrs. Eberts. was quite delighted; with
Mrs. W. • d. Eberts of Detroit .; and
little ,deeigliter,. Miss .Mary e Evelyn,
Gederiet; • vial:toes, lia,Ve spent the
winter' with Mrs. .Eberts at . .H6tel
aarner, Chathani, ' . •
„Mrs: Heney ,Young .and • . daughter;
Miss 'Blanche,' have returned after
Spending .the past season With Mende
in • Toronto, Hand I ton. and Milton
Mr . ,W. Lee has purchased. part of
the. Garrow. estate. and will. erect * a
hamlsome .residence, theteor4
...Mr.. end Mrs, Fred. Murney and ba-
be will spend the Easter vacation •at
the. residence . Of Mrs.' gurney's pitr-
entS.,..Mr, and gip. 14/...:Logan, Bur
ta,lo. • • •
Miss Irma Gibeen is now learning
'the, millinery art.
Colonel Young' has formed a part
nership R. Robertson in the
insurance line. • : •
Ca,ptaiii Dan MacKay 'left to Sail
soenasoonne. ,Of Erie !fishing tugs this
• IVIrs. HarPer will spend 'Eastertide
at her.home in Terouto.,
Mrs: ..(Captain); 4. m. Shepherd. and
Mrs., Carrie ..of Bleak Nouse will slier
n.d Easter Sunday in Tororith.' -
A meeting of the- D•aughters: Of the
Vmpire 'was held On Monday. Quite
a number of Willing 'Workers gave in
their.:names to the regent.
Mrs. Walter Satins and Miss Glatt-
-ye spent last Week the guests Of re-
latiVes in Woodstock. .
Mrs, W. • D. Tye and Miss Edtie
returned•on 'lath' inst. fkont attendingi
the funeral. of •Mrs.. 'Tye's brother-ine
law, the late Thomas 'Elliott of Bar-
Mr, Richard Lewry, late Of W.
Srnith's staff, is new fireman at the
big mill; 1 •
Mrs. Stafford, who' spent three me-
nths in town, the guest of .irer. daugh-
ter,• Mrs. Cameron. Church, has re-
turned to her home a,t Ilarriston,
fine new overt in whieh she burns her
Miss GOA) POUSY ha ptirdlaseti 4
china after decorating it. Her gild-
ing on pottery is the beet we ever
Goderich excels in artists. We feel
quite delighted to add the 'name Of
Miss Belie Wileon to the list, With
pencil and brosh she seems to exer-
'else as much skill with portraying
;S.J.ifllial• lite AS ill leildssitp painting.
Serviees will be held at St. Peter's
and St. Georgels churches, or,, Good
Friday a, The organ in each
chtiveli will ho .silent, the choirs ren.
dering tho hymns, etc.) 'witheut in-
strumental •musie,
triViavre'll!re.at5e Allen IS "7 out tt.'SI
in:remind Mir readers Of •the ten -
church Choir on flood Fiiday even -
1n, of "The Crucifixion" by Itnrot
vacation in Detroitwithher daugh-
ter, Wire, Clarence Eugene Allen.
M. Alalcoint McKay of Alooselaw
was the guest While in limn el his.
aunt, Mrs. Tett. He is at present
visiting at his old home in. Tucker-
srigthrh.. Campbell of Seafortie uncle' of
Mr, Malcolm. MeKay of Mooselawl
was a visitor at the home of IVIrs.
Tutt recently.
There was quite an exciting time in
town at high noon On .the, 14th inst.,
tho fire alarm being sounded the
school ebildren all hastened to. the
scene of the conflagration; which hap-
pily was, soon extinguiehed. We have
heard several versions of the cause
but the burning building was a, sinall
one near the residence of the late
Sheriff Gibbons, • ..
• Mt, Morrow of the meat market
istohwerioaccoupibiebsontsh,e residence of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Knuckle spend taster
Sunday with relatives in London. •
Mr. P. McCarthy is preparing to
"ieaVe for the season'eesailinge. -.• • - •
EdWin N. Lewis. M. P. and Mrs
Lewis have arrived from Ottawa for
Easter tide. •
Mrs, Alex. Davidson, we are glad
to learn, is able to be out again alt-
er her recent serious al*
Davids.on was very much miss.ed. Ly
the W. C. T. U.
• .Do • not forget to prder your Hot
Cross .Buns: today (Thursday.)
Mrs. :Boyce visited Clinton one day
. last week. • •
A great lumber of our citieees Will
spend ,Eastertide with relatiVes. out
°.t11. J.. Smith shipped his racing
horse Missouri Chief to Stratford on
Thursday last, Trainer Roach o1. that
city having ohatge of him: ..
The "Bunko" season began' witb
the moonlight• nights of A pril,
.prptiimably, continue:until •.11.11
May. . •
Hie einders or ashes sitleWalk • at
the left hand side of the lIarhor Hill
going down, is we ,a,linost think • su-
perior' to the eement Walks. and looks
like. black , marlole, but pos$114 in
hot weather it may become a. Walk
of black dust. •
Captain Babb of the Ooean • Netie's
has. had a busy 'season; -so many vee-
sel men heing regietered there. .
Mrs: . Falconer. of , Bayfield and fri-
i ends, Miss Gilmore and •• Miss :Kate
Thompson . of .13.rtiecfield, were all on,
Thersda,y last igueets of Mr, and Mrs,
.Cliarles Sy:Limns, the ;latter lady bee
.ing''a sistet-in-laev,•of Mrs. Falconer.
, J. McNeil has returned. 'to
the organ -factoty at Clinton %alter
Spending eome, weeks' at the , 'erg*
factory' here: • . ••
.111r, and.Mrs; Peter Ker of .Cliniton,
spoil one , Sunday- in town• recenely
guests • of .Mrs, Kees eit ter, gre.
James Eagleson. • '
We whie very orter to find that ;up-
ort:cailing..lait week upon Mrs; James.
Dalrymple 'Stewart; we .. found that
jur's. st:oart had iron under the doc-
ter's- care for a month, having taken
la' grippe which developed': into con-
Ostipo of the lungs 01 something ei4t-
ually serious. : We trest that at: our
next visit •'Mrs., Stewart will be very
much, improved in health: •
We ',found •alsti that Mre. .James
P,Itinroe .was confined to her bed with
pnennienia eongestlea - of the. icings.
The strarigest thing ahlout her attaek
is that nothing of which. she ;knew"
proVoked the 'attack, as.-llifts. Munroe'
an invalid from; rheUniatitni •and
had not • out: of the .liouselor the
• Mr. .Clarence Rhyrias, a.periect tYPO
Of' the eleyer saTeaman 'has!". returned.
front the establishinent'.of GettimeIVICe
Kay .CO., Termite,' alter two' Yea,tel
abierme, from hoine., '
e.Mrs„ Jessie .Bedford , returned "firpt
week in :April.:Iroin Detroit. :where
she was the guest the past winter
of her dalighter, •Mrs. W. ;Gteen • of
that 'city.. • ' • .1
• Mr. •'and Mrs. 'Robert. Megaw Will
vieit Toronto during the Easter hee
; •
'Roy Thomson' has: bought the Kol-
.1age. from the -•:Goderich Timber Co,
and will .run it this 'season, doing the
Company's husineas.
The Goderichsboeting.Club has h,e.eo
foemed with More laeting, rnembers
ftlian any liefore;- whee•have' tried un-
suecessfully to .:form ,Marine Club.•
The officers aele '
Mr. J. E. Johnston of WiertOn was
; the guest of his father ar,d sister re.
cently. •
We had the great' pleasure on Sun-
day evening last of listening to, the
'fine sermon given in the mut room
to the congregation of the North str-
eet church, by the eeteemed and gift-
ed. Pastor of the Methodist church at
Regime Rev. Hamilton Wigie, a one-
time student of the G. C. I. and tied -
erten may well be proud of sending
out so fine an interpreter of the( frees.*
pel. The opening Wain was commem-
orative of the time, Paint Sunday,
"Alas ,and did My Saviour die." •At
the offertory Dr. Le'rouzel sang the
grand hymn MEternel Rat" in fault-
less style. Mr, Roy Adams -dmg
great credit th the solo as accompan-
ist. The 'choir sang well. Mr. Smith
kindly accompanied, the organ. with
bis cornet and some One elSe en a
flute. As usual the court room was
crowded. We must not forget to, say,
that Caretaker MeOreath placed upon
tho wading ,desk one of the' ..tallest
palms we ever Saw, which was .quite
in keeping with the day.
The audithriurn at the G. 0. I. wet
crowded on Friday evening last, it
.1Aairig the last literary meeting of tbe
society before Easter vacation. Mr. •
Haeleett, a one-time student of the
G. 0.1. and now studying for ma-
triculation, was chosen as chairman,
being president of the executive. The
evening was one of surprises all thr-
ough to us. The G. C, L Journal,
se creditably ,edited by Miss Margar-
et, G. Cla,rk, places her pretty far up
on the 'literary ladder. Iier farewell
to the students ended with some very
congratulatory, lines in verse. The
declamations by Messrs, Cantelon On
"The Glorious ending of the 19th cen-
tury" and shy Willie McGregor . oe
"Imperialism" wore truly, a fine phase
of literary attainments in the school
reeni. Willie • Canteloa's .voice is per-
fectly . fitted for deolaniatory speak-.
ing and Willie McGregor, if not gift-
ed in the declamatory art, is never-
theiess an Imperialist of the highest
order, a second Chamberlain. Tbe
•eloeutionists, Miss Rose Aitkin mid
IVIaster• Sam Bean, wore at their best
in inerry-rneking recitations: . Mr,
1V(erritt sang in, fine voice •two; deligh-
tful -slates 'The Postillion'' :and for
an enec,re "The Garden of Sleep:"
Master Frank and Miss, Mabel Doty.
gave a real treat to the •andienbe in
their rendering so sweetly a 'violin'
due. • The drill by tee young lady stti-
dents was well executed, Mies Loret-
ta Geiffin of Kirigeleridge presiding
with much :credit at the fano.. Mies
Nellie Colborne's fresh young voice
pleased all in her pretty song.. The-
choresee shelved genie fine vOices...
The taiga nuinber of students and
'guests erijoyedevery Much Mips 'Thom-
Navsit'hexevearitilaTioel.."11Tihre. Allt°tteikeis5gIctinirddl;
accompanied the .soloists and Miss
Grace Dyke the • violin duo.. The Glee
Club will. always be licia,rd With mu-
- , .
ch delight, " GOd. Save the King"
played by Mies'. DOC, bided 'one of
the 'most literary' and Musical events
of the spaeon. •.• • •
. We. were very .6Orry to learn 6n
Saturday of: the death at Kingeten
on Thursday of Anrile, a sweet little
laughter of fout. yea,rs of age; the
youngest . child of Engineer and Mre.
Jarnes McGillivray'of Kingston, and
sister of .111r, Dan McGilliVray of the
ceew of the steamer Rosemount, An
attack of Measles which developed
into pneumenia,, 'caused the death Of
the ...lovely little singer. The .sym-
pathy Of all Who knew. the parent;
here will be given them,
We had: a . slight scerrY ef snow On
Friday :.a. m. list: but on Saterday
afternoon the Snow fell fast , and. we
looked for Rick's work, snoWstorpa,
Of his April storms effretedy.
agent, Arkansas, has returned.'
Canada and ' purehasede • the ,property,
of -Mr. 'Sanford Stokee Sleuth street
. '
Goderich'. „
Hon. Peesidenti E. N. Lewis..
tIon, Vice. W. L. Horton.
President, 'H. K. Austin
Vice, Walter Turnbull
Conimodore,. John Platt
Secretary, L. 111. Mabee
Treasurer, Mr. Duff •
D.EssetcrtattitiVono.Committee, T. Nairn aid
The news, has reached. here Of the
death of tete of out popular citizens,
Mr. John Sheehan, a noted native of
Erin, who Ober living almost a life
time in town, left 0, few years ago for
Memphis, Tenn, Ire came to Goder.-
felt with 8: & 0, railway.
Miss Maud Tilt of the Conservatory
of Music, Toronto, retures toditY
to spend Good Friday and Easter
Sunday and Monday with her par -
en is. •She will rettien :to Toronto on,
Tuesday next, • "
Rev, Mr. Wigle of the Methedist
church, Regina, eccornpanied hy. Mrs,
Wigle and their daughter, IVIiss Opal,
are the guests this week of Mrs.
Wile's mother, Mrs. George Cox.
April 20th 1905
Is one of the constitetional
diseases. it manifests itself
in local aches and pane.—
Waled, joints and stiff
muscles,—but it cannot be'
;cagily. edregrall"tmnbyticicalactlac°113aPPUcatirmsstitutiwiallIhrouell
the blood, and, the hest is a
comise of the great medicine
which has • permanently
cliredFortiomthtilatt"incederen2arkabof erti
send for Book on Ithounutism. Pio. 7.
. a L Hood Lowe& Mao.
Strange bul true the court room
seems to attract all our literary and
musical friends to our town, men who
•have sailed the scan over, too. Well,
they com,e in a good oause and we
hope they will be much benefitted by
their eisit as we mast necessarily be
to see swill famous lecturers, preach,-
ers and vocalists. .
We were sorry list week to learn
of the illness of Mrs. Reginald Black
from. an attack which was diagnosed
as appendicitis. •
gFor Qederich news :road The News -1
"lVfolliers buy it for croupy. ehildren
railroad men buy it. for severe coughs
and elderly people buy it for .19, grip -
Pe," say More Bios.; F,Idon, Iowa,.
"We sell more of Chamberlain's Cou-
gh Remedy. than any other kind. It
seems to have taken the lead over
several' other good brands." , There. is
no .question but this tnedicine is the
best that can be produced for ...coughs
and qpicis, whether it be a child' or
an adultt that is afflicted, It always
cures. and cures quickly. Sold by H.
B. Combe, •
News Of The. Day.
Prices of beef are higlie,r. in every
important Market in the United Sta-
•tes'. .. . • . •
A motion to• -establish. a Catholic
university in Ireland was defea... teri in
Ittrieea• 1 -louse of Commons: ".
United 'States pass. the Bond -Hay
strs;rit3ernildielthe13•°rIeldta°1ifatNe4wfobuinlalla*ilf will
Saltcoats, N. W.' T., suffered a sev-
ere loss by fli
Thousands or:People throu*,Out the
cOlietry • know. that the 'erdinary rem-
edies for piles—ointmentse'supPesito.r-
ies and applianees=will.n.et..eure. ,
The hest' of %them only :bring %passing
Di Leonlvtidt's HenteRoid.ia a tab-
let talcen internally that removes tho
cause of heece the -cure is 'per-. •
.nianent. • EverY package Sold caries
a guarantee With it •
It is. PerteCtly harmless • to the iriost
delipate emistitiltion. A month'S- tre-
etnient • in each package._ •'; poM at •
$1.00.. At any drug•store, er The
Wilson-Fyle Cp 'Liniited; Niagara
Falls, Ont. 5
. • -
Hick is all right. We have had. -two•
The Bishops
Mr. Alexander Matheson, station .
Funny Story,
"111Y daughter was afflicted with cce
zerna from when three weeks old, Her
ontire face :andhead wete, raw, and
she Was' in awful distress. When ..docr
tors failed we began the use Of ' Dr.•
Chase's Ointment which has entirely,
cured her and she has neiter hed the
least symptom of the trouble.
—Mr, Patrick Sullivan, Welland Ave.,
St catharines, Ont. ' .•
At the half -y6 1 a,r y 'nee ng o e •
Ltd' th
'Grand Trunk' Railway, the presi-
dent paid 'the compa.ny 'would fight
ally attempt in Ontario to inereaen
its taxes. '
The Cheirinen pf the Cunard. Line
at the annual meeting hinted ,at
renveval of the Allan* rate war.
There are few diseages that inflict
more torture than rheumatism and
there is probably n� disease for whi-
eh such a Varied and useless, lot' of
remedies haVe been suggested. To ,Say
that it can be Mired is, .therefore,
Vold statement to make; but Chainb•
erlain's Pain Balm, whieh enjoys an
.extensive sale, has met with great
success in the treatment of this dia,
ease. One applleation of Pain 13alm
will relieve the pain, and hundreds, of
sufferers have testified to permanent
cures by its use. Why suffer when
Pain Oaliti affords sueliquick raw ,
and costs but a trifle? For sale by
IL p. Combo, I
Bishop 'Wilmer, second •Bishop of
Alabama, .and 'famous ra,conterir „ of
the S'outh, often pAct the following
story : He 'had baptized and con-. •
finned' :an 'old' negro, Signin,g• him
with the sign of the cross, declaring
• hier anheir to -the kingdom ,of hea,v- •
en," and ' member- of the Episcopal
Chureh South, In a few Weeks the
Bishop learned that the:)Old man had
sneered bis church alliance, and was
it 'shoutin' elder" in. the A. M. E.
meeting ' house knownas ilickciry. '
Stand: Seveeal weeks liter the•bish.,
op 'heard that he had resigned that
membership • and had been inimersed,
beeloming a Orotessor of the Baptist
peisuasion at the negro . ohureli
known as Frog Level. • When 'nex
the Ibisluip 'Met the Old negro he
asked Josiah, why :did you leave
niy church, Anybody hurt. your
feelings here, „Cr anything like that ?"
bee no, Maise Ilobleer, La,: no
De 'Piseopals dey is gerri'men ef
dey ain't nottin' else., 'Dar ain't no-
body hu't inc feelin''s. No sah. ••. I,
'lett da,t chu'ch •'caze I couldn't read
in de book. Dey all reads an' an-:
salts back so so cheerful .1a,k,
des' kase I can't read. I can't come
in right, an' . de folks looks remit
when I ansalis wrong :an' hearty. t
bun' to leave dat ch'iich." '11And
why did you leave the 1VIethedist
Pherch so suddenly T" "Well, yon
see, Maise Hooker, dein =Methodis"
folks dey, is al'a's'boldin' a quiry
ineetin'. Now you :knew
Mills°, ;Hooker, cullud men can't sta,W•
too. much 'quirin' into. i 'bilged to,
quit dal; iehech." "Do you think.
Josiah, you can stick to the, Baptist
Church ?" La, yas, • masse
'Kaise wid de Baptists hit's dip an
done wit it."
31/JC'10713 3C/41W 401:72RAS •
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Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter,
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