HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-01, Page 50 i The Blue Front Store is the Workingman's Friend SOME VERY EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN Man's Suits $7.50 and $10.00 . Within the last few weeks several .hundred men have taken advantage of the special offerings of our $ to 00 suits for $7.5o and $12.50 Suits for $lo.00 If people could only realize the full value and sterling worth of these garments twice as many would come here post haste this week to reap their share of this rare harvest of clothing bargains. Men's Spring Suits. Mon's suits in black and blue serges single or double breasted sizes 34 to 46 chest. Prices - - $5.00, $7.75, $10.00, $12.50 Men's Spring Tweed Suits. Man's new Tweed Suits in all the latest stripe and check effects browns, greys, greens etc., sizes 34 to 46 ohest. Prices $5.00, $7 50, $10.00, $12, 50 Youths' Spring Suits. Youths' new Spring Tweed Suits in single or double breasted sacgne . effects, sizes 32 to 35 chest, short or long trousers. Prices - -• $5 00, $7 50, $10 00 Boys' Spring Suits $1.`75 to $5.00, Boys' new Spring Suits in two and three pieces, Norfolk, Buster Brown Blouse Snits, etc., in all the newest tweed effects, sizes 21 to 34 chest. Prices - • . - $1.75 to $5 00 American Wash Suits For Boys. Just to hand a large range of Boys Wash Snits, in white, blue, greys, and stripes, Buster Brown and Norfolk styles, sizes 20 to 28 Prices - - - - - - - - - $1.00 to 52.50 3 Boys' Shirt Waists, ages 4 to 10. Price Hats, Hats, Hats, new shapes just in -popular prices GENTS' FURNISHING New Waistcoats, Ties, Cuffs, Socks, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc. New Shoes and Trunks. New Shirts. 11. �®'l�DD� �0. The Blue Front Store. - WINGHAM, Ont.ilili� e,drVk-as ,„yame..aes�;a - i .I.esiteieee ee e.a.i nul,yhseseit... tieW.,4uiideueY,alui 'Jt 750 The R. A 2 JUNE The Month of Weddings aSeed!.444ekateatr►yirl;9rteniieuyP94 ;..ties o,ee._ un.:,... n.�..�... See what $81.60 will do towards furnishing your home with the comforts of life : PARLOR -Brussels Carpet 550 to $1.25 per yd ; Couch, spring edge ; Upholstered Oak Rocker ; Solid Quar- tered Oak Table ; 4 Pictures ; Rattan Rocker ; Leather Seated Rocker ; 4 Blinds and Poles, - $26.10 DININGROOM-Wool Carpet 65c to $1.20 per yard ; Sideboard ; Extension Table ; half dozen Chairs ; Rocker ; 2 Blinds and Poles ; 3 Pictures. - 25.85 KITCHEN -Table ; couple Chairs ; Linoleum, $1 per yard ; 2 Blinds and Poles. - - - - - 5.00 BEDROOM -Dresser ; Stand ; Fancy Iron and Brass Bed ; Wire Mattress : Carpet 85c to 75c per yard ; couple Chairs ; pair Pillows ; Blind and Pole. - 24.65 $81.60 We can show you splendid value in Bedroom Suites. Have been fortunate in securing another batch of those popular Rockers. Reg. 2.25, for 1.75 L. A. BALL & CO. The People's Furniture Store. • UNDERTAKING Brick residence, 5th house west PHONE from Hamiltons Corner Drug 51 Store, where night calls Will receive prompt attention. CARPETS LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS 1 BELOKAVE The annual report of Trinity church, Belgrave, has been issued. The total re- ceipts were $788.39, of which $441 was for building fund, and $226 on stipend account. This was all expended except a balance of $30.63; special collections for missions amounted to $36.09; the 'Oman's Qnild report receipts of $168.- .35, and a balance on hand of $23.97; the Sunday School raised $44.08, and report ..$18.89 on hand. The liabilities for 1905 aro estimated as follows: Stipend, $840; missions, $50; Other expenses, $45; total, $435. G LEN S'ARILOW. Mies Spotton of Gerrie is visiting at T. K. Powell's. Mr. James Wray sold his 3 year old driving mare to Mr. George King for the round' sum of two hundred dollars. Mrs. Thomas Higgins was renewing old acquaintances in this vioinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Wylie, jr., and Mr. and Mrs, John McBurney are on a visiting tour to Owen Sound, Mr. Joseph Smith sold a pair of colts sired by "Dividend" to Mr. Dan Mc- Taviehof Iiowick for one hundred and seventy-five dollars. THE WING -110 TINES JUNE 190 �n IUdUIDUI C INTiiVfJE EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawake. Times Correspondent$ Communicate -- Other Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.. GREY. John Cardiff, of the 8th concession, will wove to Brussels nest mouth, where he has purchased a residence, A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Henry and Mrs. Fogel, on Wednesday, May 10th, when their second daughter, MissAdelia, was united in Marriage to Henry Mair, briokmaker of Henfryn. Last week Mrs. W. 0. Hamilton, nee Mies Ella MoNeil, of Medicine Hat, N. W.T., and her sister, Mies Jane McNeil, who has been engaged in mission work on British Columbia coast for the past five years, arrived here on a visit to their parents, L. and Mrs. McNeil, 14th con. Miss McNeil has a three months' fur- lough. Dropped all Others. "I dropped all liniments but Nerviline because I found Nerviline the quickest to relieve pain," writes E. S. Benton of St. John's. "If my children are croupy or sick Nerviline cures them. If a case of cramps or stomach ache turns up, Nerviline is ever ready. We use Nervi - line for neuralgia, rheumatism and all kinds of aches and paino; it's as good as any doctor." The great Canadian rem- edy for the past fifty years has been Pelson's Nerviline-nothing better made. MORRIS. Evans Brothers recently lost a , good horse valued at $150. It was kicked by another Horse, resulting in a broken hind leg. Mr. E. W. Sellers and family have left for Saskatoon, N. W. T., to reside. Mr. Sellers took a car load of settlers' effects with him. Tuesday afternoon of last week, Minnie L. Ker, teacher of S. S. No. 3, and her pupils, celebrated Empire Day by giving a free concert in the school. A large number of the parents and young people of the section were present sad were delighted with the excellent pro- gram presented. The different numbers were not only appropriate and entertain• ing but highly instructive as well. The Arci,•Flend of the Age. Not war, more deadly than ever this common butchery -but Catarrh which leads to consumption and annually kills more than famine and war combined. The doctors now successfully fight ca- tarrh with a remedy tnat never fails- "Catarrhozone," it's death to every type of catarrh. It destroys every root and branch of the disease so thoroughly that a relapse need never bo feared. It troubled with colds, nasal or throat ca- tarrh. or subject to bronchitis or asthma use Catarrhozone and you'll be cured forever. Round Trip GODEROCH to TUESDAY, JUNE 20 Return Thursday, lune 22 STEAMER GREYHOUND Two Days in Detroit E. E. Ayer, Fxen. Agent Children Half Fare One Way with Baggage, $1.00 The Special Excursion Train will ]eave Stratford and way stations to Goderich Tuesday morning, June 20. From Wingham and way stations, take morning train June 2o, connecting at Clinton (7.40 a. m.) with Special Train for Goderich. Rehr•'- Ing SPECIAL TIk .IN LEAVES GODERICH l ' )R CLINTON AND WAY STATIONS TO STRATFORD ON ARRIVAL OP STEAMER THURSDAY NIGHT GODERICH BAND MOONLIGHT 8 IPeM% MONDAY, JUNE 19 For Detroit Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.3o a.m., Tuesday, June 20, Canada Time. Return to Goderich Leave Detroit for Goderich x p. In., Thursday, June 22, Stan- dard Time. Return to Dotrbit Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.30 a.m., Friday, June 23, Canada Time. WHITE STAR LINE EAST WAWANOSH The late Luke 13. Jacobs, of this town. ship left a bequest of $400 to the Yukon and Northwest missions of the Methr- dist church. The money has been paid over to the church by his son, Mr. A. H. Jacobs. The home of Mr. Giles Jenkins, ou the boundary was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday, May 24th, when Ms second daughter, Miss Hattie Court - ice, became the bride of W. McKenzie Webster, a promiuent young farmer of Hallett township. That the bride is a popular young lady wns amply shown by the large number of useful and costly presents received by her. The weddiug was solemnized by Rev, B. Clement, Irl the presence of the immediate relatives of the parties interested. After partak- ing of a wedding dinner, they took the train for Toronto, and other points east, amid the congratulations and good wishes of their many friends. The Blood Is the Life. Owing to faulty actions of the kidneys and liver, the blood becomes filled with disease germs that imperil health. The first warning is backache. dizziness, headache and luck of vital energy. Act quickly if you would avoid the terrible ravages of chronic kidney complaint. Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills to -day, they core kidney and livor complaint for all time. No medicine relieves so promptly, nothing in the world of mediciue cures more thoroughly. For good blood, clear complexion, healthy appetite, the proper treatment is Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25e. per box, at all dealers. TEESWATER. The McKeuzie Bros. have just com- pleted painting and decorating the walls of the King Edward hotel. a work that has much improved the appearance of the halls and rooms. Mr, W. Verson, formerly of the Ven- dome, was in the village early last week after several weeks' visit with friends about Seaforth. Ile intends leaving in a couple of weeks for an ex- tensive trip through Western Canada when he will go as far as the coast, be - rides visiting the important centres throughout the prairie country. According to the assessor the value of land in Teeswater is $53,234, of buildings 8174,686. 7:he business assessment is $33,000 and the amonut of taxable in- come 82,113. making a total assessment of $263,033 as against $255,350 for last year, an increase of $7,683. Physically- Exhausted. Lacking in courage -out of joint with everything -scarcely on speaking terms with even fair health. Such low spirits are pitiable. Your brain is fagged, vital ity so exhausted your coustitution is well nigh ruined. What yon need is Ferro• zone, that great vitalizer and nutritive tonic. It's by making flesh and blood, by infusing iron and oxygen into the system that Ferrozone helps; it repairs weak spots, instills new life into wor•n•out or- gans -makes yon feel like new, Ferro- zene lifts age from the old and imparts resihocne and buoyancy to the depressed. Be manly, ruddy -colored, -cast aside _ weakness and enter the happy life that comes from using Ferrozone. Fifty cents buys a box in any drug store, BRUSSELS. The butter factory commenced work last week. Wm. McCall has sold his house and lot in town to Thos. Ennis for the sum of $1000, and will return to his farm in Morris. Mr. Andrew Cousley left on Thurs- day of last week for Winnipeg, where he intends to reside. Mr. Cousley has fo tentheb S t T pas years een acre ary- reas- urer of the Methodist Church, and on 'peg' his retiring he was presented with a gift ' of $25.00, accompanied by a resolution HAPPY DAYS FOR BABY. Those Who are gaining flesh and strength by regular treat- ment with Scott's Emulsion . oho µldcontinue the treatment In hot weather,- smaller dose ands little cool milk with It will do away with any objection which Is attached to fatty pro. ducts during the heated •eason. Send for free sample. SCOTT St BoWNE, Chemists, Toronto, and ai.00; all druggists. WROXIITER. Mr. Robt. Black has taken Mr. Con. Reis into partnership with him in the milling business. Oar football boys indulged in a friend• ly game with the Fordwich "kickers" on May 24th. The game was a tie, each Bide scoring a goal. Rev. .T. H. Osterhout and Mr. John Brethar attended the Annual District meeting of the Methodist Church in Wingham last week. 0. and Mrs. Koehler and their neice, Miss Jean Moflat,returued to their home in Aylton this week after a short visit with the latter's reroute, A. H. Moffat. At a recent meeting of those interested in celebrating the 1st of July the follow- ing officers were elected: President, G. Howe; Vice -President, Con. Reis; Sec- retary, N. J. Robinson; Treasurer, Thos. Rae; Com. of Sports -President, Seo., Treas. and Vice Pres.; Collectors, Jos. Cowau, W. A. Rutherford. BLUIeVALE. Mr. David Patton, jr., has been on the sick list. .Miss Ida Cleghorn has returned home from Toronto. Miss Cora Messer of Listowel spent Sunday at home. Mr. Robert Stewart of Torouto is visiting his parents here. R. N. Duff attended a meeting of the' East Huron Liberals at Brussels on Tues- day. Mr. Malcolm Aikenheacl attended the teacher's convection at Cliuton last week. Mrs, Morrow and Miss Matheson of Wingham were visitors at R. N. Duff's on the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Wingbain spent the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson in Bluevale. Quite a number from Bluevale attend- ed a picnic held on Linton's flats in Turnberry on the 24th of May. Mr. James Wilson of Toronto was re- newing old acquaintances here this week. He formerly taught in Ramsay's school house in Morris and has many friends in and around Bluevale. cimmusS. The Culross assessment shows a land valuation of $1,370,635, buildings to the value of $382,015, a business assessment of $5,315, and a total assessment of $1,- 7785,025. The Culross assessor found no taxable income. There were in the township 35 births and 21 deaths during the year. Last year's total assessment was $1,736,650, so that this year there is au increase of $21,375. So far as we have observed municipal assessments this year, the new Act appears to work in favor of an increase. In looking over the results of Manitoba University Exams., published inarecent issue of the Manitoba Free Press we find that J. Wilfrid Melvin, a former 12th con. Cuirass boy, has taken a high stand- ing, winning first scholarship in his class -tbird year -and a prize of $100. Mr. Melvin belongs to Wesley College and the students of that institution recently; did him the honor of electing him presi- dent of their literary society. He is qualifying for the Methodist ministry aucl during the year has had charge of a prosperous church in the city of Wiuni- isard's THE LEADING STORE BIG SALE Isard's Shirt Waists and HITEWEAR LOT NO. 1.-A line of Ladies' White and Colored., Waists, to clear - - - - .25 LOT NO. 2- Two dozen Shirt Waists. Sale price, your choice for - - - - .50 LOT NO. 3 -Fancy small pattern Waists, clearing price .75 LOT NO. 4-5 dozen Plain Lawn and Linen Waists, nicely trimmed and tucked, sale price - - $1.00 LOT NO. 5 -Ladies' Fine Lustre Waists, latest style. gond value at $2 00, sale price - - • - $1.50 LOT NO. 6 -Ladies' Dnck Shirt Waist Suite just in, sruell patterns, nicely made, special price - - $$.75 LOT NO. 7 -Dorset Covers to clear at - .10 LOT NO. 8 -Nicely trimmed Corset Covers, sale price .25 LOT NO. 9-A special Iine of Corset Covers, trimmed with lace. A bargain at . - - - .B5 ti. L. ISARD & Go. 1 Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - e Right goods at right prices‘111111112111655155. 1 umihAkaIS,6ii60dNl l IiCI.n 61.141 il16120611Inolli. .• I glli 1 'ae nl 1 1 +++++++++++0++++++444+4444691 S 40000004+♦04444444444+404+ 1 ,.. r if .Ur6_.1,a...e,itatlia.a. SaBiu'tiiYtiAIYLaV.Rad:lek`Jt421.1lCiigaM2T.2Yit. Ds 4. + + + + I+ '4 I Alf ALSO SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT -THE BEST ON EARTH +4 - Best Brands of CEMENT in season at lowest prices. O 4 + etc., on. hand. Give + + ▪ BINDER TWINE. -Wo are now taking orders for the al brands of anT«inErDuion- 11++4+04+++++++44+000+440+44 VTTTTTvv,TTTTTTTFTTTTTTTTT -ROLERY [IR0YAL a E ENGLISH CHINA A car of NOE 9 Coiled Steell ire AS this wire is the genuine Frost melte. and as the demand is likely to he great for this plrtioular kiud, farmers will do well to leave their orders for it at once, as there wig likely be a scarcity in rhe market when most required for fencing. We are selling; it cheap. Massey -Harris Repairs I have just t'ken over the agency for the Massev-Harris Repairs and will try and keep the stock in good shape, so that farniers may be supplied in future with what they may require in this line. + + 4- 4- 4- A + +A full line of Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, w us a call. + +. + 4- 4- e44,4-4-4.4-4.444-4-4-+4-44+++++++44. Ot+0+44044444++44+++++++4. YYYVYYTYTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTY• 4 4 4 4t expressive tit good wishes for himself and family. Word was received from Toronto last week giving the sad notification that Lizzie Wilson, beloved wife of John Mc - Bain of Toronto, had passed away sud- denly in the midst of good health. Do - ceased was the third daughter of the late W. R. Wilson of this town, and was married here to her now bereft part- ner, who was also a former Brnsselite, about ten years ago and on removal re- sided at Uxbridge and Toronto. One child, Wilson, was born to diem. Mrs. McLain was a general favorite and her demise is a cause of sincere regret. She was about 3¢ years of age. Interment took place at Loudon. 5 Lascbingor, of Elmira, and his son, Edgar J., who is here from Johannes- burg, South Africa, were visitors with J. T. and Mrs. Wood, for a few days. The first mentioned gentleman is a brother of Mrs. Wood. Mr. Laschinger, jr., is mining engineer for the British Consoli- dated Gold Mining Co, He has been • there for the past 10 years and will re- turn on June 21st with his family, going via Europe. This gentleman can tell some very interesting occurrences of life in South Africa during his experiences as a scout and afterwards in the diamond and gold fields. ► ► ► Ds ► I► ► The healthy child is a happy child. All its little troubles vanish when it is digesting its food well and is free from childish ailments. The greater part of thailnts arise om mach and boweesel troumebles, feverisfrhnesssto, teething and worms. Baby's Own Tablets act like magic in these cases, and when children. are restless at night they al- ways give sound refreshing sleep. Mrs, A. LuPage, St. Florence, Qae., says: "Baby's Own Tablets had marvellous results in the case of lay two mouths old baby. He was nervous, troubled with - colic and badly constipated, but after giving the Tablets he began to improve at once and is now in good heatth. I also gave the Tablets to my three year' old boy who was troubled with worms and they cured him as well. Both children are now the picture of health, and I am always praising the Tablets to my friends." Yon San get Baby's Own Tablets from any druggist or direct by mail at 25 cents a box by Writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. NOTICE -I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me on notes or mortgages, eau pay principal or interest at any time after failing due. Remember yon need not pay until you are requested to do so by me, 1 thank all 'those wee have done business with me and wish yon all every prosperity, BiCIr)nt)o. We have just opened rip two casks English China shinned to us by b'. Feeldiug & Co., Stoke -on Trent, Staffordshire, the well- known makers and decorators of high•elass Chinaware. These consist of Vases. Fernpnts, Jardineres. Biscuit and Stands, Dusk Cheesors. Jugs, Fruirs, ?.£elan Dishes, Bacon Dishes, Oncnuiher Trays, Bread Trays, Platters, Coffee Jugs, Carel Trays, Pig Dishes, etc., in delicate shadings and choice decorations 25c to $3.75. • CAROLINA RICE ► ► This is without exception the choicest and finest Rice to be lied, far • superor to any other. Once used always used. 2 Ibs iur 25c. ► • SARDINES ► Canadian Sardines lint no in oil and Tomato Sauces. Nice for lunch; not as choice as the French, but thiuk of the price. Per can Se. Cash for ]Eggs and Choice Batter. E. AT ► air AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GRIFFIN'S. The oficers of the Maitland Presby- terial Women& Foreign Missionary So- ciety, as elected at the twenty-first an- nual meeting held at Belgrave recently, are as follows: -•-President, Mrs. Ross, Brussels; vise -presidents, Mrs. Murray, Kineardine; Mrs. Perrin, Wroxeter; Mrs. Petrie, Wingbani; Mrs. McXerroll, Lucknow; secretary, Miss Mather, It in. cardine; treasurer, Mrs. Chadwick, f 4 S t 4 i 4 1 4 441 4 4 r AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA4LAAA Teeswater; secretary of suppiies, Mine Linklater, Wingham ; Tidings secretary, Mise Gordon, St. "Helens. It Was de- tided to hold the next meeting in Kin:- sardine on the third Tuesday in May, 160G. Mr. George Btnith, barrister, of Mreodetoek, wad nominated for the Cotatnons by the Liberals of North Oxford.