HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-06, Page 89 The llnton" awl wRocord YN • a ♦, • April 6th [5 1s odgens.Bros., Clinton: •rnme.� 2 Kid Glove Specials.,... No. 1, 5oc. No. 2, 75c. Two specials in good quality Kid Gloves, just when they are most needed. All stand- ard and reliable makes that will give satis- • factory wear t No. 1, 50c. 60 pairs real French Kid Gloves, soft, pliable skins, in tans, browns and blacks, regular $1.00 quality, • KOA. clearing at per pair . < , , . , Y R.. No. 2, 75c. 35 pairs real French Kid Gloves, Perrin's make, black only, sold all over at $L25; clearing this lot at "J n per pair 1 VUN Our Standard Lines Roullin and Trefousse are two of the BEST makers of Kid Gloves in France. Every pair bear- ing the name of either is fully guaranteed and ' can be depended on absolutely. The skins are 'good,' the fit perfect, and are well and carefully made..: We handle these makers' goods exclussively, ana all sizes in the staple and new spring goods are now in stock. Peerless, $I.00 • This Glove is made from soft, pliable skins, specially selected, and is an extra high grade for this price. We carry it in a full range of sizes, in • blacks, and all theleading shades, every r pair- $1 a0 • fully guaranteed, special .. ADD Mu The Greylock, $1.25 • The Greylock is ft Trefousse Qlove, made from hest skins that are carefully selected for their wearing qualities, very soft and pliable, dome fasteners, perfect fitting, blacks and all colors,.per �� �� pair Dorothy and Shelbourne These are Trefouse Gloves also, and the finest grades we handle, Only the best skins are used in making them. The fit is perfect and they will . retain their shape until worn out. Gres, Tans, . Browns and Fawn shades; large dome fasteners,. • per pair .50• Millinery Exhibition Continued all Week.... We continue our Opening Exhibition ` of Spring Millirery throughout the week.and in' vete you to call and inspect the new Spring' styles whenever and as often•°as you wish The. crowds that thronged our Showroom last Fri- day and Saturday were enthusiastic in their praises of the display. . From every standpoint it is the best of this store'slost list of Millinery. Openings. The styles are right in everypar- ticular and reproductions of those shown .nthe large centres of fashion. Come and look them over before the range gets broken. Mohair is King. Mohair is the leading Dress Fabric for Spring.~ Sales have been phenomenal and there: is no sign of any let-up in the demand. Large orders placed months ago assure us of full assortments. for.some time, and values are better,by far, than if we had to buy to -day. Plain Mohair, 3oc Plain Mohair, good weight and finish, double fold, will give excellent wear, black, t;rean, navy and brown, special at per yard . ...... Plain Lustres, 5oc , A special good cloth at the popular price of. 50g, extra -width, good weight and bright finish, black, cream,. blown and navy, also light shades, special at per yard I . , ... Lustres and Sicillians, 6oc Plain Lustre and Sicillian, two cloths that we have a very big sale for, as the values are extra good, juste the thing for Shirt Waist Suitsor separ- ate Skirts, navy, black, brown and light shades, special per yard Fancy Lustres A large assortment of fancy Lustres, in spot ef- fec: s, stripes, spots, etc., browns, blues, grey and colors, the popular material for Shirt Waist Suits. at 50c, 6oc and 75C 30C 50C Covert Coats Fawn Covert Coats, made up in tight- fitting style, are the popular .outside .garment for spting wear, and are having a tremendous sale in the cities. We opened some new gar- ments this week, neat,natty and perfect -fitting at each $7.50 and $to.00 New Carpets No better time than NOW to pick otit a new Carpet. Spring stocks are all in and the choice of the entire range cask be had. A bigger stock, greater variety, better patterns wenever had. Make your selections now and we will make the Carpet up and put it down whenever you want it, All over 5oc cut, made and laid without extra charge. 14 patterns Union Carpets, 30c o to c 28 patterns in Brussels Carpet, 90c to $1.25. 43 patterns in English Tapestry Carpets, 25c to 75c 82 patters in All -Wool Carpets, 75c, 81$c and 1$1.00 8 patterns lit Velvet'tead Axminster, at 41.25 and $11.60 amerimeouseineesearillinieemilaamilimiseine gens Bros., Dry goods — Clinton. r Pres—Cul Glass. The modern house-keeper`s, pride and pleasure is her table service. Cut Glass is the most beautiful and refin- ed table furnishing, but it is an ex- pensive luxury in which all cannot indulge. We have, however, in Pres - Cut Glass a result in ,skill and in- ventive genius which is the nearest approach ever attained to genuine cut glass. Its superior finish,, artis- tic design •and brilliancy of color will, we are surd, surprise you. Tho- se who own cut glass rarely use it for fear of breakage, What we have is a substitute which will enable you to enjoy the cut glass effects: for every day service, while• those who do not own 'cut glass are now afforded equally as gratifying' results.. Itt will maintain its brilliancy no • Matter how long in use and is stronger th- an the genuine. Thirteen attractive shapes including . Knife Rest, Vases, Jugs, Tumblers, Oils, Sugat' and. Cream, Coteries,. Nappies, etc., etc, WILL ' YOU FAVOR US BY U4 SPECTION, YOU OUGHT . . TO SEE IT.. Agents .Parker's Dye Works, D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest, Always the Best OA1 Kttm' muuuauuuwtIUIL U „i. Mr. John Ora has returned from Galt.. . Mr. John Mole of Auburn was in town yesterday. Mr. D. A. Lindsay -left this week :for Calgary, Alberta. '. Mrs, Stew -art :Seymour spent Sunda • with her husband in London:. Rev.' Mr: -.Magee' spent a couple of • days in Thamesville last week, Mr., Parker: Foster has returned from a visit to friends at Orangeville. Mr. W. Lyons,. G. T. R. operator; sp= ent:• Sunday at hie home in Lou- desboro, •' rs. W.-'Cantelon left. on 'Tuesday for a month's visit to her 'eo,i Will• in Toronto;' Mr. John Hillen of Detroit was-' the guest of his sister, Mrs. -John' ker,., recently. . Miss . Agnes :Scott has "returned from Toronto.' where she.,; spent the win ter with her- brother; Mr. Thos Wheatley,left on ,.Tuesday for : Louisville, Ken t oky, Where he has secured.; :a' situation. Misses.•Megrim" and. Ida . Mar- Ay.: visited Mr: and Mrs - % Albert . McBrien of . Hensali .this ,week Mr. and Mrs; John, Fraser of Bay- field . were guests:Cof Mr: and Mrs: :- Williai ii' Graham' on Sunday ;last. ' "Mi Henry :Sturdy and his, sister,Miss Annie ,.Sturdy, of 'Auburn visited Clinton friends oh•Satiirday:last Mr. and Mrs. 1\[ac Dowzer and daugh_, ter,•. who bave •been in Denver, Col- orado, for the . past couple -,of years, have returned home to 'Clinton. . Mrs.: Archibald Maedonald'has return- • ed . from ; Seaforth where she made. extended visit to bet daughter,Mrs.'•. •:John 'McGregor. . -Mr. ' Henry' Corey of Sarnia: Tunnel' . .was" the guest of .Mr. W.•Alexander. and other friends in town and •God-.. ' erfch township• last week.'.; Mr; George Abell, who has•. Been em- •ployetl iii .Stratford for some .time,.. .. has` secured ,'ahouse 'and is ••• .moving: his family- to that •city this weeJ . '1vlrs.: W. -J. Brandon -and her • little son of .Bayfield were inl,••town on • Saturday.: meeting a lady: friend f- om l elgrave who accompanied .thein. to their `home - ' ' Mrs. L: ,Manning, . her son, Master - Will. • and' her - mother; Mrs„ • W. Coats, returned Monday iron sever- al; months•' :visit to • Mrs, (Di ) .Me- • • Calltitn,• Crestline, Ohio. • Mrs, David Barge. -left on Friday last, for ,Chicago• ,where .she *ill - spend the Sumter*. her sons and da-- •ghters who • are residents ` ,of . that . .city. Miss Jennie . Smith, , daughter of Mr. W. G. Smith • of . --town; has been in Hot Springs, Arkansas, for the. past: month and this week goes fornia, •. Messrs. H,ugh . Archer and. James Macdonald .of. I-Iul-1ett felt on Friday .last for Griswold, Man, The lat- ter has lived in the prairie' country but this is IIugh's first trip, He only purposes remaining a few mon- ths. • .. r. D. Cantelon is in Goderich this vi nek assisting in the criminal audit. The other twomembers' of the boa- rd are 'Judge Doyle and William Lane: The board meets four times a year, or twelve days in all and each memnber receives , three dollars per day and mileage ' Ir. John Durnin, . who spent the wiz ter at his home at Dungannon,Was in town Tuesday and left by the 4.15 train for Brandon, . Mail., • whe- re he hasl,spent the past three or taus summers.' He is •a masonand the summer payfor artisans tof his class. is big. in the Western towns, but he 'finds •it more profitaIile and pleasurable to. winter in Old On-. tarfo. Goderich Township. Miss Effie Rathwcll returned home on Friday last from a lengthy visit with lifer uncle at Ethel, She' was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Ma ud Rathwell, who . will live on the Parr Line, . Stanley, for a few .months. • ibfr. l ratik Whitmore was in Sea - forth on Tuesday and bought a bailer which was: used hi Coleman 's sa lt b1 ct, It is twenty feet loag and four feet in tlfarnetwi? and will he us- ed by Mr. Whitmore on the creek which passes not far• from his. barn. Ile tried a big cement tile, which was swept away in the freshet, but he thinks the boiler will be big en- ough to pass the water. Carpets and Hous -e- Furnishings For .Spring Better Values Than Ever Through our methods of buying and selling for cash only we are in a position to sell you the standard makes of Carpets thils spring under regular prices, despite the fact that manufacturers are advancing prices in. all grades from 15 to 2$ per cent, owing to the increased cost of wool. Of course we will be unable to continue selling at these very low prices after our present supply is gone, for prices are going up higher every week; We would adviseyou to buy now even 'if pin are not in need of a Carpet fo a y y r. month yet, 11.A1112111111.1,11.6111•11. it 75c Wool Carpet at 63e. 36 inch wide all Pure Wool Carpets, •gdod heavy ,qual- ity, reversible pattern, all warranted fast colors, Regular 76c Carpets to go during our Spring Sale bit 63e 90c Wool Carpet at 79c This is . the very . heaviest 2 -ply Wool Carpet, elegant designs, good fast colors and guaranteed to give . satisfactory wear, • Regular 90c. Carpet at • 79e . Best 3 Ply Carpet at 93c This is really the blest Carpet Bargain the store has ever. given. This quality, of three-ply carpet we are selling at 93e is sold allover the comity. • at . $1 to 41.25 per yard. It, is made of ,the best yarn and thoroughly scoured before making. It' comes .in re- versible patterns and will give many years wear. Special for our Spring. Carpet Sale, at 93c . Best SOc Union Carpet 44c , 36 inch •-wide extra heavy quality of Union •Carpetti good • assortment of colors, reversible patterns and sold.' everywhere at 50c, Our Spring Carpet Sale price ,,. 49.0 .. 60c'Tapestry Carpet at 49c 400 yards of 27 inch . wide Tapestry Carpets in a fine • range of .new designs. These are •all extra -good ;gnat - ides that Will give satisfactory wear. Regular 600 "Carpets to go during. our. Spring sale at , 49c 75c and 85c Tap estry Carpets at 69c , :500 yards. of the very best 75c and 85c Tapestry. • Car pets in a wide range of patterns, good firm' `makes that will stand the wear. Regular 75c . and 850.; Spring Salo Price 690 • 1. Balmoral Brussels Carpet: 79c•. 200 yards of the best Balmoral Brussels Carpet . in .a:ssorted celors... ankt designs; extra heavy quality and regular $1:value to go during Spring • Carpet' • 50c Tapestry Stair Carpets at 38c 145c zF `4 `` 33c Tapestry and Wool Carpet Squares. For this spring Carpet Business we have added a very. large assortment of Tapestry and Wool Carpet *t- ares. These we will sell at prices that are very mu: . ch lower than you will find elsewhere. $8.00 Tapestry. Rugs at .$5.75 8 only. Tapestry ,Siquares, size 43E3. • yards, extra heavy •;c reality, all good colors✓. This rug is regular $8.00. value, buts we *cleared out the lot at a price that enables us:. to sell them at' -- 1 $5 75 Tapestry Squares at $9, $10, $12, • etc,. Wool $7.50, .SS to $12. Linoleums Tho very best quality of 4' 'yard wide Linoleums at - • per stipare yard Oslo and 600 2 yard wide Linoleums. at 95c, $1 and $1.15 for running. yard Oilcloths ,250 square yard. Splendid Values In. Lace Curtains. Our values in Lace Curtains this season are very much betterthan any previous season: The patterns. 'atsprettier and qualities, better. G0,c Lace, Curtains .,to go ••at• 5'0c 85e. Lace Curtains at lac 3 a'nd 3i• yards long, $1,2a Lace Curtainsat $1.50 Lace. Curtains at •.$1:25' Better Curtains at ,thesame saving Frilled Curtain Muslims and .Bobbin- ett Curtain Mater.ials. at. 20c, 25c, 35c, 40c -50c and Oe.:'. ; A big range'to choose from. €hreat' Mi.:Success Our opening this season was beyond doubt' the best this.. town • has. 'ever had. Thehats" are beautiful '.and bbcoming and very reasonable in 'price, in fact the prices are very . . muoh';lower. than • you .will • find elsewhere. If you, haven't been in' 'et oto.. see the New •II,ats, eome this week or as soon as you .can. You will be made ' yel- come: at any tine. ' YOUR itioNET 81108 ' IF Tou WANT AT , `CLIN.T01�i' • Huron,; Road, East. '. The auction' sale :of Mr. E. Gib bing5 was largely attended . and . erything realized . good prices. Mr. and Mrs 'Jones were: • At Horne to a`. number of their friends. one ev- ening . v -ening; lately .and •'the people *ere so highly entertained .that, quite a num bar of :'them .. did: not -return •home. until the next morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jones 'are ,royal entertainers. Mrs. :George White was At.Hemp to a number , of her friends on Fri- day evening., when games - of : Lost Heir, eta., , were indulged in ' until midnight when a dainty Ittncheon was 'served when all returned-. home: wish- ing that 'Mi and Mrs..' White. may havemany more • such •evenings. • r. Thos: O'Brien is improving 'so niewhat, but not so .fast as his many friends would like to see." London Road'. -; Mrs. Thomas • Bennett of.' Mitchell spent the past week visiting -old fri- ends on the Lfondon Road Mr: ,Wm'.' Falconet moved his. house- hold effects back' to the. London Road last week:' The :people :along the ro- ad •extend to them ;a . hearty . welcome Goderich Township. Our township; fathers should allow ' wit -Mei. a rod tri farmers for erect- ing a wire fence -along the' road- side. If this was done- there would. be no huge snow drifts "to plunge th- rough in the winter time. Other to wnshipcouncils do so, why not ours -7 Mr. ,James 'Miller has moved his family to the Bayfield Line to .the farm he recently bought, We Welcome. Mr,: and Mrs. Miller to our midst.. Mrs. Harry Elliott, we are pleased to note,' is onthe mend, timeMrs. William Yeo has been under the care of the physician for some . Through an act of good nature the boys cut a quantity o wood for Mr. Samuel Rabhwell last eek. Mr. Charlie Marshall one of the staff of the "London Advertiser, paid his parents .a• brief visit last week. We are extremely sorry to: state that Mr. George Sterling' is still unable to work after a Were attack of la grippe, • Mr, •ankl Mrs. Peter 'Cole spent a pleasant day in Stanley last week,. the first •drive Mrs. Cole has had sin- ce her severe accident last tall. Mr. Nelson Keys of Stanley town- ship own-ship purchased from Mr, Tom Cole . his black driver tor which he paid .a good ;figure. Mr. W. L. Keys also bought a few cattle for the Aglrass from Mr. Oole. Messrs. Maurice Switzer and. Herb. McGregor left on Tuesday for South Dakota where they 'will seek • their' n their'venture liev th fortunes, We ire e cues will be a success as they are both of a. persevering nature and their mo- tto always has been : "Ever venture ever:otvin. Mr, Arthur Welsh is tow soot drfv. 1n4 ,a. beautiful ereatu o61ored driver. 401. F' Mr.. Chas Gibliings, went ' up . to *Arthur . on Saturday bast and spent Sunday with his ..sister in that place,, ]14r. Donald .Junor . had a ''hood' (bee ozi Friday'•'afbernolon, 'last. :in J; Avery's bash, - Messrs. George and Win. Stanbury• have• purchased the good will aid' interest' . of. Mr; John Stanbury ,the Stanbury Estate:. The:. Postmaster : Tells ,The Secret. •HIS HEALTH MAINLY DUE TO `THE USE OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. • POSTMASTER LEE ' LOOKS TEN YEARS YOUNGER THAN HIS. SEYENTY:S'IX YEARS AND HE, GIVES THE . CREDIT .TO THE GREAT CANADIAN KIDNEY 'REMEDY, Tabucintac, Cumberland Co., N.'R., April 8;—(Special).,-Horatio J. Lee, postmasterhere, is now in his seven` ty-sixth year but so bright and heal= thy does he look and to energetic is he in his movements that he would easily pass for . ten years younger. "How doI keep young looking," the. postmaster says. "Well I ,attrib- ute it largely to my god., health and my health' is mainly due to the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. - "I first learned the Value of this Kidney Remedy sone years ,'ago. I was then suffering from 1 i�lney Dis- ease, isease, Myc feet and legs swelled and I had to rise eight or ten times in the night because of urinary troubles, Six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills res- tored my health at that time and I have used them at intervals slime. "TO anyone afliicted with. Kidney Trouble I say "Dodd's 'Kidney Pills are • all right."' Try them and you Will be sure to find a benefit, Dress Makers Wanted. 8 EXPERIENCED DRESS MAKERS AND 5 APPREN- TICES WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY TO Newcot`nbo's.. Suring has set in once 'more, •'and ploughing -in some parts has. begun. Many women: are housecleaning mid- others id-others 'are .albout. ,to:`begin ,. : :Mr. Meyers ofour village intends -raising •and enlarging; his 'barn in the near future. Master Norman Boyes of "Seaford! Collegiate spent' Sunday under the .pa- rental roof. Wood bees are soon to be, sin , ord- Holmesville. ' ' Mr. 'Elfgrd visited. his sister.,.. at Wingham the past week..'' Miss K. Swan returned. on Friday from Dungannon and started :teach- ing .at Porter's .Hill on Monday•. The many ..friends .of Mrs. Jelin Halstead are -sorry to hear of her serious 'illness. • On Saturday afternoon a. wedding took plaoe at the parsonage , when Rev.' Swan married Miss C. Pestle whaite of Goderich ;tio Mr, Calvert fireman on the G: T. R. On Sunday the Woman's Mission- ary Society will 'hold their anniver- sary' services. The ',pastor will preach in the morning and Rev. Dr. Cook of Clinton in the evening,• The Easter thank offering will be taken, at ' each of the services. The following, is the report of the pupils of S. S. iNo. 3, for the month of March, based on regularity, good deportment and general proficiency 1 Sr. 4th—Leila Ford,Frances Rho- des, May McCartney, Oscar Tebibutt, 1rFlossie Holland, • Florence `Lavis,-Etta; Colelough, Pearl Buller, Myrtle Con- nell, Leona Yeo Clarice Badour. Jr. 4th—Clarence Potter, John Sturdy, Clifford McCartney, Myrtle Trewartha, Wilbert Halstead, Edith Lavis, Lulu Mulholland, Minnie Stur- Sr, 30—'mmeline Holland Emily Yeo,, Atex. Moss," r Jr. 3rd—Homer Cantelon, Retta Ross, Charlie Lavis, Lorne. Jervis, Lizzie Badoar, Prank 'Williams. Sr. 2nd—Norman Miller, Ernest Hu- ller, Albert Proctor, Percy ., Munn- ings. Jr.2nd—Lulu •Willson, Jessie Ross, Lorne McCartney, Verna Rhodes, St, 'Ming Dempsey, Norman Holland, El- la Colelough. Pt. 2nd—Joseph Paltrier, Lottie Lavis, Annie Ross,. Delbert Huller, , Miller. 't;y. Hattie r st McCario Enc ,No. on roll 46, average 40.—N. W. Trewartha, Teacher. . Ar. advertisement iii The News Accord brings good) \ reautts,.„ This famous Hat is the King of • Hatdom. It is without a peer in popular, . priced Hats. Made from good materials only, in all the newest and best Ame- rican shapes, and in colors that are most' in favor Every style shown is . be- coming. Many are just a little bit out of the ordin- ary, different from ;what you will find in most stores Colors are fast, and with reasonable carvery Hat will retain its shape and appearance until worn out King Hats Soft Shapes, $2.5o and $3.00 Black or Colors King Hats King Hard Shapes $2.5o $z.75 $3 Black or Colors Other hew and nobby ats, riot quite as good as the 'n , but good value for allthat," iT Ia or Soft, $1,,11.504 $2; , fid Nl1 W • AMT+ R1OAN SHAPES in Caps—Tweeds or plain cloth The nattiest, nobbiest, niftiest, Claps that have ever been seen in town. Nothing like them here. abouts. 25, 50 and 77c 80DGEIVS BR08 CLOTHING STONE' CLtNTON 4