HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-06, Page 6The Clinton News -Record April 6th I9O A BAD COLD usually catches you in your weakest spot, No matter where it is, Shi* lob's Consumption Cure. the ]Lung Tonto, will reach the seat of the trouble and cure you. Your money back. 0 it doesn't, io1 25c., . SOc. and 51.00 FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Wilslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers. for their children while teething. If .dis- turbed by night and blroken of your rest by a. sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wilslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediateiy. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake aboht it. It 'cures Diarrhoea, regu- lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en- ergy to the' whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price - 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup." WPiPlaNi St d Us'nessNDOAN B LOcadeni Each pupil is given in-• dividual instruction. The Shorthand System a y y t thoroughly taught. Situations guaranteed Graduate. taught 'is that used. b all newspaper and court re- porters. ' .Best systems of Book: keeping, Penmanship, Arith- metic, e o . , oroug t • • to every ra uate. CATALOGUE FREE. Wm C Goo Df�07EN:GRAPHED & V News Of The Day. Patrick 1\tc•f;eo of Kingston, a 'Cri- mean veteran, is d, ad at the age- O. 75 years. cars. • Rt1;, Milton I). •Coltman of St. C'a tharines condemns 'the .theatre and the novel as degrading to young men. Mrs. Chas. Hemmers of Portland, Oregon, sprinkled kerosene on • her • clothes and burned herself • to death. Military service has b•een••41.1andoncrl ir. Finland by a manifesto of the ('zar. The question will be settled later by the Legislature. Ilon. Jaines Sutherland has return ed to Woodstock from the south, very little improved in health. Hiram Walker & Sons will double the capacity • of their distillery at �Wall(erville. . yr. J'. W. Baumann, the Hamilton r usician, .died Monday morning. Indigestion and Sleeplessness Are symptoms of nervous ex- haustion which clivappear with the use of Dr. Chase's Nerye Food. Plenty of people who have a horror of nervou, prostration and paralysis, suffer from indigestion. sleeplessness, and other symptoms of nervou, exhaustion not realizing the danger they are in. Nervous disease develops slowly and by restoring' vigor to the wasted nervecells by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food you can prevent. serious. results. Mit, MATTHEW WHITE, a retired farmer, living at 61 Elgin St., St. Thomas, Oht., states :— " For some years I have suffered more or less from indigestion and nervous 2 dyspepia, and as a result. I have been 'subjectto dizzy spells and discomfort after eating. I used Dr. iF,ti\ Chase's Nerve Food, and found it improved my digestion, steadied my nerves, and made me rest and sleep very much bet. ter. I can truthfully re. M1. WHITE commend the Nerve Food to anyone who suffers from the above ailments.' Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 50c. a box: To protect you against imitations the portrait. and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box. • • if you SpO 't likeread oto f ♦' 'the ex-, periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht - Adventure if Ing;yoour are in.. • terested in country ilk, 'WitiA ask your newsdealer for ' ORES'I` AND STREAM," or -send us twenty-five Cents andfor four Weeks trial trip. A large illustrated Weekly Gunjournal of shooting, fishing, natural his tory and yachting. A Rod new depart. ment has to do with the Country Home and its surroundings. Terms: $4 a year, $2 for six months, We send free on re- quest o u r Catalogue of the best books on outdoor llfe and recreation. FOREST AIS STREAM ?MOO. '344 •Eroadvvayf New Vo44 0 • d.>.• 1.4,0*d -wnH New Books in Clinton Free Library. 0000000000• 0.00.0000.0.00000000 SCIENCE AND ART. Carman B., The Friendship of Art A 348 A 342 Flaprriarion 0., Astronomy for Amateurs A 340 Kelly A., Bears I have Met A 315 J Layeacic, Argumentation and Debate' A 3 .I pandon J., The Call of the Wild A 311 Pearson C. D., Among the ,Farm Yard People. A 3.43 Pearson 0. D., Among the Night People A 3ti Sandford Frank, The Art Crafts for Beginners A 347 BIOGRAPHY. Mahan A. T., The Life of Nelson , B. 303 Morris W.. O'C, Wellington,. 4.13 304 Morley, Life of Gladstone, 3 vols ° B 305 300 307 Crowest F. J., Story .of the Organ RELIGIOUS. Nichol Robertson W., The Expositors Bible Genesis and Exodus 0 175 Leviticus and Numbers 0 176 Deuteronomy and Joshua s C 177' Judges, Ruth and. Chronicles C 178 Samuel C 179 • Kings C 180 Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job 0 181 'Psalms 1 to 89 C 182 Psalms 90 to 150 C 183. Ecclesiastics; Song of Solomon and Lamentations- C 184 C 185 Isiah r Jeremiah C 186 Ezekiel and Daniel C .187 The Minor Prophets 0 188 St, Mathew 0 189 St..Mark and St. Luke C 190 John C 191 Acts of the Apostles C 192. Romans and . Corinthians, , C 198 Corinthians and Galati+ons C 194 Ephesians and Phillipians 0 195 Collossians, Philemon and Thessalonians C 196 Timothy, Titus and Hebrews 0 197 James, Judo and Peter C. 198. St. John, Revelation C 149`' Drummond Henry, The Ascent of Man Cr 152 Black 11., Praetice of Self Culture C 158 Gardenshire S. M:;Lux' Crucis C. 153' Gladden W„Where. Does the Sky Begin ... .....;•••••• .. • .. ,,C 1557 ... Hillis. N. D., A Man's Value to Society • C 155 McLeod ,N., The . Gold Thread 0 150 :Sheldon C.. The Narrow Gate 0 '154 ' POETRY . AND DRAMA: • Field Eugene, Little Book of Tribune Verse D . 69 Phillips. Stephen, The Sin. of David. D 170 D'Annunzi.o G., Francesca, 'da Rimini 0 171 HIS'T`ORY.' Clark F. B;,'• The Sword of Garibaldi 1=i 451. Hopkins, Story of the Dominion I"I 452 -Davis W. S•, Falaise (middle ages) I.1 453 Whitehouse, The, Effendi (Soudan), I -I 454 • - •.P%IILOSOPUY; 'POLITICAL SCIENCE; ETC: Smith Goldwin, Commonwealth or Empire 1 •177 Montaguei Standard Oil Co :1 178 George R., Progress and Poverty "•I 179. ' Wellman Fi, Art of Crossexamination 1 180 GENERAL, LITERATURF, I.ounsbury T.. R„ Standard.P>:cn;ulcfation J '116 :' Black h1, Friendship J 317 , Aguilar G. Woman's. Friendship . „ J 31.9 Aguilar McSpadden J. W,, :Synopses of. Dickens' 'J 32'i •;. TRAYI.I,•' .. .. • Crocket' 8. R.,' Raiderland , .L 322 .. Mauderlip, Siberian Klondyl±;i L 300 Hillis N. D:, Quest of John Chapman...,,, ,.:L' 316 Hearne L., Japan L 319 ' Hogarth D. G., Penetration of. Arabia L 325 Landon P., The Opening of Tibet• L 327 Palmer Frederick, With Kurol(i in Manchuria.,.:,.: L 328. Robins E:, The Magnetic North (story) L 317 Seaman L, From Tokia Through Manchuria L 321. Price R.; The. Two Americas L 307 Johnson C., The Land of>Heath'er., White S. E:, The Mountains Rains” 'I', J. The Strife of the Sea (story) L'305 ::.L. 303 White. S. E., Silent Places L 299 White S. "E., Blaied Trail.Stones LLL 333.326 White S. E., The. Magic Forest:,, ::L .301_ Johnston Sir H,, The Nile Quest. L 310'. MISCELLANEOUS. Wagner Chas., By the Fireside M 215 ;: Wagner .Chas:, . The Simple Life.:.:....,,. 'M 227• Wagner Chas, The Better Way s M 241. Holley, Jamantha at Saratoga M 216 TIewlett M., The Queen's Quair 1\I 203.' , Townsend E. W., Sure M 21.4 ." Kwysland E. B'., Weddings 'M 910... JUVENILE , Alden W. L., The Adventures of Jimmy Brown IC 428 Alger Horatio J: Brave, and Bold K 436 Alger Horatio J., .Brave and. Bold • K 436 ,,. Paul T_he. Peddlar K 437 Strong and'Steady.'; .IC. 488 " Strive and Succeed K 439 '; Struggling. Upwards IC 440 ,. it ,r >, ,, „ 7, It Do and Dare. K 441: "Luke Walton K .442 Bob Burton , K 443 Redoes Inheritance K 444 The ,Young Miner K 445 The Young Circus Rider K 440 The Young Adventurer K 447 ' Making His Mark'. K '44$ The World Before Him K 449 The•Odds• Against Him K 450, The Young Boatman K' 451: Tho Five Hundred Dollar Cheek ,,,,,K 452 The Adventures of a Telegraph•BoyK 453 Forging Ahead...—. K 454 `. Ben. Bruce K 455 Try and 'Trust K 456 The Boy Knight. K 4860 Risen Froin The Ranks ....... K, 461 Bound To ' Rise K 462 The Store 'Boy. K 463 Julius The Street Boy IC 464 >, The Cash. Boy II 467 Carroll Lewis, 'Through the Looking Glass K 435 Barbaras Triumph Dennison Cheever H. A., Gipsy Jane •KK 43431 Mary A., ' „ The Frenchman's ,Ward K' 43(i2 r' . The Guardian's Trust K 433 Gordon Col. I3, R., Osceola, Chief of the Serninples1 470 Henry G. A., Among the Malay Pirates Ki 465 " A Dash for Khartoum K 460 Jack Archer K 473 The' Youtig Midshipman IC 408 By Conduct and Courage....., .:..... K 475 The Golden . Canon X 409 +[ The Young Carthagenian IC 470 Of The Cornet of the Horse K471 Ingraham Col. I'rentier, The Girl Rough Riders K 434 Lillie • Luey, C•, The Colonel's Money K 427 it The household et Glen holly K 429' Madden Eva, Tho Soldiers of the Duke ' IC 472 McSpadden J, Walker, :stories of Itobin HoodX 474 riewerry Pantile r., The Odd One K 423 "421 Not Port Profit ....K ' " All Aboard'. It 425 Richards Laura E. 'rhe Green ' in Gown K 422 Thurston L. T., AiIatehelor Maid and Her 3rother,..,IKC 442261 Webster Jean, When Patty Went to College K 459 Wiggin Kate Douglas, lebeeea Wiggin Kate Douglas, Mit a Dozen 'Housekeepers K 457 Wpgley Clive P,, Gold, Gold in Oa>tiben,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,X 450 7r ,i East Wawamosh.' The Council met on March 23, pt.r- suant to adjournment ; °mernber i all present except Mr. Wilson. uointe The d followiforirthis piathnrastersyear:-*- ere ar)- Georncwl.. East Wawanosh, Gil..;on J. Gillespie, of Whitechurch, was the only one who had offered so far to work .and operate the,road gra- tier this 'M.5i Son. Debentures were passed: and signed 0.40.1441. FREE TO CHURCH' BAZAARS AND ENTERTAINMENTS IN AID OF CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS Sturdy, Win. Cowan, ROA. Somers,in favour of, Joshua J. Walsh, serer- A quantity Thos. Rradnoek, Alex. Parker, Relit. c'ees as caretaker ,of (.!ravel pit, lot 42, • Johnston, jr., Henry i;hiell, John 'eon; 0, in 1904, $3 ; Munici9a1 World Hoare, James Howatt, Win. Toll, 1st., Thomas, supplie:•i, posta.;t', etc•.) George A. Henderson, John ( aldwtll. is date, 9Z..J i It.lt 1 1, iron 1 Wm. Fear, Edgar Dexter, James '1' I bolts for bridget�-on river, eon 8 at:tl Wilson, Wnt. Wildon, Sampson Cart- 19, $2. er, • Jas Hickingbotham, John Red . A resolution of•ct.ndoltneu and sym - rnanis n In, Jas. II v�1,Ie J. pa thy hwith the Reeve'.. John B. Ellis Taylor, Jas. A. merm, Fred J.ltath, in -the recent death of his .ilnly son, Launcelot Nethery, Jolla J. Ballade an, IIenry Edwards, Wm. J. Ta1tb, Sant, Morton, John T. Pickett, Wm. Rath, Joseph Stonehouse, Rich. Cor- ky, Wni. Wightman, Wm, Bennett, Cyrus W. Scott, Jas. D. Anderson, David Sproat, John McCallum, sr.,. Adam Robertson, James Walsh, Alex Porterfield, David S. Scott, jr., Alex. o'clock, a. m.,Ordinary munl'cipal- King, Patrick Gibib'ons, John Fergus. al business will be attended to in on, Joseph Brandon, Matthew Fer- the afternoon of same day': guson, Jonn R. Salter, Robt, Stein, ,John Menzies, sen:, Sam. Mc'13urney, John Reid, John T. Currie, Wesley Dungannon. Pattison, T Leaver, T. Robinson, Win J. Currie, Josetih. J. Kerr, And, . On the 161th inst Chas, Robinson Currie, Wm. Wilson, George Wilson, of St. Augustine had the misfortune Tilos. Lowell,John Leggatt, George to fall on the ice, •reeeiving a bad Mowbray, son,,: J o ian,"D'as- 1 fracture --•heat -the-Wrist in one of her epli Smeltzer, Robt. McGee, Jas. arms. Martin, jr:., John Gibbons, Robt G. Rer. C. Rutherford was, owing to Haines, George O. Naylor, Hugh Mc- illness, unable to condubt divire ser - Burney, Wm. Robinson, Wm. James, vice for a couple of weeks. Thera Joseph Channrey, Sam. Thompsonwalid will ,bc.no service in Erskine church pa t)evereaux. next Sunday but the Bible class will Poundkeepers — John Iictar,• Alex, he conducted as usual. Jabob, Magee, .Ashfield, who has ibeen for some • time. troubled with symp- toms of appendicitis and also . Georg Bradford's second daughter, who was sutieriug with the .sante ailment, are convalescing. We are pleased to be able to note. that R. Stewart; ;who has been 111 for sonic time, is recovering. On Thursday evening a pleasant ii- me was spout in Elliott's au(lttorilim, when. a large number of friends anis ac,guaintances were present to bid • good=bye to R. Kirk and family who leave for Alberta, to Wesley : Tre • tonal. day. The,amount to be charged leaven, who goes to take a position in was introduced and earned uitaltitl)- ously. , • The clerk was instrueted to forward a . copy of same- to' Mr, Bilis and family forthwith.', Council then adjourned to meet as a Court of Revision. and • Appeal on Friday,; 26t11 day :of 'May next at 1Q a 0440 of sale hie sample packages of ed 1cse• Tea • will besent' by • express, charges prepaid, to any church or oeiety, for sale•at a Bazaar or entertainment, to Le held in aid of a Church.o" Charitable Institution. The application must be sent in or endorsed by a Cler— gyman who will state what church he is in charge of, This offer is made fur the purpose of introducing Red Rose Tea to people who are likely toappreciate its superior quality and at the same time aid in a matendl 'way very wor- thy objects. T. hi. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N R. Blanches : Toronto,.,Winnipeg. McGowan, Ber. II. Taylor, 1 saias Pearen, 'Harry McGee, David Clow, Jas. Robinson,.: John. Campbell and John Cochrane.: : Fenceviewers-Jas, . T, Bell, John McDowell, George .Fotheegi1l, Wesley Pattison,: Sarni ' McBurney and Geo T. Robertson. A scale for the performarioe of Stat ute Labor, 1905, was adopted as fol- lows :--Assessed up to 1;1000,. 2 days work ; from $1000 to $2000, ' 3 days' ; •from $2000 to $3000, 4 days, and for every other $1000 assessment or any. franctional part therefore one addit- rforedunonced-perfoto7°rm5cedri e• statuter :- ilabostooar d • was .Toronto and to Miss Kathleen Swann, • eda; of Y $1 Per -day as formerly.. : The. Treasurer' reported..•• cash on hand at date 460:39. who leaves he present r: sent charg e, as 'assistant. teacher in Du» ganron pt,blic school in a'fcw days for a• situation in a srhool near'Ilolmesville. • On' Fri- day evening the members of the. A. 0. U. W: in Du'ngannoll• met to bid fare- well to Mr. Kirk and family on, their THS 'ARCH -FIEND 03'' 'I'IIE leaving for: their poly location in Al, Not. war, :mor'e deadly than ever ,)erta,. ' this modern butchery—'hut catarrh Mr. -and Mrs. George Stothers• . of which :leads to• consumption and' ann- Teeswater• ha'e; let for hone cu: Mon - pally kills more •than famine.. and day .,after •having a short visit anion;; war combined. The doctors how, stle- friends and. relations Isere ?,n(1 ib Dun-', cessfully fight 'catarrh with 'a, reiuiely gannon vicinity, ' . that'. never ,fails -- "Catarrhozone," . John Garvin of 'Winnipeg, .who : has it's. death to every type' of catarrh,: been on a business and p1 asure trip 1t destroy every root- anti ranch of tlr4 disease, sa thQroughly that a 1e- ' 1 Ise. ( never r be feilod.-lftl0 u h le with colds, nasal' oi throat catarrh: Zh Ya i ti 1 Mrs.s. • 'RobertbeLt Ilc u ter50l , or subject to bronchitis of •tsth:u t and: otll' i...Mends. Mr.. t,itvin: was use Catart•horone. and you'll .be'cured ++ib.orn 'and'.• bioug'it . up in this forever. _ ire rho d , .1''• : • to •' Cuta; California, Chicaip and othiai x)ints, en his return hoe mwi c'tllc•cl to• sis ELS' 'Mrs. Jellies' es' Wingham. • The *trarsfer: of•'•:the hardware business known! as the "Fish- leigh" • stook, from Mr, Davis,, the purchaser, to the .- more recent. purchaser, Mr. B. Gerry, was eompfeted last • week .• and the store is now open for business. • Mr. A. J. M, .horn); who has been working in Bell's fact- ory for a number of years, leaves this week for Cranibirook, near Brussels,where he will engage itt tht• general store bo- siness, Clanbrook is a good location and Mr: Helm has to 'cured. `an old established stand.. Death .has (been busy in the; vicinity of Whtteehui'ch recent- -1y. On Sunday week the home of. Mi.. ..Joseph Laidlaw .of. West Wawanosh was, saddened hy.• the death of Mrs. Laidlaw after an illness of about ten: days. About. three months ago the baby of tho home was taken with' erysipelas, but .af- ter a long siege the child recovered.•• _I.t is, thought the irio-' deer contracted the disease from theinfant, for she was. taken ill. After a partial recovery a . relapse came on and death ensued. Deeease(l; was a daughter: of JVIr. Robert Pur - don of: Whitechnech''and leaves a 'sorrowing husband' and?a ' family of seven children, the youngest less than 11, year old. • +►N...♦.♦.♦♦•♦♦♦•♦•♦•.♦•♦♦♦•♦♦♦!♦••.♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦ORr 4♦.�_ �: • F ,. PERFECT HONE' DYEING. •EASY TO USE . BRIGHTEST AND. BEST. • M N D." ' THE .rIAD O ASK' FOR n.. t. All ruef rrst♦. rd Dea .. TA KB' NO OTHERS. a Z•••••4•••••••••••••••••••4••••4••4••••••••• �a®�®osis PRQDUCPIS THE LEEKEST HORSES FATTEST CATTLE GROWTHIEST THE. PLUMPEST POUL,TRpe. ANT)' THE GREATEST QUANTITY OF EGGS It is as superb tonic and tioner in the world the best .condi- . 61 41 • Saves grain, aids digestion, makes. growth. It makes the Finest Animals and the Tenderest Meat at the cheapest cost . • .• ,..•. ...1_044,, 041.144 For sale at a price which puts money in the feeder's pocket. 6 lb.' Bag 50c 12 lb. Bag $1.00 ford: AD leNell, Clintons and J. E. Harnwell, Varna.