HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-06, Page 5w -041•1111101k -" ' April Otbs 1905 The (Minton News -Record 11' MOLSONS BANK Xnetn'nerated by Act of Parliament 1656 CAPITAL PAID UP $3,000,001) RESERVE FRIO $3,000,000 tow) OFFICE, .MONTREM,..--- Farmers' kilale Notes (lashed or Collected. Drafts on all points in the Dom/pion* Great *Britain, United States and all Foreign Countries bou. ght and sold at hest rates, Lleposit receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed, Advance. made to Farmers, Mock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on Most favorable terms. SAMOS BANK- DI3PARTIVIENT-- Deposits of $400. and upwards received. Interest allowed at highest current rates from date of depoeit, compounded half -yearly and add- ed to principal June 30tb and December filet. B. C. BREWER Manger, CIONTON • 44404: *44.44+4140444/444••••••••••••••••••••41414444. 0 41 4i 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 4* 4/ 40 41 41 40 41 40 4 v., • 'NY •••• "•• •••• 'Ket's jit7 Mom Gum 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 Another lot of new Mantle clocks just in, including new designs. The style, finish and time keeping qual- ities and prices are right. Call and see them. Many people are troubled with erra- tic watches. To all such we say,try our Watch Repir De- partment. All our work is guaranteed If we cannot give you satisfaction no one can, and then the prices are right. W.H. Hellyar Jeweler and Optician' ,—CLINTON 4evasecesetwiese.%14A9r0Heetes 44 41 41 4 4• 44 41 44 40 40 44 44 11 0 40 41 44 44 1 40 41 41 44 4 44 4, 40 41 4/ 41 41 44 44, 4 00 1 41 41 4, • •4:rt,„, .; .1. • • P • DO IT NOW This is one of the most mod- ern of mottos and a good one it is. You've been thinking of giving us an order for gro- ceries, '—DO IT NOW— We want to get that order. We're anxious to show you how de- pendable the quality is and how moderate the prices are, We want to introduce you to "Grocery Satisfaction' -This week we passed into stock- -about half a ton•of "Tea" Pri- -ces ranging from 25e to '75e per- -lb. The quality* -invites tinspection- In justice to yourself you ought - to test our teas A. 0. Bohol Phone 111. CLINTON. ^ Prompt Delivery. • 011111•011•411•011110041411001110• • • • THE NEWS -RECORD'S • • • • CLUBBING LIST. • - • • The following ate the rat- • • es at which we give any • • of the city Weeklies or Dal-, • • lies, when taken vqiph The 11 • News -Record at Ole dol- • lar per year : • • Daily Mail and Empire $3,25 • • Weekly Mail and Empire 75 • • Daily Globe 3.25 • • Weekly Globe 65 • ,e Toronto Welrld 2.00 • •• Toronto News • • Toronto Star .0 Weekly Sun 75 • se Farmer's Advocate 1.26 • • Weekly Free Press- 75 1 , • Morning Free Press 2.25 • • Evening Free Press 1.25 • • Family Herald and • Weekly Star /5 • • Remit by postai note, reg- • istered letter or express or- • • *der and address • 1 • W. J.1VIITCHEL1I, • • The Newt -Record, Clinton. • el 411410•00041140.0040404140400 80 85� The, NeVII-Redord tiVeti the local pooh440 4r..4.' IHIDES AND SHEEPSKINS WAN - ted at my hide heuse in Clinton. Highest cash price paid., -0. 5, Doan, Clinton, • 50-31n* A COMFORTABLE SIX -ROOMED house on Orange street for sale or to rent. Hard and soft water, ete. The house is at present occu- pled by Mrs. BM, Webb Sr. -James Cook, Olinton. 68 • I HAVE BOUGHT THE BUS AND draping business from Messrs. Moll - at and Ker and reefed the stable of Dr. Evans where I have teleph- one connection. Passengers or bag- gage called for or claimed to any part of the town. Prdrnpt service guaratiteed..e.Josh Cook. 63 COAL. HAVING • jPURCHASED the Coal Business of 1-far1end Bros. 1 am now prepared to receive or- • ders for all sizes, Gratei Dgii; ve, Nut and Soft -Coal, and solicit your patronage. Will sell only the 'blest grade's. Orders left with me or at Harland Bros:' hardware sto- re will receive prompt attention. Office next door to J.; Tisdall's. hank. -Donald MeCorvie. 64 • SEED OATS FOR SALE -4 qUAN- My a the Sheffield Standard Oats for dale. They, are . a new kind, 8. great yielder, a white oat az.d round top, tree from • smut and foul seeds. Price 50cents per builiele-Tyridall' Bros., 3rd con., Hullett. 61 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 14,00N. 4. Stanley township,. Containing 100 aerr.s; about 85 acres 'cleared, •the, balance hardwo0( bush containing a lol of hemlock and other valuable timber. The 'place is situated eliont miles trent Varna ind:Brucefield and lf miles from: school, is well watered .and -Well Ieneeil and good state of cultiyation, ' There is 7. acres of. fall wheat; also 12 'aferes ploughed and all seeded. ex- • cept 15 acres: Frame house and good out buildings. Possession gi- • ven at any time. Terms made easy to Snit the purchaser. For further particulars apply to Sanniel Reid, Vaina P. 0; • . 44 LICENSED AUCTIONEER.e-GEOR- ge Elliott, licenSed auctioneer for the County of Heron, ,solicits the Patronage of the 'public for busi- ness in hie- line. • Sales conducted or: percentage or. so mucirper sale. All husiness promptly attended to. --George Elliett; Clinton• P. O., re- sidence on the naylipld Line. 58 • • . AUCTIONEER -JAMES SMITH LI- , ceased Aucticineer for the County of Hriforr. All orders •entruSted to •me will l'edeive.,pronipt attentioa.: Will Sell either by percentage or' . per.. sale: Residence on ttle•Bayfield Read, one mile south of Cli.ntoft. • lee 104 lpOR SALE -THE UNDER-. signed offers for sale lot 21, Lon- don Road, Stanley, consisting of 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, balance hardwood bush. Well Watered and miles from Brucetield and 5 from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms as ,the . pre- prieter is , in other business. For. !rutin** particulars, apply to, P. Tomlieson,,' Brucefield •P. O. 42 • atetworimsemsmilr.i.sior • Smoked Glasses in spring when .sunshine '• tenders seeing pain- • ful snaoke glass • should be used. • We gave • The Assortment We Have ne Stook We Have The Riiht Pries A. J. A Jr Grigg Jeweler and Optician FOR SALF,.-TWO FIRST CLASS Shorthorn Bulls ainuft 22 Months old, mostly Scoteh bred. Will be gild tor less than their Nellie, both; registered wild certificates will ita given with them. The first that .tionies Will ,get a bareatri as they must he sold. Also two young :cows to calve soon. -41.• Plumsteel, tone 65 •II14.0'4•••••0•0•4•4444•4444• SALE •OF YOUNG STOCK. -AT Chestnut Farm, near Goderieh,' on Friday, Iltb April, the proprietor, Samuel Furze, will sell by Public Auction, =head of young cattle, and 1 horse, Terms of sale : 4 per ,cent. all for -OA. 05' AUCTION SALE. -I WILL SELL my farm • stock and implements . hy public auction at lot Saulile Linh, Stanley, on April 10th, com- mencing at 1 o'clock.,Jarnes Spa- ckman. • 65 •••,4•40.4.4,040.44 FOR SALE.-ntAmE HOUSE WI. th seven rooms, kitchen, twoodShed and stabile. • One acre or and and fifty fruit, trees, Good locations or. Raglan street, 'one block °from the Collegiate Instetute,-11, Cantelon, '55-1 FOR SALE. -HOUSE AND I ACRE,' 'of land, on Ontario street east.' - Joshua Peaien. 65 • GOING OUT OF BUSINESS., Sale commencing April 8th. less than cost until the entire sto- ck is disposed 'of.' Don't forget and • give me a call for now is • yoUr o time 'to save money. -Mrs. A. Sht- er's Variety Store, next doer to Combe's drug store, " 65 • VArAB. Mrs. D. MeNaughton and, Mrs. T. Mesh "were in Seaforth on Friday. We are sorry to p/POrtthe serious illness Of Mr. G. Mitchell but hope to hear of his speedy recovery. .44•44,1••••• 1••••••••••••••*4•••••• Melfsili01) TOW/11443., Simeon Barrows, an old timer of IVfeKillop, died recently at Welton, aged seveqty :years. The family, live in number, shave all 'Wen grown up for many years, John Macpherson hail a bee •cutting Weod on Friday afternoon Nett George 'Underwood, who has worked in IVIcKillop during the past winter, left for London, this week. George is a jolly fellow and will be missed lair many. • r 4 * H. Grey of Hibhert was vis- iting friends in McKillop one day this week. J. F. McIntosh sold four fine hore ses to Mr. Norris of Hilybert recent - for watch he received close on MAO This is a greet lunfp of medley for horses at one time, * , Miss Lizzie IVIcOutcheon left or Man-• itoba iaet week. This young lady has been mitin the West for a year or two. and Was just hoillp on a visit, , The young -people of the Presbyter tan and Methodist church ehoirs on the Leadbury Line are preparieg so. me nice selections of music for the Easter service. Herbert. Bell has bought the fifty acre farm of Mr. Ludwig IIa,gey, the price agreed upon being $2700. Herb, got a wife a short time agil4and now a farm, which is doing very well for ne season. WEST FIURON LIQUOR LICENSES -The •West Huroao.pieense Com- „mishioners will meet in the Inspect- or's office; Clinton, on Thursd'ay, • April 20th, at 11 .o'clock a. in,, to consider applications for licenses for the license y ear 4.905.06, The • following are the now .epplicants : • Robert King, Goderieh ; • N. • Boggs, Carlow, John :Perkins, • Qu- een's hotel, Clinton, all applyffig for. • hotel licenses. • The number of •censcs issued during the license Year of 1904-05 was 29- hotels anti 2 shops. The' number 'of lappliea- • tions for 1905-06 is 29 hotels and 2 shops. Apy further applications together with petitions for and ag- ainst licenses being granted, must be received by •the Pispeetor at least -lour de..-ys before the meeting of the bpard..4W.- J. Paisley, 'Clinton Ap- ril 8rd 1905. • BICYCLES.. -,-I. HAVE AGAIN: EM. harked in !the hic3'ele business, and have ,on hand .a nuffiber ' Of new •. wheels of the • best makes, •Cleve - lands, Recycles; .ete.. I alio de re - Pairing, also ',..elearperitnee scissors, • lawn mowers, • etc: Satisfaotion gu- aranteed.---Alhert Turner, atthe old stand; "Ftattenbury 'street. • • • ,•• MILCII COWS, 'NEWLY CAL,VED for sale. --John Holmes', Hugon • Road, •Clinton P 0. • 63 . • Martiagea. 131' ST- the residence • Of the brides father, by Rev; A. 13jrks en 1VIareh 25th, John E. Best and Alice.L., only daughter Maraceek, Me: • and MrsRoht; Owens of the 91h Line visited at Mr.' .Jae. Neth. ory2s last Sunday. . Mr. William Heederson ef Wingharn • • • • visited his brother-in-law, M Alex, Seett, of the Gib” Line, on Sen. day. • . • One day 'last week a horsebelong- in 'to Kr. Geo. Fethergil and an which • his eon Albert Was • riding was' 'seffileniy stricken with paraly- sis.. inits hind quarterSHe suc- ceeded .in getting it lionieto • its stables and it is now slightly • in - proving; . , • Henry Difisinore of %Westfield had a wood hete,lest Saturday atterneen. Mrs, .1'. tr. McClinton, 5,th 1 Line is visiting her °daughter, Mrs, Rohl. .Taylor;. Wewenosh. • • Mr. James:. Noble, 611.12 Line,. visited Beleraye • friends on Sunday. , Maitland •Heitry, Marnock,'Seld •twoyea,r-old Polled Angus ;heifer. to Mr': James Ain -tour,: ,5th :Line, last wetelf which . brottglit him ¶48, People ' in this:: heigliborkdod' Whe have tapped . their trees report ' hut poor results:as the sap hes net run to any , arum:int as Yet. of Mr.' j: T. 'Tyerman. ' all or A IRD-7GRAYA t the Manse, E g - mon 0711.0 on March 28th, . by * 'Rev. N.• Shaw, J,arnes Aird of : Kamloops, 'British Coltunbia,....te Christina J.' Gray 'of MeK11101). •• ISSETT-FIE,DDIV-A t the' Metho- dist parsonage, '' Credtton, on Mar, eh e2nd, by Rev. •lyfi. .Iiendersen. Milton Bissett to Miss Lily. May only delight/or of Mr. Wm.*Iredden all of Crediton Eaet. • ' FERGIJSON-FORRES- in Brussel' at, the .reeidenee, of the bride's .• mother, on Marcle 20th, by • John Ross, Dar.iel li7erguson* •Of Calgary, N. W. T., to' Isabella . Jane, daughter of the late John Forbes . , PAPER HANGING -THE SEASON has aeabi. arrived when people a.re ,deeerating ;their homes. 1' am stilt in the' Paper Fls.nging and House -PhAnting:BuSiness and guarantee my • Wark to. • be peCond to none. The. three- . great ' features. in this busi--. ness are quickness; 'neatness and Cc- : Ortaniy: 'My price is 10 cents per. rolt. • Satisfaction given or no, ffion- • ey . asked for... Orders left at' iny house. OV'Conch?s butcher ,hop will • • 'receive prompt attention:L-T. Hale, • -Residence, .West end- RatteabilrY78t. ' ' . • . FOR 'SALE -1 BUGGY, MIKADO. will • he Sold. • Can be Seen at Les- he'S • carriage works -A W. Bran- Birttas. denberger. ' ' 64 • • ' • • POWELL=-In Clinton on March 30th, to Mr, ar,d IVIrs7F. II. Powell. a • •sntr. ' • . , FOR SALJJ L500 CHOICE ROSE Bushes, at 20 cents each. -Apply to .Ioseph Wheatley. . 64-2 - • • . TOWN PROPERTY FOR, SALE. - •The undersigned offers *for sale the • property en William street Gomm - only known as "Straith's Gravel Pit." knot ',. sold within a few • days I intend opening ,the pit and. Will have for sale : earthl for bee-- levards, sand for building purposes and gravel for the streets. I also *offer for sale the house • oh Mary street at present occupied by Mr. • John. Bell. -John Johnstone, Rat- tenhury street, MRS. WM. SANDER'S DRESS, CUT- • ting School, For $10 I will give a $5 system free, and teach any lady • how to cut, fit and put together any article in Dress or Mantle Mak- ing in" two weeks, .from -the plainest • shirt waist to the • ;nest elaborate dress • that can. be leuad in the Fashion Boole with. out the Use of paper patterns. I haVe taught over 1500 (Afton hun- dred). this last sig years, and 'oiler $100, (one hundred dollars,) to any- one I can't teach, or can prove to • me they can learn as much any other place hi two years. JUST • THINK Obl IT. For $50' 1 will teach anyone that is a dressmaker • Or good sewer and drawer to teach • thie course, giving them my teach- ers'. certificate. Strangers May ho. ard at sebool. A tuitable reward given to anyone informing me of any person trying to teach tide •-Course which I inVented and had• , Patented, that does not. hold a cer- tificate from me. Next elase com- mences Monday, April 3rd, Write for particulars or see me at my • School in Stratford, opposite Win- • sot Hotel, on Albert St.'on Sat. • ueday, April let, from ,I. to 6 p. m. Mrs..Wm Sanders, Terteher in • Dress Cutting, bog 159, Stratford r 'del" CLUCAS-In St: Louis-, Misseuri, on March 29th, to Mr. mid Mrs. VW.. ..14. ,clucas .-(nee Dollie :Fair) a. son. " • • : riarpurhey an Maxch • 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis= Shade, a son. • . 0'C0NNELL-1n Goderieh osMarch • 26t1I, to Mr, and IVIes., J., .1): 0'- . Coneell, a daughter. • STANDURY-In Exeter On IVIareh toMr and Mrs. .1. G. Sianbury; • Dashwobd On March 26th, to Mr•. and Mrs. Adam Birk; •a •FAWCETT-In Blyth on March 21, the -wife of .Mr. F, F; Fawcett, of a, daughter Deaths. .p STEWART-In Colborne township on • March 26, Henrietta Stewart, re- • lict of the late J0. Stew -art, aged -32 years, 6 months and 12 (Jaye. CHESNEY-Ie Tuckersmith on Mar- ch 23rd, Mary Pearson, relict of the late Hugh M. Chesney, • aged 81 years and 6 trionthe. - 42AInLAw-421 West Wawanosh Attach 26th, Mrs. Joseph. T. Laid- leAv, aged 42 years, 1 month and • 27 days, . SANICER.--In Brussels' or, March 21, • Amelia Stark, relict of Lewis heart, aged 78 years, 10 months and 9 days. nAnn—To Morris on March 24th, Samuel W. Parr, in his 79th year. BARROWS -In Walton on March 21, • Stamen J. Barrows, in his 7 -0th year. ntortsorr—In crystal, Aril hake- • ta, Robert Diekson, fermerly • of Brussels, in his 81st year; McINTOSII-Li Grey -on March 27th, Janet McLaren, relict of the late Donald McIntosh, aged 79 years 2 • months and 14 days. 11,YM4-4 Mcfl10 on Mardi 20th, Margaret Xelly, relict of the late James nyan, aged Oa years. 0, • r erve VERY TIM Aro the Peculiar Ills Brought on by, Catarrh, of. the Pelvic Organs. 'Fewer (Pe:ru-na b a Toalc Especially Adapted to Their Peculiar Diseases.) •• • v" •fT ' Mr. Louise Westbrook, No. 9 East olumbia. St., Detroit, • Mleh., Secretary the West rfrO'13.7.4otize Club, writes: , . "Por• several . years 1 suffered with loucorrhcea and painful -menstruation, whieh was followed by general dobilitYs until I was but a wreck of ,myself. Thatkasto Peinne. OM Well woman 'to-da.YP-Lonise 'Westbrook. • • Mies Jessiemene Westland, • No.- /K. Reaubien Ave., Detroit, Mich., District •.• . . spez,s.. Miss Maggie Reid ; Of . Brucefield ape- rit Sunday. under -the pereetel roof Mr.• .Ratliwell .and MisSi. Ra- thw.ell and Master I-Jai:old spent Mon- day at Mr. S. Reid's. e • • .. •• MiesT. Canipbell left 'for Ltindon. On Monday • where. she 'intends spend- ing the summer. • ••' • -Mr.: Alfred Johns left for Toron- to on Thursday. All intends spend- ing the suminer. there,:, , : • .. ..Messre. G.. Fosti.er and .1:4. :Elgie left; for- the Northwest On Friday.. Mies Sarah Tite spent Suriday at ,MrS.°' J. MeNaeghton's. • Messrs. James Steeir. and Robert. Campbell were in S,CafOrth on ' Mon- , Miss. Martha Keyes Omit Sunday itt..the home Of Mr.. W. Rathwell. • • - Messrs: ft. -.Elliott and J Tippet :of hayfield §pent•Sunday in Varna. • ,Miss •Ethel Johns spent 5ueday wi- th her frieridi Miss Lila. Carnlibell. • Mr. and. Aire: rt. Beatty of .Egmorei dville' spent Setarday and Sunday under -the parental 'tool. Py -law No. 5, for 1905., • •• • • Town of Clinton. • By•-lany. to .authorize the loan by the Twin of Clinton, to the Clinton Ifnitting Company,of siod .41'Ottsand ckilkir8 (p0000) goenable them to .NIIW a factory iii the 'fount of Clinton, and to provide for the iseuo. of Debentures of -the said Aeon: .43 the amount of $6000, anc/ to 'raise the mon reunited therefor and to ifs; the as - seamen:: (except for school purposes) of the buildings, plant, and burines8. ol the said Company at $2000, . Whereas it is advriable that the Town of Clinton lend 'William P. Spalding, manufae. hirer, H. B.' • Conine, Druggist, H. T. Ranee, Banker, and others to be inceroperated under the name of the V)lintori Knitting Company Limited, or such other non% as the Lieutenant governor in Connell may direet, the sum Of six thousand dallere, to enable them to build a factory in the Town of Clinton, and to ilx the aesessineut of the land, buiklinge, plant, and businees, of the said Company, exeept for school purposes, for ten years at -$2000, and whereas, there is in existence a Knittieg Fact- ory in the Town of Clinton in which $4000 lain - Vested, and the neer C.oraptirty intends to take over the business, build a large feetery, and continue the same. • And whereas'. bY theaaid agreement between the said parties and the Town of Clinton, the said parties have agreed to put in ten thousand dollars 010,000 of capital. In addition to that, Already inveated, to employ an Average of sixty %%dein 04011 year, andte zeoure said loan by mortgage on land and bUildinge, and power plant, and to repay in equal traymenta the prin- cipal and interest id twenty years at 4f per cent per annum. And. whereto, in order thereto it Will be necessary to issue debentures of thesaid Mutt. leipality for the awn of six ithensand donate. ire hereinafter provided. and which is•the it - mount of the debt intended to be created by to %reit • be appl ott the purpofd this by-law, the r"cebti° se aforesaid said Deb". and to no other. Therefore,11 the Municipal Connell of the Corporation of the Town Of Clinton enacts as follows: - • 1 it shall be lawful for the Muidelpat Cor- poration Of the town of_Clinton, to aid the eat], The Clinton Knitting compare', In the erect. 111g Of a bliilding,.byt. tt he% of six thousand iledare tied by fixing the aaseement Of the Property of tire said CompanY fexcepe fe seh(,el taXes) at two thousand dollars for a period Of tell years from the eentpletion of the *aid bedding. 2 It shall and maybe %whit for the Corner ation to fame debentures to raise Said sum of said debentures to hear interest at 4g per cent, per Mall= Medto be repaid in equal. abintal instalments Ogg.% et per achedtile appeeded hereto, Re as to retire tho debt In Twenty years. onglaoSaoirdtteFTnrnattirg4rhoat'lltbitee riftWYtittfleallta tetitT. 4 tfai of ediid DobentuteS Allan bc, eigned by the Meyer and 'Treasurer of the said Corpost. tionancithe Clerk Mien affla the corporate seal thereto, and than beer date the Met dity of July 10054 • Deputy of .Detroit Independent Order Of Good Tempters, wiltes as follows:* “Portitut` has been •a, bleissing to ma and gladly .do . I •indorse Per two years •I stiffered WW1, • e..3,tarrii of the Stomach. I lost fleih and grow thin and emaciated, eervous, and exhatieteri, so that I could •neither. Woik or onjo life. I begantaking•Paguna and can now 'eat and enjoy: eveything,I eat. I have, been, well over a. Year now."- Miss Jessiemene West,land.• ' • • • 074tIV=1:10••••••...........ammolit• .1) If and when the assent of the qualified eiec, tors shall.hsve been been obtained to this BY - law. the sameshall be finally paSsed on' the crepdany executing a formai agm %lent in the • complying with all the conditions therein .cOn- - and printed hereafter as schedule "B" and ttaeirnnedis o.f th. o herm.n. b.efo.r.e recited agreement • ii There shall be levied and raised hi each. year by Special rate on all the rateable proper - Pr in'the said Municipality a term itafficient to tilscharge the said annual amount' of .$401.25 ac- cording to schedule A hereto ' • atz.er•TpitestBayuri '4110.ff011 take ecct on, from, and. • 78 And it la further enacted that the votes of Electore shall be taken on this fly -law: at the following times' and :places that is to say on the first day of May'1905,CommenCli g at the hour of nine 'o'clock% the. Morning and con. tinning till five o'clock in the afternoon of the same dayby the following Deputy Returning oPfaolcleinrg. ivisions street -Nicol Robson, • paraity Returning tit Andrew's Virrird-,-Tovin 'Hall,. Albert Polling Subdivision' No 2 • • ' 2 St. arimeir". Ward. -at the Apple Evaeor. ator. • High ' street, John Scott 'Deputy Betiirning officer. • • • • . 3. St. Johns'. • Ward at Runiball 86Mefilaties Carriage shop, Huron et , 13, Relyar.• Deputy sRheotptu: innugt. Huron alitcte78. .. ..A. tar.evo, Deputy e. 4 St: George's Ward at Leslie% Carriage 'turning *Meer • . . . On the 29th day of April 1905, at the hour of eleven o'clock, tie tar at the clerk's office in the Town of Clintcm. the Mayor shall appoint two persons:to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk, and one pervon at each • polling plaoe, on behalf of the persene interest- ed in and desirous of promoting the poising of this by -lay. ,and a like number on • behalf of the persons interested.in and dc irous of 'oppos- ing the passing of this by-law. . • • , • The clerk of the said naunicipai creeper-. alien 0%01 attend at nis Oleo n the saki town, of Clinton at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the 2nd day of laity 1005, to sum no the lumber of votes for and against this by.law, ' The following is Schedule A of this by - mw referred te:- . SCHEIN/1M A • . . A ' - q4 Z, . •• ,-. 1.1 V., • .• , .. . : ... 4 .... • .. . . il . 1008 1191 26 . $270 00 .—. 146125 • ' 1 . '2 1907 109 86 .261 39- 461 20-,. • ' -3 1008 • 208 85 252 40 461 25 4 1903 Mil 25 • 248 00 461 25 6 . 1910 ' 228 07 2313•18 • 401 25 0 1911 288 88 222 02 461 25 ' 7 1912 249 00 • 212 19 461 25 , 8 1918 '. 260 27 200 08 461 25 • 9 • 10141 277 28 18921 ' 401 25 . 10 1916 ' 284 23 177 02 401 25 11 1916 • 297 02 101 23 401.25 .. 12 1917 810 89 160 86 461 25 . .13 • 1918. 824 86 1843 89 '401 25 . It isis 333.95 22280 461 26 . -15 1920 • 854 20 • 107 05 461 251 16 1021 870 14 . 01 11 461 25. 17 . loss 886 80 74 15 401 26 18 • 1028. 404 20 57 05 461 26 • 19 . . 1924 422 89 . 88 86 401 26 20 .• ;.--e• • 1926. 441 40. ' .. 19 86 461 25 00000 00 $8225 00 ........ 10225 00 ,. . ••••*.i 8011EDULI9 13 THIS .AGRBEIRIONT, male in duplicate this 90111 day of march, 1905, Between R.13. Combo, of Clanton, Druggist. • • - W, P. dome:lag, of Clinton, Manufacturer, 11.T. Rance, of Clinton, Maharter, on stellar of themselves and others to be itutorporated under the tame of"The (Hinton* Knitting Co;, Limited" hereinafter called the "Company" or the first part and The Municipal Corporation of the town of Clinton, hereinafter called tho 'Corporation" of the second part, Whereas, a business he been heretofore ear. tied on In the Town of Clinton under the name of Clinton Knit ing Company, And Vrheretiii, the said. Company, acquiring the said plantand business, prop pees building, equipping, and enlarging tho Aline, for the carrying on of.tier business of hosiery manu- facturing in the Toirg of Clinton, • And whereas, it le deemed expedient by the At% corporatoe to gram by way of loan to the said Company the sum di tax thousand dollars (26003) to enable them to build is suitable factory for the carrying -on of the said acidness, upon the torMeand conditions hereinafter fitiptital- ed, NOW therefore, tads rederiture witaesaith, and itio eovenanted and agreed by and bet- ween the said Company, their etteeeStiore 5tid assigns, find the raid tarpofatiort ay follow: - 1 Ike Cionpiiey agrees that It will erect end build, within the lifting of the Corporation in Clintob;ft good nitildingliOft by 1511, and two aeries hign, built Of bier* or (foment. Mid in ail Way* suitable to tntsaufaaturing pUr0easal 4 D Catarrh is a very frequent C410111001 atirtioCinleasio0w1 dealskenea s se:po. op aumrrfo rlyikzthoewo . pavic Organs Produces such I Videtir Of disaffreeable and irritating SYMP. - tons that many peopk•-.In fact, the nwicultY OfPeaPle-have no K*4.04 thy are ceased by catarrh. A great proportion of wOnteg *aye blew; cacaliteasirriyalthWecvtlrrnitents: allrettOlcars.44108 has Consulted by aS many different names. These • worrier' have .been treated and have taken medicines, with no relief, simply because the remedies are not adapted to catarrh. It 1 e three** a Ink:taken notion as to the reel nature of the diseases that these medicines have been recommended to them.. II all the women who are suffering wwiffullidanwyrifgrimo Dorf ntaftemiesarcitkomiess. , bus, Ohio, and give him a complete . .• deceription of their symptoms and the peculiarities of their troubles, he will . immediately reply,' with complete di. rections for treatment, free of charge. • ,,Ileallhand Bestuty," abook written. eDzgecinalaijirtn2fIrn., "C111070'411sbe 1111.st pireOehifitr. . . Ziliss Aiice Dressier, of No. 1613 North • . . Bryant Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., writes • ari follows. concerning Pernna: • throat and head. One '"'of. my. college . . .- Dressler. .• • , . wrilitI west, as. suffering from catarrh of the not only epred me of the catarrh, but restored me to perfect herilth."-;-.Allee ' . all and more than'l had expected. It frIcaids, who was visiting me, asked tne to • try Perlin& and I did so and found it ' . IViss Mamie Grotb, Platteville, Wis., '. . . :ii I have for several years suffered - • . . . witli frequent backache and would for • . .. • , several days have splitting headaches. .. - . Several of my friends advised me to • ' talco Peruna and I asked my physidan.. - ' , • what he thought of It. He reeore- • . . recncied it and so I took it itnd ant. on tireirwitliont pain of anyktrid noW.". - •• ••• . -11amieprot1j, " • ' . - . , • . . • • .. , •-. 'In a recent letter froM No. 2 'Grant . . . Ave., Denver, Col., *re, Ida L. fetregory . . .. • "Some Six years ago my husband suf- fered 'With nervous prostration, and - ' . . ..• . advising with p friendly druggist: ho • . - , - , • . -brought home • a bottle of Perunee. His - .. . • • 'heeIth was restored from Its, use; his, appetite 'was increased and •restful sleer • ' .. ,canie to, blin,'.1-4da L. Gregory. . • • • . AffesPloreseeMerp1)y,No.4703Seco11d .. . . • .. Av., Seattle, Wash,Oicrites: . . • . . , . "I suffered forover a yokirooktetiktentalo ° •-•k.,.. trouble,. ,onri-although I lair4t4110'er44- • . phys.ifeitcrisoMone 'of lisSID, seerneel`gi 'be ablo.toketrinerpernsaneniti% ' . • . . . ‘S.t..onlyinok rtIlttie overithraPliatks '. .. •'.. . f Pertmato-Make •merwell 404 strong. ' . ,,' .... • • inIn;verdownpansm 4basetbaddrache,Jsoarls.e.iw.rzoore;,i!,_vheor bear Murphy, ...2 • - .. • • -, 'Y.:: ,-,.•• . .•• '. -. ! frcznamaigi , ... ., ...;.' • .. .. ! • .. . • .. . 2' To equip said buildings with such 'Plant . - ..• • • • and equipment as shall make it a modern, pp., to -date, and Wellequipped knittinglactory. 3' To -invest.% said businessin addition .to - • preseut:capital employed, which is hereby ee... . . °tared by said Company to be 81000, the further • .- ' . sum of•ten thousand dollars. . • • • • . ' . . ' • 4 To employ continually. 'aminallY, :from': and after the first . day. of January. 1906i. an ' . • • ' average of sixty heads in •,and' about the but . • nese of the ssid factory, findto properly main- .. . . . tin and operate, . and continuously operate, and repair, and keep ,in Rood .running order, eull repair. the -said Knitting Rae:tory, plant .. . , . Andmachinery; for.a period of twenty, years, from the consipletion or said kictory. , . . „ • ' If the Company, wiShes' to. repay '•the whole . • loan at tee end, of ten years, or anyitubsequent • ... , - year, it may do so -on satisfYing the 'liability. or ' • the Corporation, in which ease the said Com-, • .. ' party is to be released froin all the agreements. ' '. • , and' stipulations harem contained.. . . : • ." . . ., 5 The said Comp -any will annually, on .the firitdayJannary, in each and evAry year turn. ish cu.the sold uernoration a st1. emery deettir7 - ationahowing the number of ifersons employ.. • ' ed during the previous year, and will, if re- . .eliiired, exhibit to such person as the Corpora- tion play direct all•tlie books and pay -rolls of the • said CorimemY containing any entry in relation to the hirieg tot employeestor tiny portion of ..the twe11t3'7year term preceding that in which, the demand shad de made. . . . . •, . • . In case of the &Hive o the said Company to incorporate or build or equip sale factery,thee. .• ' • all itxperefee incurr.ed by the Corporation in ' ' ' • . . . tatted Baabioducot titille.,aangrement,...• are to be borne by,: . • : .. . - ., ii By way of securing .the ftilillinent of the..:.., eovene,nts,and agreements herein,-Ity them to• , ... .. . ,.. , .. . . . - he performed, and obseryed, the said Conttany ' agiees to •execute and deliver ta • the said Cor- poration a firstmortgage for .tne mun of alic ' • thousand della: a ie fee simple; free from all in. • .. cumbrances upon. the lands buildings and. • . . poWek plant, ot the said Conitany, such buildt • • . ' ings and power plant as fixtures and real estate and to be incorporated in and covered by said - - '.• • ' mortgage.* e he Mortgage to be repayable In • . .. . .equai annual amounts et 8161.25 of prim:Anat.'. .. ..' , • and interest„ Ite as to retire the Debentures he. ••' '..- - Sued by the Corporation to make each lean, ac- cording to the •schedule A attached. hereto; , . ' -Said mortgago to containthe usual covenant, . . ,-... - • contained in the ordiriary 'Mort forms ex • - • ' ' . .. ' mortgages, the. coVenants and conditions eon- . • .. . tinned in this agreement, and a cotenant te in. • sure and keep finsured the 'buildings and . power plantto their full insurable value in dol. • '. , , , • . lam, during tho full ternt of twenty years, and the loss, payable to the Corporation, and a • promise that in default of spy of the covenants ot said mortgage or WS agreement, the said • ' • Corporation may, is therein provided, enter on • , ./ . and lease forfeit the said land, buildings and plant, or foreclotie as they may deem beet. • 0' • ' ' . . 7 Ana the said Corporation agree that in • ' the °Vent of tire destroying said • buildings: or .. , any part thereof, the Company will proceed' With due dispatch to re-ereot such buildings . . • and power want, and within eight months. re. . Place the maohinery or plant, .therein, and re. mime operate:mei. in Whioh.ease the- Cartiovi mien agrees to handover to the Company the Insurance moneys received by thout. • , 8 'The Bald Corporation shalt, dining the period of Lou years from the corapietion.of the ' buildings, in pursuance of the poirer vested iti them, provide for the fixing ot the assessment - • Of the said factory. and plant and business. , 'except sohooltaaes, at 82000, ' . .... • . ' 0 Uponthe ereetion and e *victim of said • • • ' blinding, upon the curtlhlcnt.d rt an architect or agent to be appointed by tor Corporation, , and upon exeoution otthe in,irtgage_hereinbe- ' fere recited, the said amount of six . thouis eia1 dollare to tO be paid by the said Oorperatien. . 10 It fa understood that wherever the word , Lioelosuparbyeirsaursteideo'iour ttlizoistiraforereiliKert,nts,hiot usohmsji.i. pany to be incorporated anti its sueoeseors and assigns. . . . • t 11 Arid it is farther provided .betwitee the . . parties that shoal& the legielature ol Ontario refuse to pass an .Act euabling the tiorpor- suon to make this loan, or in tne event of the ratepayere not ratifying the .13y-LaW tO OM . sweet hereto, then tins agreemeot to to b000lie epic( rind 01 1)0 effect Tn witness whereof the said parties have . hereunto subscribed their kende and Neale. i ......._„....„ e W. Put.BcP0AA111311144 • • Seal ( 11. T, )LAN= . . • • . DAM at the Town Rill Clinton, this 30th day - of pitireh,05. • . j"I'D11,4134.°1.1hklitaxioierk; .• • " Norma Take ttOtiee that the above is a tree copy via pr iposed by-lare has been taken into eon s deratioil and *gene/in be &awe passed by the Council of the Municipality thereto on the event of the assent ot the electors being obtain- ed thereto), niter orteMonth from the rust pelt* IL 111100 111 the Clinton Neweitecord the date ai which publication was ThurtidtlY the Sixth day of April 11105, mtc. that t votes of the °teeters Of the said niunieiumity wilt be taken thereon on the day and at the haul% and Piaoas therein tgad. Clerk. stied this tOtl: day of htareh, 1905 , 41,