HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-06, Page 4losimmomis Tile News -Record CLINTON, ONT, Terms of subscription -41 •pe r year In advance $1.50 may be charged it not so paid. No paper"discontinued until all arrears are paid, toeless at the opinion of the publisher. The date .to which every subscriptiOn is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising' rates — Transient adve'r- tisements, 10 cents per nonpariel line for first insertion and 3 •cents per line for each subsequent insert- ion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as • "Lost," ... "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc, in- serted once for 35 cents and each subsequent insertion 10 cents. Communications intended for pubffica- tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. Auburn. Mr. John McKnight has Mr. 0. Clark engaged helping him with his house. Mr. McKnight's two brothers from the Nile were over one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mole of Dun- gannon Suadayed in Auburn. Mrs. Thos. Nicholson returned home from Dungannon from waiting on her daughter, Mrs. T. Clark, who is im- proving a little. Mr. and Mrs. R. Echlin of the Nile visited the former's brother, Mr. S. Echlin, last Friday. Mrs. Gabriel Sprung, who spent the past winter with her son Richard in odon te ericha,asnerizezinedblaacskt to old hame k 'Mr. G. 11. Youngblut is not im- proving very fast, we are sorry " to say. Miss Erma Symington, who is en- gaged at the millinery • out at Blyth, Sundayed at her mother's. Miss Maggie Small left for Taranto this week. . • Rev. J. L. Small spent a few days at Arthur this week. Mr. John Pierce had a successful auction sale last Friday. He has moved into the village. He has bo- ught the house. where Mr. Caldwell formerly lived. Mr. Taylor, who bought Mr. Pierce's farm last fall, has •now taken poseession. Mr. Curry, commission-er, of near Winghatp, ,visited friends around Au- burn on Sunday. He accompanied his e son who has been engaged to teach the school on the 3nd Line, East Wa- wanosh. Miss McKnight and Miss McIlwain of the Nile visited at Mr. John Mc - Knight's last Friday. , The Ontario Government has ap- pointed' Mr. A. Asquith to be license inspector for West- Huron. We C011- gratulato our citizen on geeing choses to fill this responsible position and he should have the support of all go- od men in enforcing the law. Mr. Asquith has engaged Mr. Jos. Irwin to take charge of his livery and feed store. Mr. Youngblut has engaged 1VIr.John Gravisto.n to ren his butcher wagon this season. Mr. John Dawson of Listowel .spe- nt a few days with his parents. He then went to Goderieh to work in the organ factory. Mr. Jas. Dawson left last Monday to work on the C. P. R. at Blyth again. 111101111W ,R119111p. 7111•••••-•-• • The Clinton NoweioRecorti N1/4_ April 6th 1905 Myth, On Fridey evening of last week many of the,members of L. O. L.963, Myth, Inet in their hall in. company with their wives and lady friends, who had provided themselves with a good supply of ,dainty eatables. The W. Master, Dre. N. D. Gerry, „tooh the chair after the company had gathered and in a few suitable re- marks explained the object ot the• gathering and then called on Dro. John McGill to come forward when the following address was read by tiro, J. Wilford end the presentation was made by Bro. A. McNally: To Mr. John Dear Sir and Bothe,e-With regret we learn that you .1ite about to leave the land of your birth, to break away from old associates—those, whom you helve been linked with from child- hood's days—and seek a new home in another part of this great Dominion of Canada. Sorry toloee you; yet pleased to know that the same old flag uoder which you have always lived will be wafted over you in ypatir new home by the breezes of the north- west. Yr:my example has always been worthy of commendation, inasmuch) as youhave been a citizen true to your country and have led such a ehristian life that you have been true to your Heavenly citizenship. L. 0. L. No. 963, Blyth, claims you as a censistent and devoted member for many years filling many important Positions there- in, and as •fellow -men, brethren,' • we 'rennet allow you to break -away from is witheut some tangible expression of good will on out part and with bowed heads we ask you to accept this gold -headed cane with the bene- liction that you may be spared long years to use it, and it may pleasan- tly recall the good old (lays you spene n your cid horne and cherish . a fond lesire to return to it, and,oas You lean upon it as a support received :roin brethren, mhy t recall the help if Him who stieketh closer •than a brother. We now leave you and your family in the hands of a kind Father and with it we bid you adieu.. Sign- ed on behalf of L. 0.' L. No. 083, Bly- th : John VVilfOrd, P. C. M. ; Nelsoti B. Gerry, W. M. ; Albert .N. Plumrie a, R. S. ; Andrew McNally, Richard OfeCommins; Wm. McElroy; Joseph E. Tarn-an.—Committee. Immediately • after the address was read, Miss M. : FloodY Presiding at :he organ, the company sang '‘Fot Re's a Jolly Good Fellow." • Bro. McGill was then giver.' time for a few woitS of reply and it might' be truly -said that he was altogeth- er speechless, having been taken s0. .lightest intimation •of what h • was much by surprise, not•leavingl: the about to receive; After the ladies had passed around their sandwiches and cake ,to the satisfaction of all ?resent, the W. Master '..agein celled the meeting to order, when 'a few 3f the brethern'neptessed.ethe lees' the lodge Was about - lo sustain arid he high appreciation 'theetlepsznine Bro. Was .held in by the Members of • No. 963.. •Bre. MeGill' Wag again call- ed on and in a few very • apPrepriate remarks thanked the' bretherre for their presentation and expressed a wish to be able at Some ,future time to return to Blyth as a visitor if• not a permanent citizen. Again the company joined in singing "God Be With Thu Till We Meet 'Agin," Bro. ,Rev. Edmunds disinissing all with the benedictiOn. • Mt. Alex. Elder, clerk and. treasur- er Of the Village, was in. Goderichon business in coanection • with the C. P : R. and the village, The C. P. R. men are geetiog into shape for making a start at their summer job.- ' • •' . • • Mr. John Denhairti andsons have rented the (arin of 1V1r. Ed. Krieh- ling north of the village., On Tuesday morning a large, ntifrie bet of our citizens wended -their way to the station to bid fatewelletaMre and Mrs. McGill and their son Wet- lington who were ping to the. 'Vest to make it their future horn. Mr. John Denholne left this Station " • • on Saturday with el h another ,carloa horses for the West. Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Kelly. ot Gadere ich were in town one. day last- week. • Mr. Elam Lieingatone's many, fri=:- s will be pleased to : hear that he is able to get out once more after; his seriotis illriesge ..e.„er.,‘..1,Mr. Jas. St oteugthan and Mrs. Miller on were driving out Of Goder- rlast Monday when the horses t k fright and ran down the big ill. At the bridge Mrs. Lawson was hrown out of the wagon and but hat her foot caught in one of the irons she would have fallen into the river. It was almost a miracle that she was saved. The annual meeting of the Auburn Union Sabbath School Association was held' in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday of last week. Owing to the bad roads there was not .quite as large an attendance as usual, but there was an excellent program and much interest was manifested in the proceedings. Among those who deliv- ered addresses were : Rev. Yr, Gusch- ler, 13enmiller ;• Mrs. Hall, Clinton ; Mr. Thos. Yellowlees, provincial Sec- retary; Rev. Mr. Holmes, Blyth; Mr. W. H. Kerr, Brussels; Rev. J. L. Small and Messrs. Munro, G. Young, W. Plunkett, J. Wilson, J. Raithby, L. Gross and Morrish. The se following were the refreshment com- mittee : Miss May Sturdy, Miss Effie Knox, Miss B. Dawson, Mrs. James Medd, Miss Maggie Youngblut, Miss Gertie Asquith, Miss Addie Helwig, Miss Sarah Carter, G. L. Sturdy, John Mole, R. A. Roberton, John Pfeffer., W. C. Robertson and John Lemp. • Blyth •• Messrs. McNally & Plummer are meeting with great success so far this season in selling their Eureka cement block machines. During the past few weeks they have sold and shipped machines to Sherbrooke, Str- athroy, St. Thomas, Ballymore and Waterloo. Mr. W. Kelehan, proprietor of the Hensall engine works, was in the village recently accompanied by a Mr. Wilkinson, late' out from England. The object of their visit to our vil- lage was to look up the prospects for starting a foundry here, Mr. Charles Mown of San Fran- cisco, Calif., was called home to see his mother who is lying seriously ill at the preeent time. Real Brain Food is in every tin of Clarks delicious Pork and Beans -- 5 and 10 cts, tins. W. Clark, IVIlr., Montreal. advertisement in The Neva - Record brings good results. The News -Record giVea the local $16WO, Sesforth, Rev. Mr. Hodgins closed a. pastor.' ate of seventeen years in Seaforth on Sunday week, when his farewell ser- mons to his congregation were de- livered. The church Was erowded at both services by members of other churches as well as his own congre- gation, who held the Rev. gentleman in high esteem. 'On Monday the fam- Ily departed for their new home in Chatham. There is just now a school ,question in Tuckersmith that for local interest outrivals the North West artielet The school known as the Hanna school was this year closed for lack ot schol- ars. •Last year it was 'kept open but only two soholars attended. A, propo- sition is now before the ratepayers to divide the seetion up and distribu- te it around among neighbtering sec - them A meeting was held in the Egrnondville school building on 'Won - day evening to discuss the matter and the probable outcOme of the ma- tter will be a petition to the town- ship .council to carve the section up and preseet the other sections each with a slice. Mr. T. B. 1.1mpleby, superintendent at the woollen mills for the past year has resigned his position here and will leave for Toroeto in the course of a few weeks. Mr. Hendrie, former- ly of the Glebe mills, Peterboro, suc- seeds Mr. 1,7mpleby. The home of Mr. and Mrs, 'Josiah Tyreman was the scene of an inter- esting event on .Saturday. The ° oc- casion was the marriage of their only daughter, Alice, to Mr. Jahn E. Best, son of Mr. Frafik Best of Seaforth. The ceremony was perfore med by Rev, A. K. • Birks in the pres- ence of about fifty relatives and fri- ends, among them being friends from Preston, Berlin, Elmira and Hamil- ton. After the cereneony wed con- gratulations the eoinparry sato down to a most sumptuous wedding die - iter. The remainder of the evening was most pleasantly spent in pedal conversation end games: The •bride - was the recipient of very niany hand- some and useful presents, which fully • testified to -her popularity. The groom io a seady, industrious yoinig man, with a 'host of friends, who will extend heartiest congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Best left on Wednesday for Sturgeon Falls where' Mr. Best has a gopil 'position, . • , Word was received here last week Of the death of Mr. Robert Dickson, ono The WOrld•ROirelhIg RevivL Editor of The News-Record,— Who is there that has not heard and in same way Lab; been moved cone cerniag the present spiritual work which is. going on ? Great expecta- tions were entertained, and earnest prayer offered for a general revival all the ushering in. of the 20th century, and many -were greatly disappointed in not witnessing what they desired at the time fixed hy them, but the way was being prepared and now it is on. The interest awakened has lar- gely centred in Hales and the chief agent is Evan Roberts, a youngenin- er, Ilowever, e•he work is by nkiine ans so confined. The Rev. Dr. Torry of Chicago, successor to Weedy and pastor Of Moody's church, was per- haps the leading spirit in opening the campaign. For many months previous • to the call that ' came too hint, a prayer -meeting had 'been beld in, his church every Saturday night from 0 to 10, which was attended by hun- dreds to biesetch God to seed a Wor- ld-wide revival, and it was the custom of Dr, Torry and five or six others to go into a duel' room and pray until one or • two o'clock Sunday morning, Finally, as he was on his knees one •Sunday morning he prayed that he might be sent around the. world preaching the gospel and in one week after two men from Australia called on him and invited him to go to Melbourne to 'conduct a revival campaign. He went, and at the close of the camps,ign nearly 8,000 converts were reported. Since then (3.102) in company with. 1VIr. Alexander, the singAng eVangelist, he has visited and conduceed revival campaigns in Jap- an, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Wales, • Belfast and other paces and is now engaged in London : In an these places thousands have been apn- verted In Liverpool over 11000. Th- en the news comes from Atlanta, Georgia, where, under Dr: Chapman, during 5 weeks 3000 united with the •churches. A • -great work also. -is re- ported from Denver, Col, Nevet has sech a work been known' there • as has been going on. Jan.29th ,last was observed as a day of prayer and such was the interest 'manifest that the State Legislature, then in session adjeurned arid by proclamation of the mayor . business was suspended for two hours and a half in the middle •of the day. Folly theatres and the largest • church ent the city were filled Mr. John J. Habkirk, an old Myth boy, has formed a paetnership with Mr. C. 11. Dodds of Brussels and to- gether they have started . a high- class tailoring business in that vill- ege. W. Dempsey's grocery • store is getting a fresh coakeif .paint - will add to ite appearance. • , On Monday evening, of last week Rev.James Mcgatil of Toronto, , demi- ty supreme chief ranger, Completed the orgaeizatien of , court of lad- ies under the euspices 'or the Indepen- dent Order of Feresters* for Blyth and district. The court makes its debut with 28 charter applicants, of whom the following are the appointed office bearers for the current year, all of whom, with the exception of the cou- rt deputy, were installed at a joint meeting of the two collets on:Mon- day evening by the supteme deputy assisted by Wm. Begley acting as de- puty supreme marshal, Much regret was felt that the badges and sashes For the installation ceremony failed to arrive in time. They have sinoe come however, and the ladies who heve'seell them are quite enthusiastic oVer their elegant and chaste: beauty. Both courts are to meet •again conjointly on April 10th, when it is hoped the eight other applicants not yet receiv- ed and as many 'more new applieants will be initiated, The' frillowing is a list of officers for the year : C. R., Mrs, T, W. Scott P. 0, R., Mrs, W. J. Milne V. C. It, Miss twins. Mason C. D., Mrs. O. T. Long If. S., Mies .Amy Elder P. S., Miss Ella Metcalfe Treasurer,, Miss Kate lElarr Orator, Miss C. A. Carder Organist, Miss Edna, Carder S. W., 'Virg. W. J. Davis J. W. Mrs. Joseph Stothers S. 13., Mrs. Jasper Cook J. D., Mrs. George lath Truettes, Mrs. J. IL Illoor, Mrs. John t 13arr and Mrs. Gilbert SuMfrierS, A Spring Need. 1.1011P11.... 'Fur. INDOOR LIFE OF WINTER IS HARD ON TIIE HEALTH. Not exactly sick—but not feeling quite well. That's the springfeeling. The reason—close confinement in- doors during the winter months, breathing the impure air of badly ventilated houses, offices and work- shops. The trouble may manifest it- self in a variable appetite, little pimples or eruptions of the skin, a fee- ling of weariness, and perhaps an occasional headadie, or aestwingle neuralgia or rheumatism. . Perhaps yaw think the trodhle will pass away —bet it won't unless you drive it out of the system by putting the blood right with. healit-giving tonic. And there is only ane abso- lutely certain, blood -renewing, nerve - restoring tonic—Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People. Thousands of grateful people have testified that these pills are the best of all spring medicines. They actually make new blood; they brace the nerves and strengthen every organ of the body. They make tired, depressed ailing men, women and children height, ac- tive and • strong, Mrs. N. Ferguson, Ashfield, N. S., seys : "For the bene- fit it may be to others I take much pleasure in saying that I have foetid woederful benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Whet I began taking them I was so badly • run down that I could scarcely go about the house. I was also troubled with palpitation ' of the heart and weak spells, but the pills have fully re- stored me and I .am now enjoying better health than I ever expected to have again."' • If you want to hie healthy in spring don't dose yourself with, purgatives— they only et:eaten—they can't cure. Don't experiment With other so-ealled tonics. Take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once and see how quickly they will banish ell spring ailments, and make You active and • strong. Sold by all medicine dealer e or -sent by .mail at 50 cents a lime or six boxes for $2:50 by writing •the. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville; Ont. 10000 peo- of Huron'S: pioneers. and a, .brother of and P5 was estimblted 1114 the late Janes Dickson: of •Goderich I Pie walked the streets/ unable to gain and John Dickson of McKillop. He admIttance, to any of the services. died on Saturday in. • Chrystal, North I Other accounts come from. Baltimore Daleota. Be was 81 years of age. Ile and other parts. Toronto, too, is had .tesided in Dakota about tee yea, rs' and previous. to that he- hid Dyed in Detroit- for a time. Abeut fifteen year's ago: .be lived- in Bruteels, -have ingsold Iiie farni in: Greek previouSlY, NO, was a nuinewho Was yery highly respected- by all who kriew him, and alwaye. eantieued.•.-to4take-.4.. deep tercet ole Ifuron, its. people and affairs T • Of a large :and once eremite, eitt latiiiiyHtherei are .;now bnt two left, Mrs. .Ja,mes Scott of Harpuehey and Mrs. 'A. Chisholm of Manitoba.' Dicksen •leeves• iefamily of four see's, all of: Whein are iriethe West:. The remains were. brOtight to the .Old home and interred in. Bruseeli. Ceme- tery. • • ' Rev: 1VIr. Hedgins was honored by his:local Maid& brethern previous to his departure for Chatham. The, lo- cal leodge conferred upon him a life mernbership, while Matlock . &titer presented him .with a Past Z's Jewel.' • . •• Jr." Tuckerimith on lVfaxch 23rde ry Pearson, relict :61 the late Hugh. M." Chesney, Passed'Irem earthly 'eat= es away, a.t the ripe old age . of/ 81 years and 5 month. • At the manse, Egmoridville, -on ,Tu- esday inozninglasit, Rev. Neil Shaw witted in Marriage, Mr.. James Aird .01 •Kamloops, B. C. andMiss Chris- tina, J. Gray. of, MeKillop. The yo- urig couple have left •foi their future home in British Colombia, On Monday and Tuesday of last week . evidence:hi the case of F. Bur- geide se -Son vs. the toseeshin of Cel - borne,' which was adjourned from the sittings of the cotinty court last De- cerabet, was .heard by His. Honor 'judge Doyle. 'rho plaintiffs were par- tners- at Egmondville potters and on the 911i of Jene last Philip . V. Burgard, one' of the fikre, while driv- ing between.' LoYal and the road .from. Benniiller „to. Smith's Hill, get into soft place in' the road, his hor- ses sinking and becOthing mixed lip in a. water hole. In' their struggles the borSes sustained internal injuries and at the time the statement of Claim was delivered,' one of them had • not . yet recovered, The •'plaintiffs claim. ed $150 damages, and the costs of tho action: The defendant, township ,clae ims that the road in question was riot • in ordinary use, was treed in fact ; by 'only one or two -people and only in the dry season. Very little enoney had been epent or, it . and owing to the hills it was of to • puhlie use and Would tost too much to put it in or- der. The plaintiffs, the defendant ela- inis, were aware of the condition of the road and had been warned of its coridition, A large number of wit- nesses oni both Sides were examined. • ValUable. To Mothers, Daby's Own Tablets are for chil- dren of all ages—they are equally good for the mew.born babe or the well.groVon child. They will prompt- ly titre collo, • indigestion, constipa- tion, 'teething, troubles, diarrhoea, and simple fever. The Tablets break eolde, prevent croVp, ,and proinote healthy sleep. They Are guaranteed not to contain a particle of opiate or any of the poisons foiled in 80 called "soothing" medicines. Every mother 'who has used these Tablets speaks of them iri the highest praise, Mrs. T. Timlick, Pa,ttston, Ont., says have used Baby's Own Tab. lets • with the most Stitisfactory re- sults, I can recommend them th all mothers as a remedy for keothiteej and other troubles of childhood," You eon got the Tablas front any medi- eine detder, or Ify mail at 25 wilts a box by writing' The Dr. Williams Med. iclile DroekVille, Ont. being .visited. • On *a Sunday eteeotly in one of the churches 106 souls were reported saVed, -Sunday. last •re- ported as being Specially marked • in this regard. In, several of the dim- eheS1 epecial services haee been • in pregrese for weeks. and :on :.Sunday seyeral::.yOting, men were converted._ chutch reports the 'entire 'SritrilaY echool; both teachers and otfieers, to: be .denv.erted. Eighty. new Members aberit'ha.lf of the netnber of coml./efts, ..swuerfredaryeceivo.d into. another .cleti:7,1e. • on. Charactetistics. ,and. Reetiles.e,:•Rev.. G. Canaphell Morgan, Suceessot • to • the late' Dr. 'Parket of London, thus: writes • eeonceraing a, •visit ' to Wales and • What: he witnessed in the meet - r "It , was riveting, chateeterize edeby a pa:Denial series of interrupt- ions .and. disorderliitees. 'It -Was: . 'a meeting characterlied by• • a: great nontineity and .'ab,solitte order," ani when -asked how he could reconcile these' things he Said, do- not re- cO'neile them. They are both here. Then. '0••e • the :three occupations-.• eingingS- Prayer, tegtinioriy.' No Mt- Inen leader; rio• one indicating the next•thing 'eta do, be one:, checking the .spontaneous MoVement.".. An English • cortesponderit • of cue of . . the ..patiers says that . the great churches are attracted bythe'reeibal .--even 'the Roman 'Catholics—and are sharing in the blesSing. • The character of, the work thug • , summed up in the report of e special commissioner who Was Thent Lorre don by the•Christian :World to • study '-vtlie revival in Wales; whete Within a. fawtnonth .over • 80,000 . have been converted: He sae's.: "A.revivai Whi- ch. reconciles people. who have • not • spoken to each others. for years, whi, ch reunites. separated' husbands mid .wives, 'w•hich restotes, prodigal' sons and daughters to heart -broken .par - elite, • which : •arnazes traelesinen . by filling their .tills with money they had given. up as . hopelessly .bad debts, wh- it% stops swearing, drinkirig, ga,mb- iing; and saamping 'of work, .which 'Makes advocates declare that there is no work for them. in thee police cour- ts, which brings Magdale.ns by • the score from the streets to the ‘.‘bie pew,". where . the 'eenitents are dealt with, which closes low :drinking clubs by members almost to a Man return- ing their tickets.of reemberehip, whi- ch sends betting bookmakers hack to earn their living in the colliery or in. their .old trades—Q.1s ig a revival th- at was bound to Win the 'respect Of even* the non-churCh-going Man in the street," And now the !question conies, "Irew. fir -reaching is this work to- be, and are we to be -sharers ?" This. "tests largely With ourselves. • The history If the Moventent thes'far has shown that. ,the placee visited were anxious about it arid made preparation. 'Itt -everal instefices scores of house • . to house prayer -meetings were '7 being held. Whit are the churches in Olin= doing? Surely we need • just such a revival as the Various .accoutt is indicate, but it Will not . come unless we open the way. "Ye that make Mentioe of the Lord keep not silent ;. and give him no rest till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth." e -J, Greene. ++++++ ++++ +44+440+ • SEND THE NEWS -EEO; • + ORD TO YOUR 130Y IN 4. + THE WEST. TWELVE 4. • 1V1ONTRS FOR ONE DO1e. • • 'LAIL, POSTAGE PAID, 4. sfs • 4. 4.4e 1 414484 44404 44+4,4,4)+,04+;•44: 04.44+441414•44.8•4•0444444•We I N s 4 — — 0,/ BI- fl"ii_ :41. 3,4, t, KINNO8t ,,.. * * LARPETS AND CURTA111.9 * * 3• H : ..$. A x t souse -cleaning time is again upon us and the thrifty hou- sekeepers will lied that some of their Carpets and Curtains ): X 4, • wilt not be fit to use again and their thoughtS will natural:, 44 :. it.,. v. ly turn to buying new ones and where they can get the best * 4 ' ' assortment to oboo$0 from and where they an get the best value. As a rule our big steak or Carpets and :Curtains o, will be uppermost in their rninds, knowing -as they do that 90 e ? ..e. our...stock is large and well selected and often the cheapest 3 "e X and always the best. We buy our Carpets direct front the ): 4: manufacturers and save the wnolesaler's profit. ALL CARPETS AT 3fie PER YARD 4'elif./ UPWARDS CUT ..et. .. 4. ea .e. AND " MATCHED 'FREE OF CHARGE, - e e e HemapnaC;5repeptesr, iyn.asrdtr.ipes and florlel deSigns, at 124e, 180, 200 o ; ' e 4.: . :14* X Union Carpets, yard wide, new patterns, fast colors, at s 25c, 35ec, 40e 'and 50e. s' .. WoolingCsa,raptetos-5,cy, age,w8id5oe, arnedverli.b010e., new designs and colOr- .. •s t • ts, y Tapestry. Carpets, 27 inches wide, new patterns, at 25e, 35c, .: t •40c, 50e, 050 and 76e. , •,.... Floor Oil Cloth, 1, 1* anti 2 yards wide, at 250 per stjuare yd •t de ;1 _ Linoleum, in • block, tile and floral designs, in 2 and 4 yarls .0. .• wide, at 37•1te 45c and 50c per Square yard •.1. e. 1,.. Nottingham Lace Curtains. 2 A• to 3 yards long .,:. 1 35c2 50e & 75c . J:* Lace CurtaMs, .25 inches wide, 21 yards long, at 250.* s. 0'. *I , , ......., 3-..; MoKINNON & 0 00 BLYTH 1: ..:. . • . 1 •-• • is 4•4•4••:••:.••:****:••;•e'r:••:•••:••:,••,144:••:••:••:.••:. P:••4•.7.•••:•sf,s4.4.+•.:**:•4••:•+4•0:••,te .;* •Huilett Touiuship,. -.Mr. Samuel Appleby's sale • on Thursday last was well attended and good prices were realized. • , . Mr. W. Farquhar is this ,weqk mo- ving d -own to the farm he tented, from William Morrison, • Mr, Henry Cook lost another horse on Thursday. last. " ' Quite a. number frOM aronr.d here attended • Mr. ciabhings' • sale last last week • •, • . ' Mr. Heney Freeman had a yirood bee on Monday. :Mr: Peter • glazier had one on W'edefesday, My: Thomas trernier is 'still .very, Maple syrup ' making is, the order of the day. . • Some people in this vicinity have started- plotighing, • , • Mr. Robert. Smith expects to • leave to jein „relatives in New ,Zealand on Seterdey next!. , He Will go by *ay of England, Who're he 'win visit • his kerne from which he has 'been absent eighteen years.. . • • The eollowing is the relative stand- ing of the -pupils of. S: S. No:: 5 for March,based, on test pipets, attend- ance and general profibiency : 4th—Robt. Vodden, Essier, Mtrbel MeCool, Melvin Hill, James McCool, John Wallace, Wm; Snell; Hoggarth, Hasry McCool, Bella Ball, Gertie Vodden,Elsie 13rown, Bert Nett. . • • • Sr: 3rd -Mary Jackson, Della•.1Vfe- Cool, Ma Mair,'2Etn:eat Vodden, -Ore val. Olapson, Sept. Waliaoe, • Annie. Bail, Mabel Lee, 'Ernest Lee. .. ' the .3rd—Earl Squire, Charlie Vod- dei, Cora MCCool, Howard Hill, Ate mand.McCool, Ephraim • Snell, Albert McLaughlan, Earl Mason, Ogle Mil - lee, Charlie Lee. . • '. • Sr. 2nd—Lynn Mair, Richard Vert:. den; Wesley 1-Ioggart,.. James Lovett, Eldred McBride ..-Meggie Moire Floy Cole, Calvin' Lovett; Eddie Miller. Jr:: 2nd—Mary Vodden; Elva Mc- Cool, May Appleby,' Willie Wey- mouth. • • . Pt. 2nd—Ella Lee,: Edna Lee. - • Sr, Pt, let—Etta Btown. Jr. Pt. Ist—Ite Rapeon, Elda Moir. Enrolled atteedande 52,. average 33, F. Jahns, Teacher. Constance. 1Virs,' Lattimer of Leamington is at present the guest. of her •mother, Mrs. Wm. Snell. • Mr, H. Edmunds of 'Tuckeesroith visited hie friend, Mr.. James Parish, one day this week, ' • Mr. W. Taylor of Harrieton called. on his grandmotar, • Mrs, W. Snell, on Thursd y Mr. Will. hileCtilly of Stretford • is invthe winter With her seta at Str- atford, returned to our villadd again, Mr, James Sutherland • left on Tueeday for Sarnia. • Mr; Will. McCully of Stratfotel is this -week visiting his sister, Miss 'Bella 1VIcCully. Mr, Joe Kenny of Winthro'p visited his friend, Thos. Pollard, on Sun - Mrs. Hart and son and Mr. and Mrs. George Hearn and children of Winthrop, spent Sunday with Daniel Sutherland. Mr. Joseph Rands' little boy has been very sick but is now improve ing. ' Mr. William Stanley and daughter of Ilohnesville called to his brother, Mr. James Stanley, and Other friends in our village on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Cutinitfeham of lilyth spent Sunday at Mr. J. Rands', The latter intends remaining for a week or so, Mr, Wm. Cole has again started on his ustial rounds gathering eggs. Some of our village folks have been doing a little \gardening the peat wri°Tersic'. Wm. Lindsay and daughter sp. ent last week the guests of her sister, Mrs, Thos. 11111, at VVitigha,m, Master Earnest Andrew, of Gore° visited his brother-in-law, Mr, 13. 13. Stephenson, t - mixa. visaimaws, I*410••••••*4110***44,....444•11•••••••••••••••••444: •• SPRIN. G FOOTWEAR We are making extensive . preparations for a 13ig. Spring Sale of Fine Sheep. -For the balance of this Inonth we will con- tinue our GREAT CLEARING SALE, wlaich has been thus fa, CaogsraT.grand success, We have yet a limited. supply of mis- cellaneous goods which we will clear out REGARDLESS () Our Boys' and Girls' School Boots at 900 and $1 are the •best values ever Offered in Clinton. • • Our Men's Fine Boots •at $2 and $2,25 aro •Trade, Winners. You should see the values we are offering in Ladies' Fine Boots, $3 arid $3.50 boots•goin.g at $2; wd may have, your sizeleft You cannot judge of the values we are giving • unless yea come and see, No trouble to show goods. We know we can save you money on ,Footwear. Do 'you need. Rubbers or Rubber Boots? We have just what you want. .We are sole agents in Clinton for Kant Kraek and Granby • Rubbers.' We believe they are the hest and they don't cost • on any more .than the inferior kinds. We guarantee every pair. • Why not hair.° the best ? . • OUR PRICES KEEP US BUSY • ALL THE *TIME. The Old Reliable • • • .WM: TAYLOR & SON. 0. et• 40•44#4••+44040.4:444* •••••••• •4>40.4.0•40 40444••••••••••*****41414.**************4*... I. J. B. HOOVER. •NELSON 'BALL .# # t. • I 4. • mmlioWi. ve :tirs'e§..: Timeand:Labbt... OU UnOertakinp; promptly attended to by night oi.dtt3i: HOOVER & BALL.. Wight ilnd Sunday calls. answerer' as residence . of either of the prinei- •411104M40,••••••••••••••••••11•••*,•••••••••••4 Do,iot consider :it a ban:161p to do as much.fOr 4 • E. NEW&RECORD as you do for, a city week- ly or for it advance. • • Consult Your AdtkeSS- Figures.' •• I NewHecoritior 1003