HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-06, Page 22 The Clinton News-Recerd Free Gifts -of .Tpilet...,Soaps.:., Use SUNLIGHT SOAP and SAVE THE COUPONS. The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week. Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing. Ask your grocer for paiticuiars or write us for Premium List. A gift is of little value if it °coasts of something you have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something You need and use every day. 20. LEVER BROTHER.S LIMITiD, TORONTO, CANADA. mink Always Fresh . . OUR sTogi: OF DRUGS ETC. WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND FRESH AND UP- TO-DATE IN EVERY BR- ANCH, AND WE INVITE YOU TO GIVE US A CALL IF YOU WIS1I TO PROCURE ANYTIIING USUALLY FO- UND IN A. FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. H. B. COMBE CFIEMIST AND DRUGGIST. IMINIMPINIMill•1011611••==-17 Rules For Long Cornfort. If you. see it in The News -Record it's so. • Forget little annoyances. When 'good eomes to anyone, l'use of Chamberlain's Stomach and keep your bowels regular by the Always speak kindlyand politely to servants,• When anyone suffers speak a, word ot sympaehy. Tell neither your own faults or tho- se of others. • Have a place for everything and everything in its place, • LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW l'OR YOUR SEASON'S SUP-- .. PLY 01' COAT,. WE CARRY ONLY THE VERY BEST GRA- DES WHICH WII,T, BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE ORDERS MAY BE I,Err AT . DAVIS 8,z ROWLAND'S HAlp- WARE STORE OR WITH W. J. Stevenson. aroma.. Hide your own .troubles and help others out of theirs. Look, for beauty in everything, and take a oheerful view of every event. Carefully clean the mud • and dust from your feet on entering thehouse, Never -interrupr..any conversations, but watch patiently ylOur • chance -to speak. When .. inclined • 1.6. give an. angry answer, press your lips togothee and say the alphabet. ' • •.• • When pained by an einkirel word oe deed, ask youselt "Ha,ve I.neVer done an ill and deserved -forgiveness •7" — Soldier and Servant. • . (*)-(*)-(*)-(*)-(*)-(*)(*)-(r)-(*)-(*)-(*) (*) (*) (*) FAMOUS SCHOOL. •() (*) (*) . ' /74011,, relATFORD, ONT. FOR A WEAK .;DIG "RTION. No, medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It is -xt-ot th-e quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor • to the system, but the amount diges- ted and assimilated,. If troubled 'with a weak digestion, don't fail to. give these Tablets a trial. Thousands have been beneetted by theie use. • They only cost a, 'cituarter.- For sale by 11 - • (*) Business men have learned (4) that our graduates are pre- -(*) pared for positions of trust. (*) No school in Canada can (*) do more for its students (*) than this one. Our gradu- (*) ates always secure positions (4) Write for our free catalogue, (*) it is a handsome one. (*) Spring term opens April (*) 3rd. (*) 1* Elliott and McLachlan, (*) Principals. (*) (*) (*)-(*)-(s)-()-(*)(*)-(e)-aq*)-(p)-(*) 'It'n•nto too y:ung to take nioatelno na..1 be of croup, whoopinz coueb and coffin LS' e„-thg vapo.Cresoleue- -they breathe it. Johne McKenzie of Port •Dalhenrele coiernitted suicide' wbile' demented' by jumping into the lake. Ottawa City Council have Unanim- ously decided to buy Out. the Consu mers' Electric Company for .$200,000 In, this way the city will guard agn inst the creation of any monopoly o electric lighting' interests_ ' Great Britain's total 'yerinue ta,st year was $765,915,515: *.',KOW00!)(Ke.) • Nee eeezeeereirieFeeeceeeffeig,-:, The News of Godericli. • Miss .1.1101se A skImings,. Corespondent • • (.4:' • 4; ..qe®0A€4, A, .1; W(f•AVI.--:: Well, we got Our 'peck of dust on The black current bushescame all , Welineeday., Math 29th,, so We will' out 'in leaf, -on 29th Match, and the itaVe agolden season. lawns were all green, Mrs. Vlackett left on Thursday to Mr. Dave. •Bell returned on Thurs- visit her aunts, the Meedainee Cer- daY eeeningefrom his winter stay at lyle of Drentford— j Los: Angeles, Calif. Ile. is enthirelaee Dr. LeTottzel is: an eccomplished ar-j le over the .wonders. of Califneereetin, tistIle lute a- number of- flee vieWs, of the homeward trip sin the Soute- le water 'colors; - and a numikr. of ern Pacific. Salt Lake bridge over •which ....the trains run Is. eine milts fruits, ail sketched in 'Jamaica. Mrs. Wililam Thomson of Forfar.. long, and three • tracks are hid. • ;Scotland,. told., your corresponderit it. The spites are sunk to the lepth that porngranates .geow Ifl Seotlend of 130 feet, He will ;lever toeget the add are a fine emit,. the inner portion . Tournament .ot Ro.,re procession on .being of the consistence of jelly. It - New Year's Day, in Which all the is eaten with sugar.. - staft of the "Green Hotel" form. in Wehave muchpleasure in returning a procession of carriages more than our than,les to the Misses Vesta. A. a mile and one halt in length and Watson, Myrtle ,Wets.on, and 1V1innie roses_ on horses, and everywhere one Liver Tablets. There is nothing bete ter. For eel° by H. B. Combe. Five establishments in Chativue were damaged by fire. Loss. $20,000 The fire was Ea. -tended with several exciting rescues. Goderielx; The address given by Rev. C. •R, Gunne, rector of St. Paul's church, Clintoh, at Goderieheon Tuesday was highly appreciated by the A. Y. P. A. and a number of , their friends; The subject of the Rev: gentlelnin's ad- dress was left to his own choice, and his reminiscences of' California form- ed the subject of the•evening. • The evening was as balmy, as many the rector may have spent in California, Which ma,de hint speak so pleasingly of his sojourn there.' He dwelt with. delight upon the roses and . fieWeis. generally, of the prefirsely laden, fig tree, but the -pepper tree seemed' to be one • of •• the most' beautifid Of frees, although the .orange tree is perhaps the ..most attractive of trees• to the many who visit •that land. IIe spoke. of the Chinese, who paid • him ,great aiterition because theY, . liked England lend invited him to their Joss Hoirse. While there as a professor -he had to keep up his reputation as a linguist and. said that Iris knowledge of I etin ;resisted' him matexially in his ,etudy of Spanish, and knowledge :of English.' Rev. 1VIerk Tueedliiil made a very Complimentary and:pithy SPCC ch, thanking Rev. Mr. 'Mane ter Ids choice , of :,sulejeCt and'. for • : so kindly." aceenting the, invilatidit of the' A.- Yeti. A, 'to 'atiend.. A veey hear,- • ty vote Of thanks .Was offered the Rey. lecturer, Mies Wells presideclat the organ. • : • . . e • Mr. and Mrs.. George Green.. 'mere Waited •upon at their handsome resi7 donee, Picton ostreet on TueedaY ev- ening, 29th • March, by the :memb- ers of ;Mr.:Green's Mernbership Class, having sentein his2resignation atter :being asedelated •with it for' about 12 years as • ledder or assistant. - A bea- utiful students' chair upholstered in ULAR.. 'erirnson veloues, • in up-to-date style, .• ge, turns his 9r her eye. The pigeon Annen, all tit the Normal Colle Hamilton for their very courteous ranch with 2500 pigeons, all owned lines written tis on Souvenir postal and eared for by one manager, wa. caxii bearing views of Ontario another grand sight. Normal College, Dundurne Park" and Mr. George Acheson is home trot: CHAMBE'RLAINIS COUGH RITVI- EDY THE BEST 'AND MOST POP April oth 1905 immimplimmappwrie..4.0eqekibie,ibeli,00kmetwomiumiimoki Ceming ! C101111fig W T EMBER T. Canada'sliair King (Representative) Wynn Tregwin 3 $1111allicill April 1.21li Don't fail to se.e the exhibition iof ITair Goods .of every ' d0^- $-21'ipti011 that will be en-vieW; including die, 14test master- piece as applied to Toupees, "The East End Incline _Railway" at California. He made thousands 01 44 Hamilton. dollars for his orange geovelak Oran- Onite a large congregation attend- go, Cal., thy selling it all out in town ed St. George's on Wednesday of last lots. week,. when Rev.. Alark Turnbull took The marriage of Miss Mabel Pot: • Wigs, Bangs and 'Waver, viz: for his subject "Heaven." He said lock Only daughter of Mrs. (Capt.). „ • • . • • fill us with Donnelly took place in the Deer Park Wet death should not awe 'that we only began to, live at that: event ie our lives, and that we should not theorize ebout Heaven but ta,ke Christ's words "Eye bath n.ol, seen, uor eay heard. " He told them that character was one of the greatest signs of a Christia,n lite, all who want to }lee Heaven must re- member that a good cha,ra,cter is otie ot the most essental 'points. The choir sang some pretty Lenten hymns. Mr. and Mrs:. James Breckinridge returned. from spending the winter out of town, the former with his: dja,u- ghter at Brussels, and the later with het daughter and son in: Chicago. Mrs. James Catling, Cockburn Is- land, says that she never experienced' so Severe a winter, since leevin.g Eng- land seven years ago, Five 'teams were lost upon the ice the past seas- on, and one 'men on February 7th killed in the bush. Mrs. Catling also enclosed the following letter from H. F. Gardiner, Principal of the Ontario Institution for the iblied Brant- ford, referring' to her youngest child. She says that she always awaits the • coining of the "News -Record," 'eVery. week With pleasure. , . ,Brantiord, oat,. March 13th., james Catling, Cockburn Is - as . "Mothers buy it ter crotipy''oliildien presented to MrGreCn in the railroad men buy it for severe coughs and elderly people bey it; for In grip- pe," say Mooro• tiros., Eldon, Iowa. "We Sell more of Ohaniberlain'S Cou- gh Remedy than anY other kind.. It seems to, ha,Ve taken the lead over several other good *amis."; There is no question but. this. medicine is the best that can be .prodircedier ...eceghs and colds, Whether it be: a -child or an adult( that is afflicted: It alWays• cures and cures quickly. Seld 11 Jeanie of the clasS and la flowee Stand in quartered- oak with eereeirmanying jardiniere. - Was presented to • Mrs. Green by Mr. Davidson. The' add- ress ,• which was -worded in a highly, •complimentary style, ,was reed and presented also in the-'riamerof.the cl- ass by Mr. Geo. Herris; • It rie With regret. •we note the ser-. iouS iIJness eit Mrs.. George Vhonipe son, . IIer.daugliters are with her : 'MisS Thompson of .Berlin and Mre. Prank • Wright of Stra,tford. • • There was a large 'ettendance at the Sundey, school aneivereary of North street 'church. A great number of parents and friends ;were Present. TO Mr. and. Mrs. Williaen Green. on . their wedding day :, • frammsiammmaii•mmir • • . PURE SEED RHIN. PURE SEED GRAIN.—WE. HAVE. opcitted out a Flour and 'Feed Store and keep in stock flour, bran, sh- orts, cured meats, etc. We made a special effort to procure and have on hand a supply lot Clean Seed Wheat and Timothy, and farmers making 'their purchases front 11F can rely upon getting their seed as free as possible from all nox- ious weeds. Ford & NeNeil. PLEASE . Do not consider it a' hardship to do as much for THE NEWS -RECORD as you do for a city week- ly or daily pay for it in advance. Consult Your Address Figures. nolemommormmirosursonsolommim••••••1•01knallnifilmil Presbyterian Church, Toronto on • 10th March,. to -Mr...Feed Grey of .the same city, .The.. bride- • who .is well - known ' here, looked lovely in her e();%. tune brOWn . peau de sole • silk, . and • handsome. wit of black shiffoe. The beidal party left atter ehe cere- mane for Niagara Falls, and , Buffalo,_ The bride left goderith at, the -early age see sixteen years,..to at -tend Toro- nto Business' College, • and after graduathie - accepted a goad poeition Vine n Toronto lieni'l,Vho sent 'ber -to - Little CUrrentllait summer to .atrtend to the -Company's 'buelness there.. Fred -• Page...is. cornet soloist ,at th(; •onera honse. in -the -Queen City, and will_ net be- able to - Viset Goderich 'with his bride, :until some -efter•- -Eaeler: week. . . , • • yEsT THE', ICIONEYS. Allow the urine to stand in a glass veseel foe twenty-four hours and if at the end of that it is clouded , or has. left a sediment in the bottom of the vessel you may he sure that your kidneys are diseased. As a rnel ans of invigoiating the action of the kideeys eand making them Strong and land, Dear Sit,—Your (laughter Nellie healthy, there 15 no preparation, a.-6 fell on a slipperY .Piace, when playing; prompt and ' node. se, ehorengh as Dr: on the sideeealk, and broke both ben- Chaee's KidneyeLiver Pills. • es of her arm; (between.: the elbow..and Wrist; •;The 'doctor set the hoees, and 3ays. she will mate .a quick, fecovery.' •Nellie. does not sutler -much pain and talks „about the hurt 'cheerfullyi.vi If It. were' sonicheelher, elsc's. erre that .wite hurt.. She did not' Want me to write. you, till she got quite wellefor fear yonlinight fret about hct. there is no canse .. for alarm, She will; Sit- A.P in a day or two .blit will, have he, ann in a sling for a, while. Nellie has bete a good girl this seseion. We will 'look after her; with all'. possible , care, . ar,d I will let you know. trent time to 'time how she pregres5es..—.. Yours very truly, IL F. Gardiner, Principal. . ' • • We hbne Nellie will reach Godeeich in. vacation. time (quite recovered :from the eflects of her accident. Subscribe for .The News Record: May this thy Diamond Wedding DaY Be one of joy, not sorrow, For all have care Everywhere; • • But the sun shines tomorrow And all our cares ed.:today Vanish like the ocean spray May • May' Many days be given thee, Thou and thy children so dear, May diamonds. shine In hearts of thine And God's blessings. thy:hearts Cheer And all our cares of today :Vanish like the ocean spray. , A.Skimings. SHE POUND A DIFFERENCE. A I3UPPALO LADY SAYS :— DR. "LEONHARBT'S ANTI -PILL DIF- • FERS 1ROM. THE OLD 'VIETH- CDS IN • groIcaNE As DAY PROM NIGHT. Mrs. 'J. II. Rehern, of 160 Lahdoe St., Buffalo, N. Y., -say s of Dr.Leod- hardt's Anti-Pill—the Great Systeni Treatment ' "Its action is so different to any- thing, else 1 ever used—Anti-Pill is so mild and gentle that I.never thotigbt It would cure my ehronie Constipa- tion, but it did. "Soon after the birth of my first child, 14 years ago, Consitipation 'be- came troublesome,. I used everything I heard of, but temporary relief was all 1 get. 1 intl.St 11400 usied nay dif- ferent medicines in that; time. finally got very ;bad and at; tint- ei "I would have no relish for food, and what I did eat Wonlii distress me afterwards. 1 bad headache, bloating, bearing down pains, back- ache, could not, nleep well, eaniry ti- • red and never felt rented. 'Prom the very Arai, done of Dr. • Leonhardt'n Anti -Pill I began 14) prove, Now I tun well. It in won- derful." Dr. Leonhardt's Ant14111 is sold by all druggists ot The Wiineti4oylr, Co., Limited, Niagara, loalin„Ont. Sole agents for Canada. The price is 100. BLEEPING;: PROTRUDING PILES Mrs.' Jaaries , Brown,. ,Hintoriburgh, Carleton. Co., Ont., writes:—"I' suf- fered from -nearly every form of :piles for leventy years, both here and in the .01(1 .:Cotintry, and .heeo {tied nee- ely every remedy. I.'am. only doing justice to Dr. Chase's Ointnient when I.say that 12 believe it to be the...b)est ..reniedy obtainable for bleeding and protruding piles, of which it has, eur- . , • , Our pioneer citizen'; Mr: and Mrs. W. Green,. celebrated -their Diamond Wedding :•theie:yesideeeP, '''Rest Cot: tage" on Saturday. They were mar- ried April eSt, 1845; With anoeher- couple, the brides' being the Misses Mr: Bert Hale is now bralcesmtin on the G. T; it, with Mr, William Don; bar as eonduetor.. • Mis Fred • Lindsay OE WoodStoek and her Children; are guests of the Misses BarrY, On Wednesday of last 'week while gOing. thrOtigh the square some 'gent- lemen, one a retired: formar;. . were • .exathieing a tree that had been "tip- • erated";upon. What is the • matter with the tree 7 . we' asked' YThe said,the Sneaker, "have liege' cut Oft new instead of in the fall,and • this tree is (bleeding its heart's blood out." We . looked at; it. again, • and there was the sap running down slowly on the .ground. There is a thne for* everything and 'tis said the sap running down the tree ruins the hark. • The last 'sleigh bells Of winter were Charlotte and -Hannah Morris, .dau- ghters of 'Mr, James Morrisi. and Charlotte Dennis Of Westboro; Wilt- shire, :.England, Vitt() camp, to •Canedir in 1831. The bridegrooms *ere Mess7 rs. • William and Alexander •Geeen, Cons of Mr. and •IVIre. Green et Per- :ilishire; Scotland.: •Rev. •Alexander McKenzie officiated* at the. • double • wedding at the hone of the 'brides in Colborne:. Mr. and •Mrs..WilIiam Greco commented, life--' on a farm; proipeting 'daily. in health , and wealth and to them' were -born a Ioyely fam-. • fly of five elaughtere 'and three sons, of whein Mese J: P. Brolen,'' Gorier - Mk, Mrs,. Parnham and Mr'Wibile -Green of ' Detroit, attended the Dip,, mond Wedding, The reception -was held sat '''Reets Cottage"' turn: Wee 'to nine p. M. :eel(' a, Very • large com- paify. includine 'all the • reltie lives • of both bielle 'and groom. who reside in 'COMO* and these of 'WW1). MrS, Kate 'Russell of •Walket:‘,1.11c, a neiee,. 'Was also.' present, TeIegrame of .congrettilatiori: carne%in during the vhobo afternoon frOm relatives at Port Dalhousie, PetrOlia, Kincardine; North Dakota, TorontO and many ot- ect places. "No presents" printed. upon the G. 'W. cardir Of invitation, diirnot deter relatives froin- banging some gifts of ',dying remereteranCe., Maple leaves ". decorated the lace cur- tains in , the windows of , the rooms; which looked like ,a- .-"welcome from: 103 • 1 A Natural Scalp Parting . ov, So natural in appearance that you forget it is artificial, . This description aptly applies to all Hair Goods from this house. Seize the opportunity of purchasing on above date. The selection placed before you will be complete in every re- spect and the prices as low as in our store. • Switches of Straight and Wavy Hair from $3 to $15. Pompadour Bangs from $.50 upwards. Inspection cordially. invit- ed. Will nail at residence if you leave message at Hotel Normandie. Shall not be here again for three months. I1"-DMMI3M1R,, —CANADA'S, HAIR KING — 127-19 Yonge St., • TORONTO. Ihismujimmusitiaieuk.-4ak..-‘10-1si--slyw-ts..-qt..SEINMEMEINMENSIZOnidli , .Goderich.. • One: pleasing illustration in.e." which Mr, ,D.'Bell re- lornia • paper, which .being unable to .eet to send a• COPY home, Was one containieg. a Photoeiravere ot The News -Record' cloth:rice coreespondent.• , Mete 'Prank Johnson is looking up ereW, fOr the steamer Dalton. Mr. Ed. Swarts •was allowed I.° sit ,nt, for a •shert time on ,Sunday. He had been. Progressing most Satisfaole 01.4 iintil the beginning of lapt week when he, eglifteeed trete , muscular eumatism in: liis rieht. arm. Canada" in -which 'land ' the bride and groom 'of .1845 .liese won • honor .ani esteem.: Mrs. ,J,.• p. Brown, dressed in a pretty coetume .ef blue and wide. tP• muslin; beieCe 'of blue ribbone . in 'herCoilliure - received. all the .guests ••ari they entered. The bride .and gro- (nn weleonied :all and looked wonder- ' fullyI. teased ' to •mee t' thei r : ettestFp. The bribe wore a sunburst of pearls in her ( ress. ,A long. table was 'ar- ranged for ethe,occasion ' in the dining room, the beautifut. table cloth hav- ing shainraeke Wolien fad -it..-- In thm. heard on•27.-th March, when some gen- rcentre- was placed the bride's cake, tleman who ahd •been surprised by the 1 tour stories high with Smilax and power of old. Sol, - had to .hring. his.irviolets ',decorating the 101)andtrail- horse and cutter back to tewn... and eing down the -side, of it and scatter - walk by his horse's side. . ' -. ed over the table at intervals. Mises Me: Will 'ain Lee in '• • peaki))); to . a keturah Drown, Mrs.' Partatant of geti.tleman said. "I live lived itere Detroit, Mrs.. Charlotte 116c1( of the. thirtyl live years, and I never saw --8, Si, Lawrence and other relatives \Ira- ' '• • • 1,414:W titiflealf*01101M402112tadarr.;.44,i,t, :14 . Goderich. Mrs. Farnham of Detroit and lovely little daughter Nellie are spending a few weeksat bhp parental honte: Miss Attriii has eettiened from . her. winter visit at Ton:into where .she : wasiethe guest of ,Barrister. and is.. . Heaton. • Mr, and Miss' ' re- . . , turn to Ridgewood Perk this week. MrSjeriniegs his' been spending a... feW days, With her deeeeiters at Salt' , ford, IVIesdanies Daw and- Hartison: Mr. andi Mrs, .1Farrye0alliere a,ra the ' gUeste of Mtand etre, -ParSone,ibm two ladies. being. .siSters. ; • J. teispiean and N. 'FitZsienons, of Clietori were Goderieh YisitoiS recent-. . J.'S.: Currie; a !former student. -at ' '.the' C.,: I. here,. has been elected 3rd though gene al .often - acquired, 1 at ,the annual ere,' f'r the year 190( the ..wy sentat e (idle Litetr('''.1-°11 of °.friers nI Badhygi r IY inherited .1 ene, foul air • • I Society • • ' DAY. and Theol ' Is 'very • year r water, are 'impure reivat , • °Peel chius .rdueled services i It is caned 66 causes, .Baptist mom its • days, le • ille past two nseti.hee'' tu the soil f . or Wright of tile 1 ' 'arkIIeuse bercles," and where has taken aneW lease ot life since . . allowed to remain tithercu- • returning froth' 8:1;•Joseph's -hospital-, • • -Louden, havingeelebreted the 72.aid anniversary •of hirtliday en 'Mhz 1Maech incb in honer of it planteda. - ;geed sized poem ,with various vege-• ••• tables,' He has •naver celebrated -his. • .Llf:iriliday before in the same pleasing Retioves every .t.raae o loss or consumption is. pretty sure-to:•take root.' Hood'sSarsaparilla 2 • (1 efficacious •manner.: May his .yiehl scrofida. Get Hood's. . prospee, And bring:him: scierie.guinees • • • sendlor Book on Scrofula, No. 1. • his mind. • . • C. L Hood Co.; Lowell. Mass. , • For, testimonials of remarkable cures to mark he birthday: still deeper in • "GoderieS,. It is our sad datY to Chronicle the death on- 24th March of Mr. Owen Antes, at IA late -*reside*, Albort street. "and strange to say his doatb 0000110(1 00 the ameiVersary of bus S3rd • birthday; the earnest desire oU , his heart during his last illms3. Mr. Jones was a: native of Yates; • a:, his Christian name Owen may tat; and wae born in that dountrY on Match. 21th, 1822 .and came to Canada in .1814 and settled .as many old country people did in Pickeririg township;Ibo was maeried in 1851 le Miss Lane .51eTeer . of that•place and removed the, next Year to, flume, purchasing a farm in Wawanosh Where he and .his family lived for twenty years, alter ‘vItich he and bus •wile and daughter, Mrs. Nicholson, with her husband and family, removed to -Limn. Was a, .first-elass agriceeturiet, prid- ing in his farm. and all tareon, of a kindly ' dispoSition, always just in ids dealings, a faithful meruber .of the Presbyterian church. and A staunch Conservat /VC. • Rev. James A. Ander- eon ofliciated at, the' residence and Celliorne cemetery,: The deceased's March like this. e( .t po , h mastei' , ham, London, and Charlee Needham, nepheves the Messrs. William Need- . Circe again we have the very great and Past Masters and district depu- Ilderton, 'attended the funeral. Mr. Pleasure of adding the name- of lArs, lies of No. 31 A. F. and A. M. call- and Mrs. George Glenn and children Pred Grey (nee Miss' 1VIabel Pollok,) ed at "Rest Cottage" at 4 p. of Colborne were with 1Virs. Glenn's to the list of our brides in Trento, offer congratulations to bride and father in his late illness. The pall - which goes far to shoe, how- our groom, Mrs, Sallows of Colborne beaters Were Meegrs, Thomas Camp:. young ladies. are ,appreciated by the was the only guest in 1005 that was *ell, • William Clark, Ed, Strauglia,n, young gentlemen of the Queen City. ',present at the wedding in 1845 and AleX. Stirling, Alex. Glenn and Thos. Mr, Tom Pritzsinnnons and his sist.., was in very good health. •• • Sallows. The late Owen -join% lea - ter, Mrs. Watson, intend erecting a. We are pleased: to know that ye ves a faithful widoeveeterl two (laugh - pretty residence their Lighthouse citizens ot Clinton 'appreciate the ters and their tamilierto mourn his * ,.Street- property. • singing of Miss keturah Drown, passing away. . an branch of the International Lognsho- . • remen, Marino and Transport Work- ' • ers Assboialion. Officers were elected as follows r • Presidont, Robert 'Campbell, • Recording and` Corresponding Sore. flay, Thos. -A, Leigh,. *Treasurer, Dave Macpherson, . Secretary, Bruce, Marsb'all, ,Ilan\es McK.ay. Mr. Vanattar& is* having hie residen- ee painted white. We were wondering whether er not the spots on the sun caused the gee - la . • at heat t week, The tempecature was 76 degrees, he Goderich long shotemenee _ coosaasesaaaa6o6)1)34assas4sissoases.si)aa,a4?)a943a-ae•as9,6)aa63?f&Deofit lgamated, aid formed a local — - • 31/ZIEt7ro XIV* CaT.71181, WELLS, LOR Amon RICHARDSON & IMr !ROVED BUT ER T C , RHEUMATIC PAINS • . • Thc exertieiQatliinigagpLalin'SiThLariaEcliterips: tic of rheuneetism and sciatica ate quickly' relieved, by applying dhapb- erlairt!s- ,Pain Balm. The groat pain relieving •power • of the 'liniment • han. been the, surprise and ,delightl of thou- sands of The quick relief front pain -Wheel it affiards is alone Worth' many times the.coSt. For Salo by H. 13; Cambei. The- Nows7Itecord gives the Inca! 'MorrisbUrg ratepayers, carried._ by- . laWs to (1e' lop power on the Rapid Plat:Canal emit to grant free power,. 'Wider; and light to tinplate indust- ry. • :„!..• • • • • TIIR WORST KIND After Piles have .eXisted for a long ' tline and paSsed through different stages, the suffering, is intense -;-pain, aching, 'throbbing, tumors forms, fil- led to lyureting wi)11 black Mood. .SyMpterns indicating other tronWles, may appear to athoroughly Pile - sick person. • This is when Dr. Leonliarbt's Hem- Roid, the only absolute Pile cure, brings the, results that has made its fame. • It will cure the most stubborn Cate in existence mid a bonded guarantee to that effect goes With each paelt- age. • It is to be had tor $1.00 at ,the drug store, or front the Wilson -Pyle Campany, Limited, Niagara, Fall, Ont, ; 3 erisieeekeiteeseeemellemeieeteeseemee COWS • "n"""""'•ommeee•••••••••••••••••••••...e.•••oee••••••••ml•km••••i""!*"t"'"":"i"77"n" "a"" • Gives the True Golden thIlle Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. The Largest and Best Creameries and. Dairies in the World Ilse It. LootFoll THE DANDELION. TRADE MARX BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. .41.3dXtt laliClerititetdriitteel 4144tIte 3030A461011ititt. . 4NNiO4*eeee4.S*4*Seeeee4*S1Ee4ANX*eeettie*eeSOSSAUee.4;1441Eee(te*eeeee