HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-04-06, Page 111111F-111".•,,,..
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I A'
26,th Year
Whole Number 1365
•e• >oee00:450,ese0e.
he Sovereign Bank
Chartered by: Dominion Parliament
0 000e) 00 00 0 00•0 00 >00 0,00000 0 00000 Oe Q0
0 • 000000000
0000000u0 0
e 00 0 0 0 000000000000
Manager. - W. BRYDONE, Soileitor
00 0000 00 00 00 000 0 000 0 00
T. Jackson Sr.,
We are offering genuine bargains in
ReadyTo-Wear Clothing
and invite your inspection
T. Jackson Sr., nton
4 Some Extra Valuesin 4:
• •
• .s.
New Spring Merchandise. +
Prints. " X
leA. , .
We have just placed in stock about one hundred pieces 4e.
- & heaviest Canadian Print bought at a great saving on regular ' • et.
ei. ' prices. These are the. qualkty for which other places are.•
•S asking 120. Our prices while they last .1.00. I-
V I They are almost as heavy as duck and good washers. '. . - . • eFe. '
Wheat $1.05
Oats 40e to 42e
Barley 45e.•^
Eggs 12o to 13e.
Butter 180 to 19c.
Live Hogs $6.00.
Hay $7.00.
• The G. T. R. section men were burn-
ing grass along the side of the track
on Friday last, "the earliest date at
which I hoe applied the match,"
said one of .the foremen to The Ne-
ws -Record, . "in the twenty .years I
have been in the employ of the Cone
pany.'' • ''
The Collegiate football deb- has
been re -organized with the follow-
ing as officers •
Hon. President, Dr. Agnew.
President, E. M. McLean
Sec. -Treasurer, M. Wleddon
Manager and !Captain, C. McKinnon
Curator, W..Youngblut •
• Committee,. W. Taylor, E. Badour.
At Monday night's meeting, of the
town council Bakers Bartliff and. King
asked that a, bylaw be passed mak-
ing 14 and .3 pounds the legal wei-
ght of loaves instead of 2 and 4
pounds as at present. This was gran
ted so that the old four pound loaf
is a thing of the past. Nothing was
said before the ,council about the pri-
•ee. 'felling in keeping with 'the wei-
ght, though most housekeepers would
consider that quite an important
matter. '
Mr, D. A. Forrester, representing
the Collegiate Institute board, ad-
dreseed the council to request that
$1500 be provided for improvements
to 'the school building. • He • said, in
part.. You do the collecting, . we do
the . speeding, We are not asking for
Money, hut merely notifying you that
oertain imptoyementa must be made
and thatit is up to the council to
provide the funds. The board has •the
council by the throat, as it were.
The school building is in bad shape,
the inspector says it is wretched,
Our revenue comes. from. four sources,
• Town .
Fees ' 1000
Goeernment . 1000 '
• . County • • • 1700
, e
IC Dress .0oods..
. $
‘..% All the new things both in wool. and cotton Dress Fah- • •••e:
ette ries may now be found on Our shelves. Quality,' as good as • A
4 the best. Prices the lowest A
• • • • ' ' •
4:4 4$4
• Parasols and"Umbrellas,
4 4
S We have one of the largest stoeks of , Parasols and elm- : A
X brellas to be found in town. New and nobby, goods at from
4. 50c up. Call and seethese goods and be convinced that our X
prices are right. • .
: A
S. •
'...! .3
H. PLU TEEL, x. the grant.- • •
—The Old Stand
The W. Snell 1 arm iri Hullett .was
sold by auction. on Saturday to Mr.
W. T. Henry of the 13th conof the
same township. It was knocked clown
at $6520 at which it es Coesidered
good Value. The buildings alone are
said to be worth s3000. •
Mr. Harry Wilson has sold his hou-
se and lot .to. Mrs. Richardson of the
16th con. Goderleh township for a
little less than $600, and gives up
possession is a fottelght. Mr. Wilson
is rather undecided yet as to his fat-
ure movetnents.
The Ontario. Street League cepect
to have a fruit social in the base
ment of the church vela Monde)"
ght. A splendid program is being
Prepared in which weathers • of the
church choir and some of the best
talent from other churches wee:were-
ist Everybody. invited.
On Friday last Mr. • John John-
stone had a game of bowls on the
green, the fearliest date upon which
he ever participated in the sport whi-
ch he enjoys most of all with the ex-
ception of trout fishing and, duck
shooting. No one is looking ttweed
to ',Otte good old summer tim '" mo-
re eagerly than our worthy cit een.
Joe .Rands is busy this weelc alc-
Mg the pan out of the old MeGa 'ea,
salt block. This block was first p-
ened in 1870 and was operated un it
about fifteen years ago when the
combine paid several hundred e dole
lars annually to remain closed. This
agreement lapsed some time ago and
now the pan, ,whieh cost probably
$1200, will be sold for scrap iren:
Mr.. Albert • Townshend, who has
been in the employ. of Mr. D. A.' For-
rester foe the past three years, Mov-
ed his. family this week to Bayfield
where he will reside for the summer
• anti engage in framing with Mr.W.
Hurd, who was looking: about. • for
!Ust such a Irian .a.s Albert. ' Tilling
the soil ' is, however, his preference
and next fall 'will likely . see him on
a farm again . .
' If, eve doenot sitend morieti On •
proyententS We 'Will jestthe'Cieterne
meet grant and Peobalefy that from
the county. as Well, but we could net
eet. along'without thein. We qould
of coutse shut up the ichool,hut
do .not think the•oitizens would prac-
tically throw, aWay property • which
cost them .$1:7;000. There are three
wage of meetings the question: The
council eney sebmit it to the people,
or without a vote debentures :May
be issued' over ..a term of •years Fail-
ing these. two Methods the hoard
may..spend : $500 each' year on. im-
Peovements, 'or by doing the Whole
work this summer the payment must
be made in three years. out of eureept
taxat'on 1 believe, the future should
pay -itsshare and *mad Suggest the
issuing ofedebentures4 oyer a . period
of twenty years as the easiest way.
We will do the. woree as cheaply as
• Councillor . Ford asked if an , • ,.
pendittire of $1500 would raise the•Mr.' W. J. PaAkey,. win has heen.
. of the school twhich Mr, *license inspector in West Huron . 'tor
Forrester' replied in the affirenativa nearly a score of years, has r•etired.
It. would ealee both the' grading and He accepted the position in the first.
place reluctantly but having taken it
he carried out the instructions of the
licenee.department to the letter and
we believe enforced the law much
more thoroughlythan has been the
rule elsewhere. In: support of this
statement we draw a.ttention to the
large sums imPosedas fines for in-
fractions of the Neat act. Not be-,
ing "hi the confidence of the Govern-
enent" we 're». not in aposition. to
state why this ohange was made, bet
suppose it is in keeping 'with the pol-
icy which :will apply to the whole
province that is that all the old in-
spectors are to be retired. •
Mr. X. ameron, against whose
election a protest :has been filed, is
reteliating as best' he may and has
entered a cross petition' asking am-
ong other thins, for the diequalifica-
tion of Major Dudley Holmes. Pro-
tests don't always roach trial, but
if this one 'does its all up with Mal-
colm G-raeine, and, not having the
patronage, his chances of re-election:
ere. very poor, indeed. '
O A meeting was held in the Pastime
club' rooms on Monday • night —A
which a baseball 'lubb was or ized
With the following as officers
On Tuesday Mr. David •Bineetn cee
lebtated. the 78th. anniversary of his
birthday: He first saw• the light: of
day An County Fermanagh. within a
eitile or so of Lough Erne iambus in
song and story. When the subject of
these congratulations was abut feetr-
teen eears, of age thefamily came
to this comitry . and settled on the
Bayfield Lime he Goderich township.
There Mr. Beacom lived until about
eight years age: when he moved into
Hullett and bought a' fine farm near
Harlock'which is now. 'occupied ': - -by
his .youngest son J. W. 'Beacom. A
couple: c.ef., years ago, Mr. one Mrs.
Beaeoin -becaine ' ci titene 'or, 01 in ton'
and areenjoying at ease the fruits..
of :their many years of persevering in-
dustry. • • • • : . •
• itlanager, J. E. Blaney
• Captain, M. McEwen
SeceTteasurer, T. C. Jolifison -
Committee, P. L. Couch, W, L, Jo-
hnsen; F. Ker.
The Pastimers are a bunch of good
sports .'and say .they will "put-ettp
good argu int" with any team in
this section. • -
• Inspector P 'sley secured two con-
victions at Li gam* on Thursday
last on as many charges of violating
the Crooks Act, 'One was for sellitig
after seven o'clock 'on Saturday, sight
and the second for soliciting drink ate
ter hours. The oases were heard be-
fore the police magistrate. Mr. Pai-
sley .• is remarkable for the! success
which has attended the hearing of
charges preferred by him for in-
fraction of the liquor law, owing to
the thorough manner in which he
prepares his evidencee . • .
• The reader. should not ttin away
with the idea that, there is a fortune
for anyone starting business •or enter-
ing.. the professions in these. new to-
wns in the Northwest. CoMmoniene
setolls us that that cannot be true.
We see the successes ; we 'do not see
the failures. It in quite likely that
business here, as everywhere, is over-.
done. The real work Of the West is
the icultivaticin of the land. 'I ;have
• • •
met.,a number of men who have come
to •the West with hardly enough mon-
ey to .bless themselves, and wine,. in
a few years have taken alead in the
commercial life of the oommunity.
,This 'cannot he done by everyendy,
arid everybody had better` not try. -e
Toronto Globe COriespotid&kt, who is
writing up the Northwest Territories.
CliCouncillor Cottle said the people itt011----
2. should be donsulted. It' was a m•atter
•eneeeeeeeeeleee.:44.00,4444.444.44.:÷eieleeleeeeeeeeeek,40,01.44 whichand conceithoughtned them and their • p ()eke
he they should be
. allowed a say, He atcordilidly moven
seconded Councillor Cantelon that
the question be submitted to the . el-
ectors at the same time as, the knitt-
ing factory b(ylew. '
• This .rnotion was rejected on it vote
•of four to. two and on the same div-
isibn it was decided to grant the
$.1500 and spread the payment over
twenty years.• •
Mr. W. Brydone, who has always
been a staunch friend of the frec.
library and has given Much' of hie
time: to advancing its interests, ad-
dnessed the council, He said : When
in 1899 we asked that the public
library be made a free library the
circulation of books was 3000, last
year it was 13,595. Under the old
regierne .we had 17.0 reading members,
whereas we how have 640. We ate
conducting the institution as cheap-
." 17 as possible ; we pay small salaries
and have luxuries. In '99 the Go-
vernment greet was $250, but for
some reason, perhaps owing to a
great increase in the nureber, of lib-
raries, we last year received only
$150 which has left us with no' • im-
mediate funds. • In consequence • I
Would ask that the council honor our
oheeques up. to $100 until the first
of JUne, ••
Mr. Bryilone's frank statement of
the OM WAS so satisfactory to the
council that his request was prompt-
ly granted.
Councillor Ford, chairman of the
street committee, • reported the en-
gagement of Mr. C. H. Carter as
form -ran, Lie said 'that the season's
work bad not yet been mapped out,
but would be in a few days.
Councillor Cottle, Chairtnart of the
cemetery committee, said that **of
the oWners of lots In God's Acre
Would place in the hands of the
council the sum Of $25 for which it
is guaranteed that his lot vvill be
kept Itt order for all time. Thew are
several eases of this kind. $25 pays
to ono lot, $00 for e Itelf lot,
1 ;
Special Spring
. Prices .
on Graniteware
• Tinware Etc.
Watch Our Windows for
The Goods and Prices.
The new inspeCtor is Mr. Alfred
Asquith of Auburn, who was recent -
Mended for the'position by the Cone
servative executive. Mr. Asquith Was
born 'in the township of Hullett ab-
out forty years ago. 'He is a gradu-
ate of the Clinton Collegiate and at-
tended • the thiteersity at Termite.
He is a good natured man and - fond
of.a joke, but when •the Occasion re-
quires is firni and deeided, • To an
extent his will be found: to be a hand
of 'steel in a velvet glove, of which:
those most concerned will do well to
note. The inspeteorship is not by any
means a sinecure for with Ternperan-
cc extremists pulling one way and the
antis another it will be quite im-
possible to please both parties, but
we believe Mr. Asquith will eneoree
the law fairly 'end impartially.
Mr. Thos. Daemon, who has been in
the hotel business in Hensell for a
few moritlts, has sold out, the pur-
chaser ibeing Mr. Hefferan who lives
0, shortdistance from that village.
Possession is .given May 15th.
The standing committees have been
*pointed for the Legislature and the
member for South Huron is on four
of the most important, Ile., Munici-
pal Law, Public Accounee, Railways
and Agriculture and Ooluetization. ,
Mr, D. Cantelon shipped 240 hogs
to London last week,
Mr. Arthur Couch was able to ta-
ke several drives last week, Our
citizens Were much pleased to see
him out of doors .gain.
The Royal TempIars will hold their
new A. 0:?, hall
• McIntyre & Bernard, apple export-
ers, of the 'town of Colborne, have
written to •Mr. Thos. H. Cook to
say that the apples he repacked and
shipped •for them at St. John, N.B.,
reached the Old Country market in
splendid condition and brought • the
highest price. Tom naturally shared
in the pleasure felt by his employers
over the result, •
The ArbitrAtors in the Summerhill
schobl, case, who •held their, second'
•meeting in the council chamber last
Thursday, did not finish up the busi-
ness; .at least to the point of ,deeis-
ion, and will' meet in Goderich on
Monday next for argument. The in--
terest in the case continues unabated
• and a •large number .front the section
have listened to the proceedings.
A city house dealing in sausages
adopteda novel way to advertise the
goods, They sent out one of the
'clerks with sainple sausage's done up
in tinfoil and. looking 'very" tempting,
indeed. .The clerk went along from
door to door leaving e, sausage on the
top step. He 'Was anxious .to cover
the ground quickly and therefore did'
not notice that a big, lank dog was
following in his Wake:and .gobbling
up the sausages just about ' as fast
*as they. were laid down. After this
who will say that advertising does
not pay ?
Rev. Mr. Magee, pastor of the Bap-
st clitirch, last week received a bell'
pm Swan Lake, a growing town in
anitoba. It came as a surprise, be -
ng wholly uneipected...lee likes Cline.
on and is pleased. with his charge,
ut the growing demands sof the ch-
roh in. the West demands con:aid:erne
ion and he is ging the call serio-
g' thought. 'Mr.. McGee s a good
reaoher and a sir:emit:Mg. pastor, •
Extra ValuesH. Plumsteel
Kid Glove Speeials--IIodgens Braie8
The King: Hat—Hodgens Bros:......,.,,8
Catpets-eNeweombes. . . 8
Pies Out Glass --V. D. Fair Co 8
Clouting—W. T. Pemba' 2
Lade Chi:tains—Tema & Brown 3
Carpets -McKinnon & Qo. .
House For Sale—Joehea, Pearerk 5
•HouSe For Sale—Harry 'Ceetelon 5
Auction Salee-je,s. Spackman • 5
Stock For Sale—H.
Auction Sale—S. Furze . • • 5
Retiring Sale—Mrs.. Shier - 5
McCorvie •5
Liquor Licenses—W. J Paisley 5
Dtessmakerg Wanted—Newcornbe's
In order that the dilly qualified el-
ectors rnay : thoroughly understand
the nature ofthe lean the .town is
asked to give the Clinton Knitting
Co. • a• • copy of the following letter.
will be sent to each voter :.
A new industry for Clinton without
any teenaged: taXation.
• A bylaw -to loan the Clinton, Knitting Co. the sum of. $6000 : for 20,
years ••• to be repaid by the company
in 20 annual ingtalmettts with hetet-
est will be submitted to the ratepay-
ers on Monday, May 1st. . •
• •
You ate an owner .of property and
ett.titled to vete and we• would tee
ePectfally ask you: to consider these
facts and vote for the bylaw ;
(a) The loan we Ask for is a strai-
ght business proposition and not a
bonus or gift in any. sense of the woe
rd. ,
(b) We give the town ample
eulity in the way of la first: mortga-
ge On our buildings, lands and power
plant. •
(c) We covenant and agree to pay
the Interest and Sinking Fund annti-
ally and the loan will no•t increase
'your taxation by one cent.
(de We will increase the assessment
of the town and therefore lower. your
taxation. .
• (e) We agree to ettiploy • not less
than 60. hands and we estimate that
in labor alone tee will pay out $60 a
day or $18,000 per year,. all of which
will be spent in Clinton for living by
• our etrintoyes.
(f) We propose to erect a factory
of brick or cement 90 ft. .by 45 ft.
and to tiip it with the latest, most
modern, bp -to -4a40 Machineryi that
money can buy. •
(g) We want toinipress these faeto
on yeal '
(1) The loan Will not increase your
(2) And the town secures a large
It • is understood that the license
act will be mado more stringent and
that it will be entoiced without fo.ir
or favor. Among the amendtnents to
be made this session is one providing
for the total exclusion! of snarlers,
from bar -rooms. The present law
permits children to secure liquor up-
on Presentation of an. Order from e
parent, guardian or master, but it is
felt that this is almeet as dangerous
as .allowing a child to got for
himaelf, and aceordingly the act will
be altered. If the Temperance people
•will take cognizance of these facts
and assist the officers in a fair en-
• forcement of the law, It is bclleved
that they must arrive at the con -
elusion that there is some good in a
liquor license not.
The number of .liquor licenses in
West Huron for .1904-05 •is 2e hOtels
and 2 shops, but as the township of
Hullett will be underLooal' Option
here may. for 1005-06 be two, less.
There are,' however, two new appli-
ations, ,that of John Perkins of the
Queen's • hotel, Cline, and N. el.
Boggs, Carlow. The former was cut
5 last Year ,while the Carlow house
has not been licensed for some three
guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Bran-
don. H. BratYnrioefidlgrave is the
• Miss Maud and Master Harold Pol-
lock left last week for London to ate
tend the Forest City Business Col-
lege. .
Miss McEwan of Brucefield is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs:eWilliant Muse
tard this week.
Mesdames G. and H. Erwin, were
the guests of Mrs. Cleave of Stanley
owtinocTurbT11;11screl ilsol4Yudfica.yhFge i. Fanny Crosby, the noted
Sunilinndeaeyevgat ening was par -
the Metho-
teres ties, the life and
hymn writer, being taken ep. The
hymns rendered were compositions of
Fanny •Croakily, whose birthday was
recently celebrated.
• Miss Mary Fraser returned last
week after spending the winter at
Listowel. •
Mr. James ' Campbell. of , Stanley,
who has. old his farm, moved into
the village this week and took up
his residence for a short time in
part of Mr. John Toughes .house. He
purposes buying or building .shortly.
Mr. Albert Townshend, who has
been engaged with. Mr. 1), A. For-
rester of Clinton the past few years,
moved 'into the village this week and
took up his residence an the Sauble
Line in the, house lately occupied by
Mr, Thos. Sanderson.
Mr. A. Vangtone has eented. Mr,
Charles Tippet's house on Main str-
eet and moved in en Tuesday.
Messrs. Robert Mason aid R. Lem.
opt of Brucefield were in the village.
on Sunday. . •
• .1Vir.. Albert Callinghaa purchased
the property .of Mrs, E. Elliott on
Louisa' street. .
Miss Clare Woods is home • from
Brucefield for a short visit. •
• A very enthusiastic meeting was
held at • 'Dr. Smith's office on Satur-
day evening forthe purpose of ore
ganizing a football. team when it was
decided to call the team "The. Lake -
sides". The following officers were
chosen :
I•Ion. President, Wm. Mustard
.Hon. Vice Presidents, F. A..Edwar-
de and •Harveye Sperling •
• President, Dr. Smith
Vice, A. E. Erwin
Sec. -Treasurer, George Greenslade •
' Captain, T.. H. Brownlee ,
Managing COremittee, 'James-. Cam-
eron' Mado 'Whiddon, Thornton
On Friday last the village of More
risburg voted on two bylaws, one
to. provide for the development • of
1100 horsepower on Rapid• Plat Can-
e' and the other • to grant' free pow-
er, wafer and light for the establish-
ment of a •ein plate and iheet itt-
Eustry Both bylaws carried, the
vote standing 195. for and 15 against.
While. other ,places are aiding industries' for. their *building, Clinton
cannot afford to lag ih the rear.
. •
The bylaw to loan the new. Kniti,-•
ing Company the sum of $.6,000 . was
givenetts first and second readinee
ori Friday evening last and is now
Passing' throtigh the Publication stage,
It may be seen on page '5 of • this
issue .of • The News -Record. The am-
ottnt' asked to aid the new enterprise
is small and as' it will be paid back
with. interest, should, :reeeive the he -
tar p:tY. best SelinPiotteropfs tesovert the
eitizeinowwho a
ho hasth
On. the 24th, itst. the Rattenbury
House will change hands, Mr. Alex,
Robinson of Goderich having bought
out Mr. Stanley who has conducted
the hotel for the past eleven months.
As mine host ot the Colborne hotel',
Goderich, and the hotel .at Auburn
Mr. Robinson . is well known •to the
people of this district and will r,o
doubt keep up the reputatiori of the
Rattenleury. Mr. Stanley has stea-
dily drown in the estimation of those
of our -citizens who have had busi-
ness relations with him and at no
time hag the accommodation of this
the idea.
old hostelry been better than at thin
IVIr. R. Pecic was in .Parkhil last
present.• •week on business. Front ther he
went to Lucan. Dick is a hustler. •
Applieations are coming in already •-
as to accommodation for campers,
We learn that St Joseph, our am-
bitious rival, has •braken out in •it
new place and is about to institute a
fish canning factory. Some fish are
oven now upon the drying pare Also,
a gentleman from somewhere else,
has purchased the brick yard and will
ship brick to somewhere on the
lake ports. • "We've waited honey,
waited long fol you" and now that
things are looking up in St. Joseph
we eXtend th our friends in that vill-
age good wishes and hope that theft
hopes may at last be realized, or at
least some of them.
. '
Mascot;: Eddie Sturgeon .
The prospects • were 'never so good : •
for having a first-class team: The ine
tentiah is: to join the letermediate
League. ' • e . ' . • ..
- Mrs: Dougan'of Southainpion and
Mrs. Mattoon :of Seaforth •Were the
guests of Mrs. Themes Cameron the '
past week. ‚4,, •
• Mr. Prank; Etegao left last • week .
for Port Huron to spend- a few •weeks: • •
Meesrs. T. Stinson. and A. Erwin' .
attended the 'Minstrel show at Goder-
ich en :Tuesday evening. • '
Mr. James Porter has 'taken pos-
seasion of 'the. • ,property lately vaca
by Alb:ert McGee on the Saubl
Miss Caia Galpin had a birthda
Patty. last Saturday. A large num-.
bei of het, young 'friends were invited. .
and a very .pleasant • time was sp'ent.
Mr-. William Elliott is :having con-
siderable improvements • matte to his
place on Louisa street by petting a
stone foundation and cellar uteder they •
Mr. Brownlee is giving splendid sat-'
.ieFaction as a school: teelpher. . His
earnestness is an inspiration 'to the• • •
whole 'school, A lazy teacher need
not apply hereafter. • .
Rev. Thos; Flecks, late of IVIelbOur-4
he called at the manse to see his
old .school teacher, Mrs. MeNeil, His
visit was much enjoyed. Me. Hicks
is appointed by the Bishop of Huron .
to the Dungannon and Port Albert
parieh. He commenced his duties on
Sunday last: . • . • •
The regular monthly meeting of the ,
Woman's Institute will •be held at the' •
home of Mrs .• E. Westlake • on Thurs-
day, :April 20th, at two o'clock.
Rev. aed Mrs. Jennings are
•Parkhill where they beim been sutnek
mond expecting the death of Mr. Vic,•
Boyce, father of Mrs. Jennings.
Miss M. Cluff is visiting at • Mr.:
Jetties Parkees the past few days.
Me. and Mrs. Chas. " Parker have
been ill with la grippe ',but we are •
pleased to learn cit their recovery.
Mrs R MeDool has beee ill from.
thegAppe and has nOt recoVer-
ed as yet. " ' • '
Mr, R. McDool with the .assietance
'of a few of his [deeds, has moved
his barn to the same lot his house •
is situated upon and now handy is
• The annual meeting of the bowling
club was held last evening when the
financial report showed that the year
opened With a deficit of $25 and clos-
ed with a Valance on hand of $28,
notwithstanding that the niembership
fee had been reduced from $6 to $4.
The membership now numbers tif ty-
one and the prospects for the season
appear to be bright. The officers no%
Hon. Presideht, J. Itansford
Pregident, W. Jackson
Vice, J. Voir
Secretary, W. 13rydone
• Treasurer, G. D. Mo'i'aggart
'Special CoMmittee, J. Johnstone,
• J. Wiseman,
Grounds Committee,J. Johnstone,
H. Wiltse, J, Flair.
Honorary Members, W. T. Dockrill
• and A. J. Taylor, Toronto,
Mr. Peter McNeil left on Tuesday Q'
f or Aberdeen, South Dakota, Where
he has secured a position as butcher. •
This is Peter's second venture at,*. '