HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-30, Page 8odgns Bros., Clinton.
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FriOy„. March.31st • •T.
1111,1 rir
The Clinton Nows.Rocord
i ./
i ./
And all the following week, we make our Open- i*,
ing Display of Spring Millinery, We extend to 0
. you the freedom of the store. Come whenever and
as often as you like, and study the new styles at
0 your leisure. Our Milliners have prepared acol- ,
. lection of high-class stylish Millinery that cannot •0
0 but be of interest, and we are confident that a visit i%
0 to our Showroom will be bOth pleasant and
8 profitable.
& All?
ff Efii*Eiee4416.fte********Elet'
Lace Curtains
That have. Style
And are goo4 values.
This is the Lace Curtain time, and if large assort-
ment, great variety, new and handsome patterns
and good values count, this is the Lace Curtain
Store. We have never had a stock we were as well
pleased with as that now on view in. our :1-10use
Furnishing Department. It has been selected with
great care, from the besii sources of supply,and
from the lowest to the hig..est 'grade, patterns are
new, dainty and stylish.
Lace Curtains 2i and 3 yards long, made froM strong
net, in new and neat patterns, •Several designs to
choose from.
At Good equality Lace Curtains, full 3 yards long, tape
75c or button hole edges, strong net and good patterns
At At this price half -a -dozen patterns. everyone of
which is special. Not one in •e l
ot but is Worth
$1. 00 from $1.25 to $1 50.. This year we searched for the
best Curtain we could find in the trade ta .sell at
this price, and are sure that we have values to -day
that are not duplicai ed. A11 -3i yards long, 5t to 00
inches wide, taped (n. buttonhole edges..
At Lace Curtains made Tramline, strong nets, new pat-
terns, fancy border, with plain centre or the mote
$1.50 staple floral design-, Many patterns to select froni,
a!1 34 yards long, butt,onhole edges.. .
At Soioe exceptionally good:pattens at this.price,' de-
signs that are suitithie for any room, made from very
$2.00 tine but strong nets, and also: in a heavier, coarser
texture, that are very fashionable this season; all full
length and good width. - • . .• •
At Extra line Nottingb •m Lace •Cuitains, fancy, lace
patterns; also the new heavy borders,. with plai
$3.00 centres,, and some new patterns in fish net, all ful
length and gond tax t,h, tape edges. ' •
At Very handsome Not 'Ingham Lace Curtains. newest
designs in fine or heavy fish net, White ok ecru, full
$4,50 length and width, ),vith best buttonhole edges, de-
signaltimt are auital de. for any room. •
S iss
Cu tain
An extra fine assortment of Swiss
and Irish Point 'Curtains, white o
S ecru shad s., new and handsome de-
sighs, at $4.5o, $5.00, $6.a6,17.0o
Some very pretty docr, panels in Rob.:
binette, Nottinghan..,:Swiss and Bat'.
tenburg effects; of most of them only
one or two of any onepattern; prices
are from 56.: to $'2.5o each.
Nevv C pets.
Variety and valu in this big Carpet Stbelt that '
are not equalled in any store hereabouts. Hay". •
ing a double outlet, eans that we can show, just
double the number o atterns we posSibly could,
had we only one store. New. Spring Stocks are
all. in, and greater variet to select from than ever
before. All Carpets ove soc cut, made and laid
w thout extra charge..
Tapestry Carpets--Englis
25 or more patterns in English Ttipest
ing and wearing qualitiesient, made an
per yard •
Balmoral Carpets --English
Carpets, good color
to 15c
ae,better than
6 t9 90e
8 patterns in Balmoral Carpets. These will.
a cheap Brussels. Out, matte and laid at per y
Brussels Carpets—English.
15 or 20 patterns in first ebtss Brussels Carpets, the est Car
pet to buy, because it gives the hest wear ei nn
Cut, made and laid, at per yard I ti tO I
Velvet Carpets --English.
'Fine grade Velvet Carpets thick, close pile, good coloring
will stand any amount of hard wear,
mCull 25 SI 35
ade and laid per yard, ,, ... ..
Axminster Carpets—English.
Several new designs in heavy English Axminster 00$1100,
thick, close pile, with rich, soft colorings, Out, roadelti
and laid, per yard ... . „.. ..... 1
Union Carpets—Canadian.
20 patterns in Canadian Union Carpets, colors gurtianteed
not to run, stook absolutely clean and free from .g fin
grease.. At per yard . . ... . . Ulf to if WI
Wool Catpets—Canadian.
Neat colora, made from elean, pure wool, free from grease or
any impurity, polors guaranteed not to run, 7K On $
many new designs ..... . I 0.1 1 W.11 11
is just as important in propor-
tion to the use of the room as
any in your home. The shelves •
without a , covering of some kind
are just as unfinished and crude
as your parlor without a carpet
or your window without a shade.
It's just a. matter of the kind- of
covering on the shelves to add
that touch of taste which makes
41 ii harmony and attractive-
ness. The kind of covering we es-.
teem the best is a new thing in
10 inches deep, one edge deeorat-
ed. •• Your choice of six colors,
Blue, Green, Yellow, White, Red,
Pink, done in, folds 10 feet long,
and the priee is eight cents per
fold. The above is the story as
we know how best to tell it
--.Ta4 BEST.-
Agents Parker's Dye Works,
D. Fair Go.
Often the Cheapest,, Always the Best
1 Imiliturititillt1111111111111114,
Mrs, Fyle , of Blyth was in: town on
Monday,' • . • . • .
Mr. Thos. DoWson of.liensall was in
Clinton on Friday last.
Mr, Frank Arseott of London visited
• Clinton friends' yesterday.
J. W.• Reid has gone to Goderioli and
Daynient to Wingharn.
Mrs. Will. Townshend left on • Tuesday
•to join her husband in Strathroy,
Mrs, IL- W. Codk and Miss • Lottie
Cook left an Monday tor Toronto,
Mrs, James 'McRae leaves this- -Week
to visit her old . borne at Petrolia.
Mrs. Hese of Wingham was the guest
of Mrs. D. 13. Kennedy on • Satur-
' Miss :1VIary . Lanxton has .gone to De-
troit ;Cir an wcteaded .visit to her
'sister: • ' ' •
Olin Hooper of .Blyth spent. ;Satur-
day and" Sunday nn,der the parental
• roof :in. town.' .. - '. '.. . " ' • • ..' :•
Mr. and Mrs.. John McNaughtori and
Mr, W. Cook of Varna were in
'• Clinton .SaterdaY. ' • • . •
Mr. John •Taylor. 6f .14enaall was the
gUest• , ol. his brother, Mr,.. George
• Taylor, on Thursday. . . , • , •
Messrs, Joe. and Thos. Wheatley ''. of
- Crosswell, Mich.,. visited Clinton
• relatives. the •paat. week:: . • '
Hon. Thos. Greenway of Chrystal
City, Man., visited •friend s in the
Exeter 'district this week.. . •
George ' Connell left last week
• • le visit her daughter • Mrs. Leslie
Herbison Of. South Dakota.
Mr*. and Mrs: ' W. P. ,Spalding and
little , Miss Katie spent a few. days
• of the past week in Toronto. .
Mr.. Lorne Tyndall,. after ' spending
severalWeeks in :the local liciapital,
• .
was able to return home last Sat-
urday. . •
Mr. 1. D. Coir or Paliraton spent
a few daysin, town last Week the
guest of his sister; . Mrs. Thomas
Kearns. ; .,.:, ' . •• .:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Overbury .re•
tittned 'on &Atli:day, from St.Marys
where theY had been on •a three -
mon ths ' Visit.
Misses. Josie and. Clara Dayment lea-
ve next Monday -for: Boissevain,
..Mair.., . where they. will engage ' in
business as. dressmakers.
Mr,. Alf:. Asquith of ' Auburn was in
tows en Friday on his way home
from Toronto Where he had. been
'attending the opening Of the Legis-
lature. "•• : . • . ,. : •
Mr. A; E. Stewart, who spent a few
. dais of last week with' • Mr. John
Johnstone of of • Rattenbury street
left on: -Ando . for his: home at
Rosthern' Sask.'. • ,
Rev.• Dr. Cook. was , in • Aylmer
Sunday. filling the pulpit of the
:Methodiat chiirelt in that, town, wh..
Ile Rev„ Mr, McAllister preached
educational .sermons for him here.,
Mr. D.• 13. Kennedy was in Winglia,rin
on Monday and while there Mr
•Jonn Bell, whom he had known for
very Many years, met. with an
accident •whieh resulted in•e; fract-
• ured. leg. • , .'
iVfonsictir Pontine of the “eity'i. of St
Joseph Was in town e for a fevi hon.
re on Saturday, He has wintered
well and starts but en his sprin;i.
campaign for the betterment of Si,
40seph with just as • much,,;optithism
as ever. lie is litionSieur The Daunt-
less, in Many respects a man. of
Mystery, Just now he is promot-'
• ing a company -for the manufacture
of flax,
0 following officers .of the C. 13:.R.
ere in town on .Friday last in
c• i Suite:Mon with Mr. W. kleltson,
he ocal agent-: ” • 1 '
' C. E. Usher, General Pass. Agent.
C. 13, oster, District PASS, Agent,
W.T. Do krill, Travelling Pass. AO.
Geo. H. am, General Jollier,
Mr. Him, ho is related to Mrs,
S. G. ,Plumther of • town, is a former
newspaper m it, big and jolly':
"Billy" Doekr 1 'is so well and
favorably kno to Clintonians
that even Santa, .11aus remembers
hint in the distribut` it of presents
at; Christmas Tree e tertainments.
Mr, Usher, .by virtue of his office,
is daddy of them an, tt is the
,general 'opinion arnong railway men
that there ie not a shrewdbr G. P.
A. man than Mr. Usher. VIFos-
ter sueceeded to, his present In
last fall and is filling hi resile ted
pre(lecessor's shoes Well. .. \
March 30th i90$
Our Millinery Opening Will Continue Ali Week
,ILIR Millinery Opening this season has been beyond doubt the most successful this store has ever had,
ilof More sales were made than at any previous opening. Our Hats are all made of the very best water.
la's in the, very newest styles—and the best of all prices are lower than were ever quoted before on ruii.
inery of the Newest styles, at the very beginning of the season, You are welcome to con* and see the
New Millinery as often as 3rou can,
Newest Spring Dress Goods: A Foreword for Easter.
This is a good time to select your new Easter Dress. All the new goods are On view. In fact, choice is better now
to the extent that many of the exclusive stylesithat add tone to the dress goods assortment Will be gone in a few weeks, not
to be again replaced this season. They are imported Dress Goods, oftenin one, sometimes two, or at most three dress
lengths. Of course we always have a. complete stock of the more staple lines of Dress Goods but in the Novelties •
This Season's Exhibit Excels All Other.:3
And the novelties and staple goods alike applies this fact. If you buy your Dress n)w and leave your order at our
Dress Making Departinent, we can assure yo'ii more satisfactory results than if ordered when the rush i.9 on.
In reference to our Dress Making Department we beg to say that this branch of our business will be given our person-
al attention this season, and we guarantee every dress purchased here to be made in a satisfactory manner and at prices as
low as an be had anywhere. Orders are coming in very rapidly, and it will be to,your advantage to get your order in as
early as possible. Any promises made in this Department. will be carried out to the letter, jubt the same as in any other
department of our store. •
Fancy Mohairs at
We have jusereceivecl 200 yards of 40 inch wide Mohairs
incolors of Navy, Brown, Green, etc,, with . a little
white figure. This is a very special line that make
up nicely for Shirt Waist Suits, price : , 45c
Other Fancy Mohairs at 60c, 75c and 85c
Plain Sicillians in Navy, Brown, Red, Cream Black
at 60c, 75c and Sc6
All Wool Cashmeres In Shades of Brown, Red, Navy,
' reatri, Sky, Special at 25c
All Wool 'Voiles in All'The Newest Shades, at 60c, 8$c
to $1.25
Newest Light Colored Tweeds in. Leading Colors and
Designs at 60c to 85c
Dress Trimming To Match All Plain Colored Ooods
Our. Ready -to -Wear Department •
This department is 'better prepared than ever to attend
' to your needs, Our assortment of .Skirts is very
large this season and every ' one will ' fit perfectly.
All marked at the same low prim that. have made
this department ,a very busy one during the past
season. • •
Prices $2,$3,.$3.5Q, $395 to $7,50
White Lawn Shirt Waists
.People whohave seen. our Shirt. Waists tell us they
are Itaic finest 'ever • seen, in town :and we believe thein •
• for we :have never sold,. so niany at this time of year. •
• • 'They are all made of fine India La-wn butte •very
newest styles. "There are' so many different kinds .
. t iis hard to de'scribe them but we 'Would be pleas-
• •
• ed to have you. call and see. them -•
Prices 85, $1 .$1.25, $1.50, $2 to $3
Carpets and Curtains.
• This department is preparing for the largest spring
business we have ,ever. had. Our stock of Oarpele was pur-
. ehased before the big advance ---in wool, whiob will enable
• us. to sell you carpets at lower prices than. ever.
' • Our Curtain stock is finer than ever, bloftlt in quality , and
designs and we would like to have you call and sea our
assorkment of these goods before'buying. In reference • to
Art Muslins, Frilled Curtain IVItislins, Scrims, etc., our sto-,
ck is larger . than ever and the, prices aro lower than last
.Shirt Waist •
. , •
We have. some very special values In Silks lot Shirt
Waist Suits, 'but we will mention' just on 'this week. , It
isia Japanese Silk in check only, • has white ground with
navy, brown; green and black check: This. IS a regular 600, .
quality that we bought 'to sell at' 33e, ..
. •
• • '
OV1t /110111k HACK.
Dr: Taylor, Goderia, Was in tbivn.
Mr. George King of, Blyth was in
:Clinton on Tuesday,:...-
George Emerson of Loniton WLS
in Clinton on Tuesday: •
Mr. Jas: • Howson has returned to
Woodstock :and- is again engaged a,t
his trade of coopering, . • '
Mr. Alex, Robinson, Goderich,• was
in town this.'week, 110 e.oitern
es engaging in itusinessrhere:
Ernest MaCkenzie and • John Nixon of
the 3rd con. of West Wawanosh
were in town Tuesday on their
way to the Northwest. Where they
will 'engage .in farming.
Mr. 0, Dickenson; who has been, very
ill for a couple .of months, was a,ble
to ,ebme dowtr town on, Saturday
and now hy 4aily walks -out. ' of •
vaiodolry, :.
si..sr.eeruitiiig strTg_th_..ri-
IVIessrs. E. A., Janies mettae
and Rhaebeelk have -gone to Louis-
ville, Kentucky, where they have.
obtained • situations as tuners:
They'll conic back when. the -ofgati
factory is rebnilt
Mr, W, Jackson, local aget0 of; the
• 0.?. R., booked the following to
Western' points the past week : S.
• Ilill, . Saskatoon, Sask. ; Fred,
S'eotehmere,• Craik, Sask. ; J.
Watkins, Saskatoon. Sask.
Registrar Coats; Goderich, was in
town Tuesday. He has been suffer-
ing, from an attack of his old en -
sciatica, and • was not looking '
haiswell as usual, as his many wartn
friends in Clinton would like to see
Miss Irene Jackson, Who has been'
very ill in 'Toronto for some week,
will be brought home this week.
The health of this talented and
popular young lady has not yet
begun to improve the numerous fri-
ends very much regret to. learn.
Miss Lough leaves today for peter -
Vora to take part in the opening
exercises in connection with the new
home of the Y. W. 0. A. itt that
town. She will remain, two or three
months to re -organize, assist in
procuring a new secretary and in-
itiate the appointee into the work.
Ur.WilIlattt LaidlaW, ex -mayor of
Durham, and one of the most pro-
gressive business Mall of that place,
was in town on Priday. He repre-
sents the hig' cement mill at Dur-
ham find his trip through this eo-
unty was for- the purpose of dis!
posing of a portion of lis output
To those who know • Mr. Laidlaw
It will be needless to say that he
made large „sales. A lot of the
Durham' cement was used in Ohl.
ton last season. Mr. Thos. A. Wal-
ker was the 10041 agent.
The Auburn rifle elub, one of the
very hest. 'in the distrieL•held their
Annual oyster supper the Tither even-
,ing. There was an abendan'ed. of .0y
sters served up iri goodstyleand an
entertaining program' so that every-
body enjoyed themselves to the ut4
MoSt.' . Captain . lioWsou is, highly ‚es
teemed. by the lumbers' Of the club.
He is : pusher , and has helped to.
Make the ditli* prosperous. •' • •
°Several from ,herg went :to Blyth on
.Sa-turday. to attend the funeral. of Mr:
S. Fluker. • • •
Mr. G. 1-1: Yoxinghlut has been • laid
tip for the last three Weeks. With in-
flammatory riteurnatigin.. We liope to
Soon. see him around again: '
Messrs. a., E. Mackenzie, 'Wrn. 114ixon
and brother, also • Mr. Leddy, left
ter the .West this. Week, • •
Mr. ' 'Gant of (%oderioh Sundayed
with Mr. H. Mogridge; He got, as
far ,as Auburn with the buggy, , but;
had to leave the horse ,a;nd rig • at.
Auburn ,and foot it the reit of 'the
There must bo some attract -
Jon out. there.
Mr.• Moses Holtzharner in engaged
•with Mrs. Macdonald for a year.
Beverly Patterson was at Galt NM;
week attending the funeral of his
niece Who died very suddenly.
The ice went off easily on the Oth
inst., but at time of writing the wa-
ter has risen very high.
Dr. Standish and Mr. Alfred Asqu-
ith went down to 'Toronto to see the
opening of the Legislature. •
Thevillage trustees are talking of
pentad. sidewalks again.
-Mt.:-Pcter. Patterson and his aunt,
Mrs. James Dobie, who had been
visiting in this neighlborhood for the.
Winter, left last Saturday for their
home in the West.
Mr. James 130,11 was the guest of
his sister, Mrs. James TialthhY, rec-
• Mrs. Arthur is en the sick list.
Miss Clara Lawson fell the other
day and a rusty nail inflicted tt sev-
ere wound in her hand which the doc-
tor had.to dress.
kr, J. C. Leithwaite, Goderich, is
itt,plin ton to -day. •
, News Of The Day.
The hill to incorporate the.; Geor-
gian Bay Land and Ship Railway
Corporition was unanimously killed
.the Dominion Railway Commit-
William MeltelVie, nit employe of
the Constructing and Paving Corn-
pahy, has lion seriously injured by it
Personal.- •
Mr. Frank Warner of Durham has ta.-
ken a position. in thetailoring de--
partnient of Toier. & Brown's 'es-
tablishment, : He is said to. be a
first-elass tailor; and is also a
good cornet player.
. •
West TrickeiSmith
McKnight and • Stanhtiry
'had.a wOod ''hee on. Tiiesday, Iast-and
succeeded 15 getting a good qtlan-
tity of wood "cut. •
and Mrs. Ant. White have bo-
th ,heen on the Sick 'list, .13i,t• are now
able to be around Again; ' •
• Kr. raullifier of Clinton has
engaged With Mr. • George Stanhury
for. the coming year.. „ . .
Mr. Gordon Waldron made' a short ..
visit •at his old . home. here While on .
his : way :to Nicaragua, .central Ain-.
erica, .on Monday: . •
, A number of our larnters aro busy
these days making maple syrup. The
winter snow has nearly s.11 disappear-
Getting in shape for the sPring•
work is now the order orthe day.
. •
MisS Lily. Moss of Kirigsbridge
visiting lier friend, Miss Annie Red-.
moxid. •
•• Wm. •Robinsour:aSses4or of East
Wawanosh, is around on his annual
trip and as Usual the dogs -are the
first to greet him, •
Charlie Robinson hadthe misfor-
tune to.break his wrist one, day last
week while working in Mr. Craig's
mill at St. Augustine,
The robin has now made himSelf
heard and , his voice is a very wel-
come sound. By all appearances sprw
ing seems to be near at hand.
J. N. -Campbell and A. Robinson
have returned home, ;bringing with
thorn a carload of horses,
1A11— At the
manse, Clinton, on March itJth,
• by 1*. Dr. Stewart,
Whiteman, daugjtter of Mr. Edwin
Whiteman, Of Morris, to George
Pindlater of the same township.
imata ...C. .14 .1'411 •
Sable Old Thing.
Soon" anglers will be out again,
And by the brooklet's 'shore
Witt idly lie and fish, and then
Go home and lie some more,
*Philadelphia, Press,
Teo.. Dolor:
This cut will give you a good
idea of the style and appear-
ance of our $to Raincoat.
It ,is made from all -wool
cloth, lined throughout, —
Tailor-made, correct in style,
and faultless in fit. We
could ask $12 for it, and
still be giving good value.
elktP MOS $7.50, $12, $6.50
No hotter value's anywhere.
Qualiting gond and styles right
• ot: