HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-30, Page 6.old In the Head dower u.eitli, sorious but it is. It gradually works down to the air passage* .and causes con0,1111loru and I fle,rnnse,tion. Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the ir,ung Tonic, is $ue,ranteed to pure coughs e,nd colds, Your rule 14tY beck. if it doo n't. 400 25c.. 50c. and $1.00 FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. rs. Wilslow's Soothing Syrup has. bin used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If dis- turbed by night and blroken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wilslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediateiy. Depend upon it, methers, there is no mistake aboht it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu- lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, redue..s Inflammation and gives tone and en- ergy to the whole system. ."Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses . in the United States. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. Be surf aid ask for "Mrs. Winslow's • Soolle ing Syrup." Shorwirenu 6 LONDO usinessN Aeade Each pupil is given in- dividual instruction. The Shorthand System tau ht is that used by all newspaper and court re- porters. [lest systems of Book- keeping, Penmanship, Arith- metic, etc . , thoroughly u ht tag Situations guaranteed Co every Graduate. CATALOGUE FREE. g \A4/111. C. Coo, OffIGIAI[°URTsi.ENB%RAphl L Time ClintonNows'R11 cord f+ w Backs in the Public L 1brary. Novels and Stories AllenJ L.,.ICentueky 0ardinal...............••• i ..•..•........... 111 211 Aller, J. L .,Aftermath .. ......... ••••••,.... •........5L2i2 Atherton (l...ltulers of Kings............... tai 107 A,dtiison.,Fiorestan The Troubadour...... ......r .............. 1321 AdeOeo,.ltreaking into Soeiety. AL 222 Aguilar .(l.. Woinan's Friendebtp.. t J 319 Attains, A•,Textts Matchmaker NO Anon. An Englislliwolrlan's Love Letter's M 220 Bacheller I"Darrell of tate Blessed Isles... G 413, 432, 419 Barr A I.,Belle .of Bow ling Green ......... .•••4••••••••• Cl Gall Marr A II.•Thrtt,Varrick..,..... ........ G .,,, 453 Bat'i'R.,Over the 'Border.,...... ...................• . ........ ........ .(i 412 Barr R. . A Chimp VI•ineess.......... ... .. (I 47.4 Barr R..lhe Woman Wins .,..,... ........ ........ M Barrett W..'I.'lto Never Never Lana News Of ,The Day. - :1 G•en•r•eal 110 pital For Penetar gtiish•ene .and A_:diaud; was opcnsd c• Saturday. Starvation threatrns Armenia ac.t cling to a cable message to the Bib': Lairds or 'Turkish Mission. Aid Soci 1.y from the agents of the society 0 A rnleni•a. ..G 411:3 ,Bell J J„ faster Adventures of Wee Macgt'egor. ....... 0, ..•.. , ...St 210 13e1LJ J..MrsMeL•erie.... .... •........ ..•,,.,51245 Bell J J,.J4 oss . 'Co ........ .... .. ... ..... .... .., 5I 212 Blacktnore R D.•Mary Anner'lev ...,.,..,.., ... ..... ........(I 452 Burgin 0 B..'I he Shutters .of Silence.. ,; . , ..... ...... ....... .., . M 23.2 Bulien V T.,Sea Puritans.. ,.•.. .... .., • ..,...... , ,,..,..L 318 Brame 0, . Prince .(Charlie's Daughter.., ..... . .......... • • ..........0 410 Barr AE.•1heBelle ofI3owlirll;Green„..•..:...... ................ . ...,.G 550.1 Conrad 5..The. Second Mrs Jim ,,,,, lit 231 Conrad J..Nestionto . 2.315 Cullom R..Hound trent the North......... . L 312 Colmar 1.t,.The P:()vector.„_.......,. .,., . 0 400 J 320 Clark, Ii7 B,.$wol•tl at thtriba(li, ,,...,.,...,,.... ,,,,H 451 CrlLwf(•rd F M.. Whosoever shall offend .., ... . .. . . ....,...„(i 498 Oaine Hall,.TlteProdigal Son...,. ......,................. ... G 49:4 ()noway lI„Called Back . • G 471 Cogent Si..Vendetta G 433 ('orel.i 1V1..Temporal Power. .,,,• ,,;........ ,. G 465' t'uralle 51.. R mance at Two Worlds • (i. 445 Crockett. S R,:1'be Loves of Miss Arne Crockett S. R. ,Strong t'1 ne Collins Wilkie,. A rnta(lale • Churchill \V—The Crossing Connolly J B..Tlie Seiners., . ... Doyle A. (Conan••Beyondilie City A civic welcome is to be given le lion. J. P. Whitney in the Counci Chamber this afternoon, and, an ill initiated address presented. The United States Government will not take any official action to prot;s • the action of the Newfoundlaod Gov- ernment in revoking the bait licens. • to American fishermen. Was in Dread of Heart Dimes But by enrlchtng the blood air building up the system with C. Chase's Nerve Food the symptom were entirely overcom(i. Many who are going through life in const horror of heart disease can take new courage the fact that, by supplying the heart with a s+ ciency of richred blood by the use of Dr. Cht• Nerve Food they can restore the normal actio the heart and overcome the distressingsympto MR. JOHN J. DONOVAN, 177 St. Eel - Street, Montreal, states ' I was all r down in health, "• very nervous and su ercd a lot with a ra in the region of n heart which caused r• to have queer fcclin come over me. Ti reputation which D Chase's Nerve Food h. as a system builder at. 0401 ..G 4211 ,.,.. G 451. 04131 ................ G 422 M 23;3 Doyle A('unan'1'1te'.Si};u.ofthe.Futn•.......••.. ......,....•+.;;......,...•M 2�ii Duncan N. Luke of the Lahradar . ,. •,, L 3321 Davis W l,.Falaise of Blessed Voice H 4;•3 Daudet A••Poland a, Mask ,,.,•• ............:................:....,,,,G 371) [Mason 14..,Sne T1u t ilegii,tates G 473 Downing 11..Nell 0wynne (I 47+• i)uncan S G. Pool in the Desert.:,. .., •...,..... 0.4.25 Myth's W.ilson.A- 3. ,Inez ....- .,..,. 0 435 Evans W ikon A. 3..:Mecatni•..,.,. Evsinst\Filson it, J.. At the Mercy of Tiberius.., row ler E T. Pince and Power Pox yeas.Eve n Lonesome . ua.Johtr �r..Cltrieta lox John je. • l he Little Shepherd of Kingdom lJonie flower L.. lei h ftil Dodd Fraser W A. ,The Blood Lilies u �•�u ' G 424 • • G 4.44E 51 236 0438 5 X31 I ....1 J 81.6 Girl. <� IdeasG 438• I'IintA..AGI f Fleming M A. "The Queen .of the Isle. • • • . , • • • • ...... .. .. . , ..G. 438 Gerdenshire'S M..Lux 0rncis,.. ....... .......,.. .01... Gm ynn 5.:John Maxwell's Marriage. . • ' Garland - 1-1..Kesper... . Green S P.. Deacon Lysander.: , • ..... .... . ... . Glasgow E. .The Deliverance..:. • .....' - (x -116 Rich Man, Poor Man or KE*TU GORDON Ceenigltt, 1904, i,r. Fames Wilwa Ant ledge h fi g Before they readied the overlooking Sausalito a Wrist like float- ing globules of crushed pearl rolled noiselessly through the assures of the hills and blotted out the, village, the pay and the: towers and chimneys of San Francisco—in other words, the world. In the damp air the girl's hair curled more distractingly ' than ever. Never had he seen it when it framed, the low forehead in 00 bewildering an arabesque of rings and curves and• waves, "You look, rather swell yourself,” she laughed in response -to his eloquent glance of approval. "'ICnickers and a Norfolk cap and the jacket aren't half _ enough to do it, but the thing Is that bad •on you. Taken in connection with there'sa girl—a mighty flue girl—and G 400' •••,••••.. D4 '2'0: eltltnt. 11.:••The Undercurrent.,- '. ; . • •. • "• •. • • • , • G. 477 Hat Al (`..Arundel. Moto 0 1511 Harland H..lyly'Friend Prospero.., ................,... G 455 Harben .W N..The. Georgians • .. M 224 Hyne (3J O.. Atoms of Empire M 2,4 dyne 0 J 0, • lhoitipsi n't'„Progt•ess M 223 Hyne 0 1 .0..Fililnustert•rs. •• L.;iu . 'he Queen's uair 5i, 2 3 Hewlett M 7 (� (a), Hutton li von..Arahy. M `205 •luttenBvon ..OurLad/ ofthe Beeches ... . .".,•.,..,,.. ,04:3, Harris B W . • White Chief • of Ottawa L 311 Harris T J . •Strife of the Sea, . ...:. .... , . ......, , .... L 308 Hopkins H 141 .,'I he:I+'fghtiug Bishop J ;8?8 Hopkins A M,. The Torch..,._:..••., G •t•?0 13ngggttrd"H R:.The Brethern• G 10' Holmes rl J..Lena ,Rivers Holmes M J • • Benita Experiment Holutes.,M J..5Lillhank. ...... ..... H:irraden B,. Katheri'nePiensh,on licrenun"r E W..Dennis Dent .. , '.lwcobs ` V \V..Odd Craft Jacob's:` \V..Drtlstone Johnston • J \V.,.'liystery of 14iutaui .f•acoti' Violet.:.The. Interloper... +tltlistuti 141. Sit 4lortinit•r... ... �r Kingsley F.51.—Singular. Mies Su,ith,' . Kingsland- Sirs 133.. Weddings • Kipling; R..7'rrtffics' and Discoverie, Kemptnn: • \Voce • Letters Lynde F..The Grafters Lubbo k B.. Llonnd the Ho. Before the Must London J..The Sea Wolf , . Lloyd J. U..Red Head Lloyd N..Soldier of the Valley � •• .`t34 • nerve restorative ]ed m.. to begin a treatmei with ' - I can report este excellent atioh r.. 1118. DONOVAN sults. My nerves arenr strong and steady, the pains in my side have 1, me and 1 feel better in every way. I do n hesitate to recommend Dr. Chases Nerve Fon in the highest terms." To protect you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box of his remedies. F Sportif you tike to readf the ex - andperiences of anglers, shoots: ersrand campers, or yacht - r Adven lure tare • in- Withterested in country jiffg,, ask your newsdealer for '(II'ORES'T' A1�Ti� R d 5`t REAM," or send us twenty-five cents andfor four weeks trial trip. A• targe illustrated weekly Gunjournal of shooting, fishing, natural his- tory and yachting, A new depart- , ment has to do with the Country Home and its surroundings. Terms: $4 a year, $s for six months, We send free on re- quest our catalogue of the best . books on outdoor life and recrcattett, FOREST AND STAMM PUB. CO. a 146 Broadway* Icier; York*e4 of her mother and, the younger girls, Strangely enough, thoughshe had pictured herself as married to another, there had always been .a somber, in- teresting figure hovering in the back- ground of that picture, one to whom she meant to be so kind, so gentle, so all sweet, that hie regret should become like it beautiful, sad song—to be wept over and enjoyed. And now the brute was asking her tb "torgiwe and forget” that he had ever told her that he loved bort They had reached the summit of a hill, and he proposed that they sit down upon, a convenient bowlder to rest be- fore attempting the next one. Ap- parently her silence was unnoticed. . "You see, fate's been telling oft my buttons lately," be began in a business- like tone, "and the decree is that it has got to be money!" • "What do you means" • "Rich woman, poor woman, beggar woman, squaw,"he elueldated, touch. ing the buttons on -his jacket, "and the lot falls to rich woman every time. It seems a beastly thing to thinkot- inarrying for money, I would be a cad your cleft chin," she went on, throw, ing her head back and screwing up her eyes critically,. "they make you a very presentable youth indeed." ° "We won't talk about that," was the terse reply. "This walk to Point Boni. to has an object," . • She opened her eyes wide. I really--I—hang it, I like her! •. But how am to tell whether it's the real thing or whether her money has some. thing to do with it? . You see, there are reasons will I should have money right away, long before I canhope to ,gain it by my own efforts. The governor is breaking down, and his affairs are in 4`Certainly," sheassented politely. bad shape,,and there .are thb two kids "Point Bonita,for 'instance. If it has and mother to provide for." P any other object,'' she 'went on Sternly, The girl's: heart , was staking as the . "ify you're going back to that old sub- mercury does in' a falling temperature. ject, I won't go it step farther." All the joy of living seemed to be ooz- By this time they were moving in the ing away through. her Anger tips, leave midst of a cloud. • I ing her cold and inert, He turned to• It was his turn to be innocent" _ ; ward her curiously. "You mean—oh," with a fine !meta- "Of course you don't think I'd con. tion of impatience, "doesn't a girl ever eider such a thing if 1 were not forced forget it 1f a fellow has once happened to it by duty!" he went on fervently •,thought to fancy himself in love with her and And I cameto you.because 1 t g said so?".' 4 you'd understand, because circum - The The pink of the girls cheeks= -it had stances are forcing you into #he same the .soft; furred look that is response- thing. They say you're gains to mar- ble for the slang adjective "peachy" ry Bradshaw. '. You'll be a rich wom-' deepened siuddenly, unaccountably. Out an and a happy one, I hope; but, .wheth- of the tail of his eye the youth observed er you are or • not, you will have done this interesting faet with .cruel glee, your duty by the` family. That will bo reflecting with a bens that he should . your consolation, and that's 'why' 1 have chosen diplomacy as vocation come to you in my difficulty. What•do. �• Instead of engineering: I you think—can I decently :ask the girl "You gI likeher, ins P m .oath;" he resumed,. o : but" , ▪ L :304- L 39,4 M 206, 0469 Lincoln J O..()a n. Eri .•.. .. •G 500. Lawrence J A. •Brakespeare.. .,. . (i 406 Lane E. M..Nancy Stair . • .. .0 1s11• Lewis, A 1.1..Sandbures • 111.240 Lewis A "II—The Boss G 42e Lewis AIX••Wolfville nights 1. :Y12:11 Lorimer 0 H..Letters'of Self .Made Merchant :113 2:311 Magowan A.. ]3uldah . . 1V1 24:• .Major C..A Forest Iiea;rth.: ..... .. .(1.41:i. Michelson M..In a Bishop's Carriage . • • G 150 Michelson M..The Madigan... ...... ............... .., ....G 416 Merriman H S.:The Last Hope ..... .....G: 463 Martin H R. •Menonite Maid. .-. , , • .G 401 McCarthy J..TheProud Prince G:4i3 McCarthy J',.The Lady of 'Loyalty House... ,., .... G 502 McOutcheon: G B:.The Day of the Dog G 478 McOutcheon G B..Beverley of Graustark (3 503 Martin 0 M The House of Fulfilment— ...... . ..... . G 486 Mil en E..The Yoke ...., •..,: G 404; MarchmontA W..The QndensAdvocate • • • , 0 495 McLeod N..The Gold Thread.• . • . • • 0 156 McSpadden ..Synopsis of Dickens' Novels 1::124 Merwin 8. .The Mersy Anne '. „-,.L309 Norris F A.Deal in wheat Mardi 3flth •t A O ° •!2 WHY YOU SHOULD .0 $ Tea se Because it is Recommended by the Best Grocers. You will generally find Red Rose Tea in a store which deals: in standard brands of high-class goods, These are the merchants who do not look for goods e them the largest profit, because it pays; them which give g best to sell goods which are the most reliable and.give their customers, the greatest satisfaction,. Ask a grocer of this kind bis opinion of Red Rose ea .his opinion will be honest, because nearly all other' �' p - teas . pay, him a larger profit than Red Rose.. 'Be 'and will tell you in a Probably uses it in his own house, very few words why he recommends. it.. • T. H. 'ESTABROOK'S, St. John, N.13. BRANCHES: TORONTO, WiNNlPEo, Farther and farmer me tog reeetlen, oracle. rat -- '. showing thin In spots, but still con- "Iticb man, poor man, beggitr man, waling the valley beneath them. But chief, he chanted. Doctor, lawyer. ure now. Even• when . merchant, thief. Rich man, pooh man! was .very is She assumed its old proportion•; , be stopped, looking anxiously for sue the world assn Mitten, but there was none there. It would be the same. She had •hall otherb o , her lesson. The .pe.achblow tint. was . "You see!" she gibed triumphantly. one from her cheeks, and. her eyes "Perhaps, ,you've made a mistake hi gone were grave and ungerlish as she spoke. your own •case too.".And, with a de - "Pm not, going to marry. Grant Brad- more face, " she. counted the, buttos. shave, she said Steadily,: "nor any ""Poor woman" sheannounced, end, ug ht c e bre . hisla g i n n ,methg other man whom; T den't love� So: you , ;.then something g u see 3 can't help you after all, I dont the bloom back to het face and her think I could ever really have, meant bead, went down -upon his shoulder. •1 to do midi n. thing" --e f The thin places in the fog. gave way.: Her voice broke; and the.,gyes that leaving two Jagged spaces that trained • had been looking into his with It plead- a beautiful picture. Down below the ing stronger than any words suddenly . Min was shining on the blue waters filled .with tears. • t of the 'bay on the trees and hedges, :h a silly)" she explained among wbieb nestled the houses of tete "I'm >iuc, . y, rather unevenly, "but' I hate to be ac- town. The girl caught her breath. she. forget he to mar me? Remember, , cused of such a thing, And . I think felt as if it were a benediction, a revela- sho�ld forgive and t merry d "You I'm not sure I love her! you ought to be ashanted, Jack? 'You're • tion of the peace of the years to come.. s p y y But what. about our families?" she now • ou 'insisted that you would••a1- 1 il'Ite fog, which had seemed about to •• a ;man •and you can make money or ; k Y rush themsoftly-a. ' a. few'monients.. be• yeturself and"--• asked in a• troubled voice when the ways he the best of friends, and-that'ser y i b• k but 'th y gilt h seemed.'to be paying no at- '•mist . had blotted out the pictures once . ,. 11 sit 'l". she remarked with some • heat. very sight of habitations crit off from sorption .he was .namingbrawny Itis ; their vie ,.,,......,.w,,..,�..,.,�,-.•,.-.-�....�,..°.,•„ "� " hallen 'ed, :But she reality pf purple•and fine linen, horses` o•oaao4rao��o�•�o�o�oNao�o�oa Since what? he di g • turned awayand did• not reply, while and .carriages and gold; Suddenly'tlte .. �iNa�oo�oa+►��o�o4l+oao . the walls ofmist.lazilyclosed in nearer scales fell from the girl's eyes, though: a and nearer.' 1 'she' ealized with a .pang that it t�.:t.t• •2 titin,,:.1 . • "Whattell me? she •• ' b had'' put lite only thing,I• • do you want to too late.. She questioned at last in an oddly subdued : that mattered•out • of .her life as. - Inanner; Me did not answer inline .'thoughtlessly and •carelessly . as she • m et path.: In � fro h her ethic sof S s'a p n nh a toe n o e would.' butswu ti p iatel g d y,. the narrow „path as if • he 'wets making She had not• even realized what the . •♦ , a .way for her through the mist: So he was doing.. '.Down• below, where the had got over, his love for iter: 'She felt Bradshaw fortune cast its: ,glaihone; , of desolation.. Still„ e • •thin ,had looker different Slee a shuddering sense t.t t3 g , • she: argued, she could. scarcely have had thought that with money all tliittng supposed he would "go on' caring, es- else' must fall into- place: But he•.t, what I need nowt'' fore, was now'• falling back, e u : e ., I must were still 1n a remote world; With the tention to tier words, With deep ab- more. He laughed joyously. out You .change quickly enough, the buttons ' "See. • M 201 Oxenham 3...Hearts In Exile:.: .: , ..G 506. Oivant Alf ,• Danny•,.... ..•. ▪ .15.221 Oppenheim E P..The Yellow ()rayon.;.• G' 421 Oxenham J.:Barbe of the Grand Bayon • •. .. .G 427 Page T'N..Bredinthe Bone....," .,.,.. . . M' 206. R Parker G.:The Ladder . of Swords •-G 484 Pickthall l4 Said The Fisherman . • .. G•` 426 Payne' ' •The Mills: of Man. ,.. • .. G 417 Phillips D G. The Cost' G 454: Pemberton M...Beatrice of Venice - • • • • • • • . • •G 467 Phillpotts E • •TheAmeriean Prisoner J 313' '.Gilford T..Butternut Jones °' .4'457 Tracy L The Pillar of Light, : r G 501 Twain Mark.,Extracts from Adam's Diary. ..,. .. .... M 213 Townsend E W.. "Sure" . , ..• White S E.•Blazed Frail Stories L •326 Waltz L++'O.. P •'%- G 430 Ward Mrs H. La -gladden ady Rose's Daughter. . G 423 Wister 0. The Vfrginuan, .. .......G. 434) J 260 blister O .Lin M ,Leti:n ...... L 314 Warner A..Susan (1:eg ., • •G 402 Winter J 5•,Oolonel's daughter •••i G 472 Weyman I)..The Abbess of.Vhivye (1.4!12 Williamson 0 N..The Princess Yasses,G 401 Whitehouse T B..The Effendi ,•, • , ... , H 45.1 Wilson Harry Leon,,The Seeker. • J 32. Roberts N'1 .Promotion of the Admiral ... _ ,+ • .51 207 Robertson M Sinful Peck • , . • " . • Cx 413t, Roberts 0 G D..Prisoner of Mademoiselle ..,G 46 Roe E P• • What can she da. . •3 -X17 'Roe E 3. • Without a home • J 308 Roe E • Taken alive .. , . • . • • . • . • J 3014 doe "EP•.Mies Lou.. .... ••••••••• ,.,,•J 310 RoeE P:.An Original Belle. .r•1, . •.....•..•.. •, J .311 Roe.E P..The Home Acre i J 3152 Robins E.The Magaeti. North •, ... , J 817 Stephens R.N••Brr htliace of Danger ... .....,G 1 Shard V . • By the Qut en's grace 0- 434 Sheldon 0..The Narrow Gate 0 151 Sangster Sl(trgant E. •The Little Kingdon of Borne ,..J 322 Smith W M..Evolution of Dodd M 220 SevoreyML.,TheEnignra ••••..•.M 231 Watton. Miss Martin of Ses,forth was .visit- ing friends in town. - John Grimoldby whose hand was lacei•s,ted it. the sawmill.lasti woelc is progressing favorably. Simeon I3arrows Vas .ailain stricken with partial paratyeis last week and is still in a very serious condition. 'It. if. I+'erguson has received some r'heclues for right of way lands along O. 1'. 11. route which he is turn- ing over to the farmers interested re- turn for their deeds. iosltua Pollard has disposed of his hell known Nortel team.. to V. 0, Dickson for the good figure of $400, Dr, P. C. Neal has returned frofn Winnipeg for a short time. tle re - weft it extremely difficult to get omces in desirable portions of tit city, 'He lett on Tues(livy for Niagara district on a prospecting tour, I' East Wawanosh. Percy Black of the 6th Line is en - q. gaged for the summer' with Mr. Shy- •rtroed, of. Morris. 1VIts,George Taylor, Morris, visited at Alex. Scott's, Westfield, last week, . Some of the farmers in these parts are busy tapping their trees, but they do not expect a very great flow of the sweet, stuff this year. The infant ohild of Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Noble, 6th. Line, 'who has . been +quiteill, is iinproving slightly. Jas. Noble delivered six hogs last. Tuesday at I3eigrave which netted him a -good sum. They were . less, than six months old and weighed. 1270 pounds, pecially since she.had egplained to him .`cut. off from the' world, the Bradshaw d With judicial carefulness that she must, .:weaitli'seemed less• than nothing un ��oaooNNo�o���000Noh '. marry a man with money on account love: the only thing. oa000M'o♦aoeoee.4 le 00000 I that? , he said,- holding -FOR PERFECT 2 ; HOSE • DYEING. I(�H E ST AND .BEST: R T •B ' USE, TO. 'EASY p$K FOR THE t(DfAMQND. THERIIi. • •. 'TAKE NO O e re. T ell d D n ♦ 4,11. D.•ruE�itet: a The News-Iteeord gives Me local tl0War , FATTEST -CAT GROWTHIEST 'HOGS •THE PLUUMPEST POULTRY: APV1J REATES QUANTITY 'O F EGOS It is a superb tonic and 'the, best condi- tioner in the world • ,_ , Saves grain, _aids digestion; makes growth. It makes the . Fin .st Animals and the Tenderest Meat at the cheapest cost .. For sale at a price ce which puts inoney in the feeder's pocket,, • 6 Ib. Bag 50c i 12 lb.. Bag $1,00 4.e le ford CURIO% and J. E. Harnwell., 4