HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-30, Page 4nem.
4...........: ,..., ,,,,„...„ ir„,
rile News -Record
• CL, ONT.
Hallett Township.
Mr. and 'Mrs. thaw; Fairserviee,
. Mee A. TeerMan attended tlie
Stewart Hill,. son of Mr. Joshua
W. Hill, left cm Tuesday for Regina,
Mr. William Bell returned ou Mon-
day from Deloraine, Man., where
Don't Take Tat WE
A word, 0 know-citieen,
. Don't take 'em. t
0 i
MoKINNON & Oa, BL frii
Wedding of their cousiu, Miss A.
Assa. He is a young. Man of splene
be had beenr, with a carload of bar'
The storm king may retina again,-
CCP= 44 110hacti.14104-41.per year
Of S0001111, ,, last Satur-
did phystgeo, and having thoroligh
i - . - a
adVance •$1.50 May be charged If
nets() paid. No paper diseontinued
until all arrears. are paid, utiless at
. the opinion et the publisher. The
date .ta• Which every suheeriPtleat is
.Paid is 0E40 on the la.hel, .
e . , 4-, dvertising rates Transient aver-
• •
tisaments, 10• eexitg per nonpariel
line for first ineertion and .8 'cents
line for each subsequent insert-
Per - . • • • '
ion. Small advertisentents not to
exceed one inch, such as . "Lost,"
Mrs. Jarilee Heater IS laid up with
*Arley at present.
, M. ,Jame Gllaaby has bOught A,
farm in Morris and get possession
at °Ace,
Mr'. William Carter has completed
the assesernent of the township.
• •
James Fairservioe sold a fine eoit
to Mr. Williaeu 131:undson. of Londese
bier° last week,.
• .•
knowledge of farming will engage in
that occupation in the West. His
brother, George W. Hill, leaves on
'Thursday for Seattle, state of Wash-
ingtoe• He has spent several years
in that state whereebe was engaged
IR lUzaterleg to Which he •purposes
returning. 1 .
JohnitY Ha. Yes, w. hie ;has .been Sick
for a month weth pneumonia,. is now
on the mend.
Woodbees haVe been. numerous the
sea. says that a great neMber
of horses are being taken into the
West, but that it is a risky specu-
lation except for a shipper who 'kilo-
ws the ropes.'' There is a very lar-!
' ge. immigration, but the labor mar-
ket is going to be overdone except
for farmers, laborers, carpenters and
masons. .
S.anwel Milker, who- was fer fifteen
years a, resiitent of this village, died.
on Thursday of last week, aged tbir-
ty-eight years. He was an Industrie
Don't take off 1
Tile ,,ea,,,a„,,, v be glad and lidglit
An'it '''''.(k7u"g-g All:awns that aprawis, in
'• '
sight, .
. Yoe, can't tell what may come ere
Don't take 'eat off
Perhaps they scratch and stick and
burn -•
Don't take 'ein off ! . ,
Too late is not the time to learn-
Don't take 'mu 1
, .. .04F reeettraerear a
t , tmig
ire. NEW Ct)RSErt, , 9
tee. ..i
We Italie just eaveived our new Corsets for spring.
5. A
.tte do not Confine ourselvee to Any particular make of corsets. -
ea We exa
•mille every iaaker's samples and select 'e best 'the lints 41
• t from each, which gives our cestomers a •greet range ot the .0
y best goods to Chooee from. Below we menition a few, of the,
y .special lines eve bow this spring : . e
ee Tbe C. B. C. Corsets, mete of line • Batiste, in white and e.t.,
el. grey, dip waiets, the aew little Jap corset- clasps arid , ..:
hose '
"Strayed," or "Stolen.," etc, in-
serted once for 85 cote and paeli
sabsequent insertion 10 coats..
aommunications intended fOr peeelica-
tion must, as a guarautee ot good
faith, be accompanied by the name
of the writer. , •
Editor and Proprietor.
• .
Mr. R. Smith has returned acme
a•fter Spending a few days with hit
sister .in Niagara. • •
lelaster Janies McCool spent Sun-
day ;with his ,cousin in town. . .
Messrs. M. Brown and WeLee -have
rented :the farm recently. acupied• by.
Mr. S. Appleby.
' 'John is ate
past. fortnight. Among those having <>es luau, and a stone mason by tra-
them, were ; 0, Lovete, W. H. Bell. de. Ile is eurv;ived hY his wife and
J. R•apson, 13; Carter ami w. Maw,. . awe children, The funeral took place
It is expected that a letter bee on Saturday. .
will Ihe'Piaced ir,4 our postofece which Mr. William Wallace of IVIorris left
would be a coneiderable convenience here on Tuesday for Manitoba with
to the patrons. • . • ' ' a, carload of 'settlers' effects.
The ice broke, up in the river lest • MreIVIeGill is having a sale on Fria
Friday. The Water was not so high day of his ehousebold effects. Our
as last Year at the hrealcuP. popular auctioneer, Mr. d. Hamilton
Mr. I. Brownlee walked into .Clize will, Wield the mallet, ' •
ton for the mail for two
The buds will soon begin* to sptout, .
The lambs, ere long will frisk about,
But don"t you. care -you jt4st look out.
Don't take 'em off I
The hearse is not a lovely thina-
It's .sad Dt.00nh't4vteakteo 'dein: in
Don't take 'em Off t 431.
What if the crocus wants to poke
aa supporters, We have them in, three styles, the June 4:
ae Bride, Batwing and Peggy from Parisat $1. ...s.,
% Crompton's Corsets, in the Yatisi, Victoria, Al,exandria, el.
'a. • Fairy,' etc.,' at $1.25, $1, 75c and 50e. ;
,t„ B. •t5z C. C'orsets, in all the best makes, in. tan, drab - and 1
Wilite, Steel plied, dip hip, straight boat, trimmed, with 4
.:. 45'
a. lace and ribbon, at 50e, 75e and. $L . . • . • ae
Da& A.' Corsets in. drab and white, jeau, email and butte- ,e
x - tee in three kealities, at .50c, 75c and $1. ' - fit
.... a. ez 1. Corsets, in bias , cut and bias • steel filled, lacede .
'.' with three, laces, at .$1 and $1.25, t
... Ie.. T. Corsets in the 'watch spring and tape girdle, in. all ' ,..s:
Goderich Township, .
The next meeting of -the tOwnship
Mrs . Manning present
• sufferieg •from -an attack of rheumate
ie lever. We hope to son hear of her. e
' recovery, , • • •
weeks, ow - Several carloads of rollers, were
tug to e almost impa'ssable state shipped . from this station to the Old
h.. ountry last week.
of te wads..It was either hoof it C •
ie or disappoint those, who get their • Mr. Samuel Crawford of Kinear-
Itself up thrOugh the sod and croke .9
A word to you and it no joke-
Don'e take 'ein 'off 1 • .
.s A
.. Sizes., from 50e to $1.25, . .,
.!... Mtsses' Corsets and Ch-ildren's Waists ifiegreet variety, at .f.
. •
a. 25e and 50e. .
miss Lay mcapei spent Sunday un.
mail at - Summerhill ,so the genial dine was attending the funeral of his
a„. .1
melee will be held on Monday.
The 16th con. was in good . shape
travelling last late
der the parental -roof. ' •
. ..
• The ioe on Friday' did consider-
Ike coyered •the- distance on foot. • :'late uncle, Mk. S. Flitker, on Setur-
Mr e Heery Wallace, Whose weddieg' day. . • A. Spring TOnic.
c. . pee A
• ' •
or week, .0v' as
A Saturday. This was.' largely ow--
ng to the fact that Harry and Rote
rt Thompson had several- times dur-
able .daneage to the bridge on the ell)
and, 9th copeession; Hullett: e
. Mrs, John Nott is at present. un-
der the doetoa's care, a . •
. ----
was recorded in last week's issue. of - On Tuesday the last cattle and bor., ,.,„,• ,,,-,,„.„ ,i,„ „„, .,„„ , .„„ ,, „..c,
The latiai/24 1 Lai. .44 1.T ,I. Illi. 1 1/ Ill LI iVILI
News -Record, .arrived home with se fair of the season *as held. The • • •• ' • '
his bride last Thursday evening. Ow- clowd in. attendance was not very RICH, RED BLOOD AND DRIVE
ing to the very bad state of the large owing t� the bad the (MT DI'S•EASL '
''•."0 4 • • • • II. •••• • • • * • • ; • * • • • • • • 4. • • • • • 41 . . .1 . . : 4..., _ _ 44 ,4.04viwelel*010,0"m"P4t0000"."P~~"oNstervitevivvvvv.w"..$4,040,9,10.4 .4
rig the season -kept down the drifts
Messrs. R. Carter
. . state of
roa,cls they were hours
y means of a disc harrow, Thee
,re entitled to thanks for the interest
hey displayed in keeping the riTad in
iassable condition. •tier
Mr. Walter Leroy has moved his
amily to Rat Portage where he has
aed Win.' Taylor
eeee eaeb, purehased a new . .buggy
. trona 13r undo n . Bros. ' ' •
Miss. MaggieYoeriabfut is . visiting
sister, Mrs. John Nott, the past
week.. .
almost seven roads. Several horses were bought .
driving as :nia,ny Miles. ' The ' .come 'up by the buyers who were,: present, All physicians are agreed that
munity joins in extendiug the • best On Saturday Mr. and Mrs, 'Emigh. evetyone needs a fresh supply of new
'of Zead wishes to the . happy • youag • et the 'Commercial were visiting fri- blood' an the . spring. The reaon is
Couple •• who have ta,keca up housekeepe ends in Stretford. • . • plain -close canfin.ement in overheat,
ing on the groom's . farm near this Gee. of our old . residents, • Mr. Jahn ed, imeerfectly ventilated eornes and
village McGill . .
, , and family leave here • on Work places, have clogged the . blood
. .
.e• 0.•••••••‘4,01Kafetele..1144,111e..11••••••••••••111•• ,
' e.
. e
mbarked in business. Mr. Leroy
in Seaforth.
. •
Tuesday.- next. for Saskatoon,. Sask- with *purities. 'The liver is slug-
• . •
vas formerly in business
n •spealking of the Portage Mr .• 'Ler-
y mentions the fact that the name
'C. C. Rance" els so prominently dig-
layed so high on the rock riper
hat town that the etnestion is often
,sked, how was it placed tdiere ?
his is the C. C. Ranee of Clinton
the some years ago was in iu"usinees
t Rat Portage. -
The Eilyfield Line youths held an-
ther oyster supper on Tuesday ev-
' James Swit-
ning, this time at Mr.
a's in honor of Xenia, who leaves
er New 'Ontario this week. Owengeto
f the) roads some were
he bad state .o •
th re but
isappoin•ted in not gettin,g e , _
hose that did enjoyed .themselves to
he utmost until the wee sma" hears.
he young people are all sorry to
ee Morris leave their midst but wish
im success. .
Messrs. Richard and Jonathan Pea
1 Stanley called on friends on the
ayfield Line on Friday last: . Jona
AUbUatt. • •
. t A pleasant event . toe. k. place at the
eome of Mr. John Symington on
euesdava of .11aet week when hiselde
3st'cla.ughter, . Mary E.; was wedded
to Mr. Henry Ea.Wallriee af Hulleit,
Pre. eise,1Y •-•at .' ea'ciac.k :the . groom
took his mace and the mac entered.
the parlor, which: was . nicely. decorat
. el • for the occasion •leanin . - th
• , g on , e
irm. of her father,. to. t•he Strains of
. the wedding March .played. by '• Mies.
Vt. Wall ce., The bride was •drgesed in
h't a ' V t a dwith 1
Ai' .1 .e organ( le timme we ace.
Md rilipon and earried .a heeetifia bo-
met of white ' bridal 'roses,' ' -. T.he
. •
ride's going awae. own . was of ley y
•) g . g
ilue .cloth with white. silk ewaist and
h't ''i • hal -t 'eh '1 white
a• : 1 a Alf)ttel; t a .43.1.1g ' .
he ceremony was over
P1 me, • ,
11 retired' to the dining room • where
1 . ,
11 t t ' • Th • '
- in exec en ea .wasperved, • e peee
;ents were numerous and costly, .am-
•atchewan, • where they intend to make gish ; the kidneys . fail to. perform
- Drysae..
. • their home inthe futureWe wih their ork . • ew,.properly. The impure
d l
Wednesday eveeing Of east wee.k bre- Mr. NileseMorgan of ' 13. ritisels . . was you, may wily feel a little. eirect, or
eglit • a surprise to the. home of • Mrvisiting friendsin town . the past ;easily depressed, but these Are. mere
Robt. Drysdale,. who fol years has week.: • -• ) '. • - symptoms from which. niore _serious
c.onducte. d a general stote in our) burg, .Mr.. • Ro. bert BrOwn returned from trobble .will follow.- In ether cases
Previous to their departure"for elerisa ;Ielenitoba •on Monday. • •
impure blood makes iteelf manifeet in
all, where the family intended locating e eThe present year is full of Sundays. .pimples . and disfigeeing eruptions, 0C-.
abont sixty of • the 'neighbors• aseeme It; starts and. ends with a Sunday : ccisiorial. headaches, a variable. appc:
• bled and resented them with a coin- it h • Sundays - than any• other tite, • attacks Of indigestion or. Amu-
as moee. .
P dd . - ..ed • Matisin &ins In the b•a,ck ' and. loins,'
p mien ary 4. rees eccompania ay, a akar. . and has five' months with Aye . ..
handsome •clock. When the. .excite - -Sundays ea.eli, This' woad indicate t - ht" th ' ' '
But waatever. the . Lou e,. ere is
Ment of the serprige has subsided the that the calendar Makers. mean the only. one sure efayeto gat rid -cif it,
famil were athered into' the arlor 1 •• .. ca the land t g' •full face and, that • is ' through .. the aide,
Y :._. , g.. . p .c eigy ie ° -I" ' aew bldod, 'which.comes.from the a-0
and •the following addrese was read.. value for their salaries •this yeay. . • . - . . ,
W 1 'a. ' aek '11. ' 1.' • ey
To Mr and Mrs.. Drysdale. and .. miss Minnie Thompson .Of Clinton 01 11 1 11 --ms. Pi • •P1 4' .‘"'"
• - ' . . . - -.• • • •• . • • ' • • ' pill you take Makes new, aich '...:Iood,
Famil ., has been visiting her . sister, Mrs. A. e . •
y ... . .- • ' • • • braces the nerves, oyercomes all
' • '•
F ..- ' • •- the .'- ' f .11 Tierna •
Dear !lends ,.. We, e, people .o , ... .Y., . . • • , . - , ,' • • •
'weakness, &ayes the gerins ,pf' disease
this. carimainity, ehave heard' with ae- .Miss leliza,...Coonebs, of. JarnesteWn., ftom the body and gives You.Vim and
, •-
giet that, you are, about to leave oui. is epending a Week or two visiting. at .. .
• - • • - • - • 'a. • ' / e • i . • ' i - • ener t t eh '. t • id heat ' f
-gy• o resist e oira
midst. wheie •y,ou. ave • so .. o g. • made, the home o eee. and Mrs.• James the aiming: summet. - - 'Mr. • Charles
:yout home. During: these' many': long 'Mitt.' ' .• . • • ,f
ye rs that • we have been neighbors 'eve .- ' • •• . 4 • • Saulnier,, Corbeerie, N. S., -seys : . I
a a John 'getting 'every- '
. .
. We are making extensive. preparations for a 131g . Spring Sale • - i
of Pine ShoesFor the balance of this ...•• month we will eon-
-tine°. our GREAT 'CLEARING SALE, which has been thus
a fir a grand succese, We have yet a, limited supply 'of el
eellaneous goods .which we will clear out REGARDLESS,
OF COST, , ., . ,, - a ' • •• - • ' /
. .
. , . Our Beys' and Girls' School. I3oots. at 90e and SI are the . 1
. go
hest •values. ever. offered in Clinton.
' . .
Our .Meri's -Fine Boots at $2 and $2 25 are .Trade Winn•ers
• . . • ' . • ' . •/ • ' - - .." .
•• ', Yen ehduld see•the • values we • are offering in Ladies'• •Fine.'
. . ,.,
.5 . '
. Boots, $ and $3.50 boots going at $2, we may have ,your • -
. .
„ size- left. Viu:. cannot judge et the values we are given " a
unless .you come .4na see.. No •trouble to ;show "goodse . a
. ,
e. We. know *e can save you money on Footacear. Do you. need .' . - S
. . .. . • 43
' Rebbers or Rubber Boots.? . We have just' what you-. want.. . • .
. ..
, We aresole agents in Cliaton . for Kant Krack and, Granby .
••• Rubbers. •We believe they are the. best- and ;they don't cost
any more than the infeiloe .kincle. We guarantee eveek .pair. ,
y ave the best
. . . , • , - i
Ian leaves for the West this :tveel.
here he has accepted a, position as
lary The. Item
mcher at a good •sa .
. ill be .s,hort and the average cetten
Ince is small. •
We are glad to say that Mise May
opper is fast regaining her _health
ad will soon be as well as ever.. . .
Miss Sarah Keys Stanley. spene
) th m bein • • .beautiful su-
. ag.. 0 .g..
a from •Mr. and. Mrs. Neaves, a bed-
mem s I:. oni r.. an ts. . .. ,
- lit ir . ill d M • • Medd '
.4r. -6, dining room •suit from the brk,
. , e, . - ., . a . .• • . . • . . •
le s parents. The eyening was -.spent
'.ii. mesie, and gaMes after . • ' - -
whieh. tht:
eridal party left. for their home • on
. ..• ,...
the. groom s airri :pear . ummei 11 ,
. void. shOWerS. of •:tice-ahd bed Wish -One
• '
• - • . • Stewart is was very much* run down and. . so
have found each -.anti' alt. .01. you; :gee- thing in rea,diness'fdr 'a good season weak I 'mild • hardly 'work, It seenadd
mai in dis osition • II•indi ' in• m nner - • - .. . . .
P. .: ' • Y. • a - , atalaulding. cement,- Wane: ' • .. • ' as though. my blood was littlebetter
' '
irreProaehable in chatatter ana ' •eYee• _ . . -
• •' d t • .1 it .1 1 : *1 *4 t th s t • f ' L ' 1 t • lb •• •tv t i I tried several medie
rea ,y .0 . en. ,a, re. pina. ate ...,. a o e
ed. his eoiirst . t the' Central E1usiness eines,. but :got, nothing .. 'to 'help : me
.en need . . . .a . . .
a • • ' •
.. • ' • :. .• .• '• ' • • . ... college io.•Stratford. and hat..,,....sinee until I. •began, • taking'. •Dr. .Williaans'
'Voile- 'depertiire will not (jute ' be a
. . ..-- accepted an linpoetant position , ,with .Piee•Pills.. . It was.'s1mply .isteeiete
great %social, lose .to the. neiglifeleyhOed tvg• how quickly theie•pille' begaii. te,
MessrsBO 1 • Br ' 11 • oporate 1.6 •
. .. eemee . es., w o .o a a , . , . .. „.. „ . .. i, .. .
..- you . p ace, in c nic -me :es . 1 . .
but ' 't• .. 1 •••• h . h ' ' 1 ' rell•
be ' fill. of the r largest . storee,in* Berlin., helP. . me and how much new. life ; •and
. .
. ..
, . ,.
• Th -:.0k1 Reliable .:. •
• • •
. . .
. • •. • '
• •••.•
. . , .
.. . . , . .
a, Mrs. Elliott.
. 3s Th- X Re rd joins he rtilv
. ci.. .ewee co a
• '
n . t.he wishethat . neeeh heppoiess and
erosperite • is in §-tore . for, the young
4iinee4 You have .. eVer, .
and eive eiriploynient to fifty • elee.ks, vigor their . pot into me. .They have...
'Clone ypur duty' in 'the Sabbath Seta -.. .. . • .. . . made me -as sOund as.eeer 1 wae-i": e
Mr. Peter ,J. McDonald .ancl pop., .
ool, over. which yon - haat: .1leen seper•-• 6 bi d : .tk • t• i h wtti....
.. Russell now of Brussels • called • On ood
t. ' d t " 1 • M . ' • th'
in en. an so •• orig.. any , are e . . . , - . , - ,- .
a strength The secret. '
.... .
. - • a . -- • - -- - • ' • ' - . . . . , . ; ..
••4,••••••••••*****•••••••••• .4.040 • #0. • •
• . . , . e - . : . . . . ,
couple. . ,
. . .
.. and of good .
a• their • old •neighbor Mr James Cutt • • a - . • • • g
lessons. you haye .encleaVored to prose • -• • ' . ' . ' -, • • . a blood is • Williams' 'Pink ' Pills,
' ' -
. B..noovgg: . NEL,SON.13ALL i
Porter's Hill. •
, . • • avhile• in Blyth.' • • . , • . • • .Dr.
upon. the minds.,of the youth • and -we
Mrs. a W. Potter returned 'home
--- -
me da last week. . ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Walter -Weston ari
me again. ,
Mr. Vandefeurgh intends &tartlet/
s peddling wagon next week. . H.
to take the same eoute ae
. .. ..•
. • . - .. ,
„. Canitanee... .
Miss. Turnbull of Brussels- , is... at.
gesent spending a '• few • weeks With.
liek cousin,' Mr.. 11..r. , . . ... .
Reva.A. K. Birks of -Seafotthe ..Will
next • Sabbath ':afterncion -•em
.. a • .
trust •, those seeds, thus .; Sown ' Will • • While .,walking. along the street ' in..
bear Mu& limit' to. thc-) giOXP.and ilea- Toronto, •Mr.• John Moffat; - formerly
et. of 'Him. whom we are. all lavited, of Blyth, slipped on .theacy sidewalk,
to follow . H . . ... . . and broke his , _thigh .bone • in the
In this world we shill ever •find• fall- - .. - a • . . . . .-
it even as to -day ..that frkends .aie• Mi,s.. Andrew lekBeath,..of, Oda-
coming and 'going-. 'Panalies • grow up . site, - is et present • visitieg - at • the;
aegether home •Mre-D.- M. McBeath.
. These pills do not aet upon the how-
els-their whole Mission is to •riatke
.n.ew, rich' 'health giving "blood Which
, .7 t . ^ - ' • P . • .
.strengthens every organ; . arid-• every
nerve and ..drives :disease' from ... thi:
body, Doe't take anything but the
. genuine •pills, • which have the ..• full
name e "D r. Winianie' .. ' Pink- Pine '• . f or
" ..
• .
• a .
going _
s predecessor .did. .- .
It is rumored that wedding bellb
ill ring •before long on the 74th eon-
ssion. . .
,areaob. .
lehalf 0.1, .the ' Educational 'lurid.. -•
. • . •
, ....,.
• Our:sleifghing' Will. soon he • all :gone
till next • fan. •...'-• • • •'" • . •• - : • . '..
. • .
awl :. part.. So .it is in this of „hereaon;
. instance, - you and your -family ahall. • . Mrs: Wm„ Trewm,,has sold her. 'rata
. . .. ...
in a 'few days -separate .frolo .. those •dence on the corner of •Dienmeond•arid,
with ... whom a theye eliave. associated Mill streets to Mr:. jpeeeh Wheatley,
since childhood and Shall- take. 'up .9f .Harlock, for 800 .. • .
. . .
-Pale- people" torinted On the wrapper
around:each Nix. •:,11, fri.. doubt,' '. write .
.... .. ..
,The Dr: Williams Medicine . Brock -
-eine A ,
;' ant., 0,04 the pills will Co,be . sent'
• 'at 50 ••cents a 0/oX or.- six boxes . for...
• a•
6 C
Miss E. Cooper spent Sialturday. and
anday under the parental ..roof i.:
• •
• • . .
'Hiplifile$Stilk - ' •
your •...ablode • .in '.other. earth. -Your.
plebe among. tis 'will be ivacant „het
Rev: James e McCaul, deputy •sept-•
, eine chief 'ranger .Of the Independent
•$e.50:: • • •
. ...• ..
. - ,
ayes. T.iine -an
• a
. o.r-.
Linton. . .
A meeting : of L. 0.,, L., No: 18g
ill be held on , Monday neat when A
tge attendance is requested. '
. . . •
. .
..•111t. Jas: Miller is ibis: . week mciv-
. . . „
.ing his..farnily . to his far*, on the
Bayfield „Line, . ....., '• , ' .' '..... '
: Mr. .Oliver •Wilisen.• was home, for a
we. , will to 'cherish loving
eemembrancee e ea you .,for :time.. • to
cornea • , . .... a', . . '.., - .'• e . ., .. e
goiv ,:we feel it ..would be doing ' you
lidestice 'if we allowed 'theeolippre.
.Order of Foresters is: iii.the. village.
• iii .cormeetion • with the ..i/iork • ef • tlie.
:order, and is Meeting- With. •e,ncaurage
ing ...success. . Hewas present .a.n4. • Ada.
d resf ed. the Christian' Endeavor meet-
. . .
The Editor and the • Doctoris
• . ••• , , ,,. •• • . • • . - . ,. . •
, The • followir.g..18 . again.. going : ..the
.•'. ..
: ..,... ''
. •
Hillsgreen. :
Ur. Andrew Kahl was nearly flood-
out with the thaw last week. . .
Ar. Levi Stelck has been inelispee
few -days .before .., startles • fpr '.• eCe.la
gate,. • . .• . ', a ' a • ' • ' •a
.alig's •Whittingham •ise)eisiting • rela- •
tivaa in the. neighborhood: .- . • ...
. 1Vliss.. Edith. 1-(0ingworth • is laid up
with la iripija, . L .. ' .• ' •
tunity to pass without - ehowing. you,
besides in.' mere :Words, .tur.2feelingeof
gratitude , for . Your: setVieee' and our
regret .for ..your departUre. • We ask'
you therefore . to .accept. this • '. cleck
Mg 'in St.: .Andrew's. harch on'Tees.••
day .." evening, .and • was, also at . the.
•Ladies' Aid entertainment ilast".eVen-
ing. He assisted Rev. J.. , Holmes:. in
his specialservices on Thursday and
Friday Week, •
rounds: . , , : ?....'
',.: ;
if an . editor .xnakea.' 'a.•••mistake Le.
has to apologise for it, buteif.a doctor'
makes a; mistake-be:buries it. •,. ••
. ' - . . . • .• . . • .
• If • , the. editor. makes .,onethere is a
lawsuit•' • . 'in and th.e 'finell. of
, cal. g a
. .
. .
lie one.
for the past few days. a •
Ar. Chas.. Troyer was in London
business last Week. , '
Ur. Ralph Workman was in Olin:-
n and Goderieh last week. •
ier. James Jarratt had a very Sue-.
... . .
Mr.. X.eil and 'son Of Cainsville are
. ' . .
visiting the.'fortnees,..sister,• Ittfrs. F.
Leonatd.. ' .- • ' - ' • • ' ' - •
Mr. .1A... H. •Howell of .Geiderich w.as.
in the village.bne day last week. .
and to look upon it net at • • to- 4;6
- t ' s' value but as e.-memotial of
in rm ic. .
the many . pleasant days you. all spent
a.montus. .•____. • . . ' ', . •
' "' • - ' '." , • • •• .' • h•
. In . conclusion. •w.e Join in •wis• mg
g o , o .
God's richest blessin ' t . 't llow you
and. 1
yOut estimable.' Wife And famiLY •
.eveningsl. of last and;
• •
pteached• in .Ste. Ahdrew's• church on
. . . .. . . .. .
iinday, • • . . . . • . • . .. •
. -Mt. Di lel. McBeeth dieposed of his'
general 'store bust- . . .
"ress to Air G- M'
. . • • • •
Chambers, - late...of Antherley. . For
some time past Mr. IVieBeatli h,as, not
' .
sulphur ; ' but if the doctor. makes one
• , . • . . . • . .. , .
. there me ..a funeral,"cut flowers' and. a
smell of. Varnish.' - ' • .. • • •
, , •• . .
• A • doctor can- use a word, a • yard
. . . .. • . • . ... .
,•,,., ,,,,,..,4,owt know. g
m what it meana
""."g.• ""'''''.' '.• • • : e . • • e ' • '
litit • if the .editoi uses it . he has . to.
't '
, -
. '.thidertakin
• • '
.. .
• •
g . . proniptly att ricled•t *b : .. irt d
e . . o.. .y,i-rig or. ay.
. .. , . a '
.,.. - . - •,• • . • • • ..., • . , .. .
' ee
. . .. .. . 0.-0-9--9-p-o-c>0.0-o-p-o-0-0-0
. . .
isful woodbee on Friday last, at.
itch about sixty cords were. tut.
ie young people' enjeyed themselves,
the evening at a good dance.
dr. Gordan Clark and Miss Bertha
Lleman Are visiting ,friends here. . •Drysdale.
Ur. James Morrow, who has ebbe.. •leg
. •
• to-yOur new 'bottle where we hope you..
- . .
, , . „shall lOng be 'spared to enjoy many
, .. ... • • • - appy, healthy eand prospereus Oaks.. •
• John .Dell; a brother :of Thos. Bell, . . '. .. . • . . .. • .. •
ii on the ice on leionda.Y arid breke Signed on behalf of the people of
his right leg r. in two p1 (05 Ills' loft - ..., .. • • -. Ryard
..Blow, .
was . amputated btelovi,'the .knee
• ... • •' ,
been enjoying • very good health•,• and
. .. , . . • . . - • .
thinking that •a ..well-eatn'ed .rest wou-
, e .. .. • .. . . . . . ,
" hmi to..his former good
health • be sold • out 'his bustness. • e
are glad 'te • leatn'. that ..he Will still
continue to be a;•..resident. of • Blyth.
'and occupy JO 'beautiful. •residence on
s .11. - • • .....,...
PC ..1 .., .
.1f... the doctor. .goes- to eee -.another
,,, . . • - ..• .. . • ., ... .. •
mans wile -he charges for. the visit,
but if . the editoi .goes, to . see another
man's, wife he gets, ,a. charge of back--
shot.. ., '.' ... .... ' '.:.- ' -. • - . • ' .
When a, ..doctOr gets • drunk i t' . a
a °
. -
:. ,
' DT' .ht
-tk,. . ig
. • .
: ,C)..0 ,.•,,..E .:: :tick . L.
. r
. . . a>
• ' d 'S
an. unday cells answered eia re/ad/lice Of eitheiof th ' I 2
. • .• .. , .. . • • ;,, .. e .princ -
•.. . ' .. • . .. . . . . . . ,L .. . . ... . .
. . • • •
. .. .
ipl•oyed with Mr.• Francis Coleman
• Laura-Horeer.
. •
7 the peat three years, has engaged
th Mr. Bert Turner. •
dr. Briseo H'umphrey has enga,ged
th Mr. Geo. St phenson.
dr. Robt. Fores purchased a fine
several e years and the eatient's , • •
advanced° age, seventy e•earge 'renders Mr.'. Drysdale made a. reply in Which
the aceident extremely salons. .. . in behalf of
' he thanked the: donprs: . ,
. . • ; 1 ; hi ''.: Molten,. of his •wife . and of los famela
A freshe as eare away t ii, . .1
t h • ied
fot their kindness.to thein•in the. p.ast
dge here OVer the north branch of ..the .
.. . .• . .. . d' i their' b • • f th •
Maitland River. • an or rement ranee . .o • ent•
Westinoteland street. Mr'.
comes ' well recommended' Ai a .busi-
. ' - •
neSS man and we . .welcome him. a nil
his family ',to our , village,' He has
ardd it d t.. • d business rid •we
ee e o a• goo , . . , al .
trust he .will meet with good success.
cane of .'",overcome by the ;heat"' and
if :he' dies it- is 'heart teOuble. ,
.., • - . • • . •
When an .editor .gets drunk • It's a
e' s.., 1 ..t much• b. me nd 'if ...he
dieS it's a, • ease of .delirimittremeos.
• • • ' - '
. .
- . • •
• L , • • . , • '. • - . • •. • ' - • • ',•• •
-.. .., . , .._,
- • -. • •
im last week. - •
dr. Wm. F•oste has gone lab
- • • • , on this the .eVe. of . their departtlre.
The ladies then took possession of
-Frani the London Free Press . we
•take • "There
Ana.,0 1'
col ego can make .a doctor,
You can't 'make 'editor, he
.• • • .7-- ....._______e_. er
.. . .. . •
' ' .
ear making extensively this year
1 will be able to supply anyone
o is in need Of that appetizing li-:
• . 'the house •and unloaded their , well-
. .
In. The Nursery.. . • .filled baskets and it • is .needless to
• - •• •• . .: . say the fair:- sec of this vicinity kept
Evora ' to
the following : passed
. . . .
way n Marcb. 10th at MS late res-
a ...o , ,
idenee, ...Maple Greve,. 15th coneeseion.,
Lor don township, Mr. James.' Scott,
an as
has ;to he .born. Ool. R. NV Pload,
Trade- prese List. ' '
• ., WE- liOLD. OUR USUAL. .
. ..,
Ir. Daniel Hagan of Parkhill is.
iting under the parental roof. ,
Ir, Frank Farquhar has engaged
Ai Mr. John Consitt for the eorne life..
L summer. .
1ts. James Jarnott Sr., who, has
ni seriously ill for the past few;
eks, we are glad to say is meta,-
mother should be .able illi their reputationas aeoted, cooks.:
' ' of little • - • L . '•
treat the minor .ailments 0 . C,oupled off the crowd gatheied round
om t acti ma prevent • , • • • •
oltes, Pr P • oh y and did .ample justice . to . the good
serious. illness...perhaps 'save a child's' things.. . The. reniain,der of the eVen-
A simple remedy en the 'home is ihg • was spent in social ehat and
therefore an absolute necessit0d y', parlor games. Atleout two, the crowd
Ise• • • ••
for this purpose . there is nothing e . dispersed feeling none the woise 0 f
0 geed aa Baby's Own Tabletg, their evening's assemblage.
These Tablets . promptly cure all
...,..- .
at the ripe old ..age ' of almost 82.
• • ' • )
years. Deceased, after one. month 8
'illness.; SecellMbest.to_Ithe effects of a
paralytic. stroke. He - had liyed all
his life . on the' 15th congession and
had always eoloyed good health. Fif-
ty-six years ago he married IVIiss
Sarah Culbert; of MeGillivarY, who
survives him:. Of this union 13 child-
• ' .
•••• •
. . •••...•_._
Deep regret was expressed in our.
community when it • became known
that our popular resident, W. H. Jew-
ell, had dedded to .make his future
home in .Goderich. He has . eented.
his farili • here to,, E. Curren. rot a
, • . . . .
. . 0.. ISL. _. _ _ _
.. . • . .• . .. • ... • • . .
: 2RTURDAY,.. rilfilleil 26Til
• d .l • . LI
we will py f ' • t'
is .a or your inspec ion alt • 0
. . .
fey. Nathaniel Smith of Tororito
Lupied the pulpit in the Presbyter- aid
. chureh Sunday. , healthy
faking maple sugar is nove the ore
of the day with those -who are
ky enough to have a bush.
stomach. and thowel. eroubles,. break • .
up colds, allay fevers, destroy worms St,
a teething and make little ones •
r .
and chee ful, Guaranteed to ,
. , . , Mr. Thos. Joynt .has been laid up
cotton. tit:‘, opia,te orepoisonous soothe' /for the past •eouple of weeks, but We
hie stuff.- . Mrs. john X, Pringle, hope 'he will soon be around again,
retest Palls, Ont,, says: "I think I The members of . Calvin church, St
ten were born, nine of whom ate Still
livinw-seven sons 'and two daulgliters";
The sons. are.: -Frank, .on the old
homestead : .T, W., meager Bank of
Hamilton, Myth : Dr. J. li, and Wm.,
London : Arthur, teaeher • in. tendon
township : Albert Ee Detroit, and G..
term of years. • Williani. is the' young-
est of. the. family of the late James.
Jewell, who. with his. wile and family
eettled here early in the abates. Sin-
ee the death of his father- William'', and
his Mother have.00ntinued to live On.
.thefarm, the other members of the
. , .
. Miss Morrison, Who is well known to Hiclpeople of this vi-
chitty as a first-class Milliner 15 again in • charge. of the de- •
. i
. partment ' ....... „..
A Cordial Invithtion is Extended -VS' Ail
Ir. Ediriun-d Troyer WaS ill Forest • cith
Aliank Day s OWn Tablets lot Heleas, gathered et the home of eine
my baby's life. He was badly 000'
Wesley, Maple Grove. The daughters
family. being married and away bora
_ .
t Friday and Saturday.'
W. S. liecCrostie on the 17th inst. and
but after giving him the. presented hint, with a. gold watch as
are :-IVIrs. X. Ryan, Elginfield, and
Mts. A. Alfred Garrett, • Granton.
home. Now Mrs-jewell goes with
her son to 'pass the closing of
, ..-',
dter From New Zealand. ifso,
Tablets he Vas. relieved at once. r a, token of esteem for being leader of
find them good when he is at all the fhoir. he -haying severed his cou-
Mr.' Scott is survived by only . one
sister out •of a 'large familY, Mrs, W.
her life in town. She will be much
missed by the elderly folk in our
. restless,
. .
i‘earch et reuddiela
and- feel cannot say toonotion, with it, .
• ' " all -
much in. their Sold by
Walters, of Glendale, Westminister,
midst. Mr. Jewell. who was always
0 '
ttaVia, -J. A.
Minim bairY 00reirlissiOner, lit tho ,
toe of etaMinatiOn, before the Coe a
1.0t18 Agrietlittite. C0111111iliitett tiliS
druggists or sent by Mail 'at 25 cents
box by writing the Dr. Williams
*Mettle Co., 'Brockville, Oht, .
. A -quiet wedding cereinony took pli-,
ce sit the reside/1de 'of Mr. Retire
Horne on March 13tb, when his dati-
aged 87'years. Ms tallaitiS were laid
to rest: in Woodland cemetery on{ Sun-
day, Math 12th, A. large eoncourse
a good and obliging neigikor, will
be much .missed .by Ifs neighbors here
and try the good people of Loyal
. .
. . . . ......
. . . ,
. ,
•.M.; MoBEATH, - - SLY
. _ •
ming, stated that about on
Pla.....* .
W. Mowbray by Rev. S. M. Whale,'
tribute of respect to one they had
farm of his father,. the late .. Joseph
usand boltes of' .,• New Zeit-.
Australian bitter, :0011-
...W.W.a. MOAN
Use it
The happy couple left the next mot.
esteemed through lite. The deceased's
Morri., which he reeently purchased,
a. Alla
ling 53pOunda each, were received
koritreal MO Winter . and eeld at buttered
Write a pound, The priee had since
uty• of this butt& he
. •The'lqitli
,atiguted and found that It cern-
04. wry tootoiy With ,OUP •OWIlt Witted
,for school •Iiincheons.. Clark's
Corned Beef sliced thin and • Put: on
bread always pleases child..
on. W. Clark,. Mfr., Montreal.
A Belgian mill hand in Lawrence
Mass., killed his ,wife and then cern-
ning for their future home in Dako-
ta. • '
Wo are pleased to so Mrs. D. Neld
Sr. out again after her • recent. iH-
hos, , .,..
Mr. Wm, nem left hist h c Lk for
gix song were pall -bearers. The fun-
oral services were eOndueted at the
10118041y Rev. Walter Collins, of Mr
and at the gray° by ReV. Mr. MeGo-
wan, of London.
The News-Iteeord gives the. 1000,T
has bought Jefiti Sands' farm along
the river bank above Stiltford. Mr.
Morris will take possession of hig
new 'Property •,Very shortly. We un-
derstand Mt. • Sands purposes going
to Manitoba, -• The price paid, for the
joseph Morris tom Was $0.000,
. .
. -..
. .
. .
" ..
. a
. w