HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-30, Page 2‘,11.171-1,11,1111—s sss Nef, • The Cilutett swRecoted March 30t 19O iifts.of Toilet Sbaps • Vim MINI.4011T SOAP and SAVg. THE COUPONS,. , The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week. Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can got the:r TOILET SOAPS for nothing. Ask your grocer for pat Oculars or write us for Premium List. A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for, * In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get sennething rite need and use every day. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO. CANADA. Always Fresh. . • OUR STOCK OF DRUGS ETC. WILL ALWAYS BE POUND FRESH AND UP- TO-DATE IN EVERY BR- ANCH, AND WE INVITE YOU TO GIVE US A CALL IF YOU WISII P0 PROCURE ANYTHING 'USUALLY FO- UND IN A FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. H. B. COMB CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW • FOR "'YOUR SISASON'SeSUP--- PLY OF COAL: WE CARRY. ONLY THE VERY BEST GRA. - DES wHICH WILL BE SOLD . AT. THE LOWEST POSS.IBLE PRIGE • ORDERS MAY BE LEFT AT DAVIS & ROWLAND'S HARD- . WARR STORE OR WTTII ' W. J. Stevenson • (*) (4) (1) A FAMOUS SCHOOL. ( (1) .4)(4:11.41TRAL ex/Av, STRATFORD, ONT. • Business men have learned that our graduates are pre- pared for positions of trust. No school in Canada can do more for its students than this one. Out gradu- ates always secure positions Write for out free eatalejsue, it is a handsome one. Spring term opens April (1) 3rd. (1) • (1) Elliott and McLachlan, (*) Principals. (1) (*) (•)-(0-(e)-(e)-(e)(e)-(s)-(e)-(*)-(*)-(e) worm too run* to tree matte's° mei le • r• ti of clear), whooping -cow* and cold" t Luz vapo.thesolene 4.1a.lihreathe it. ••••••••••••••••••••••ft••,H= euesemeemeese As advertisement in The News - Record brings good results. Fifteen of a notorious gang' of cri- minals who operated in France and foreign countries Nem sentenced in Paris. • .• _ Russian solderies in Lementa, Rea- gan Poland, fired three volleys .into a group of peasants, killing ten and woundieg fifty. A new bridge for cars, vehicles and pedestrians is to be oonstrueted • ac- ross 'the Niagara River, between Nia- gara Falls and Lewiston. I A CHICAGO ALDERMAN OWES HIS ELECTION TO 0141VIIIER-- ' LAIN'S COUGH REMEDY, "I, can heartily and emiscientiously reeemmena Chamberlain's Cough Res medy for affections of the throat end lungs, says Hon. John Sheeick, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago." "Two Year rs ago during .a eampaegn, I eseught cold after being overheated, Which :irritated ley throat end I Was finally compelled , to stop, as. I could not speak aloud In my extremity a fri- end advised me to use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 took -two dens that afterhoon aud could not believe my senses when I found the next morning the inflammation had large,- ly subsiacci. I took several d .ses thee da,y, kept right on lel:sine throdel, the .campaign and I thane this medi- cine' that I won nig' seat. ie the Couns ell." This eernedy is for sale by IL B. Collate, CLon A new railway •is projeeted for Nese Ontario, A negro voudoe docteishais beee are rested in Cubo charged With the mur- der of a twenty-ewo menthe old child The new ,Allan turbine liner Victor- iae sailed from Liverpool for Halifax and St. John, with .1,50!) passengers. . . CHAMPION:LINIMENT FOR RHE- . ISMATISM: Chas. Drake, a mail, carrier at Ch- aPinville, dorm., says :•• "Chamber- lain's Pain Balm is the 'champion of all liniments. The past . year Iwas troubled a great deals with theme- tiein in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeeper here re- commend this remedy and itcern; pletely eurea me," There is no use of anyone suffering from that 'paha' ailment .when this •linineent can be ebtained for . a' small sum.' Oneeeppli- cation. gives Prompt relief and its continued usefor a short time will produce a permanent cure, For. Sale by 1 p. 'Combe, Clinton.- • • ..••••••••!••••sPA ,maxmisamose PURE SEED ORRIN, , PURE SEED GRAIN. --WE HAVE opribea out a •Flour " and Feed Store and keep in _stock fiber, bran, sh- orts, eured meats ; etc. We made a special effert to procure and hatre on hand. a Supply lof Clean • Seed Wheat and Timothy, and fermors making their purehases• from us can , rely epee getting their seed as free as possible trona All hoe- ioue 'weeds. Ford & No11011.: PLEAS Do not consider it a hardship to do a 'much for THE NEWS4iECO as you do for .a cit3r week - 13r or daily— -pay for it in advance. Consult Your Address • Figures: Subscribe for The Rows Record. Etews. The News -Record gives the local Bylaws were carried at Brockville to loan the) Canadian/ Carriage Co.$30 000, and to grant a site and exempt- ion to the D. 11. Burrell Co. • FOR AN IMPAIRED APPETITE. Lon of. appetite always results from faulty digestion. All that is needed is a few . doses of Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the stomach, strengthen the digestion aad give you an appetite liko. a wolf. These tab- lets also aet as a, gentle laxative, For eile by H. B, Conthe, Clinton. Electrical Develop- ment in Oatario, • So yearly electrical development en- terprises axe under way in Ontario, and the Werk-ts being cerried. on so quietly, that we scarcely realize all that is involved in the • changes now taking place,. In last Friday's papers it was announced that eurveyine par- ties willstart out at once for the put •posd oj locating recites over which power e may be carried by wire to Brantford, . Galt; .Berlin, and otnee etreeteere towns from the Ontario Development Company's power hcluee at Niagara,. Falls. In a few moetliS eleetrieal power for menufee- turin.g. purposes, developed froni the falls of .Niagara, •• wills be delivered overwires,... the routes' for Which are now being, located, at points seventy Miles weee of Toronto. This ie the 'greatest electrical, power development4 enterprise so' fat under: teak in thiei •Previnee : ,but at-Petterberoeelectideel energy, developed from near -by 'fails; bee for some time pest been devote.1 to emettfaiiticidegs purposes': Hamilt- on's etreet .railway is operated, : and 'the city is lighted by eldetricity gee_ prated at Deem Falls, e8 miles aw- ay; and a, few days age 0, propOsat eves. mentioned !Coking to; the harnes- sing of Eugenia Falls, in .G.tey COun- DeVeiopinent along these lines is not chnfieed to onearle. Montreal draws power from f,alls 'over' shay milce off, and near •Quebec 'a dant 90 feet high and 65 feet wide at the bottom to: be.,1,104 as soon, as spring opens, for the purpose of Using the •energy of. the Montmorency. for railway, .lig- , and spower perpeses.: lfl Peterb- ore, We Understand; this foyer of ene- rgy is. supplied; At a eoSt 410 'pee. horse power per annum, or about ' a. thied the esekt...01 power .produced by coal. If these figures are eorreetsthey indicate how much the work now' go- ing on. Will mean for ".the beiklizig. up Of old CAnada, Not only:can electri- city be applied to ordinary inannfact- .Uring .1purposes, but it can, is Dr; Hannet has shown, be utilized as well in the 'Smelting of iron, and Willi saving of cost AS compared with coal One 'begins :to realize what all this means when the fact is called to mind • that thetwater, powers. which canebe transformed into electrical en- crgy are practically unlitnited. Along the ,at. Lawrence, up the Ottawa, in, New Ontario, and alto Niagara there is StitQci•ent. 'energy available to heat; light., and furnish power for the CM- tinent. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that within ten years the etanufactueing of old Ontaxhe will be earrled on with this term of ener- gy that • a network of rural electric railways will Ibe crperated in the game way: that farm as Well as town houses will be lighted by this means ane that in 25 yeaes We shall .haee • ar. iron industry second only to that of Pennsylvania, . with electricity instead of coal as the egelit in smelting, —Weekly. Slid. ST/LL ANOTHER -CASE THE NEW SYSTEM TREATIVIENT, ANTI -PILL, CONTINUES 0100 . WORK WONDERFUL ,CURES. When 'Dr. Leonhardt's, of 'Lincoln, Neb. gave Mitt -Pill .to the world he had hubiounded faith in the treatment buthe did not foreee the World- wide and Wonderful results it is now achieving hi the •cure. of 'disease. Here is the stoty of another Anti- vietery "rot many menthe I have ben troubled with dySpepsia, diizinets in My ; head, cold chills, and sOffered most of the time from constipation; and was unable to s`do my housework, I tried every kind of pill and meth - eine thet either the doctors or nlY.- Self Could think of, and finally WO Anti -Pill, This itreatment has pract- ically made a ne* Woman of me, am able to do all my own work. The dizziness has all gone,. my stomach feels much 'better, and 1 arn no long- er troubled with • eonatipation. caMrot Praise Anti -Pill too highly.'" *gra. Thoi,Tabb, .,287 Emerald St. Noistit HatMiton, Ont. Mrs. Titbit's letter is only ,ono ot Many, ' is gold ,he) all druggist at 50c., or The Wilson -Pyle Oa., Limit. ed, Niagura 'Valls, Ont. Sole agentS /Or Catlitda, sad S.) Mists LUt4seAeSehningre • eeexee-e "'We • 0 0 0 0 0 7., , 00 Coreopondoot • 0(30 • . gra. W. Connors of Detroit. Neville is visiting, her deice:ht. The News or Goderich. • GOSICrieh• Mee.Roselfla Cou.rtenay of 'Lanes spent several weeks in town the gusst of her parents. • Mrs. J. liernighan was ahlt tV come Miss Fulton or Brownst'ille, has re- We have Much Pleasure in ael.now- "MtirMitePlahs:rswenee,kiturned telegralPh operator, registered at the St. Lawrence. Mee note of thaalls irom Mr. E. Sw- o ;visit Our town and lea,s ledging the teeeipt of an extremely was in town last week. Mr. Jim Postiewhaite and Mr. arts ot the British Exchange for our Miss Elliott, South street,,. Is now Sparks have invested in an inetateeee. letter of, sympathy regretting his re- quite well. She was on the sick list Ceiving a serious ,inittry in his liturie able work of aiding the liverghters of the Erripire hi -raising a feed for the building end equipping the new mar - Ina Hospital. We trust that the ho quet oi sbernrecks and carnations he reeeleed in St. Patrick's Day, for which he elect thanked us, will brine him soh a speedy recovery that; Ir3 may attend the Daftodil Iiigh Tea in Ealter week: Band wester Franklin Smith, is quite proud of the new members of stuhletsmartheinrentrtd. and expeets good re - The quarterly meeting f the Lail- ie's Aid of Knox ehureh always enis witit the social cup of ten served at 5 p. m. On Tuesday about fifty lad- led. were preseet, showing the greet ieterest attending Missionary work. Some very haedsome specimens of Ja- panese ladies' work were kindly loan- ed by Mrs. Thomas Campbell to in- spire the Ladies' Aid with a resolve tip assist Japan in her march to chri- Stianity. • Rev.. Joseph Elliott, Mr, Tommay- ley of the Disciples of our Lord, and Messrs, Dodds and Criekington, stud - cuts of the Baptist' College at Wood- stock, have each supplied in his turn. the place oipastor to the Baptist congregation here, since Rev. Mr. Levee's's leaving. eire heve the honor of chroniclin;!; two very pleasing netes of thanks), from the Greverner-General, Earl Grey and the other. from E. J. Barker Penn, W. P, P. of Kingston, tor the- ir receiving on St. Patrick's day, a buneh of Shamrock, fresh and green, from,* dear old tow,. Miss Eicei Cousins returned last week from an execeditegily pleasant ve- cation during which she visited her brother at Toledo ane with him visi- ted Detuoit, • Mrs. Smith, pee of the teeny : wa- fter visitors from Detroit, who regis- ter at the St. Lawrence, is very of ,,birain fever. tier house had been entered • by burglars and her jewels and othee valtahles taken, but erhet- her 'her illness proceeded froze fright; we were not informed. • for,shorneru eo teiainewil:rseingt atbibilme9 winter. ,wis about the only enquiry made these days, And echo 'answers "Where ?" Mr. W. McLean has returned from New York where he spent' iome wee. Rs at a cutting school. He has pur- a eiibinet in which unfinished suits are • exhibited and ineele to suit tbe purchaser in an hour or ,so. Ms. William Megath of Dungention was the guest last week of her dau- ghter, Mrs, Hamlin, The lady is in extremely geed health and has been visiting at, Seaforth, Heneall and Clinton since leaving her home at Dungannon, Mrs. MeMatli returned this week. Miss Lena Walton, alter several weeks' stay with her sister, Mrs. Armpur of Woodstock, .has return - Dr. Macdougall, the venerable pion- eer missionary of the Territories, de- liglited all who hed the Pleasure of hearing his 'address in the Court House on Thursday evening. For forty-five years he has been -engaged in mission work and is ouperinten- deht of Methodist missions in the No- rthwest. There are immense areas in Canada known to me, he said. "Wee 'stward the star of Empire takes its way.." 'The address was givee under' the auspices of the. Ladies' Aid of North street church. • . Beware of to-neerroW; 'tis "• April Fool's Da,y." '• Spring colds have niece very ' pre- valent this month. On Tuesday lute thewheeling seasen, Set ie. We haver -heard no echoes frofn the ine,ple sugar glades. This is the season fat lovely. Maple Molasses :and sugar. Other seasons our mereliants advertised sap utensils but this sea- son the breaking up of the river see- nie to have: been first in the Inhale ed all our Oltitens.. Mrs. H, W. Thomson is recovering nicely . from- a severe attack of ae .petidicitis. Her mother, Mrs. T. T. Brown Of Tilsonburg, was called to see het 'brit finding that she ives out• of danger has returned toiler home, taking her grandchild Harry with her; -Mee VielasThOmsen is at present the :pest of her Aunt. 'On 'Wednesday afternoon Mail Clerk D ; Tye was called to the bedside of.: his brother-in-law, Mr. • Elliotits at Barrie. iVirs. Tye left the next morn- ing for that town.:' • • We are souk' to learn of the ill ness of MrS. Walter 'Hick it the. re- eidteice- of lier son, S.- E. Hick.-- . Mr. . P, McCarthy has eeturned to his liothe to get readys to dors ISs• see togs. He has been engaged , with theC. P. R., engineers all winter: ' On. Sunday at St.. Peter's. the An- nutieletiOn of, Ake B. V. M.; whit& fell on Saturday,. March 25th, was obser- ved with gteat:splemnity. - While iilaying • basketball .at the C. 1; Miss Lillie :1VIeVico,r was -injured. by a platforne falling and striking her upon the head he IS quite bet-, ter now. • . • . .The Skipping.. rope for Sittle girls wasall the ..aetrection•61,0 Saturday. There is "more attentimi ;Paia .to Kook chttreh Choir by the congrega- tion than, is given Any, other choir in toWn. Last eutumnea •••recention for them, was held 'at the.•reeidence of 1VIre„. W. Warnock and in 'this • month they reeeived the. same honors froni. the oegeniste at the St. Lawrence and iatesto'tie.t the rebeidenee... ot Mrs. ',Limes vv A , The officers of the Castailien Lake and. :Ocean' Nrieigatioe . Co. for the present season are Tureet Chief, Captain M, McPhee . ' Engineer, Hebert. Dugid • . , • Turret Cape; Capt. Archie McIntyre Engineer W. II Durham B.. • . Turret Court, Capt.' Jas. . leek Engineer, 0, J. licSorley '• ' A. E. Ames, Capt. 'E. L, Stephen ' Engineer 5. Gillespie • , .. J. FL Paimet, Clot; George McKay '-Engnieer, Robert, Chanibers • . g. MS Pellat, Capt. G.. A. Brame. Engineer, William. Byers. ' ---,..,--,-,.- • : t TIRED ALL THE TIME, •MrS, George Beattie; Carr's Brook, Colohester. Co,,, N. $,,% writes ..,'Last spring. I . was very much run downs belt tired all the time, and did not seem to have life • or e ergs, enough Jo to do:my work, Thre oxes- of Dr, Chase's Nerve Feed d' me ,a :world of good- and made :', erls a pleasure to . me. I have not had occasion to use any medicinesince and have re- commended Dr,' Chase's Nerve FCM1 to all tery Mende." . 11/1. G. Cameron, M., P. Is., who has gone to attend the House of Assem- bly at Toronto, will return every Saturday during the sP.ssion. „Mrs. (Captain) Gibson is in very good health this season and attended the last meeting of the Ladies'. Aid in Knox church. Miss Viola. JohnSton, daughter of Mr. Robert Johnston; is quite a lit - tie artist. • • The steamer Turret Ciown is bein put in readiness for this season's trade. ' Captain John Macdonald is repair - ono of his mesterei the ,,,Azov, and will give the Wu:Hinter a, new coat of paint before he sets sail this spring. Rev. Meek Turnbull Is to be con- gratulated en the suecessfel gtowth of the Florida, orange tree which Vote fourteen good sized oranges besides blossoms that lie presented to several brides as has' been his cus- tom, Mrs, Turnbull made manna - tette of the oranges which vied with' the imported article in appearance and taste, Ceunty Clerk Lane was In Toronto as the representative, of Maple Leaf Lodge' No. II at the meeting tit the A. 0. II, W, Grand Lodge held in that Vitt 22of the Wyandotte eggs were hatch-, ed last week and two 'Jeered eggs. The chicks. look One ao4 strong. Tbe balanee‘of the 41 eggs placed in the incubator bad ebieks too weak to break the shell. They have two setts lugs of eggs in the 'incubator this week which were expressed from Or - gene, Illinois. They came in little fluted paper gems filled with excel- sior. Mr. William Lee bought several lots the othi3r evening at the British Exe cliange sale. Mr. Persons of the Fair is pre - perk% his grounds tor the grand old summer time. He is erecting a pretty little pavilion near the house. Mr. Walter A. Kelly evidently in- tends to grow with our town. Ire has leased the premises next deer to his present place of business and will' occupy both. A• great quantity of ice cane down • the 1VJaitian4 on Friday, jamming up At 'itA Mort lie ("on tractor i neo t t saw . the danger menacing his trestle work and called out•to bis men to lea,ve their work or else they might go with it and• low) their lives. The shore ends of the trestle Work were swept aWa.y. Mr. Fred. Kielcley et Guelph, eephe ew of Mrs. William Sharman, has accepted the posi Lion of clerk in M. S.harman's shod store, ' We were sorry to leartlast week of the illness of Mr. A. D. McLean. • Miss Dennis has returned from her viSit to her sister in, New ' York state And has accepted a position here with Mr. Reginald Black. • Dr.: J.' B. Whitely has purchased ,from • Mrs. Horace Horton her fine brick residence° in St. George's Ores= cent. It will not lie ready for his farnity'e occupancy eltil Easter. The feature of the last meeting ei the A. Y'eP. A, was the reading .of two papers,. one prepeeed by Mr. Walter Naftel, "The City of Jerusai- 'erre" and theother by Miss Martha Wells, ','Mary the Mother of :Christ." Both papers were highey 'appreeiated. The remains Of 'the late R94:- .ert Taylor arrived at the G. T. R. station • an Wednesday aecomparded hi, his sisters, Mrs. Deep:Sas aod Miss Taylor. They Were all the children of the late Mrand litre: -John TAY • lot and lived in Goderivh for some years... _Miss Taylor is a teacher: Toronto; and Mrs. Douglas: was ' in business here before her merriege Taylor's Corners were nettled after ...the late •John Taylor. , The'.pall-boar- ere .wereellleeers. John- .Aeheson-,Ld 'Weed Acheson, William. MoCreath aee Thomas Tilt. ' Rev'. q. N. .1...tizers conducted the seVyieee at 'Maitland :cemetery. On the evening of ''.GOocl Friday the-. choir of Knox' ebureii will -tender the "Ortieifiiion," • Mr. and Mts. HE. IleageeS have: returned to :their pretty residence in Watorlee :streets If it is a bilious attack take Chant.. herlaint'e .' Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cuee is eertaen. For ,Sas le by a B.; Combe; Clinton. • • •• Mr. Carfrae Dunlop,: 1a.te 'of FOt:efl has accepted A position as pha.rinat' lVfr, -,'"anford 'Stokes. has purchase Ernst-, ••• near the' TR. •statioi ist in Toronto: • the house at preeent occupied by. M Mr. 'Stokes • intends oceeping li Ine • • ' • • - • ' We, Wi1lian Johnston, Elgin Ave has in her Possession two eigis o .waltute turned 'out of :the beetle the, were • taken .Out 01 an Old SErtglie Church in Otririgherif, Yorkshire; Eng land, They were 'turned. by gr. wit liare johneon of ,the,t town, -.the • bein the father of our .tsiernsmati, 'Johnson. Mr, Johiteon's fore-fethers. attended the: Otrisigham chureh...• 'Mips are in 4. g4,34. state of preser- va,tiont. and Mrs. J.ohrieen Prieee.therri highly.. •Mrs. W. .Johnson ires "Orti very hue ;Wallflowers:: One has '22 ,elusters, •seyea of .thetri being in. full , -bloom -cm Thuredey last: : Major. Beck:has 'been appointed: ses•- '.eienal clerk id the leOslatere••.at Tors onto. .Before 'joining tire mator, Beek will spend a .veeeis with her brae ther-in-la;w; Dr. Armstrong 'of Miteh-, • , • • DEA p :g.,,§TFNA ? You couldn't he otbertivise with su- eh a , distressing 'malady. Welj,IQL one dollar. spent , one Catartheeone yon can be thoroughle cured.. Foolish to , delay, 'because asthma, steadily grows. ivoree:,. Get .Claiarrhozone.- -to- day and cure :.yoerseli . plcaece;:t to use; . veryseintpie . 'and- guaranteed Prescribled by .theitisands of aoators and used by ;the pcciple..of eine nationeeetettaithy Caterrhaeoee meet be good ;..it liasn?t failed yeti no Matter. - how chronic the case, " 'Goderich. Mr. George :Allan, late hardware merehant ' here, now Of OiiIlia, emit , a few days, he town feet week,. We ',:congretniate Capteni 'N. Shephard on on' his prornotion to the poinmandieg of esfine latge,tealuar,. L FI Watson, • Milwaukee; •He Ieft on Monday to ,fit out hie steamer for early. navigation. • • , . . ' Mrs, Ramsay is now much. improV::: '4: leg in health. ' ' A The News -Record j es ni i I1117 'on -neWS than any other p,a.i.er pilb lished in the county.. : The Mixon e, • recently organized, have elected the followieg: officeree e President, ' • Colonel .Yeang let Vice, 0; Howsen.. •ut..4 Vic, .1‘10c.COlit'i.)11e1:111sint;)',1''611,' .1a6e, Sec.TTreasuror, jieorge Lai thWai te V.xecutire Peatimittt-e, II.. • Knee- ' • shaW," 4. Watson, -R. MeC,ommies, • 0, • Scnnmets, 13„ MeEwan, J, Goldihrope, A, . C. • Jackson; :F. Nitegle, 11 Wallaic, 14, "trring,- * ton, it, Rundle, Je'NeWeeMe re: W., Wilson. W. M. 'Sinclair, .1.; BOW - roan, IT.13. Combe, .1,„ W. Shaw. The Arse • Match will be hslel at The many friends of Mr, T. C. „Wright, win be pleased to. learietliat the House of Nordheinier at Montreal Is now under his management. Since he left, the Pointe Farm, we may S'ay from his leaving the Collegiate Insti- tute, gr. Wright has been in the employ of that himse, going to Tor- onto first, then Ottawa and later Hamilton and London. We Wish himcontinued • health and success in his managemeet at Montreal. Blyth on May 24th, • • PAINS IN THE CIIEST 'Mr. 4.John eiark, Port Hope, Ont., States :—"Last winter I was So . bad with a cold lhat 1 oould net speak above a whisper and hadlgreaii pains hi the chest. A friend . advised me to try -Dr. Phase's: Syrup of Linseed and Turpetttine :and one hot tic cured my Cold which I believe would haVe• Proven very serious if .1 had not used this medicine." He Know The drowvi. A street preacher in a. west of Seolearel• towit called a policeman 'who was passing and oottiplaiwd a- bout being annoyed by certain nat- ion of the audience and asked him to temove the obljectionabie once. "Weel, ye see," replied the . eaut- forte .onicer, "it wottid be' a hard job for inc tee spot them, but I'll tell yo uritzt I'd cite if I -woo you." "What Would you do ?" ear gerly. graved the preather. Dyspepsia Is an imitation that the stomach and other digestive organsiimv weak, tared or • debilitated. it1 causes no end of aches and pains and is most, common where Deople bolt their meals and. burry and worry as they do in this country, ood'iSarsaparilla cures dyspepsia.—it NS "4 magictouch in this disease. For te*thnouktis Of reraOrkObie am, send for Book on DY*PePda. No. 5. C. I. Hoc4 ioarion. man, Newswilliam.,(lOodfwj'rn,weDawwaays, 000 01 ot the mon reported At Abe "Soo". elec- tion trial, and tor this Veaeon emcee tett from the Mayor' S" chair of Steel- ton, Algorne, is appealing to have the decision reversed. Mr. *P. G. Meodiermid, of West El- gin, will bring bolos° .the Legislature a proposition to relieve all municipe alities Irani civil Debility beoauee of •••••• had roads; Mr.. Jemes Tucker, West Wellington will revue his proposal to widen ).1eigh renners to four feet. h A deputation from Centre Bruce asked the Minister of Eduoatiou th',1 morning to reduce the salariee of schoolinspectors from $0 a school to $4: The inerease was made only last' session. • • • 'A sleptitaeioe of mining men from New Ontario asked that the minine lands in the vicinity . of Lake Temis- New Ontario asked that the minine triet,• and that the regelaelions• be. strictly enforced, so- that the spectre-. ator wmild have, no aavantage over - the 'private prospector, ' Hon. Dr. Reatune received a deput- ation this 'morning asking that a • court house and jail he- built, in New Lisheard. Hamilton's • civic overdraft. is $08- ' 800, and the city- will apply for auth- ority- to issue debeetures foe" %that amount. ' Ottawa is applying to the LogisIA:- titre for power to constitute a. Board of Coetrol. • • ' Premier Gouire's new Cabinet was sworn ' in at Quebec- Thursday, and the Legislature adjourned to April, 25 to Allow of holding the bye-eleotions. Bete 0. Ws Howard of thel Diocesan College Montreal has declined the rectorship of St. Janie' •ChueeleStre Word, owing .to :the receipt 1ef.• an anonymous leiter saying be was not the emarrimous choice of,. the Congrege aticat• , • :•', -At.the ha,lf-yeaidy .- tlanik of England a dividend 01 , 'pAr eent. was deelereci. • • . • . Truernan li, Neeelearry of "Detroit has been appOinted Assistant Seeret- ary, of the United States navy. . • . • Gerinane ha,s protested to Turkey against that •country lilac:his any Ord-. ers her arms with Frenee.• RADIANT WOMANII001i; The glory and, satisfaction. of beeirS • wonia,nhood, can be known :only to these posseesing the enliMited ad- Vantaelee pf beelth:', No weak wOniant. oati .be happy ot enjoy half the plea- ' sures of life, Pallid' cheek,. seeker'. eves, exhausted nerees, telt of .a. terrible etruggle to keep up, Whet the weals wortianeneedS Ferrazoncs: it ren•ews, 11 '1 And ye -Sallie§ lee a "Woman's fernedY•67- theirs why, -• ' • Ferrov.one makeS' :,'-woinen strong.... plump It 111111111 t eine. lots ei etterirrient, the kind that - terraS mueele,"einew,s bene and nerve. Vitalizing bloodeoursee throrigh . he; :bode. reealein delightfid eater, honey. sPitits; true womanly strength. Fifty emits ,bilys a hox Peereteone in enye • • drug elate.; . • Old Earner's • Seven ReasOs. During-a-tempera/lee campaigira law- yer was • diecussing learnedly ..the °la, pees of ,the proposed temperance' laW. An. old' farmer who had been listeh- • leg at t en tivel y, shut his knife eel I h a snap and .saki. "I don't know . le' abort t' law, but 1'e got seven good recesons for yeti& for it." "What ate • they ? asked the law- , Yer, '"• ' Ancl the old farmer responded: "Pour sons and three Aaughters.". I NO DIFFERE CE . No, distinction is Made as to the kind of Piles 'that Dr. LeonhardVs cueee. The names Internal, External, 131e- eding, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc" are simply trainee • of -the differ - cot stages • throegh which overi ease Will easel( 'it centinues long enotigh. • Piles are caused by congestion or stagnation of blood , in the lower A SAFE COUGH MEDICINE' vitt, bowel, and it takes an internal rem - CHILDREN, edy to remove the cause„ . hnying a cough le:14001qt fur Dr. Leonhardt's Ifent-Roid is a :tal. - droll never be afraid to o Chanibge. lot .talcen internally. . lain's Cough Remedy. There is no It is a permanent cure and itio case danger from it and relief is :.,iwayS of Piles has eVcr been found It to cure. IVfohey back if iedoes.. sure to follow, It is csp,ictoly able for colds, croup and Wheiming A guarantee with every peekate. Price ILO at any dreg)giSt's, or The cough, For sale by n. eonibo,, lllttQR0• •wilson-Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara "Ll'Itsit, 'gat, round wi' the hat 4". Palle, oat. 2 „oostaae;,*e&aeesteaseeesoe9oaeees•eaoeseselieeeegeeepeeeeleoeeeeeeeaeolow. flee-• se Zils4130 33,Art.Tra XIV ciettEtes r WELLS, , 11101-110/ D$ON IMPROVED BUTTER .COLOR 0041S Gives. the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Date*. • The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Ilse It, LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATiOND„ALL, leilyt17411401•XiliMat .4144117 404k1..44.1.41g=6;04$04,00€ 0400