HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-23, Page 4• °
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The News*Recor4
TeeMe eubecriptioe-$1.'per year in,
• aelVence St.50 May .be Cha.rged if
liet so •paiti. NO paper discorielnued
until all Arrears- ere paid, unless at
the °pluton • of the publisher. The
date 40 .1,111teli, every subscriptiort is
paid is denoted oa the lapel.
Adveytising rates ea Tratisieut. adver-
tisements, 10 cent e per nenpariet
- eine foe
it lusertion and 3 vents
per:line for each subeeeuent insert-
ion, Small .adVertieernellte not *4
exceed one inch,. such As . "Los.Vi
"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc, in-
serted once for 35 cents anti each
. subsequent 'insertion 14- cente.
Corrunillaatieni4 Intended _for, pubaica.
tion must, .as a guarantee- 'oh gOott
faith, be itecompenied • by the 'name
of the writer. •
'Editor and Proprietor.
Lack's Trial' Postponed.
Owing to the emitinued illness of
Chancellor 13oyd, the trial of "Lack"
Kennedy of the ."Soo" has been once
more postponed, this time until IV/ey
13. Several witnesses remaih to be
examined before the argument of
counsel takes place, which will prob-
ably be followed by further delay if
the court reserves judgment. Judge
Teetzel, who is associated With Chan- ,
cellor Bbyd in the trial of the men
charged wielt eorreption, ordered the
postponement. Judgment in a the
cases of alleged cote:upt practices will
probably be delivered at the same
time. The continuation of the trial,
will take eplace in Toronto.
• '
A Special Meeting._
For Prayer..
To the members of the community of
the School Section of Summerbill
Dear People„ -Hoping it will not be
considered undue presuniptieri in me,.
and behoving it to *.my duty:im-
pressed epou me by, thed's Hely Spir-
it, as one deeply cohcerned in the
spiritual, moral, educational and oth-
erwise eonditione of the. community
of and siacut Summerhill and as one
especially responsible• through, my po-.
sition as a minister in charge of one
of the churches, and *with the full ap-
proval of Rev. Mr. Swan, pastor of
Ebenezer, I wish to aunt:mum th•reu-
gh the kind offices of the papers, • a
special .nieeting lor prayer: t� God on
behalf of the pending. settlement'
the school affairs in the septione that
throegh God's guidance' and Over -rul-
ing and blessing, a dedisitin..may be
arrived at which will be the most
fruitful of good resulting tei the G10-:
ry of God and the best interests of
tette religion and education hi the see -
tion. The meeting will be held, God.
willing, at St. Peter's church, Sure-.
merhill, on Sunday evening next,
March 26th, at theconclusion of the
repine service. The sermon will' re-
late in part tothe sultect for prayer;
As the Rev. Mr. Satan, will neteSsar-
ily be in another part of his circuit
and will therefore not Ise Able to
conduct such meeting with his 'own
coegregation, he takes advantage oi
this letter to request that'prayer be
offered on the some behalf in the 'af-
ternoon at Ebenezer, and also .desires
as many as can to attend the meet-
ing in the evenieg: Although hopine
for good weather and vvishingi for 'a
large atendance, I think it well to
mention limited shed .accommodation..
May God give us' His blessirg. '‘e.The%
Lord reigneth, P. XCIat,
thy ways acknowledge Him and, Ile
shalt direct thy paths, Prove6.
"The Heavens do rule" Dad. 1y, 26.
Yours sincerely; •
In the Lord, •
Arthur I. Rheees.•
Holmesvale, March 21st.
Dungannon. .
• .•.
On Monday of last evoek as 'W.
Sproule was exercising mie of his
horses, on horseback he was :thrown
off on Vie road and rendered encore .
scious for some time. However, he
escaped froth being seriously injured
and we are pleased -fee knew that he
will some be able to resume' work ts
An interesting concert, under the
auspices of the Doworth League in
connection With the lVfethOdist
of Dungannon and Crewe circuit, Ives
held. at Crewe church on Pritle,y eve -
Mug. An excellent program oonsist-
ing of music, dialogues, tecitetions,
addresses • and other exercises WM.
At a n eeting of the Ashfield and
Wawanose Agricultural Society. held
last week, Thursday and Friday,. Get.
_ober 12th and 13th, were selected as
the data e of • the annual exhibition
this year. The following officers and
directors were appointed :
Pres., Win. Bailie ;
1st vie -pros, Jas. IVIallough
2nd vice-pres, Jas. Haden;
• Treas., .1. M. Roberts
See.'Robt. Me/twain ;
Auditors, T. G. Allah and .Dr : T.
E. Case ;
Director, Thos, &tot/hers,
Dunkin, John IVkLeare 'Jae& Reid
Harry Morris, Jas. Chisholm, 's-
eed Henderington, Thos. Joynt,
Wm. Wateon.
John Johnston ited faintly him Mo-
ved to Goderieh. Mr. Johnston was
a pioneer of West Wiewanosh, and
was highly esteemed as are estimable
citizen and was held itt respect by his
, neighbors for his obliging and genial
disposition and upright dealings.
' Mr.' Johnston and his daughter, iVliss
Dora, will be greatly missed in thie
neighborhecid. Miss Dore will especi-
ally be missed as she took a deep
interest in church work, being a b
zealous member of the opiscopaltan
&tech and for a number of years the t
organist la sacred worship.
The Ntivtie-Itecord gives the locel W
Mr. awl Mrs. Henry Heed, who
have been visiting friends in tbis vic-
inity for Several weeks, left( for' their
hem in Pose, Ne W. T. thin week.
Mr. Hood teem) of the, pioneer sett-
lers and one of .the prosperous farm-.
•ers of that district.
Mr. Balfour spent the past week
with friends in Mount Forest,
Mr. Donald McNevin of Dungannon
visited with his brother here, Nile
John AfeNevin, this week,
Mr. James S. -Cooper, wlao has
been ' having a pleasant vistt wilb
friends he left for his hem in
the ; West this week,
Itelf. Mr. McKey of Dorehester, Pre-
ached in. St. Andrew's , churen last
Mrs. A. McGregor and daughter,
lay, visited friends in Olieton last
Miss Anna Ward, of Varna was the
guest of Mrs. IL Ricker last week,
Miss E. Kettleton spent part of
last week with friends in Clinton. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McLean have
returned from a very pleasant tWQ
weeks' visit with friends in Ripley.
Mr McLean, his eumerous triteels
will be pie d' 0 learn, is very
midi improv d in health.
Mrs, R. Mis is viaiting her dans
Miter, Mrs. (Rev.) MeKiblion, of
Ansa Craig.
Miss Jennie McLean, who has been
enjoying a pleasant visit with friends
at Farquhar his returned honk.
Mr. and hire, Chas. Cooper and
Mrs, James Fowler left last week for
the Northwest where they intend ma-
king their home in the future.
HienSall •
Oh Thursday, the angel of death
took away • Mrs. Wood; rellet of the
late John. Wood of Tuekersinith. The
deceased who had reaChed the good
age of 70 years, was born in :Perth-
shire Scotland and came to this cou-
ntry le 1851. Her Maiden name wee
Ann McFarland. With her Parents
she settled h Tuekersmith and in
1803 was married to her late bus.
band who died eve years ago. - Her
health was .genierally good ten within
the peat two months dueieg which
she has been gradually sinking. A
consisteet member of Carmel Presby-
terian • Church, a, closeted Wife and •
'mother, her memory will Icing be
cherished,all who had "the Pleasure
of , her acquaintance.She ;leavessix
Sons and twO daughters to more the
less of a good mother. TWo of the
sons reside in the West, ,
,4 very, happy event took place' at
the' residence of. Paul D. Bell, Zerith
Road • yesterday, afternoon •when his
•daugliter Ann beeaine the wife- .. (if
Demo. Stewart of Tuckersmith, The
eereniony was performed, by Rev. E.
Met Smith, lie the. pounce' of about
50 guests. The happy couple will set-
tle on the farm of the •grotenn May
eontinued happinese and 'prosperity'
attend them through life,
Mr..1Vfellevin of BurigannOn: Was in
town on Tuesday,. He came down to
vita, his brother John. of Kippen,vh
oSe health has been:Very poor but Is
somewhat" imprOvedi, : •
Counciller -.Geiger • returned !rein
Michigan last week. He found his
sister very 1I1 but bit her ' consider-
ably improved:' , • "
J. W. Ortwein shipped four tons of
onions' this weelt. He previously shi-
pped two tone whicle° is. 'quite a big
ipring output. .
* 'About .half a car load of phones
and fittings arrived laat week and
the lines men are now at work put -
deg 4tt peke and 'sgetting ready for
the local exchange' Com:eaten will
also • be reade,with Kippen Whieh•
will .praVe a great • Conv,enierice. The
exchange will 'start with 40 stibscrib=
-ars: . • • • • • •
, •
, • , and strong. • Me James • Meleou 11
The Clinton Nows-Racord
Qn Friday eve4ag last a large nu-
mber of friends gathered at the reel -
deuce of the Mimes Nesbitt to spend
a social hour. During the eveeing
Mae Sarah wee presented with a'
Bible Commentary together with a
fountain pen) accompanied by an ad-
dress. The presentation was made
by Mrs. S. Merril end the address
was reed by Mrs. I. Jones, Mise Ne-
sbitt was taken by surprise but in a
few well-chosen words made a suit-
able reply, thanking, the donors. The
remainder of the evening was spent
in social chat, inusie, etc., during
whielt time a dainty lunch was ser-
ved by the ladies-. Miss Nesbit went
last Monday to Clinton to take a.
situation as nurse in Dn. Germ's hos-
pital. We wish her success in her
new oceupation. •
Brt.pWtoin.lbert Ilhelt. has. rammed from
Mr. Chris. Beacom had a woodbee
on Friday, and a big' party at night
at which the young tolks enjoyed
themselves immeneely, ees_
Mr. W, Sinclair is recovering from
an Attack of lumbago.
Rev.' Mr. Rhodes showed good, pluck
by • walking to the different ohurches
in the parish on Sunday.. This means
a walk of twenty, Inilee, besides his
pondecting the services.
Miss Mabel Huck has returned af-
ter spending a• month in Goderich
Dr. J. L. Turnbull returned to town
on Saturday evening from his course
of etude' at the Chicago hospitals,
along with Mrs. Turnibull and baby,
and he was more than surprised to
hear, of all the lying; slander and gos-
sip. that lia,d been circulated eleolit
him during his absence. Had the
stories been confined to himself alene
the Dr. wield pay no attention to
them, but when those near and dear
to hien nee dragged ieto the gossip
it is going' a tittle to far. The
doctor states that he will giver a
very nandeorne -present to, anyone -who
will ofurniah him with proof as to who
was the, originator or circulator. of
such. a, silly report -if the latter is
worth 'any money or property. He
is, pleased to report that he is in the/.
volt best 'of health, both physically
and mentally, ;and will ,bo iound ate
tending to hia •pra.ctice as"usual. •
A Spring Danger.
Miltany doctor .and 'will lellsy,ou
that the tied• of purgative medicines
weakens the system, and cannot • Pops
'Shea cure diseaea. Thousands , of
people take • purgative reetlicinei
the Spring, and make a mese serious
mistake in doing so. People Who feel
tired and depressed, who find the • ap-
petete variable, who have ocasionaf
headaches and backaches, or Whose
blOod sinews impurities through eitne
ples , • arid eeuptione, need a spring
meditine. But they should not dose
themselVes witb harsh griping purga-
tives, that gallop through the bow -
'els; tearing the tissues and Weaken-
ing the system, A toeic medicine is
wha,t is needed in the ming and» lir.
Williams' Pink Pills ia the best tonic
that science has Yet discovered. They
are lleletly absorbed into' the sys-
tem filling the veins wi.th puee eieh,
red blood that 'carries health and
strength to every part �f the laxly.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure skin
eruptions, , indigestioe, headaches,
hervoesness, . rheumatism and all
blood troubles.• • Theyeimprcive :the ap-
petite , and make depressed, , easily
tired men and womerecheerful,, ective
-Morris Touinship.
• Miss 'Frank Clegg eit. lat Line, Mo
•ria; is spending a feW days et p
rental :home Sunshine. • • •
We are sorry to say that the litte
daughter . of Wm. . Armstrong is . lai
up witae'scarlet fever.. •
Samuel Walker, Oh Line left on
trip ea the•West lest week'. .
Owing • •to there being no beeines
fer the Grand Jury at the Aesizes i
Goderich last Week, Richard Bewle
and Jas Bowman were notified • the
their presence was, .1.m:a necessary a
the -COtitity town: •
• James Sharpe will move from • hi
firm, 5th. Line, on which he has res
ided foe many 'yea,rs, to Brussels
naving plachased the residence of A
ample. Jas. Sharpe jr., bough
the farm.
Gideon Hood has returned -to hi
horne in Saginaw, Mich, While her
he assistedelas ,the singing and- S. S
work in the Sunshine Methodist chti
rch where in former days he was e
veined *cher; S. S. superintendent
and choir leader. • • •
• ga
Little Shihhegan, 'N. 13e ' says : "
baeie used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as.,
r- a 011ie and blood purifier mid have
ae found them euperiore,to all '',other'
' medicines," • e ,
6 If 'hyou 'need a medicine:this spring-
. and who would note be ehe better t•
' a tonic after theslong dreary in -doer
months -give Dr. . Vannes:lie' , Pink
S pills a trial, They will send rich,
red blood coursing through your
• veins and give yott the buOyariey of
• perfeet health. See that the kW
• name, "Dr. .Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People." is printed on the wrap-
per around each box, All dealers ,in '
s medicine sell these pills 'or you can
get them by mail at 50 'cents 'abox
' or six boxee for $2.50 by writteg; the.
. •
• DreeWilliams'. Medicine Co.; Brock-
ville, Ont.
A Modern Medicine.
Baby's Own Tablets is ai-reodern
Medicine which replaces barbarous
castoroil and poisonous "soothing".
stuffs. The Tablets are a sveeet
harmless little lozenge, • *bleb child-
ren take readily and which May -he
(Meshed to a powder or administered
in a spoonful of water if necessary.
This niedicine cures all stomaeh and
bowel troubles, 'breaks. tip colds, pre-
vents croup, allays the pale ol
teething arid gives 'healthful sleep.
And you have a solemn guarantee
that it contiins net one partiele oi
epiate or poisonous soothirta .stuff.
Vire, J. D. Cilly, Heitthertoh, Que.,ars : "1 have used Itaby"e Own
*ablets for stomach and bowel tree -
les and have alWays found than a
tont ,sartisfactery medicine, and one
hat keeps my children bright and
ealthy." You can get the Tablets
om any medicine dealer or by mil
t tents a bok by writing the Dr.
infante' 1Vtedlcine CO., Brookline,
;and Mrs. Mains were vssitors at
W. Neal's %ha Sunday.
'Mr. George Christopher has return-
ed" after spending a., few days ,in
erich last week, where he attended
the Grand Jury.
. Miss Dora Kenney spent a feW
days this week with friends in Lead.-
bury. ,
Frank llIcheavin returned to Toro-
nto on Tuesday to complete a course
in the Business College there, ,
W. el. Neal went to Toronto- Tu-
esd•ay as delegate from Walton to
the Deand Lodge of A. 0,
Mrs. 0. McTaggart went to Belle-
ville on Tuesday of last week to at-
tend the deathbed of her motherelVIrs.
Ashley, who passed away' on Thurs-
day. She Was nearly a cehtenarian.
The managing hoard of the Public
Libraey met on Monday evening. Miss
Maud Johnstot resigned he position
as librarian, and Miss shah Ferguson
Was appointed in her stead.
John Grinifoldby -was,the vietim of
a serious accident which °muted in
the saw -mill on Tuesdiy, while edg-
mg a 'Ward, in some Manner his hand Jh
was thrown against the .saw,
which severed three fingers arid the
thumb from his right hand, leaving
oely the ihdex finger intact. Medical
aid Was soon .proeured and the wou-
rid dressed, Wit the injury ls a Seir..
ere one,
The S. S. coneention will be beid en
the 29th, that is Wednesday of nee
week, instead Of the 31St as Was an
Mr. Jobe Pierce poetponed his set
till the 31st of March on account o
the bad roads.
Miss Jenkins of Holimesville is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. Wa-
The Independent Foresters' had an
ingathering last Friday night
Teta Mr. McCaul preavhed in the
IVIethodist chureb last Sunday night.
He took for his text Phillipiees 2 :
15, "Shine yo as temps le the
World." He brought out* some strik-
ing thoughts.
Rev, Mr. Coupleeel did not reach
his two anebintineeits last Sunday,
the roads being SQ bad,
Mrs. Ball Sr, is ill1Previllg, we are
glad to say,
1V4ise Charlette Lawlor left for the
Soo last week,
Mr. and Mrs. MeGregor !rem Tor-
onto are the guests of the latter'e
last week for Toledo.
M. jots Lawson. Jr. is euftering
from inflamnietion of the lungs at
A telegram Was received last Men
day stating that Mr. john Ettling
of the West bad passed into the great
heyoed. Mr. Ettling was insured in
the ,Drange Association and also in
the Independent Foresters,
There is to be a debate in the
Q. T. on Monday, April 3rd,
Mr. Jacob Wagner Jr, lost a val.
valuahle horse one day last week,
Porter's Hill.
Mrs. David Cox returned home from
t §tratford last week accompanied by
- her riepbew, Master Harvie Hewitt.
Mrs. 0. W. Pother and datighter
e went to Woodstock laet Thutalay to
I atteed the funeral of her sister. All
of our villagers sympathize with her
in her affliction. '
'Mr. erel Mrs. Walter Weston end
daughter are spending a few days in
K lams.
Mr. Clement Newton had a very hick
colt, but it is 'reproving now,
- -
Revival meetings are being held in
the Methodist church nightly. The
attendance at these Meetings. is 'very
Divine service is beinfg held in the
English church here every Frida,r
evening .durieg the season of Lent.
We are sorry to hear that ,there is
r.ot much improvement in some cif
our 'citizens ,vvho. are lying ill at. pre -
Dr. Gene Clinton was in town
on Monday; ' • •
Mr, G. M. Chambers of Amberley
has. bought out the dry goods Ibusi-
nese. of • le. ifeBeatli arid takes , pose
sesilon on Saturday. .
Mr. Maeon was in Goderfoh on
Saturday atteedIng the sale of Rene
ineon'S Beery bases. •
Riley ese Tilden'S teems and Men
returned from Goderieh on Saturday
where they have been working Or
the past esontle The boys had quite
a time getting home, the roads beteg
in a. terrible condition. .
. Tilden, • one of the railroad con-
trattors, Was here last, week' making
arrangements to , commence Working
.on his contract' here ae Soon as pose
Owing to the bad 'condition of the.
roads, since the thaw very little hu-
silieSs. is " poing' done. thee days.
. . . .
Constance. •
. .
W. Kenny and IC Trewarthe . of
:Winthrop visited' their friend, Mr. W.
B. Cook, on Friday.. • • '
Messrs. J. and d. Riley, treated
their friends to a dancing party on
Friday night. •
Mr. Jeivitt arid wife of Brussels
vieited with their son, R. W. Jew-.
itt, this week. • , ,
andMrs: Jas. Paiish spent Sa-
turday, in, Goderich. . •
Mies :Edna Staple's of Seafortli is.
Lindsay, Week • with Mrs, William
• Mr. D. ,strtherland received a tele -
grain on Friday night saying that
his son, Sinclair Sutherland, • died on
Wednesday irom dietheria. He had
been 'in Brandon 'about orie week. We
extend our sincere sympathy to his
parents, 'Mr. mid Mrs, •Sutherland. :
NeWS. Of The .Day.
Mr, James Laidlaw, ex -M. P.. Ps for
South Wellington, died Mondale
. Fred. Salisbury of • Waterford was
found dead in -the M. 0.• R. yarn at '
St, Thomas. e
• Sallied Wilson, a, cabinan of Jiroe
ekville committed suicide by 'taking
'Paris' green. •
E. G. Rutta,n was .846dt:tett at Bel-
leville or, the charge of conspiracy hi
connection with the ,ballot -lox cases:
William Phelan, a usually affection-
ate father, anurdered his 'son at Mon -
treat, beating the boy -on the. head
With an iron poker, , • .
Ray Bezinson . of Elathilton; severe.
teen years of age; Was accidentally
shot and killed by Jellies Potter, .
youthful eorripinion.
The birthday of the neW Provinces
of Alberta and Saskateliewan will be
celebrated by the civic authorities of
Reglea on July Isa ' •• '
The,' Allan Liner Hungarian, which
was OV444,net has arrived Parte
, Preece is, to import salitiori spawn'
gfrtorenai,tnsC.anada to stock the French
letnperOrWillittin 'will sail from Cult.
haven ler the Mediterranean im lVfarch
Mount Vesuvius is again in erupe
tion the disturbance being attribut-
ed to an earthquake.
The United States cruiser Washing-
ton Was lateiched from the yarde of
Cho New York Shiplittilding Company.
Not a single candidate from New
York tucceeded in the qualifying ex-
arninetions for the 1005 Rhodes Mhos'
latehip. •
United States Secretary Of State
Hay was taken ill at New York whi-
sleallbotiorduinugrotphoe, steamship Oretie to
Count De Sogouzito, 0, member of
he commission to investigate the
enmeercial conditions or Movoceo,
as been captured by Atebs.
Officers - who were in charge of One
f the hatteriee the% fired the salute
t the blessing of the wittere of the
eve have beendisinissed from •the
rmy arel sentetked to imprisonment.
An ednertisethent hi The News-
ccOrd brings good reetilte,
Mr. Golden Newton is visiting Tor-
onto this week as delegate. to the
Grand Council of the• C. 0. C. F.
Mastee Harvie Potter had his sleigh .
stolen the other night.
Mrs. E. C. Potter Of Zion City,
Illinois, visited around here one
day last week.
Mr. Willierri Perdue ban started his
saw mill.
Mr. Samuel Enunerifon has bought
A horse in Hullett for re nice figure. •
Mrs; T. Betties is sick' at present..
We hopeshe will soon be better.
Mt. D. D. Wilson of Seaforth has
etarted gatherine eggs again.
Mr. Thercar Bettis has a sporty
team of drivers.
Mrs. J, A. Ford of' Clinton ,visited
her sister, Mrs. W. Pickarde on Mon-
1VIrs, Roos was in St, Marye on SA-
turdaY attending the funeral' of her
Mrs, Rhodes' father and mother are
spending a few days with her.
On Saturday Mr. H. Elford was in
Seeforths •
The many friends of Mr. Will. Pick -
are glad to hear he is improving.
We' understand that Mr. Geo. Sw-
allow has been appointed to take ch-
arge of -the poultry station here in-
stead , of Mr: Fred. Elford who has
received a bleeter appointment and ins
tends remaining in Ottawa.
' Mr. Oscar Forster is this week in
Toronto attending' the Grand Lodge
of Chosen Friends. '
A Wrong Impression.‘ ,
Newspaper men are not gifted 'with
either omnipresence or omniscience and
must Inet be eapected to get all the
news. „Persoes may visit in town -for
a day or so 'arid he may, not learn of
the fact. Hit also sometimes he,ppeits
that, the absence of some. citizee
not noted. iri the Papers • Then they
get the irepressiori :that they are. be-
ing. slighted by the paper, but, it it
a • mistake: The paper has no 111 -fee-
ing agginst anybody.. Do not be aft-.
aid, to. give us. items of interest.' :
, .
The •Central 13usinee5 'College . of
Stratford .hes becohie affiliated with
the famous Elliott lettelaess College:
'of. 'Toronto, and the student who
'eempletes his course, at the C. B. C.
enjoys* the advantages of thee great
city. All Who graduate secure splen-
. •
did positions. Wqte for a .free °eta-
. .
It is. believed that the' EmPeror Of
Germany' e visit lei Mortices) wilt ;Put
an. end to .French eiretensions in that.
Three :hundred membera of the revo-
lutionary organization which hada
bean& in London, were arrested by
the Moscow penee, •
Undersigned' Will sell, by pine:
. .lic erection et. Lot 45, Bayfield R� -
ad, Godeeielo- twee:hip, on Satire -
day, Aptil 1st, the following Hoe-
.- eeseel niare- in foal t� heael,lloree,
,I. general purpose filly rising • 3,
horse 6 tears old, 1 pair .ponies
effsingele Catelea-6 cows le calf, 4
• fareoW cOWs., 7 cattle 2 years old.
This stock • will he spiel., .Terms,7
• . months e Credit or 5 net cene, per
inetun.. Tbe. frame of A :barr., 2.8x
88, Will .also be sold. at 'same tinie.
and. place;-7James Srnith,'
send •Implements.-Teetnas Boner,
has received 'instructions front. ,Mr,
S. Appleby. to sell by public auet-
ion on Thursday, March ,30th, at
1 p. re. on Lot 24, Con, 8, Hul-
lett, the following property : Flor-
Ses--.-.1. 'draught ,in rea.0 rising 6 years
old . foal . to im oeted horse, 1
general . purpose m e rising 4 yea-
rs old, I driving le re rising 0 yea-
rs old, r roadster filly' .10 Months
old. Cattle -4 newly Calved cows,
2 cows due to calve in the tpeir.g,,
2 hotline la Years old in cafe 1 ;Our-
' ham bull rising 2 years otd, 1 pa -
rte Mill 11 niotths, 1 grad,: bull 8
, months, 3 yearling steers, 4 young
calves. Pigs -6 state pigs, 1 breed
sow With litter at foot, 1 Oen:fibre
ed Yorkshires boar,-Iemieleliefs- I
new Massey Harris einder, 1 new
Frost ' & Wood seed drill, 1 new
Massey Harris mower, 2 pulpers als
moet new, I land toilet, 1 set iron
hartows 4 setons, 2 lumber Wag-
ons, 1 light wagon, 1 cutter,' i
top buggy, 2 single plows, 1 large
2 furrow Wove, 1 hay 'carrier with
ropesslings and fork, 1 new scuff -
ler, l' new Olintoti fanning mill,. 1
cutting bole; 1 set weigh sealee, 1
eenw steel hayrake, 1 hayreek, 2
Pair bohsleighs,,,1 wheel barrow, 2
set dotting harness'2 sot • single
herness,' 1 sickle grinder, 1 large
boX StoVe, 1 De Le'val cream eep-
arritor almost new. 'Poultry- 40
hens, 1 ducks. All of which will be
sold withoet reserve. Ternie of
Sale -All some of $6 and under,
'ash; over that amount 8 Months
credit on approved joint notes, A
discount ot Si cents on the dollar
allowed for cash on credit atnoun-
ts.*S, Appleby, proprietor; Thos.
flown, •attetioneer.
Niaich 23rd loos
1140KINNON 8t 00., BL frt.,'4.
N'ovelties in Trilliums's, alsO all the newest shapes in Un-
trimmed Hats, whigwill be trimmed to order on silo*
notice by experienced milliners. NO hat will be allowed toA•
leave our show -room except it is trimmed in the latest
style and btconung to the wearer,
Miss Hood, who is well and fa,VOrably Imown as an
expert in the art of Millinery, is again in charge of this
department. She visited the principel fasbion cer.tres and
copied the latest designs in Hate, etc., as hown in Paris
and New York. We have no formal opening, but a cordial
Inviejetion is extended to ell. to come at :any time and view
otir grand display of Spring' Mihaly, which is second tO •
• This • week we make a grand display of New Spring Mil-
linery in ell the letest Paris and New York styles. in Lad-
ies' Dress floes, Ready -to -Wear and Outing Hats, Flowers, •
Feathers, Wings; Plumes., Vellings and all the
• none in thcounty.
We show an immense stock of goods suitable der Blouses • ,
and Shirt Wst5tti1 itt Vestings, Voiles, Crepe d4; Chines, `
ees.-.--SilkeTemeli10, Taffetas, Japanese Silks, Peau de Sole, 4.
Black and .Colored Satins, Coach', Voiles, Fancy, Muslin,, eta is
• e
• •
We are Making extensive preparations for a Big S,pring Sale
of Fine Shoes. For the balance of this month we will cone
there our GREAT CLEARING SALE, which has been thus
Ofa; eaogrsia,n.d. suecess. We have yet A limited, stiP14 mis-
cellaneonS goods which we will clear. out REGARDLESS ,
• Our, Boys' and Girls' School Boots at DOe and $1 are the
leest valuee ever offered in Clinton, , .
' Our Men's Fine Boots •,a,t S2 and 12,25 are Trade Winners. •
Yoti should see the yalues we are offering in Ladies' Pine
. •
Bootee $3 and $3,50 bootsegoing a:t $a, we May have,your . .. •
size kit. You cannot judge of the values we are giving ' ...
unless • you come anit, sm. No trouble to shove -goods. • .1 , '
We knew ,we • can save -yon Money on Footwear. Do you need
Rubbers or Ruttier Boots .? We have just what you •vve,nt. 0
We are stile agents in Clir.ton for Kant Krack and Granby .. ' ''. •
. Rubbers. We believe they are ;the best and they don't °est, 0
• eia
, any more than the inferior kinds. We guarantee every pair, 4 .
• Why riot hoe the beet.? ' ' • ; • t-
. •
. .
. . .
•• .
, The' Old,, Reliable • ; ' • ... :• .
1.. WM. TAYLOR. & SON. I" ...
. : •
H,•,•••••••••••.* •••••••,..**••••••4,44444 0 44•••4. .,
............."..............., . ........... . .
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4,.........•••• I . - ,
.. .
' J. B. HOOVER. ' • NELSON BALI. * .
011iTSE. s AN') , 'OFFICE i
• . -. ' --: '
F UlEt ?aril U.11 14;
our wants can be supplied 'best by
u6. . Our prices bring us the • ' I.
. . trade. .- ' ' • : •
. •
. to+
[1:r• you have our. personal . supervision
1 4,
. and satisfaction -guaranteed. ,.
0 •
• Undertaking promptly attended to by night or dp.sr.
I •
Hoovg.R ....& I..
t Night' and Sunday calls, an as reSid(nce of either of ' the princie
. .
When'we will 'display for your ihspection all the
Miss Morrison, who le wen known to the PeoPle•of this / vi-
, . •
einity as a firstsclass Milliner, is again in Ohara° of the de-
parthient. .. „„. , A Cordial Iiivitation is Extended to. All .
-*THAT WILL suninusx YOU *
ry The NowHiellit for 1905