HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-23, Page 2• The Clinton Nows.Record oi et Soaps Use SVNLIGIIT SOAP and SANrie THE COUPONS. The CotliVils are the same as cash because they can be eXchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week, Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing., Ask your grocer for patticulars or write us for Premium List. A gift is of little valve if it consists of something yot,t have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use every day, 2000 LEVER BROTHERS 'LIMITED; TORONTO, CANADA. a.311111NOMINIMAIIIIMMOIM 41 aysi Fresh • • OUR STOCK OF DRUGS ETC. WILL .ALWAYS BE FOUND FRESH AND Up- ' TO -DATE IN EVERY BR- ANCH, AND WE INVITE YOU TO GIVE US A. CALL • IF IOU WISH TO PROCURE ANYTHING USUALLY FO- UND IN A FIRST-CLA§S : DRUG STORE. • 11. B. OOMBE CHEMIST AND. DRUGGIST.' COAL LEAVE- YOUR ORDERS NOW • For.. • YOUR SEASON'S SUP- • PLY OF COAL. WE CARRY.. , ONLY THE VERY BEST.GRAr. • DES WHICH \vita:, RE SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE ORDERS MAY BE LEFT AT DAVIS & ROWLAND'S HARD-. : WARE STORE OR WITH • ' W. J. Stevenson. (*) SCHOOL. (*) (*) (*) A FAMOUS (*) (*) Business men have learned. (*) (*) that our graduates are pre-. (•*) • (*) pared for positions of trust, (*) (*) No school in Canada Can (*) (*) do more for its studeptt (*) (*) than this one. Our grade- (*) (*) ates always secure positions (*) (*) Write for our free.oatalo)gue, (*), (*) it is a handsome one. (*) (*) Spring term opens • April (*.) (*) 3rd. (4) (*) 0c) (*) Elliott and McLachlan, (*) (*) Principals. (*) (*) (*) • CENTRAL ..„( • STRATFORD, ONT. Infante too young to tagmedicine Insa be cured of croup, whooping congh and colds I using Vapo-clresolene-they breathe it.. Goderich. IThe•High Court of Justice. Mr. W. H. MeEwan said on Satur- day evening that lie never before sae, such en amount of water running down the Saltford hills before, the rains of Friday evening mid Satur- day melting the snow upon. the .hill tops. The cellars are all being .flob.d- d. Messrs, Ransford of Clinton have closed down their. salt Works here. A CHICAGO ALDERMAN' OWES HIS' ELECTION TO CHAMBER- LAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. "I can heattily-and conscieetiously reeommend Chamberlain's Cough Re- medy for affections of the throat and langs, says Hon. 'John Shenick, 220 Pedria, St.; Chicago. "Two yea- rs ago during a :campaign, I caught 'cold after being overheated; which irritated my throat and was finally compelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud. In my extremitya fri- end advised me to use' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I took two doses that afternoon and could not believe my senses when: I found the text morning the inflammation had. large- ly subsided. I took several d .ses that day, kept right on talkiag-throdel, the camPaige and I thane. this medi- einOthat I won my seat le the Coun- cil." This 'remedy .is Coe sale by II.• B. Contbe, Clinton • The News -Record, gives the leo& news. , ' • . "Didn't the :minister feel it when s� many in the congregation 'fell asleep. duringthe sermon - • . „ ,`.`Oh, no ; it.egeouraged hint' to keep :"HOW so?" ' Why, he -waS egotistical enough to think they were nodding apprOval. :9f What he said." . ' , • : . .. • •• ,CHAMPION LINIMENT FOR RHE- . . U1VIATISM: Chas. Drake, a .mail barrier at Ch- apinyille, Conn., says : 44Chumfier- lain's Pain Balm is the 'champion of all liniments. Tlfe past ' • year I' Was :troubled- a.- -great . -With- thou in tisni in my shoulder. .After. ArY4ii seVeral eures. the -storekeelier 'here re- etinimend this'. reMedy, and it com- pletely cured ' me." 'There is no use' of ._ahyone tuffering from that painful ailment when this liniment . can be ebtained for a small :sum: One:Appli- cation gives . prompt relief and Its continued use :fora short timeWi1I. produce . a perinatient cure. For sale by H. B Oernbe, Olinten.- PURE SEED anniN. PLTRE SEED GRAIN. -WE HAVE . . °Mined out a :Flour rind 'Feed Store .and keep in stock flour; bran, sh- orts,' Cured meats, etc We., made a . special ettori to procure and have on hand a supply lof Olean .,Seed Wheat and . Timothy, and 'lathers .. making their purchases from'' us can :rely upon getting their seed . as free. as possible from nex- ious .weeds. • : Fordr& NeNeil• Do not consider it a hardship to do as much for THE NEWS•RECORD as you do for a city week- ly' or dai13r.---pay for it in advance. Consult Your Address Figures. Subscribe for The News :Record. The -jury sittings tif the High Court of just* were held in Gotlerichr last week 'before Hon. Mr. Justice Mere- dtth. Three of the six eases set down were disposed of by Wednesday even- ing, and the other three, including the Township of Ashfield vs. Couety of Huron •ease were adjourned to the non -jury sittings. The first case was Wright vs. the Grand Trunk Railway Co., an action for damages alleged to have been. re- ceived by the plaintiff, Wm. Wright, a farmer living in the township 'of Tuckersmitin. On the 1.2th of July la- st Mr. Wright deliyered 'a load of hogs in Seaforth and between 5( and . 0 o'clock in the evening startedi ow his return home, At Mr. Wright was cro- ssing the railway trkek a freight train in blacking up, crashed into his wagon smashed the wagon, caused the death of one of the hories and injured Mr. Wright himself. The freight train. in question. was a special made up in Goclerich to run to.Stratford, If left Clinton, a few minutes. ahead of the express that leaves. Goderich at 5 p, of., and pulled into Seaforth just ahe- ad of the express. The freight ran through the yard to a switch, to leave the main line open fer the .ex-• press, and was hacking down the sw- itch 'at the ;time of the accident, Mr, Wright, it appears, bad his attention taken up with the express, which at this time was standing at the sta- tion, and consettrently did not notice • FOR •AN IMPAIRED APPETITE. .• . Loss. :of appetite always results from faulty digestion, All ,that is needed is a few doses of Charnher- lain's . Stomach and Liver. Tablets. They will invigorate the stomach strengthen the digl$3stion aad give you an appetite like a wolf. These tab-• lets also: act as a • gentle laxative.' For sale, by, H. B. Cornbe, Clinton. the freight aPproaching him front the .other side. The evidence of the • con- ductor and crew Of ' the freight was .very positive that the whistle was sounded before the trainstarted to back, that the • bell was .rung contiac-, • dusly and that the.eonduCtor was on the' platforni of • the rear car and wh- en-lie-,saw.-Wrightsdaeger yelled to hiiu and waved his heads. .This. was also; in the Mate, corroborated by .other. witnesses,: A 'marl and a boy named Powell and McKenzie, respec tively, who were near the track at the time, also aatid-that thershoir 'Led te Mr. Wright and, in the corroborated the story of: thetrait: men... Witnesses for the .prosecutien, lioweker; Said they 'heard neither bell nor whistle,"Mid said there Was no one on the rear of ,the Wright elaitned his horse Was Worth $150 or over, ;said itcost $2.5 to re-:‘. pair the, wagon and that he had hire a Man for month at11,50 . day and board On .account Of his own injuries. The jury returned With an- swers to the judge's questions, ;hold- ing that ...the accident was: due to negligence .oe the part of the . Grand' Trunk, as they found; frem theeei. dence that a man was not onthe rear platform of the train. In accordance with the jury's verdict the jtidge di- rected judgment t� he entered after -thirty days forthe plaintiff for with • Costs, R. S. Hays, •solicitor fOr pIaintiff.. .Wm. ' Proirdftiot K. O., cO- uncil for Plaintiff. W. R. -Riddell K.: C., 'Toronto, counsel for defendant. 'McDonald vs. llifelVer-,-An action for slander. The parties .t� this action live near. Ripley. R.. Vanstone for aintiff. J, A. McPherson, solicitor for defendant. W. Proudfoot K. C. counsel for defendant. In accerdanc, with the jury's finding judgment was entered for the plaintiff for $200. With costs, proteedings stayed thirty day's. • • • FREE TRIAL 'BOTTLE, • • TP PROVE THAT DR. LEONHAR- DT'S ANTI -PILL WILL DO-, ' YOUR. NAME AND ADDRESS ON A POST CARD,WILL BRING IT - HAS CURED NHOUSANDS AI.- . READY, • ,. ' Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill has ush- ered in a new era in the treatment arid cure of disease. Thousands who had given up hope have Veen restored to perfect health, and every cure seems to be perfect and permanent. Here is a case of Dyspepsia : "I have been a great suileter flynn Dynpepicia for many Years. I haVe been treated lby 1000 loceors arid l' - vs taken nearly all he edlertistd remedies with only temporary 11 lief, 'but since using Dr. Leonhardt's ti - PM I, Can eat anything the same ss • Wifse Efoitie A. Skirnings, ep0014000•0•000000, Captain W. Gundry has had his two spruce trees cut down which for yea- rs have stood the Storm and snow- drifts. Ile is also thinning out his shade trees. Mr. Ed. Swarts of the 13ritish Ex- change is keeping very Well, we are Pleased to say. Mr. Stancombe's new red brick house on Macdonald street is •near- inecompletion, It is .quite a some building, t For once silenee reigned in Victoria Opera house on St. Patrick's day, l'ffrs. D. Bell was called away to Wing/ram a couple of. weeks • ago, by the midden serious illness of her sis- ter's hirshand, Mr. Watson of that place. Mr, and Mrs. Acheson and, Mr. Dave Bell intend to return at ant ear 1y date from Orange, California. Buehanans and Lavvson's mill is running night and day,. The Union Jack was not the only sign that. Court was beiu:g. held here last week, one more eotieeable . was the sheriff's silk hat. : On Wednesday evening the families of the G. T. R. League were well re- presented at the annual ball given by there in Oddfellow's ball. Quite a number of the younger girls made their debut and a merrier, rosy cheek - ed bevy of young maidens we eever had the pleasure of meeting. C. otillions and reels were almost •more en vogue than the waltz or twostep. The rims.; ic was very good, Mr, W. Whitley) ac- tnmParlYine at the piano, the Messrs. 'Stnith and Mr. Tom Macdonald, 1st :and 2nd violinist, Mr. Whitley was kindly relieved at times by Miss Liz,. zie McClusky and Mr. Stowe, Mr, Neil Elliott was master of ceremon- ies: Captain Laithwalte, *Lieut. Ha - eke, and Councillor Salkeld made themselves iver3r agreeable to their gtiests. Refreshments were served at 12-90 p. ni. .Messrs. Battle, C. C. Lee, D. Munro and H. 0. Stfirdy were. some ef the business men in- vited. The young ladies were dress-. pd in every color to suit their fancy, so that their 'costumes were very Va- riegated. Many wore deep collars of rich lace.. The young men were a fine type of country farmers', and all good dancers. Messrs, Helwig, Walt. Moore and Edward Lawson were gu- ests from Auburn.. Messrs. Williams. and Henderson; Holmesville, and Messrs. Duncan Stevenson, Bert Day - mond, • and friends; Clinton. • tk, ,o The News of Goderich. 000 • • • 'corespendeiti • , • • 0 • 0 • • ce0,4,..„q#1,4t.,,K.,0' rixtxtxtrAiciew • . • ESCAPED AN .0pERATIO,N.. "I had itching piles :for. six Yeart, ' and the 'doctors told tee therewas no •cure: for Me unless ;rin operation. Dr: , 'Chase's Ointment. .completely cured: me 'in . one week: As that :was .'six .months ago, and, there has been no return pf the old trouble I beli- eVe that the ' cure isa permanent One." -Mr. J.,•.1VIawer, Roden Main • Mr:. Dogtie, one of the employees of the Messrs Battle at the .stone qua- rry, miratulously escaped death there on 1Vlarch.,10th. He was seated on the ledge 'of ,the cliff o'here he..Wasnt work with his drill, two pieeee. of rock fell' from the top of the cliff in- flicting slight wounds: vvhicli would have caused him 'to' Tiff,. but. 'he was savedby taking hold' of piece ef rock,. whieh jutted -out, and saved him froth piing over which would have meant a fall of thirty' feet. The Ladies' .Aid cit North—ntre church are doing banner Work in ad- ding :to .their fund which is to reach the $1000 .mark. On Monday evening at. the residence Of Mrs', John Ache- son, a delightful parlor concert Was `held. The drawing rooms • and par - lot, were pretty well fitted, • During Lent services are. heldat St: Peter's church:, on Thursday evenings, and at St. -George's en Wednesday evenings. , • . • We received from BURY Cra.n Ireland, a little bOteuet of four leafed Shamrock with the oheering neWs thlt our theughtful .correspondent said that "Golden Leaves" was a perfect gem, and sent ,us the .sharnrocit , tor "Ooed Luck," . . Quite' a crowd attended. the King Edward and Huron hockey club! con- test • on Thursday evening. Great excitement prevailed. The: Hurotts won, the score being 8 to 3, The 'Ainains of the late' Robert c,. Hobson of Toledo, 0hi., arrieed at the G. T; M. .station i Tuesday, ac-, companied by the widow of deceased, and his brother, Mr, John. 'Hobson of Saenaw.' Mt. George Hoblson, father of the deceased, came to Goderich a- bout a half century ago, and run a line of stages before the railread came in. He kept a livery stable and was till° proprietor of several hotels in succession. . Mr, 13,ohert C. Helbson was the third son and was Married in. Goderich inflccember 1875 to Eliza- beth Ansley. He Was a conduetor DO several railroads) but at Ann Ar- bor met with an. accident upon his train, which rendered him ileapable of work ever after, yet alloyed very good health, after his reteverY from it, and was only taken serious- ly ill, foot hours before the angel of death called him , to the land where there is no suffering, He leaves no fa,mily, only bis widow; A numbrer Of riends Were at the stationto meet the remains, and the (uncial 100k Pleee on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. 111r. Anderson officiating at the resi- d mence of Mrs. Ansta,y and at the emetery.The easket was covered with agnificent flowers, including large wreaths, a basket of lovely flowers, rut many beautiful casket bottuets, he pallbearers of the deceased were 11 schoolmates: Messrs, D. Cante- en, George C. Black, J. P. pates, harles Bates, Ed Van Every, and tobett Campbell, Mr, Pilsinger has given .a contract o Mr, Robert Jones, for the erect - 'on of a stylish brick cottage on his West Street property. St. George Price has given op his grocery and has accepted the position of traveller for the wholesale of J. Eckhart &! Cc, a a When a boy, My old-time vigor as returned, so that my spirits are buo- yunt.und temper normal, / elye all credit to Dr, Leonhardt'i Anti -Pill," -M. N. Daloe, 29 Colbort,e street, Toronto A montb's treatment at your drug. glist's for 50e, A.,sarople free ad- dressing The Wilson -Pyle Co, Ningarit Palls, Ont. Sole agents tor Canada. 10,1, W. A. Ross, late of the organ. fact. Horne, Idaho. They left on March, ol4r yt was, accompanied by his daught- er, Miss Ross, on a trip to Mountain h. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Green' will cele- brate tkeir diaretkd wedding on the first of April " Mr, Lynn is spendieg a month with his mother. How does your subscription. to The News -Record stand? Captain Alexander Ferguson of the Port of Bayfield was in town last week. He is wetted at Captain of the "Nortliland" for this season. The Captain has many friends : at this port .as well as at Hayfield. At the sale on Saturday evening at the British Exchange a number of lots lying in the vicinity of the G. T. R. station were auctioned of .,by T. Gundry, prices offered were very 1°Twhe Lord's Day Alliance kept one eye on lkir..-Pigott's men working on the ,q.a.binith Day and ot course in- terviewed the contractor whioh brou- ght forth. a letter' from Pigott es Co. stating. that it was imperative that. certain work must be finished before the :river .breaks up as Pigott Co. are in danger of the work being de- molished by the flood. Eleven now. tnembers were added to the communion roll of Knox church at the preparatory service on 3rd. March,five coming from other cliur bhes On Stinday Ref./. Mr,. Elliott prea- ched a practical sermon in Knox el; suproelsre, dB, . Mr. Anderson being. ieT. The wedding presents shipped in June 1904 'to:the new horne'at Moose - jaw of Mr. and Mrs; Charlie Chryst- al, for ;their wedding day, .were not received by them until Feb. 1905. Mr. Chrystal threatened to sue the company for their non -arrival . and when search was. made the box wei7 ghing 400' lbs,: Was • found lying .at lVfoosemin. -one earl- imagine the joy of Mrs. Chrystal On seeing the . beau- • tifid gifts which she thought were M. George Maccabe left on'Tues- Tuesday :to • take up a reach in _the. West.' A • telegram- was -received here en 13th inst. by Mrs. Frank 'Ferguson, inforining her Of the death at Strat- ford of her brother-in-law, Mr. Rob`-• ert Runciman, a brother -of Mr. John Runeenan.. Of :late, years • Mr. 'Rend-. man was a :land valtiator for a Toe. 'ento:Insuranee ,CO, The Globe said : Hebert Runoff:awn formerly oiGoiler, ieh;an-expert in apKaisiug 'the value Of machineryandwell known in in- surance circles, died suddenly at Str- atford: on Monday, „Deceased, who was a Seoteliman, had been in busi- ness in Toreeito for .sciMe years, and was 'rated as a man of sterling in- tegrity and peculiar 'ability in his business. Although over seventy yea- rs Of • age his services were in con - stant • requisition by promitient fire. insurance. coMpanies. He was marri- ed tO Miss Martha Salkeld, kstei Of Mr. John .Salkeld, Mrs: Frank Feiguson and Mrs. Riddell) all of tOwn. . • • '• If it "in -abilious- attack take-011am.- herlaim's Stomach and •Liver Tablets and a qiiick cure, is certain .Por le by D. Combe, Clinton, ;• I . The leng'illneas of the late pioneer • ,business man• of Goderich, Mr. John - Ralph,. ended ' in death On h 10t March, He was lbore in.' Ireland and carne to this country With his' par- ents. who settled in London township; *John beingready. to gniiite, buSi- nesS thought he would,come to •Goil- Crick And being of a 'bright enter- prisingdisposititm..he opened out a shop here. He Was Married to Miss E.lixabeth Ross by the Rev. Alex:: il/c1Cid 'of the old kirk. ''Mr. ' Raipb.. thought it Wiser to retire from.busi- ness and allow his. sons to trY their fetter:ea in ;Vancouver where they are, good business men. He took no interest in polities, nei,er seeking civ - is honors, but stinlying always the Welfare Of •his patrons who came Irani all parts of, West Huron tri Our - chase goods trent...him, The Cattle pros. bonghb out his. business .and later Worsell.& Son. The :last three years of hie life he seemed to fail very fast. Lovely. palms Were placed around' coffin. ftev. Anddr- Son officiated at hound •aiid ceinetery, The pallbearers were MesSrs. John Acheson, James Buehanan Sr., Jam- es Giant, William Warnock, David Stod.dart and J. Boyd. pi the sons and daughters .ef the late Mr. Ralph only, Miss Ralph wait at home, the other • menibers being and Ross of Vancouver,. Met. (Dr.). • Her- ald of Medicine Hat.,• Assa., • Mrs. James daltoway and 1Vliss EVA, Ral- ph of Vancouver., March 23rd 1905 Work On rarin For AIL `:Every able- bodied man who is Willing to go to work in the farm can be placed by us within fifteen tilinntet," Was the statement made last week by Ur. Thomas Southwor- th, Provincial Director of Colonizat, ion. Within the last, few weelis has been a flood of iintnigrantS Toronto. The appearance of large Milliners of these men from the old country on the streets of the eity,es- pecially during the last day or two, and the statement of the Toronto Reliel Society that thvir resumes have been greatly taxed owing to the demands made upon them for as- sista= by recent arrivals, had led to the belief that perhaps the im- migrants were corning too tepidly to be properly cared for. The testi - molly of all the immigration ofticials in the (ray is, however, unanimous upon the point. The demands of..tho Ontario farmers for hired men are, despite the(nflux, still in excess of the supply. "We cannot beAn to supply the de Mand,." said Mr, Southworth. "We have sent out this week alone to the farmers of Ontario more than 160 people, asclsbi11 the applications from farmers for help are coining in to us at the rate of. fort) and fifty per day. It must be reniernhered, to, that a large number of the immigr- ants have been engaged by farmers independently of us. The), collie in to the city, pick Out a likely looking chap andtake him home with them, . "Slightly' better wages are being Paid than in former years," contin- ued Mr, Southworth. "Inexperien- ced .nien who want to learn farming are being taken for $100 to $120 per annum with board. Experienced farm hands are getting from. $200 to $260 per annum with board. For shorter periods higher wages' are paid. Quite a number of Men are corning out from the old country with their Wives. We have had no difficulty in placing these either. We have had quite a number of applications from farmers for married' couples, the woman . to work in the house, Sornetinies they will take 'an inexperienced inan with his . wife for .$200 Per annum with boa' rdn An Alipereas.ing .nurnber. of farmers in Ontario are providing separate house accommodation for their hired men and families. In such cases an experienced farm hand is allowed a cottage with .garden,) fuel and •millk, and is paid about $300 per annum. Our farmers are steadily coming to realise that they must provide, this., separate accommodation if they wish to satisfactorily solve: the ,labor• pro - Mr; °Southworth: wan emphatic •:ia !the. •statement 'that 'not; one of the immigrants provided he is in . good health,. •iteed be without employment. There was ecrtainly anything but a glut in the farrn labor inerket. "The- re . May he a glut of • mechanics," went on Mr. Seuthworth, but:this this: department has -nOthitig to -• db. With afirntdiisila,gUntli. 'etninakwect .eNitoitrttullati'theolYebain :work :in 'the 'pity .at their trades,.but the- majority of those uns.uctessful in the s•earch foe snob employment drift' iback„ to.our agency and 'g.ti on to the "Tire men we hare :the Most. trouble fiih are work in stores aUldo7 .coiffillegesf r edaylecialeteadi fellows. who do not want to do, man- wal work. Toronto is Very emelt Con- kested-w1,411 : this' ..olasow-' and it is veryliard for neW. arrivals- to 'obtain employment: . That 'isprettt ninon the only Class :With whish W liave had trouble and after all they are not very numerous and stx,fieror lat- er eVen these all .get employinint by drifting tutthe. smaller • places."' :The stories of distress alliCn;.4 the, inmAritantS: dC1r;;Southworth ellarac- teri'hcs s "tritist eXaggerat4d." Wtheii; people saw a• feW Englinhinen. waik- ing the streets of -the city •thay im- mediately, jumped to the conclusion that subjects for the. poorhouse Were being .1A:beg-lit to • this'eoturtry , in large ,numbers. ,,A :certain number of 'men from the east end -56 'London had come here last year a ho were Perhaps. *hat might be called •undes- irable.. Many of them got work:dur- ing ; the'serrinier as day lakhrets-or.on ther.boatei7and then when the seaSon closed. {hey -were thrown. out and' reL inlet out et!iet laprIc'ouynindentt.11". 614'741. :" "The great proportion of those who are. coming out now.," said Mr. Sou- thworth ".a.re doing • so 'With ihe in- tention :of goleg on to 'the ,:farmt. Many Of them have found, and doubt- less will continue to find,- that the work' is not an congenial as they ex:. pected it :to These men.gradually drift into the small Owes and find empiOyment at one thieg :and another and . hut few oftheM return ti,r the, city,'' ' • • Mr, R. M. Persse, Provincial iniiiii- gration: agetit at'the Union Station, Asserted that the demand for farm help is greater than. the supply. Over 500 immigrants had arrived during the present week and those wlI1iit to go on farnts were placed within a radius of 100 relict east, north and West of Termite), just as soon as :the Papers could be made . out, The ..belk of those recently arrived were Eng- lish, "The best we ever had," was Mr. Persseis desCripthon. Nearly all of them preferred to stay in the city. for a few days before going into the country, and that •accounted for their being Seen around this city. Some of those who arrived earlier the week were yesterday Making applications for positions or the farrrIS. The Kidneys Mica they' are 'Weak, tor, Old, or stagnant, the whole system suffer.. Don't nog- lect• them at.. this Cane, but heed the warning of the aching back, the bloated facet the sallow comple-sion, the urinary disorder, and beglfl treatment at once wlth HoodysSarsaparilla which contains the best. and. ' safest, curative substances. For testimonials oit renfarktffile Curse - send for Rook on Kidneys. No. 0. C. 1. 11004 CO., Lowe, Mal& . Sentence Sermons. Praetice is prayer. Piety never parades itself,, The self-satiSileff need to be ' shOrt sighted. There are no wolves ixt the empty , sheepfold. 1- - A man may be measured by the things he seeks. . You cannot hoodwink heaven with a holyLovegaisvpeeset. no. license to dispense with courtesy. They who walk with Cloil do not grace aivaay pfionmny f. • bearitilni Ileettterriatlns , lose your joys than to esealpe his sorrows, • .” it is slow work getting rich in . • He can bear a great trust Who car. a' week A 'veneer or religiosity has none Of the virtues of religion. If: takes less than Ime. half truths to make a full Sized lie. ' • • Men are not drawn to the church by, using the creed as a elub.. • It's a poor religion that lets the prayer meeting hide the poor. • Heaven, does net stop to consulA the vogue' before it picksout a man. You cannot Maine a bag of wind forsteering clear of pOinted facts. Habit may benne of our worst all- ies as well as one of our worst 'ene- mies. ' Half an evil eye can. see morein- iquity than the whole Of an innocent . STOMACI-I and LIVER TROUBLES Mr, Alex. 1VI. Finn, Inkerman, N, B., 'writes: -"I have uscd Dr.Chase's ; Kidney -Liver Pills for deraugemerits of ;the hidneYs and liver and , stomach troubles, and can certify that , they did me a goad dal of good. I can. hseuaffeerthlkya raeseiirkleyid ' them ttuyoUe The News-Reeord gives the; local' . . , • •', .....after • dinner P.Excuse but. • haven't %we met before ?‘ •Yeier faee is stra.ngely faMiliar." ., • •• • • It'olie.ea-te;i1otlier.ojuursthboseif*Mi.4e11(1.1(nhc169e'rd,!)..lis' She -"Ah .was positive I had ' soen you :somewbere-, I never •fosget • . a .face." ..• , • . • .• • • . , • YOU ARE AILING Not ,nuite Sick robbed-. of am- • bitten to work -find it -bard think • • 'clearly.. Not enotigh. to thiek of dying, het bait entrugh ler life', to be *PreiltY deli- There is a reniedy`7Fer. ' • - • *rozOnethat ,quickly lifts that, half . :fellitez, • 0 r.a.tiotts,.. but perrozOne makes you :feel good ;'.• it.sharpenn. .ithe dullest appetite,: Makes it keen is :6; ' •Ferrozone makes loti. o,f . it, the' rich nourishingkind that vitr; • . alie thp: whole body ,• You'll'be *on- ' .dg.ethrieunielfd, titeueici.k;eisenuerdly ,uimudmvelligtoselryo i'isstreant: ter. using .Ferrozone,...BuOyan9 ihealth; . surplus vigor and TeserVit energy all • . : come from this great restorative.. • Fifty cents buys box or fifty tablets ' at all dealers:. , • , CRUSHED. • • "I think I neVpr. Sayi. 'Rymer so - utterly crushed as he was • when his • first poem' appeared .in• print." ' "Whit was the matter ?" Same • pographical etrpr in the. poem'?" "No; that wasa't it: :What cru.Sh:•• ed him was that the. paper wan sold for a Cent se9Pe, jest as usual," . .• • • • • ' " A BROAD STATElidENT. • This announcement' is made.With- mit any qualifications. Hein-Roid is the etre preparation in the World ' that guarantees it, ' ' • : Dr. Leenhardt's lienkRoid will cure any case of Piles. It is in the form It itetilieei.'only Pile remedy used' in- ' .......... teIrntaliisY'impossible to cure an estab- lished case -of Piles with ointments, supPotitories, injections, or outward appliances. A guarantee is issued .vvith every package of Dr, Leonhardt's Hern-lio- idi,which ortairis a month's treat- neraGo and talk to your druggist Atoit it. The Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, Nia- gara Palls, Ont ' I pma....m..w........0.,...... i• sastsaanatosialmasomoseaupowoutoistmaisasiaii4aasaaweiastovogsostEbasozoos4389 oi A SAFE, 'COUGH MEDICINE .14:11 CHILDREN. In buying a cough lieuliebie for dren never be afraid to nu. eharnbet. lahi's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is Jwas sure to follow. It IS csimei.:ly Van - able for colds, croup and whooping cough. Por sale by IL B. Conibet Clinton. zushosoNsi IMPROVEHUTTER COLOR 400,0s . Gives the l'rue Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize tatter; . . The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Ike It. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. to Ismaktvaitelis A.30731 30,113.46.X.141tai. 40 4,00414. 1,80444414400144444/41444044,41404444‘441414411,4444,44 0