HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-16, Page 8ffodgens Bros. Upton. rr The •Clinton Nowa-Record March 16th 190$ Cal42aLtOis.Asrin • It may seem *a bit too early to talk Carpets, but house-cleaning days will soon be here, and it is none too soon to begin planning what is to be done then. We are ready as never before with a stock of House Furnishings that has no superior in this section. New Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Lace andTapestry Curtains, Draper- ies, etc., are here in abundance, and best choice is to be had by making selections early, Brussels Carpets Choice designs in best English Brussels Carpets, high grade qualities that will give excellent wear, New pattern and color combinationo, a wide variety to select from. , 90c, $I.00, $4.15 ono 4ii.25 Special value at $1.15. Tapestry earpets English Tapestry Carpets,'an ex3eptionally large range of . patterns, suitable for all rooms, not a •poor one in the lot. Dozens of pieces to select. from. Every yard imported, Colors and qualities tbe best. • 4oc, 5oc, 6oc and 75c. 1 - I Wool Carpets Our Wool Carpets are made by the best carpet mill in Canada. Every yard is guaranteed pure wool. No shoddy, no grease, no fil- ling of any kind to make if, appear and handle weighty. Nothing in -it but thoroughly scoured and clean wool. Col- ors absolutely fast. Dozens of• new designs to select from. 75c, 85c a.n..1 $1.00 per yard. ,-, The line at 8e is exceptional Value. . • Rugs Rugs are growing in favor, aud we -have prepared • ' , for the increased tra, e with a very large assort ment. Velvets, Axminster, Brussels, Smyrna, and Tapestry • Rugsin alt the standard sizes: • • . • -Priees are very reasonable. • . • . . . . , • . • . • Wool Squires • Woo' Squares make an ideal floor covering for -Dedroona. We Are shoaling many patterns in puts; wool and high-grade Unions: All made without a seam and. reversible. • All standard. sizes in stock. . . OEM. IP:111.113.01411Ct gtrjhS; OhUigiVria.eaea,OlVet Linoleums aretbaolrlad whioh insures their wearing qualities. We have stocked a big range of patterns, suitable for halls, bath POOIDS, living rooms anthkitchens. : , • • 2, 3 and 4 yards, wide. Japan Matthias St, aw Matting's; bought direct from the Japan makers, All made from brigbt; clean, fresh straws, that will stand hard wear. A dozen or more new patterns. ' • . I2tC, 20C, 25C and 35c. • . Lace Curtains The Lace Ourtain.Departmett bas • always been a strong feature of this buemesis This season vvill not see it take a backward step, for the stock on our shelves to -day is by letag odds our BEST. Never have sve shown.varieties as large, patterns as artistic, or values as good, Prices 5oc to $6.00 per pair. 1 • • • Eight .Goit JerOsittilAkestIL Eight Golf Jersey.; to sell. An are this season's styles, Because they are last ones, the price bas been halved, Red, black and navy, regular 53,00, Saturday your choice for One dollar and fifty tents. .1 loirramontrirranim..,,WarrirommorOmormiroarlorrms44444;44mkrirm • 1 Millinery Openings ' :* • Prida , March318t; Saturday, April ist. We will hold our formal OpeningEithi- bitidii of Spring Millinery on the last of this month and the first of 1 ext, Special prepara- tions are being:made for a display such, as we never have had the pleasure of showing. Further particulars next week. • Souvenir Cushion Tops neSentAtognMeAte‘000 ON A GOOD QUALITY OF LINEN, IN A LIGHT SHADE AND A DARK ONE, ACROSS EACH IS A SHAPELY soitow., ON WHICH IS IIVIPRESSED THE WORD "CLINTON" IN ODD LETTERING, SURROUNDED RY AN ARTISTIC GROUPING OF MAPLE LEAVES, THEY ARE 22 INCHES SQUARE, AN XCELLENT ORNAMENT FOR YOUR HOME AND A CONVEN- IENT THING TO SEND TO rlir- ENDS.. THE PRICE IS FIFTY • *CENTS AND YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL WORKED FOR A DOL- • LAR MORE; Agents .Parkeee Dye :Works. D Fair 00 •Often the Cheapest, Always the Best 401 , a. j gnillil...111:1%111110.111111:::1111 Mr, A. T. Cooper was in Wingham on Friday list, Mr, Reuben Grahlini was in Strat- ford on Monday,• Miss Dot Baker spent last •week with Goderich frienjds, Mr, D: A. -Cantelon of Hensall was in town on Tuesday. • Alex. Codmore and Cree Cook have gone to Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Harland were in Goderich last week. Miss Kate Ellison of •Senforth is the guest of Mrs. T. H. Cook. Mr. Jacob Miller is at Scaforth this week' erecting an air motor, Mr. John Torrance Jr. Of Central a, spent Sunday under the parental. Thursday Evening, Marcs 23rd and following days . ou are cordially invited to attend our Formal Opening of Spring Millinery which will •be held on Thursday Evening March 23rd from 8 to 10 o'clock, In reference to the new millinery foe spring we wish to say that our hats wilt be the finest we have ever shown, and we know the Prices are the lowest ever asked for Hats made of the very best materials. Come Thursday evening and as often after that you can, • Spring Opening oof Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, :Ribbons, Shirt Waists, Skirts, Jackets, Laces, Embroideries, 4„te. One of the. most important events of the year is our semi-annual Opening of Dress Good, Silks, Ribbons, etc.—this -- year it will be more important than ever—because we have a very much finer stock of everything in Ladies' and Child- ren's wear to display,• In Dress Goods our stock was never so large— every new weave and material is represented in our showing and the .• best of all, prices are so low that everybody can have a new dress. New Spring Ribbons • Our Ribbon business last year was ahead of a year ago by several hundred dollars—this year we intend increasing this department a good many hundred more ---by „giving bet- ter values than ever. On Thursday evening. we will show you the largest and finest stock of ribbons ever 'seen in Clin- ton and prices are_fully twenty-five percent lower thau last year. These • Specials • are for ,** Friday and 'Saturday, this week. 60c Dress OoodS at 30c • 150 yards of 38 to 44 inch wide Dress Goods in tweeds „ _ • also plain colors, regular 60c, on sale at . $1.25 Table Linen. at 79. 72 inch wide Table Linen, all pure linen, three elegant designs' to choose : from, regular $1.25, oh sale at 79c A Big Print Bargain 15C Prints at 10c 1600 yards of36 inch wide American Percale, in light • Miss Bentley visited her sister, Miss . and dark colors, all warranted fast colors. This is Norma Bentley, in Los ndon last a regular 15c print to go on sale at . C Miss Wes -Wont of Seaforth spent Sim - slay With her,friend, Was Vira Hey - Mr; W. J. Cantelon went to Toronto this week witha shipment of live• stook• , • Miss Lulu Eagleson of Goderich Spent • a :.few- „days with Clinton •friends last Week. , • Miss N. Crich of Seaforth visited her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler, or. Friday last.- Mr Cecil Brewer of the Molsout Bank, Sealforth, spent Sunday inder, the parentat'ropt Mr. and •Mrs. William Fluker and Miss Bell visited friends in and about Auburn on Tuesday. Mrs. (Dt..) Fowler and her little, dau- ghter, Gertrude, are visiting Sea- -forth friends this Week. • Mrs . P. Hibbs and Mrs. Thos. LaW- Loitdesbor.ol were visiting .•Olinton instals on Montlay. Mr:, Oliver Johnson' left yesterday. for • Oxbow, Assa, with a mixed •carload of horses and settlers' eft - . • M J. W. Irwin is in. Toronto this week attending the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United • Workmen. • Miss Ripley of -Thameaville returned home Monday after having been the guest of Mrs. J. W. Newconte for a:. few days. • •Mrs. :Will. Ross and little daughter, Helen, of Clinton have been spend- ing • the past sv•eek with Mr: • and Mrs. D. A. Ross. --Exeter • Times. Mr. S. Kemp was in Loadon Tues- day and yesterday afternoon went . to Stratford where' he has taken. • a situaticin in; a chair factorn. ' Sam, is a firstaclas mechanic, Mrs, W.. C.` Howlett of Ypailanti, Mich., who is accompanied by her little daughter, Helen, was called to Clinton last week by the• serious., illness of her mother, 1VIrs. Eliza, Mitchell. Mt. and Mrs, Thos. Rumball of St. Jaeobs, Mr. and Mrs. James Wal- ker of Goderich and Mr, ar‹.1 Airs, George Hofflich of Berlin were call- ed to town last week by tae serio- us illness of Mr, John Walker. Mr, W. Jackson, Weal C. Ps R. agent, ticketed the following to Western points this week : E. J. HoWard, • Calgary, Alta., A, Grainger, Ala- • meths, Asses, C. Campbell, Moose- • jaw, ASsa., • Mr. and Mrs. 0, L. PiSher,' Winhipeg. • • • Mr. John 'Wright, who has been spen- • 'ding the past few months • with • members of his family in this • dis- triet, leaves today for Portland, • Oregon, from whioh city he returned last fail. Mr, Wright is a close Observer and in speaking of his -tra,veis he is an entertaining talk- er. • Cement manufacturers lane sent a deputation to Ottawa to ask for pro- lectioii against dumping from the United States, . • Fourteen hundred people left on the homeseekers' excursion to the west, and 300 immigrants arrived from the old country. 25c India Lawn at 14c This is the best value we have ever had ---several bun- dred yards have been sold during the month --400 yards more of this fine India Lawn, regular 25c value to go on sale Friday at 14c • • • New 40c Veiling at 15i. 200 yards of New Spring Veiling in assorted colors, reg- tilar 40c values to go on sale at ..123c Crash Towling at 10c., * 200 yards of 17'inch wide pure Linen- Towlin;f, extra heave quality that will give good wear, regular 12c Towling at slOc New Idea Patterns The best laattern on the market at We each - • : • . • • • • • .•. • • . • • • • West TuakeriAlitli.. Mrs of Selville, sister 0! . of Mr Thoma s Waldron • and. Mr. and Mrs: Samuel Chowo t Clandebeye. were among those' who ;Same from' distance to, attend :the funeral of the - late Mrs. Waldron, • ' ' Mr. George Watt has been confined to the •nouse for several days past but is now able:to 'hie out again. Mr. Tbomas .01Brien is slowli im- preying. • ' The friends' of' .Silts. John Pepper, Who recently moved '.onto the 2nd non, of Stanley, are sorry to heat that she is very low' Mr. James Walker is ail smiles these days. You will have to guess the reason why. GOOD CHARACTER PAYS. • . A young man who expects to sue- -ceed in business will have to looh more sharply each, year to hi a habits since employers areheceming more rigid in their inspections conduct not • only • within,' but outside •• Office hours. • The Gbarantee Company •of North America, „also •the. United St- • Guarantee • Company, • two • of the large concerns which -bond emplo- yees working in fitianciary capacity, have sentnotice to all who are cov- ered; by their policies that their bon- ds will be cancelled instantly on re- ceipt of proof that the employee is gambling or specutating in a way forbidden • by business prudence • or strict morals. Young men and boys who nave not yet reached the age when they are called to positions of • trust will find It ,to tbleir interest to take notice of the growing disposit-, • ion of men of large mesas, as well as; corporations, to •exclude from the- ir employ those whose habits are rn •the least suspicious. There Wortley- er a time when so large a premium • was paid for Cann tifal ly Christian character in •the busitiess world as noW. • • •' • WATCH FOR ,THEM. A number of dealers in cottons, e,loth, etc., are canvassing Ontario with what they claim is the balance of a stock that was recently datnag- ed by fire and which they Were offer- ing to the people, farmers partleular- ly, at what they claitti to be big re- • ductions in prices, taking notes in • paymeat. The dealers have struck ZWIt• County. They operate in the SaMO way that the steel range .the • did a few Years ago, They were at Iloilo River Litt Week kohl whiohi tens • ire four wagons are operating, It Is Said they—tiave eight Wagons' doing business and Will no dOttlit 4rike this section shortly. Watch for them, • News Of The Day. • Queen Alexandra; Princess Victoria and Prince and Princes Charlet of Denmark have 'gone to Lion to Vis- it the King and: Queen of Portugal. The establishment of free trade be- tween Canada, Newfoundland and the United •• States isadvocated by the Committee . on Federal Resolu- tions of ,the Massachusetts Legislaa Damage to the LuCania was • re- paired and the vessel is on her way to this side. Nineteen personswere 1 burned • to deathat a fire in a tenement 'bouts in New York. . _ ' • Premice • Whitney • annour.--ced that mthiesstohnre .e gentlemen recently appoint.: • ed, instead cif five, as formerly,would • form , the Temiskemisg , Railway Com- . Remenber the date of Prof, Taube's visit to Clinton, , • • . It is very reatIonable to argue that March 20th, 21st and •22nd, . no. creation of human, fano could last as falry tales have lasted througli no . Cheerleee English leraillgeN0 44. 'Writer in Harper's Magazine says: "I doubt if the .English live longer' than we for 'ern* less comfortably. The lower classes seem always to have colds, the middle classee rheumatism and the upper 'class gout, by • what one sees or bears. Rheumatism, one might almost say 'for quite if one did not mind wbat one oald) is universal in' England, and all ranks of society have the facilitlee fer it in the indoors cold in which they otherwise often undenia- bly tiourish." And a writer in Madame tells of a friend's 1 visiting book, in whith against certain names she found a "substantial crone' against others two, What was the meaning? Not kisses, as you might infer•from reading the humorous accounts. of breach of • promise cases, but curses. Om cress eating the country bouse that was cold In its passages and staircases and two crosses ' against the house with "no tires in the guests' bedrooms." • • The Benefit of 11.airr Tele.. :, . .. 4.'10:44:441,4:44444:44•:44:40:04:41.4•44+4•4101640 4.• . 0S ' ,.. ••. , , : , • . tt4 • SEND THE NEWS-REC.-, + : • ORD 'TO YOUR BOY IN. sn. • ••:. THE WEST, :- TWELVE + . + MONTHS FOR ONE, DOL- 4:. *) 1411,„ . POSTAGE PAID, • • + 4:44•404:44:404:40:40:444440:04444:444404,:. PIG STRAYED -;•THERE •STRAYED • onto the premises of the undersign- ed about March 2nd, black sow. • Owner 6,ti havc same by paying • charges.—G.eorge Miller, Lot 34, • Con. 10, Cloderich township. . • one known how many hundreds and . thousanda of years unless it was very' .-good, for that which -le not good and not Mound west surely , die, and only - that Which is good and sound shall last through the grinding of the ages. So I believe that parents could. fill their children's imaginations full of fairy • taleo g they would make those !magi. nations strongand healthy. ,As • for that man or woman who has Inot'these bright , and joyous things flying like ' golden beet; through the dim recesses of hie memory I can only say than I think his or . her parents must have been neglectful 01 the earlier trainiug, of. their child and that I am sorry for that poor soul Whobaa lost so' Mueh pleasure out of ftp 1114 THE - ODDFELLOWS' -• CONCERT Town Hall, Monday, -Match 20th . . • Harold Jarvis, Tenor, Detroit, Mrs. Calder Leonard, Soprano, Detroit • ' • hilts Agnes Dunlop, Contralto, Hamilton. Mist atiite terry) EfOCUttOlOhlto Toronto. • Plan of Hail reedy Monday at The W. D. Fair la ()o. Bookstore, I WHEN WE DO //' WE DO IT WELL itussonirionning,* N. at John Wlednian, Chairman of Committee, NOBBY TS*. ••• The new 'Hats for Spring are: here. Hats of style, Hats of quality, Shapes to fit any head, . Shapes to Suit any figure. Blacks, greys and the 'new brown shades. Many styles,each absolutely correct. Soft Hats browns, blacks, greys $1, $1.50 to $3,o. Hard • l-lats • browns, blacks • $1.5o, $2, $3 TWO SPECIALS The Borsslino exceptionally fine soft Felt Hat made in Ita.ly,very nobby shapes in browns and greys. The King Hat Without peer in Hatdom., Right in quality, right in • shape right in price. Hard or soit. - black, brown or grey .;rommaremarmarrommonliriftrorrirriarrierriorormi 110DGENS BROS. • CLOTIIINfi SOO CLINTON, ONTARIO 41,0001.000114.4000,040.00mart014,04040,041000.0•00044•0044~04441 • •