HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-01, Page 22 TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this aloe not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. - Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each, week. ESTABLISHED 1872 TIIE WINCiuAM TIMES. E. R. ELLIOTT. P TULISBaR AND PROPRIIDTOR THURSDAY. JUNE 1, 1905. Huron County's Population. Following are the figures representing the populatiou ot the various municipal- ities in this minty for 1903 and 1904:- Municipalities 1904 Aeblield Colborne Goderich twp. Grey Hay Howick Hnllott MCKillop Morris Stanley Stephen Tuckeremitb Tnruberry Usborne Wawanosh E. Wawanosh W. Bayfield Blyth Brussels Clinton Exeter. Goderich Hensel' Seaforth Wingham Wroxeter 2911 1679 2250 3184 3435 3671 2721 2.470 280.4 2033 3918 2170 1986 2151 1799 2012 519 880 1224 2270 1917 4040 793 2177 2213 431 Totals 56851 1908 3045 1740 2800 3201 3895 3788 2721 2368 2497 2014 3996 2348 2036 2191 1855 2012 583 865 1210 221x0 1805 4015 722 2116 •2266 525 57964 FARM FORESTRY. The Ontario Department of Agri,,ui- ture i9 inaugurating a work in eonneo- tion with farm forestry. It is proposed; to supply seedlings at a minimum cost that each farmers as may desire them set out small plata of forest trees. This work will be directed from the Agricul- tural College and E, J. Zavitz, wbo bas been appointed lecturer on Farm Fords - try, will have charge. Applications will be received by the secretary of the sev- eral Farmera' Institutes for two or three plots in each riding to be recommended by the Board of Directors at their annual meeting in June. It is not neoessary that the land devoted to this purpose be good agricultural laud, but hill or waste land can be utilized. Lew maraby laud is not desirable. A, light, gravelly or sandy soil is more desirable. A nomin- al price for the seedlings used, from $2 to $5 per sore, will be required. Statis- tics show we have only 17 per cent. of our forests left in our country. These are intended for the farmer. Not only would the beauty of our country be en- hanced but the value of each farm would be increased if it had from five to twenty acres of thrifty forest upon it. These figures show that of the sixteen townships, two show no alteration, three increased by 171, and eleven lost by 1011, the total loss being850, and that of the towns and villages, five gained in Population 185, and five lost 449, the net loss being 263, making a total loss in the county of 1113. Cement Floors for Horses. Cement floors are certainly valuable in conserving all the manure, but they like most other floors have their faults. A cement floor is slippery, thna dangerous. It is also a very cold floor during the winter months. Furthermore, if used ander horses which have calks on their shoes it will soon wear ont. The best all round floor for the horse stable is made of cement and plank. Cement the bottom, then put a plank frame oil top of it. The planks should be about four inches wide and placed an inch apart. Suck a floor will be warm, and at the same time seer all the Iiquid manure. The plank should not be permanently fastened in, better to have it so that it may be raised up occasionally so that the cement may be thoroughly cleaned and sprinkled with some land plaster. There is no kind of floor so good for the horses feet as an earth floor, bat it is very hard to keep such a floor in good condition. Horses, especially if idle, Neill paw the same, thus it will soob become very un- even. It is also difficult to keep an earth floor dry daring wet weather. -Ex. CURIOUS FACTS TIIE WINORAM TIMES, JUNE 1e tell;,. hsy the y SOs. L y yEARs At i ItemsLoral l; pi torhoer "Timearles" fyles. (From TIu WIN(1114'h TIMES of Friday, May '-9 h, 1855 ) We are pleased learn that our sok• gestion as to the advisability of orgauiz. tug a Young Meu's Libera101ub to towu bus bi en very favorably received, and a nteetiug for org,ulizetintt will. be held shortly, untied of whioh will be given m our next issue many who have done good service for the reform cause fnr years have expressed their willingness to do all they tian to make the Association a success and a heuefit to the young iueu who become members. We have no doubt whet' the meet ing is held there wilt be a large attendance, and that the Young Men's Liberal Clnb when Organized will hi:come a power for good to the cause of Ratoriu. here. Your Work, Do it cheerfully, even if it is not con- genial. Do it in the spirit of an artist, not au artisan. Make it a stepping stone to something higher. Keep yourself in condition to do it as it should be done.. Endeavor to do it better than it has ever been done before. Make perfection your aim and be satis- fied with nothing less. Do not try to do it with the part of yourself -the weaker part. Recognize that work is the thing that dignifies and ennoble& life. Regard yourself as a co-worker with the Creator of the universe. Accept the disagreeable part of it as cheerfully as the agreeable. Choose, if possible, the vocation for which nature has fitted you. Believe in its worth and dignity, no matter how humble it may be. Remember that work well done is the highest testimonial of character yon Can receive. -Success Magazine. The story circulated at the beginning et the Russo•Japanese war, that General Knroki's father was a pole, has again been denied. The name is an old Japan- ese one, being derived frbm karoi (balck) and ki (wood, or tree). The sportsmen of Japan used to take Most of their game with goehhawks and sparer hawks, using only spaniel dogs to flash the game, but how they are tak- ing and ate importing a good many from England. TERRIBLY DISTRESSING. Nothing can cause more pain and more distress than Piles No wonder many Piles sufferers say their lives are burdens to them. Ointment and Iocal treatments mag relieve but cannot cure. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is guar• anteed to cure any case of Piles. If Hem-Roid doesn't care you, you get your money back. idem•Roid is a tablet taken internally, thus removing the cause., $1,000 guarantee goes with every sale. A month's treatment for $3.00, at alI Druggists or the Wilson -kyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. The revised version of the Old Tes- tament, which is now ont, is the most important event in the history of the Euglish Bible since the publication of King James' translation in 1011. The work of revision was commenced in 1872 and continued uurt+luittinaly until the .close of 1884, and after twelve years of labor is given to the Euglish peaking world. The general character of the revision may thus bo suntrnarized; First, there is pnicticaily no atti inpr to establish a new original text; second, the prose is printed in paragraphs, and the poetry, even if ouly of short snatches of song, is printed iu separate lines. Third, the rhythm is undisturb"d and the literary value is even enhanced. The demand for copies has been very large. It is stared that a London correspondent of a New'York paper offered :$2,500 for a sight of au advance copy without success. He was anthorizid by the paper he represented to spend $2,300 more telegraphing the main features of the new revision. The first orders for the revision amounted to over a million dollars. PERSONAL P ARAGRAIMS. Mr. F. Holloway, of the post office here, is in London this. week. He is one of the witnessess in the case of Fisher vs. Scott. The Sunny Side of Life. Mistress -"Do you love babies?" Maid -"Not at three dollars, a week, mom," -Detroit Free Press, "I hear the Japanese soldiers wore • tickled to death when war was declared." "Yes. They went into transports when; the news arrived." -Cornell Widow, "Hi I there!" said Joseph to his bro- thers. "What kind of a game are you. playing on me?" "Pit," they cried,, as they pushed him over the edge. -Har- vard Lampoon. "What are yon going to do this sum- mer?" "Well, we haven't quite decided whether to go to St. Louis for two days Strengthen the Stomach and Digestion, and You or to the seashore for a month." -Ohio• ago Evening Poet. • VL7ill Keep Well. • LOCAL. NFWS. Cricket. Straw bats. Spring bonnets, Two rows of maple trees have been planted in the park. Our new dentist is do chicken. He is always a pull•it. The old reliable expression, "Ain't it hot," will soon be reausoitated. Mr. Mullen, of the Royal block, is fitting up a part of bis premises for a photo gallery for Mr, Itaake. I*. Bell, the contraotor for sinking the salt well has commenced opera- tions. The site selected is situated near the ashery, There may now be seen on the Queen's hotel pump here'a notice to the effect that familes using water from the pomp Mrs. E. W. Johnston, of this town, left on Tnesday for a visit to friends in Toronto, Courtright and Peterboro. She expects to be absent two or three weeks. Mr. James Johnston, of this town, who enlisted as bugler in the Teeswater company of the 32nd (Bruce) battalion, returned home from Soutbaniption, on Tuesday. MARRIED At Blnevale, an Friday, May 22nd, 1885, by the Rev. Geo. H. Cornish, Superintendent of the Wingham dis- trict, Rev. Goo. Lounds, of Bluevale to Mary Helen, daughter of the late Thos, Fulton, of Winchester, Dundas Co. Ont. BAi'x18T CUUROU-Sabbathservioey at 11 a m and 7 p Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Weduesday evenings, Rev. J. N. Me - Lean, B e1,,, pastor, Abner Coseus, S.S. Superintenueut. MEDEoD,rse Orton,-rSabbath services at 11 a in and 7 p 'n4. Sunday School at 2:30 p in. Epworth League every Mon- day evening, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. R. U`uttdy, B.D., Pastor. Win, Fuss,int, S. S. Superintendent, PR1cs»YrlsxuAir OHVRoR-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer Meeting on Wei:luesdny eveniugs. Rev, D. Perris, pastor. L. Harold, 5 S. Su• perfntendent. ST. PAUL'S CJ$UROR, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p ni, Sun- day School at 2:80p m. General prayer meeting pn Wednesday'oveuing. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rector and S. S. Superin- tendent. John Taylor and Ed. Nash, assistant S. S. Superintendents. SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11 a Wand 3 and 8 p in on Sunday, and must pay 25 cants per mouth, , every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks, t On last Sunday morning the Rev. Geo. H. Cornish, pastor of the Minnie Po,sv n -In M Ofilce hoursOrrlofrom 8 aacdonald in to Block. 6:30 p in. street Methodist church gave the right Peter Fisher, postmaster. haud of fellowship to 44 persons, who on profession of faith, were admitted to Pastia LinnAsY Library and free reading room in the Town membershipHail, will in the church. This was be open every afternoon from 2 to the twenty-fifth reception service held 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 during his ministry of three years in to 9:30 o'clock. Mrs, Orlando G. Craig, this town, and the number admitted has librarian. been 325. NEIGHBORING 'saws. The boys at Ethel have organized a month organ band. On Monday morning recently a Clin- ton clergyman was surprised to receive a gift of $5 from a person. in that towu, as au, evidence of his appreciation of the' minister's sermon the;day previous. 11•Ir. Marshall Braithwaite, of lots 16 and 17, 14th non., Hullstt has rented his farm of 150 acres, to Mr. Richard Bed- ford, for a term of flvd years, for the sum of $400 a year. tMMr. Braithwaite, retains possession for Itis year. School Inspeotor Malfoeh is out north on official business this Week, taking in the township of Wawanosh. Mr. Malloch reports that a hearty response was made to the circulars issued by him suggesting that all teachers in his dis- trict set apart a day for tree and flower planting; and that already a more cheer - TOWN COUNOIL-Thos. Bell. Mayor; W. J. Greer, Thos. Armstrong, David Boli, J. U. Stewart, S Bennett, W. F. Vaustoue, Coaucillors; J. B. For- gason, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson Dulmige, Assessor, Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. Smoot BOARD. -Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Thos. Abraham, 3, D. Long, J. J. Homnth, f3. Kerr, Win, Moore, A. E. Lloyd, C. N. Griffiu. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. Ptfsnxc SCHOOL TEAOHERs.-A. 13. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson,- Miss Oornyn, Miss Matheson, Miss Wilson, Miss Cummings and H. Manning. BOARD of HzALrn-Thos. Bell, (chairman), C. J. Reading,- Thos Greg- ory, John Wilson, V.S„ J. B. Ferguson, Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. ful appearance has been given to schools • and surroundings -Clinton Cook's Cotton ` Root Compound g Ladies'+ lravorite, Te tate only• safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend. "In the hour and time of need." Prepared In twoilegrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No, 1. -For ordinary cases Is by far the best dollar mill at the railway track, and moving medicino known. No. Z --For sP�tat cases=lQ degrees the machinery from Liviugstone's old stronger -three dollars per boz. mill to place in ,the new one. When S,adies -ask your druggist for Cools+e Cott n Boot 4?omponnd. Take no other finished they will ho doubt enlarge their as alt pills, mixtures and imitations are business. dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are soh}and recommended b all drugalete In the Do - The contract for building the new minion of Canada. Mailed to anyaaddrese on receipt o!�price and tour 2 -cent postage township hall was finally awarded by stamps. The Cook company, Onw �. the Howick Couuoil to Mr. Wm, H. Clegg,contractor, of Gorrie, for $1,730. Sold la Wingham by A. I. MoOal1 Li , Co. A , L. Hamilton sad Walton Jficaibbon, druggists The council have. purchased Mr. Oros- kery'A corner lot, opposite the Mdple Leat hotel at Gorrie, upon which the building is to be erected. ,Work will be commenced next month and the structure is to be finished in about three*. months: Mr. Livingetone, of East Wawanosh, has entered into partnerspip with Mr, Calder of the Stb on. of Morris, in the saw milling business. They are now busily engaged in enlarging Calder's old MAMMA= 1072 THE WIN6I1Ak TICS.. IS PUBLISHED • EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times ()files, Beaver Block WINA$AM, ONTARIO, Timms or BvnaoBI 'wo h-$1.00 per annum in advance $1,50 if not eo paid, No paper discon• tinned telt all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher. AnvaaTisING 1tATna. -- Legal and other casual advertisements loo perNonpariel Jinn for first insertion, 8o per line for each sabeequent insertion. Advertisements in local columns are charged 10 ats. per line for first ituiertion, ands cents per line for each subsequent 10sert1on- Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent and similar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 21 ciente tor each subsequent in- sertion. - CONTRAeT RATtee--Thefoliowingtable shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:-- srdos. 1 en. 0 aro, 8 aro. 1x00. OneColumn $70.00 $40.00 $22.50 *800 Half Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 0,00 uarterCotumn 20.00 12.50 7.50 11.00 One Inch 5.00 8.00 2.00 125 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ingly, Transient advertisements must be paid for in advenoe. THE Job DEPARTMAtiT ia.etocked with an extensive assortment of all regt}ieitesfor print; ing, affording facilities"Piot equalled in the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate oats for alletylee of Post- ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print ing, Now to Avoid Germ Diseases. Pedlar (to anpposed servant) -"Can I When there is an epidemic of germ see the mistress of the house?" Woman disease, and most diseases are caused by of the Honse..."We1I, if you can't, you gentle, it is the person with a weak ought to go and see an eye doctor."- stomaeh who succumbs first. Cleveland Leader. People with healthy digestion are "Would yon take umbrage if I invited throw ordinary subject tosickness, and can throw •ny disease greens that on to have a drink?" asks the+oity eau- ebtex Strea t act and digestive i-o-na tablet befcire each "Umbrage? I donne.. 'Taint anything 1 meal, andansterea.ry atom ofof food taken into like one o' these here radium cocktails the stomach will be digested and til' papers is printin` things about is it?" ; assimilated, and the whole d;gestive Judge. !system made so healthy, clean and sweet j that there will be no chance for disease y sin 6f his stern-faced country uncle. e "Smith, have you saved anything?" 1 germs to breed. "Yes; thousands of dollars." "In what I _ _ way?" "Oh -there's a big fortune in Smiles are food for love, Entirely Cured Scotland coming to the Smith family, t and I've never spent a cent trying to get 1 No man can lose what he never had. AIse suffered from constipet• in on it." --Cincinnati Commercial Tri- . Good humor is the health of the ectal. tion, kidney disease and Rheumatism ' stomach troubles. bone. Every one is the Son of his own works. 1 Whatever mystery there may 1.eaboutrhea.. '- Health is the gresteet-. of all "proeet: li,stidln, this rorith ia.eerdain.. that it it caused The Worse ,pf it. Bions. iii t d titgstntnt of the Vilneyrx, and ditap. the kidneys) vs) tree eat. right•by Its.: I Chicago Chronicle.] Tale bearers are as bad as tale makers, esenitidneet-Liver Pilin. Meta Geo. W. Leases, Conaecon, Ont., Who tries to live the simple jife, Ile ie great enough wbo is his own *rites : "It is a pleasure for Te to state that And wants to short all noise and strife, master. Dr. Chase's Kidney- And butts right in where 11 is refs? a+well Vannes off m Liver !?tile tisOe, The innocent bystander. completely curing 0. of ci,natipation, rboil. matiem stomach trouble', and a very revere kidney trouble after years of meeting. I am now sixtv.sigb# pears of age, and verygratrful for what 1)r. t. 'hate'. Iiitisey-Liv'is Fills have dons f.,r n.e, raid for the *atnark- 7t1tR 1,J.W$O!( able ears of m hue. bead by donee of Dr: Chase'' Nixes Food." By tater t5,aabiasd lot'; n 08 the liver, aid - nays tied betake, Di: (:hru,e'a Itefleey-fiver Fids ewe the meet savers seed ostaplJi.Mei its ettleitic, from dermioutients of three fir. doer, EMUTooecatoo tletii+r',Lhasatiois, tilt Who is it leaves the strike alone? And gets knocked silly with a stone? The innocent bystander. Who is it happens to pass by When someone lets a brickbat fly, And gets it squarely he the eye? The innocent bystander. Who is it finds hitneelf on deck In time tat fret it in the neok- Is carried horne a perfect wreck? The innocent bystander. Who is it strives With no even. To follow dolhn a peaceful trail, And lands with 1'ndcntfs is the jail? The ltinoeent brittaader, Rows This. We Offer Onee, Hundred Dollars Re. Ward for any case of Catarrh that can. not be cured by Hail's Catarrh "Core. F J. CHENEY ee CO , Toledo, Ont. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the. halt 15 years, and be. Heim bind perfectly honorable in all been bent transactions. and llnancially able to tarry mit any olill atictns made by hit final. Wilding, Kirwan ti< Marvin, Wholeeaie Magenta, q.'oledo, Ont. Hair'e(;aterrh Care ittaketi internally, Acting directly olive the blood and mu• tete attrfrteed Of the syitetn. Testitnon. isle sent free. Price 75o per bottle. Sold by all druggista, 'fake Hall's Family Pills ft* conetipa- If you suffer with pains or distress after eating, headache, belching or gases, sour food, a bad taste in the mouth, dizziness, pains in the heart, specks be- fore the eyes, and a general feeling of despondency and weakness, yon should get well at once by strengthening the Stomach with Mi-o-na. Just one small tablet out of a fifty cent box before eat- ing, and your digestive system will be- come so strong that you will be the embodiment of good health and epirtits, and need fear no germ dissases. Ask Walton McKibben to show you the guarantee under which he sell Mt-o- na; it costs nothing unless it cores. Sincerity is the face of the soul. Faith applies to the past and the future. Otis ideas are but transformed sensa- tions. Each present joy or sorrew teems the chief. Memory ie the treasure hones of the mind. Every man stamps his ow,li valve On himself. Learning mattes a man fit nom#any for hilusself, Preventives of evil are far better than temedlet. IfieCAelett WA14TED, Trnstwnrthe lady of ,n. t1emen to manage business in this eonnt Mid sdioining territory for well and davorabIT known house of solid financial standing. L.- iO straight taxi: eatery and Expenaees. paid each Monday b1' chetk direct from headquarters.lerpeMiatt *buoy advanced. Position permanent. Addreeex, Manager, 810 Como Block, Chi+ya5o Illinbfa H, B. ELLIOTT,. and Publisher TP KENNEDY, M. L.C. M..P. B. 0 • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold ModaUh,t in Medicine, special attention paid.4o diseases of Women and Child: ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. M.; 7 to 9 p. m, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY t3YSTEM. TRAINS LEAVE FOR London 0.40 a.m.... 8.3.1p.m, Toronto & East 10.40 a.m8.48 a.m.... 2.40p.m. Hincardiue..11.16 a.ni... 2.05 p -m.... 9.15p.nt. ARRIVE FROM Nincardfne ....0.40 a.m10.40 a.m.... 2 40 p.m. London 11.10 a.m... 7.95 p.m. Palmerston 9.85 a.m. Toronto & East `,.(le p.tn...9.15 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. V Teems x& Va son Toronto and East 8.67 a.m., .. 8.43 p.m. Teeswater 1,17 pan -.10.48 p.m. ARRr/a PROM Teeeweter 0.57 a.m 8.43 p.m. , Toronto and Slot ......1.17p.tn10.43 p.m' .7. H.REI$MEER. Agent. Winrhant. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR.' AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's Drug Store, Night calls answered at the oSloe. DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND, M. R. C, S. (Eng) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teachers wanted, business chances mechanics wanted, articles for sate, or in fact kind of an ndvt. In any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be lett at the Tutus office. Thi; work will receive prompt attention and wilt save people the trouble of remittleg for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or send your next Work of this kind to the TIIIIES OFFICE. Win>cban,. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN TIIE TIME5 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. W. O. TOWNER, M.D., C. M. CORONER. Office at residence, Diagonal Street. lie•VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest, No commission cyharged Mort - sold ,Ofiice and Block. Winghabought and J • A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. A HORRIBLE IDEA. The Thoattltt That Made One Nan, OF Temperance Advocate. ,1n easterner, riding on a mall stage in northern Colorado, was entertained by a dialogue which was sustained. upon the one side by the driver and upon the other by an, elderly passen- ger, evidently a native attar region, "I understand you're temperance," began the driver. "Yes, I'm pretty strong against liq- uor," returned the other, "I've been set against it now for thirty -flue years." "Scared it will ruin your bealth7" "Yes, but that isn't the main thing'" " 1?erhaps It don't agree with you?" ventured the driver, , "Well, It really. don't .agree with any- body. Bttt that ain't it either. The, ' thing that sets me against it is a hos rible idea." "A terrible Ideal What is it?" "Well, thirty -ate years ago I watt eitk ting in a betel In Deriver with a friend of mine, and I says, 'Let's order a bot- tle of something.' And he says: 'Ne.` sir. I'm saving my money to buy gov-, ernment land at;1.25 en acre. I'm go-' Mg to buy tomorrow, and you'd bene? let me take the money you would have spent for the liquor and bay a couple of acres along with mine.' I says, 'All' right.' So we didn't drink, and kw bought me two acres. "Well, sir, today those two acres are right in the middle of a flourishing town, and if I'd taken that drink I'd have swallowed a city block, a grocery,' store, an apothecary's, four la'ivyera'i offices nod it's bard to say what else 'That's the idea. Ain't it horrible?" -- Youth's Companion. THE GERMAN APPETITE. It Is Expansive and Calls For elem. ernes 11111 cit` Fare. Wherever there is a German there, you will find enough to eat. It may not always be to your taste, but it is there? in wholesome quality and generous quantity, and usually his wife and cline dren are also there to enjoy it with him. Itis not unusual to see the en- tire family, even down to the smallest child, at a festive gathering, and, how- ever queer this may appear to Ameri- can eyes, it is a custom of the father-; land. When the husband takes a glass of wine or beer he is quite willing that his wife should have an equal amount and to give the baby a sip if it se' pleases her. The entire code of ethics in Germany is more on an equal plane for men and women than in any othe*j country in the world, and it is no doubt due to this phase of domestic felleityi that Germany is practically a divorce less country. At the annual Metzel- suppe the men do not tome alone, but bring°their wives with them. No anag of any other nationality in the woyitt can bohst the gastronomic capabilityt of the German. The number of glassest of beer that he can consume with ease is something astonishing, and the 1111Z4 ture of soups, sweet and sour pickles; sausage and cheeses dear to the Teo - tonic palate is enougli to give the or% Binary mortal indigestion by merely( thinking of It. -Harriet Quimby in Lege lie'o Weekly. E. L. Dloxrzesor DUDLEY Howdae DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAM. Oman: Meyer Block, Wingham, JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham; Ont. ARTHUR .1. minx,D.D. B., L. D. B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office. Wingham. W • T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST. Beaver Stook, Wingham D. D. S. -Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. UT iY A. CURRIE, WINGHAM'S AUCTIONEER Is now prepared to attend the wants of those requiring his services, at t reasonable prime. Ilo necessity of going out of town for an auc- tioneer. All orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention, • ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all #rinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. JAS. HENDERSON', ` tl Ingham; Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron end Brace. Sales of Farm Stook and Implements a specialty, All orders left at the Tolle office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable, FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adter- tiso the eater) for sale In the Tilos. Our large circulation tells and it will beetran a indeed if .you do not get a euelomer. We can't guarantee hat ve win Bell beoauae you may ask more for the artlele or Meek than 18 it worth. Send your advertisement to the Torso and try this plan, of diepoeing of your stook and other article,. tt? YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS 'TRADE MOW* DEsiowS Carv,u014rs an. Arttoofne !Winn a skain our etchhaand d descrf telcritpinion free nmael 4 nue niton isy prow, dentua. �sadMi.Cotn�Piteaitto1 wet tree. tSik.n QyteAeo Vo.T et tett. taken t AVMS ' Y y# flal tli00c , whet pI, 0 a WW W A limitailiolipattThitttde8 Wet**. entreat of any ecientt ii � w e'.r: four mon/h6.11. d N & C tilfwviviv, N ammo ono. �oy Y' (it.. W'ttshtnYtaw]1i.0. , Flying Powers et the Swailortr. Not only do swallows capture a111 their Insect food wbile on the wins; they also invariably drenk while 0.1 Ing, and they even feed their young on the wing, especially the house taat4 tins, although it is very difficult to ob- serve them performing the feat,, sal quickly is it done. As the young birds; arrive at full growth they soon bete me impatient . of confinement and sit all! day with their .nearls out of the en-', trance to the nest; where the dams, byi clinging to the nett, supply -them with food from morning till night, and it 18, during this period that the young are. fed on the wing by the parents. Then; again, the house swallow will wash it' self by dropping into the water as it flies. The Glade et Japan. Japan numbers in its pantheon La many as 80,000,000 gods. All those who have deserved well of their coun- try, from Kobo Daisbi, who gave learn- ing its handle (writing), to Hirose, whit was blown to pieces in his ship in the jaws of Port Arthur only the other day,' are canonized into gods, like the salute of Europe, by the mikados. One of these gods in good standing is or was an Englishman. His name was Willi Adams, And lie was wrecked ou the shores ot Japan at the close of the, Elizebetliatl century. He is a god 'be- cause he built for Japan ber first sea-- worthy ea•worthy navy. An Overnight. A gluttolt once made a bet that he could eat ten apple dumplings at one sitting it the other party would pne for the aceotlipallying'vine. After the ninth dumpling, however, he declared himself beaten. Sadly he regarded the tenth dumpling, 'which still reposed out his gilate. Shaking bis finger at it, he Mild: "Alit If I'd known you'd be Left over I'd have eaten you first "-•' Argonaut. !L'anter'n?. "What do you think posterity Will May about you?" "Well," answered Senator Sorghum, "1 am net attaid of What posterity will sat'. People who are mean though to talk about a man behind his back ne '- er wield much ittAuenee."-Washinstole Star. *eggs Agate Early. Clara ---You don't Mean to say that at fifty he 18 making loge to you, isn't that feather young for an 'ofd Man? Maud --Yee. But lie is the most greet,' elope cite. titan 1 haste sever Diet. -Life. Wtitdoni is *Mimes nearer when wa etoetl thein when "sire to#r,•-"Mohd»' It°d/b. • .1 . ►. _ �y._ i � t, law ..dl t .tli,►J \if