The Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-16, Page 4The Ne. vs-Record CLINTON, ONT. Teres'ot s1bscriptioe.--$1 'per yeer in advance SIM may be charged if not so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears Are paid, unless at the opinion .of the publisher. The date .to whieh every subscription, is paid is deneted on the label, Advertising rates Transient adver- tiserneees, 10 cents per nonpariel line tor first insertioe and 3 •eenta per lino for each subsequent ensert- ion. Small Advertisements met ee exceed one ineh, such as "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc' In- serted once for 85 opts andeach subsequent insertion le cents. Communications intended foe publica- tion must, EIS 9. guarantee Of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietcir The Sailors' Friend. The Ottawa eorrespoedeet of th Toronto Star had the following': Mr. Lowis, who sits kir West Hur- on, is lawyer, but he cannot for- get that he sailed the lakes for man) years. Even now, occupying the diz,zy heights of a member of parlia.ment, he soinetimes regrets the boundine wave, the blue sky, and, so to speak, Ike unfenced fields of ocean. -Then is a sott of nweet _breeziness tc his coal ersation and in the heat oi argument he will sometimesgive hit trousers a nautical Intel). Ilq doe not insist that water is everythire in the world, put he is very fond o it througri old aseoci-ationAnd aevie es young men, who . do not need stimulents to culti vate a taste for it. People who ar. curious . about coincidences point owl that West Huron always ,,sends some body to parliament who is addict& to water. Bob Holmes wai a cold water man. His "successor - IS a blu water one. All of which leads'. up t( the fact that Mr. Lewis is still much interested in the welfare of the Sail- or, and woeld wish every sup,etannu- ated tar to have a snug harbor. Tin member for West Huron has market out the minister of railways anr canalsand the minister of marine a• his gratd almoners, and if interces sion and. remonstrances, when their estimates are going through, Will ch it, every elderly nautical man in Can- ada will be a kick tender or 'light house lerver. Polities do not coml.? when Mr. Lewis talks up for the sail- or. He is a Conservative but he ad 'nits that a government ought tp b( good to its friends, and he will. bt. satisfied if lock tenders and light- house keepers are all Gl-rits, so. long as they haVeVdete 'sailers. The 'T.06 tars can weft. until Mr. Lewis' party gets in, and then they will be givcn all the easy jobs that are left. . The main thing—and to this Point Mr. Lewis always returns -is that, the ancient sailorina.n shall liae th call on the jobs that :have to th with their adopted element -The tee mber for West Huron says that titer( is something incongruous Ina, farmer tending a lock or managing a light- house. The lighthouse. keeper • pa,tti- cularly should not be afraid of wetter: He should hee enough at home. upon it to row out and ' give the ships that pafis in the night the -Wareing that • a fog May prevent the lanie • from delivering. Mr. Lewis has •a st ory to the 'effect that when he %OS sailing the Georgian Day he can°ie a- cross a liglithouse 'keeper wile)" hacl been a bricklayer.. He drew the sal-- ary and went through the motions, but he was not enaniored of geed:tie pursuits. His wife was a nervous wo- man. To keep him from int:rusting. himself to the efickle billows arid make ing her a widow she had , broken his rowboat Premier Whitney's . Good WlemorY• The Cornwall papers contain. a pleasant; incident in the life ' of the new Premier of Ontario. They so!. that Hon. J. P. Whitney has a good.; memory. As is generally knowe, he went to school in Cornwall -in hit: early days and becoming a law student in Sanfield 'Macdottaid'i ce- fice and warmly espouting the , tat- ter's -cause on all occasions canie to take a warm interest in politics.' Ho often talked politics with a 'friend with whom he lived in town and ' the lady of the -house used to encourage him with the remark that 'he would be Premier some day. "If I do," Said 'the budding statesman, . will send you the best silk dress I can get." It took some tiine for Mr. Whitney to realize his =bitten but the drabs arrived last Saturday to the delight of the recipient. Constance. Mr. W. Hugflt and Mr. Matt *Dere mid of Seaforth took a litsiness trip te Myth one day last week. leers. J. Button and family, who have Men spending the Winter with her sister in Michigan, have returned to our village again. Mr. John Rands now' sports a teW driver. Mr. A. Broedfoot of Tuekersmith spent a (lay ih our vi1la0, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Tudor spent Sunday the guests of the lietter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley of Holmesville. . Our village folks are pleased to see Mr. Ben. Riley able to be out after being laid up with a sore foot for some time. . The Seaforth League visited the Constance League on Tuesday evene Mg, Mr. Thos. Broom of Winthrop vis=, ited his friehtle, Mr. And Mrie, J'ennos ?mist, on Saturday. The ftext meeting ot the Women's Institute will be held at Mrs. J. Hinehley's on April 12th. The sub- jects for discussion will be taken by Mrs. Hugh Campb(ell oti House Clan - etc. * Auburn, Xr. and Mrs. George Harry it the Virest were the guests of the latter's uncles, Messrs. Alfred end George Asquith. Mies W. Thompson of near Blyth &adored with the Misses Erratt. Misses Mabel and Annie Coupland spent last week at Ripley assisting Rev. Mr. Hoskie in four entertain - Witte. Mabel in returning home Sundayed at Winghain. Miss C. Slater went to Wingham on Friday, Misses Mabel CouPland and O. Slater eame home Monday morning. Miss M. Pentland of Dungannon spent a few days at Mrs. D. E. Mune re's. Mr. Ernst Mackenzie has sold out his share' of the farm to hie brother., Doireld, and is going West. Mr. Wm. Nixon leaves for tfie West in Omit a week. The annual 8, 8. convention, will be held in the Presbyterian church on March 81st. The rifle club will hold their armee oyster supper in the Temperance hall an March 21st.. There was a good attendance , at the entertainment given at the resi- deitee of Mr, D. .4; Munro on -fierineY night last when about fifteen dollars was realized for the benefit of the Public library. All who attended re- port a very pleasant time. Bev. J. L. Small oectkpied the pule pit of the - Presityterian church, Kip. p011, on Sunday, Rev. Mr, McCaul ot Toronto occtipyinig, the pulpit here, It is expected that there will be a num/Ver of initiaelone at the L 0. F, lodge eon, Friday night. Mrs. .1, Naegel is on 1 the sick list. - Mr. and Nis. R. Roberton Sandal , - eel at Dungannon, A sleighload of onr,yourigt people drove over to. Loyal and pent a ve- ry pleasant evening skating on a rink on the 'farm of Mr. McPhee. The Royal Templaes of .Lotidesboeo visited 'the I. 0. G. T, -of this place on Tuesday and spent a very Pleasant evening with games, music, etc. Rev.. McCaul gaven, short address on Temperance.' Scott is imprpvi6g Mr. %Mara' Helwig Sundayed aA Res'. Mr. and Mrs. Yelland of 130- miller.- were guests- a.t the parsoeigt on Tuesday. • : Goderich Township. 'Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Furry have moveci to a fine farm on the Londpe Road below Kippen voeich they. have 'rented for a number of Years. They are n .kindly couple whom We , were sorry to see leave, , but we: wish thein happiness and prosperity in the- ir new home, Their new neighbors will find there to be good neigh,bors. 1VIrs. , Anderson, Whp has been visiting her parents and friends on tha Bayfield Line fOr several 'weeks, 'let -t- on Tuesday for her borne in Aber den S.011th Dakota- . , • • . „Mr. Ed. MoGivin- spent Saturday :and Sunday' tinder the parental roof, Mr.Jim *Thompson, who has beee engaged with Mr. Samuel' Rathwell for the pest week, has returned bo - Mrs. John Cluff hae- returned home from helping to nurse her father, Mr. Parke of "Paradise," near Bayfiele. Mr.' Ed. TP4S't of Clinton Oisited at Mr., George Copper'S ,Suntlay.week. • • Miss Lizzie_Beacom. apent_a few days last weele.visiting in Goderich. • Mr. • Albert and Miss .Etta Thomp- son entertained 41.:+ie'vr of their friends one. eitening IOW week whext a most enjoyable time was spent, • Mr. Morris Switzer intends-leaying for the West in 'a fortntglit. . • The following is . therepert for. the month of February of S. S. No 10, • Goderieh ttownship, The names are in order of merit . • ,Sr 4theellereert Wise, Agnes Mid- dleton'Charles E.!,Nise; Frank El liott, Warwick 13: Cole, Willie Wise, Etta Ellwood, Robert Thompson, Wil- lie., Stewart ' • Jr. 4th—Catharine- Perdue, Frank Perdue, Fred. Thoinpson, 'Cora Rath- Wefl Jr: 3rd—Beatrice .A. Mose,r1 George Hanley. Flora Baines, Olive Ellwood.. Sr 2nd—Neison Mose, Elva SteWe art, Frank 1Vlarshall, Ethel Baines. ' • Jr, end—Harry Ellwood.. Pt 2nd—Ethet Mose, Earl Hanley. • Pt. Ellwood. ' • , • •St. Helens, Mrs.R,. E. Miller spent a feW days With her mother ie Goderich last week. • : I Miss ,Mary. Rutherford ; has returned ,home from visiting friends on the 9th coneessioh. • One, by one the old pioneers are passing •away. This week we have to ehronicle the death of two old rest - dents of this vicinity. Mrs. William Barbour. died Thursday morning after a very short Hitless and was buried on Saturday in Greenhill cemetery. On Saturday morning' Mr. Corneilatts Smith of Lucknow departed this li- fe. Mr. Smith was a resident of this eeetion for many years and retired to Llicknotv abittit two years ago. His funeral to Bethel cemetery on Monday wes largely attended. Mrs, James Rattrap has returned home from visiting her daughter it Fort William, Port Albert. Mrs. W. O. Murray, Goderich, da,yed in the village With her Mo- thers. John SchoenhalS has bought aet.eve horse. His two teams are very hesy at present. Mies Lizzie Richardson is in bun- gennoir at ,present, Horace Cunttingheme, Ilraeltierd, is visiting at home. • Wflhfani CoOk moved to his Wen he Colborne which he bought recently, Miss Lea,tha Sinaleis in Goderich ail present, Considerrehle ice hes been cut on the foe of the mill dant the past week. Jas. Young Was able to be Oilt e;tuf day during the weele, • The Clinton liewsiRevord 110111)te%ifilleo Mrs, Billie Potter and daughter of I Zion City aee the guests of Mrs. Holdsworth, Mrs, Courtice of Toren:to is visit- ing et Mr. A. J. Courtiee's. Miss Mabel Dempsey of Goderieh spent a few days with. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fisher left on Thursday for Winnipeg. Miss Emma Courtice returned on Saturday from Ottawa where she, has been for several months, Mrs. T. C. Pickard and Master Roy and 'Mrs. McRoberts and daughter 01 London have been visiting Messrs. Ezra and Will Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. D. Tudor of Constan- ce spent Saturday and Sunday the guests of Mrs. Tudor's parents, Mr: and Mrs. Stanley. Miss Stapleton of Hamilton Visited her cousin, Mrs. W. B. Forsiter. There will be evangelistic services ht the Methodist ohurch every night this week except Saturday. Mss Ella Willson of Toronto is vi- siting her Parente in the village. '•••••••••••••• Porter's -Hill; -- - Mr, T. Battles has bought a holt() from Mr. Hall Routledge for which he paid in the neighborhood of $1,50. Miss Edith Collins of Brampton is visiting at Mr. Walter Weston's. Rev, Mr. *. IVIcNeil called on f deride around here last week:. Mr. Normae Maedougall has his, driver laid eup now, Miss Maggie Reid returned to 'Jot - onto hist week. " • Mr. T. A. Macdonald ela,ve a hop to the boys last Wednesday' night. Our merchant is thinking of 'start- ing e peddling wagon soon. ' • , Mies Caopee spent Saturday and Sunday at HOInteafri le and Clinton. A large number attended ;the funer- al of the late William Brandon of Bayfield. • Mr. T. Bettle's children, are laid up with the cold. elr. Stewart Macdougall has filled his contract at the school. Mr. Fred. Fred:. pickard has a sick horse just now. Blyth. Messrs BdU and Brown left this station with -a carloadof horses for the West on -Tuesday : of last week, The members of the English church Choir and the Y, P. A. were invited to the rectory on Thursday evening when an enjoyable time was spent.. Mr. T. W. Scott was at Bur , last week to .see his aged. tether Who bad' taken a relapse. ° Mis • • John • Wilson was Called as last week to see her daughter •wh6 is .- seriously ill in SebririgVille • • Mrs, William Brown of Morris. has Wen seeiously ill Her many frieiels wish for her speedy recovery • Mr. E. Liteingstene has bit .n' meter' • the weather and .e.oelle td to In for a short lime: Tuesday of lase week being a Able day a very large crowd °attend - odour monthly horte and cattle show and we understand some horses,chan- ged hands. • Carlow: Andre*. Jehrieton, who had • been visiting_ his ' uncle' of the same eame on the Gowrie farm "(hiring the whi- ter, left On "Tuesday for British Cel- unesta. Laet season °Mr. Johnston was on .a boat running out to Owen Sound ' but he has not decided dermiL tely• what :occupation ..hewill follow in the West. • • . • • The Connelly 'Brothers are -starting up their •sawmill this week. On Saturday the -funeral of the late .David Hardy took place to 'Dungan - :nen, eetnetery, the services : being con- ducted. by Rev: J. L. Small. Mr: Heeee was a native of Scotland Mit came to this country When ten years of' age; settling at Hamburg.- For th•e past -forty years he has lived on the boundary of 0ole1orne and Waeva,nosh, He leaves to mourn their lime a fat& ily of eve daughters • and leer sons. Of the daughters two are niareeed. in Michiglan, One a,t Guelph, and one at Goderich. An unmarried daughter is living at hoine, .Edward, who is liv- ing on the 8th concession of Colbor- ne, William, Jathet and David are sons • of the deceased. ' Mr. Ilardy had ibeet faith*in health • kora:bout a Year and his death Was due to the infirmities of age, the dectased'beirig ninety years and nine menthe pct. flarlock. Last. week Mr, Daniel Stevees 'de- livered' a horse to Mr. C.11. Walli$ of Clinton which weighed 1700 pottu- ds., It brought a good priee, • Mr. Angus' Reid lost a ,niare last week, it being feline dead in its stall in the morning. • News. Of The' Day. • The Executive of the A. 0. U. W. ahnoeki unanimously tinecommended Grand Lodge to raise the rate. Thos 13Iute of Campbellford cent- mitted euieide by shooting. ' Captain J. F. Maedonald 6. s. .0., has been appointed ofliehil Secretary to the LientananteGoVertior. Builders have decided' to paY briek- layers 50 cenjo an hour, but to enter into no afreement, with them. Hort. Clifford Sif ton hes declined to address a meeting in.Toroneo *Mese the school clauses of the autonomy bills. Cement niatufacturers have sett a deputation to Ottawa to ask. for pro - 'Motion against dumping from the United States. • Fourteen hundred people left on the homeseekers' excursion to the west, and 600 itinnigrants arrived from the old eountre. Prentice Whitney annotateed that the three gentleinee reeently appoint- ed, 411stead of five, as fornierly,would form the Temiskresisg Railway Cotn- 111104014 Kippes. Edward legg of London is home, having an 4ttitek of la grippe. Mr. Robert Genunell, who has spent the winter with his parents here, lefti on Tuesday of this. week for Aldose - jaw, Assa., where he and his brother are farming. They have over eve 'hundred acres ready for crop this spring. On Friday afternoon the return football match between. No. 2, Tuck- ersrnith, and No. 14, Stenley, was played On the latter's grounds. After a well -contested game the score stood two to one in favor of Stanley, In the previous metal the score was on to one, Oe Friday evening last the Literary society in S. S. No. 14, Stanley, beld a most successful meeting. Me - 1 ). Alkenheact and D. Cameron called sides for a literary and musi- oat contest and the melt was a splendid prograni of mueic, readings, recitations and dialogues Wes ^ gement te a, large audience. The society is now preparing for a closing concert to be held in about four weeks. At the next meeting a geography meteli is to 'be one of the features. ef the entertainment, • Rev. Mr. Small of Auburn preached acceptably last Stualay in the Kippen and Hillsgreen leresbytertan churches. Miss Grace Murdock left last Satur; • day for Auburn where sho Will teach school. She will Make a bright you- ng teacher, ' 1-1Sy TownshiP. About fifty young people from Zile. Joh, Dashwood, Brewster and Brown - son 'Line gathered at the home of Miss Rose Stelck on the Oth conces- sloe., it -tieing the occasion of Miss Stela's- birthday,. The young lady is a charming hostess and did every- thing to assist in the enjoyment of her guests. Dancing and other ainuse- ments were enjoyed to the full and on leaving the guests .wiehed Miss Stela 'many more -happy birthdays. It was an enjoyable .eveeing which will net soon be forgotten., ' On March 7th another piorteer , of Hay • township passed away ie the Person of Jeeob Raster' Sr., at the age of " 85 years. The deceased had been failing health for some time before his death ; the cause of death being a general breaking tip of the System, He bad made his home with his son, Joseph, for a number of years: ' ' The board. of, health as eenstituted me 1905 : Dr, Buchanan,' Medical 1-le- alili Officer, kl Snell 'A McEwen P Lament,' reeve, P. Hess' 'Sr.. clerk, jes. 13onthron 'and 'Ziinmerman, inePeCtors, met on MOnday., .March 6. D. S.pencer was unable to,be present owing to illnes3. A petition signed 'by fifteen residents of Zurich asking for the abatemeet of a ntdeanee all- - eged to exist in Zurich,, was riceiv-- ed the Board. • In • the .petition it is claimed' thatthe 'Catholic eireetery owing to the.eleiTationi of the ground and ' its nimost central location, itier.o is danger :of the water in the "Wells. becoming contaminated. 'rhe .secre- tary ,was advised to notify the trus- tees of the church before ,aey furth er ,action will he taken. The 'sanit- ary. inspectors were instraeted to ma- ke a thorough ,inspection of the Sch- ool premises, villages and slaughter houses : in the .township .,during ' the: early pari of, June and report JO the ...beard as to the sanitary eon; di tem of these n:places. ••• An Aid TO - Mothers; • • • ‘Derangement; ,of the • stornactre: or bowers isresponsible fOr Most of the ailments that :affliet infants .and young children. :p:c.ir 'keeping .- the stloma,ch and 'bowels ie Order .nothing can. equal Baby's Own Tablets, that is whY childree in the homes where these Tablets are ,used are bright, good-natured' and healthy.' Mrs. Joseph Wallaee,-, Slranley, Ont., says "1 have used Baby's Own Talelets for my baby .since her earliest infancy, and have found them to be a:medi- cine that meets all the needs of lit- tle. ones. Theyhave kept my little one as kiright,and .healthy as can (be." . These :tablets are sold under a guar- antee to contain. n0. opiate or poison - ells "seething" settle. Sold by all medicine (teeters or by. mail at . 25 cents .a box by Writing. the Dr. Wit; !lams' MedicinV Co., Brockville, Ont: , • • An .ed in The News -Record pays. :the Canadian Horse ,Show. The pyiee list of the ,Cangdiati Hore se ShoW has beee increased every ye- ar until it now amounts close oil to the sum of $7000 in cash and cups, Wilkie are distributed for the beneet of this most important agricultural industry. The 11th anneal Canadian Horse Show will be held in Toronto on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 20th, 27th, 2811i and 29th. This is Easter week and Their Excellencies the Governor General and Countess of Geey have selected this period for their first visit' to Toronto, ahd will preside aVet the opening of the Horse Show. Reduc- ed railway rates will be made, re- turn tickets being sold at single fare on the peening day and a fare and a thivi on the other clays, all tidkets good to return until the Monday af- ter the show. Entries elose on April lath with the secretary, Henry Wade,. Parnell -met Duildings. Inform/Won in regard to boxes, etc., can be obtain," ed from the manager, Stew,art Hous- ton, Toronto. There's no better food, tot all than Clark's delitiotts Poek and Beans -- plait., with Chili or Tomato Sauce 5 and Id ets. tins. Remember the date Of Prof. Tatibe's visit to Clinton. Metrell '20th 21St and 22nd, Blood, Will Tell, RICH, PUltel BLOOD WILL DRI- VE OUT THE MOST OBSTINATE CASE OF RHEUMATISM. Growing pains, aching joints, stiff- ened muscles, tender, swollen lirabs— that's rheumatism—a blood disease that eeuses ceaseless agony and crip- ples thousands. It is acid in the blood and causes rheumatism. Lini- ments may ease, the pate temporar- ilye-but never cure. To cure rheu- matism you must remove the acid in the impure blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills positively cure rheuma- tism, acute or chronic. They apt directly on the blood, driving the acid out. They make new, warm, pure blood And send it throlfaing through the heart, and lunge and limbs. This new bleod banishes every ache and pain—brings good health and, full activity, Mr. T. H. Smith, Caledonia, Ont., says :—"For a num- ber of years I was badly troubled with rheumatism, and was eo crip- pled up I ceuld scarcely do any work. I tried quite a number et medicines, but they did not help me. Then I saw Dr. • Williams' Pink Pills aelver- Used for this trotthle, and I got a nuMber ot boxes. Before the third box was used,, I found myself im- proving. .1 continued to use the pills throughout the winter and they have completely cured me. I got so. that I could work on the coldest day with- out 0, coat and not feel a twinge of the trouble. I have told quite' e few of my neighbors abotet the pills, and they are .a popular medicine •here." It is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, pure, warm blood that they have such mat power te cure diseaee, They positively. pure rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, St; Vitus dance, partial paralysis; kidney and liver troubles, anaemia, and the ailments which -women a,one suffer trout. The purchaser must be careful to see that the fell name, -"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for.Pale Peaple" is printed on the wrapper around each box. Sold by all medieine deal- ers or° sent by mail at 506, a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,' Brock- ville, Ont. • Hensall The Observer says : Bull fighting. it one of the leading sports.of Spain and Mexico, ° but, they now have a rival in Heasall. List Wednesday night a bull; helonging to. W.. Kinsman, and which was pieced ie the stable of the Queen's for safekee- ping broke out, 'Went on the rampage. It first attacked T.. Murdoek's • ev4.- greena where it made its raerk, then rushing through the station ,yard ,it smashed . through ithe 'fence and borne° out with a bellow .of triumph int Bro- ck street, Here the fun began as elkout 15 eitizens with, Doc Blackall as chief enetadoer, and T, Murdock as.: chief cespod-our, eaeh aimed with a pitch- fork attempted to. drive the animal back to the stable. •Taurus'vigoreuly objected ancl. charging furfousle driv- ing the alien .aereies beck.. 'I'. Mur- dock and Donald Burns gave an ex- liNition of speed. • Doe. Blageall stood.. his gro.urid And wen great applause by. receiving the bovine on the . point of a pitchfork. . The.. Animal. on finding that ne:' was up against the. real thing retired in diegust, The rest of the 'crowd then assisted Doc itt, dri- vingeethebeese tothe stable -It wee at this juncture that ?red Menus had • a closer shave than, be ever gave • a cestomer. Theanimal turned, around and ran up the street with Fred Aloft* ten feet ahead, Fred slipped and ,fell and.thought his hour had coin° but fortunately that brill was inercifalr and spared Fred.'s life. *It was • the most thrilling episode ,Of the seaeon.. While conabig .doven stairs one. day last week Mrs. W..Chapman Si. trip.: ped,and -fell . to the Ibottern of the iteers, receiving . a: seVere ecalp. wee - John Zuefie after an absence of ab- out five years, is returning to Hen - salt this week with his wife and him. fly. John, when here Ia:st week, per - chased the . fittings. ef G. P. Yung - blue's repair shop and will, open iii a few days. .e.e. +4.44 oe.e.e.e. fele eee. +4.44 + SEND TIIE NEWS-REC- + ORD' TO YOUR BOY IN + THE, WEST: TWELVE , •:e MONTHS, FOR, ONE 4* + LAR, POSTAGE' PAID. + ' MORTGAGie SALE:—UNDER AND. by virtue 'of the power contained in -:•a tertain mortgage, whieh will be produced at the time of sate, theet3 will be- offered for sale by public 'auetiOte. by James a. Meetehael, auctioneer, at the Commercial Hoe - tel, in the Town ofe Clinton on Sat- urday, April 1st, 1905, at tee hour of 2 • o'cloek in the afternoon, the following property : Lot number 20, in the 6th con. of the township of Hullett, in the county of Huron, and Province of 'Ontario, 1 containing by admeasurement ohe hundred ac- ne of land, be the same more or los. The property is one of the most desirable in the county, both in its lotatioe and its appoint,- Ments. The soil is good and i*i a pod state of cultivetion ; it is well drained and has been Well fanned. The farm is admirably su- ited' for stock .bieeding, having teen ocopied by a breeder of thorobred stock for enany years. The build- ings are modern and in good teedi- Um, The house is a well-built sol- id brick streeture, of good eeneer- anee end eonneocliotte dimeneions ; the barn is substantial led Will • preserved, and has stone erithiieg under it throughout; there is 4 yood driving shed. Pew farhiS elullett have been so greatlyadmired at/ this oim. For partieufars titi con - dittoes of sale apply to W. iltydone Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the Vendor, Jas, G. McMiehitel, Sea - forth, Audis:niter. March loth 190$ "TT.,,..,, MoKINNON & 00c, BL frig iii • •, -i,i4.--4-i,=------ .1: NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS .. , c. : te. We show an iromenee stock of New PreSS 000d$ for Spring. Ifs. Eveey week Wii0 receive additions to our stock in new designs, ite y $ .6000 as they are produced. Our ealefi in the Press Goode depert- • • tnent have been larger thisseason than ever iwfore, juet because y 2 We keep the cori'vet otyles that everybody is looking for end one .. prices are always the lowese We also keep a. full range of Dress 4 Trinsmings to match the DEV2e GOOdO, in Braids, Appliques, Gimps, e.. Sequin, Roehing, Etc, Below we mention a few Biwa, but our Dress e,•. . Goods bave to lie ogee to be appreciated. .e. sjefuane, In bleek able mime, Ilue glossy finish, 50 inches wide, es. . BC el ires gond di and 301 ColoredI 11 oetba,ti6teetfel:nrresMetoinfri.bsittaetk5°, bf.11°075vven' ,SniliavnYti.itiali24, ete , makes A le, ee . e. . a stylish suit, at 50e, 75e, 85e and SI. .e. We also show a tell range of Duchees Volley, Drape Dereeinee, • 4 Laine, DeSoiee, Grestedinea, ete., at close prices. ' y I Mack and Colored Lustres are in great demand. We have a large X , t • assortment iti bright glossy goods, from 25c to el. ' A y ' t •I• y "01411.4001040~~4.1401"/W141.1^40 LADIES' SITIRT W.A.IS'I'S 40~-- X : .s,.. 4., Our New Shirt Waists for spring are here, eiere showa varied. .2. ..t. assortment in all the newest designs. We find a grrAving demand .e. 4. for better goecle in this liue, and this eeason we have imported a 4. t much better ciao of goods than usual. .. ...e:* . .e. y. te MoKINNON & CO .1., 10 BLYTH ..,:„...:..:„..,..;,.....:444...:..:...:..,..,...,..„:„..„.....,,„:44..,...„..„.:.....„.;,..;..„:„..,.... y . ' 44••••••••••*”.04.4114 ..•••,•444•.4t4••, 1 PRICES ilk4 FOOTWEAR ARREST ATTENTION ,41, QUALITIES INVITE INSPECTION . i g Cf lee e - - - .3: el leeeD • ' We are determined to reduce our immense .stook and we have: rnade the prices so low that we know it you, see the goods,you cannot resist the genuine bargains we are offer- ing- ALL 'WINTER GOODS IVICST BE dLE.' ARED OUT REGARDLESS OF COST. also mane other lines of Bist plass staple goods -which we ' have placed On our BARGAIN COUNTERS ler • QUICK SELLING. Do you want the best valueyou ever got in a pair of Beats, no matter what kind you 'want. If you do just tome and put us to the test. We know we car 1:lease you. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY ' Men's Fine Laced Boots worth. $e.50, $4 and $5 going at $2,75 Ladle' leici Kid Button Boots worth '$8.50, sale price $2. , eMisses Pebble: and ICid -Buttoned Boots worth 11.3e and $1.- • 5c.e, only 7fle. . OUR STOCK WRIST pzREDUOIJD - The Old Reliable TAYLOR SZ 444441•4411144.444 4•44440.44-444441044444.41•444444044 4. 4' e 4 .1J. B, HOOVER. NELSON BALL 44i**..4+•ts***44*O.44$4.4***4.404)00'44.••:• -ttitS. OFFICE.- F'1/4111,r1rU:B.E: .4) • Ale • our wants can be buppliecl best by us. Our prices bring': us the trade. 2 ou have our personal supervision " and satisfaction guaranteed. Undertaking promptly attended to by night or day. HOOVER 84. BALL. . , ight and Sunday calls rtnewered as residcnee, of either of the princi... , pals. . • . *4441.4••••••••••4••••41.••••••••••••••••440•Oke. • . . •,•016,11e!e'eele,f••',10.1.ele e 1 I e 1 e e elle et 0 0— , . . H , ' . . . • . .. ...,.,. '.....w.ro.,Re. THE GREAT .'. .....0..A$H. •r, . .Our early shipmentstof ENIT GOODS FOR SPRING i . arc nail arriving. See our New Carpets, Floor Oils and Linoleums. The prices will interest you. We are 'offering some excellent -values irt BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS., .• • • • • • •••• •• • 4/118t What 14, needed for this kind of Weather : Miss Morrison has been in the wholesales centres for some time picking up the latesb,. novelties in spring., Millinery and will again be chat ge of our Millinery department on March Oth, ALL NVZTER GOOPS AT CLEARING FitiCtS Highest rims paid for Putter and Eggs in exehabge for goode. D. MoBEATH, 4 BLYTH eeeeteeeeheeeeleeeeieeeekeeeeeleeielee:eieele meteetetteeereeewleetieheteleereseteereee eee. eer , Tr! TlieNeIltcuil Ili 1905 ,••