HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-16, Page 2" The Clinton NOws-Rocoed Household utensils can be made to look as geed as new by washing in a suddy solution of Sunlight Soap. They will shine and glitter thus helping to make the home bright and inviting. • SunlightSoapmeans less than half the labor required in washing_ with aims mon soap—and makes everything spotlessly clean. • Sunlight Soap is made of pure oils and fats, contains no ingredient injurious Lo the hands or clothing. ASK FOR THE OCTAGON OAR . Swilled Soap Washes the Clothes White and won't Imjnre Me Natiars LEVER. Pxoripits Lxmapp, TORONTO . 8a e.esseameeeemeemaeweeee.e.eeee ..ZNINMON■ Always Fresh. . OUR STOCK OF DRUGS ETC. WILL 'ALWAYS i3E POUND pligSII AND UP-• TO -DATE, IN EVERY BR- ANCH, AND WE INVITE YOU TO GIVE US A CALL . IF YOU WISH TO PROCUItp ANYTHING USUALLY FO- UND IN A FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE, ' H B. 00 J11.0.1. n ad Me The News-Recoed pays. The Tesniskaming Railway Comrais- sion under the Whitney Government will ,consist et Cecil B. Smith ofl To- ronto, Denis Murphy of Ottawa and Jacob L.. Englehart. of Petreles. WEARING AWAY YOUR LUNGS 1 Yes, and; your strength, too. Stop eoughing and get rid of that catarrh The one remedy. is "Catarrhozene" which goes to the diseased tissues aloreg with air you breathe, it can't fail, to reach the source of the troube le, it's bound •eo kill the .germs and as for healing up the sore nlabes, no- thing can surpass Catarrhozone, If you den't get ihstant relief and ul- timate cure you will at least get ;lima your. 'money for Catetirhoz- one is guaranteed to cure catarrh in any part (et the .system. You run•no risk—eherefore use Catarrhozone—at our expense it riot satisfied. • Eastern Ontario ageiculteralSeel& 1 ties favor the °distribution of the Pro, vinciar gettet 'on the basis of money spent. • A SIMPLE' CURE: FOR., PILES: . Pile ;Sufferers Areo* 'thet. Ointments and other local treatments sometimes relieve but never cure. They don't remove the ceuse.. . • • There is a little tablet that is tak- en internally removes the cause et' CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST.' Piles and • cures •any case . of any kind no matter how long staeding. • • Month's treatment eitiets Ask for D LeOnhaedt's HeineRoiel. -:(a thousand dollar..euarantee gees: with every treatment.) • ' • .Hern-Itoid is the diScovery Of De. Leontiartlf. Of Lincoln, Neb., : One of the roost • 'distinguished and: :sucteses •ful- physicians fli the Western States. . All DraOgists, Or The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Nia.geriS Ont 12 . . 00AL LEAVE YOUR. ORDERS NOW e FOR .1[4:Yuii.. SEASON'S SUP- PLY, Ole COAL., WE CARRY . ONI,Y TeeE vEity sgsT. GR-.. 1• DES wHicH BE SOLD Al THE LOWEST POSSIBLE' PRICE ORDERS MAY .13E•LEFT AT DAVIS & ROWLAND'S HARD- WARE STORE' OR , . W J. Stevenscin, puno..sgp .angm. „R. SEED" GRAIN—WE %HAVE oohed out a Four and 'Reed Store and:keep in sto.ek flour, . bran, sh- orts, cured meats, etc." We made a special effort to procure and :have . on hand it supply/of Clean, Seed Whet and. Timothy, and farmers making 'their purchases:, from.. us can. ; rely . upon .getting their • -seed as free as possible from et -nox- ious weeds. " • Ford & •. • • • (*)-(*).-0)-(*)-(*)-(*)-(*)-(*)-(*)-m-o g? FAmous se.HooL ((;) CENTRAL /ee STRATFORD. ONT. (*) . •(*) (*) Business • men •have learned. (*) (*) that our graduates are pre- (4') (*) pared for positions of trust.' (*) (*) No school in Canada can (*) (*) do more for its students (*) (*) than this one. Our grade- "(l) (*) ates always secure positions (*) (*) Write for our free eitalelgue, • (*) (o) • it is a handeonte one.. (*) (*) Spring term opens' April (*) (e) •3rd. • • •' (*) (*) 'e • _ • . (*) (*) Elliott and MeLachlan,, (t) (4) Principals, (*) (4) •(*) •e)e(*);(*)-(;)-(e)-(s)-(s)-(*)-(e)-(e)-(e) ooreimorrommo.•••••••A*wo Do not consider it a hardship to do as tnuoh for THE NEWS -RECORD as you do for a oity week- ly or daily pay for it in ad,vanoe. CotisultVotir Ad4regs "Pigures. 'tor Subseribe for The %ws Reid 00000000000000000 The News of Goderich. Mies Eloise As Skliniones, ox). 0000000000000 SeceS,Cie® Mr. J. Battles et the C. P. R. sta who has been here for some tires was re -joined this Week by his fend who arrived the firet we in Mar from Thorold and now oecuPY the le nished roidence of Mrs. 'F. /3rophey, Baby 'Willie Proudfoot, fourtee monthsotd, iS we think the younge hockey player on record. If he do not And Ins brother's rubber puck sithIstitutes a piece of col and us Ins little hockey stick until it tir his arra and then he ettlistitutes small poker for it. He is the tufa man of r. J, M. Proutifoot, Gode ich I will certainly win honor wi hint sonte day. The hockey match played on March betweer. Hotel Bedford. an •British Exchenge was one of the gr atiest events expected of the seaso ani ou that evening a very grea number Of our. citizens came out t watch the game and as the proceed of the-eveninge were to bieepresente to the p, 0. E. the aileir was hallo with humorous delight, The Britis Exchange team wort iut unfortunat ly the goal keeper, Mr, EC Swart proprietor of that hotel, had the n'd fortune to fall and have the larg bor.e of one leg 'broken in two pia es, (one break below the knee an the other one a little above the an le. One small bone was oleo bream The _more wee 10 to 8' in tamer the British • and the game almost 11 ished when he fell. The Nisses Non Craig and Ida Thomas attended eh match dressed like "Red Cress" nu Mr. Shaw of. the elevator. and fati ily removed from West street totb cottage on Lighthouse' street. otene by Mrs; Bedford Sr, ' Mr. and Mrs. George Read of Kin cardine have- rented ' the hese o Waterloo: street owned by Mr. Nixo Sturdy. Mr. -Read follows the. sea. Mr. Charles Symons has been ee modelling his house ine& his retttr from Hanna • N. D.........; In New England pneumonia is call ed a stoup but this remedy .w give which when peed never fails t curethe patient, • It is called the On ion cures: Take six or ten • onions aCcording to size,' and chop Atie„"e in a liege 'spider: over: a hot adding about .the stone 'quantity • o rye meal and vinegar toe fore a ((Li paste. .' Stir . thitrougelyand simtne ilve• or ten minetes. Tut into a ecie ton bag large enough to teiver tle lungs and apply ' . to the 41h00' .insi a hot as the .patient can heel. it. Ir about .tert•tnintites change the pout tice and thus continue re -heating An( applying and •in a few hours the pat fent will be out cif danger. But de not . let the patient ° get , chilled tlui ing the ehaiiging . process. Always have a hot one 'ready ,to repleee: 'the cold one, ° • :• • , The funeral .•of the 'late Elieadeetl MaeVielie, relict of the. late Captain William Sep* MacKey,took plade from her ::late resideece •oir ' Monday afteenoen, siRev, 'Jetties' A. .Anderem offiCiated. 'house and grave. S The late. Mre:' MacKay belongedto pee of our esteemed: pideeee families, • her parents being the lite Mr: and Mrs. Adam MaeVicar. Mrs; MacKay: was the second yotingeet daughter. • 5Ite: Itleepy's illness last year •,eva.e a surprise to every one, but it necessi- tated her goine. to :Toronto where he M. D's.totted•her case, needed sure lea' treatment. Shethenwent : to he. hospital in that•city and after etoeering • feore 'the operation 'elle pent. Sonte time • in the -el -treed late r with her sisters in Brantford, ai- at° :her home looking so well hat her. 'nieny friends were delighted o' see: he in her "appereht old these effect health . But it only lasted 0.' rntinths. She was maeried to the te Captain W.. S. MacKay in Jan. 868,. hut , had tomoteet his • sudden oathcameed by an accident a few ears later. Mrs. Pleckett (nee Ada, ecKay) of Spokane, is the only, hild. and was with her mother in her te illness: Mee. MacKay was a tru- , Ceristiati Woman, -attentive to all ev religious *dies as a member ei: no k •elturch, 'kind. friend and iris More always „bright and joyous at er home. Her casket . *as coveted ith a large •nurither .ot. floral tribute. aneOnge thern being. a crescent; haute froth MaeVioar family, a Vas( large• casket hoenet, tribute of e Werriae'a: Institute of Which de- ased; Was ail actitfie member; a love.; pillow from her loving ,friends and bunch' of large, white calla lilies, e loving tribute of Mris1). Centel:. . At theleneral the' relatives:trent distance Were :. Mre. Themes•Carly- , Breetford, sister ; .Mr. and Mrs. lex. Mae/fear or Toronto and her other, Mr. John MacVicat of Ken-. a, Virginia. The pallbearers were : ayor Murtiey andeMessrs. Saltows ntelbne Caittphell, Charles Nairn d James Stewart. • • 00000 corespondent 0.0 • 00 000000 G04014011* Two parties drove up front Ba,y- s. field the other deY• One was Mr. W. • Bo,thweil at.d his daitehter, Miss Ste- - lia, the other being Mrs. Rouatt of Bayfield and Mrs. Jenne Dewar of Stanley. Ail were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson, Mr. Fred. Naglesor, and his sister, Miss Lulu, were guests lass week of their relativo and friends at Clin- ton. The C. P. R. staff were delighted with the cold snap of Saturday and said tha4 if it held out for a week that the work they are hurrying up finish will if dorm in time with- stand the action orthe breaking, up of the Maitland. The Ladies' Aid of North street newer allowing themselves to be oet- done by their sister congregetions, held their annual high tea on Friday. Several of those who assisted last Year Were unavoidably Absent but their places were well fitted by other ladies. Four long 'ethics and one she - rt table did duty and 'were laid out with great artistic taste and the !m- elt first class. The yellow table had daffedils . and was presided elver by the Misses Nairn, Costie and Saults. The red table had exquisite red oar - nations and was presided over by Mesdames Sallows, Howrie and Miss Tretheway. The blue table had te carnations ' and, swhite .hyacinth and Was presided over by 'Mrs. (Dr.) Clarke, Mrs. Robert Craigie and Mrs, Bogie. The white and inative • table had white carnations and purple 'and white hyacinths, presided over by Mesdames Magnus. -Swanson, S. Clar- ke and J. Shaw. The pink and green table had lovely pink 'carnations, piny hyacinths arid fern, presided over by Mesdames Harrison, IVIcereathl and Jones. . • • The/ Girls'• Hoekey Club which play- ed in Clinton last Friday night was formed as follows : Goal, Lena Neville . Point; Beatrice Harrison Cover point, Jessie McDonald Rover, Kate Babb Centre, 1). MeLean Right Wing, Icla Thomas Left Wing, Alice Craigie • Referee, Alex, McIvor. • • if, • We feet quite plentthat esed to lea! at e, Robert Chilton Jr. of Washington is ly prometed to the A. M. Consulate at eh Toronto. He succeeds Mr. E, N. r--; (*unsettles, who is promotal to the I Consul at Cork, Ireland. Ur. Chit- a I ton spent many Seae.ons here the gu- st est of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. es Chiller/. a the A. M. Consulate at this port, Oa 6th IVIarch Organist Lethbridge entertain.ed Knox church choir at the St. Lawrence. During the evening he wee presented by his guests with a handsome gold chain. Mr. Lethbriel-• go was as Much Surprised by the gift as he was grateful. to the donors for it. At ye old curiosity shop there is a large bilole illustrated bearing ° the da- te 1737; The dancing class in Oddrellow's hall every Wednesday during the win- ter is well patronized. Th.e earpenters are busy this enone tie A number are at wottt on the fine new residence of Mr, Robert Me - pew and others ate enga;ged at the new edifice being built by Mr. Jose- ph Whitely, Mr, George Steep has removed fr om ()Buten and occupies a shop and dwelling, the • property on West str- eet of Mise Wallace now 0! Clinton. A. B, Davidson, assistant in Lee's hardware establishment, has With his Went/ rale:Ned' from Wet -street to the house on Elgin street lately. tie- cupied by Mrs. Oliver. Mr. S. T. Hart, formerly' assistant to Mr. Alex. Kirkbeide when he car- ried on blacksniithing, is now the ex- press and freight orrier in Hanna, North Dakota. We congratulate our old time citizen on his suecess. He is a brother of Mrs. Charlie Sym- ons, . We are sorry to • teat% that Mrs. Shier of Clinton is still an invalid from inflamneatory, rhetimatism. • The young ladies that attended the hockey club match at Clinton on Fri day evening last hed.several experier.- ces to relate on the' down trip, and while there. , They returned to „ their severe' •homes at • about 2 e. m, on Saturday after a safe journey norne. Good bye Rose, thanks. . Jew peddlers are atOund: now with some of the handsomest tugs s our citizens ever saw. • • Gaoler G-riffin's friende' ate' very pleased to learn that he is now, af- ter his long illness; making rapid strides to reccieery. • e Mr. •Ilale of the G. T. R. workss Stratford, °returned. on Saturday SI- . tele a pleasaret visit with his parents; Mr . and Itere.-Ileeektah Hale. , Mrs, Rex land two children retell - ea to their lime ,at Elkhorn, Men:, about three Woke ago; :after a •ile- rightful visit with Mr. and Mrs. Th- othas Weatherahle parents of Mrs, fe la 1 la ly es tr lo -Ih ce ly a th on a le A hr ov Ca an HOPE FOR EVERYBODY. • THERE SEEMS TO BE NO 'CASE 80 BAD THAT ANTI -?ILL CAN- NOT CURE /T. A.STIONG CLA- • IM, BUT WELL SUPPORTED, • Just recently • a physician -in Lincoln, Neleresca, has made a dis- covery which is exeithig the beterest and wohder of the Micheal profession all over the world. Dr, Leonhardt began on the theory thee the poisons sent i tbrough the sys tetn by the rotting and terseentetion of undigested foods were the prime cause {:vf nearly every disease, Ile set to work to diseover, ii pos- sible, a, rentedy that would Stimulate ared heal the mucous membrane lin- ing of the stomach and betveli, till, by their normal, healthy action, per- fect digestion Would ibe restored. " , He succeeded and his prescription he called Anti -Pill. The prof that his work was well done is found In the long list of remarkable cures made by Anti -Pith Anti -Pill is 50e. a bottle, at all Druggists, or The Wileon-Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara, Falls, Ont. Sole Aseit1s for Umado,. 112 1' Col. Vercee and family .are expected home from .California At an early da- ...• • . ' • . • SEVERE COLD IN THE CHEST. !My . fourteen -year-old . boy • had a veep severe.eoyr in the Chest last win- ter and. :1, really thought he • was going to die. He cod& nearlYeelk the time and sometimes would spit up hloodt can 'positively say that he was completely cured by two itottles of Dr Chase' Syrup' of Linseed and Turpentine, and he bas net been'tro- ubled siece,"e-Mre. J.; Provost, Rene /row, Ont.' ; A gotii ,quar.tity of .w.oect came ie the past few weel:§'MAt. the Price keeps the,: same. There was .plenty 01 nutter in the .nearket list Week. So- ine' dealers asked 22 centisand some 24 oete per Ile Eggs have to comedown for. Easter or else, there Will be no egg dyeing for the child- . . Me, William SiVaffield wassurpris- ed on TuesdayeVening by the. merne hers of his , class: at Victoria street ealling upon him, the anniversary . of his birthday and presenting the vet- eran teacher of the 8..5., with a very handsome arni chaii. • ' Dr., Robert LeTouzel has : litsen,ppen- ding a couple el weeks ie the dity of London, yeturning last week. He looks; well. „ • : Master ' Lionel Reit of Elkhorn, Man.'will relnain' .ey_tth: his greed - parents, Mrs and Mis..•T. Weetheraid; to attend school •here. • • Ash Wednesday services were; held at St. Peter's and St. George's ch- itech,ee. •• • • • Mrs. Rev. MarkTurrbell Was called' to ,London •elast Weelt,by the illness of her sister. We have head that some time soon a bride and groom will spend their boneenleon in "Old Altlion" the home, 'Of their facie:tilers... On.7th March the funeral' of the late Margeret Ann Garret, veldt of the late Christopher Dulmage, took place from the 'residence of het seen), Mr. John Henry Graham, rot some years she had asthmatic trouble but lately she did not suffer, so much from it,' Mrs, Du age came t� Low- er Canada at the age of two years With her patents, Mr. arid Mrs. Wil- liam Garrett, who left Belfast, he - land, in 1840. After Iiving fti Que- Itee for some years Me: Garrett heard so much of the good farinieg land in Hum coutity that he brought his family to Illuevale and took up a farm adjoining that prosperous vill- age. There Miss Garrett married Mr. Graham , in 1876. Mr.. John Henry Graham of town is the son by that Marriage. Sortie years latou Mrs. Graham Was married to IVIr, Chris- topher Dulnidge, a faeMer, who died tabotiOive years ago. Since then Mrs. Dulmage lived intown. On Staiday last Ito.. Mt, MeRibles On or Alin Craig preached very eff- tetive sermons at Victoria church, The Church was Well filled at the evening Service„ Rev. Mr, efelCiblitort tdolt for his text, S't. John 14-12,, "Ito that believeth on Me, the works that I de shall he do eleo ; and greater works then these shall he dois beertliSe 1 :$0 unto gr. Father," • • CIHAMPION LINIMENT FOR RI1Es UlVtATIS1VI. . Chas: Drake; a mail carrier •at Ch- apinville, Conn.,: says : ''`Chambers lain's Pain Balm is the cham.pion et all liniments. The pest year 1 was troubled a great deal with rheuteas tisni in my shoulder. • After trying several cures the storekeeper here re- colioneed. this. - remedy and, it.. corneletely cured. nee" ,There is, no use of anyone suffering front that painful ailment when this Ittrinient can . be obtained for .a small sum. Olio applis .cation gives prompt •relief • and its continued ,use for se; short tinte.:will peoduce a permanent cure. Forsale by H. B.' Cetnbe, Clinton • Godeiich, - von'a Winghaea' paper we learn the' following concerning the Sudden death ,ef a former employe of: the. organ. 'factory here : "'rhe death oc- crirred at the home of , Mrs, A., Dams - sem, Diegotial street, on Friday mor - ring' of Charlee 'Co; a former eagle dent of Goderichs•le his 82nd year. Deco:Sad hadbeen Workim as eveiad turner in the tintda factety for the past five weeks. On Wednesday, not feeling well, he did .reet go • to .his :Work and on Friday ultnning he was no better and before a doctor. could. reach him' he . passed, •away, the eoese, being heart failure; 'Mi. Cox was s quiet, .induktrious °Man •and it faithful member of the Presbyterian. church: 'HiseWife • was sumthened front eltdrGinter-. lbhe the funeSter taking place. ';:eto the. Wing.haen cemetery on Friday „after- reiadtwo oll;- MrC°rixiese who reside n the •stetes. entiono ,by the second. 'Mrs.. Cox a,ttended the funeral at .Winghane and later ' with her child left for her sister's home at Toronto ori Monday am.. At the time ° of her heshand'e death Mrs, Cox was preparing to move to Wing- , Miss. Carrie Fraser returned llast week from .a eery pleasant visit at Detroit. which city .she went to Visit on New Yeer's'Eve. • Mr. Strang, 'principal of the Coll- egiate' Destitute here for the 'pest 33S years, has resigned, which:. has been acceeted by the C. Ward and Mi., Field has been 'promoted to Cite poi- tionoof principal. Mr. Strang will re- main as teacher • at the; 9, 1. di his present (Sees. ' The 'deith of the late Mrs. Scott; wife of the .postmaster of Clinton, •is deeply regretted here by those of our citizens who had 'the pleasure Of krieweng her. . • •. Caetain Willaughbf and Engineer Baxter tett on Monday for Detroit to prepare their 'steams, barge Benton tor the coming seeeon. Mrs,. Baxter ace companied her husband, • Miss E. Weston 13e11 intends hi the near future to take a trip around the World. • t`OR AN IMPAIRED APPETITE. Loss of appetite always results from faulty. digestien, • All that ie , needed is a few doses of Chamber- • ' laires Stomach and Liver Talbiets. The body •ot Joseph Itenedy, who They will invigorate the stomach, committed suicide in Brantford tail af- strengthen the diOistion awl give you tet beteg seeteneed . to life imprison- ,' an appetite like a wolf, These tab- merit and Seventy-five lashelib e, been lets also act as a gentle laxative, handed over to the Lotalein IVIedical For sale by II. D. Contbe, Clinton. , sehooi for dissetting purposes. March 16 h 1,90s Goderich. u 01, Mrs. MeLellen has three lerge linen sheets woven ead mede in Dumfries, .1 Ill VI Scotland in 1824 with .51 e w L t le, be atttifully written upon each in mark- ing ink, They were part of her moth- er's household linen at her marriage. We congratulate Mr. E. Stewart Stratton on being promoted ta the position of foreman finisher of a first class furniture factory in the capital. Mrs. George Cox was celled to Chicago last week by the illness' bi Mrs. John Cox, her Sun's wile. We are elect Evangelist Waterwor- • th has obtained a position here. 114) will trevel in the interest of George Thomson 84 Son, We had the pleasure of seeing Ms. John Buchanaa of Colborne walbing around the equare On Monday with his son-in-law,. AU. Dan. McKay. The veterar. agriculturist looked qu:ta him • self again alter his illness. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron of Brucefielit have removed 'to Goderich and now occupy the house on ;S'entli street owned by elfr. Ro,biett McLean. Miss Sarah 13011 of Chicago is' re- maining some time with her moth- er. Miss -King of Winghem le -the guest of he uncle and aunt, Mr. ,and Mre. King of the King Edward hotel. Miss Kingwas goal keeper for the Wing - ham team at Clinton, Tile Galeria rifle association is ful- ly formed, having a large member- ship, They are awaiting with great patience the ,arrival of their equip - :meets from Ottawa,. • STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. Mrs, W. R. Sutherland, St. Andrew, Man.,' writes : "I was stricken With paralysis and lost power of the ton- gue, and left leg. For six Months obtained no relief either by doctors'. prescriptions or other reediclues. My husband get me. Dr. Chase's Nerve Flied, which has revitalized my ner- ves and given me full power of the paralyzed parts. I• am strong and well now, thanks to this great meal - eine," The News -Record gives the local news, A BAD BRUISE. Often cause s 'aesgood deal of troutele, The best cure .is a, prompt applicete ion of Nerviline which; instantly gibes the gain; prevents swelling; removes all blackings and diseoloratiOn, Nere viline , is antiseptic—preventsbleed poiecniiiige. No lininient so strong, so petietrating, so swift to destrey paln Youmiss': a lot of comfort by not. tieieg Poleon's Nervilineleer nearly fifty years it has been. the • stieulatd family linixneut of Canada. qoderi44. Miss Mary Phillips of Belfast is the. guest of bar aunt; Mrs:. . Eliza Mr. and Mrs. John Swartz .ef Ming - ham were guests at the British, nee change last week. • • D. D. G. M. Malcolm of Tecumseh Lodger Stratford; officially visited t I. can heartily end conscientieuslY Sarsaparilla enjoys. the di*. tinction of being the great, est, curative and preventive medicine the world has ever known. It is an all-round medicine producing its un- equalled effects by purify- ing, vitalizing and enriching the blood on which, the health and strength ofevery organ, bone an tissue de- pend. Accept no substi- tute for Hood's, but la- sist. on having Hood's ANI) ONLY HOOD'S. Although warty two days have piss - d ,since- theeleaderS of the uttion In- volved in the big railway strike at New York were repudiated by, their national officers, 'and the strikers or- dered back to work conditions- on the affected lino have l;ot.becoltre Sir Henry Irving} will, after all, ma.- ke it farewell tour of America next Autumn end winter. • If It is a bilious attack take Oham. berlaim's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is Certain. • For sae le by H. 13, Combe, Clinten. Eyesight: is priceless. You are caro- tin in choosing your physieian, be ju- st as careful in choosing your opti- cian. Consult Prof. Taube at Betel Normandie, .Clinton on March 20.th, 21St gad' • Admiral Rpjesrvensky is mit retur- ning as .his battleships are unable to pass the. Suez Cahal without un- loading. . • . The Newe-Record gives the •local news.' • In . an autograph letter thanking Admiral Veil Spates, Austria -Hung... ary's representative kin -the North Sea • .Commieston for his labors, Emperor Francis Joseph expresses the Opinion that the result will ;tend to Promote the refeeence of international diseuts es' to arbitration. ' The • half yearly Meeting of the Grand Trunk Railway Company: of Canada will be held .in London on . .bate from North Dribeta• The Thistle Club on the Wineieee elistrict curling medel. The' Meet t oba Uhiee retie rept:igen:. , ejeee this season. ' '•• •• talives • won the in ter-univereity da- APrif, 13th petaled in :the' r.ew buildings at Moos. tiliewarcts of $300,0t)o will be -ee- .• A CIIICAGO ALDERMAN OWES :11IS ElzprripN TO ca-TAmpER- LAINts .COUC4H REMEDY. •Mattland• Masonic Lodgeon Friday reeaSeseeed (31tambeilain'S Omagh Re''. week: Thege was a lareye attendanCel over 50 members signing, the regis-. , ter, • semi visitors being Included in se e .peeee a• se., Chicago: • "Twei Yea - reedy for 'affeetions of the throat and hinge,. says Hon. John Sheitick, 230 , the Manlier.. ' - , ... rs ago tiering a . campitgie: I •catigh•ts , Rev. Anderseni . seffered 'iron) tee :ewe 'grippe last week: . • after ,Tbeing overheated, Which . MajorBeek Wason the siek list leritated my ,throat ,and I was 'Malty . . ,. 4or Q few, days' laet week: . .: .., . Me. James McdluskY shiPPeti, ; a'fine end advised me to, use Phantberlein's .. convened . to stop, As i cOuld! not .. iot ,of horses to Winnipeg last week:. esi:ellagkh al:tieedis.,,:4Ieri. :len). reoeoxistre:tr:iot•Y dagsfreis-7.. . Onishayo:eoragme. eGoisotvt.terimha$s45b00.en .• • for • lees senses. *hen I found , the next ' that afteetioon end• 'could not believe, : hso°sTitai'll,i1.1Lebaistipeanient.' ,i''St'' Joseph's ini°rtrilede(r itisig1.11e'litilleokam'Ins:Cetir;71.(hiaedeslat,:; oe' , Master Walter Ker 'Ches Clintonetah bas eatIlirodg day, . kept . right on :elle' e retuened benne af tee a. pleasant .ttecie the l/mike ' ahd 1 'thane this . medi- days' :visit with his uncle and auhtca , cine thalef won, rily- seat le the Couns ci ' ' Mr. and ' go, Jernee• F.aglesoa. e . 1 ' This remedy. is° roi: saig by H. • . • • A S A es.Ft COUGH ME [GNIE 'et IR • 'CHILDREN, • • In buying .a cough leselleilie.for tI dren never be Afraid to iya• Chamber, lain's Cough Reinedv, There le no danger from • tt and relief is siivays sure to followIt is especieilyvette able for- colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by I -LB. •Cienbe, CI in ton. ''Y' pi:Pt; •N' peeress, 'Munn, .edi Om of The Seientific American, dted sudden- ly last n ghtat his home •itt. New YOU'RE ONLY, HALF SICK. l3tit never theleSSe'S you ' feel pretty "seedy." ,Best prekription is, Dr, Hamiltim's Pills ; they tote up the etitire system, strengthen the stem- ach,• elevate your spirits and te•ake• you feel better in one day. It's by cleaning the body of evastes,, by puri- ' lying and enriching the blood. that Dr. Hamilton's Pills accomplish se Much. Very mild, exceedingly prompt and guaraisteed in every case. Your druggist sells Dr. Ila,miltbn's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut in yellow boxes, 25c. each, or five for $1.00. Get the genuine. Ctie Lori ooAti The World ••AND YOU WILL NOT FIND . A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN • WHO IS NOT A IstleM BELIEV- Eli IN: NEWSPAPER ADVER: , PUP YOU MUST RE- MEMBER eTHAT ONE AD. DO - e . Esisrr MAKE. ADVERTISING., MAP OUT A CAMpAIGN CERTAIN r,Rioi› AND USE . 4, GOOD, STRONG '?APER LIKE "THE NEWS- rrECORD,' AND YOU' MAY REST ASSURED YOU WILL GET " THE BUSINEStl sastoinancharaiaamniumiatietiffiMolictaig.Petimw:‘ No Better Advertising 1Viediuni - ..................,....., • aasoixawmartoommisosoowroatroittotbaboloset,e4azoktaixoeowows4996e.9aas•akt. I i WO Att101101 xi C14.71ELIS I WELLS, RICHARDSON & • coils L• Gives the*True' Golden June Tint that GUarantoes Prize )3utter. IMPROVEDLBUTTER COLOR The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Use It. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. 40 • ' •koiticrociterfitssoas AiiseltrzSi eelateLfeeteeMenlis 0410441. '41444040444104444401444/4444....40444440441$444444404