HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-16, Page 1^*.••••••#n•-*•.,••••••••••#,•••##e•••##e#•••••#•..•••••I•••••••#••••••#•••••-#•*n.•=,•••••••••••••,,V#•T•#•,V••#•#•r-#•77#••••••••••-•+#rfr••*#•W••••••••••,.•m••••••••••••=o•n••r-•••••#•••••••••••#,••••-..-,•”•#rt•••, 20th Year ONTA.In0.1/11.1P,S >AY, mArzcti. 16th, 1905 • ;•0000000004> eeeeess esee 00 ebe00e0000000 0e000e<>0 . The Sovereign Bank.. Chartered by 0000e Dominion Parliament Interest on Deposits:paid 4 Times a Year .>00000000000000000 c„,0 •00000000000 • .",,,CL1NTON BRANCH . . it. v. RANCH, Manager. - W. ORYDONE,, Solicitor. 0 000000000000000000" 0000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 T. Jackson Sr., a nt o n We are offering genuine bargains in Ready -To -Wear Clothing and invite your inspection ..lackson Sri, 4.+14.14.144-1.4.. Clinton. +44 4,11•4•40..1•4•44:•.:•••: -.:••:“.:...:44,•4•.:$4.4.4.i.:440 -4•04»:.+6,1t1.404.4":4•:.41.44.:••••• 444 4 e# Y. 2. y .Notice , •$4, Z 3: A tti 1: * A .:* We handle the Regent Brand of Clothing, .t. .:. e Nothing better in the trade. We have just le- .s. V --eeived alat_ofAun's Reacly-to-Wear. " Pants that X ( We bought right and we witrOfferipbeial-prices 4's on them for two weeks. We have a few Over- X p.. .. coats left thatc_wilt be for less than cost f ) .) t,.. .$ .., - .t. r• • .$ 4. • . .;. •• Y • • 4.0 4 et gen's, Boys' and Youths' Suits in winter- 5- X •. A weights. / Special.---- See them.% 4. .s. .I. • ' They will go a: prices not equaled in town. it y ANOTHER ROADMASTER. Owing, it is said, to en. accident oft the Winton.' to Kincardine line ch resulted in the destruction ' of a Snow plow, J. Henry, roadMaeter, has been removed and the pbsition is now filled by L. Polder of Palmer- ston. A PULPIT EXCHANGE. • • Next Sunday Roil. D. Cook will ex- ohangeettilpitk with Rev, J, Holmes of Bth lyfor whom he will preach missionary Sermons. Oa the follow- ing Sunday Rev. M. IVIcAllister of Aylmer will Preach in the Ontario street church on behalf of the educa- tional .1und, TO BE PROTESTED. The politioel atmosphere in West Huron has not yet cleared, a protest beefing been entered against the re- turn of M. G. Cameron, This will not he pleasant news for :certain "practical" politicians who were very active in Mr, Carneron's interests during the• last week of the campeign. THE FUNERAL. The funeral of Mrs. James Scott took place from her late residence or. Frida3s-alternoen-laete thoSee. Who attended were ;the teaphing etan and Members of the• board ofethe C. I. Mr. Scott having been ehateman ot! the board for sevaal years.: The servites at house and graveside were condubted by Rev. Dr, Stewart and the pallbearers were R. J. Cluff, W. Coats, J. Houston, D. McCorvie, R. Holmes and G, Swallow. • ItIONDAY EVENING'S CONCERT. The concertto be given uext Mon- day evening, under the auspiees the Oildfellows, promises to be. one of the very best of the seasere; the foliewhig four eitists from Toronto, Hamilton And Detroit furnishing ' the program-: Harold JarviS, tenor, De- • troit ; Mrs, Calder Leonard, soprano, Detroit ; Miss Agnes Dunlop;- con- traltee Hamilton ; Miss Grace Merry, elocutionist. Th4e ageereseatiote of tal- ent ought to seehre a crowded 4otr4O, so that t, 'Would •be.': well. to secure Sue 'seats 's early. , LIBERAL :GIVERS: ,•Tlie ..'anniVereary services held in connection with 'Wesley eluirth were. as successful as the: anticipations of the most sanguine" leeked for. The attendance was large,: both Morning and evening. The preacher of the day • was ,Rev. Thos.. Maeningeof St, Marys 'whose discourses were much enjoyed. He, is a bread minded. 'mart and an attractive. speaker. The choir, al - Ways efficient, excelled itself. And the cellecteons amounted to the . very y hands.ofrie sum' of .$700, of 'which the . largest 'single 'contrilnutioh was e$74 people of Wesley churthehave eIwars given by the Ladies' Aid, The 'good' 'been liberal' givers and: never fail to respond liberally to any appeal '• for tends for church. purposes. - 'THE :GAME 'A DRAW.' .,The hockey match •playedin the Inc - al rink on Friday eVenbig last bee tween' the '``Ladies of 'Cliateen.nnd the 'Ladies .,of Gpdeeieh," resulted:in a dra,w, .each- town :Winning ettee •Tit.e. game, -which wes Witnessed' bY• quite a •number• Of spectiatere, Was. a fair exhihiticin of hockey' as ye: girls play. it. There were no canualittee to . report. The :players Were : • • Clinton • • 'Goderieh A. Forrester • goal' L. Ncvillc M. Stamley •, Point B. Harris 11. McCaughey c: point J. IVIacdonald A. Stanley rover X. Babb, C.. 'Copp centre D. McLean L. Coatis right, wing.. I. Thereto L. Hoover. right Wing A. .Craigie. Referee, A. Meiver, Goderich.. . • „ 4. •-. LUMST -:-The Old Stand Clinton- X #:p 41 11:# 444 4:441 4:0 444 ••:* 41 41 44 401 44 444 0444 4:# 4:4 4 • 0:#0:#1:04 4,44•#4.47040 4 roasastwwi, IMechanics Supplies AT REASONABLE PRICES HAND SAWS' BRACES AUGER BITS SCREW DRIVERS PLYERS WRENCHES.. .ratAw KNIVES • OIL STORES OILERS . PERCiLS SPOKE SHAVES BRAD AWLS • EiAMMERS • OIEEL SQU4%A4S aitir sQuArns RULES , cniszts (MIMES - SPIRIT LEVELS • COMPASSES SAW' SETS HAND AXES CALLIPERS. BELT PIIINICHES mmutirio GIIAGES CENTRE BITS REAMERS SLEDGES GEN/YIN/11' 'STANLEY IRON MANES - BAILEY PATTERN utoN PLANES. RED'S LIGHTNING nitit,ots YANKEE LIGHTNING BRACES, Just received another simply EGO, STOVE mid 14 COA14 $6.76 pet ton. A.Iso the Celdloated Pomeroy Soft Ooal • HARLAND BROS-, • STOVES • • HARDWARh • 'ANOTHER PIONEER GONE. On Monday. evening anothet of the pioneers pasned away in the •person of Mrs. IVIeCistughey Sr. who ho been a citizen of Chetah for the pest three years. :No. painful disease made her last days and hours long ' and wearisome, but gradually the physi- cal nmehinery wore out and she pass- ed peaeefully into the better ' world. She was a native ot Yorkshire, Eng - hied; but tame ' to Canada when quite' young. The Nanny settled in Peel county where the stOjeet of this .obit-. eery notice weft married to James' McCaughey. Shortly. afterwards Mr, and Mrs. McCaughey came west to ifullett and took up tot 26 on the Gravel Road,, which from the *tok- en forest they converted into a well - tilled farm, There Mr. McCaughey died twenty-eight years ago, hut the farm is atilt owned by the fam- ily and Is at present occupied be a eon -in -late of deceased, Mr. William Taylor. Thnee years ago Mrs. Mc- Caughey took up her ahode in alit- towhere she continued until the end came, She is survived by two sons and two daughters: Mrs. M. T. Me - Gowan of Munich, Minn.; J. J. Me- Caughey, Clinton Mrs, William Taylor on the old homestead ahd W. P. IVIeCaughey of Luck - noel. She was hutch esteemed for her her many virtues by a wide circle of friendand greatly beloved by the members of, her•family who tenderly cated for het in her deelining yeas. She' was a deVetit member of the Roman Catholle church. 'The funeral took place yeeterday ferertooti to St Jogepli's chureli wheee high Maas was celebrated by Rev,. Father Pensorin- eault after whiph the eorteso pro- teeded to the R. C. :cemetery in Hut - lett. The pallbeaters were : Richard Blake, Charles McIntosh, James Rey. bolds, MAW Kelly, Jetties Mare and Harry Cantelon, • ••••••••••.-. 'WILLIS CHURCIL Rev. • Dr. Stewart exelioneed pul- pits with Rev. Mr. 1/evi41ent Of Var- na last Sunday. The newly -doted elders will be or ordained on March 26th, not on the 19th int " as Was announced. PLAYED IN STRATFORD. On Monday afternoon tworinks from our 'curling dub played in Strat- ford where they spent the evening very pleasantly. Very ,true they were three points short of winning, • hut then the principal joy Of curling not in. out -pointing yohr opponents, but rather in the comradeship of kin- dred sports. The Clinton rinks eon- sisted of : 1-W. J., Stevenson, A. 'Porter, E. M. McLean, W. Spalding. Johnstone, J. W. Shaw, N, Fair, W. Jackson. THE LOCAL MARKET., • Wheat $1.05, Oats 42e. Bley4e. Eggs 16c to 17e. Butter 17e:to 18e. Live Hogs $5.75. Hay $7,00,, Dry -wood- $2.75.- -.- Green wood $2.50. •. Speaking to The News -Record yes- terday- Mr. S. H. Smith said : "At the present time this • is the best reaeket on math for grass cattle. I don't know of another, place Where as. high prices are being paid," Cantelon & Wallis and R. Fitzsi- mons & Son shipped live hogs this week, the former •to Toronto and the latter to Petrolea. LITTLE LOCA.O. • .Mr • Josh. Cook has bought the htis and dray .business from : Messrs. Moffatt and Ker od• rented the stable .of Dr. Evans Where • he: '.hrte telephone :Connection. He is • enet- getie a,nd ettentive entL. ought to cle• The Royal Tempters and a feWe lilted' guests spout last evening very pleasantly, hrizng' a Lio aeial' ar.d. progressive flinch • per ty :in ' the hell. , Mr. Lorne Tyndall, who under went an operation at the hospithl, is improving rapidlY and expects to • be able to 'rehire Imme ibis week. Basket ball is now the pOpidar ga- me • at . the tellegiatepractice is daily indulged in and .a match with the Goderich 'Collegiate , is'expeeted ere long - DEATH OF MRS. WALDRON. 'Mes. Thomas, Waldron Of the Len-. dew Road had • been •im per health for sonic months and last •week • un-: •dervient 'a serious surgical operation... .The OP,efatten was successfully per7 fernier!, but effiel,'ColiiplicetterTS-Offe sued to whieh she Suc,eurnbed oh Sun day Men." Waldron • was • a _woman .of,a trulye_chrietien,:cheracte. .er and . superioe' intellectual aitiain- tnents. She Wes much respeoted ite the community in Which. she lived :for so Many yeers and the heartfelt sympathy ,of alt;goen ditt to theleerea ,yeel. family. Mrs., Walsleonewas' horn six1Yet1ree years.ea:go in the county ot 'Frontenites • where: . her nged pesentS. still Jive 'Hee heehand and foni chilchen surVive: Goeslon, 'who lives. in Toronto, ; Frederick and Ehza' on the homestead -,:and Byron, who is at preemies iii. Bluellelds, Central .Araeris ca. The lartely-attendedfuneral took place yesterday afternoon to 'Clieton cerneterY,, the setvieen at hOuse. and graveside being conducted. •by Rev. It A. •Miller f Varna,- the -deceased hav- ing been:a member of the Methodist church. it 13rueefield. Among the mourners were her huelsend: and two, nonse two. brothers', John Longwilh of Sernin arid Christopher .Lengwitli tif • Kingston, and Robert. 'Fair of Kingston a brothers1n-laeOe • • DEATH OF BEN.' WEBB-SR. . ,.• . • . •• . Shortly after ,one o'eleeki. on Mon- day 'Me. Ben, . Welk Sr. crossed ' to .that 'hotline from whence nee traveller ha e retained; his departure. adding to the ; ynet number who have dropped oil suddenly byreason of heart. dis- ease. I:le had been engaged in prun- ing trees during the forenoon, and it :in thought that the 'exertion was too much for him .for all it ence,he'thr- eve up his hands and fells Mr.,10ipor;-, 'go :Marshall, in , whose garden her had be,eri employed, ran • to hie ageistance, but death' came .alretist instantly, • Mr., . Webb Was, leern in Essex, Eng- land, sixty-seven Years. ago, • In liis youth he •beettrie a •ealler reel saved "before- the mast" for twente-one Years during which time he sailed ar- ound the world four times. Ile Las been in 'China, Japan, 0.100 releq, "Australia, indeed iti very many parts of. the world bordering upon the•gte- •oecaiik and had a collesetioft of soevenirs from many of the eountrlee he had {Visited. Ile came to tlenetla lit 1807 and resided Pendiroke, this provieete for five years, loathes in Clinton in 1872 and. this town has ever slew been his place of abode; Ile was ah'itdustrieue man of Whom our eitizehs spoke familiarly as "Old Beik," to distinguish him trout his son "Young Tien" who served in the South Aitken war. Mr. Welk was for some years a 'member of the Sons of England and the Maceskees, but not being much of a soefety man lie son1e thne since severed his con- nectien With 'those orders, Ile is survived by his wife and se'Ven child- ren : William, Ben. Jr. end Norman of Clinton, Mrs. Robeen of Mt, For- est, Mrs, Casemore of Manietictite, Mick., Mrs. G. Polson„ Perin, Ohio, And Mrs. L. Miller of Detroit. r • • • Whole Nuiither 1362 BOWLING COMPETITION. Mr. W. Moore of Stratford has do- nated to the Clinton, bowling club a. eopy of the 4‘111story ot the Scotch 1:enviers' Trip to Canada." It is a handseene vellum) and is to 'be the property �t the nember who wins in a points competition to be held next week, NEW LICENSE COMMISSIONERS. The license commissioners tor the three ridiugs of Huron have been ap- Pointed and axe as follows • , West Huron -Thos. Churchill, Math- ew Lockhart, T. E, Durnin. East Nuron-john Shannon, James A. Strong, John Cardiff, South Huron -Peter Douglas, Jose- ph. Delbridge, Joseph Canning. A BIG DEMONSTRATION, Mr. Peter Cantelore secretary of the Orange Ledge, has sent anti ine vitastioes to all the Lodges in the co- unty tuvitiug them .to celebrate next' 12th Of Ji,ly in Clinton. The pros- pects are, that there Will be a great gathering of members of the order from a large radius. A gentleman in Stretford writes that they will likely forego a demonstration in that ' city this yea!: .and turn 1 and help Clin- ton. • THE CHARGES WITHDRAWN. A short Aline ago charges , of mis- management, °tee were made, against the keeper of the House of Refuge and on Tuesday the county council , cont - met at the Waverly House to inquire into the matter. Among those present were : •• e Warden Miller ' • . Couneillers Spackman, Currie. and Lamont ' • Inspector Torrance' • TPallsYtsiicinasnpesethaoiN•VW. Coats. The only witness' •called wa,s the complainant whe admitted that his Charges were unwarranted • and with- drew them, and on expressing regret foe having made -them, the :matter was allowod to drop. HORSES FOR 1VIANITOBA, On Moriday, atter:neon Ur- C. ' .H• Wellin stat ted for .Manitdisi with two ceelciads of horses They were:. 'about the best lot that. has left here for years; • • their average weight.being fr- om .1500 to 1700• pounds and the price paid by Mr.. Wallis ranged liOm. $165 to $210., They . were, hought from :the 10110 wing , parties i' • • • • Andrevi Dunkin,. . Stanley • 'Jos. Mosiep, • " • Thos. Beewnett; " • Whilarn Rathwell' • Edward Johnstone,. " John M. McNaughton, " ' • • Alex's. Innes, (2)' . Fred, Waldrop, Arnistrong•, ,Forrest, , Daniel Stevens; sllulleti • 'S, Brown; . E . Ball, • . Tiplade. • ' • , • • :Qaorge Pickett, Clinton* ; James Stevens, • " Abe. Fisher, . •Colluirife Chas BFfisolieglile„ Tho s, Jake Ellsley, Milloy, • _ •. A. Pepper, Tuekersniith P. 1VIennon;'. S. Emmerson,Gode.riChrp T. Battles,..• " P. Maloney, ' • Dublin • John Ewing (2); Grey. • MrlArallti, ha e been in the West so often with horsesthat he knows the Marketpretty well and is thus enab- led to 'handle his stink te the best advantage : • ' • • • , Stanley TOwiship, The , ease of the Huron and Bruee Loan. Company Vs, W. Evans of • the Sauble Line, whichwas teied in High Court of Justice • t'ecertilser ladt, was decided on Sateseay in fa- vor of the defendant, . Ain eosts; *which vih1 anaount to between *600 and *700 against the plaintiffs. This cape arenseds much interest thrdugh- out the township and th'e verdict has been received with great satis- faction. The foaming worthy men gave evidence in favor of 1VIr. Evans: Robert Snowden, Geonge Devear,Sare- tiel Sterltng, James Specimen and Thos. Nicholgon. Mr. Alf. Scotehmere has sold his farm on the Bro*nson Ltne to his brother Robert, who has already ta- ken possession, Alf. intends going to Assitiaboia with his brother Pted oa the 22nd inst.. Mr. James Campbell has sold his farm to John Scotehmere who getk possession the first of -.April. Mr. Campbell• intends reting ili Bay-. field, J. Mr. W. Mossop left last week with a load of horses for 1Vfoosmin, Assa. Mr, Rot. Greer has been under the weather the past .week with in- flueriza, as has .alse Albert'MeGee, Illoth are nay on tho yay to re. covey, • Mr, W. J. Stinson spent last week at Ripley on the lookout for cattle, The Misses Fee of Zurich spent the Past week at the home of Mrs. Geo, Dewar. British merchantS and manufactur- ers complain of the advance InP Caiia- dian freights. A conspiracy Was disCoVered In Korea to induce the Emperor to re- Plidiate the JaPatese convention. • • ,• • t• • „ Vorna. • Rev, Mr, Da,vidson was visited re- Oently by members of his congregat- ion who presented him with aiblunpez load of oats which the good pastor's horse is enjoying. Mr, DavidseIn mu - eh appreciates the kindness of hie people. Messrs. J. .W. Johnstone and G. W. Elie took an active part • in getting the load together. Mr. Alex -Mitchell has returned bo- la after spending a few days with Whitechurch friends. Mr. Andrew Dunkin was in Clieton on Monday delivering a: tine horse which he sold to Mr. C. II. Well's and has bee tt shipped to Manitoba. Mr. Dunkin was Paid a fancy figure for the animal, Andrew Stinson has engaged with Mr. Hayter this week. • • Mrs, J, l3arber, who has been spen- ding the past fiye months et her fath- er's, Mr. T. Keyes', returned to her home in Orillia on Monday, Mr. •, T. Stinson and his daughters, Misses Lizzie and Susie, spent Sun- day at R. 1VIcl3ride's, Goetten,Line. • Mise H. 'Weed returned horne •on Thursday. .Mrs. Secord has moved to Mr, J. Wards' where she intends spending the remaluder of her days. IVIrs. W. Cook left. for California on Mondakeweek-and- she wes accompans ..ted by her sister, Miss M. Hugill. 1V1iSs Maggie Reid of 13rucefield • Sp- ent Sunday under the parerital roof, Miss A. Beatty returned home on Tuesday after • spending the past two weeks in Listowel, • Mrs. James Keyes, Parr Line, left for. • Mitchell on Monday vvhere• she intehdi de spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. R. Boyce. Court Varna 'C. 0. O.. -is makins rapid stride this winter, no less th• an fourteen new names having been added 'to the mernhershiP roll. An this has been done without any aid 'whatever trete any of the, S•ocietY'r. organizers, ' but in dee to •the vigorous end , persevering canvas made11) .Messes. R, Keys and A. B, Stev- ehson who spent many bye' n. the good work, There are. new fifty-eight nienibers • in geod standing on eht eel', Mr: G. R, Keys is now 'serving: his ,lourtii term ,as Chissf Ranger. It is worthy of note that theill;n Court, Varna has been fitheen years in ex- istence it has not yet lost a memhee by death. If you see it in The News -Record,. Mts. ' S. Q. Rarthwell returned to her honi in Gorrie. on Thereday. • . • Vies A. J. Keyes 'is 'spending. thii, week at Exeter with her brother, Mi F Keyes : Mr, Alfred Johns Spent, last weet 'with his • sister,. Mrs. H: G: Hutch, ,• ings .of Goderieh toweship:, •• Mr. *F., ..KeYes 'Exeter slier ' Fri- day and Saturday at his father's, Mr. J, Xeyeg% • • • Miss "Emma Reid- spent •Sunday un ilEthe parentaleresote--e, = -: • Mr. 11; G. stletehings 'wa,s in Varna on Monday. • . _ fluilett:;Tournshiii: Mr. John .F. Dale entertained a number: to a danclg party one even- ing last weck• • • Mr. Theft -ins Dayment and wife arc. spending a few days •with Mr. 'Jet • PaleYeillseegl,Mbr 'Green celled. .on: a numbei.! , • . in the 'vicinity last Week. • . Prayer Meeting : was held at Mi .Therrias.Livingstene's on, Tuesday e'- ening Mr. Thoinas Teemier is 111 Vers .!)136frIy .5iss111e.r.earet ..21CCoel .SPCnt.8• day her sister; Miss Lily of 01- i4 .. Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Carter epent few days with friends on the Herne, Ro. ad this Week, , . • , • Mr. . WM. Stevens will repreeen: L;ohdesboro Home Circle atthe anim- al meeting • of the Grand Circle in ,Guelph this week, ' . • •aed Mtn. Thos: E. Matintre sent Sunda Y with Clln.ton frielidee Mrs. Andrew . Keys of Babylof Line, whohas been. speeding the .past three months with her sister, Mrs Thompson of Chicago,. is etpectes horhe en Thursday of this week .Mr. Rieliard Ildbliesen of the Gosh en -Line- left on. Tuesday for Souris Mane where he intends spending, tile summer. menthe. • A sleigh load of young people from Goshen: and Babylon Lines, sp- ent a very enjoyable evening as goestS at the hon e of Mr. Wellington Pee near Zurich. - • Mr. and Mrs, John McKinley of tlis Goshen Line spent Thursday ,and Fri- day of last Week as guests Of th• latteris Mother, Mrs. John Combo) of 1V1eKi1lop. Miss Annie .1Vlooney from Virden Man., who has been visiting with re, Wives in this vientity, for the past two months, left last week to visit friends near Toronto and will this. week leave Toronto with her cousin, Mr. Riehard Itoliinson of Goshen Liige for her home in Manitoba, ' Mr. James 'toward from Drysdale was a girest at the home of Mr. William Stogdill of Goshen Line one day recently. •' • Mr. and Mrs. Milian Bates of God. erfell 'visited .at ihe home of Mr, Matt- hew Bates on Sunday and Monday. 1Viiss Stella Ilathweil eiltertained few of tier Meads on Thursday `dveri Ing last, Miss Vitra& I'Vebs ter spent Sunday, atI the home of Mr.- Janres Reid. Mr. R. Peek and Miss Einem, Peek spent a few days • in London last whfeelk;:is Maggie Roualt spent a few (Ilya- list week at the bowie of Mr, Edward Johnstone, Jo4111°118s7osn.. ' IPelefetrn PWaerdicneresdaanyd °Utile- . ton, North Dakota,. Miss Flossie Attwood of Clinton eisited her parents on Saturday la- st. Ur. David Leech is attending the assizes at Goderleh this week as a itI'rYril.land MMrs. James Ferguson left • on Tuesday for Port Dover." Miss Lonna Erwin spent a few days in Clinton the past week. The young mewl° of the yillage held an "At 'Herne" in the town hall cit Monday evening and spent the even*" ing enjoyably ni genies and dancing: • Mr. Peter Ker and Mrs. 1-1. Ker of' Chatten were the poste of the lat. ter's sister, • Mrs, II, Darrow tt, few days, this -week. Mr. William johnSton of Wingharn • visited *ends • in the village this week, ' Mrs. Bailey is visiting friends in Seaforth at present. This week we are called upon -Id- • record the death of one of Bayfield' most highly respected citizen In the person. of William J. 13randor:, wbQ departed this life on. Thursday list. Deceased, was born Sept. '20th, 1804, •in the township of East Wawanoeli. In -1892- he -MarriedeCithariae Brydg7; es, wisci with four noes survive'him Deeeased had been in liner 'teethe for the' past two yeast, hut not lied: feat until on March 5th when he was taken deem by la grippe anti being unable, to take nouriniunent he sue- • cumbed, on Thursday . evening at sev- en o'clock. Hecame to Bayfield tee : years ago, °inheriting in the beicher- Mg business. He- has always be. n id-- 'eetifled 'with any improvement • to ad-. verte'e the. best:interests ofthe sill - age. He has :been a inernber Of the Publie.ichoel board for the past. thine • • years. He Was a charter member • of the 1, 0: F. and. an Oringernan. • The 's funeral took 'plece. on Saturday to the ilakfielif cemetery • and wan • largely • attended, Members of 13a,y-; field and Bruceneld I, .0„ P. •aid BaYe :field L 0...L. Marched to the ceme- tery, The 'pallbearers were : .Harry. RiChard Bailey,. William • Weston, :Eddie Reid' and Feed. Baker, ,Meisrs. Robert , NeMureay, Wil- Iiani Elliott, -charleS•Pitelter :anti John-. _tippet, four heing Orangemen and the ; others' Foresters. Rev'. E. .Jennings, assisted ,by the; 1 0. Y., Conducted the servieeS ' at •the -house •and .grave .- • the fellowing • .wete among the maitre mune' Mrs: BrYdges, ,Miss • :Esthee, Abrahani; Thonrias and`jere.y.)3rydge' ss; Mi and Mt Tlenry Brandon,. Mr.• and Mra. •Robert 'Astle; Mr:" and, . VIrs Joseph Ruddy,' BelgraVe ; kr; Brooks, Wirigham ; Mr and. attendance, tierimenor . and general 1 Senior .r (mine of Bayfield -Public School. -The .1611010* in the report ,of the siathy of the coritmunity it ' . *la MeKiliop. atietl°11a11.1mAliiy: (.1eMepr'''sIY31:111a1.1; 'or the month of February,based o - n. PtOlICiciiCy 9..1...ant • 11,1,eReil...,Ilaioid .4th ,en -Meta trwiii, Katie Ross, Mainic.1VIeDougail.; •• . 4th Jr.--Lizeie :Roberteent,.- Alice. Tippet, Clara Gaipin. • ' 6rd Seit:-,-Maggie" Parker,. a-Crrtie McGee, • Fred DaeldSon, , ..3rd"..-Ii'Ord king; Ma,,udie. .MtLeod, • A:jagn:k jMohenD,oAnicaNlde.ii:; . • " II4ro 1 d No. •oif "roll 43; a,verage attendance, 38.1-7.-T, I-1. BroWniee, Tcacher, Stanley -- • • - AlisseS E. Reid and 13 -Richardson were theguests of, Mre: nJe W. Reid 40.st TUesday. . .91..ritea number of the. people , of. thisiheFyripei:blytyteraiattpentelehduret4he-18110BCiaayifielida . Last- Friday evening and report a very, pleasant time. ' Mr, Richard Peck accompanier by his twice,: Miss Einma. Peck, spent .3unday in London, ' We ere pleased to hear that Miss lemma Clarke, who has been ill at her sister's, IVIrs. Charles Reid's of , Brucefield, is recovering. Mies 1.41cl/eta Rent vieleed at the ho• me of IVIrs. John•Whiddon of /3ayliel4 oni\Pr.tindDa'.37.: Bair of Summerhillevisited • in this vicinity last Week. Mr. William G. Cook, who Ns licen in the employ of the IVIessrs...Fnow- den Bees; of the Sati51.0 tine for the past three goatee loft On `Monde!, ft; ten Clinton for Wineipeg, Man. lie is an industrious and trustetortby young man, highly thought of by his eniploYers and the whole coirimunity. He is a son of Mr. Charles Cook of Goderich township. Miss Daisy Currie of Goderieh town- ship Was the guest of Mrs. J, W, Reid last week, Miss Stella Rathwell Is visiting fri- ends in Staforth now, Alias Mantle Pollock eptnt, a few „gays around here Last week, We hear that M. James Campbell, Brownsoe Line, has Sold his farm to Mr, John Seotehmere, also that Mr, Alf. Seotehritere has sold his fa.rM to Mr. 'lob. ScotehMere. Alf, hiterids going West with his Deuther Fred, Mrs. Win, Rathwell Sr. visittd at Mr. Wm, Pollocks A kw da' S this Samuel teid and his daughter,. Minn, visited friends in this 1'161003ot. hood Ins t *NA. Mr. Yams. 8lieson is not as well Istdvhiowesk:wshintteors:es. his wally Mends *ou. able evenhig at Mr. It, laat the Sauble Lf speht a ty A sleighload of young front