HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-09, Page 8a -
Hod. -ens '13)?,o&:, Clinton
A Dress Goods Bargain
Tweed Suitings at 29c.
Easily Worth soc.
Here is an extra special BARGAIN in. new
Spring Dress. Goods. Handsome tweed effects
bright, fresh and new, just out of the cases this •
week, Five different patterns, about ?CO yards, all
told, A little bargain lot we came across last mi•eek.
Now we pass them along to you,. away below their
real value
20Q yards new tweed Drees Goods, light ig
weights, all pure wool, just, the thingfor separate
skirts or full costumes.. They come in nice shades
of green, browns, blues, etc., and will make up into
verystylish garments, Goole value •at 50c. Our qfln
special price for Saturday, per yard . ......... • LOUI
Coats for Spring. •
Separate Goats will be worn this spring in
p.reater numbers than for many a• year. The.popu-
lar style is a tight -fitting garment, and the popular
color is a fawn Covert or Whip -cord, with black a
strong second. We waited until the last Moment
possible before placing our order, as we wanted to
•be sure of getting the very latest styles, Now we
have them. The garments with every °little 'detail,
tst right. Saturday next we make our first show -
1 1O• There 1g -hot enough of any one styleforthem–
tobe common, and we know you will be interested
in seeing them. Come and look them over Satur-
day or next week, No nerd to buy unless you wish.
Pillow Cotton Ends, 18c
- I
40 ends heavy Pillow Cotton, circular, 46
arid 48 inches only, lengths 1 to 1kyards, regu-
lar 25c per yard, on Sale Saturday at ob.
per yard
Golf Jerseys at $1.95
Last of Lines that sold up to $3.25.
Saturday morning. we give you your choice of
all our Golf Jerseys for $1.95. There are less than
a dozen to choose from. All are new this season.
One or two blacks, the rest are red, green or navy
blue We want them cleared out at once, so put
this cut pri..e on them. Not one in the Jot sold at
less than $2.75, $3.00 or $3.25. Saturday, your
choice of the lot for -
One Dollar and Ninety-five Cents.
Plaid -Silks • Everything points'
to a very big run on
plaids once more. Before next fall comes round
everybody will be want ng them, Why riot
anticipate a little, and be among the first to
have a plaid_waist, Get youis- before they be-
come common. Some pretty Plaid Silks just
opened this week,—a dozen:Dr more patterns,
and no two alike: All,good wearing Tafetta's.
Per yard 6oc, $1:oo and $1.25
inohair is the Leader
Mohair has first place for general wear among
the season's Dress Goods fabrics, For Shirt Waist
suits and separate Skirts it will be especially good.
We show values in the plain We'dves and a variety
in fancy designs that you will not easily duplicate.
Good quality plain Lustres, good weight, bright
finish, n pale blue, cream, navyi:. brown and one
black, special value per yard . . . . U
• •
This is our leaden It is an extra good e,oth, with.
a bright _elfish, suitable for full costumes or
waists, makes up Well and gives ,eXcellent wean, nieci
Browns, navy; black, cream, special per yard....:
Very fine Lustre, 44 inches wide, extea, good •
weight and flnigh; navy, brown, cream and
black, special at per ya60crd • •
Higher qualities ati75c atid$1.00
Fancy Mohairs.
Fancy Mohairs in two-tone .effects,' Six* Or
narrow stripes. The popular thing for Shirt Waist
Suits, in navy, green; brown and black, Extra value
at 5oc, 6oc and. 75c per .Yarl•
• _
Spring Miliinery.•• r.,
Misses Pettigrew and Burke have 'returned fro their
• holidays. Early stocks are all in and our Millinery Deptient
is now ready kr business. The date of the formal Opening ill
be announced in a week or two, bet in the meantime 'we are
prepared to fill all orders promptly.
. .
The Dressmaking Departinerit re -opened on ,Monclity, and
Miss Smith is now beoking orders for spring. It is wisdom to
leave your order early, and Avoid the rush there is sure to be
when the season advanees a little,
liodgens Bros.
Dry Coodg — Clinton
The Clinton. liowo-Rocord
Cushion Tops
Agents Parker's Dye Works,
D. Pair Go.
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best
Mr 5, Kemp was in Stea,tfordon
. ,
eFriday. • ' •
'Mrs. J: Kelly of Morris is visiting
Clinton friends. ";.
Mi. John Cunniegharne was in Wing -
ham on Monday. • • . . •
Mr, J. E. Swartz of •Winehem was
in town on Monday, 1- •
Mr. 'J. T. Reid, merchant, Brucefield,
Was the town Siturdey,
Messrs. G„ C. Petty. and Kelehan of
Heneale were in- town yesterday,
,Miss Pearl *Macdonald of Auburn sp-
ent eSenday _Under the parental roof,
• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook of Lee -
Mum, Were, :visiting at' his father's
home on. Sunday. ., • '
Mr. awl Mrs.• 'F. S. Glass, Leaden,
were gtieste of Mi. and Mrs. E M.
McLean' this week, .•
leiessrsi W. Forrester and H. D. Day-
* N .be Mitchell 'attended the ball in
• the town dal] on Monlday night.
Miss Louisa Tierney. of Blyth, wee.
who was visiting at Mrs. John Th.;
°meson's, , returned horne ,:efee-
Miteefessie McLaughlin of d-orrie pee
id Mrs. F. W. Watts a'. "eying visit
on :Monday:while on .her Way ' to
Winnipeg. • • '
Mr. James Flynn' returned :on Wed-
nesday from Detroit where hespent
several days With his old friend,
lele. T., Tipling. .
Mrs. R,' • Attridge of Brown City,
reedened home Friday , after
a few weeks' vieit •with •Mr. and
. 'Mee, Wm. .Centelon. •
Mx: ooreJias gone to
cago, Met Swartz:to Chicago, Feed
and John' Cooper to- Straefox•d and
Fred, Joyner to Chieego.
011ie Mcilvemi has returned .from
Londem, where he. was attending
busihess. • college, and has 'entered
tee service of tete •Sovefeigfn 'oank,
Mt. Robt Sharp • deltic up. from
Watford oxi -Friday end on his re-,
turn was aeceinipanied'. by his son
Henry who had; been here for some
Mrs. Lock Cree and family spent/ ' a
few days 'of last week at the home-
stead on ehe 13th concession of Hel-
lette . and with her brother he Lon-
deenore. . • -
Mrs. D. L.' Poentz (nee Miss Alie
Pratt) •Winnipeg, Who has been
spending ,the last three montes wi-
th her parents, left for her home
this morning,
Me. Thos. Bell has returned from
Loreleehoro muoh 'improved in belle'
Ali and N again in charge of his
businese.. During his, absence his
interests were well looked : after by
Mr. Lock Cree, • •
•Mr. Geo. W..Railton of San Francis-
co, California, who twenty-five•yea-
es. 'ago. . elle L, H. & B. sta:
tion eg'ent in Clinton, was inj town
this week calling on his old friend,
Mr. etiehard Rahsford,
Miss Porter, who has b.edre. assistant
• at the •postoffice •for the past coup-
le of years, left Tuesday or her
home at Elindale. Miss Porter is
exceedingly courteous and obliging
and was very popular among ,the
• parbrone of the office who were, in-
deed, sorry to see her go.
Mr. Thos. Stinson of the Subic.
Line, Stanley,. was In Clin-
ton on Tuesday afternoon. It
is probably ever sixty years since.
the worthy pioneer first saw whet
is now known as Clinton and es he
comes up at irequent intervals he
is Well known here. For a man of
his advanced years The NeWs-Rec-
ord was much • pleased to see how
well he looks. •
Mr, T, H. Cook returned on Friday
from St, John; ,New lirunswicile,
'here he was engaged ' for four
months repacking and exporting
Ontario apples. He says that ship-
ping apples from this province , to
some seaport before cold weather
sets in and holding them there for
repacking and 'export has a' decided
advantage over sending them throu-
gh from Ontario points in
the winter tinie, which very often
Uterine frosted stock and failure to
catch the boat booked' for. Mr.
Cook is of the opinion that lower
provineo apples do not compare fa-
Vorably with the product of Onto:
lo orchards and that the packers
down there have yet many things to
Have First . Place In Our •Stere.
Moron, 9th 19Os
cif rani the appearance of this store and the goods that go to make up its splendid stocks, you might
think Spritig was here, The advance styles are in evidence---$pring goods abound on every side,
Dress Goods, Silks, Spring Jackets, Shirtwaists Suits, Embroideries, Laces, Gloves, Linens, Washgoods
of all kinds are being shown 'here in an endless variety, ancithe best of all, many lines of goods are being
sold away under the real value.
Dress Goods
Our stock of New Dress Goods is without dote* the
finest that has ever beea shown in this store Ana
people have told us, it is the •finest. that has ever
been shown in Clinton. Wo ask you to come fa
and see for yourself and we will let you be the
judte. We have never sold as many nice dresses
so early es- we this season. All the fa.shioeabe
le Mohairs, in 'navy, brown, green, etc., in many
different designs: are bere .et 50c, 00c and 85c yd. .
Crepe-de-ehenfe in a, beautiful wool goods in the new
•• shade of red, also green,. navy, ,crearn and black,
well worth 75; to go at 4.. 60e
In Eeelieries, Voiles, Delaines, etc,, we are showing
• an elegant range in all the very newest shades, pri-
ces 50e, 60; 85e, $1, e1,25, $1.50 to 1.75 per yard
The' better goods all mine in dress lengths, no• ,two alike.
Our stock of Black Dress Goods is very complete and
includes All 'Wool ..Cashmere at 25e Mohair
anat50, eec and 85c and such goods as'Crisp",
ine, Voiles, Eeolienes, etc., up 'to $2.25 per yd.
Our assortment of Broadcloths was never so .com-
pletee eleenria-sleowingeeelemeitleeelnee,a,tee5gellee
$1.25, $1e5e and $1.85. All are geode that will
give .splendid wear. Besides the black broadclo-
ths, we are showing the- same qualities in navy,. -
brown, green, •ete. •
• • The Broadcloth we are selling at 85e. is the best 'value
• we have ever. had, It is all shrunk and ready for
Silks for Shirtwaist Suits are to .he used this season
more than ever. *Fine stripes, cheeks and small e-•
gures are the favorites, We have. tepid innvy, • '
lerown and green, seades, also 'svelte grounds .with
colored, cheeks, at 38e, .50c, eec, 75c, 85e and $1.25 yd:
:Your new, dress Will 'et very much better if you bUy
e a pale. 'of Our B. & 0, Corsets. They coMbine alt.
the wearing tieealities with cOmfort. Our Corset
business last • ycai was ddeble a year age Which '
goes to show that we *axe giViiit .Our 'customers • '
the best .Corset ¥alue .in :Clintoxie;We have Cot -
sets that will et; every figure and Will also pare
antee' them to give good. ,sa,,tisfsAorY weee; •
ces • • 50;"175ce . el, $1..25„' el.50'; and 42.00”
Two Corset Bargains for this rlonth
sOc Tape Girdle Corset at 35c
$1.00 Batise Corsets at 55c
Ladies Covert Cloth Jackets for Spring
You will surely need one of *hese stylish Covert
Cloth Jackets to wear with your slat -waist su-
it, We have them in two shades of fawn and
black only. They come in three different styles
endear() the correct thing for spring wear, Prices
•Eace $6.50, $8.50 and $10.00
. •
The new valenciennes laces, for spring gee here' in
an endless variety -.-the patterns are -prettier 'than
ever. and the values are by far the best we be
ve ever had, Prices -lee, 20, lee up to 35e per yard
Ladies who have 'seen our stock of Embroideries tell
• us the patterns and values are the best ever seen).
• here -We have selected our stock with great' care,
ginting caw" the—vFry-ehoicesV-desgn-u -Our ` pit -
008 • are fully twenty per cent, lower than lase
seeson-this was brought about by ees -buying in
syndicate qiiantitiep. . • .
Our tpriees are ' 3c, 5c, 8e up to $1,50 yd,
We also show a fine 'assortment of Corset Cover Tem-
broidery at .,„. ....... ..e„.e., ..... . ...... ...... ... ,...,350, 50e 8.5. 75e
, .
25c,35c,40c and 50c Cashmere Hose at 25c
• • Lot week- while in Toioneo we 'got a' chance to bruy.
140 pairs- of Black Cashmere Hose that •were
slaneples of many different lines -they renige in pre, •
• ce •from 25c, 35c, 40e, to 50c per , pair -there are
more at 35c. to 50c than the 25cequality. " We bou- •
ght tlem vt a. price that enablesus to give you
choice Friday at • ; 25c
• . ,
$1.25 Table Linen.at 79c
Mare . then 100 .yeeds 'cif. 7•21 inch 'wide double :Satin
damask • Table - Linenelegant deeign, extra flee .,
• ": quality all pure • lihelle regular $1.25 qual- • . •
• ity la go bxe,sale Friday 'ant' Saturday at ' • 7-* .79e
. . • •
. • .
Dr. Blackall of feensell ewas'in town
Monday. . 2 •
Miss Gentles, Kincardine, n.. the guest
of.1VIrs, J. Howson. .
Messes. D.. and H. Cantelon Were in
• Toronto on Mondee.
•Mie. Frank Hail purpases, go»ig ' tb
Manitoba text weeke
Ner.. David lefeLeughlin 'left yePteetley.
to return to his • home at*.e.berdeene
South Dakota-. '
Roy Rodaway, -veleo is laarnieg tele
graphing in •Toronto, has been ill
but .is now about all right again.
Mrs. Thos. Dunford, who had- been
visiting her son, Me, James Dun -
ford, for a couple of months, ; left-
' Mondlay for her home ieBruseels.
Mr. J. W. Hill left on Friday last
for .Oxbow, Assa.., and will be join-
ed by his family in a eouple of
weeks. His daegliter, Miss 'fee, left
. a- few days preeiouslY. •
Jas. C. Leithwaite of Geeeeich
was in town Tuesday shaking hands
With the many friends he has in
Clinton. He m not-.aernentee of
the Goclerieh councilreaving ,been
elected by a bandeeme:eete at the
• January eleetion. • , •
Mr; E.• J, Howard returnee yester-
day from a fortnights visit to var-
ious points in Ohio and West eerie-
ginia, going as far south as • Pler-
keesbiurg, a fine city oVaboije,twee-
ty thousand inhabitants. Mr. How-
ard is quite a traveller and has
• alreadyvisited most of the ,princi-
Pal points in Canada and the U. S.
Miss Irene Jackson, who is attending
Havergill College, Toronto, was ta-
ken suddenly ill on Sunday and M.
;Jackson was called to the city. She
is now steadily improving and Wes
hoped will be quite well again in a
• ,.few days.
Imist, is now at the Commercial
hotel, Clinton, where dm will re-
main a short time. She reveals whet
mysteries of life, such as Business,
Courtship, Love and Marriage; and
gives inforinatieri ott all affairs
• Deh't miss the chance of seeing her
• . and getting bier advice. Madame
Wanda is known as one of the most
successful palmists in tele country'
and a visit to her will satisfy the
most sceptiOal.
„: •
• .
We are . glad to mite Mise , Emily'
het si.n1Pr°vilig scillie"afr
r 111
• -The populatiozi of 'Dui, village Is
increasing seeadily. The &deter, is
tee happy man this : week, •
Mr Ed, ooleveli's; sale.I,Which• took:
place lase Tuesday ',was a • good sue•-,
• lire D.' FOtherinIgliam and Mist • M:
Burge were united en the holy bonds
of • Matrimony last Wednesday. •
The . Members of tee' Independent;
Order of Foresters gathered ;* in the
hall leet Tuesday •evening for the
purpose:of honoring esteerried bro-
ther, Mr y. O'Beicn, who is leav-
ing hi farm on the Mill Road' . and
moving onto a large farm neer Chis -
.The gathering consisted of
the members of the lodge :with :their
wives and &Harp. •A• most extellene
program was. pat is ebe hands of Mr.
Jas. Gemmel' 'who filled the position
of chairman to the satisfaction of all
present. The meeting was opened, by
mimic, Jeff. O'Brien. was •theri presen..
ted with a handseine arni chair and
I3ible. Be very able responded to the
address read. by Me, Gemmel' and si-
gned on.belialf of the lodge: Refreeh-
Jrichts Were then served by the lacties
•alter which:the .program *es proceed4
ed with, these teeing part 'being :
Messrs McBride, Atcheson, Reid, Whie.
tinier° and •Smith and the Miss
Gemmel', • Carter; Shillinglew and
Whitmore. Mr, McCall gave e spicey
address in which he made the . meet
nattering remarks •ahlout Mr. O'Brien.
The pleasant evening's entertainment
.Was brought to close at 'a late
hem: by singing "God be with you
till we meet again."
tity of the Sheffield Standard Oats
for dale. They are a new kind, a
greet yielder, a white oat end round,
toe, free from .stnut and foul seeds.
, Price 30cmts per • bushel. --Tyndall
Bros., 3rd con., Itullet.t.
Auction Sale, Register,
Auction Sale of Stock St'eers and
Heifers at Lot. 24, con. 2, Stanley an
March2L-.A. Nott, Proprietor. .
Town Hall, Monday, March 20th
Harold Jarvis, Tailor, Detroit. Mrs. Calder Leonard, Soprano, Detroit
• Miss Agnes Dttuilep, Contralto, flatnilton,
Mita Grace !leery, Elocutionist, Torento.
Plan of 1141 ready Monday at I WHEN WE 0.0 IT
The Iv, Pair & Co. Bpokstore, 1 WE DO IT WELL
1it$8011 Maitningo N. 0! John Wiseman, Chairman Of Committee.
New caps.
"Mage 111 conada.99
The stock of new and;nobby"„ Caps
we are showing for Spring, will
make this more than ever the Cap .•
Storeofthe town. hozens of nevi...
ones arrived last .weekall correct
in style; and made from popular
materials. sit is true they are cop.,
• ied from New, York models, 'for
New 'York 'sets the Hai and Cap
styles, of the continent, but they are
.made in Canada, by Canadians, for
all of that, Drop in and. see them.
. •
. ,
pay,eTeerfOreopme at eyt op t•ritx6y0;owie ntoe n n
that is extra, good ... .
Our new "Auto"..QaP for Girls is
the nattiest „and tfobbiest thing of
the kind we have ever shown. It
was copied direct from a. NewVork
model, and is stylish Med becorn,
17.LigLIt cotns in brown; navy and
red. The price is only
Seventy -Five Cents.
cpTtima STORE
od ens Bros