HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-01, Page 1VOL XXXIY.—NO. 1738. Let's Get Beller Acquaioled ! We really ought to know each other. It means money in your pocket, and better looking' and better fitting and better wearing clothes for you.' Order Your Clothes Now Wbat a flyer time ie. A few. days or a few showers, then, showers and flowers and sun- shiny days and all the glory of spring. You'll shed that winter suit and overcoat shortly or you'll swelter in them. Will you wait until the weather whips you into it, and then hunt up a ready-made in a hurry, or will you take opportunity by the forelock and leave your order now for a made -to -measure snit from the cloth you like best and have it carefully tailored to fit and ready on time ? Suits, Raincoats, Topcoats, from $15,00 up, , A fine selection of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stock. 1VLSII Homuth Tailor and Gems' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by PaSsix PATERsoN, No. 23 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required: DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $3,00 0,00 0 Reserve Fund and . Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Waite sold on• all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to prinoipal 80th June and 81st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, manager. M, Vatiatone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid np, $2,035,280.00. Reserve Fund, $2,106,000.00. Total Assets, $26,553,846.57. President— note WM. tlrasoia. Vice -President and General Manager -wJ. Warirent1Lt. Assistant Geri. Menfger. 1. M, wATsei0 RtRECTORU John Proctor, Buthe ford, Dalton, yr*is A. Birgehdrie, Inepeotor+:-fl. Willson. EAVItI t#S RANK. Interest ilio*e t en'depoeitii of i1.40 and tip. worths,er�nblpel on Kiat May and.vmber h ye gpe8Ist Deposits also received at current rates of interest. • Vl". 00UBOUI,D, Agent, mo xNOOxr & HOL1111121, aolloftore. E. WINCHAIVI Haviland Limoges China We have just received a large orate of new Chinaware, comprising DINNER SETS TEA SETS SPOON TRAYS ODD PIECES, Eto. These goods are made in new patterns which have never before been shown here, and we would ask - yon to call and see them before mak- ing purchases elsewhere, Yon can get the newest patterns, and will pay no more for.them here than for the old patterns elsewhere. You're invited to see them. R. AI Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59, Prompt delivery. To the Real Estate Buyer, no matter where located : I am absolutely sure I am in a position, to save you some money, unie.-s the circumstances under `which you buy are very exceptional. I can and will make it profitable for you to buy through me. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on niy lista to -day properties, i both in town and country, that cannot be excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want a $50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOCK. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. East Huron par era' Institute. The annual meetf g of East Huron Farmer's Iustitute w it be held in the Council Chamber, Bi issels, on Tuesday June Gth, at 1.30 p.m Secretary Treas- urer McArthur will eeve his report; the auditors' report will -,e presented; offi- cers for n x e tsax �leoted • places of y , p e regular and supple nentary meetings suggested and other business matters discussed. FOR SALE.—A light commercial wagon, with platform spring, for sale cheap. Apply to Percy Hill. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, Louden, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church, Glasses supplied. Excursion is t wen Sound. The G. T. R. will run an exursion ander the auspices of the S. 0. S., from Kincardine to Gowanstown and all inter- mediate station, to Owen Sound, on Saturday, June 10th. rain leaves Wingham at 7.10 a. m. luevale at 7.18, and is due to arriv i Owen Sound at 10.45 a. m. Re Hing, leave Owen Sound at 7.00 p. . ,.`irkets good for those wishing to remain over and return the following Monday, June 12th. Fare from Whitechurch, Wingham, or Eine- vale, $1.35; children half fare. Arrange- ments will be made for excursion boats to go out during the day at Owen Sound. WARTED.—At once, partner for Real Estate and Insurance Business; must be a hustler. Apply personally to 0. J. MAGUIRE, Ileal Estate Agent, Wingham, Ont. My son, neer daughter, in all your get - flue get a business education in the Wingham Business College. Now open in Shaw block. You may enter any time. Standard A • le Box. Fruit growers and • IX makers should bear Tri lnilid the time • dment to the Act regulating the size o ' fruit packages re- cently passed, leg- 'zing a minimum standard box. This , ox has a minimum size of 10x11x20, 1s side measurement. There is no speoifioa nese Of the material should be strong and fe retloiiilnended, ho should be At least II thick and the aides of an inch thick, tin objectionable Odor t are no specifications fruit Shell be . pack market reports, ho age the shipment in but apples of.the to rest of the fruit ly shipped hi ba "on as to the thick - her than that it -. seasoned wood. It ever, that the ends -eighths of an inch least three-eighths there should be no the wood. There . to what grade of boxes; The vet, would (Detour• /tee of anything highest grade; the /note eoouomioal• WTNGIIAN, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. JUNE 1. 1905. Wear Oreer's Shoes and Rubbers Lacros a Match, The first laoroes match of the season in District No. 2 the C, L. A. series will be played in a park, here, this (Thursday) eveni g, between Listowel and the home to The game is called for 6.15 p.m., an promisee to be a very interesting one. The usual admission fee will be oharg d. The "Maple Leafs" have been gettin in some practice lately and no doubt ose who attend this evening will wit ess a good exhibition of the national nee. A good house to rent. Apply to R. Vanstone, Rosedale Dutch seta 17c, yellow Den- ver 130 at T. A. Billie.' The best investment is to have your feather beds attended to by the Canada Feather Washing Co. Spraiheri Ankle. An accident which might easily have resulted much more seriously befel a young man, Frank 1h311, on Thursday afternoon last at the'ell furniture fac- tory. The young mon was taking up some material to the gip storey on the "hoist," and when n .thin about a foot of the upper floor th- chain broke, al- lowing the ,"hoist" t drop to the ground floor. Besides a sev re shaking up, Mr4 Bell is suffering fro a sprained ankle, which will lay him ide from work for some time. It will be money well spent to have your feather beds and pillows renovated by the Canada Feather Washing Co, Wingham Citizen's Band now open for engagetpents for garden parties. Anyone desirous of securing their ser- vices communicate with Chas. H. Green, seoretary. To Camp at Lon • Colonel Young, of town this week rernpd pany of the 33rd Regi agement of this Compo to Mr. Geo. C. Hanna stand that a number of already enlisted. A ne ed in a few days, and N turn out highly credits pearance and numbers. Lud goes into camp at0 for the annual drill, oheerfally give any i terms, eto., to those w ing. n, June 8th^ oderich, was in fling No. 2 Conv- ent. The man- y has been given and we under- young men have outfit is expect- . 2 will no doubt lie both in ap- The Company 'a on June 6th 2r. Hanna will ormation as to ► intend enlist- WARTED—Eggs-17o trade, 14c cash— full pedlars' prices. We want any quan- tity of choice tub butter. G. E. KING. LOST—During F Town Hdll and Dr two 'valuable rings. erally rewarded by 1 Tln us office. ruary, between Kennedy's office, inder will be lib. eying them at the Wingham Cit lens' Band. The citizen's band save the first open air concert of the se. ,son on the park last Friday evenine. These weekly events are appreciate e by the citizens who gather in large timbers to enjoy the music. The ban _ is now in a fairly prosperous condition being 22 strong, and the players all show evidence of careful training on ..he part of Band- master Duncan, T e annual business meeting was held o when the officers-w� year as follows: --P vice-president, Ed Chas. H. Green; t auditors, J. Fraser s Monday evening, re, elected for the -esident, R. Barrett; Porter; secretary, easurer, A, Pilon, Ind A. J. Nicholls; property committee- A. Hingston and A. M. Bird. The secretary -treasurer's report showed that while in the past two years the band las received in the way of grants froi- the town council only $200, they h e paid the band- master's salary and leo purchased about $500 worth of band roperty, including band music, unifor s and music stands, this adding to the sets of the town. This is indeed a ere utable showing, and when it ie considered that the members give a great deal of their time to prac- tice and evening eigagements and re- ceive no remuneratem for their services for actual ti a los during except a t d urs ng work- - ing hours, they are ertainly entitled to the generous suppor of the citizens and townspeople, whioh as been Bo freely - given, and Which as been very en- couraging to the me bers of the band. While is must be sal that the boys are in every way capable f rendering first, blase musio, the want f a suitable place to play has been sadly eft. The remedy for this is to be found the erection of a band stand in the pa k. It halt been estimated that a suite le stand could be erected for one hundre 1 dollar' or there, abouts, and it is hoped fiat some means tnay be devised whereb; the desired re. belt may be obtained. First Draft of S ations. In the first draft ;of Committee of the Lend session at Listowel, th fees appear:—Rev. I. don) to Wingham; (Wingham) to Lea Locke (Leamingto Rev. Dr. Ayleswort Rev. 0.0. Kaine to of course, subject t final draft is made.. 11111 III II the Stationing n Conference in following traps. Wallwin (Lon. ev. Dr. Gandy ington; Rev, H, ) to Kincardine; to Whitechnroh; mans. These are, change before the Regent Brand Olothing takes the Lead. —In the competition of who would buy the most clothing from A. R. Smith for a month, the than who keeps the books for one of the best industries in Wingham won the prize. Guess who it is! He bought 2 /site and a craven- ette rain -coat, besides other goods. A. R, Smith will give the boy or man who buys the moat furnishings and clothing during the month of *June a good silk umbrella or a pair of boots, Come on boys to A. R. Smith's, north end; he is bound to give the rising generation a chance. Remember he sells Regent Brand olothmg and the National Rub- ber Cravenette Raincoat, Liberal C yention. The Liberals of ast Huron met in annual convention —t Brussels on Tues- day. there was a good representation from all parts of ti e riding. The usual routine business vas trapsacted, and stirring addresses .ere delivered by Dr. Macdonald, Win am, and A. Hislop, M. P. P. Mr. N. Duff, aluevale, was re-elected -.resident, and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels secretary. A convener for each mnnicipslity was also appoint- ed. Mr. R. Clegg was appointed for Wingham, Mr. 7. T. Currie for East Wawanosh and Sr. A. Kelly for Turn - berry. I am now ready to do paper -hanging, painting, etc., pruil,tly and guarantee eatisfactiwn. A l orders left at R. Mooney's tin shoFwill receieve prompt attention, Geo. —. Phippen. The Late Willi m J. Kew. There died in Whit church on Thurs- day last, one of the m st esteemed resi• dents of that place, in he person of Mr. William John Kew, i his 69th year. He had not been in ro • et health of late, but the news of his dea came as a shock to the community. T e late Mr. Kew was a native of Norwi Norfolk Coun- ty, England, having b n born there in 1836. He came to Ca ada in 1857, and since then has been in the employ of the Grand Trunk Railw Company. In 1863 he married Mie_ Annie Welch of Hamilton. Twenty ight years ago the family "came to W iitechurch, where Mr. Kew has since bE an the capable and efficient agent of th • G.T.R. He was a prominent membe of the methodist Church, and took a active interest in the work of that b y. For the past twenty-eight years e. has acted in an official capacity in t church at White- church. He leaves widow, and family of ten to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate . husba d and father. Mrs. Wm. Field, o Wingham, is a daughter of the de aced. The funeral took place on Sate day the remains be- ing laid to rest in he Wingham ceme- tery. Those of th family from a dis- tance present at the funeral were: Mr. Geo. Kew, Magas s Falls, N.Y.; Mr. William Kew, Niara Falls, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. S :gilding, Shelburne; and Miss May Ker of Toronto. Mr. Frederic Mens, ofitham, Essex Coun- ty, England, was aso present. An ExdusiVe Perfume "Good" perfumes—the common sort—are sold everywhere. )'Mande The oxquilite perfume is not com- mon in Jany way and can be obtained only ftoni us, the specially appointed agents. It is delicate, delightful and suggestive of well-bredness--just the kind to stilt persons Who are a bit particular. We should like to show it to yon. Walton McKibbon DRUGGIST. Next door to Post Otte.WINGI3AM, .....rte BY-LAWS TO A special meetin Town Council wa evening, all the me except Councillor A jeot of the meeting of the by-law to rai debentures the sum purpose of improvi present waterwork it more adequate purposes. Also a of taxation of t Manufacturers re at $20,000 for a consideration of erect an additio and increase th ployed, as outl week. The c their three fa men, at least holders, Each by , w • received a first and second read • g, and on motion were ordered to • : published the ieecessary number of imes, and submitted to the ratepayers •n Wednesday, July 5th. Council : djourned. TI 1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE • E SUBMITTED. METHODIST DSTRICT MEETING if of the Wingham held on Monday hers being present strong, The ob- as the oonsideratign by the issue of f $12,000 for the, g and extending the system so as to wake for fire protection ylaw to fix the rate Canada Furniture 1 property in the town eriod of 10 years, in hick the company will to the Union' factory number of hands em - ed in these columns last mpany will employ in ories an aggregate of 150 0 of these to be house - Bring your eggs to H. E. Isard 8c Co., 16c trade, 14o clash. COURT 0 REVISION. Court of Re Ilion for the Thetown of Wingham met ca Tuesday evening, Mayor Bell was ele ted Chairman. The following appeals ire heard: -- John Abell Mt*. Co., assessed for $100; complaint—t• o high. Assessment reduced to $75. Wm. Dore corn slued of being as- sessed for $750, bus nese tax as manufac- turer; assessment...i west part of lot 4, Josephine street, r educed .;from $400 to $200. J. Long, part changed, west pf north, assessed t� to be changed to Rioh. Andersol reduced to $850• A. E. Simmon sessment remove H. Davis comp sessment for bus John Stein ask east Edward etre instead of Mrs R. Armstroug s of property to be 39 and 41, Victoria R. Mason as tenant, Jas. Dennis, owner. , assessed for $1000;. wished business as- ; request granted. lamed of wrong as- ness; left over. d that lots 26, 27, st be assessed to him, Tamlyn; granted. opeered for Mrs.Tracy, asking reduotioi of assessment from $550; assessment sustained. Property on W Ilium street recently purchased by Mr.. Tamlyn from John Stein, was chang d to the former. R. W. Adame, messed for $650; as- sessment sustainee. Lawrence Fyfe - part lot 35, Leopold west; changed to 'saiah Moore. Thos. Milloy Ccs (oatmeal mill) com- plaint—assessmen too high, at $1800; assessment sustain J. D. Long app( assessment; sustai Court adjuurnec ad. sled against business ied. Union Farmers' Institutes' excursion to Model Farm, Guelph, on Thursday, June 15th. Traiu leaves Wingham 7.40 a.m. Fare $1.25. We always please our patrons by do- ing all we promise to do. The Canada Feather Washing Co., Morton block, Wingham. County Prizes at he Fruit, Flower and Honey Sh- w at Toronto. The Ontario Fruii Growers' Associa- tion have on hand a loheme for the de- velopment of the eple industry that should meet with a warty response. It is proposed to scour grant from each county in Ontario of 25.00 or more to be divided into thre or four prizes to be competed for by g owers within the county offering the ize at the Fruit, Flower and Honey S ow, which has be - Come a fixed feature t Toronto. The Association will pay e express on the fruit to Toronto and ill hold the fruit in cold storage till th about the middle of exhibitors can show 1 to as at a local fair. A delegation will ty Councillors at th and it is hoped the C your the giving of a pose. Other parts of advertising their a drawing heavily upq� This Exhibition offerl tunity for bringing the public an industt immense proportions ll filling up of the No operation in packing Ind selling apples and increased skill, red intelligence in the care of the orc1: was the industry may become every t nportant souroe of revenue in almost ev ry °ennty in Ont- ario. Wingham Dlstri Meeting of the Methodist Church co vened in the church here on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, The ministerhi session met at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, tl►a chairman, Rev. Joseph Philp, B.D., presiding. After roll call, the usual r iutine business of the session was trap cted, the disciplin- ary questions in r and to character, gnalifloations, etc., being satisfactorily answered. Two c Mateo, W. G. Con. nolly and K. J. atop, were recom- mended to the nference to be re- ceived on probatio . A resolution was passed unanimous y, expressing sympa. thy with Rev. Ja ee Walker in the loss of hie eyesight, ioh compelled his re- tirement from ac ve work after 42 years of service. The ate of the work, and new methods a d plans, formed the basis of the rest f the discussions. In the evening an a angelistio service was conducted by M`es Morton, who has been holding services .n Wingham, Wednesday's session opened with a lull attendance A ministers and laymen. Rev. C. C. Kali e was elected Recording Secretary, and ley. A. Jones, Statistical Secretary. R John Joynt w The financi E. W. Edwards and e appointed auditors. 1 and statistical reports indicated a sl ;ht decrease in member- ship, on accoc at of many removals to the West. Lie connexianal funds all made a satisfi otory showing. The in- crease in the i iissiouary fund was $750. The amount raised by the Epworth Leagues for the . Forward Movement, was $1004,12,- against $644.08 of last year. This w.is in addition to a special fund of $130 raised and presented to their missionai y, Rev. G. H. Raley. The Snuday Sehoo raised $219.67 for mis- sions^ The election resulted as follows:— Member of St Toning Committee, Rev. C. P. Wells. eserve member, Rev. 3: R. Gandy. 5 day School, Rev. E. W. Edwards and , H. Kerr. Eli, League, Rev. C. C. Kai e, John Joynt. Con. tingent Fund, v. R. Millyard, R. J. Evans, Temper nee, Rev, J, W.Holwes,. Wm. Wray. M morial and miseellan- eons, Rev. W. . Smith, J. J. Taylor. Church Proper , Rev. T. W. Come, 1'i. 0. Foster. e tate of the Work, Rev. A, E. Jones, Jobe Brethaeur. Nomina- ting, Rev. S. V. Pentland, John Kerr, Sabbath observance, Rev. W. R. Vance, Geo. Clark. S istentat ion Fund, Rev. M. J. Wilson, 3 K. Baker. District Temperance Committee, Revs. Gundy, Holmes and Po neroy; Messrs. Joynt and Wray. • Commnnicaticas re the work of organ- izing Junior Leagues, and the work of Temperance mei Moral Reform were read, and resolrtions passed • pledging the support of the district to both MOWS. A resolution protesting against the educational clan es of the Autonomy bill, was lost on vote being taken. The following solution was carried + 4. + 4. 4. 4- date of the Show, '+r' fovember, so that .i s easily at Toron. - ait upon the Conn - air June meetings, uneillors will fa. ant for this par- g. the Dominion are 'e vantages and are + i our population. a eplendid oppor- rominently before that must assume ,oinoident with the i West. With Co - •f• 1. 4- ✓+r • In the SHAW BLOCK 4- 4• 4• 4 Students inay enter any time. moi-- The best time is NOW. 4- The sooner you commence the soarer 4. 4- you will be competent foj.^ a good pay- .I. . mg position. .1. No vacation during July and August. + 4• Terms and further information cheer- 4' + fully given by the Principal. . N. REGINALD FLETCHER, Principal. + .1. GEO. SPOTTON, Manager. .f -II•-H-1.3•-d•-i-4•4444-i•-%-F•%-l-+•l--l•-II--II-•l-•i-•H+44 Yes, its a Kodak And this is Kodak time. We are selling Kodaks and supplies, AIMcCaII &.Co. LIMITED. ► Druggists and opticians WINGHAM, ONT. log A PERMANENT COLLEGE FOR WING AM 4, 4- 4, WINCHAM 1 BUSINESS, COLLEGE Z Nov or IE;?'di ++++++++ unanimously: Gundy, second that we have h gret that it is changes in the faoilitate "roc gambling. W cord our most such legislatiot 'Moved by Rev Dr. Id by Rev, R. Millyard, arned with very greatre- roposed to make such criminal Code as would track" betting and do hereby place on re - mastic protest against , and we would most earnestly urgejapon our representatives in the Domini -a Parliament to use their influence and Totes against the enact- ment of suck --roposed legislation." Votes of t1.nks were tendered the chairman for ,he efficient discharge of his duties dog the year, and the peo- ple of Wingl4tm for their hospitable en- tertainment. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ading Shoe Store 3�* FOOT COMFORT FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN Misses and Children will wear Low Shoes this season. Why shouldn't they 7 Nothing in Footweee is more com- fortable, durable or attractive. The prettiest styles made are here. Oxfords and Gibson Ties, Sandals and Slippers. Best leathers, beat workmanship. All widtheand sizes. Parents are Pleased and the Ghildren are Delighted with our Summer Shoes. Start in at 75e and travel along step by step up to $1.75 per pair. W. J. GREEK Shoer to the People. See us for Trusts and Valises...... 444444+44.14.1:0+44.1-1444+444, 4,44+44.14-44-$4444++++++++4440