HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-09, Page 3ritatOk 9th 1995 The Clinton News*Record Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that oll the b 1004 in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be- comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pufe. One reason why SCOTT'S .ExyLsioN is such a great aid is because it passes so _vickly into the blood. It is partly di- gested before it enters the stomach; a double advan- tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos- sible effort is the desire of everyone in poorhealth. Scotts Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be- fore you expect it. . , . willsme you a •••3-,,,,.." a. • sampBe sure that the le free. - 'pdi icture in e form of • a hbel h on the wrap- erekteie.,, per of every bottle of Emuhlon you buy. • Scorr Downs Chemhts Totonta, One, .ceinianati.00 ' All drug' eienecE FOR WORKING : Elea Shillings a. :Week Hotel Opened te London: Lord Batisteck. has jest :ripened a hostel for workiegegirN in•tbe Clap- ham road. • e,..ike the. Rowton .Houses, tee •Vic. teria Hostel,' as it is •nameete is to be selasuppekteng, It is indeed,' but' the beginning of a great scheme for the houoingeot the working gide, of London, for Lordeftadsteee intones to . build • shortly a mony-Storey4.0 hostel foe girls in Nevierigton cause - Meanwhile Level Racistock.'s'payine, guests in the teietei•ia. efostei , have every coretert 'at a,. enininim, An iminesere tnarble-lined • skatthe rink, en which 5,000 people woele find ample stantfing reeme is one ot the features of the hostel. Swings and gymnastic apretrattin will be put up, and the gtris .provided with role ler skates. Bright, 'well-fterbislred sitting -rooms and eiass-rooms, e • : evork-roomfor, sewing, a boot-roon tii. .Which 'the: girls can clean them boots; and laundry fitted •with wringer; wash% and ironing tables are provided., The cubicle hedroorns are light, airy. ate(' comfortable, andeeehot -water -and • baths are free. . - The inclusive charge is. 8e.' ed. pot week -Gd, a night. ' • • . Lord Re.dstock has"eliolVed.. the problem of how io live on • ls. a • day. For Ose 6d. .ft week board. is provided -elle' a. pinch. leer an extra shilling-ereaking fesa week --the bea- tron wile undertake to -feed her. boarders royally. • • • • . All ,the •food N obtained :at the. 'restaurant bar, which ice open, froni seven in the morning until 4.8.0 Lord etadstock allows his . girl ' boarders plenty ofliberty. ephe rules • are few,. and not irksome. Lights are out at 10.30, but permission to etay out till later ewe be obtained from the• Illation. Visitors are per. witted; but male guests are received in the hall. • ' , • There le bo age limit for ..Uid boarders. The bestel is • meant $0 stIO working. girls, erisichiniets is at, factories, waltresSes and typists. as can give references as to respecte ability. -Daily Exprees. • *. • "Headach•es do hot' cause eye etraie but are the reeult et same: • Are you troubled teat way.? See Prof, 'Paten at Hotel Norenendie oil - Meech, 20th, Met and e2nd.' John Thompson, *poet shoveller, wes run over by a car at Stkattord and • Winnipeg believes the Autonomy Bill. is a. mere "bluff," a Means to seaure • a compromise, preserting the :present status of Separate Scheele in • the *Territories for peer Prcivinces. . • .fDODD'S' 1'1\ FI,44-1\\ Ptt C gel; ,P s'ill`c50* biAneycs P'ur flu.t , ylthi 144:10440111 rig in v rienaiiileetrenimmamemsetweensurmomilesemis • leyo • Troubles* Quickly end per. munmely Adjusted. Olson fitted properly. Diu Ovens Lontitin. Tecate ley -erre Nom sedThroae Welber's comnvannuo SOBTE,CLINTON sesceMAIttif rem ALL DAY. --0 eeeeee.ellett vide April Slare4ii41.4.4, v‘.‘ .0.4 t rr • Morris Township Jas. Sharpe jr., is away to Toledo, Ohio, on a business trip. A welcome visitor to .the commun, • itir is (leo. A. Pipe, of Oshawa, who • is a former resident of Morris, We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. Henry Mooney, of Wey- • burn, N, W. T., formerly of II/fords township, but hope for better news alongthe line of speedy conelelee- cence. Junes,. the littler son at flp.rry Dun* can, 4th line, has been quite poorly during the past few weeks. The little lad makes- his home with his grand- parents, Allan aed ern. Speir, since • the decease of his mother. Wednesd•ay afternoon of last week • at $ o'clock the borne of Robern Nic- hol; 8th Line, was 'the scene of a large gathering when about 76 rein, - tikes and friends assembled to wit- ness the tying ot the matrimonial knot between Jas. Douglas, a well known young farmer, of this locality, and Miss Myrtle M. J., eldest daugh- ter ot the host and hostess. Rev, • Jolla Ross of Brussels performed the ceremony, after the Wedding IVIttrch had been pla,yed by Miss Posse Mite - hell, The attendants were Miss Al- berta L.. Nichol, sister .01 the bride, and Thos. Mille, Bride was most becomingly attire0* in a, • dress of glor- ia, silk with Oriental lace Mid pearl *framing and the bridesmaid wore a cream cashmere, trimmed, with chi- ffon ruching and Oriental lace. After congratulations a fine supper was, ser- • ved to which ample justice was eone. The wedding gifts were numerous; useful handsome and well selected. Flowers, bunting, erc.,' gave a pleds- ing touch to the home. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas will take' up housekeepeng en the •Ackin farm., 14th con., Grey, whichethe groom has leased for a .te- len a years. • •• :To a very. NW couples comes • the opportunity of celebrating so import- ant an event as a golden wedding and hence the 'deep ieterest centring. around such an interesting event. On Wednesday evening of last •week Wm. J. and Mrs. Johnston, • old and well known residents of the let line, ale- brated the 50th anniversary of their marriage tier a gatheeing of relatives and friends when a most enjoyable time was spent. The groornsinem at the weddirig of Mr. Johneton and Davidson; fifty, years ago, in Goclerich township,. was, present 'in the 'person .of George Johnston, first eine, :whom everybody knelt's. • The late Mrs.. S. Shaw (Mary PavideeleJ sister to Mrs. Johnston, was brides - Mail. Mk, and Mrs. Johnston receiv- ed many congratulations on the way 'they had speed' liN's b.attles and eit- joying • so large% a degree • •ofe good health, All their children were pres- ent. viz ,-Robert and Hugh Of .Mapi- toba Wrn Rich rd Edward, Silas, and Mrs. G. Matthews, all of Morris township and *Mips Sarah at honie. The host had .the honor of filling the reeve's ehair and other municipal offi- ces en •hs earlier 'years and has been very closely and consistently *ilea - ed with Methodism hi.the church up- on thd merrier. of his firm for maey a. long day: en fact the.Johnsten home was the parson's stomfing piece' hue - deeds of tines and atchurch gather- ings their premised*ere appropriated as beet. suited •the vieitore. Mr. and Nes. Johnston' were and are •hoted fer their. geniality and hospitality,. both are ".of the real old Irish ' tYpe. That their passing yeas May be cro- wned with all the :blessings. of this life andbye mid bye by the bettet hlessings of the life .eternal is the wish of many frientle. • • COIJGHERS,-HAWKERS, •• §PirrER ! • Public expectoration is against the ecanreon iaw against the laws , of health also. When the throat tipkles, that's : the tune you need Cateerho- zone, it soothei away the irritation, cuts out the phlegm and loosens the tight; feeling. You'll quickly eere'that catarrh and throal trouble with Car' taerh•oreorm. It positively • prevents new attacks and cures .catarrh for- ever and for ill time to conte. Don't takeout word for .it, try Caealrehei- eone yourself. Once used you'll be. delighted with its -helpful and pleas - int influence. , , , • Car Nicholas has isseed a manlifes- to Oalline on all' officials to suppress the revolutionary movenient, and ur- ging a sestaihed leith that God, will deliver the Etnpire from presentdie& culties at home and ebroad. • The Northwest grain dealers say there is Still nine.million bushels of wheat in the hands of westere far- •mers. SAIer. Co•cOu SED.torgs: ;Pon .. • CHILDREN. • In buying a cough metticiiie for teet dren never be afraid 'le tete Charlene:. lain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is eways sure to Joao*, It. is eipeeiedy able for colds, croup and. whooping cough. For sale by IL 0. Combe, Clinton. l'hle Pea 'Weevil's Finish. • OttieWa Mara -Prof. Pletcher,en. • tornologis% at the Central Experimen- tal Fenn, Made the weleome Motel - (lenient to the Committee on Agricul- ture that the ravages of the qiea wee- vil,. Which has Caused the loss of $1,000,000 a Year to the farmers,were last year vett materially reduced in ekbent. He urged upon the fariners' that if they would refuse to sow any peas which had not :been fumigated and the Weevil • in the pea thereby killed, thie fleet would disappear en- tirely from Canada next year. The loss to 'the staple crops; by injurious in - Nets he estimated at 16 per cent., a great portion of which mightbe sav- ed by following the adviee of the Ag- ritultural Department based on the experience at the experimental' farms. Pentium diseases also +mused a lab* arelual logs whith cotildr he materially reduced by tile adoption of precaution- ary ineatures, Luchnow. Some three weeks ago Ur, Willitieri Black ortiendrum, Minnesota, came here to visit his sister, Mrs. Joseph Forester, who is stopping with her dauOter Mrs. J. M. Cliff e:if this vil- lage, About two weeks- ago he was taker. ill with erysipelas in the neck which Spread to the Nee and head and he passed away to the great be- yond on Sunday. Deceased Was in his 6fith year and was well known and highly esteemed in the Seetiere where he lived. The remains were interred in the Kinloss eemetery, There died at his residence in this village on Saturday, Mr. Win. Scrim- geour, an old and very highly es- teemed citizen. Mr. Scrimgeour was bis 71st year and had been it: the employ of Mr, Wm. Allin for a ,quar- tor of a, century and WAS widely kn- own and greatly respected. He had beee confined to the houee tor sever- al Mentbs but not till the last few weeks did his illness assume a serious neture, when dropsy sot in, and he passed peacefully away on Saturday, He was a geed cieizen, a kind hus- band end indulgent • fettle': and his widew and three children have the earnest sympathy' of the whole com- munity. Theeeeerneins were 'interred ii tho Green Hill cemetery, • Zurich. Rev, Dr. 'Medd, of Hensel', assisted Rev. Mr. Yaeger Friday evening., Dr. Medd delivered a powerfulsermon. Misses Georgine and Josephine Sch- iUic returned to Detroit, After a shore 'visit with their parents at the` 141.11 concession. • • Mr. E. Zeller has bought from Mr, 'Sam Rennie that • part of the Zeller bloc: occupied by him as e printing office, south 'to the town hall, • • Mr.-• Henry Koehler sold a five year old horse on Tuesday to Mr. J. • C. Watlertee, of Clinton, fort which be as - twined Cho high figure of $180. ' The animal is light bay M color and of the heavy dreught class and is a fine eype of the _farm horse. Mr. IfairoId Wiltsie,, of the Soverign • Bank staff 'here, ha,' been transferred to the Milverton 'branch and left for, that place yesterday. Mr.. Wiltsie has made many warm friends here who are sorry to see `hint leave, ' On Wednesday the meeting of ihe. *Fat -melt' Institute was hebt in the Town Hall here. ,The afternoon zerot- h -to' was fairly well attended,which ews that the farmers are cleeginnieg to realize the geed work that these Institutes are 'doing ter one (imitate,. At tee afeeenoon !fleeting many inter-: eiting subjects were ably..dieeuesee. .A.t the evening. meeting theellaW was - crowded; and the meeting was illy all eespects h success. Mr. learree . gave an interesting talk. on how to make . , . . the Institute successful arid sonic of th explanation's be gave* ere Certain- ly deserving of..i trial in this distr- ict.. Dr. Reece gave a splendid eddr- ess; more partieularie to:. the young boys. ante giels ot the farm, .. • Legal Questions and. Ausirers. The fedloeving ammered in the legal cohabits •Of the gin and 'Bemire on Saturday last' . . • G. B., Clinton'e.Qu.e-A • telltale resi- dent in Michigan married a men Who- se home was in Ontario. They have no children • and desire to separate .• . • without -payment of anything by eith- er of teem to the other. •What kind of • a. document Meet they sign ni ote der, that • neither of them shall 1eaeiee any claire Upon the ether or upon the eroperty. of the other at . any time 'hereafter ? ••Ans.-An ordinary deed of separa- tion; • wherein each of . the parties covenants not to make any eleini ep- on the other, and releases all claim, which. 'either of them may then:leave or may thereafter have against •the property of thee otner, real .or per- sonal will he suffieient. • ee lVI., •St. Helens -Qu. -When sold my • farm 'there was a quantity.: of ilrain tile piled upon it for :future use. Can 1 remove Or sell the tiles ? • Ans.-If • nothing was said in the agreement made by you with the lair- cha,ser about the drain- tiles and there was no Undereta,nding of any eine that they were to be allowed to re- main upon, :the property, I think you have a right to remove them betore giving uppossossien of ) our f:irm to the. purchaser. But if you have left the tiles upon the place 'and in up possession, you cannot now retrieve them; tir .give anyodeseise atithority to do so; ' . HatioVer.-Qu.-Where 'the parties. ineerested "in.an •estate have a, suspicion that the exetutors are us- ing or misappropria,thee the funds een they compelethe execullors t� • render an account and have them diseharg- ed ? . • • Ans.--Where, an, estate does not ex- ceed one thousand dollars the Surro- gate Court, vvhiele granted the pro- bate, . has power' to remove the eeee cutor and section thirty.nitie of the Judioature Ace says the High Court may remove' an ekecutof or adminis- trator uport the Sallie grounds as the court may .remove any other trustee aid may appoint some other person to ad in place of the executor so re- moved. The order May be made up - en the application of ape petSott in- terested in the estate. WHAT CAUSES APPBNDICITIS, The commonest cause of appendici- tis ,is coestination. When you rennin physic don't use °heap drastic pills - get D. Hamilton's Pills which stren- gthen the etoMach, regulate the bow- els and prevent any tendence to ap. pendicitie: In one day you'll ,feel the tremendous benefit of Di, Hamilton's Pills. 13y purifying the blood and cleansing, the system * they prevetit headaches, life depression and • drive away weariness. No medicine so rue" cessfid as Dr. Hainilton's Pills; 'sold oerywhere at•twenty-tive cents •a box with yellow eover ; • get the genuine,• Are . advertisement in The Nowa- wool 'Woo .sood resutt *-VoWit*IWWWWAMMI* r*10WiVii*WWWIIIMMallaMMIAMOteliWWWWWW444 1. .*. ARRIVALS FOR " SPAIN) • DRESS GOODS, WASH GOODS, MUSLINS, LINEN VOILES, PRINTS, DUCKS, LACES, EMBROIDERS, Etco NEW, NEW, NEW,—This week we opened dia, another,shipment of fresh, sparkling, New Spring Goods after their journey across the seas. Each year has its own style but this year is the climax for pretty Dress Goods in Wool and Wash Goods, Linens, Voils, Laces, etc., etc. and better values were never shown here. • Mohair Dress Goods • In plain black, blue, brown, white and red prices from ........., . , .. .. . . .. . . ..... . .. 25c up to Si Fancy Mohair Dress Goods •. In black, blue, green, light blue, 'brown with white ring spot, new and very pretty, special. .35c Iso's a:New Fabric. • A -perle finish Dress Goods that des not mark or cockle with the rairi,every yard stamped, new cloth this year, comes in brown, black,blue and green with raised stripe,very pretty.;prices 75 & 85c New Laces- • •Thousands of yards of pretty' lace and in- sertions, just opened up, you are sure to ad- mire them ••from 3c up Embroidery • Thousands of yards of Swiss and Nainsook Frnbroidery all new designs from the narrowest to the allover: • from 2c up: New Curtains 500 pairs of New Spring ,Curtains, • just opened up, prettier and better value than ever, from 25c up to $7 per pair In all the leading shades, plain and fancy. stripes and checks, very serviceable and much prettier patterns than last year,prices 121.,15,18,20, 25C Musl ins , New design, plain linen color with spots of red and white, green and white and blue and white will make a very handsome dress price isc Eriglish and Crum Prints . , • loone_w patterns, nice soft cloth. guaran- . • ok: teed • to wash..,. .. . ... .. ... .**** .. * . ... * s *OR •• • •• . .10 O.. . • . • .. . • • • • • • •• I 21C Afgr • New Silks Jap and Taffeta Silks in all the • leading shades, .20 & 27 inches wide, price.s 2sc & soc New . Shirtings, Towelings, eottons,Cottonades; • Hosery, Gloves, Collars, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, etc., etc. . • Bargains in Wrapperette • Only a few pieces left,all good patterns 36 • in wide •Wrapperette, regular Isc ror • • • No trouble to show goods and satisfaction .0-Uaranteed. • o c 'tee 44WW*ANWA*4 WNW MANOMMANOVAIWWWWWWNERANNAMMWAWA***MWMANYt East :Wawanoh.. Death has been eusy recently and a -number of the pioneers have been eel - led ,to their reward a The subject of ,this sketch came into East Waevenosh nearly 'fifty years • ago, to make a eotim.„ foe himself And family out of what WAS then a' evilderness. Dccea- ',ed Was born in the county of Fer- managh, 'Ireland in 1825, and ctinfe to -Caneda in- 1850, . settl Mg -at -last in Peel county. Ie 4857, he' married. 'IVliss Anni Irveie ;. to therre were bore eight children. Four boysand three, ,da,ughtere•' renlain ; the sons are John now in Denver, Colorado ; .Win. A„ in Brandon, Man.;:Mathew Ile and Irevire at home: The daughters are : MeS. Jos. Johnston, • Waweeiesh, Mrs. Sheridan, Michigan,, -and • Mee. Siern, Holetein, • Mi e ,EIliertt settled on the 13th concession of East "We- wanosh in September, 18571; in 1879, Mre: Elliott passed away.. His sec - end •ceelec was Miss Sidney Arneet- rong, who predeceased him fifteen yeaes. Mi.. .Epiat had reached the advanced age of eighty years, old bp - tug attached to the old homestead. Which he • clearedel the forest, ho res- ided , with his son Irwin, until • his _death, He was e member of the Me- thodist Church; and a -.loyal ooaser:,, CHILLS PROVFATA:L. If 4/4.rnIth.,,a,nil circulation are not promptly • restored; chills' result in fa- tal pneumonfia. This neceseitates kee- ping .Nerviline on hand. Taken in hot water it hreake up a chill in two Minutes: •rubbing fteely over thre oat and chest it prevents colds. • No liniment so strong, so penetrating, eo swift to kill peie and inflammat- ion. *Nearly fifty Years' 1.000 has •Proetel the Value of Poison's Nervil- ince, You should get a bottle today, • .Seaforth.. Mrs, 1310,e1rWell and daughter, . 'Mies Hazel of San Francisco, Cal., have ar- rived in town on a visit to the for- mer's parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. Alex, lelearvitison, and, will SPerid the summer ie. Mrs..' David Rennie of the N. W. T., who has been spending the Winter he-• re, was called horne the first of last week through the illpess of a soh. • IVIiss Nellie Devereux, who has been visiting her home on the IFIttron Road east, retried last Week to Ottawa eo resume her position as Miss it. Reid, who has been the guest of hereister'Mrs. W. W. Mere- dith,for some weeks, 'is et the mil- linery openings at Toronto -this week. She will return to Seaforth ter a few days before proceeding to Wallaeeburg where she has charge of a millinery establishment. One of the oldest end Meet highly respected residents of McKillop pass- ed away on Mareh 1st in the person of Mr. ThOlYinS Dodds, Sr., atter a Short illness. Deceased was in his 78th. year and settled on the land where his residence now. stands, lot 81, eoneession 7, MeKillott, many eteare NO. a:4 . • LIFJ dUAR.DS, The Life •Guerds• , are tWo••regirnents ot cavalryforreeely part ofetho Beiteh heusehOld• trooesthey are gal- lant soldiers and ' every •loyal British heaet is proud of them. Not ••• only • .the king's household, tut yours, ours, eeerybeide'e should have its life guar- ds. The nd Qf them great -when the. greatest foe5. cif life, diseases, :find eines in the leek; ele-• eirente: as 'colds, influenza., catareh, the :• grip and *pneumonia do in tee stormy month of March. The ebest Ways that • we know 01 t guard• a- gainst these diseases is eo strengthen the system with Hboillie Sarsaparilla •••-,the. greatest ofall life •guarde. It removes the conditions in :whiele, .these diseases .make 'their most* successful. attack; 'gives eigorand torte tete all thee vital organs eeidefineetions * .aed imPaete' iegehia1 warditli to the ble odd. Remember :the Weaker the •sye- teen' :ehe .-kr eater thee•eXposeree to Ole, eaeo. e-Iood's Sarseperilla nieltes. the System stronger • E e ' :7 . • • „ • • Robert Moore's store at Actinolite, neat: Tweed, was destroyed by fire ,Moriday moeneng, THIS 18. POR eltif • • • .During the past twomeths we have received very many renewal sub- scriptions to, The NeweeReeord as weIl ;asa, number of additional new • .euh- scribers. Our subecriptioe list has been eorreeted arid revised to Feb. 18 and: YOU tee asked to look at the REP LABEL on, this paper to ass- ure yourselfeyeu have received credit foryour remittance. In addiug • new 'names and changing the dates off the ' others, ,possibly . one or Moro' have been oyeelopked, or a 'wrong date givcn. This is why YOU are reques- ted te gic close attention •NOW, in recti0ed'awhile thertrantaaetelonmait e fresh ;in your memory. »rop uS a card a 'once if you detect any •error. • We are I greatly • obliged to the InanY WIlb ; have renewed Ste •protriptly• at this tithe,-• The individual amounts are small' but in the aggregate they a- mount to a very large sum. i; This period of renewal has been inest satisfactory to THE- • NHWS- fIttCORD. Not only have we • held I our own, but without any speeial eft- • fort on our part names are being eon- • tinually added, to our subscription, rilst• Until now Out list is very eon- ' sidarably larger than last year. It ; is most pleasing to have our efforts thus appreciated and in return it will , be our, aim during the yea t in Which ; We have entered to continue to Pub- lish it newspaper in every way 'WAD, • thy Of the patronage it is receiving. If you are pleased with the paper and know 6f persons who should take it, but do tiot, tell SS abOtit it and gives us their names. The larger eirculat- ion a paper has the knorti satisfactory irtoalasefroor, the proprietors And for their 704 • McKillop Township!' The people are now ready for spring, conic whenever it may .•: • Miss Mary E. Fla,ekwell has been on nice long visit with in • Mr. • George UndereeMed was 'away for a few days visiting relatives _in London Where he had a -very ;enjoy- able time.. • - • e Our 'genial .asSeseor, Mt, 'Wm: • • . . • . ans, is again .on hip rounde. valuing • the lands and buildinigs of the town - Mrs. Leemingten has been getting - poor health for some time; but Wes. bone with the return of spring.. she will fully :recover. * - 1VDes Rachel Barrows and 'her bre- thee Jack,: who- have been ire Caere io durieg the past ' winter,. will retu- rn to the Northwest in a few days. Mi Jarnes Coats, who spent the:. Winter • with rela,eives here, left' for ManitOba last • week. . Miss Flora. Davidson, who has Ibleen quite ill for some time, is net • peeving eA fast as h,er friends. would Mi Herbere Bell, who went to • Muskoka last fall, has returned • witle . a, wife which •ho married a short ti - Inc age. Well done, Herb. • . The •apples ;which were stored away in the -cellars last fall kept remark- ably wellowieg to their 'good :qual- ity, • Council Met at C. White's, Lea,dbuiy with themlblers all preseet. Regarding • the Woodstock and Lake -Huron Raii- way no action was taken. J. 1V1eGin. nis, M. p., of Seaforth, was appoint- ed inedicel health officer for 1905. The tender of J. McDonald of Walton for supplying bridge plank was accepted. The elerk was: required, to write the clerk :ot Grey regarding additional costs of Bolton drain, • 'rhe clerk Was also reqjuired to , write the :trustees of Established 187g. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis' Dough, trip, &thine, Diphtheria Orono's"! Is 10. boon to AiihmatIcis ,OnzsoLinnla a long eak;--1.filsi...,„.d and standard remedy ior the Miming Indicated. it 'curee bearing.) the 'air ruo. dared strongly' antiseptic 'Bearded over the diseased' sur- face/ of the btonchlal tubes with every breath, giving prolonged and, constant treatinont. Tfi'ose of a conaurap. tive tendency, or sufferers from ehronlebronchitle, And friunediate 'rellefirchn coughs or Thilarneti co ton of • Vapo•Cresolline 'la aold • by druggist& or sent pro. ;• paIS bn receipt ot A Yepotreaolene out. • fit Including a bottle of Cresolene ,M.80.• iZ4ond for free Illustrated • booklet. Lsamistilin.as CO., Ltd.. ' Agent; 288 St Jame, 55. Montreal, Canada.. 326 • ' Squinting loOks bad when children do it: Properly fitted glasees will stop it Consult Prof, Taube, °et- eitingeteon, seeoenialist•? at; Hotel Normenelie, .c • . . March 20th, Met and 22nd. SPECIAL SETTLERS TRAINS TO • , ' NORTH WEST. ' ' Special train with colonist sleeper willeleave Toronto at 9 p. iii, every Tuesday during •Mareh and Apkil for , Manitoba, and Northevest. Passengers travelling without live stock should lake the -Pacific Express leave:4g T.or- onto at. 1.45 p. , • For. tickets and other information apply to ,F. 1, Hodgens 'or A,. 0. Pettison,agents at Clintorl, . •winiain Dobbs of Latimer an 'hie school. section No: 0 asking them to team were kilted by running Intl) a pay over to towuship treasurer mon-, feeight train at Knighton, crossing, ey paid to them in mistake. The ten- I • . • der of George Stinson & Co,, for , • railwaydebehtures was accepted. The• 'ionic! only Walk • tendek of• W. C. Brent for Barron a'l a a a P. bond of D. M. Roes, treasurer, • for 1005 was accepted. The clerk was re. • quired to draft a by-law for appoint• . ing patifmasters, fenceviewers • and poundkeepers at next meeting. Ac- counts to the arnottnt of $382.89 were Passed and ordered to be paid, The auditors tepoejesWas received and ae- cepted • and 151fetopies ordered to be printed for distribution. The council adjourned to meet at C. White's at Leatibury, on March 13 at 10 o'clock • The Bank .of 'Van -ninth, Noba Sco- tia, has suspended paymerit„, The attempt Made by the State el Vermont to have Canada prohibit the seining of fish in DeisSissqued Ilayl La - Inc Citamplann, has failed, and aro api peal will now be irtadc to President Roosevelt, asking lain no use his in - 'hone° towards prohibiting the im- portation at fish caught in tlui lake with seines. neves,.. The News -Record -gives the tooat From Bed to Chair • For years a sultarar ;Mein lade nay. aliseata-4)oratt by tin • Chateals Kidatiy-Liver*Pilla • MR. SAist Mr, Simnrato, Ledyiniith, Pontiac?, Co,, tv!itest-a 1 have used pr. Chases 1idney.14ver Pills and believe there is no me& situ' to equal them. I was troubled for years with kidney disease and the treatment has cured me. Whe•n Itigatt to use these pills I could •only walk from my bed to echoer, New I can go tre the field' and we* like. *II Sian, They are an steeliest reedicino. Dr, Ciente °Muncie is It perred CUte for itching piles- Orie bOX direct tSV41 menibers of tny (*mil) who had suffered front (:d.) this wretched &Wen, rot four yearS,," KR. epARUt Because of their die' et and cotrinitled action on kidneys, liVer and bowels, Dr, Chase's kieney.Liver Pills curt where ordinary riledielnes fail, one pill le desk 25 tents, bor. The portrait and signori* of Or. A. W. Chase, on oval bele Dr, Chattel WW1* Nee* liefenPil4 teliettiel paha 0.4efeee1ee