HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-03-09, Page 1an, It7 Tki)iN TIth 26th Year • An* 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 . The Sovereign Bank Chartered by •- Dominion Parliament wx> 000 0000 0 0 00 • 0000 ke.0 0 0 0 0 00 000 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 Interest otr Deposits:paicl 4 Times a Year 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 . CLINTON BRANCH . . u. Y. RANCE, Manager. - W. BRYDONE, Solleitor• 000000000000.000000 0000 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 IIIMEMINIA. I OM I In MN to ir m T. Jackson $,7., Clinton weakebeeleansenakeeneeweeknanenn • • . . We are offering genuine bargains in Ready -To -Wear Clothing and invite your inspection nieinseeneelelenneenneNea,....nenfteeilegevaia. • . • 1: T. JacksonSr.,. :1:44+÷÷.1-H-14+44+44444-1.1.1. AS Clinton.• leenn CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 9th, 1905 SALE OF Telle MASON HOUSE. Mr. Reuben Graben" has boeget the Mason House from Mr. Robert Mason the perehase •price being about $5,000, and Neill get possession on May first when the lease ()nein Brenderinurger expires. THE NORMANDIE AT II0InE. The At Home given et the NOrman- die hotel on Friday evening lest was largely. attended, a number of the guests corning up from London by special train. The Citizens bend and the harpers furnished an abundance of music and lunch was served dur- ing the evening. WILLIS ANNIVERSARY. The anniversery serviees izt coulee- tian with Willis church were held lest Stieday. Large congregations at- tended both morning and evening, es- pecially in the p. m. when tee ceura ch was crowded, Rev. Dr. Stewart • improved the occasion with two pow- erful sermonand the choir reflected good service, Miss K. Browe of G-od- ceieh assisting, Tee collections am- ounted to the hendsome sum of $235. WESLEY ANNIVERSARY. • • The anniversary sereices of Wesley churce will he held an Sunday weee sernaone will be preached by the Rev. Themes Manning of. St, Marys. Mr. •. 'Mannine is one of the ablest preach - ors in the London Conference and axi eejoyalee and profitable thine is anticipated, Special' collections will be taken up M eid of the building fend of the church: The choir is pre- paring a Rood .prograrn of music for the occa,sion. , Everyone' is cordial' jetted to be present. ' SUMMER SCHOOL. ' • : : • The committee appointed • byl. the Goderich Distriet League Exeeutive to arrenge for the summer sohool met iti Gederich on Monday, It was de- cided to ..hole the summer school at the - harbor park lin the ..county -town on Aug, 7-43 inclusive. , A ...program committee 'Wee appointed 'cc:insisting of Revg. Grahameand Hazen of Gode mien, Rev. Birks 'of •Seaforth, Rev,. : Maiming and • K J Beaten of Clin- ton. '• Cemmitteen.wete also appoint- ed no have charge •c•f the advertisini, 'tee grounds, etc. The .executive will apply to Di Stephenson or Toronto for a student . campaigner • to visit all the einirehes in •the district • ihiring the •month of . June 9,nd stir up et, - Allusion" in the 'cause of inissioes.apd. ' elSo enl1st the sYhiPathy. said interest of ehe people in the summer. Nehotl. by public .addresses • and distribution '•of literature. The .pebneani commit- tee will meet in Goderieleon Monday next. Those desiring a• good sunnier oeutle.e thisyear 'should...keep the dat- es of the summer school in mind.. eet/RON lefeESBYTERy 'MEETING. At the regulak, Meeting of ehePree- bytery,ear Teesda,y thefollowing ,wero •• the . °hid items of inisinees transacted Eh e "ceding- of. the report on •Sabbath schools, . discussion on which I was de- layed 'tell next meeting. ' The reading . of a 'draft teport On "Church • Life .and.• Work," welch Wes nedonneitted .to those rn Charge, ef it with a view to its completion and trangmission. to the synod. • The reading of .the 'report on, Young .People's. Societies, • •which was adopted: The appointment of Messrg. .Sniall, Martin and Carrier°, ministers,.. and. of the representative elders of. SeafoethenBrucefield and Vanua as commissioners- to the: next general. assembly, The. eecoremenee» tion that eithti: Principal Falconer of Halifax, or Professor Denny • of Gies- •'ga•te or 'PrOfesser Kilpatrick of . Win- . tepee be appointed by .the neet general asserribly to •fin the vacancy een. lenoe College, Toroeto, caused -by the death of Prineipal Caven...:Peinessien wee given to sell the French Presnye terien .church at Drysdale with a, vi- ew: to • its removal to 'another • • • site for use as a Union Sabbath school. THE OLD FitENCI-1. CHURCH. 44••••,:4 •,4 4,,• 4.:44.toe:o 4.:::.*:* 4.• e:'• 4,:o 4,4 t.:.• tto..4:4. 444414 44 ..:•ip.•:,••,:0,:**:••.:* 4:. ,.:* 4:4 +:4••,:s, 44 4 04 41.• 44 4,•••:* •:• 0 .17. • ' ., S , y :. • All Winter Goods Must::.....• .:.. . . . .• r • 11: -'''Ir'lli sold 14- t ' i 'clear:" .....6veryt..ing wi e so at owes prices O 4. ); during the next triontli. .. If you.. want any Of ..T.. •• •:.• the following NOW. i.4 thej time and this is th.e ,4 4 x place to save.inoney . . ,,,.. . ,. , , , i - • 1 ..s. Fur Coats ' , _ .. •• Ledien Jackets '" X 4, Robes e :' e ' ' " ' e .. • Skirts. : . . *.f. . A Overeoa.ts ' ' ' , , Liedielenynderweae' , '. Suits • .. " liosiery • ', •r• A 0,dd Pants Dress Goods • ••• es . .131ankete • ' ' Fleonelettes • .-e *Verne . :VVrap,Fr';p:remetteis: .... ..•::: •••? . , .. • • • • . *. . • ' • ' . . • . ' •••• •:• Underwear ... Wool Sox, etc". . Bootie and Rubbere ••• ••!•• We expect the pi lees that; We will give to make . a speedy clearanee of the lines oll'ered. - x • ..i.. . .:: ... * . H. PLUMSTEEL 5: .:. , : , • . i _ 4:. . •t , • - The Old Stand • Clinton:7- ; 4••:***•:•*•:**:n..1":":••,:••:•-e•en:•.:••:•es 4"1:,•«een.:ereee•tonee••:•non•*:••:••.10antnen•an weenneenanneenvanenrateek, etha AT.• REASONABLE PRICES IIAN.D SAWS• • BRAdES • 4:1#ivinn,s '.AIJGE1R, BITS STEEL. S.4uAngs seriOv DRIVERS TIVY, SQUARES FLYERS • RIJLES • • WRENCHES CHISELS • DRAW KeliVES • GAUGES• on., STONES SPIRIT LEVELS OILERS • COMPASSES •.PENCILS • SAW SETS HAND AXES ,CALLIPERS MARKING GUAGES • sporm SHAVES BRAD AWLS DELT PUNorim • CENTRE BITS REAlvinHp• SLEDGES • *GENU/NE: STANLEY 'IRON PLANES *. BAILEY PATTERN IRON ?LANES. • REID'S LIGHTNING AntAcig • - • -irAnz LIC/HTNING I3RACES. Just reeelved another 'supple tGa-, STOVE tied NUT 00A1.1 •$8.76 per ten. ..A.rso the Celebrated Pomeroy SOft goal nerseteseiniii HARLAND .13ROS., • SToyES liARDWAE'L ;le • LOCAL MARKET. Wheat $1..05. - Oats 35c to 40e. Barley 40e, • Butter. 20e. ,Eggs tan Live Hogs $0.50. BASKET BALL. • Beseet Ball is zow the prevailing gaane et the O. ct. L., and lest week a club was organized with flioers as follows: President, 0, McKinnon ;Sec. -Treasurer, 0, P. Keyes Captains of Teams, D. L. Cranston, T. Mustard; C. McKinnon, • Whiddon, D. •Fraser. IMPROVING, Harland Bros, are putting an ele- vator into their big hardware store which ambles them to hoist heavy goods from one flat to anether with a smeller strain of muscle thee herce tefor.e. The firm have also made . a change or acetylene plants, their pre- sent machine being an improvement over the one eitherto in use, THE'PRINCIPAJe• RESPONSIBLE.. A meeting of the Collegiate beard washeld on Friday evening last, but little business Was trarnaeted benitg Placing upon tee principal and staff the responsibility of guarding more carefully the propertyof the school. Spring locks are to be piece ed epee the doors of all the depart - meats and it will in future be the duty of the teachers to see that ell- • the doors are locked at the close of the afternoon session, n A .NEW INDUSTRY'. ' • • • • • • • • • • It is proposect.eo dcarble .ehe• cape-. city. �f tee Clinton 'knitting factory and for that purpose 'several local - and one from Pennsylvania -capital- ists have 'kneed hands. Theintention is to eeeet new buildirig, equip it with meto-eate machinery and pet the •inIdustry in first-class ahape for cop- ing with. the • increasing demand for the Weerwell erarel ,Of hosiery, The conipany . will not accent •a bonus but- men , ask that ;its bonds he guar- anteed for e term. •of years. , This will '. be merely :that a low • Tete ef interest May be Secured. . • e D.EATII OF IVIES. SCOTT, • • . , • lefi'n. • j.emes • Scott, wife of • our Worthy , postmaster, died"very sud- denly about eight o'cleck •yesteeday morning. See had been -.ill the • day 'peeviousle endthe eneeter jind been in ettendante leefieteene also seenrione ed during the nfght, 'Mai no fatal re- ' stilts" were feared, Betw,cen seven aed eight o'cleek on going to the e hed-• •side the eldest 'daughter fnued. her mother had cebeen to breathe the • vital sparlr bad' fled. The awful.' see- • . :the-,grier oethe Stricken . the • • bereavee hesbandeand 'three children.-: Mrs. eotte, as a. kindly.. Christian - -•The riiinealewilintake•enlace:- temorroer .a•fterneon. . ' • . • Messrs. W. le. Talbbt and •Jobe Heiner of the Santee tine, Stanley,•. I',vete in town Tuesday petitioning the• • Presbytery of Miran to convey to them ehe phi French church at Drys- dale. The •builditig was deeded to the trustees of the French presbyterian Chtirch in 1870 , fly Robert .•Drysdale .fier the consideration of five dollars. There wee an that time a large Free - ch . congregation,' but gradually the •number greva less, some nor • them • moving to Grand Bend • and others to Michigan, until now only one of the original families tamable, Rev. Carriere was •thejast ,minister in charge, but henrioVed to Grand Bend • some years'ago and since then the church has • been only used\ for Sue - day sehool • purposes, Mr. • Robert • Dtysdale has for years been the very • ("indent superietendent, but as ee liag • disposed of his business to take up his abode elsewhere the school Will find some difficulty in existing* as On- • ly five of .the scholars live in the Me mediete distriet. Messrs, • Talblot•end Horner live a couple of MikS north, and, AS the representatives of .the people of their loeality, they asked that the Presby- tery .transfer the building ;to thorn. After 4), lengthy debate this was done end in a few days the old church will be moved te Mr. Talbot's' farm where it will be used for Sunday school purposes. Mr. J. Delgety has for SOtne time been coreluctirin a sch- ool about e Mile and a half from the. new site of the old church which It' is understood he will discontinue • to preside over the S. S. to be form- • 04.- •Woo also a license inspector. denriess of her dea.th hes ineeniified COULDN'T GET THROUGH. Rev. Mr: Millyfird of Lucknow, who was announced to preach in the Onta- rio etreet pulpit last Sunday, failed to appear owing to a block on the railway between Whigharn and Luck - now, which he was unewaee of in time to drive Across and catch . the afternoon train on the L. H. •rn 13, at Wingbam. Owing, to his absence the pulpit Was filled ny Mr. Beaton in the a. Tn. and Rev. Manning in the evening,the former 'occupying Wesley Pulpit in the p. m. Rev. Dr. Cook got through to Lucknow by driving over front Wingliam, FOR THE WEST. Mr. A. Incliown is busy ee orders for harness to be sent to the Northwest, • The inidere were .received from former residents of. this part who • know from experience what a 'thoroughly good article Mr. McKown turns out. Owing to the rush he has added Prank Bawden and Fred. 13rown, former employes of the organ factory, to his staff. The former sp- ent two years at the trade and is still quite handy at it, while Fred's experience at the shoemaker's • bench enables him to doea lot of stitching in the course of ten hours4• . , LAros 'PLAY, HOCKEY: . • .There was a large attendance at tee. rink on Friday. evening last to witness the hockey match between the "Ladles of Clinton and the Ladies of Winghaire" The game was a geed exeibition of hocney an the •leilies play it and. was Watched with emelt interest by the spectators; •The 110 - me septette is a 'strong, one and won •9, somewhat easy . victory, the score. at the call of time ••being wo to naught in favor of Clinton. • The players were ' -• • ' , A. Forrester goal , M. King M. Stanley , point, Te Gilchrist H. ele0a.tighey c. point M4 Chef A. Staeley roarer M. Swartz, L. Hoover . centre E. Cooper M. Wisemee right Wing M. Ross' E. Copp . tett .wing M.' McGillivray • •• Referee, Miss Johnson, . • 1 • LITTLE 'LOCAL• S: Mr: E, gett shipeed a melee& of horses .to .,Wolsoiy, • Asse., this week, 'Mr. Q. J.. Wallis wilennel. two car- loads to Winnipeg •next- Week; .: . Mr. Fred.. Busk; a former emplOye, of the foundry, :hed his right '• hand; iejured in h planing Mill at Hensel, the Other day. He in., a; memeer • - Court Maple Leaf, Mrs. `Deige who left a ,few enonthe ago- with he. beshand to take , up :their . reSidence in Dundee; 'Scotland,. -Writes . to 1Virs;•0 Olson conveying. kind regards te•the ft:in.:ids in Clinton, and. enclosing heather and !leavers. getheree upon the hills of Auld Sent- . . la. Oantelen Se Wallis shipped iive.hogs , • , to Teton" this week. - • . On' Friday Mr: E. A. Sperling; of Seafoith received froth. Mr: A. Home. er :a ebecnee fot $35 as something to rireet ehencene bfltwhile•Mn-enparling. had to lay oft work with pleurisy.. tel • Mr, Lorne Tyndall underwent opeeation at the hospital last Weee rot the • removalof n diseesed vein' 1411." his leg and • is ajovin&ttirig along well. The injury was the result of an accident of twenty- yeern ago. • Ye Old Tirne Conceit elven in the, town hall on Teurnian evening of. le- st • week was largely atteeded and mueh enjoyed. The program showed. Much • and careful ...preparation. Rev, .R J M. Perkins M. A., of tixeter is expected to leeture to the membersof the A. Y. P. of St. Peel's • church on Tuesday • evening next. The public are ineited to et - tend( es this is an open meeting. eSil- ver collection • , • • , MEETING OF TOWN CJOUNCIL: . " Said one of -the towe coueeillora at ,Monday night's meeting : "Why should we not come to. some . agree- men.t With the Collegiate and Pelalic school boards whereby we buy, in one lot :the total' •supply, :In .this way I believe we could effect a 'saving." The question wasdiscussed at 'some length and the • Suggestion will pro- bahlY be acted . on. •, • -' •' The :Woodstodk and Lake .11tiron :Railway Co, wrote the couripil asking for morai stieport, whieli will be giv- en, conditionally, The Cerripatty •pro - Poses to run a • Iine 'from Woodstock • scope enough 'serene, . , • .tween Kettle' Point and; Kincerdine, t n L r b ••• . , Councillor Pottle Said the .fire en- . gene room slimed be oil :Albert street • so the engineeemild be easier of adcees. 'Ae . at present; it has ,on occasions been • round almost snowliorid 'end . Much value,ble tinie has •been lost in, .getting it'out. .1 -le reeved. that: a, tom - mate° ascertain the cot or the pro- • posed change and report. • 0 po o a a u on e . . .. • • , , • . • : REV. ARCH. MATHESON DEAD. The death took place at Qu'Appelle, Asseenon -Monday, Of la,st week •• of Rev. Archibald Matheson. • Deceased" was e 'most faithful Worker of the • Presbytnriafi • Church in Canida, • Ile was over 70 yeals• ot age, NUS a re- tiree mieistet .of the • Presbyterien Church and went *est from. Clinton . Sheet thirty years ago, to neke e place in the mission fields of the Wese. He has labored at Regina un- • ceasingly until a couple ef year's ago, when he was retired, ane Went to Rye at Qu'Appelle, where hig death took place, Por Many years Mr. Matheson travelled through the Regina district visiting, the missions and doing much • good for the people. • He founded ehe missions at rialgonleilitose Plain and other distriete adjecent to /Wile, in - eluding the old Crofter settlements In theIllefTs. 'Perhaps the most gue- center mission 'founded was at Dal- gonie, where. the Presbyterians recen- tly built a now chinch and naMed it Matheson MthoriaI church, in honor of the founder of the mission. Many friends will _regret to hear 01. the dea- th of tlitis venerable gentleman. Thou- gh coming originally from the High- lands of Scotland, the deceased gen- tleman had lived the greeter part of his life in Canada. The older cithertS of Clinton and perticulerly thoeci•of Willis- church remember him Well.While, here he carried on the hlaeksmithing and took a very active interest in •chureit and Sunday Scheel work. He •*4 • 4 • •Stanley Township.. : Mr, Chas. Logan' of the Parr Line ceiebra,teci his eighty-fifth hirthdayi on, Saturday last., His many friends and mremeliceitsilsnviee,psy4jeobieboinxewyisshing" that he may a. ne his mother returned last week be spared to many years of nealth visiting the lattee's brother, •Rev.Geo. from Toronto where they have been and happiness. •, .•• . Mr: Wilnmre Peek of Babylon Line of Babylon spent last week in Seated% as a •guest ae the homes or her cousins, Mr. Gee, Bates and his sinter Mrs. Wm. Patterson. • .• Miss Mary Jane Marina from Tuck - eremite Ilea been visiting he cousin, Mrs. "Rufus Keys, for the past week, 'Messes Thos. Robinson and. Artie. keys presented their pastor, Ret. X. A. Miller of Varna, with a load Of oats onFriday. last from his Goshen congregation who appreciate his faith- ful services and heartily wish him con - Untied •suecess in his labors among his people here for the doming Con- ference year. Miss Maggie Rouatt was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Nelson keys, one day recently. , Miss Martha Taylor of Port Huron is spending a few days with her bre- then, Mr. Wan. Taylor. Mr. Reid Of Lucknow is visitieg at the lame of •Mr- James Reid, Front Road, • • Miss Lily Duman and her friend, Miss Duncan 'of Clinton, • and lelr, Chester Duncan Were the gueets • of Mr. Harry Peek's.• • Mrs, L, Clare and her gen Willie snot Wednesday in SOaforth, . • A number of the young peeple of Ong vicinity spent a very enjoyable evening at the. home of Mr. Mex. Caleaeron of Ilayileid. Mr, Wm, RathWell and daughter Stella, visited Goderieh friends last Week, , Ooderich Township. Me.• James Connolly, 'ex -president of the Western Dairymen's • AsacCia- tion, spenteagt week in London, Woodstock, -Ingersoll and Teta niburg, in the interests of the Asgocietion., This week he goes to -recent° to fie tervtew the IVIinister of , A gricult tie on the work of the Assoeiation tor • the earning year. • Mr, Den. Eckmeir of, Clinton, Ain, had been attending to Mr. S. Rath - well's stock dining the lather's ness, paid a business visit to elteel the past week but is now back again. • Mrs. Vielliera Turner of the Varna- • Reed is iniprovien in health. • Mr. • S. Rathwell, who has been conened to Ins home since November • last, was Able to be out on Mon- day' and celled upon his neighbors. •Misses Flossie and Mamie Perdue were visiting a,t Mr. E. Rathwellig an Saturday. Miss Mamie is now visiting her aunt,. Mrs. J. Donaldson of Benfield. ' • We hear that Mr. Andy. Stinson of the Front Road, Stenley, has bought the farm on,' the Bayfield Line occu- pied for several years by My. Jernes Johnstone. ' . • Miss Minnie Campbell, who was vis- • iting on the Bayfield Lille for three weeks, leaves on Wednesday for Eth- el. • ••• • • Coles choir gave an •eyster supper at Cole's; Bayfield Lige, on Thu- rsdey evening last and hada eriost • enjoyable tirne. Mr, Edward.Marshall ente'rtnined a feW of their friends on ,Friday evee- irig :end a most enjoyable time was spent : • • Miss Edite Rathwell spent last week with her eosins, the • Misses Mebel and Annie . Rathwell. Miss Sophia ' Linesay and Miss Eve Steehensee spent a towdays recently et Mr. Alex, Welsh's, Mr. •Hanley of the 91h concession is breaking in his Sago, colt. Hendee is justly. proud .of it for it promieee to be a geed driver, Mrs. Robert • Colelough, 'who has been • suffering from neryous prostra- tion, is slowly recovering. •. • Willie and Miss nottie PaNu-: her spent last week at Mr. 'Reber! Coleletigies; ' Mr.• Jolla den, is .busy &wog ti e Material. reedy 'tor his earn Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Cook of Lecbure• Wore guests or Mrs. William- .Cecie of the enth, cen. on Sundaye • . On Tuesday' of last week' Mrs.: Geo,. Johmeten passed away at the 'ripe ane of .ninety nets, having suffered e par- alytic stroke' enouna Week before. ezi Spite of her advanced age"' the eerier- alble lady had ben elle to be about:. till a Month: ago. The . deceased'. was born in Canada and had beenen rein dent of °redone.'" township the grea,t- er part of• hcr life, livieg dr: ttnie the • time of Goderich before • re. moVine here. . She leaves tine children large reember of grandchildren. and • several , greet-gramichildren. Her chi ldren are Henry, Charles, Geeing arid Robert; or Getioriee totenshipe 'Alex- -ander,. or Tort Hindu ; Dasidion_ • ef Goderich township eMrs.• Nixon; ef Lecknow• ; Miss 'Anne, who was living ,owt141,Thotheedro:. mete •., ter, .and 111• 7. .•..eel• :Crean . • • 4Ohnrn. •. , was relieve& last Sunday morning, his pulpit being fill- ed by Rev. Mr, •McCaule Supreme pa- pety Chief Rieger for the :Indepen- dent Otner of Foresters,: Mr. Mcenul was pastor et one of the Presbyter - ten churches • Toronto for maey yeaes, but owing te broken down health •had to get ;nit in the • fresh air.. He is now reeaining his health and. preaches nearly every Sunday. He gave us a fine address right to • the point, both morning and evening, taking' -Rev. T. B. Coneland's puipit •in the evening, Mr,. McCaul will ' he in the neighborhood this, Week and will reach to the Foresters • on Sun- day night next in the Presbyterian churebe at -which servicea olleettoe will be taken nor the eel of the For- esters! Orphans Home. , The funeral of the late Mrs. Sam- uel. •Seott took 'aelaccrefroni her late residence in Aubure en auesday. The funeral was very barge, ,Eor ie. addi- tion to the eitizens who showen the- ir respect to the memory of the de- parted, • there were present friends tr- om about Walkerton, aniong whom were her ,:parents; Mr, and Mrs, Jo - es, and Many of the deceased's bre-, thcrs and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Jones .and family arrived from Wal- kerton en lelonday night. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. L. Small and followed by a Mtge number of syntpathizing friends to Ball's ceme- • tery for 'interment. Mrs. Scott wak thirty one years of age and is sur. vived by her husband and infant son. • The village and community exteed their deepest sympathy to Mr. Scott itt his double affliction as he himself hag been laid up for eight weeke with a broken limb tillable to do anything, but We hope will soon be around again. • Misses Maud eel! Gertie Fereusen returned home from the .Nile after visiting their sister, 1Vita. Snider, for ,a few weeks. Mrs. John Mole returned home fr- om poebester last week from visit- ing a few • months with her 8011, David. Quite a large crowd went to Lon- desboro Monday night to visit ,the R, Pr. of T. at that place. Mr. Sdanis and the Misses Whitley and Brigham of Londesbero Sunday - IA at /Wheal. , 11.1r. el. Bone and Mrs. Ilielde of Hesfrelers Visited Mende around Ai. - burn retently. Whole Number 1361 Bnylield. • Mr. aed 1Vins. William Stinson of Stanley entertained a number or the young people of this village on Tues. day evening wben quite en, eujoYable evening leas spent. Mr. Ben S'peneer Jeff on IVIonclay for Elmira to work on the Glade"; ich and Guelph line or the 0, P. Captain Johe -Ferguson returnede to Cleveland last week after spenneng the winter with eis parents. Mr. H. Drehrearm was in Toronto and London this week on business, Mr. Chance Donaldson of Thessalen speeta few dens in the villeee last w e with his parents. Judge Holt of Goderich held Divis.; iou Court M the village on Tuesday Two cases eame up for eearizig, that of Thomson vs Robinson on an actioe for stalls. Judgment -reserved, The next eaci" wge that of Or vs Slack, for wages. Judgment for plaintiff, each to pay their own costs. A very interesting meeting er the Fernier's Institute wee •held here lase Friday afternoon and evening when Dr. G. IL Reed of Georgetowe and J. L. Warren or Acton gave two very interesting 'addresses. A program was protected for the cv ming meeting by .the Woman's Instit,,te. -Quito a largo number turned ottt to each. 'meeting. ten -cent social will be held in the basement of St. Andrew's chureli on Friday evening wider the auspices or the cheir. - , . Kipper*. , Min' Alan: has returned from Lon- don where shewas visiting 'her dau- ghter, Mrs. Webber. , • - • Mrs, J. B. Dinsdale, • who is quite well a.gairt and daughter Hannah, sp- ent a few days last week, with her . •mother, Mrs. 'BLitt Of lIec all : Many of the Northwest visitote have. • either gone or aregoing Last week elessrg. 'Joseph Ifaevey and Macdou- gall left and • this Week Men. J. . rnour 1 (nee Miss M. Maedonale) is • , Mr, S, Therepeon Jr, Of Hey' . has nmeed to his new farm that rlielonged . to the fate •Phomas Penfourel on the. • 3ril coecessine of Stenley. • , , Mr. Peery of Croderich towesbin. . 4,3.11101Tc) to his now terin on the n • Lendtie Road, Teeeersinit'n. which fore. timely belonged - •Mr: eireavfere. - • The Rev...Mr. Martin. -ot.E'keter pre- , ached in the •,Kipeen and Ililligreen • •PeesbYterian • churches last ,Sunday. • • " • . • . . . . • ,West Iruckersmith, , .• . . Miss' Hattie Walltee •of Stratford is . :th,e neese.ot her uncle, 'Mr. R. Rain- . • ey, end other friends.' ' • Miss' J, Bell of the second conces- sion has been, .the guest of Mrs, '0, •.• Junor for a few dayg. • • • ' -Ine.- Ainog,.. traveller for the 'Wood- • eteek Wind Motor ,Co., is again ivak, ing his rounds itt this vicinity. • • •Mre. .1. Sbipley and Miss May Dix-. • 'en eireetennfeer--dnye --of-the-past- would et the: lormer's old home near Win- .' Mr. Thos..0"Brieri has been -very • eee - 101e; on •Saturday last his life being .• despaired of A phi,agc.. for the bet- ' ler has taken pleee and he is .now : lowly lrnpiovrng• • • • Mr. Fred. Nett has had an attack :of la geippe.. • ' ' • ' W• .0 LeedsReorieleft last ween" •fet•the •Paciec,elope on a prospecting • • leur With the,view of mierating if 'conditions meet, with .his a,peroval. • . • • , • • 1 n • • Porter s . A• sleigh load or young people from :around . here went to Mr, John . A. , C's and spent the evening. in games , and Eva..' Cooper ineet' Saturday and ntootnh.er. am,iise‘ thente . . . d Sunday .with her mother 'in c , . • , Mester :IIa.tvey and Miss 'Lillian Potter haye• been sick -dill: the cold•. Inaster Feed. liblliott',.,nye the topic Friday night at .Beehee League, •Wiss Cressie• Elliott 'led the meeting. in the absens.e of Rev. Snell; •• • , • Mb': Dan. Glidden has bought 9, Colt" rising three from Mr. W. Clarlk. Ee lost e heitee lately and lia:s bought • ' Ignngeinvne eite flaididtosus placiee • mehoiri- Mrs. David Cox is visiting •- rela- eyes at Stratford at preeent, • • 0. O. C. F. had their meeting Thursday evening when they got two new menaberS, Some or HolmesVille eouncil were visiting them. After the routine bushices was traiisacted, lun- cheon Was "served in' the hall. The Friends contemplate genie, to Ho1. mesvine some of these nights. Mr. Geo: Vanderburg hae just gOt in a, hew crate of white •dishes and any one wanting dishes cheap should have a look at them. • • The chimney of Mr. G. Vanderbur- gli's store caught fire t Priday • afternoon and only for the timely assistance of Seonie, Men it might ha- ve done much damage, • IVIr. •and Mrs., W. Weston and fam- ily visited in oite vidinity on •Sim - day. • "Mr. O. W. POttat is geneng up • his supply of summer wood. • lefessrs. Bete and Leslie Cok are cutting wood it. . Colborne. •, There is a lot of telk itheut a tellephone around here just now.. Mr, Daniel • Glithlon has -sold his • two-yoar-old hackney colt. 104•461.•••••• AXIMRtti Mr. Wm, Youitgelut Of the .block h'; on the sick list at presmit. Albert Wilkins was also laid t.'„) week. • • 4 •